Patterns Essay

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Patterns Allow Us to Make

Sense of Our World

Clarissa, Y8 Ruby
Patterns are the regularity in the world. Patterns can be
noticed and they repeat themselves that they are predictable.
Patterns can be the daily habits humans have. They can also be
the consistent actions or behavior that are expected from people.
Patterns are repetitive and shape the world. They are the order
that can be seen.
There are two main types of patterns in this world. The first
one is natural patterns. Waves are one example of a natural
pattern. The second one is man-made patterns. These patterns
can be found in mathematics, art, language, design, and so
many others. Both natural and man-made patterns provide visual
effects that can be seen. People can learn by observing them.
Patterns are very important for human beings to make
sense of the world. Patterns have important roles in helping
people understand many things in the world. Patterns give us
noticeable order so things are not chaotic. Patterns give us the
foundation in understanding what is going on with the world and
everything that is in it. They help the brain to grasp information
instead of ignoring. Patterns also make it easier to process the
information received.
The order that patterns provide can be observed and,
therefore, allows us to make predictions on what might happen
next. As human beings who do not have the ability to know the
future, patterns help us guess and completely e in the dark. We
can also avoid some possible inconvenience because of patterns.
For example, the sun is right above the head at noon. This is daily
repeated and people usually prefer swimming in the morning or
afternoon for better convenience.
Patterns also can be seen in Myths. There are several things
that are usually included in Myths. First of all, Myths usually use
natural elements like water, fire, trees, etc. They often try to
explain what is going on in nature, such as the creation of the
world and the seeds. They use natural elements as symbols. For
example, fire means change and purification while the water
represents life and cleansing. Secondly, myths include animals.
They symbolize human qualities, distractions or desires. Different
cultures have their own preference of animals being used in the
myths. Serpents are usually considered evil and mysterious. They
represent humans with these traits.
Another pattern that can be seen from myths is colors. The
use of colors explains further about the characters in the myths.
Black is usually meaning death while white is purity. The use of
color makes the traits of the characters better understood. Heroes
are often used in myths to give humans a good example to follow.
These heroes usually have to meet challenges and temptations,
but in the end, win over them. This sets up a good example for
humans to not easily give up.

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