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Year 33 No.

42 Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (A) — White January 5, 2020

The Unfamiliar Presence of God

T he Magi from the East
might not have been kings
at all. The word ‘magi’ (in
live: populated by leaders who
are only interested in money,
pleasure, power, and prestige.
Pope Francis has labeled
the poor as the new teachers
of Christian faith. They did not
Greek, magoi) literally means Yet the Holy Spirit continues learn their theology from any
“stargazers.” This is related to to stir people to be Magi, who university, but live the suffering
their decision to leave behind seek wisdom and pursue the Christ in their daily struggle
their comforts and embark truth at all cost. These are to get a piece of bread. Yet
on a journey to search for the leaders who value the voice they are not discouraged, not
star. They knew rightly that the of their consciences; who, in losing hope despite the brutal
key to happiness and peace worshipping God, know that reality of poverty, maintaining
is God, and they searched for this God demands from them their smiles and laughter while
him. Theirs was not an ordinary an existence not centered on sharing the little that they have
journey. It was expensive themselves but on others. to each other. Luis Antonio
and risky, but they did it They search for God in the Cardinal Tagle of Manila spoke
nonetheless. They must have poor and serve them without of them as teachers of true
worked a lot in order to acquire counting the worldly price faith, hope, and love. Whereas
their provisions necessary for of their efforts, believing other people at the slightest
crossing the desert. that through their deeds experience of suffering and pain
Their story is told in contrast they reveal the face of God. think of suicide, these people,
to that of Herod, who felt The Magi of today leave he insisted, brace themselves
threatened by the news that behind the familiar face of God to continue living. Those who
the Messiah had been born. that they may have encountered search for God in the periphery
Herod is the typical powerful in the beautiful acts of worship, will encounter the “magisterium
and ruthless leader that seeks celebrations, and pilgrimages, of the poor” who reveals to them
to preserve power at all costs, seeking him instead in the the unfamiliar but personal and
even to the point of sacrificing peripheries of society. For them liberating presence of God.
others. He killed his own wife the places of the poor become The Magi in our times are
and son on mere suspicion that the new sacred spaces, the site marching with Pope Francis in
they were plotting against him. where they offer their treasures, his call for a renewal of mission.
He celebrated palace orgies and time, and talents. They bow Everyone is invited to join
expensive banquets that made down to this mysterious God them in this sacred pilgrimage.
him infamous. His was the world who has identified himself
that was to be shared by Jesus, with the hungry, the thirsty,
and is still the world where we the naked, and the persecuted. Fr. Teotimo Melliza, SSP

Pastoral Catechesis for the Ecumenism: Additional Insights

Year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue, and Indigenous People — Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM

The general meaning of “ecumenism” derives from the Greek word oikomene, which means “the whole world.”
Traditionally, Catholics have used the word to describe a general or universal council, one that includes
participation of the bishops representing the Church of “the whole world.” The Second Vatican Council
(1962-1965) is counted as the twenty-first ecumenical council; over the four years, nearly 3,000 Catholic
bishops participated in Vatican II.
Protestants and other Christians have adopted the word “ecumenism” to describe those movements toward
Christian unity that took place throughout the world in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Thus,
the very meaning of the word itself has changed and grown. Now it has overtones of sympathy, openness,
and dialogue associated with this movement.
An interesting historical fact is to note that two days after the opening of Vatican II on October 11, 1962,
Pope John XXIII met with the non-Catholic observers whom he had invited to attend the Council. Instead of
sitting on the papal throne as was customary, Pope John used a chair similar to those used by the observers;
he sat at their level. This small symbolic gesture of equality made a deep impression on all the participants.
to people of good will. We appears his glory. Nations shall
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES praise you, we bless you, walk by your light, and kings
we adore you, we glorify by your shining radiance. Raise
Entrance Antiphon
(Cf. Mal 3:1; 1 Chr 29:12) you,
we give you thanks your eyes and look about; they
(Recited when there is no opening song) for your great glory,
 Lord all gather and come to you:
God, heavenly King,
O God, your sons come from afar, and
Behold, the Lord, the Mighty almighty Father.
Lord Jesus your daughters in the arms of
One, has come; and kingship Christ, Only Begotten Son,
 their nurses.
is in his grasp, and power and Then you shall be radiant
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son
dominion. at what you see, your heart
of the Father,
you take away shall throb and overflow, for
Greeting the sins of the world,
have the riches of the sea shall
(The sign of the cross is made here.) mercy on us;
you take away the be emptied out before you,
sins of the world, receive our the wealth of nations shall
P — Grace to you and peace prayer;
you are seated at the be brought to you. Caravans
from God our Father and the right hand of the Father,
have of camels shall fill you,
Lord Jesus Christ. dromedaries from Midian
mercy on us.
For you alone are
All — And with your spirit. and Ephah; all from Sheba
the Holy One,
you alone are
the Lord,
you alone are the shall come bearing gold and
Most High, Jesus Christ,
with frankincense, and proclaiming
(These [or similar words] may be used
to address the assembly.) the praises of the Lord.
the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
God the Father.
Amen. — The word of the Lord.
P — Today we celebrate the All — Thanks be to God.
Solemnity of the Epiphany of Collect
our Lord. “Epiphany” means Responsorial Psalm (Ps 72)
manifestation. The birth of P — Let us pray. (Pause)
Jesus is meant not only for O God, who on this day
 R — Lord, every nation on
the people of Israel but also revealed your Only Begotten earth will adore you.
for all nations, represented by
Son to the nations by the
the Magi or the “Three Kings.” Amante

May this revelation shine forth guidance of a star,
grant in Fm C7

on everyone so that the power your mercy
that we, who know              

of salvation may be shared you already by faith,
may be Lord e very na tion on earth will a
by all. brought to behold the beauty
of your sublime glory.
Fm C7 Fm

   

Penitential Act 
Through our Lord Jesus 
P — Brethren (brothers and
dore — you
Christ, your Son,
who lives and
sisters), let us acknowledge reigns with you in the unity of
our sins, and so prepare 1. O God, with your judgment
the Holy Spirit,
one God, for endow the king,/ and with
ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries. (Pause) ever and ever. your justice, the king’s son;/ he
All — Amen. shall govern your people with
justice/ and your afflicted ones
P — You were sent to heal the
THE LITURGY with judgment. (R)
contrite of heart: Lord, have
mercy. OF THE WORD 2. Justice shall flower in his
All — Lord, have mercy. days,/ and profound peace, till
First Reading [Is 60:1-6] (Sit)
P — You came to call sinners: the moon be no more./ May
Christ, have mercy. The prophet Isaiah foresees he rule from sea to sea,/ and
All — Christ, have mercy. the day when God will be from the River to the ends of
P — You are seated at the worshiped not only by the the earth. (R)
right hand of the Father to Israelites whom he will gather 3. The kings of Tarshish and
intercede for us: Lord, have from dispersion but also by the Isles shall offer gifts;/ the
mercy. pagan nations. kings of Arabia and Seba shall
All — Lord, have mercy. bring tribute./ All kings shall
P — May almighty God A reading from the Book of pay him homage,/ all nations
have mercy on us, forgive the Prophet Isaiah shall serve him. (R)
us our sins, and bring us to
everlasting life.
RISE UP in splendor, Jerusalem! 4. For he shall rescue the poor
Your light has come, the glory when he cries out,/ and the
All — Amen.
of the LORD shines upon you. afflicted when he has no one
Gloria See, darkness covers the to help him./ He shall have pity
earth, and thick clouds cover for the lowly and the poor;/
All — Glory to God in the the peoples; but upon you the lives of the poor he shall
highest, and on earth peace the Lord shines, and over you save. (R)
Second Reading shepherd my people Israel.” the right hand of the Father.
(Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6) Then Herod called the magi He will come again in glory
secretly and ascertained from judge the living and the dead

The apostle Paul declares that them the time of the star’s and his kingdom will have no
in Christ Jesus, the loving plan appearance. He sent them end.
of the Father is now revealed: to Bethlehem and said, “Go I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Gentiles become sharers and search diligently for the the Lord, the giver of life,
with the Jews in the gift of child. When you have found proceeds from the Father and
salvation. him, bring me word, that I too the Son,
 who with the Father
may go and do him homage.” and the Son is adored and
A reading from the Letter of
After their audience with the glorified,
 who has spoken
Saint Paul to the Ephesians through the prophets.
king they set out. And behold,
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: You the star that they had seen I believe in one, holy,
have heard of the stewardship at its rising preceded them, catholic, and apostolic Church.
of God’s grace that was given until it came and stopped I confess one Baptism for the
to me for your benefit, namely, over the place where the child forgiveness of sins
and I look
that the mystery was made was. They were overjoyed forward to the resurrection
known to me by revelation. at seeing the star, and on of the dead
and the life of the
It was not made known to entering the house they saw world to come. Amen.
people in other generations the child with Mary his mother. Prayer of the Faithful
as it has now been revealed to They prostrated themselves
his holy apostles and prophets and did him homage. Then P — In Christ Jesus, all have
by the Spirit: that the Gentiles they opened their treasures become children of the Father
are co-heirs, members of the and offered him gifts of gold, and heirs of salvation. Let us
same body, and co-partners frankincense, and myrrh. And pray that we may be worthy
in the promise in Christ Jesus having been warned in a of this great gift. We shall say:
through the gospel. dream not to return to Herod, R — Lord, let your light shine
they departed for their country upon us.
— The word of the Lord. by another way.
All — Thanks be to God. C — For the universal Church:
— The Gospel of the Lord. May she bring together men
Alleluia [Mt 2:2] (Stand) All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus and women from afar and lead
them all to the light of Christ’s
Christ. Gospel. We pray: (R)
All — Alleluia, alleluia. We
saw his star at its rising and Homily (Sit) C — For Church leaders
have come to do him homage. and missionaries: May they
Alleluia, alleluia. Profession of Faith (Stand) gather into the community of
the people of God the rich
Gospel (Mt 2:1-12) All — I believe in one God, the diversity of gifts of peoples
Father almighty, 
maker of and cultures. We pray: (R)
P — A reading from the holy heaven and earth,
of all things C — For those whose lives are
Gospel according to Matthew visible and invisible. covered by the darkness of sin,
All — Glory to you, O Lord. I believe in one Lord Jesus unbelief, and suffering: May
Christ, the Only Begotten Son they see the light of salvation
WHEN JESUS was born in of God,
born of the Father and walk in its shining radiance.
Bethlehem of Judea, in the before all ages.
God from God, We pray: (R)
days of King Herod, behold, Light from Light, true God C — For interreligious
magi from the east arrived in from true God, begotten, not dialogue: May the hurtful
Jerusalem, saying, “Where is made, consubstantial with the things of the past not stand
the newborn king of the Jews? Father;
 through him all things in the way of mutual respect,
We saw his star at its rising were made. For us men and for yearning for truth, and the
and have come to do him our salvation
he came down search for God on the part of
homage.” When King Herod from heaven, Christians and non-Christians
heard this, he was greatly alike. We pray: (R)
(At the words that follow, up C — Let us pray for the urgent
troubled, and all Jerusalem to and including  and became
with him. Assembling all the concerns of our community
man, all bow.) and our personal intentions
chief priests and the scribes
(pause). We pray: (R)
of the people, he inquired and by the Holy Spirit was
of them where the Christ inc arnate of the Virgin P — Heavenly Father, let the
was to be born. They said to Mary, 
and became man.
 light of your Son shine within
him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, For our sake he was us so that we may be guided
for thus it has been written crucified under Pontius Pilate, through the pathways of life
through the prophet: And you, he suffered death and was and be united with you in the
Bethlehem, land of Judah, are buried, and rose again on the glory of heaven.
by no means least among the third day in accordance with We ask this through Christ
rulers of Judah; since from you the Scriptures. He ascended our Lord.
shall come a ruler, who is to into heaven
and is seated at All — Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts
P — Pray, brethren…
All — May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings

P — Look with favor, Lord, we

pray, on these gifts of your
in which are offered
now not gold or frankincense
or myrrh, but he who by them
is proclaimed,
received, Jesus Christ.

Who lives and reigns for
ever and ever.
All — Amen. Resurrection until you come
Preface of the Epiphany of
P — The Lord be with you.
the Lord THE COMMUNION RITE All — And with your spirit.
P — The Lord be with you. The Lord’s Prayer Solemn Blessing
All — And with your spirit. All — Our Father…
P — Lift up your hearts. P — Bow your heads and pray
P — Deliver us, Lord…
All — We lift them up to the for God’s blessing. (Pause)
All — For the kingdom, the
Lord. May God, who has called
power, and the glory are yours
P — Let us give thanks to the now and for ever. you
out of darkness into his
Lord our God. wonderful light,
pour out in
All — It is right and just. Invitation to Peace kindness his blessing upon you

Invitation to Communion and make your hearts firm 
P — It is truly right and just, (Kneel) faith, hope, and charity.
our duty and our salvation,
 All — Amen.
always and everywhere to give P — Behold the Lamb of God,

you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, behold him who takes away P — And since in all confidence
almighty and eternal God.

 the sins of the world. Blessed you follow Christ,
who today
For today you have revealed are those called to the supper appeared in the world
as a
the mystery
of our salvation in of the Lamb. light shining in darkness,
as a light for the nations, All — Lord, I am not worthy God make you, too, a light for
and, when he appeared in that you should enter under your brothers and sisters.
my roof, 
but only say the word All — Amen.
our mortal nature,
you made and my soul shall be healed.
us new by the glory of his P — And so when your
immortal nature.

 Communion Antiphon pilgrimage is ended, may you
And so, with Angels and (Cf. Mt 2:2) come to him
whom the Magi
with Thrones and We have seen his star in the sought as they followed the
and with all the east, and have come with gifts star
and whom they found with
hosts and Powers of heaven,
 to adore the Lord. great joy, the Light from Light,

we sing the hymn of your glory,
 who is Christ the Lord.
as without end we acclaim: Prayer after Communion All — Amen.
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God
P — And may the blessing of
of hosts. Heaven and earth are P — Let us pray. (Pause)
almighty God, the Father, and
full of your glory. Hosanna in Go before us with heavenly
the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
the highest. Blessed is he who light, O Lord, always and
come down on you and remain
comes in the name of the Lord. everywhere, that we may
with you for ever.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) perceive with clear sight and
All — Amen.
revere with true affection the
Acclamation (Stand) mystery in which you have Dismissal
willed us to participate.
All — We proclaim your death, Through Christ our Lord. P — Go in peace.
O Lord, and profess your All — Amen. All — Thanks be to God.

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