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1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

2. Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.

3. Alcohol should be illegal.
4. Children should provide room and board for their aging parents.
5. Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills.
6. Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.
7. Dogs make better companions than cats.
8. Smoking should be permitted in public places.
9. Females are better students than males.
10. A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.
11. Women should be allowed to go topless in public.
12. Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.
13. Everyone should plan their own funeral.
14. Reading English is more difficult than writing English.
15. Summer is the best season of the year.
16. Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.
17. High school students should wear uniforms.
18. 21 should be the legal driving age around the world.
19. Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.
20. The government should pay for post secondary education.


In my opinion, ... In my eyes, ...

To my mind, ... As far as I am concerned, ... Speaking personally, ...
From my point of view, ... As for me / As to me, ...
My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that ... I hold the view that ...
I would say that ... It seems to me that ... I am of the opinion that ...
My impression is that ... I am under the impression that ... It is my impression that ...
I have the feeling that ... My own feeling on the subject is that ...
I have no doubt that ... I am sure / I am certain that ...
I think / consider / find / feel / believe / suppose / presume / assume that ...
I hold the opinion that ... (I form / adopt an opinion.) I dare say that ...
I guess that ... I bet that .... I gather that ...
It goes without saying that ...


I agree with you / him ... I share your view. I think so.
I really think so.
(The author / the narrator / the protagonist / etc.) is right
He is quite right / absolutely right He may be right.
I have no objection. I approve of it. I have come to the same
conclusion I hold the same opinion. We are of one mind / of the same mind on that question.
I am at one with him on that point. It is true. That is right.
That's just it ! Fair enough ! Quite so !
Just so ! Yes of course !


I don't agree. I disagree. I don't think so.

You are / he is wrong. I think otherwise. I don't think that's quite right.
I don't agree with you/him. I don't agree with what you say. I am afraid that is not quite true.
I take a different view. I don't share his/her/your view. This argument does not hold
Not at all ! Nonsense ! Rubbish !
He's off his head !

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