05 - Chapterisation Scheme

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Keeping m view the objectives, the study is divided into Eight chapters.

The 1st chapter is introductory in nature. It introduces the “ Conceptual Framework

o f Employment Relations” and focuses on the need and importance of the present study.

The Chapter 2nd presents the "Review o f literature and Research Design." It
includes available literature on Employment Relations which is helpful in present study.
The last part of the chapter presents the research deisgn of the study.

The Chapter 3rd presents the “Profile o f the Organisation.” It includes aspects
such as historical perspectives, organisation structure and the performance of the A.M.C.
in terms of local civic services, nature of work, and contribution to social obligations.

The 4th chapter titled “Employment Relations in A.M.C.” covers aspects such as
Employment Relations Structure in A.M.C, staff pattern and working pattern of Industrial
Relation Departm ent, em ployees dispute, disciplinary action and focuses on the
machinery existing in A.M.C. for prevention and settlement industrial disputes, etc.

The next chapter is devoted to “Welfare and Social Security Measures.” This chapter
focuses on working conditions, monetary and non-moneraty benefits, and the statutory,
voluntary welfare and social security measures provided at the work place and outside
to employees.

Chapter 6th deals with the “Trade Union Movement in A.M.C.”. This chapter
focuses on the trade union movement in Ahmedabad City, and its growth and development
in A.M.C., trade union structure, leadership, intra and inter-union rivalry, etc.

The 7th chapter is totally based on “Data Analysis” with views of employees,
trade union leaders and management representatives, which was collected through
structured questionnaires, observation and personal interviews. Most importantly, it
deals with the satisfaction level of employees, trade union leaders and management
representatives on various variables which influence the employment relations in A.M.C.

The 8th and last chapter, “Conclusion and Recommendations” discusses the
conclusion emerging from the entire study Further, an attempt is made to recommend
suitable measures for the improvement of employment relations, generally prevailing in
all Municipal Corporations and particularly in the A.M.C.

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