Chapter 5

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Chapter No.

In Chapter 4, we discussed uniform flow in which the flow
depth remains constant with distance. Such flows occur
only in long and prismatic channels (i.e., the channel cross
section and bottom slope do not change with distance). In
real-life projects, however, channel cross sections and
bottom slopes are not constant with distance in natural
channels and these are varied in constructed channels to
suit the existing topographical conditions for economic
reasons. In addition, hydraulic structures are provided for
flow control. These changes in the channel geometry
produce non-uniform flows while changing from one
uniform-flow condition to another. As we discussed in
Chapter 1, such flows are called gradually varied flows if
the rate of variation of depth with respect to distance is
small, and rapidly varied flows if the rate of variation is
large. In other words, the flow depth changes gradually
over a long distance, in gradually varied flows and in a
short distance in rapidly varied flows. Since the analysis of
gradually varied flows is usually done for long channels,
the friction losses due to boundary shear have to be
included. These losses, however, may be neglected in the
analysis of rapidly varied flows because the distances
involved are short. In addition, the pressure distribution in
gradually varied flow may be assumed hydrostatic because
the streamlines are more or less straight and parallel.
However, this is not the case in rapidly varied flows where
significant acceleration normal to flow direction may be
produced by sharp curvatures in the streamlines.
Steady, gradually varied flow is discussed in this chapter
and the rapidly varied flow in Chapter 7. The gradually
varied flow equations are first derived. The classification of
various water surface profiles is then presented. This is
followed by a presentation of procedures for qualitatively
sketching the water surface profiles and for determining the
discharge from a reservoir. The water surface profiles in
compound channels are then discussed.
Governing Equation
The gradually varied flow equations in a prismatic channel
having no lateral inflow or outflow are derived in this
section by making the following simplifying assumptions:
1. The slope of the channel bottom is small.
2. The channel is prismatic channel and there is no
lateral inflow or outflow from the channel.
3. The pressure distribution is hydrostatic at all channel
4. The head losses in gradually varied flow may be
determined by using the equations for head losses in
uniform flows.
These assumptions are usually valid for gradually varied
flows. A channel with changing cross section or bottom
slope may be divided into piecewise prismatic channels.
The slope of the channel bottom may be assumed small if it
is less than 5 percent. In such a case, sinθ = tanθ = θ, in
which θ = angle of the channel bottom with horizontal, and
the flow depths measured vertically or normal to the
bottom are approximately the same. The curvature of the
streamlines in gradually varied flows is usually small and
thus the assumption of hydrostatic pressure distribution is
valid. The water-surface profiles measured during
hydraulic model investigations and during field
observations compare satisfactorily with those computed by
using the head-loss equations for steady uniform flow.
By referring to Fig. 5-1, the total head at a channel section
may be written as
V 2
H z y (51)
In which H = elevation of the energy grade line above the
datum; z = elevation of the channel bottom; y = flow depth;
V = mean flow velocity, and α = velocity-head coefficient.
Let us consider distance, x, as positive in the downstream
direction. By differentiating both sides of Eq. 5-1 with
respect to x, and expressing V in terms of discharge, Q, we
dH dz dy Q 2 d  1 
    2   (5  2)
dx dx dx 2g dx  A 
Now, by definition
 S f  (5  3)
 S o
In which Sf = slope of the energy-grade line and So = slope
of the channel bottom. The negative sign with Sf and So
indicates that both H and z decrease as x increases. An
  
expression for d 1
dx A2
may be derived as follows
 
d 1
A 2 
d  1  dA
 2 
dA  A  dx
d  1  dA dy
  2   (5  4)
dA  A  dy dx
2B dy
A3 dx
Since dA  B

By substituting Eqs. 5-3 and 5-4 into Eq. 5-2, and

rearranging the resulting equation, we obtain
dy So  S f
  (5  5)
dx 
1 BQ 

  gA3
This equation describes the variation of y with x.
Note that if the channel is not prismatic, then
dA A A dy
 
dx x y dx
This equation describes the rate of variation of y with x. By
utilizing the expression for Froude number, Fr, derived in
Chapter 3, the second term in the denominator may be
written as
Q 
BQ   A   F 2  (5  6)

gA3 gA B


Hence, Eq. 5-5 becomes

dy S o  S f
  (5  7)
dx 1 Fr 2

We will use this equation in the following sections to draw

qualitative conclusions about the water-surface profiles.


We use the following notation to designate different water

surface profiles: A letter refers to the type of the channel
bottom slope and a numeral to the relative position of the
profile with respect to the critical-depth line (hereinafter
called CDL) and the normal-depth line (hereinafter called
NDL). The critical depth and the normal depth are yc and
yn, respectively.
Channel-bottom slopes are classified into the following five
1. mild,
2. steep,
3. critical,
4. horizontal (zero slope) and
5. Adverse (negative slope).
The first letter of these names refers to the type, i.e., M for
mild, S for steep, C for critical, H for horizontal and A for
adverse slope. The bottom slope of a channel is called as
mild slope if the uniform flow is sub critical (i.e., yn > yc);
for the specified discharge and Manning n; it is critical
slope if the uniform flow is critical (i.e., yn = yc); and it is
steep slope if the uniform flow is supercritical (i.e., yn < yc).
It is apparent that the normal depth is infinite if the bottom
slope is horizontal and it is nonexistent if the bottom slope
is negative. To summarize, the channel bottom slope is
1. mild if yn > yc;
2. steep if yn < yc; and
3. Critical if yn = yc.
Now, let us discuss how to designate the relative position
of the surface profile. For the mild and steep slopes, the
normal-depth and critical-depth lines divide the space
above the channel bottom into three regions, as shown in
Fig. 5-2. However, for the adverse, horizontal, and critical
bottom slopes, there are only two regions since the normal
depth does not exist, is infinite, or is the same as the critical
depth, respectively. The region above both lines is
designated as Zone 1; that between the upper and lower
lines is designated as Zone 2, and the one between the
lower line and the channel bottom is designated as Zone 3.
Note that the upper line is the normal-depth line if the
channel bottom slope is mild, and the upper line is the
critical-depth line if the bottom slope is steep.
Zones for classification of surface profiles

Thus, we have 13 different types of surface profiles: three

for the mild slope, three for the steep slope, and two for the
critical slope (zone 2 does not exist since yn = yc and we do
not consider the critical-depth line as a surface profile); two
for the horizontal slope (zone 1 does not exist since
yn = ∞), and two for the adverse slope (there is no zone 1,
since yn does not exist).
Figure 5-3 shows different zones and profiles for all five
types of bottom slopes.
Water surface profiles

By determining the sign of the numerator and the

denominator of Eq. 5-7, we can make qualitative
observations about various types of water-surface profiles.
These observations allow us to sketch the profile without
doing any detailed calculations. For example, they indicate
whether the depth increases or decreases with distance,
how the profiles end at the upstream and at the downstream
limits, etc. First, let us make a few general remarks and
then consider specific cases for illustration purposes.
We discussed in Chapter 4 that the energy-grade line, water
surface, and channel bottom are parallel to each other in
uniform flow; i.e., Sf = Sw = So when y = yn. Therefore, it is
clear from the Manning or Chezy equation that for
specified discharge, Q,
Sf > So if y < yn (5 − 8)
Sf < So if y > yn (5 − 9)
By using these two inequalities, we determine the sign of
the numerator of Eq. 5-7 and whether the flow is sub
critical (Fr < 1) or supercritical (Fr > 1); we determine the
sign of the denominator of Eq. 5-7.
Now, let us discuss how the surface profiles approach the
normal and critical depths and the channel bottom.
As y → yn (reads as y tends to yn), Sf → So, Therefore, it
follows from Eq. 5-7 that dy/dx → 0 provided Fr = 1 (i.e.,
flow is not critical). In other words, the surface profile
approaches the normal-depth line asymptotically.
As y → yc, Fr → 1 and the denominator of Eq. 5-7 tends to
zero. Therefore, dy/dx tends to ∞ provided Sf = So. Thus,
the water-surface profile approaches the critical-depth line
vertically. Since a vertical water surface, is physically
impossible, we may assume the water surface profile
approaches the critical-depth line at a very steep slope.
Therefore, the question arises as to why this conclusion
about the vertical water surface derived theoretically is not
realized in the real world. The reason for this discrepancy is
that as soon as the water surface has a sharp curvature, the
pressure distribution is not hydrostatic. Therefore, Eq. 5-7
is not valid, and any conclusions we draw from this
equation become questionable. As we discussed in the
previous chapters, a hydraulic jump is formed when the
flow changes from supercritical to sub critical. In a
hydraulic jump, the flow surface has a steep gradient since
it passes through the critical depth line .
As y→∞, V → 0, and consequently both Fr and Sf tend to
zero. Hence, it follows from Eq. 5-7 that dy/dx → So for
very large values of y. Since we are assuming that So is
small, we may say that the water surface profile almost
becomes horizontal as y becomes large.
Now, let us discuss what happens when the water surface
approaches the channel bottom, i.e., y → 0. From the
Chezy equation, it follows that
Sf   (5 10)
2 2
In which C = Chezy constant, and R = hydraulic radius. For
a very wide rectangular channel, R = y. By substituting Eq.
5-10 into Eq. 5-5, replacing R by y, and simplifying the
resulting equation, we obtain

dy gB S o C 2 B 2 y 3 Q 2

 (5 11)

dx C gBy BQ 3

It follows from this equation that as y → 0,

dy g
lim   (5 12)
dx C 2

Therefore, as y → 0, the slope of the water surface profile

is finite, has a positive value, and is a function of the Chezy
constant, C, and the velocity head coefficient, α.
However, if we use Manning equation instead of the Chezy
equation, we find that dy/dx→∞ as y → 0. This is left as an
exercise for the reader to prove (see Problem 5-5).
To illustrate the application of the above general remarks,
let us consider water surface profiles in a channel with mild
slope. As we discussed above, yn > yc if the slope is mild.
Therefore, the flow depth, y, in the three zones is classified
as follows:
 Zone 1: y > yn > yc;
 Zone 2: yn > y > yc; and
 Zone 3: yn > yc > y.
The qualitative characteristics of the water-surface profiles
in each zone may be studied as follows.
Zone 1 (M1 Profile)
Since y > yn in Zone 1, Sf < So, Therefore, the numerator of
Eq. 5-7 is positive. Similarly, Fr < 1 since y > yc, Therefore
the denominator of Eq. 5-7 is positive as well. Hence, it
follows from Eq. 5-7 that
dy S o  S f 
  
dx 1 Fr 2

This means that y increases with distance x. As discussed
previously, y →yn asymptotically in the upstream direction
and the water surface becomes almost horizontal as y
becomes large in the downstream direction.
Zone 2 (M2 Profile)
In this case, Sf > So since, y < yn, Therefore, the numerator
of Eq. 5-7 is negative. However, the denominator is
positive, since Fr < 1 because y > yc. Hence, it follows
from Eq. 5-7 that
dy S o  S f 
  
dx 1 Fr 2

Zone 3 (M3 Profile)
In Zone 3, Sf > So since y < yn, Therefore, the numerator of
Eq. 5-7 is negative. The denominator is negative as well,
since Fr > 1 because y < yc. Hence, it follows from Eq. 5-7
dy S o  S f 
  
dx 1 Fr 2

Thus, increase as x increase.
As discussed previously, y → yc almost vertically while the
water surface profile approaches the channel bottom at a
finite positive slope.
By using the preceding qualitative conclusions, the water
surface profiles in each region may be sketched as shown in
Fig. 5-3, Note that the profiles are shown by dashed lines as
they approach, the critical-depth line and as they approach
the channel bottom to indicate uncertainty in their shapes.
The qualitative characteristics of water-surface profiles for
other types of channel bottom slopes may be studied in a
similar manner. In general, the procedure is as follows: We
first determine the signs of the numerator and of the
denominator of Eq. 5-7, and hence determine the sign of
dy/dx. Then, by utilizing the qualitative remarks made in
the previous paragraphs, we sketch the water-surface
profiles as they approach the normal- and critical-depth
lines and the channel bottom.
The characteristics and shapes of various water-surface
profiles and the situations in which they may occur in real
life are presented in Fig. 5-4. Note that H1 and A1 profiles
do not exist since there is no Zone 1 in both cases. In
addition, profile C2 actually represents uniform flow rather
than gradually varied flow.
Sketching of Water-Surface Profiles
Any channel section at which there is a unique relationship
between the flow depth and discharge is referred to as a
The properties of surface profiles we discussed in the
previous two sections are for a prismatic channel having a
control section either at the upstream or at the downstream
end. In real life, however, a channel system may have
several control sections. In addition, a channel system
having variable cross section or bottom slope may be
divided into several prismatic channels. To qualitatively
sketch the profiles in these cases, a number of guide lines
are outlined in the following paragraphs and two examples
are included for illustrative purposes.
Divide the channel system into prismatic channels and for
the specified discharge, roughness coefficient, channel
cross section, compute the normal and critical depths in
each channel. Now, using an exaggerated vertical scale,
plot the channel bottom and the normal- and critical-depth
lines. Then, on this diagram, mark the locations of controls
i.e., the locations where the water-surface profile passes
through critical depth (y = yc) and identify the channel
reaches where the flow is expected to be uniform (y = yn).
A downstream control governs if the flow is sub critical
and an upstream control governs if the flow is supercritical.
It is possible to have situations where part of the channel is
governed by the upstream control and part of the channel is
governed by the downstream control. In addition, a control
at an intermediate location (e.g., a weir, sluice gate, and
spillway) may act as a control for both the upstream and
downstream directions from the control location.
At a channel entrance, the surface profile passes through
the critical depth if the lake or reservoir level is higher than
the critical-depth line and the channel bottom slope at the
channel entrance is steep. To allow for the velocity head
and losses at the channel entrance, the water surface at the
upstream end of the channel may be slightly lower than the
water level in the reservoir.
At a free over-fall, the water surface passes through the
critical-depth line approximately three to four times the
critical depth upstream of the fall if the flow depth
upstream of the fall is greater than the critical depth.
A hydraulic jump is formed whenever the flow changes
from super critical to sub critical flow. The exact location
of the jump is determined by detailed calculations, as
discussed in Chapter 8. However, an approximate location
of the jump may be estimated by judgment while sketching
the water-surface profiles.
Sketch the water-surface profile in the channels connecting
the reservoirs, as shown in Fig. 5-5a. The bottom slope of
channel 1 is steep and that of channel 2 is mild.
Compute the critical and normal depths for each channel.
Then plot the critical-depth line (marked as CDL in Fig. 5
5b) and the normal-depth line (marked as NDL in Fig. 5
5b). The water depth at the channel entrance is equal to the
critical depth, since the water level in the upstream
reservoir is above the CDL of channel 1. Let us mark this
water level at the channel entrance by a dot. The water
level at the downstream end of channel 2 is lower than the
CDL. Therefore, the water surface passes through the CDL
approximately three to four times the critical depth
upstream of the entrance to the downstream reservoir. Let
us again mark this water level at the downstream end by a
dot, as shown in Fig. 5-5b.
Fig. 5-5 Water surface profiles for Example 5-1
In channel 1, the water surface at the entrance, after passing
through the critical depth, tends to the normal depth. Thus,
we have an S2 profile in channel 1. The flow decelerates
downstream of the junction of channels 1 and 2 because of
mild slope. Hence, the flow depth increases until a
hydraulic jump is formed. The water surface follows the
M2 profile downstream of the jump and the exact location
of the jump is determined by detailed calculations.
In the discussion for sketching the water surface profiles in
the previous sections, we assumed that the channel
discharge is known. However, this may not always be the
case, as the following example illustrates. Let us consider a
channel-reservoir system as shown in Fig. 5-8. The channel
cross section, entrance loss coefficient, k, Manning n, and
channel bottom slope, So, are specified. We want to
determine the flow depth, y, and the discharge, Q, in the
channel. The reservoir is large so that the flow velocity in
the reservoir approaches zero. In addition, the reservoir
water level is known and remains constant independent of
the discharge in the channel.
Referring to Fig. 5-8, Ho, So, n, and the properties of the
channel section are known and we want to determine y and
Fig. 5-6 Water surface profiles for control at channel entrance

Fig. 5-7 Water surface profiles for control at gate

For the specified flow variables and channel parameters,

the channel bottom slope may be classified as
1. Steep
2. Critical
3. Mild
The flow depth at the channel entrance is critical if the
bottom slope is critical or steep and the reservoir water
level is higher than the critical-depth line. However, normal
depth occurs just downstream of the channel entrance if the
bottom, slope is mild.
Fig. 5-8 Discharge from a reservoir

To determine the type of bottom slope, we first determine

the critical slope, Sc. If the flow depth at the channel
entrance is critical and α = 1, we can write
Q2 D
  (5 13)
2gA 2
 
H o  yc  1 k
 (5 14)
In which k = entrance loss coefficient and both Dc=
hydraulic depth and Ac = flow correspond to yc. We solve
these two equations for Q and yc. If the slope of the channel
bottom is equal to the critical slope, Sc, then the flow at this
depth and discharge will be uniform. By utilizing this fact,
we determine the value of Sc from the Manning equation
1 2 1
Q  AR 3 Sc 2  (5 15)
The channel bottom slope is critical if So = Sc; it is steep if
So > Sc; and, it is mild if So < Sc.
The discharge and the flow depth we determined above are
correct if the bottom slope is critical; while only the
computed discharge is correct if the bottom slope is steep.
The flow depth may be computed starting with the critical
depth at the entrance. However, if the bottom slope is mild,
then we solve the following two equations simultaneously
to determine y and Q:
1 2 1
Q  AR 3 So 2  (5 16)
V2 V2
Ho  y  k  (5 17)
2g 2g
1 k  Q 
 y  
2g  A 
Eliminating Q from Eqs 5-16 and 5-17, we obtain
1 k 4 3
Ho  y  2
R So  (5 18)
Solution of this equation gives the flow depth in the
channel. The discharge corresponding to this depth can
now be determined from Eq. 5-16.
A 10-m wide, rectangular, concrete-lined channel (n =
0.013) has a bottom slope of 0.01 and a constant-level
reservoir at the upstream end. The reservoir water level is
6.0 m above the channel bottom at entrance. Assuming the
entrance losses and the approach velocity in the reservoir to
be negligible, determine the channel discharge and
qualitatively sketch the water surface profile.
n = 0.013
So = 0.01
B = 10.0 m
Ho = 6.0 m
Entrance losses are negligible
Q =?
Water-surface profile
Let us assume the control is at the channel entrance, i.e.,
the bottom slope is steep or critical. Then,
2 2
yc  Ho   6  4m
3 3
For critical flow, unit discharge
q  gyc3  9.8143  25.06m3 / s / m
Q  Bq 10 25.06  250.6m3 / s
Let us now determine the critical slope, Sc. This is the
bottom slope for which we will have critical flow in the
channel for Q = 250.6m3/s. Now, the Manning equation
may be written as
1 2 1
Q  AR 3 Sc 2
Or Sc 
n 2Q 2

0.0132 250.62
4 4
104 40 108
2 3 3
A R 2
 
Sc  0.00229
Since, Sc < So, the slope of the channel bottom is steep and
the channel discharge is 250.6 m3/s. To sketch the water
surface profile, we first determine the normal depth. By
using any of the procedures we presented in Chapter 4. The
flow area, A, and the hydraulic radius, R, corresponding to
the normal depth satisfy the following equation
2 nQ
AR 3 
The substitution of the values of n, Q, and So and the
expressions for A and R in terms of yn into this equation
 10 yn  3 0.013250.6
10 yn 
    32.57
10 2 y n .01
The solution of this equation by trial and error yields
yn  2.37m
The entrance flow depth will be critical and it will approach
the normal depth asymptotically, as shown in Fig. 5-9.
Fig. 5-9 Water surface profile for Example 5-3

Profiles in Compound Channels

The discussion of water-surface profiles in the previous
sections is for channels having only simple cross sections.
However, water-surface profiles in compound channels
(channels having a compound cross section) need special
treatment because there may be more than one critical
depth, as we discussed in Chapter3. Quintela [1982] briefly
discussed the shapes of flow profiles in a compound
channel for two different cases of steep and mild slopes. He
illustrated the occurrence of rapidly-varied flow when the
slope of the channel bottom changes from mild to steep. He
tacitly assumed that the normal depth, yn, is greater than the
highest critical depth, yc3, if the slope is mild and that yn is
less than the lowest critical depth, yc1, if the slope is steep.
However, another situation is possible when yc1 < yn < yc3,
as pointed out by Chaudhry and Bhallamudi [1987]. In this
case, critical depth, yc2 becomes very important (Fig. 5-10).
In this section, two examples are presented to show how
multiple critical depths affect the water-surface profile in a
compound channel. First, we consider a long channel with
a free over-fall at the downstream end and then a long
channel with a reservoir at the upstream end.
Problem 5-1
Prove that the gradually varied flow equation for a wide
rectangular channel may be written as
1  n 
y 3

 So 
dy y
If Manning equation is used;
1  c 
dx y
 y
And as

1  n 
 So 
dy y
1  yc 

 y
If Chezy equation is used for the friction losses
For a wide rectangular channel the geometric properties can
be approximated by
A by
P b
R  by  y
And D  y
2 5
Therefore AR 3  by 3 and the Froude number can be
expressed as
F 
2gb 2 y 3
1. Using Manning’s equation the slope of the energy
grade line for gradually varied flow is
nQ nQ 2
Sf    (1)
2 10
AR 3 b 2 y 3
Also for uniform flow
nQ 2
So 
b y 3
Or So yn  nQ
3  (2)
When the flow is critical the Froude number is one, then
Fc 
2 1
2 3
2gb yc
 F 2   c   (3)
F2 y
Fc2  
Substituting expressions 1, 2 and 3 in the gradually varied
flow equation we get
S o  S o  n 
y 3

  y
dx 
1 
yc 

 y
 y 10 

S o 1   3
 
  y  
 
dx 
1 
yc 

 y
2. if chezy’s equation is used , then
AR 2 
 
 by y 2

CS f 2
Q2 Q2
Then S f  and So 
2 2 3
C b y C 2 b 2 y n3
Or So yn 
3 Q
C 2b 2
Combining the expression for Sf and So we get
S f  So  n 
 
Therefore, the gradually varied flow equation becomes
  y 3 
S o 1 n  
dy   y 

1  yc 

 y
Problem 5-6
A 5-m wide rectangular concrete-lined canal takes off from
a lake having a constant water level of 2 m above the
channel bottom at the entrance. The channel is long, has a
bottom slope of 0.004, and n = 0.013.
a) If the head losses at the entrance are negligible,
determine the discharge in the canal.
b) Compute the discharge if the bottom slope is changed
to 0.001 and the entrance losses are 0.1V 2/ (2g).
Assume steep or critical slope, then
2 4
yc  H o  1.33m
3 3
And q 2  yc3 g
q  yc3 g  4.822m3 / m.s
Q  qb  24.111m
Compute the critical slope
1 2 1
Q  Ac Rc 3 So 2
 Q 2 y  b2 3 
So   n c 5 
 byc  3 
 

 
 2 
 0.3134 8  5 3

So   3

 5 4
 5

So  0.00266
Compare So and Sc
In this case So> Sc, then the canal is steep and the flow will
be Q = 24.11 m3/s
If So= 0.001 and k = 0.1 (minor loss coefficient.)
Compute yc by using the energy equation at the entrance:
V 2 0.1V 2
H o  yc   (Assuming steep channel)
2g 2g
H o  yo 1.1
yo  1.29m


Compute Q for steep channel
q  yc3 g
q  4.599 m
  
Q  qb  4.589 5  22.945m3 / s
Q  22.945m3 / s This is the maximum discharge in the
Compute the critical slope
n 2Q 2 2 yc  b
So 
byc 10 3
So 
So  0.00224
Compare So and Sc
In this case So < Sc then the channel slope is mild and there
is not control section at the entrance. Therefore the
previous analysis does not apply. We can assume that the
flow will reach normal depth near the lake then Q is given
by Manning’s uniform flow formula. The flow depth can be
obtained combining the energy and Manning’s equation
1 k 4 3
H  y R So
1 k  by  3
H  y   So
2  2 y b 
2gn  
Substituting H= 2m k= 0.1, b=5, n=0.013 and g=9.81 and
solving for y we get the normal depth as
yn = 1.668 m
Q is obtained from Manning’s equation and the answer is
Q=20.33 m3/s.
Problem 5-8.
A 15-m wide, 15-km long, concrete-line channel (n =0.013)
is planned for conveying water from reservoir X to
reservoir Y. The water level in reservoir X is at El. 129.65
m and the level of the channel bottom at the entrance is at
El. 121.4 m. Determine the channel discharge and sketch
and label the type of water-surface profile for the following
two cases.
 The slope of the channel bottom is 0.001 and the water
level in reservoir Y is at El. 109 m.
 The slope of the channel bottom is 0.008 and the water
level in reservoir Y is at El. 7 m.
Assume the entrance losses are negligible in both cases.
n  0.013
B 15m
L 15000m
Reservoir elevation:
Water surface = 129.65 m
Bottom = 121.4 m
Q and sketch the water surface profile.
If So = 0.001, water elevation at downstream reservoir is
yc  H o H o 129.65 121.4  8.25m
yc  8.25 5.5m
q  gyc3  9.815.53  40.4m3 / s.m
Qc  qB  40.415  606m3 / s
The critical slope is
2 2 2
n Qc n Qc P 3
Sc  4
 10
AR 3 A 3
P= wetted perimeter= 26m
0.013 606.0 25.515
2 2 4

Sc 

Sc  0.00196
Sc  So is a mild channel.
Combining Manning’s equation for uniform flow and the
energy equation between the reservoir and the channel
entrance we get,
R 3 So
H o  yn  2
2n g
 15 yn  3 0.001
8.25  yn   
 15 2 yn  29.810.013

Solving for yn , we get yn  6.634m

1 2 1
Then Q  AR 3 So 2
99.52  99.52  3
 0.001 2
Q 
0.013  28.27 
Q  560m3 / s
In this case the channel slope is steep. Sc  So
Then, the discharge is given by Qc  606m3 / s . The normal
depth is obtained directly from Manning’s equation.
2 nQ
AR 3 
 15 yn  3
15 yn    88.08
15 2 y n 
Or yn  3.35m

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