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Vocabular :

partea de vorbire Traducere/ inteles Exemplu de propozitie / Traducere
This amount of weight loss is abnormal for
abnormal women your age. // Aceasta pierdere in
adj greutate nu este normala pentru o femeie de
varsta ta.
I can’t sleep because my knees ache in the
durere night. // Nu pot dormi deoarece genunchii
ma dor noaptea.
We knew the baby was coming right away
acute because the woman’s labour pains were
adj acute. // Stiam ca urmeaza sa nasca
deoarece durerele sarcinii erau acute.
allergy noun Your son is extremely allergic to peanuts. //
allergic adj Fiul tau este foarte alergic la alune.
We called the ambulance when Josh
ambulanta stopped breathing. // Am chemat ambulanta
cand Josh s-a oprit din respirat.
I can’t remember the accident because I had
amnezie amnesia. // Nu-mi amintesc accidentul
deoarece am avut amnezie.
We had to amputate his leg because the
amputation noun infection spread so quickly. // A trebuit sa-i
amputate verb amputam piciorul deoarece infectia se
raspandea rapid.
anaemia noun anemie- atunci cand corpul I have low energy because I am anaemic. //
anaemic adj nu are destule celule rosii Nu am energie deoarece sunt anemic.
My throat infection went away after I
antibiotice- medicamente
antibiotics started the antibiotics. // Infectia din gat a
ce ucid bacteriile si
noun disparut dupa ce am inceput sa iau
vindeca infectiile
antidepresive- The anti-depressants helped me get on
anti-depressant medicamente pentru a with life after Lucy died. // Antidepresivele
noun vindeca nelinistea, tristetea m-au ajutat sa-mi continui viata dupa ce
, anxietatea Lucy a murit.
appointment I’ve made you an appointment with a
noun specialist in three week’s time. // Ti-am

facut o programare cu un specialist in trei
My grandmother can’t knit anymore
arthritis because the arthritis in her hands is so bad.
noun // Bunica mea nu mai poate croseta
deoarece artrita la maini este foarte rea.
I carry an inhaler when I run because I have
asthma (attack)
astm asthma. // Am la mine un inhalator cand
alerg deoarece am astm.
To prevent the spread of bacteria it is
important that nurses wash their hands
bacterie often. // Pentru a impedica raspandirea
bacteriilor este important ca asistentele sa
se spele pe maini des.
If you don’t get up and take a walk, you
bedsore will develop painful bedsores. // Daca nu te
rana ce lasa pacientul la pat
noun ridici si mergi vei avea multe dureri de stat
in pat.
We’re hoping that the tests will show that
benign the lump in your breast is benign. //
benign (nu e canceros)
adj Speram ca testele sa arate ca umflatura din
san este benigna.
biopsy The biopsy ruled out a number of illnesses.
noun // Biopsia a inlaturat un numar de boli.
You will be happy to know that your blood
blood count numarul de celule rosii si count is almost back to normal. // Vei fi
noun albe fericit sa afli ca numarul celulelor a revenit
la normal.
Blood donors have to answer questions
blood donor about their medical history. // Donatorii de
donator de sange
noun sange trebuie sa raspunda la intrebari legate
de istoricul lor medical.
High blood pressure puts you at risk of
blood pressure having a heart attack. //Tensiunea arteriala
tensiune arteriala
noun ridicata te poate pune la un risc de atac de
You will probably always have to wear a
brace bandaj (puternic)proteza, brace on your ankle when you jog. // E
noun acolada posibil sa trebuiasca sa ai un bandaj cand
alergi la glezna.

We thought it was going to be a breech
pozitia unui copil nenascut
breech birth, but the baby turned himself around. //
in care picioarele sunt jos
adj Credeam ca va fi o nastere inversa dar
si capul sus
copilul s-a intors.
We thought it was just a sprain, but it
broken turned out his leg was broken. // Credeam
adj ca a fost doar o enttorsa dar se pare ca
piciorul este rupt.
The woman was badly bruised when she
bruise noun came into the emergency room. // Femeia
bruised adj avea multe vanatai cand a venit in camera
de urgente.
The baby was so large that we had to
Caesarean section,
perform a Caesarean section. // Bebelusul
C-section cezariana
era asa de mare incat a trebuit sa facem
There are many different options when it
cancer comes to treating cancer. // Exista foarte
noun multe optiuni atunci cand vine vorba de
tratarea cancerului.
cardiopulmonary You saved your brother’s life by
resuscitarea cardiaca si
resuscitation (CPR) performing CPR. // Ai salvat viata fratelui
sangvina, primul ajutor
noun tau cand ai dat primul ajutor.
cast My leg was in a cast for graduation. //
noun Piciorul meu a fost in ghips la absolvire.
If you want a place to pray, the chapel is on
chapel, chapeline
capela the third floor. // Daca ai nevoie de un loc
unde sa te rogi, capela este la etajul 3.
My mother has already had three rounds of
chimioterapie chemotherapy. // mama mea a avut deja
trei tratamente cu chimioterapie.
It is best to get chickenpox as a child so
chickenpox that you don’t get it worse as an adult.// Cel
noun mai bine este sa ai varicela in copilarie sa
nu o patesti mai rau cand esti adult.
We only call the coroner if we think a
coroner death is suspicious. // Chemam medicul
medic legist
noun legist doar daca consideram ca moartea a
fost suspicioasa.

You can’t see her right now; she’s in
critical condition
conditie criticala critical condition. // Nu o poti vedea acum,
este in stare critica.
I’d rather hop on one foot than use
carje crutches. // Mai bine sar intr-un picior
decat sa folosesc carje.
We’re going to remove the cysts just to be
chist on the safe side. // Vom inlatura chistul
doar ca sa fim siguri.
The accident left the patient both deaf and
surd blind. // Accidentul a lasat pacientul atat
surd cat si orb.
The tests show that you have an iron
deficienta deficiency. // Testele au aratat ca ai o
deficienta de fier.
It is easy for the elderly to become
dehydrated dehydrated in this heat. // Este foarte usor
adj pentru batrani sa se deshidrateze in aceasta
It is hard to watch a loved one suffering
dementa, nebunie with dementia. // Este foarte trist sa vezi o
persoana draga ce sufera de dementa.
People with diabetes have to constantly
diabetes check their blood sugar levels. // Oamenii
noun cu diabet trebuie sa verifice constant nivelul
de zahar din sange.
The doctor would prefer to share the
diagnosis diagnosis with the patient himself. //
noun Doctorul prefera sa spuna diagnosticul
direct pacientului.
This pain medication should relieve some
discomfort, durere mica of your discomfort. // Medicamentele de
durere ar trebui sa inlature discomfortul.
I understand that this disease runs in your
boala family. // Inteleg ca aceasta boala are istorie
in familia ta.
dislocated disclocat (cand vine vorba You will have to wear a sling because of
adj de oase) your dislocated shoulder.
emergency It is important that children know which
noun number to dial in case of an emergency. //

Este important ca si copii sa stie ce numar
sa apeleze in caz de urgenta.
The child was rushed into the ER after he
ER (emergency had a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting.
room) camera de urgente // Copilul a fost dus rapid in camera de
noun urgente dupa ce a avut o reactie alergica la
o intepatura de albina.
This cream is for external use only. Do not
external get it near your ears, eyes, or mouth. //
adj Aceasta crema este doar pentru uz extern.
Nu apropia de ochi, urechi sau gura.
We had two false negative pregnancy tests,
false negative so we didn’t know we were having a baby.
un test care vine gresit
noun // Am avut doua rezultate fals negative la
negativ, fals negativ.
adj testele de sarcina, asadar nu stiam ca vom
avea un copil.
The doctor was concerned about my family
family history history of skin cancer. // Doctorul era
istoricul familiei
noun ingrijorat despre istoricul familiei in ceea ce
priveste cancerul de piele.
The doctor made a fatal error when he
fatal fatal, ce a provocat wrote the wrong prescription. // Doctorul a
adj moartea facut o eroare fatala atunci cand a prescris
He is very feverish, and his temperature is
fever noun
febra near danger point. // Are febra si
feverish adj
temperatura este aproape de un punct critic.
People who have the flu should not visit
flu (influenza)
raceala hospital patients. // Oamenii care sunt raciti
nu ar trebui sa viziteze pacientii din spitale.
Your wrist is fractured and needs a cast. //
fracture noun
fractura Incheietura ta este fracturata si are nevoie
fractured adj
de ghips.
Flowers are not allowed in the ward to
germ avoid the risk of germs being brought in. //
noun Florile nu sunt permise in salon pentru a
evita riscul de a aduce germeni inauntru.
The disease is part genetic and part
genetic environmental. // Boala este datorata o parte
genetic si o parte mediului.

crestere (sub piele, cand That growth on your shoulder is starting to
vine vorba de tesut), worry me. // Umflatura de pe umarul tau
umflatura incepe sa ma ingrijoreze
People who smoke are at greater risk of
heart attack having a heart attack. // Oamenii ce
atac de cord
noun fumeaza au un risc ridicat de a avea atac de
HIV can be passed down from the mother
virusul HIV to her fetus. // HIV poate fi transmis de la
mama la bebelus.
I broke out in hives after I ate that potato
urticarie casserole. // Am avut urticarie dupa ce am
mancat acea caserola cu cartofi.
Her illness went away when she started
illness noun boala, stare de boala, de
eating better. // Starea de boala i-a disparut
ill adj rau
dupa ce a inceput sa manance mai bine.
You can’t have visitors because your
immune system immune system is low. // Nu poti avea
sistemul imunitar
noun vizitatori deoarece sistemul tau imunitar
este slabit.
imunizare (de obicei cand
Babies are immunized three times in their
immunization noun vine vorba de o injectie,
first year. // Bebelusii sunt imunizati
immunize verb vaccin pentru a proteja de
(vaccinati) de trei ori in primul an.
o anumita boala)
I had to have stitches to close the incision.
incizie // A trebuit sa am copci pentru a inchide
We have to do more x-rays because the first
inconclusive ones were inconclusive. // Trebuie sa
neclar, neconcludent
adj facem mai multe radiografii deoarece
primele rezultate au fost neconcludente.
The nurse will demonstrate how to bathe an
copil, copilas infant. // Asistenta va demonstra cum
trebuie sa fie spalat un copilas.
The wound should be covered when you
infection noun swim to prevent it from becoming infected.
infected adj // Rana ar trebui sa fie acoperita atunci cand
inoti pentru a preveni sa fie infectata.
inflamed My right ankle was so inflamed it was
adj twice the size of my left one. // Glezna

dreapta a fost asa de inflamata ca era de
doua ori cat cea din stanga.
Her injuries were minor; just a few cuts
rana, lovitura, leziune and bruises. // Leziunile ei erau minore,
doar cateva taieturi si vanatai.
She will remain in the ICU until she can
intensive care unit
unitatea de terapie breathe on her own. // Ea va sta in terapie
intensiva intensiva pana cand poate respira pe cont
The doctors will be monitoring her for any
intern internal bleeding. // Doctorii o vor
monitoriza pentru sangerari interne.
If you are allergic to this medication your
itchy skin will get red and itchy. // Daca esti
senzatie de mancarime
adj alergic la acest medicament pielea ta va
deveni rosie si te va manca.
The toddler was so dehydrated that the
IV doctor decided to get him on an IV. //
noun Copilul era asa de deshidratat incat doctorul
a decis sa treaca pe intravenos.
The lab results have come in and you are
lab results
rezultate de laborator free to go home. // Rezultatele de laborator
au ajuns si esti liber sa mergi acasa.
I’ll take these samples down to the lab on
lab (laboratory)
laborator my way out. // Voi lua aceste mostre la
laborator cand ies.
The woman has severe brain damage and is
life support currently on life support. // Femeia are rani
aparate de sustinere a vietii
noun la creier si este momentan pe aparate de
sustinere a vietii.
The victim was shot in two places but the
life-threatening bullet wounds are not life-threatening. //
ce ameninta viata
adj Victima a fost impuscata in doua locuri dar
ranile nu-i ameninta viata.
If you are feeling light-headed again, lie
ametit down and call me. // Daca te simti ametit
iar, intinde-te si suna-ma.
I’m afraid at least one of the tumours is
malign malignant. // Ma tem ca cel putin una din
tumori este maligna.

After eight years of medical school I can
medical school
finally practice medicine. // Dupa 8 ani de
(med. school) scoala medicala
scoala medicala pot practica in sfarsit
You have to support her neck because she
nou nascut is still a newborn. // Trebuie sa-i sprijini
gatul deoarece inca este un nou-nascut.
The needle will make your lower body feel
amortit numb. // Acul va face ca partea de jos a
corpului sa fie amortita.
You must wear a face mask and gloves
OR (operating
while you are in the OR. // Trebuie sa porti
room) sala de operatii
o masca si manusi cand esti in sala de
The operation lasted seven hours, but it
operation noun
operatie was successful. // Operatia a durat 7 ore dar
operate on verb
a fost un succes.
We gave your husband some medicine to
pain relieve some of the pain. // I-am dat sotului
noun dumneavoastra niste medicamente pentru
pain killer, pain analgezic, calmant (de You can take two pain killers every four
reliever obicei cand e vorba de hours. // Poti lua 2 analgezice la fiecare 4
noun pastile) ore.
We thought her legs were paralyzed for
paralyzed life, but she is learning how to walk. //
adj Credeam ca picioarele ei au fost paralizate
pe viata dar ea invata cum sa mearga.
The patients in Room 4 are not getting
pacient along. // Pacientii din camera 4 nu se
Ask the pharmacist if there is a generic
pharmacist brand of this medication.// Intreaba
noun farmacistul daca exista medicamente
generice de acest tip.
pharmacy, You should be able to buy a bandage at the
drugstore farmacie pharmacy. // Ar trebui sa gasesti un bandaj
noun la farmacie.
Ask your family physician to refer you to a
doctor specialist. // Roaga doctorul de familie sa te
trimita la un specialist.

The child was bitten by a poisonous snake.
poison noun
otrava // Copilul a fost muscat de un sarpe
poisonous adj
The woman was well prepared for labour
prenatal because she took the prenatal classes. //
prenatal, inainte de nastere
adj Femeia era bine pregatita pentru nastere
deoarece a luat lectii prenatale.
You will need to visit your doctor to get
prescription noun reteta (pentru pastile,
another prescription. // Va trebui sa
prescribe verb farmacie, etc)
vizitezi doctorul tau pentru o alta reteta.
You will have to pay for a private hospital
privacy noun room if you don’t want a room-mate. // Va
intimitate , privat
private adj trebui sa platesti pentru o camera privata
daca nu doresti un coleg de salon.
If the radiation doesn’t kill all of the
radiation abnormal cells, the cancer will come back.//
noun Daca radiatia nu ucide toate celulele
anormale, cancerul va reveni.
John is a resident under Dr Brown. // John
resident resedinta, pacient
este un pacient al doctorului Brown.
I’d like to see you a year from now for a
routine check-up
verificare de rutina routine check-up. // As dori sa te vad peste
un an la un control de rutina.
scrubs halat (special pentru I have some extra scrubs in my locker. //
noun doctori sau asistente) Am niste halate in plus in vestiarul meu.
a spala mainile (inainte sau I have to scrub up and get ready for
scrub up
dupa vizita unui pacient de surgery. // Trebuie sa ma spal pe maini si sa
obicei) ma pregatesc pentru operatie.
I went to another doctor to get a second
second opinion opinion about these headaches. // Am mers
o a doua opinie
noun la alt doctor pentru a primi o a doua opinie
in legatura cu durerile de cap.
People who suffer from epilepsy are prone
criza, convulsie to seizures. // Oamenii care au epilepsie
sunt predispusi la crize.
The woman was in shock after being pulled
șoc from the river. // Femeia a fost in soc dupa
ce a fost scoasa din rau.

One of the side effects of antidepressants is
side effects a loss of appetite. // Unul din efectele
efecte secundare
noun secundare ale antidepresivelor este
pierderea apetitului.
sore I have a sore throat and a runny nose. // Am
adj un gat inflamat si un nas care curge.
Ever since I injured my leg I’ve been
having muscle spasms in my upper thigh. //
spasm De cand mi-am ranit piciorul am avut niste
spasme musculare in partea de sus a
My family doctor is sending me to a
specialist specialist. // Doctorul de familie m-a trimis
sa vad un specialist.
sprain I sprained my knee playing soccer. // Mi-
entorsa, luxatie
noun/verb am luxat genunchiul cand jucam fotbal.
You can see your husband now; he is in a
stable condition
conditie stabila stable condition. // Iti poti vedea sotul, are
conditie stabila.
sting It may sting when I insert the needle. // E
intepatura, usturatura
noun/verb posibil sa te intepe cand voi introduce acul.
You need to take some time off work and
stress noun relieve some of your stress. // Trebuie sa iti
stressed adj iei zile libere de la servici si sa inlaturi
I knew my ankle was sprained because it
swelling noun
umflatura was so swollen. // Am stiut ca am piciorul
swollen adj
luxat deoarece era asa de umflat
You have all of the symptoms of a
simptome diabetic. // Ai toate simptomele unui
We brought Jesse to emergency because he
temperature was running a (high) temperature. // L-am
noun adus pe Jesse deoarece avea temperatura
The incision was tender after the surgery. //
delicat, dureros la atingere Incizia era delicata la atingere dupa

The test results came back negative. You
test results
rezultatele analizelor aren’t pregnant. // Rezultatele analizelor au
venit negative, nu esti insarcinata.
I was able to go back to work a few weeks
therapy after starting the therapy. // Am putut sa
noun ma intorc la munca dupa cateva saptamani
de la inceperea terapiei.
transplant The heart transplant saved your life. //
noun Transplantul de inima ti-a salvat viata.
The ultrasound shows that we are
ultrasunete expecting a baby boy. // Ultrasunetele arata
ca ne asteptam la un baiat.
I had an emergency C-section because the
umbilical cord was wrapped around the
umbilical cord
cordon ombilical baby’s neck. // Am avut o cezariana de
urgenta deoarece cordonul ombilical era in
jurul gatului.
I hit my head on the steering wheel and was
unconscious still unconscious when the ambulance
adj arrived. // Mi-am lovit capul de volan si
eram inconstient cand ambulanta a ajuns.
The urine sample tells us how much
urine sample
mostra de urina alcohol is in your blood. // Mostra de urina
ne spune cat alcool este in sangele tau.
I’m just looking for the best vein in which
vena to insert the needle. // Caut doar cea mai
buna vena in care sa introduc acul.
The virus is contractable through the
virus exchange of bodily fluids. // Virusul poate
fi contactat prin schimb de fluide.
I’m afraid you’ll have to come back during
visiting hours
ore de vizitare visiting hours. // Ma tem ca va trebui sa te
intorci in timpul orelor de vizitare.
The pregnant woman can’t stop vomiting.
voma // Femeia insarcinata nu se poate opri din
I should warn you that we’re entering the
ward mental health ward. // Trebuie sa te
noun avertizez ca trecem pe langa sectia de boli

If you get in the wheelchair I’ll take you
wheelchair down to see the garden. // Daca te pui in
scaun cu rotile
noun scaunul cu rotile te voi duce sa vezi
The wounded soldiers are being airlifted to
wound noun
rana the hospital. // Soldatii raniti sunt adusi
wounded adj
aerian la spital.
The technician took x-rays of my shoulder
x-ray to make sure it wasn’t broken. //
noun/verb Tehnicianul a facut o radiografie la umar sa
se asigure ca nu e rupt.


allergy – alergie, allergic to – alergic la

Spring is an uncomfortable season for those with a pollen allergy.
Are you allergic to anything else besides pollen?
anesthetic – anestezic, anesthesiologist (US) or anaesthetist (UK) – anestezist
The hospital has run out of anesthetic.
The surgery starts in one hour, but the anesthesiologist is nowhere to be found.
aneurysm – anevrism
His loss of balance and speech problems might be caused by an aneurysm.
antibiotics – antibiotice
She’s got a severe bacterial infection. She should start an antibiotic treatment right away.
antibody – anticorp
Your blood test doesn’t show any antibodies, so you don’t have the virus.
blood transfusion – transfuzie de sânge
The patient needs a blood transfusion, but we must check his blood type first.
(high/low) blood pressure – tensiune arterială (ridicată/scăzută)
This monitor allows you to measure your blood pressure at home.
(high/low) blood sugar – glicemie (crescută/scăzută)
Exercising usually lowers your blood sugar levels, but in some cases it can increase them.
brain tumor – tumoare cerebrală
After the MRI, the doctor was confident that her brain tumor could be removed.
breathing – respirație
His breathing problems are caused by sinusitis, but smoking doesn’t help at all.
cardiac arrest – stop cardiac
He took CPR training; he now knows how to perform CPR when someone is in cardiac arrest.
chest pain – durere toracică
Your chest pains may be caused by anything from fatigue to angina. You should go see a doctor.
coagulation – coagulare
The ambulance staff focused on stopping the bleeding and accelerating coagulation.
(common) cold – răceală
I caught a cold and won’t be able to go to work today.
convalescence – convalescență
You may feel well now, but one week of convalescence is still required.

dehydration – deshidratare
During her illness, she experienced an excessive loss of body water. We should treat her for dehydration.
dementia – demență
Don’t count on his recollection of facts; he suffers from dementia.
diabetes – diabet
Don’t be sure that you’ve inherited diabetes from your parents. Lead a healthy lifestyle and get regular
diagnosis – diagnostic
The patient’s diagnosis is essential for recommending the best treatment.
disease – boală
Your alcohol problem is not a disease yet; it is in your hands to quit.
drug – 1. medicament, 2. drog
I can’t take any more drugs; I’m fed up with them.
The clinic launched a program that explains the consequences of doing drugs.
edema – edem
Edema can occur anywhere within the body. It shows that there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid.
electrocardiogram or ECG, EKG – electrocardiogramă
An electrocardiogram records electrical signals as they pass through your heart and indicates whether
there are irregularities in the rhythm of your heartbeat.
embolism – embolie
Her pulmonary embolism was caused by a blood clot that formed in one of her legs and travelled to her
emergency room/department or ER – cameră de urgență
After the car crash, three persons were brought to the emergecy room.
euphoria/elation – euforie
The patient’s depressive episode was followed by a brief period of euphoria.
fainting fit – leșin
After three fainting fits in one morning, it was obvious that she wasn’t doing well.
fever – febră
Fever stimulates the body’s immune system because it makes it difficult for bacteria and viruses to
flu (influenza) – gripă
I’ve got chills and muscle pains. I hope I’m not getting the flu.

food poisoning – toxiinfecție alimentară
It is unacceptable to get food poisoning while in the hospital.
fracture – fractură
We must call the ambulance. This is an open fracture that requires immediate attention.
gallstones – pietre la vezica biliară
Small gallstones will pass through the bile duct and be eliminated, but larger ones may cause
gastric ulcer – ulcer gastric
gastrointestinal – gastrointestinal
Infection with Helicobacter pylori is quite common, but it should be treated, as it can cause gastric ulcer
or other gastrointestinal diseases.
geriatric medicine/geriatrics – geriatrie
Geriatrics focuses on the prevention and treatment of diseases in elderly people.
germ – 1. germen, 2. microb
Wheat germs are very healthy because they are packed with nutrients.
Before and after performing a surgery, doctors scrub their hands with iodine soap in order to eliminate
haematoma – hematom
Haematomas are collections of blood outside the blood vessels.
hearing aid – aparat auditiv
Hearing aids can help people with hearing impairments function normally.
heart attack – infarct miocardic, atac de cord
The patient is an obese smoker who experiences chronic stress daily; it’s no wonder he had a heart
heart failure – insuficiență cardiacă
Heart failure is not a death sentence; surgery, medication and lifestyle changes can prolong life span
hypochondriac – ipohondru
He’s a bit of a hypochondriac; he washes his hands far too often and tests himself for diseases he can’t
possibly have.
(bacterial/viral) infection – infecție (bacteriană/virală)
Sexually transmitted infections among young people have risen dramatically in the last decades.
inflammation, inflammatory process – inflamație, proces inflamator
My toes are red, swollen, and they hurt badly. This inflammation is killing me.

injection/shot – injecție
The worst part of an injection is not the needle; it’s the serum entering the tissue.
injury – rană
He suffered a leg injury at work and now he will wear a plaster cast.
insomnia – insomnie
During his rehabilitation, he experienced severe insomnia.
intensive care (unit) or ICU – terapie intensivă
We’re in the ICU waiting room. The nurse should show up anytime now.
jaundice – icter
Jaundice often indicates there’s something wrong with your liver.
kidney transplant – transplant de rinichi
Two of his relatives are suitable donors for the kidney transplant.
laboratory – laborator
Only the medical staff is allowed in the laboratory.
lab results – rezultate de laborator
We must wait for the lab results in order to establish the appropriate treatment.
lesion – leziune
The fight caused him many external and internal lesions.
limb – membru
Your limbs are cold because of your poor peripheral circulation.
liver cancer – cancer hepatic
The patient’s liver cancer is at stage A and we’ll start by removing the affected section.
manic-depression/bipolar disorder – tulburare maniaco-depresivă/tulburare bipolară
During the manic stages of his bipolar disorder, he doesn’t want to take his pills.
measles – pojar
The child mustn’t go to school; measles is extremely infectious.
medication – medicație
He started taking anti-sickness medication before his first cycle of chemotherapy.
migraine – migrenă
If these analgesics don’t work, I’ll prescribe some triptans for your migraine.
muscle damage – traumă musculară
Muscle damage can release muscle cells into your bloodstream and affect your kidneys.

narcolepsy – narcolepsie, narcoleptic – narcoleptic
Her daytime sleep episodes are uncontrollable. She’s a narcoleptic, currently undergoing treatment.
nausea – greață
Don’t worry. Nausea is a common side effect of this treatment.
necrosis – necroză
The patient’s necrosis had extended quickly. They had to amputate his entire leg.
neonate / newborn / infant – nou-născut
Newborns react well to sounds they heard while in their mother’s womb.
nerve cell – neuron
Drugs mimic neurotransmitters and trick nerve cells into sending abnormal messages.
neurology – neurologie, neurologist – neurolog
The autistic child is being evaluated by a multidisciplinary team from the neurology, psychiatry and
pediatrics departments.
obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD – tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă
Her OCD is time-consuming: before leaving her apartment, she opens and closes all doors, turns all the
lights and the taps on and off again, and checks the gas cooker knobs – everything five times!
obstetrics – obstetrică, obstetrician – obstetrician
Her obstetrician decided to induce labor in her 35th week of pregnancy.
obstruction – obstrucție, ocluzie
The patient’s peritonitis was caused by an untreated intestinal obstruction.
oncology – oncologie, oncologist – oncolog
The pathologist’s evaluation of the biopsy determined the oncologist to start radiation immediately.
optic nerve – nerv optic
His optic nerve damage is a consequence of his elevated intracranial pressure.
overdose or OD – supradoză
Heroin and morphine overdoses can be prevented with antagonist drugs, like naloxone.
pacemaker – stimulator cardiac
Pacemakers maintain an adequate heart rate when the patient’s heart is unable to do so by itself.
painkiller – calmant, analgezic
They started her on morphine because milder painkillers didn’t work anymore.
panic attack – atac de panică
When the panic attack subsided, he was completely exhausted.

paralysis – paralizie, paralyzed – paralizat
During REM sleep, most of the body is paralyzed, so that we don’t act out our dreams.
parasite – parazit
Keratin and sebum protect us from parasites trying to enter our skin.
pathology – patologie, pathogenic – patogen
The virus mutated and has become even more pathogenic.
pediatrics – pediatrie, pediatrician – medic pediatru
You should see a pediatrician because these symptoms could mean something else in a child.
physician – medic
It is best to consult a physician before taking any supplements.
plastic surgery – chirurgie plastică
He underwent reconstructive plastic surgery one year after the accident.
pregnancy – sarcină
She started wearing maternity clothes during her second trimester of pregnancy.
prophylaxis – profilaxie
Post-exposure prophylaxis doesn’t guarantee that the virus won’t start replicating.
psychosomatic – psihosomatic
Placebo treatment can work when the illness is psychosomatic.
quarantine – carantină
The entire building was in quarantine after the anthrax attack. Most people left in the evening, after a
decontamination shower.
radiotherapy – radioterapie
Before surgery, radiotherapy is used to shrink the tumor and make it easier to remove.
rash – urticarie
By the time they saw a doctor, the baby’s diaper rash had spread to his back.
relapse – recidivă
He had been sober for three years, but had a sudden relapse during the winter holidays.
remission – remisiune
Although her pancreatic cancer has been in remission for three years, she is afraid it might come back.
renal stone, kidney stone – piatră la rinichi
Passing a renal stone usually requires nothing more than plenty of water and pain medication.
retinal detachment – dezlipire de retină
The retinal detachment became obvious when he started seeing curved door edges.

rheumatism – reumatism
There are various types of rheumatism. Most of them have joint pain and swelling in common.
saliva – salivă, salivary gland – glandă salivară
Hepatitis C can’t be spread through saliva, but you can never be too careful.
seizure – atac, criză
Convulsive epileptic seizures are dangerous. Somebody must join you at all times.
septicemia – septicemie
Her fever, high respiratory rate and high white cell count indicate septicemia.
sclerosis – scleroză
Atherosclerosis can go undetected for a long time. The best treatment is prevention – quit smoking, eat
healthy food and exercise daily.
subcutaneous – subcutanat
Subcutaneous injections are less scary than intramuscular and intravenous ones.
stroke – atac cerebral
Strokes usually leave survivors with some type of disability.
syndrome – sindrom
She decided to have an abortion because her baby would have had the Down syndrome.
tapeworm – tenie
Don’t consume undercooked food. You can ingest tapeworms and get a digestive infection.
thermometer – termometru
There are three places in which a thermometer can be inserted. Hopefully, the doctor will measure your
axillary or sub-lingual temperature.
thrombosis – tromboză
Flight attendants are prone to deep vein thrombosis because of the cramped space and the reduced air
tomography – tomografie, computed tomography or CT – tomografie computerizată
A CT scan provides pictures of thin slices of your organs, in order for doctors to better assess your
toothache – durere de dinți
My excruciating toothache ended when my tooth nerve died. I fell in a deep slumber and woke up fresh
as a daisy.
tuberculosis or TB – tuberculoză sau TBC
Although most often found in the lungs, TB can spread to any other organs.

ultrasound – ultrasunet
An ultrasound examination will help confirm the pregnancy.
unconsciousness – inconștiență, unconscious – inconștient
He has been unconscious for too long. The concussion must be quite severe.
urea – uree
Urea has no physiological purpose in our bodies. However, we synthesize it from inorganic materials to
use it as a fertilizer and in various other ways.
urinary tract – tract urinar
If you treat them, urinary tract infections are not dangerous. But, if you don’t, they can spread from the
bladder to the kidneys and cause serious damage.
urology – urologie, urologist – urolog
The urologist believes that her urinary incontinence is caused by stress and that surgical treatment
probably won’t be necessary.
uterus – uter
By the end of a pregnancy, the uterus becomes the size of a watermelon.
vaccine – vaccin, vaccination – vaccinare
The HPV vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV.
valve – valvă
Two of his heart valves need to be replaced with artificial ones.
varicose veins – vene varicoase
Her varicose veins don’t allow her to stand for too long.
ventricular fibrillation – fibrilație ventriculară
Ischemic heart disease is the most frequent cause of ventricular fibrillation.
vertigo – vertij
The doctor is trying to determine the underlying cause of his vertigo.
visual acuity – acuitate vizuală
visual field – câmp vizual
Although her visual field is narrow, her visual acuity is quite impressive.
water retention – retenție de apă
Water retention is very common in people with a disorder of the thyroid gland.
weight loss – pierdere în greutate, to lose weight – a slăbi
Don’t starve yourself if you want to lose weight. Your body will feel threatened and will deposit all the
fat it can get.
white blood cell – leucocite
A high white blood cell count indicates that there is an infection in your body.

wisdom tooth – măsea de minte
All of my wisdom teeth had to be extracted because they were affecting my other molars.
X-ray – raze X
Based on your chest X-ray, you might have emphysema. A CT scan is required at this point.
yeast infection – candidoză
Yeast infections can normally be prevented through good personal hygiene.
zoster – zona zoster
Chickenpox and zoster are triggered by the same virus. Zoster occurs when the latent virus reactivates.

Human body Corpul omenesc
 abdomen abdomen
 ankle gleznă
 arm braț
 back spate
 beard barbă
 belly burtă
 bone os
 bowel intestin
 bust bust
 calf gambă
 chest piept
 chin bărbie
 ear ureche
 elbow cot
 eyebrow sprânceană
 eyelashes gene
 eyelid pleoapă
 eye ochi
 face față
 foot picior
 finger deget
 fist pumn
 flesh carne
 forearm antebraț
 forehead frunte
 hair păr
 hand mână
 head cap
 heart inimă

 heel călcâi
 intestine intestin
 jaw maxilar
 kidney rinichi
 knee genunchi
 knuckle deget
 leg picior
 limb membru
 lip buză
 liver ficat
 lung plămân
 moustache mustață
 mouth gură
 muscle muschi
 nail unghie
 navel buric
 nipple sfârc
 organs organe
 palm palmă
 pancreas pancreas
 pelvis pelvis
 rib coastă
 shoulder umăr
 skeleton schelet
 skin piele
 skull craniu
 sole talpă
 spine coloana vertebrală
 tooth dinte
 temple tâmplă

 thigh coapsă
 thorax torace
 throat gât
 toe degetel de la picior
 tongue limbă
 tooth dinte
 trunk trunchi
 vagina vagin
 vein venă
 wrist încheietură mână

Alfabetul in limba Engleza

Alfabetul limbii engleze este identic cu cel romanesc, doar pronuntia literelor difera. Alfabetul in engleza
contine 26 de litere dintre care 5 sunt vocale (a, e, i, o, u), la fel ca in limba romana literele in engleza se
pot scrie cu majuscula (A) sau litera mica (a). Pe aceasta pagina puteti studia alfabetul simplu dar si
alfabetul fonetic englez, aceasta lectie este oferita de
Daca doriti sa studiati pronuntia cuvintelor in limba engleza va recomand articolul Pronuntia in Engleza
Alfabetul in Engleza
Cu ajutorul clipului video de mai jos puteti invata alfabetul englez si pronuntia in limba engleza a celor 26
de litere din alfabet
In continuare puteti studia alfabetul englez si pronuntia literelor, pronuntia se gaseste in paranteze:

A a (ei), B b (bi), C c (si), D d (di), E e (i), F f (ef), G g (gi), H h (eici), I i (ai), J j (gei), K k (chei), L l
(el), M m (em), N n (en), O o (o), P p (pi), Q q (chiu), R r (ar), S s (es), T t (ti), U u (iu), V v (vi), W w
(dabal iu), X x (ecs), Y y (uai), Z z (zi).

In limba engleza nu exista litere cu diacritice, se gasesc exceptii in cuvinte imprumutate din alte
limbi. Cele mai folosite litere din limba engleza sunt vocala e si consoana t, la polul opus literele z si q.
Caracterul ampersand & reprezinta in limba engleza cuvantul and tradus in romana inseamna si, spre
exemplu: Bill & Rose – Bill and Rose – Bill si Rose (in romana). Caracterul ampersand & nu este
considerat a fi o litera din alfabetul limbii engleze.
Invata sa spui corect un nume pe litere in engleza

In continuare, vom studia alfabetul fonetic englez si pe baza acestuia vom invata sa spunem
corect un nume pe litere in limba engleza. Am adaugat o pronuntie scrisa in paranteze pentru denumirile
cu un oarecare grad de dificultate:
Alfa/Alpha, Bravo, Charlie (ciarli), Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet (giuliet), Kilo (chilo),
Lima, Mike (maic), November (novembăr), Oscar, Papa, Quebec (cubec), Romeo (romio), Sierra (siera),
Tango, Uniform (iuniform), Victor (victăr), Whiskey (uischi), X-Ray (ecs-rei), Yankee (ianchi), Zulu.
Modul recomandat de a spune un nume pe litere în limba engleza:
Una din variantele cel mai des intalnite in limba romana, atunci cand vrem sa spune un nume pe
litere (vom folosi, de exemplu numele Marius), este: M de la Maria, A de la Ana, R de la Radu, I de la
Ion, U de la Udrea, S de la Sandu. In limba engleza este aproximativ aceeasi formula, schimbarile fiind:

- in loc de ‘de la‘ vom utiliza ‘for‘

- iar in locul numelor Maria, Ana, Radu, Ion, Udrea si Sandu vom folosi varianta engleza, si anume:
Mike, Alfa, Romeo, India, Uniform si Sierra

Daca doriti sa spuneti ‘la fel ca prima litera din…’ puteti folosi exprimarea ‘like the first letter of...’.
Marius in limba engleza, pe litere, se spune: M for Mike, A for Anton, R for Romeo, I for India, U for
Uniform, S for Sierra.
In finalul acestei lectii va vom oferi o lista ce contine cateva propozitii de baza utile atunci cand doriti sa
spuneti un nume pe litere in limba engleza.
Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)
Care este numele dvs.? - What is your name? (uat iz ior neim)
Care este numele dvs. de familie? - What is your last name? (uat iz ior last neim)
Numele meu este... - My name is... (mai neim iz)
Puteti spune numele dvs. pe litere, va rog? - Can you spell your name, please? (chen iu spel ior neim, pliz)
Da, pot. - Yes, I can. (ies, ai chen)

Numerele in Engleza de la 1 la 10

Numerele de la 1 la 10 in engleza ajuta la formarea numerelor compuse, de aceea, este important sa le

acordati o atentie sporita atunci cand le veti studia si invata. Numerele de la 1 la 10 in engleza nu se

formeaza conform nici unui tipar simplu de memorare. In tabelul urmator veti gasi numerele de la 1 la 10
in engleza cu sfaturi de pronuntie pe ultima coloana.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

zero - zero (zi-ro)
unu - one (uan)
doi - two (tu)
trei - three (fri)
patru - four (foar)
cinci - five (faiv)
sase - six (six)
sapte - seven (sevan)
opt - eight (eit)
noua - nine (nain)
zece - ten (ten)

Numerele in Engleza de la 10 la 20

Numerele de la 10 la 20 in limba engleza se termina in -teen (cu exceptia numerelor: eleven si twelve), de
aceea, daca doriti sa retineti mai usor numerele de la 10 la 20 in limba engleza va trebui sa acordati o
atentie sporita numerelor 1-10 atunci cand le veti studia. Atentie! Numarul fifteen, se termina in -teen dar
nu incepe in five- ci in fif-.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

unsprezece - eleven (ilevan)
doisprezece - twelve (tu-elf)
treisprezece - thirteen (tar-tin)
paisprezece - fourteen (foa-tin)
cincisprezece - fifteen (fif-tin)
saisprezece - sixteen (six-tin)
saptesprezece - seventeen (sevan-tin)
optsprezece - eighteen (eit-tin)
nouasprezece - nineteen (nain-tin)
douazeci - twenty (tuenti)

Numerele in Engleza de la 21 la 99

Numerele in engleza de la 21 la 99 se formeaza conform urmatorului model: zeci + – + unitati / de

exemplu: forty-two (patruzeci si doi). Numerele in engleza de la 21 la 99 sunt asemanatoare ca structura
de formare cu numerele de la 21 la 99 din limba romana, zecile sunt urmate de numarul unitatilor atat in
citire cat si in scris, singura exceptie o face linia de minus – care inlocuieste cuvantul si. Atenţie! Linia de
minus – este folosita doar pentru separarea zecilor de unitati, nu si pentru separarea sutelor de zeci sau
miilor de sute. Din urmatorul tabel este important sa retineti denumirea zecilor exacte in limba engleza,
iar cu ajutorul modelului precizat anterior, puteti forma numerele de la 21 la 99, fara nici un fel de
probleme. Pentru o rentinere mai usuara: zecile exacte in limba engleza cuprinse intre 20 si 90 se termina
in -ty. In lista anterioara, ati invatat denumirile numerelor de la 1 la 20 in engleza, de aceea, urmatorul
tabel va incepe cu numarul 21.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)
douazeci si unu - twenty-one (tuenti-uan)
douazeci si doi - twenty-two (tuenti-tu)
douazeci si trei - twenty-three (tuenti-fri)
treizeci - thirty (tarti)
patruzeci - forty (forti)
cincizeci - fifty (fifti)
saizeci - sixty (sixti)
saptezeci - seventy (sevanti)
optzeci - eighty (eit-ti)
nouazeci - ninety (nainti)

Numerele complexe de la 100 la 1000+ in Engleza

Toate sutele exacte de la 100 la 900 in limba engleza, se sfarsesc prin adaugarea cuvantului hundred.
Daca doriti sa formati sute in engleza, tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa adaugati cuvantul hundred la numarul
unitatilor, sa spunem de exemplu ca vrem sa formam numarul 300, vom lua numarul three (trei) pe care il
vom alatura cuvantului hundred, rezultatul final va fi three hundred.

Toate miile exacte de la 1000 la 9000, se sfarsesc prin adaugarea cuvantului thousand, daca doriti sa
formati mii in engleza, puteti aplica aceeasi metoda invatata in cazul sutelor.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

o suta - one hundred (uan handrat)
doua sute - two hundred (tu handrat)
trei sute - three hundred (fri handrat)
o mie - one thousand (uan tau-zant)
doua mii - two thousand (tu tau-zant)
o mie doua sute patruzeci si noua - one thousand two hundred forty-nine (uan tau-zant tu handrat forti-

Litera K reprezinta zerourile din mii precum in exemplele urmatoare: 2000 = 2K / 10 000 = 10K (ten K)

In loc de one hundred este acceptata si varianta a hundred doar pentru lucruri neoficiale precum numarul
unui autobuz. Daca spre exemplu trebuie sa scrieti un cec one hundred ramane varianta corecta.

Invata sa citesti anii in engleza

Este ceva foarte comun in tarile vorbitoare de limba engleza sa se citeasca anii sau numerele formate din
4 cifre ca doua perechi de numere de doua cifre (se evita sa se foloseasca acest gen de exprimare pentru
numerele mai mici de 2500 daca acestea pot fi confundate cu o data din calendar sau ora). Mai jos veti
vedea 3 exemple pentru a putea intelege mai bine:

1045 - ten forty-five ( poate fi usor confundat ca fiind ora 10 si 45 de minute; daca contextul nu permite o

astfel de confuzie puteti folosi aceasta exprimare)

1987- nineteen eighty-seven

2011 - twenty eleven

2109 - twenty-one oh nine (oh inlocuieste cifra 0)

Matematica in engleza

In lista de mai jos veti gasi termeni folositi in matematica, sfaturile de pronuntie se gasesc pe ultima

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

adunarea - addition (adişăn)
plus - plus (plas)
scaderea - subtraction (sub-trac-şăn)
minus - minus (mainăs)
inmultirea - multiplication (mul-ti-pli-chei-şăn)
inmultit cu / ori - multiplied by (mul-ti-plaid bai)
impărtirea - division (di-vi-jăn)
impărtit la - divided by (di-vai-ded bai)
este egal cu - equals (icuăls)

In finalul acestei lectii va vom oferi o lista ce contine cateva propozitii de baza utile atunci cand veti purta
conversatii cu sau despre numere in limba engleza.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

Cand este ziua ta de nastere? - When is your birthday? (uen iz ior bărtdei?)

Cand e ziua ta? - When is your birthday? (uen iz ior bărtdei?)

Sunt nascut pe intai August - I was born on August first (ai uăz born on august fărst)

Sunt nascut pe 12 (doisprezece) Februarie 1990 - I was born on 12 (twelve) February 1990 (ai uăz born
on tu-elf februari uan tau-zănt nain handrăt nainti / nain-tin nainti)

Eu sunt nascut in 1994 - I'm born in 1994 (ai em born in uan tau-zănt nain handrăt nainti-foăr / nain-tin

In aceasta lectie veti invata zilele saptamanii in engleza impreuna cu pronuntia (scrisa dar si audio-video),
plus explicatii si exemple folositoare intr-o conversatie. Zilele Saptamanii in limba engleza, desi nu sunt
deloc asemanatoare cu cele din limba romana nu sunt foarte greu de memorat si pronuntat.

Zilele saptamanii in Engleza

Daca doriti sa ascultati pronuntia zilelor saptamanii in limba engleza, va recomandam clipul video de mai

In limba engleza zilele saptamanii cat si prescurtarile acestora (formate din primele doua sau trei
litere) se scriu cu majuscula si sunt impartite in doua categorii principale: zile lucratoare si sfarsitul de
saptamana. Din tabelul de mai jos o sa invatati toate cele sapte zile din saptamana, pronuntia cat si
prescurtarile acestora pe care deseori le veti gasi in calendar sau carti de vizita.

Romana - Engleza - Prescurtare (Pronuntie)

duminica - Sunday - Sun. / Su. (san-dei)
luni - Monday - Mon. / Mo. (man-dei)
marti - Tuesday - Tue. / Tu. (tiuz-dei)
miercuri - Wednesday - Wed. / We. (uenz-dei)
joi - Thursday - Thu. / Th. (tărz-dei)
vineri - Friday - Fri. / Fr. (frai-dei)
sambata - Saturday - Sat. / Sa. (sată-dei)

De retinut! Cand scrieti zilele saptamanii in limba engleza, prima litera este intotdeauna o majuscula.
Prima zi din calendarul englez este duminica, iar ultima este sambata, in comparatie cu calendarul
romanesc, aceasta diferenta este una notabila, extrem de important de retinut.

Pentru a nu se creea o confuzie va precizez ca "days of the week" se foloseste pentru toate cele sapte zile
din saptamana si "weekdays" doar pentru zilele lucratoare.

Este foarte important sa invatati acum cuvintele ieri, azi si maine in engleza dar si alte intrebari si
raspunsuri care fac referire la zilele saptamanii. Vocabular referitor la zilele saptamanii in engleza:

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

ieri - yesterday (ies-tăr-dei)
azi - today (tudei)
maine - tomorrow (tu-morou)
poimaine - the day after tomorrow (dă dei aftăr tu-morou)
zi / zile - day / days (dei / deiz)
saptamana - week (uic)
sfarsit de saptamana - weekend (uic.end)
zilele saptamanii - days of the week (deiz of dă uic)
zile lucratoare - weekdays / workdays (uic.deiz / uorc.deiz)
acum - now (neau)
astazi / azi - today (tu-dei)
in zilele noastre - nowadays (nauă-deiz)
zilnic - daily / day-to-day / everyday (deili / dei-tu-dei / evri-dei)
Ce zi este astazi? - What day is today? (uat dei iz tu-dei)
Astazi / Azi este... - Today is... (tu-dei iz)
Astazi / Azi este miercuri - Today is Wednesday (tu-dei iz uenz-dei)
miercuri vine dupa ziua de marti - Wednesday comes after Tuesday (uenz-dei comz aftăr tiuz-dei)

miercuri este a treia zi a saptamanii de lucru - Wednesday it’s the third day of the work week (uenz-dei iţ

dă fărd dei of dă uărc uic)

Ce zi a fost ieri? - What day was yesterday? (uat dei uăz ies-tăr-dei)
Ieri a fost... - Yesterday was... (ies-tăr-dei uăz)

Cate zile sunt intr-o saptamana? - How many days are in a week? (hau meni deiz ar in ă uic)

intr-o saptamana, sunt sapte zile - in a week, there are seven days (in ă uic, der ar sevăn deiz)

Ma duc la scoala in fiecare zi - I go to school every day (Ai go tu scul evri dei)

Cand pot face o programare la doctor? - When can I make a doctor appointment? (Uen chen ai meic ă
dactăr ăpointment)

Joi la ora 4 - Thursday at 4 o'clock (Tărzdei ăt 4 ă.clac)

Ce ai de gand sa faci in acest weekend? - What are you going to do this weekend? (uat ar iu going tu du
dis uic-end)

Ce ai facut weekend-ul trecut? - What did you do last weekend? (uat did iu du last uic-end)

Ce ai de gand sa faci weekend-ul viitor? - What are you going to do next weekend? (uat ar iu going tu du
next uic-end)

Prepozitia "on" este folosita pentru a preciza ce se intampla intr-o zi anume din saptamana precum in
exemplele urmatoare.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

Ma duc la scoala Miercuri - I'm going to school on Wednesday (Aim going tu scul on uenzdei)

Duminica Ana merge la cumparaturi - On Sunday Anna goes shopping (On Sandei Ana goz șoping)

El se duce la sala de sport vineri - He goes to the gym on Friday (Hi gouz tu dă gim on Fraidei)

Ma duc la sala de sport sambata asta - I'm going to the gym this Saturday (Aim going tu dă gim dis

Lunea viitoare am lectii de dans - Next Monday I have dance lessons (Next Mondei ai hev dens lesăns)

Am fost la alergat sambata trecuta - I went jogging last Sunday (Ai uent gioghin lest Sandei)

in fiecare Luni / Lunea - every Monday / on Mondays (evri Mandei / on Mandeiz)

Daniel se duce la munca in fiecare vineri / vinerea - Daniel goes to work every Friday / on Fridays
(Daniel gouz tu uorc evri Fraidei / on Fraidez)

Folositi cuvantul "every" in fata unei zile din saptamana sau doar ziua saptamanii la plural (adaugand un
"s" la final) atunci cand faceti aceeasi activitate in mod constant in acceasi zi din saptamana. Cand doriti
sa vorbiti despre o anunmita zi folositi "the" in fata acesteia pentru a o accentua.

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

Vinerea dinaintea Craciunului noi ne ducem la cumparaturi - The Friday before Christmas we go
shopping (dă frai-dei bi-for cris-măs ui go șoping)

Lunile Anului in limba Engleza

In aceasta lectie veti invata lunile anului in engleza impreuna cu pronuntia (scrisa dar si audio-video),
plus explicatii si exemple folositoare intr-o conversatie. Toate lectiile oferite de sunt gratuite
si contin sfaturi generale si de pronuntie ce va vor ajuta in conversatiile viitoare pe care le veti purta in
limba engleza.

Lunile Anului in Engleza Audio-Video

Pentru a asculta lunile anului in engleza si pronuntia acestora, va recomandam clipul video de mai jos.

In limba engleza lunile anului cat si prescurtarile acestora (formate din primele trei litere) se scriu cu
majuscula. Din lista de mai jos o sa invatati lunile anului in engleza, pronuntia cat si prescurtarile acestora
pe care deseori le veti gasi in calendar sau carti de vizita.

Romana - Engleza - Prescurtare (Pronuntie)

Ianuarie - January - Jan. (gianări)
Februarie - February - Feb. (febrori)
Martie - March - Mar. (marci)
Aprilie - April - Apr. (eipril)
Mai - May - May (mei)
Iunie - June -Jun. (giun)
Iulie - July -Jul. (giu-lai)
August - August - Aug. (august)
Septembrie - September - Sep. (sep-tem-băr)
Octombrie - October - Oct. (oc-to-băr)
Noiembrie - November - Nov. (no-vem-băr)
Decembrie - December - Dec. (di-sem-băr)

Pentru a purta conversatii in limba engleza, aveti nevoie de un vocabular dezvoltat pe diferite subiecte, de
aceea, in aceasta lectie, nu veti invata doar lunile anului, ci si cuvinte inrudite cu acest subiect. In lista de
mai jos veti gasi cuvinte si expresii uzuale ce va pot fi de folos in viitoarele conversatii purtate in limba

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntie)

lunile anului - months of the year (manț of dă ir)
luna - month (mant)
doua luni - two months (tu mant-ţ)
an - year (iăr)
doi ani - two years (tu iărz)
anul viitor - next year (next iăr)
Copilul are 6 luni - The child is 6 months old (dă ciaild iz 6 manț old)

Fiecare an are 12 luni - Every year has 12 months (evri ir heaz 12 manț)

In fiecare 6 luni plec in concediu - Every 6 months I go on holiday (evri 6 manț ai gou on holidei)

El a fost plecat luni de zile - He was gone for months (hi uăz gan for manț)

Proiectul a fost terminat in cateva luni - The project was completed in a few months (dă proa-ject uăz
complităd in ă fiu manț)

de mai multe luni / de cateva luni - for several months (for sevrăl manț)

multe luni - many months (meni manț)

Care este luna ta favoririta din an? - What is your favorite month of the year? (uat iz ior feivorit mant of
dă ir)

Luna mea preferata este iulie - My favorite month is July (mai feivorit mant iz giulai)

Februarie este a doua luna a anului - February is the second month of the year (febrori iz dă secănd mant
of dă ir)

M-am nascut pe 12 iunie - I was born on June 12th (ai uăz born on giun tuelf)

În aprilie anul trecut m-am căsătorit - Last April I got married (last eipril ai gat merid)

Ziua mea de nastere este in martie - My birthday is in March (mai bărdei iz in marci)

Intai mai este o sarbatoare publica in Romania - The first of May is a public holiday in Romania (dă fărst
of mei iz ă pablic holidei in romenia)

In decembrie (anul acesta) voi cumpăra prima mea casa - This December I will buy my first house (dis
desembăr ai uil bai mai fărst haus)

Cuvinte Engleza Romana Dictionar

Engleza (Pronuntia) - Romana

able (ei-băl) - capabil
about (ăbaut) - despre
above (ăbav) - (mai) sus / deasupra
(to) accept (ec-sept) - (a) accepta
accident (ac-si-dent) - accident
(to) accuse (ăchiuz) - (a) acuza
act (act) - act / fapta
(to) activate (acti-veit) - (a) activa
action (ac-şăn) - actiune
actor (aac-tăr) - actor
(to) add (aad) - (a) adauga
advance (ădvans) - avans
adversary (ăd-ver-sări) - adversar
advice (ăd-vais) - sfat
afraid (ăfreid) - speriat
after (aftăr) - dupa
again (ăghen) - din nou
against (ăghenst) - impotriva
age (ei-gi) - varsta
ago (ăgo) - in urma
agree (ăgri) - accepta / a fi de acord
air (er) - aer
airplane (er-plein) - avion
airport (er-port) - aeroport
all (ol) - tot / toate / toti
(to) allow (ălau) - (a) permite
also (olso) - (de) asemenea
always (ol-uiz) - intotdeauna / mereu
am (em) - sunt
ambition (ăm-bişăn) - ambitie
among (ămăng) - printre
(to) amuse (ămiuz) - (a) amuza
an (ean) - o / un
(to) analyze (ănă-laiz) - (a) analiza
and (end) - si
angel (ein-gel) - inger
anger (en-găr) - furie / infuria
animal (animăl) - animal
answer (an-săr) - raspuns
any (eni) - oricare
apartment (ăpart-mănt) - apartament

(to) appear (apir) - (a) aparea
apple (ei-păl) - mar
appropriate (ăpro-priet) - adecvat / potrivit
are (ar) - sunt
area (eria) - zona
arm (arm) - brat
armchair (arm-cer) - fotoliu
(to) arrange (ărein-gi) - (a) aranja / organiza
(to) arrive (ăraiv) - (a) ajunge / sosi
arrow (arou) - sageata
art (art) - arta
as (az) - ca
(to) ask (asc) - (a) cere / intreba
assess (ăses) - evalua
at (at) - la
attack (ăteac) - atac / (a) ataca
avoid (ăvoid) - evita
away (ăuei) - departe
baby (beibi) - copil
back (beac) - inapoi / spate
bad (bead) - rau
bag (beag) - sac / punga
balance (bea-lăns) - echilibru / echilibra
balcony (beal-coni) - balcon
ball (băl) - minge / bila
band (beand) - banda
bandage (bean-dăgi) - bandaj
bank (beanc) - banca
bar (bar) - bar / bara
basic (beisic) - de baza
bat (beat) - liliac / bata
bathroom (bat-rum) - baie
(to) be (be) - (a) fi
bear (ber) - urs / a suporta
beat (bit) - a bate
beauty (biu-ti) - frumusete
because (bi-căz) - deoarece / pentru ca
become (bi-com) - a deveni
bed (bed) - pat
bee (bi) - albina
been (bin) - a fost
before (bi-for) - inainte
began (began) - a inceput
begin (beghin) - a incepe
behind (bi-haind) - in spate
believe (biliv) - a crede
bell (bel) - clopot

belt (belt) - curea / centura
best (best) - cel mai bun
better (betăr) - mai bine / bun
between (bituin) - intre
big (big) - mare
bike (baic) - bicicleta
bill (bil) - proiect de lege / factura
biology (bai-ologi) - biologie
bird (bărd) - pasare
(a) bit (bit) - un pic / o bucatica
black (bleac) - negru
block (bloc) - bloc / a bloca
blood (blad) - sange
blue (blu) - albastru
boat (bot) - barca
(to) boil (boil) - (a) fierbe
boy (boi) - baiat
bracelet (breis-let) - bratara
brake (breic) - frana
bread (bred) - paine
brick (bric) - caramida
bridge (brigi) - pod
(to) bring (bring) - (a) aduce
brother (bra-dăr) - frate
bug (bag) - gandac
(to) build (bild) - (a) construi
building (bild-ing) - cladire / constructie
burn (barn) - arsura / a arde
(to) bury (bări) - (a) ingropa
butter (batar) - unt
by (bai) - de / prin / de catre
cage (chei-gi) - cusca
cake (cheic) - tort
(to) call (col) - apel / (a) suna
came (cheim) - a venit
camp (cheamp) - tabara
can (chen) - cana / poate
(to) cancel (chean-săl) - (a) anula / sterge
candle (chean-dăl) - lumanare
candy (chendi) - bomboane
car (car) - automobil / masina
card (card) - card / cartela
care (cher) - ingrijire / grija
carrot (chearot) - morcov
carry (cheri) - transporta
case (cheis) - caz
cat (cheat) - pisica

(to) catch (checi) - captura / (a) prinde
caught (caugt) - prins
cause (coz) - cauza / a cauza
cell (sel) - celula
cent (sent) - cent
center (sentăr) - centru
century (senturi) - secol
certain (sertăn) - sigur
chain (cein) - lant
chair (ceer) - scaun
chance (ceans) - sansa
(to) change (ceingi) - schimbare / (a) schimba
character (caracter) - caracter
cheap (cip) - ieftin
(to) check (cec) - verificare / (a) verifica
cheek (cic) - obraz
cheerful (cirful) - vesel
child (ciaild) - copil
church (ciărci) - biserica
clean (clin) - curat
(to) close (cloz) - (a) inchide / aproape
clothing (cloting) - imbracaminte
cloud (claud) - nor
coat (cout) - palton
cold (cold) - frig / rece
collar (colăr) - guler
colleague (colig) - coleg
come (com) - a veni
(to) compete (compit) - (a) concura
conclusion (con-clu-jăn) - concluzie
(to) confront (con-frant) - (a) confrunta
confuse (confiuz) - (a) confunda
content (content) - continut / multumit
cookie (cuchi) - fursec / biscuit
corner (cornăr) - colt
cotton (catăn) - bumbac
country (cauntri) - tara
courage (corăgi) - curaj
cow (cau) - vaca
cross (cros) - cruce / a traversa
cucumber (chiu-cam-băr) - castravete
cup (cap) - ceasca
curse (cărs) - blestem
cut (cat) - (a) taia / reduce / taiat
damage (dea-megi) - prejudiciu / (a) defecta
dance (dens) - dans(a)
danger (deinger) - pericol

dark (darc) - intuneric / intunecat
daughter (dotăr) - fiica
day (dei) - zi
(to) dazzle (dazăl) - (a) uimi / orbi
dead (ded) - mort
deal (dil) - afacere
dear (dir) - drag(a)
death (deat) - moarte / deces
December (desembăr) - decembrie
(to) decide (desaid) - (a) decide
deed (di-id) - fapta
deep (dip) - adanc / adancime
(to) defend (de-fend) - (a) apara
degree (di-gri) - grad
delay (di-lei) - intarziere / (a) intarzia
(to) delete (di-lit) - (a) sterge
(to) deliver (di-li-văr) - (a) livra
demand (di-mand) - cerere / (a) cere
(to) depend (di-pend) - (a) depinde
(to) describe (di-scraib) - (a) descrie
desert (de-zărt) - desert
design (di-zain) - proiect / (a) proiecta
(to) develop (develop) - (a) dezvolta
did (did) - a facut
different (di-frănt) - diferit
difficult (di-fi-călt) - dificil
dinner (di-năr) - cina
direct (dairect) - direct
(to) discuss (dis-cas) - (a) discuta
disease (di-ziz) - boala
distance (di-stăns) - distanta
(to) dive (daiv) - (a) scufunda
diver (daiver) - scafandru
(to) do (do) - (a) face
doctor (doctăr) - doctor / medic
(to) dodge (dogi) - (a) eschiva
dog (dog) - caine
doll (dol) - papusa
done (dan) - terminat / facut
door (dor) - usa
double (dabăl) - dublu
doubt (daubt) - indoiala
doughnut (donat) - gogoasa
dove (dav) - porumbel
down (daun) - jos
draw (dro) - remiza / (a) atrage
dream (drim) - vis / (a) visa

dress (dres) - rochie
(to) drink (drinc) - bautura / a bea
(to) drive (draiv) - (a) conduce
drop (drap) - picatura
dry (drai) - uscat / a usca
each (ici) - fiecare
eagle (igăl) - vultur
ear (ir) - ureche
early (erli) - devreme / timpuriu
earth (ărt) - pamant
ease (iz) - usurinta
east (ist) - est
easy (izi) - usor
(to) eat (it) - (a) manca
economy (economi) - economie
(to) edit (edit) - (a) edita
edge (egi) - margine
effect (efect) - efect
egg (eg) - ou
eight (eit) - opt
eighteen (eit-tin) - optsprezece
either (aidăr) - oricare
electric (electric) - electric
element (ele-mănt) - element
elephant (ele-fănt) - elefant
eleven (ilevăn) - unsprezece
else (els) - altfel
emotion (emo-şăn) - emotie
end (end) - sfarsit
enemy (enemi) - inamic / dusman
energy (energi) - energie
engine (engin) - motor
enough (ănaf) - suficient / destul
enter (entăr) - introduce
equal (icual) - egal
equation (ecu-ei-şăn) - ecuatie
equipment (echip-mănt) - echipament
essence (esens) - esenta
(to) estimate (esti-meit) - (a) estima
even (ivăn) - chiar
evening (ivning) - seara
event (ivent) - eveniment
(to) evolve (ivolv) - (a) evolua
evolution (ivo-lu-şăn) - evolutie
example (ic-zam-păl) - exemplu
exhausted (ec-zos-ted) - epuizat
experience (ecs-pi-ri-ens) - experienta

(to) explain (ecs-plein) - (a) explica
eye (ai) - ochi
face (feis) - fata
fact (feact) - fapt
failure (feilăr) - esec
fair (fer) - echitabil / corect / targ
fall (fol) - cadere / (a) cadea
family (fea-mili) - familie
famous (fei-măs) - celebru / faimos
far (far) - departe
farm (farm) - ferma
farmer (far-măr) - agricultor / fermier
fast (feast) - rapid
fat (feat) - grasime
father (fadăr) - tata
favor (fei-văr) - favoare / (a) favoriza
fear (fir) - frica / teama
(to) feel (fil) - (a) simti
feeling (fi-ling) - sentiment / senzatie
feet (fit) - picioare
few (fiu) - putini
field (fild) - camp
fight (fait) - lupta
figure (fi-ghiuăr) - figura
(to) fill (fil) - (a) umple
final (fainăl) - final
(to) find (faind) - (a) gasi
fine (fain) - amenda
fire (fa-ieăr) - foc / incendiu
fireman (fa-ieăr-măn) - pompier
fish (fiş) - peste / (a) pescui
fist (fist) - pumn
flame (fleim) - flacara
floor (flor) - podea / etaj
flower (flauăr) - floare
flu (flu) - gripa
(to) fly (flai) - (a) zbura
(to) follow (falou) - (a) urma
food (fud) - alimente
foot (fu-ut) - picior
for (for) - pentru
force (fors) - forta / vigoare
forest (forest) - padure
fork (forc) - furculita / furca
foundation (faund-ei-şăn) - fundatie / baza
four (for) - patru
fourteen (for-tin) - paisprezece

fox (focs) - vulpe
free (fri) - gratuit / liber
(to) freeze (friz) - (a) congela / ingheta
fresh (freş) - proaspat
Friday (frai-dei) - vineri
friend (frend) - prieten
frost (frost) - inghet / ger
fruit (friut) - fruct
function (fan-cşăn) - functie
game (gheim) - joc
garden (gardăn) - gradina
garlic (garlic) - usturoi
gate (gheit) - poarta
(to) gather (gheadăr) - (a) aduna
(to) get (ghet) - (a) obtine
girl (gărl) - fata
giant (gia-iănt) - gigant / urias
(to) give (ghiv) - (a) da / oferi
glad (glead) - bucuros
glass (gleas) - sticla / pahar
glasses (glea-săz) - ochelari
(to) go (go) - (a) merge
god (gad) - dumnezeu / zeu
godfather (gad-fadăr) - nas
gold (gold) - aur
good (gud) - bun / bine
got (gat) - (a) avea
grape (greip) - strugure
grass (gras) - iarba
gray (grei) - gri
great (greit) - mare
green (grin) - verde
ground (graund) - sol / pamant
group (grup) - grup
(to) grow (gro) - (a) creste
(to) guess (ghes) - (a) ghici
guide (gaid) - ghid / (a) ghida
gun (gan) - arma
had (had) - a avut
hair (her) - par
half (half) - jumatate
hand (hend) - mana
happy (heapy) - fericit
hard (hard) - greu
(to) have (heav) - (a) avea / trebui
he (hi) - el
head (hed) - cap / fata

health (helt) - sanatate
(to) hear (hir) - (a) auzi
heart (hart) - inima
heat (hit) - caldura
heavy (hevi) - greu
helicopter (he-li-cap-tăr) - elicopter
help (help) - ajutor / (a) ajuta
her (hăr) - ei / sau / pe ea / al ei
here (hir) - aici
high (hai) - mare / inalt
hill (hil) - deal
him (him) - lui
his (hiz) - sau / lui / al lui
history (hi-stă-ri) - istorie
hit (hit) - succes / lovitura / (a) lovi
(to) hold (hold) - (a) tine / detine
hole (hol) - gaura
home (hom) - acasa
hope (hop) - speranta
horse (hors) - cal
hospital (ho-spital) - spital
hot (hat) - fierbinte / cald
hour (auăr) - ora
house (haus) - casa
how (hau) - cum / cat de
hug (hag) - imbratisare / (a) imbratisa
huge (hiugi) - urias / mare / imens
hunt (hant) - vanatoare / (a) vana
hunter (hantăr) - vanator
hurry (hări) - graba
I (ai) - eu
ice (ais) - gheata
idea (ai-dia) - idee
if (if) - daca
(to) imagine (imagin) - (a) imagina
in (in) - in / din / la
(to) include (in-cliud) - (a) include / cuprinde
increase (in-cris) - crestere / (a) creste
(to) indicate (in-di-cheit) - (a) indica
industry (in-dus-tri) - industrie
injection (in-gec-şăn) - injectie
ink (inc) - cerneala
insect (insect) - insecta
instrument (in-stru-ment) - instrument
insurance (in-şiu-răns) - asigurare
interest (in-trest) - interes
intersection (inter-sec-şăn) - intersectie

intervention (inter-ven-şăn) - interventie
(to) invent (invent) - (a) inventa
invention (in-ven-şăn) - inventie
iron (airăn) - fier
is (iz) - este
island (ai-lănd) - insula
it (it) - ea / aceasta
jail (geil) - inchisoare / temnita
janitor (geanităr) - ingrijitor
January (gia-nuă-ri) - ianuarie
jaw (jou) - falca
jealous (ge-lăs) - gelos
jewel (giul) - bijuterie
job (giob) - munca / lucru / serviciu
(to) join (gio-in) - (a) alatura
joke (gioc) - gluma / (a) glumi
journal (giăr-năl) - jurnal / ziar
journey (giorni) - calatorie
joy (gioi) - bucurie
judge (giagi) - judecator / (a) judeca
judgment (giagi-mănt) - judecata
juice (gius) - suc
jump (giamp) - salt / (a) sari
June (giun) - iunie
jungle (gian-găl) - jungla
junior (giunior) - junior
just (giast) - doar / numai
(to) keep (chip) - (a) pastra
key (chi) - cheie
keyboard (chi-bord) - tastatura
kick (chic) - lovitura
kid (chid) - copil
kidney (chid-ni) - rinichi
king (ching) - rege
kingdom (ching-dom) - regat
kiss (chis) - sarut
kitchen (chi-cen) - bucatarie
knee (cni) - genunchi
knife (cnaif) - cutit
knight (cnait) - cavaler
(to) know (cnou) - (a) sti
knowledge (cno-le-gi) - cunoastere
label (lei-băl) - eticheta
lady (leidi) - doamna
lake (leic) - lac
lamp (lamp) - lampa
land (leand) - teren / tara

language (len-gui-gi) - limba / limbaj
large (largi) - mare
last (least) - ultimul
late (leit) - tarziu
laugh (laf) - ras / (a) rade
law (lo) - drept / lege
(to) lay (lei) - (a) pune
lead (lid) - conducere / (a) conduce
leaf (lif) - frunza
(to) learn (lern) - (a) invata / afla
leave (liv) - (a) parasi / lasa / pleca
left (left) - stanga
leg (leg) - picior
legend (le-gend) - legenda
lemon (le-mon) - lamaie
length (lengt) - lungime
less (les) - mai putin
(to) let (let) - (a) lasa
letter (le-tăr) - scrisoare / litera
level (le-văl) - nivel
lie (lai) - minciuna
life (laif) - viata
(to) lift (lift) - (a) ridica
light (lait) - lumina / (a) lumina
like (laic) - ca / precum / (a) placea / (a) dori
line (lain) - linie
lion (laiăn) - leu
lip (lip) - buza
liquid (li-cuid) - lichid
list (list) - lista
(to) listen (li-săn) - (a) asculta
little (li-tăl) - putin / mic
live (laiv) - viu / (a) trai
long (long) - lung / mult timp
look (luc) - privire / aspect / (a) privi
lost (lost) - pierdut
loud (laud) - tare / zgomotos
love (lov) - dragoste / iubire / (a) iubi
low (lou) - scazut
lung (lang) - plaman
machine (măşin) - masina
made (meid) - facut
main (mein) - principal
(to) make (meic) - (a) face
man (mean) - om / barbat
many (meni) - multe / multi
map (meap) - harta

March (marci) - martie
mark (marc) - marca / nota
market (mar-chet) - piata
match (meci) - meci / (a) potrivi
material (mă-ti-riăl) - material
matter (mea-tăr) - chestiune / materie
may (mei) - (a) putea / avea voie
me (mi) - eu / mine
mean (min) - rau / (a) insemna
meant (ment) - (a) insemnat
measure (mejăr) - masura / (a) masura
meat (mit) - carne
(to) meet (mit) - (a) intalni / satisface
melon (me-lăn) - pepene
memory (me-mo-ri) - memorie
men (men) - barbati / oameni
metal (me-tăl) - metal
method (me-tăd) - metoda
middle (mi-dăl) - mijloc / mediu
might (mait) - putere
milk (milc) - lapte
mind (maind) - minte
mine (main) - mina / a mea / al meu
minute (minăt) - minut / moment
mirror (mirăr) - oglinda
moment (moment) - moment / clipa
Monday (man-dei) - luni
money (mani) - bani
monkey (man-chi) - maimuta
month (mant) - luna
moon (mun) - luna / satelit natural
more (mor) - mai mult
morning (mor-ning) - dimineata
mosquito (mos-chi-to) - tantar
most (most) - cel mai
mother (madăr) - mama
mountain (maun-tăn) - munte
mouse (maus) - soarece / mouse
mouth (maut) - gura
(to) move (muv) - (a) muta
much (maci) - mult
must (mast) - necesitate / (a) trebui
my (mai) - al meu / a mea
name (neim) - nume / (a) numi
nation (nei-şăn) - natiune
natural (nea-ci-răl) - natural
nature (nei-ciăr) - natura

near (nir) - aproape
necessary (ne-se-se-ri) - necesar
neck (nec) - gat
need (nid) - nevoie
needle (ni-dăl) - ac
neighbor (nei-băr) - vecin
nervous (ner-văs) - nervos
never (ne-văr) - niciodata
new (niu) - nou
news (niuz) - stiri
next (necst) - urmatorul
nice (nais) - frumos
night (nait) - noapte
nine (nain) - noua
nineteen (nain-tin) - nouasprezece
no (no) - nu
noise (noiz) - zgomot
none (nan) - nici unul / una
noon (nun) - amiaza
north (nort) - nord
nose (noz) - nas
note (not) - nota
nothing (na-ting) - nimic
notice (no-tis) - aviz / (a) observa
now (neau) - acum
object (ob-gect) - obiect
(to) observe (ob-zărv) - (a) observa
obsessed (ob-ses) - obsedat
(to) occur (ochiur) - (a) avea loc
ocean (oşăn) - ocean
October (octobăr) - octombrie
of (of) - de / a / ale / din
off (of) - de pe / inchis
offer (ofăr) - oferta
office (ofis) - birou
often (oftăn) - adesea / deseori
oil (oil) - ulei / petrol
old (old) - vechi / batrani
on (on) - pe / asupra / cu privire
once (uans) - odata
one (uan) - unul / una / unu
only (onli) - numai / doar
open (opăn) - deschis / liber
(to) operate (ope-reit) - (a) opera
opinion (opi-ni-ăn) - opinie
opposite (opo-zit) - opus / invers
option (op-şăn) - optiune

or (or) - sau
orange (orăn-gi) - portocala / portocaliu
(to) order (or-dăr) - ordine / (a) comanda / (a) ordona
organ (or-găn) - organ
original (ori-gi-năl) - original / initial
ornament (or-nă-ment) - ornament
other (adăr) - alte / alt / celalalt
our (auăr) - nostru / noastra
out (aut) - afara
oven (ouăn) - cuptor
over (ovăr) - peste / pe
own (oun) - propriu
oxygen (ocsi-gen) - oxigen
package (pea-che-gi) - pachet
page (pei-gi) - pagina
paint (peint) - vopsea /(a) picta
pair (per) - pereche
pan (pean) - tigaie
paper (pei-păr) - hartie
paragraph (pea-ră-graf) - paragraf / alineat
park (parc) - parc / (a) parca
parent (pea-rănt) - parinte / mama
parliament (par-lă-ment) - parlament
part (part) - parte
particular (părti-chiu-lăr) - special
party (parti) - petrecere / partid / parte
pass (pas) - pasa / trecere / (a) pasa / (a) trece
past (past) - trecut
path (paat) - cale
pattern (pea-tăn) - model
pay (pei) - plata / (a) plati
pedal (pedăl) - pedala / (a) pedala
people (pi-păl) - oameni / persoane
pepper (pe-pă) - piper / ardei
perfume (păr-fium) - parfum
perhaps (pe-haps) - poate
period (pi-ri-ăd) - perioada
permit (per-mit) - permis / (a) permite
pharmacy (far-mă-si) - farmacie
phone (fon) - telefon
photo (foto) - fotografie
phrase (freiz) - fraza / expresie
physicist (fi-zi-sist) - fizician
physics (fi-zics) - fizica
piano (piano) - pian
(to) pick (pic) - (a) alege
picture (pic-ciăr) - imagine / (a) imagina

pig (pig) - porc
plant (plant) - planta / (a) planta
plastic (plastic) - plastic
plate (pleit) - placa / farfurie
point (point) - punct
police (polis) - politie
poor (pur) - sarac
(to) post (post) - (a) posta / publica
poverty (po-văr-ti) - saracie
precision (pre-si-jăn) - precizie
(to) prepare (pri-per) - (a) pregati
present (pre-zănt) - prezent / cadou / (a) prezenta
price (prais) - pret
pride (praid) - mandrie
prison (pri-zăn) - inchisoare
prisoner (pri-ză-năr) - prizonier / detinut
problem (pro-blăm) - problema
process (pro-ses) - proces / (a) prelucra
profession (pro-fe-şăn) - profesie
promise (pro-mis) - promisiune / promite
purpose (păr-păs) - scop
qualification (cua-li-fi-chei-şăn) - calificare
qualify (cua-li-fai) - califica
quality (cua-li-ti) - calitate
quantity (cuan-ti-ti) - cantitate
quarter (cuăr-tar) - sfert
queen (cuin) - regina
quest (cuest) - cautare
question (cueş-ciăn) - intrebare
question mark (cueş-ciăn marc) - semnul intrebarii
quick (cuic) - rapid
quiet (cua-iet) - liniste
quit (cuit) - renunta
quite (cuait) - cu totul / chiar / destul de
quiz (cuiz) - chestionar / test
quote (co-ot) - citat
rabbit (rea-bit) - iepure
race (reis) - cursa
radio (redio) - radio
rain (rein) - ploaie
(to) raise (reiz) - (a) ridica
range (reingi) - gama
rate (reit) - rata / (a) evalua
rather (readăr) - mai curand
(to) reach (rici) - (a) ajunge / atinge
(to) read (rid) - (a) citi
ready (redi) - gata / pregatit

real (riăl) - real
reason (rizăn) - motiv
(to) receive (ri-saiv) - (a) primi
(to) record (ri-cord) - (a) inregistra
red (red) - rosu
region (ri-giăn) - regiune
(to) relax (ri-leacs) - (a) relaxa
(to) remember (ri-mem-băr) - (a) memora / retine
remote (rimot) - indepartat / departat
rent (rent) - chirie / (a) inchiria
(to) repair (ri-per) - (a) repara
(to) repeat (ri-pit) - (a) repeta
(to) reply (ri-plei) - raspuns / replica / (a) raspunde
respect (ris-pect) - respect / (a) respecta
(to) restore (ri-stor) - (a) restabili / restaura
result (ri-zolt) - rezultat / urmare
(to) retain (ri-tein) - (a) retine / pastra
reward (ri-ord) - rasplata / recompensa
rice (rais) - orez
ring (ring) - inel / (a) suna
rise (raiz) - crestere / (a) creste
risk (risc) - risc / (a) risca
rival (rai-văl) - rival
roast (rost) - friptura / (a) frige
room (rum) - camera
root (rut) - radacina
rose (roz) - trandafir
round (raund) - runda / rotund
rumor (ru-mor) - zvon
rust (rast) - rugina
safe (seif) - sigur / in siguranta
sad (sead) - trist
(to) sail (seil) - (a) naviga
salt (salt) - sare
same (seim) - aceleasi / acelasi / aceeasi / la fel
sand (seand) - nisip
sandals (seand-ălz) - sandale
Saturday (sea-tăr-dei) - sambata
sauna (sona) - sauna
(to) save (seiv) - (a) salva / economisi
saw (so) - ferastrau
(to) say (sei) - (a) spune
scale (scheil) - scara
school (scul) - scoala
science (sa-iens) - stiinta
scissors (si-zărs) - foarfece
score (scor) - scor

scratch (screaci) - zgarietura / (a) zgaria
screen (scrin) - ecran
sea (si) - mare
search (serci) - cautare / (a) cauta
season (si-zăn) - sezon
seat (sit) - scaun / loc
second (se-cănd) - secunda / in al doilea rand
secret (si-crit) - secret
section (sec-şăn) - sectiune
selfish (sel-fiş) - egoist
(to) sell (sel) - (a) vinde
(to) send (send) - (a) trimite
sensitive (sen-zi-tiv) - sensibil
September (sep-tem-băr) - septembrie
shadow (şadou) - umbra
shame (şeim) - rusine
sheep (şi) - oaie
sheet (şit) - foaie
shelf (şelf) - raft
shine (şain) - stralucire / (a) straluci
ship (şip) - nava
shoe (şu) - pantof
(to) shoot (şut) - (a) trage
shop (şop) - magazin
shoulder (şolder) - umar
shovel (şavăl) - lopata
sign (sain) - semn / (a) semna
single (sin-găl) - singur / unic
sister (sis-tăr) - sora
situation (si-tu-ie-şăn) - situatie
six (sics) - sase
sixteen (sics-tin) - saisprezece
skin (schin) - piele
skirt (scărt) - fusta
slice (slais) - felie
smile (smail) - zambet
some (sam) - unele
snake (sneic) - sarpe
soap (sop) - sapun
south (saut) - sud
solution (so-lu-şăn) - solutie
(to) solve (solv) - (a) rezolva
special (spe-şăl) - special
spider (spai-dăr) - paianjen
spot (spat) - loc / punct
spring (spring) - primavara
stamp (steamp) - stampila

start (start) - inceput / start / (a) incepe
statue (stea-tiu) - statuie
steel (stil) - otel
step (step) - pas
stone (ston) - piatra
story (stori) - poveste
stress (stres) - stres
sugar (şugăr) - zahar
suit (siut) - costum
suitcase (siut-cheis) - valiza / geamantan
sun (san) - soare
(to) supply (su-plai) - aprovizionare / (a) livra / furniza
support (să-port) - sprijin / (a) sprijini
surprise (sur-praiz) - surpriza / (a) surprinde
(to) swallow (sua-lou) - (a) inghiti
sweat (suet) - sudoare / transpiratie / (a) transpira
table (tei-băl) - tabel / masa
(to) take (teic) - (a) lua
talent (tea-lent) - talent
(to) talk (tălc) - (a) vorbi
tall (tăl) - inalt
taste (teist) - gust / (a) gusta / degusta
(to) teach (ti-ci) - (a) preda / invata
teacher (ti-ci-ăr) - profesor
team (tim) - echipa
tear (tir) - lacrima / (a) rupe
television (te-le-vi-jăn) - televizor / televiziune
(to) tell (tel) - (a) spune
temperature (tem-pe-ciăr) - temperatura
ten (ten) - zece
term (tărm) - termen
test (test) - test / incercare
than (den) - decat
thank (tenc) - multumire / (a) multumi
that (deat) - asa de / ca / acel
theater (tie-tră) - teatru
they (dei) - ei / ele
thief (tif) - hot
thought (tout) - gand / gandire
three (tri) - trei
Thursday (tărs-dei) - joi
(to) tickle (ticăl) - (a) gadila
time (taim) - timp / data
to (tu) - la / catre / pentru / in / a
too (tuu) - prea
tooth (tut) - dinte
top (top) - top / de sus

towel (tauăl) - prosop
toy (toi) - jucarie
tradition (tradi-şăn) - traditie
trash (treaş) - gunoi
tree (tri) - copac / arbore
trip (trip - calatorie / excursie
trousers (trau-zărs) - pantaloni
Tuesday (tiuz-dei) - marti
umbrella (ăm-brela) - umbrela
unbearable (ăn-be-ră-băl) - insuportabil / de nesuportat
unbeaten (ăn-bi-tăn) - neinvins
unbelievable (ăn-bă-livă-băl) - de necrezut
uncertain (ăn-ser-tăn) - incert / nesigur
uncle (ăn-căl) - unchi
under (ăn-dăr) - sub / in / dedesubt
undercover (ăn-dăr-ca-văr) - sub acoperire
underground (ăn-dăr-graund) - subteran
(to) undo (ăndo) - (a) anula
unforgettable (ăn-for-ghe-tă-băl) - de neuitat
unfriendly (ăn-friend-li) - neprietenos
union (iunion) - uniune
unique (iunic) - unic
unit (iunit) - unitate
until (ăn-til) - pana la
up (ap) - sus
us (as) - noi / noua
use (iuz) - utilizare / (a) folosi / utiliza
usual (iu-ju-al) - obisnuit
vacuum (vea-chium) - vid
valid (vea-lid) - valabil
valley (vea-li) - vale
value (vea-liu) - valoare
(to) vanish (vea-niş) - (a) disparea
variety (va-ri-eti) - soi / varietate
(to) vary (veari) - (a) varia
vase (veiz) - vaza
vast (veast) - vast / mare
vault (volt) - bolta / seif
velocity (ve-lo-si-ti) - viteza
version (ver-şăn) - versiune
versus (versus) - contra
victim (vic-tim) - victima
victorious (vic-to-ri-os) - victorios
victory (vic-tă-ri) - victorie
view (vi-iu) - vedere / parere
villa (vila) - vila
village (vi-lă-gi) - sat

villain (vi-lăn) - raufacator
vinegar (vi-ni-găr) - otet
visibility (vi-zi-bi-li-ti) - vizibilitate
visionary (vi-jio-ne-ri) - vizionar
visit (vi-zit) - vizita / (a) vizita
voice (vois) - voce / glas
(to) wait (ueit) - (a) astepta
waiter / waitress (ueităr / uie-tres) - chelner / chelnerita
walk (ualc) - mers / a merge pe jos
wall (ual) - perete
wallpaper (ual-pei-păr) - tapet
(to) want (uant) - (a) vrea
war (uăr) - razboi
wardrobe (uăr-drop) - garderoba
warehouse (uer-haus) - depozit
warm (uărm) - cald
warning (uăr-ning) - avertizare
(to) wash (uaş) - (a) spala
watch (uaci) - ceas
water (uatăr) - apa
watermark (uatăr-marc) - filigran
wave (uev) - val
we (ui) - noi
weak (uic) - slab
wealth (uelt) - avere
weapon (ue-păn) - arma
weather (ue-tăr) - vreme
web (ueb) - internet / tesatura
wedding (ue-ding) - nunta
Wednesday (uenz-dei) - miercuri
week (uic) - saptamana
weekend (uic-end) - sfarsit de saptamana
weight (ueit) - greutate
well (uel) - bine
west (uest) - vest
whale (uel) - balena
what (uat) - ce
wheel (uil) - roata
when (uen) - cand
where (uer) - unde
which (uici) - care
white (uait) - alb
who (hu) - care
why (uai) - de ce
wide (uaid) - larg
width (uit) - latime
wife (uaif) - sotie

wild (uaild) - salbatic
(to) win (uin) - (a) castiga
wind (uind) - vant
window (uin-dou) - fereastra
wine (uain) - vin
wing (uing) - aripa
winter (uin-tăr) - iarna
wire (ua-iăr) - sarma
(to) wish (uiş) - (a) dori
(to) withdraw (uit-dro) - (a) retrage
witness (uit-nes) - martor
wolf (ulf) - lup
woman (umăn) - femeie
wonder (uan-dăr) - mirare
wood (ud) - lemn
wool (ul) - lana
word (ord) - cuvant
work (orc) - munca
worker (orc-ăr) - muncitor
workout (orc-aut) - antrenament
world (orld) - lume
worm (orm) - vierme
worry (o-rii) - ingrijorare
worth (ort) - in valoare de / demn
(to) write (ruait) - (a) scrie
wrong (rong) - gresit
xerox (zirocs) - xerox
xenon (zenon) - xenon
year (i-ir) - an
yell (iel) - strigat
yellow (ielou) - galben
yes (ies) - da
yesterday (ies-tăr-dei) - ieri
yogurt (io-gurt) - iaurt
you (iu) - tu
young (iang) - tineri
youth (iut) - tineret
zoo (zu) - gradina zoologica / zoo
(to) zoom (zum) - (a) mari
zone (zon) - zona
zipper (zi-păr) - fermoar
zero (zi-ro) - zero

Cuvinte Romana Engleza Dictionar

Romana - Engleza (Pronuntia)

abonament - subscription (sub-scrip-şăn)
abonat - subscriber (sub-scrai-băr)
abur - steam (stim)
ac - needle (ni-dăl)
acasa - (at) home (hom)
accent - accent / emphasis (ac-sănt / em-fă-sis)
(a) accepta - (to) accept (ăc-sept)
accident - accident (ac-si-dent)
acolo - there (der)
acoperis - roof (ruf)
actiune - action (ac-şăn)
(a) activa - (to) activate (acti-veit)
actor - actor (aac-tăr)
acum - now (neau)
(a) acuza - (to) charge / accuse (ciargi / ăchiuz)
adanc - deep (dip)
(a) adauga - (to) add (aad)
adecvat - appropriate (ăpro-priet)
adevar - truth (trut)
(a) aduce - (to) bring (bring)
(a) aduna - (to) gather / collect (ghe-dar / colect)
adversar - adversary / opponent (ăd-ver-sări / o-po-nănt)
aer - air (er)
aeroport - airport (er-port)
afacere - business (bis-nis)
afara - out / outside (aut / aut-said)
afirmatie - statement (steit-mănt)
(a) agata - (to) hang (heng)
agitat - nervous (ner-văs)
aglomerat - crowded (crau-ded)
aici - here (hir)
ajutor / (a) ajuta - help (help)
alb - white (uait)
albastru - blue (blu)
albina - bee (bi)
(a) alerga - (to) run (ran)
alergic - allergic (ă-lăr-gic)
alimentatie - nutrition / food (nu-tri-şăn / fud)
(a) alinta / alintat(a) - (to) pamper / spoiled (pam-pă / spoild)
altitudine - altitude (alti-tiud)
(a) aluneca - (to) slide (slaid)
ambitie - ambition (am-bi-şăn)
amenda - fine (fain)
amintire - memory (me-mă-ri)

(a) amuza - (to) amuse (amiuz)
(a) analiza - (to) analyze (ănă-laiz)
(a) antrena - (to) coach / train (coci / trein)
(a) anula - (to) cancel (chean-săl)
apa - water (uatăr)
(a) apara - (to) defend (dă-fend)
aparat - device (di-vais)
apartament - flat / apartment (fleat / ă-part-mănt)
(a) aprinde - (to) light (lait)
(a) arde - (to) burn (bărn)
ardei - pepper (pe-păr)
argint - silver (sil-văr)
aripa - wing (uing)
arma - weapon (ue-păn)
armata - army (armi)
(a) arunca - (to) throw (trou)
(a) ascunde - (to) hide (haid)
aspirator - vacuum cleaner (vea-chium cli-năr)
astazi / azi - today (tu-dei)
(a) astepta - (to) wait / expect (ueit / ecs-pect)
atac / (a) ataca - attack (ăteac)
atelier - workshop (uărc-şop)
atentie - attention (şten-şăn)
(a) atinge - (to) touch (ta-ci)
atitudine - attitude (ati-tiud)
august - August (ogăst)
aur - gold (gold)
auz / (a) auzi - hearing / (to) hear (hiring / hir)
avans - advance (ăd-veans)
(a) avea - (to) have (heav)
avere - wealth (uelt)
avion - airplane (er-plain)
avocat - lawyer (loi-ăr)
bagaj - luggage (la-ghe-gi)
baiat - boy (boi)
baie - bathroom (beat-rum)
balanta - balance (bea-lăns)
balcon - balcony (balconi)
balena - whale (uel)
bani - money (mani)
banca - bank (beanc)
bancher - banker (bean-cher)
bancnota - bill (bil)
bancomat - ATM / cash machine (ei-ti-em / cheaş maşin)
banda - band (beand)
bandaj - bandage (beandăgi)
barba - beard (bird)

barbat - man (mean)
barca - boat (bout)
barfa - gossip (gosip)
barza - stork (storc)
baston - stick (stic)
batista - handkerchief (heand-căr-cif)
batran - old (old)
bautura - drink (drinc)
baza - basic (bei-sic)
(a) bea - (to) drink (drinc)
bec - bulb / light bulb (bălb / lait bălb)
benzina - gasoline (ghea-so-lin)
benzinarie - gas station (gheas stei-şăn)
biberon - baby bottle (beibi batăl)
Biblie - Bible (bai-băl)
bicicleta - bike / bicycle (baic / bai-si-căl)
bijuterie - jewel (giuăl)
bine - good (gud)
biologie - biology (bai-o-lo-gi)
birou - office (ofis)
biscuit - cookie (cuchi)
biserica - church (ciărci)
blana - fur (făr)
bland - gentle (gen-tăl)
blestem - curse (cărs)
bloc - block / building (blac / bil-ding)
bogat - rich / wealthy (rici / uelti)
borcan - jar (giar)
botez - baptism / christening (beap-tism / crist-ning)
brad - fir (tree) / Christmas tree (fee / crist-măs tri)
bratara - bracelet (breis-let)
bricheta - lighter (lai-tăr)
broasca - frog (frog)
bucatar - cook / chef (cuc / şef)
bucatarie - kitchen (chi-cen)
bucuros - glad (glead)
bumbac - cotton (catăn)
bunic - grandfather / grandparent (greand-fadăr / greand-pea-rănt)
burta - belly (beli)
buton - button (ba-tăn)
buza - lip (lip)
buzunar - pocket (poa-chet)
cada - bathtub / tub (beat-tab / tab)
cadou - gift (ghift)
caiet - notebook (not-buc)
caine - dog (dog)
cal - horse (hors)

calcai - heel (hil)
cald - hot (hat)
calm - calm (calm)
camasa - shirt (şărt)
camera - room (rum)
camion - truck (trac)
camp(ie) - field (fild)
cana - cup (cap)
canapea - sofa (sofa)
(a) canta / cantec - (to) sing / song (sing / song)
cantar - scale (scheil)
cap - head (hed)
capabil - able (ei-băl)
capac - lid (lid)
capat - end (end)
capcana - trap (treap)
capitala - capital (chea-pi-tăl)
capota - hood (hud)
caramida - brick (bric)
care - which (ui-ci)
carne - meat (mit)
caroserie - car body (car badi)
cartof - potato (po-tei-to)
carton - cardboard (card-bord)
caruta - wagon (ua-gon)
casa - home (hom)
casca / (a) casca - helmet / (to) yawn (helmet / io-on)
cascada - waterfall (uatăr-făl)
(a) castiga - (to) win (uin)
castravete - cucumber (chiu-cam-băr)
(a) cauta - (to) search (serci)
ceai - tea (ti)
ceapa - onion (aniăn)
cearta - fight (fait)
ceas - watch (uaci)
ceata - fog (fog)
centura - belt (belt)
cer - sky / heaven (scai / he-văn)
cercel - earring (ir-ring)
(a) cere - (to) ask (asc)
(a) cheltui - (to) spend (spend)
chirias - tenant (te-nănt)
chirie - rent (rent)
chitara - guitar (ghi-tar)
chiuveta - sink (sinc)
cimitir - graveyard (greiv-iard)
cinci - five (faiv)

ciuperca - mushroom (maş-rum)
cizme - boots (buţ)
colaborare - collaboration (co-la-bo-rei-şăn)
coleg - colleague (colig)
colt - corner (cor-năr)
comoara - treasure (tre-jăr)
competent - competent (com-pă-tănt)
compliment - compliment (com-pli-ment)
comportament - behavior (be-heiv-iăr)
compozitie - composition (com-po-zi-şăn)
(a) comunica - (to) communicate (co-miu-ni-cheit)
concept - concept (con-sept)
concluzie - conclusion (con-clu-jăn)
(a) concura - (to) compete (com-pit)
condiment - spice (spais)
(a) conduce - (to) lead (lid)
(a) confrunta - (to) confront (con-frant)
(a) confunda - (to) confuse (con-fiuz)
(a) congela - (to) freeze (friz)
congelator - freezer (frizăr)
continut - content (con-tănt)
copil - child (ci-aild)
cos - basket (beas-chet)
costum - suit (suit)
covor - carpet / rug (car-pet / rag)
cratita - saucepan / pan (sos-pean / pean)
cravata - tie (tai)
creativitate - creativity (crea-ti-vi-ti)
creion - pencil (pen-sil)
cruce - cross (cros)
cui - nail / whose (neil / huz)
cuib - nest (nest)
(a) cunoaste - (to) know (cnou)
cuptor - oven (avăn)
curaj - courage (co-ra-gi)
curat - clean (clin)
curatenie - cleaning (clining)
curcubeu - rainbow (rein-bou)
cutie - box (bocs)
cutremur - earthquake (ert-cueic)
cutit - knife (cnaif)
cuvant - word (uărd)
da / (a) da - yes / (to) give (ies / ghiv)
daca - if (if)
dans(a) - dance (deans)
dar - but (băt)
darnic - generous (ge-ne-răs)

datorie - debt (debt)
dauna - damage (dea-me-gi)
de - of (of)
deal - hill (hil)
deasupra - above (ăbav)
decembrie - December (de-sem-băr)
decizie - decision (de-si-jăn)
(a) deconecta - (to) disconnect (dis-conect)
defect - broken (bro-căn)
deget - finger (fin-găr)
delfin - dolphin (dol-fin)
delicat - delicate (deli-chet)
demisie - resignation (re-zig-nei-şăn)
demn - dignified (dig-ni-faid)
demodat - unfashionable (an-fea-şă-nă-băl)
(a) demonstra - (to) demonstrate (demon-streit)
dentist - dentist (dentist)
deoarece - because (bi-căz)
departe - far (far)
(a) depasi - (to) exceed (ec-sid)
(a) deranja - (to) bother (ba-dăr)
(a) derula - (to) run (ran)
(a) descoperi - (to) discover (dis-ca-văr)
descriere - description (des-crip-şăn)
(a) descuraja - (to) discourage (dis-ca-răgi)
desen / (a) desena - drawing / (to) draw (dro-ing / dro)
desert / desert - dessert / desert (di-zărt / de-zărt)
(a) desparti - (to) separate (se-pa-reit)
destinatar - receiver (ri-sai-văr)
(a) deveni - (to) become (bi-căm)
devreme - early (erli)
(a) dezlipi - (to) unstick (an-stic)
(a) dezmembra - (to) dismember (dis-mem-băr)
(a) dezvolta - (to) develop (develop)
diferenta - difference (dif-răns)
diferit - different (dif-rănt)
dinte - tooth (tut)
direct - direct (dai-rect)
director - director (dai-rectăr)
distanta - distance (dis-tăns)
doar - only (onli)
doctor - doctor (doc-tăr)
document - document (do-chiu-ment)
doi - two (tu)
doisprezece - twelve (tu-elf)
dormitor - bedroom (bead-rum)
dreapta - right (rait)

drept - right / straight (rait / streit)
dulap - closet / wardrobe (clozet / uărd-rob)
duminica - Sunday (san-dei)
dumnezeu - god (gad)
durere - pain (pein)
dus - shower (şauăr)
dusman - enemy (enemi)
ea - she / it (şi / it)
echilibru - balance (bea-lăns)
echipa - team (tim)
echipament - equipment (echip-mănt)
economie - economy / savings (economi / sei-vings)
ecran - screen (scrin)
ecuatie - equation (ecu-ei-şăn)
(a) edita - (to) edit (edit)
educatie - education (edu-chei-şăn)
efect - effect (efect)
eficient - efficient (e-fiş-ănt)
egalitate - equality / tie / draw (e-cua-li-ti / tai / dro)
egoist - selfish / egoistic (sel-fiş / igo-istic)
ei - they (dei)
el - he / it (hi / it)
elastic - elastic / resilient (ă-las-tic / re-zi-lient)
elefant - elephant (ele-fănt)
elegant - elegant / stylish (ele-gănt / stai-liş)
element - element (ele-mănt)
elementar - elementary (ele-mănt-tri)
elev - student (stiu-dănt)
(a) elibera - (to) free / release / liberate (fri / rilis / libă-reit)
elice - propeller (pro-pe-lăr)
elicopter - helicopter (heli-cap-tăr)
eligibil - eligible (ele-gi-băl)
elita - elite (elit)
(a) emigra - (to) emigrate (emi-greit)
emigrant - emigrant (emi-grănt)
emotie - emotion (emo-şăn)
energie - energy / power (enărgi / pauăr)
(a) enerva - (to) irritate (iri-teit)
(a) epuiza - (to) exhaust (ec-zost)
era - era / age (ira / ei-gi)
erou - hero (hiro)
esec - failure (fei-liă)
esenta - essence (esăns)
est - east (ist)
(a) estima - (to) estimate (esti-meit)
etaj - floor / storey (flur / sto-ri)
eticheta - label / tag (lei-băl / tag)

eu - I (ai)
(a) evalua - (to) assess (ăses)
(a) evita - (to) avoid (ăvoid)
(a) evolua - (to) evolve (ivolv)
excursie - trip (trip)
experienta - experience (ecs-pi-riens)
experiment - experiment (ecs-pi-rimănt)
(a) expira - (to) expire (ecs-paiăr)
(a) explica - (to) explain (ecs-plein)
explozie - explosion / blast (ecs-plo-jăn - bleast)
(a) ezita - (to) hesitate (he-zi-teit)
fabrica / fabricat - factory / manufactured (feactori / manu-feac-ciărd)
fabulos - fabulous (fea-biu-los)
(a) face - (to) do / make (do / meic)
factor - factor (feac-tor)
factura - invoice / bill (in-vois / bil)
facultate - graduate school (gra-duet scul)
faina - flour / meal (flauă / mil)
faliment - bankruptcy (beanc-răp-si)
fals - false / counterfeit / fake (fols / caun-tăr-fit / feic)
familie - family (fea-mili)
fantana - fountain / well (faun-tăn / uel)
fantoma - ghost (gost)
fapt - fact / deed (feact / did)
far - lighthouse / headlight (lait-haus / hed-lait)
fara - without (uit-daut)
faras - dustpan (dăst-pean)
farfurie - plate (pleit)
farmacie - pharmacy (far-ma-si)
farmacist - pharmacist (far-ma-sist)
farmec - charm (ciarm
farsa - hoax (hocs)
fasole - beans (binz)
fata / fata - girl / face (gărl / feis)
favoare - favor (fei-văr)
favorit - favorite (fei-vărit)
felie - slice (slais)
femeie - woman (umăn)
fereastra - window (uin-dou)
ferma - farm (farm)
fermier - farmer (farmer)
ficat - liver (li-văr)
fier - iron (airon)
(a) fierbe - (to) boil (boil)
film - movie / film (muvi / film)
filtru - filter (fil-tăr)
fizica - physics (fizics)

fizician - physicist (fizi-sist)
flacara - flame (fleim)
floare - flower (flauăr)
(a) fluiera - (to) whistle (uisăl)
fluture - butterfly (batăr-flai)
foaie - sheet (şit)
foarfece - scissors / shears (si-zărs / şi-ărz)
forma / (a) forma - shape / (to) form (şeip / form)
forta / (a) forta - force / (to) force (fors)
fotografie - photo / photography (foto / foto-grafi)
fotoliu - armchair (arm-cer)
fragment - fragment (freag-mănt)
frana / (a) frana - brake / (to) brake (breic)
frate - brother (bradăr)
frig - cold (cold)
(a) frige - (to) grill / roast (gril / rost)
frigider - fridge / refrigerator (frigi / re-fri-ge-rei-tăr)
fruct - fruit (friut)
frumos - beautiful / nice (biu-ti-făl / nais)
frunte - forehead / head (for-hed / hed)
frunza - leaf (lif)
(a) fugi - (to) run / run away (ran / ran auei)
fulger - lightning (lait-ning)
functie - function (fanc-şăn)
fundatie - foundation (faund-ei-şăn)
furculita - fork (forc)
furnica - ant (eant)
furtuna - storm (storm)
fusta - skirt (scărt)
(a) gadila - (to) tickle (ti-căl)
(a) gafai - (to) pant (peant)
gaina - hen / chicken (hen / ci-căn)
galagie - noise / clamor (noiz / cla-mă)
galben - yellow (ie-lou)
galeata - bucket (bachet)
galerie - gallery (galeri)
gama - range (reingi)
gamba - calf (calf)
gand / (a) gandi - thought / (to) think (tout / finc)
gandac - beetle / bug (bi-tăl /bag)
gara - (train) station (stei-şăn)
garaj - garage (garăgi)
garantat - guaranteed (ga-răn-ti)
garantie - guarantee (ga-răn-ti)
gard - fence (fens)
gardian - guardsman / warder (guardz-măn / uăr-dăr)
garoafa - carnation (car-nei-şăn)

(a) gasi - (to) find (faind)
gat - neck (nec)
gata - ready (redi)
(a) gati - (to) cook (cuc)
gaura - hole (hol)
gaz - gas (geas)
gazda - host (host)
gazon - lawn (loun)
geaca - jacket (gia-chet)
geanta - bag / purse (beag / părs)
gem - jam (geam)
genunchi - knee (cni)
geografie - geography (gio-gra-fi)
ghem - clew / ball (cliu / băl)
ghiozdan - school bag / backpack (scul beag / beac-peac)
gigant / gigantic - giant (gia-ient)
ginere - son in law (san in lou)
glas - voice (vois)
glazura - icing / glaze (ai-sing / gleiz)
glob - globe (glob)
glorie - glory (glori)
gogoasa - donut / doughnut (do-nat)
gradina - garden (gar-dăn)
grafica - graphics (gra-fic)
greu - hard / heavy (hard / hevi)
greutate - weight (ueit)
greva - strike (straic)
gripa - flu (flu)
grup - group (grup)
guler - collar (colar)
gunoi - trash / garbage (treaş / gar-bă-gi)
gura - mouth (maut)
gust / (a) gusta - (to) taste (teist)
guvern - government (ga-văr-ment)
haina - coat (coot)
haios - funny (fa-ni)
hala - hall (hol)
halat - robe (rob)
halba - mug / tankard (mag / tan-ched)
hambar - barn (barn)
haos - chaos (che-ios)
harnic - diligent / hard-working (di-li-gent / hard-uărc-ing)
harta - map (meap)
hartie - paper (pei-păr)
hibernare - hibernation (hai-băr-nei-şăn)
(a) hidrata - (to) moisturize (mois-ciu-raiz)
hiena - hyena (ha-ina)

hingher - dog catcher (dog chea-ciăr)
(a) hipnotiza - (to) hypnotize (hip-no-taiz)
hoinar - wanderer (uan-dă-răr)
hol - hallway / lobby (hol-uei / lobi)
horn - chimney (cim-ni)
horoscop - horoscope (horo-scop)
hot - thief (tif)
hota - extractor hood (ecs-trac-tor hud)
hotarat - decided / determined (di-sai-dăd / de-tăr-mănd)
hotel - hotel (hotel)
hrana / (a) hrani - food / (to) feed (fud / fid)
hranitor - nourishing / nutritious (nă-ră-şing / niu-tri-şăs)
hrean - horseradish (hors-rea-diş)
husa - cover / bag (cavăr / beag)
ianuarie - January (gia-niuă-ri)
iar - and / again (end / ăghen)
iarba - grass (gras)
iarna - winter (uin-tăr)
iaurt - yogurt (io-gurt)
ibric - kettle (che-tăl)
icoana - icon (ai-con)
icre - caviar / roe (caviar / rou)
ideal - ideal (ai-di-ăl)
idee - idea (ai-dia)
identitate - identity (ai-den-ti-ti)
ieftin - cheap / inexpensive (cip / i-necs-spen-siv)
iepure - rabbit (rea-bit)
ieri - yesterday (ies-tăr-dei)
iertare / (a) ierta - forgiveness / (to) forgive (for-ghiv-nes / for-ghiv)
igiena - hygiene (hai-gin)
ilegal - illegal / unlawful (eli-găl / an-lou-făl)
imaginatie - imagination (i-ma-gi-nei-şăn)
imagine - image / picture (imăgi / pic-ciăr)
imatur - immature (i-mă-ciăr)
imbatabil - unbeatable / invincible (an-bi-tă-băl / in-vin-si-băl)
imbatat - drunk (dranc)
(a) imbraca - (to) wear (uer)
imbracaminte - clothing (clo-ting)
(a) imbratisa - (to) embrace / hug (im-breis / hag)
imediat - right away / immediately (ruait auei / imi-diăt-li)
imens - huge / immense (hiugi / imens)
(a) imigra - (to) immigrate (imi-greit)
imigrant - immigrant (imi-grănt)
(a) impacheta - (to) pack / wrap (peac / reap)
impachetat - packed (peact)
(a) impusca - (to) shoot (şut)
in - in (in)

inamic - enemy (ene-mi)
(a) incalta - (to) shoe / put on (şu / put on)
incaltaminte - footwear (fu-ut-uer)
(a) incepe - (to) start / begin / kick off (start / beghin / chic of)
(a) inchide - (to) close / shut down (cloz / şat daun)
(a) inchiria - (to) rent / lease (rent / liz)
incorect - incorrect / wrong (in-corect / rong)
inel - ring (ring)
inger - angel (ein-gel)
inghet - frost (frost)
(a) ingheta - (to) freeze / ice (friz / ais)
inghetata - ice / ice cream (ais / ais crim)
(a) inghiti - (to) swallow (sua-lou)
(a) ingrijora - (to) worry (uorii)
ingrijorat - concerned (con-sărn)
(a) ingropa - (to) bury (bări)
inima - heart (hart)
injectie - injection (in-gec-şăn)
(a) inmulti - (to) multiply (multi-plai)
(a) intarzia - (to) delay / be late (di-lei / be leit)
intersectie - intersection / crossroad (inter-sec-şăn / cros-rod)
interventie - intervention (inter-ven-şăn)
(a) invata - (to) learn / teach (lărn / ti-ci)
iubire - love (lov)
izvor - natural spring / source (na-ci-răl spring / sors)
jacheta - jacket (gia-chet)
jalnic - pathetic (pa-te-tic)
jaluzea - window blind (uin-dou bla-ind)
janta - rim (rim)
(a) jefui - (to) rob / mug (rob / măg)
jeleu - jelly (geli)
(a) jena - embarrass (em-ba-răs)
jenant - embarrassing (em-ba-ră-sing)
jet - jet (jet)
jeton - token (to-căn)
(a) jigni - (to) offend (ofend)
jignire - offense (ofens)
joc - game (gheim)
joi - Thursday (tărs-dei)
jos - down (daun)
(a) juca - (to) play (plei)
jucarie - toy (toi)
jucator - player (pleiăr)
judecata - trial / judgment (traiăl / giagi-mănt)
judecator - judge (giagi)
jumatate - half (half)
jungla - jungle (gian-găl)

(a) jura - (to) swear (suer)
juridic - juridical (giu-ri-di-căl)
juriu - jury (giu-ri)
jurnal - diary / journal (da-iă-ri / gior-năl)
jurnalist - reporter (ri-por-tăr)
justitie - justice (gias-tăs)
la - at / to (at / to)
labirint - labyrinth / maze (labi-rint / meiz)
laborator - laboratory (la-bo-ra-to-ri)
lac - lake (leic)
lacat - padlock / lock (peadloc / loc)
lacom - greedy (gridi)
lacrimi - tears (tirz)
lada - crate / box (creit / bocs)
lagar - camp (cheamp)
lama - blade (bleid)
lamaie - lemon (le-măn)
lampa - lamp (leamp)
lanterna - flashlight (fleaş-lait)
(a) lamuri - (to) clarify (cleari-fai)
lamurire - explanation (ecs-plă-nei-şăn)
lana - wool (ul)
langa - next / near (necst / nir)
lant - chain (cein)
lapte - milk (milc)
larg - large / wide (largi / uaid)
lateral - side / lateral (said / la-ci-răl)
latime - width (uidt)
latrat / (a) latra - barking / (to) bark (bar-ching / barc)
lauda / (a) lauda - praise / (to) praise / brag (preiz / breag)
leagan - swing (suing)
legenda - legend (le-gend)
leguma - vegetable (ve-gi-tă-băl)
lemn - wood (ud)
leu - lion (lai-ăn)
lichid - liquid / fluid (li-cuid / fliu-id)
liliac - bat (beat)
limba - language / tongue (lean-guă-gi / tang)
limita - limit / boundary (limit / baundări)
linie - line (lain)
lingura / lingurita - spoon / teaspoon (spun / ti-spun)
(a) lipi - (to) stick (stic)
lipicios - sticky (sti-chi)
litera - letter (le-tăr)
localnic - local (lo-căl)
locomotiva - locomotive (lo-co-motiv)
lopata - shovel (şavăl)

lucru / (a) lucra - work / thing / (to) work (uărc / finc)
lumanare - candle (chean-dăl)
lumina - light (lait)
luna - month / moon (mant / mun)
lungime - length (lengt)
luni - Monday (man-dei)
lup - wolf (ulf)
lupta / (a) lupta - fight / battle / (to) struggle (fait / bea-tăl / stra-găl)
machiaj - makeup (meic-up)
magazin - shop / store (şop / stor)
magie - magic (mea-gic)
magnet - magnet (meag-net)
mai - May / more (mei / mor)
maimuta - monkey (manchi)
maiou - undershirt / undervest (an-dăr-şărt / an-dăr-vest)
major - major (meiăr)
majorat - coming of age (coming of ei-gi)
majoritate - majority (ma-gio-ri-ti)
majuscula - uppercase / capital letter (apăr-cheis / capital letăr)
mal / mal - shore / mud (şor / mad)
malai - cornmeal / hominy (corn-mil / homini)
maleta - long sleeve T-shirt (long sliv ti-şărt)
mama - mother / parent (ma-dăr / pea-rănt)
mana - hand (heand)
(a) manca - (to) eat (it)
mandarina - tangerine (tan-ge-rin)
mandat - warrant / mandate (uă-rănt / man-deit)
mandibula - mandible / jaw (man-di-băl / joo)
mandrie - pride (praid)
maneca - sleeve (sliv)
manechin - mannequin / dummy (manechin / dami)
maner - handle (hendăl)
maneta - lever (levăr)
manifestant - demonstrator (demon-strei-tăr)
manifestant - manifestant (mani-fes-tănt)
manifestare - manifestation (mani-fes-stei-şăn)
mare - great / big / sea (greit / big / si)
marti - Tuesday (tiuz-dei)
martie - March (marci)
matematica - mathematics (mate-ma-tics)
masina - car / machine (car / maşin)
(a) masura - (to) measure (me-jăr)
matura / (a) matura - broom / (to) sweep / broom (brum / suep)
matusa - aunt (ant)
mazare - pea (pi)
mecanic - mechanic / mechanical (me-ca-nic / me-ca-ni-căl)
medalie - medal (me-dăl)

medic - doctor / physician (doctăr / fi-zi-şăn)
melodie - song / melody (song / melodi)
memorie - memory (memori)
(a) merge - (to) go (go)
metal - metal (me-tăl)
miercuri - Wednesday (uens-dei)
miere - honey (hani)
minciuna - lie (lai)
(a) minti - (to) lie (lai)
morcov - carrot (chea-rot)
munte - mountain (maun-tăn)
muzeu - museum (miu-ziăm)
muzica - music (miu-zic)
naiv - naive (naiv)
namol - mud (măd)
napolitana - wafer (uei-făr)
nas / naş - nose / godfather (noz / gad-fa-dăr)
nasture - button (batăn)
national - national (na-şă-năl)
nativ - native (nativ)
natura - nature (nei-ciă)
natural - natural (nea-ciu-răl)
nava - ship / vessel (şip / vesăl)
neatent - thoughtless / careless (tout-les / cher-les)
neatins - untouched (an-tacid)
nebun - crazy / insane (creizi / in-sein)
necalificat - unqualified / unskilled (an-cuali-faid / an-schild)
necesar - required / needed (ri-cua-ier / nidăd)
necesitate - necessity (ne-se-si-ti)
neclar - hazy (heizi)
neclintit - firm (fărm)
necunoscut - stranger / unknown / unfamiliar (streingi / an-noun)
nedorit - unwanted (an-uan-ted)
nedreptate - injustice (in-gia-stăs)
nefericit - unfortunate / unhappy (an-for-ciu-năt / an-hea-pi)
negociabil - negotiable (ne-go-şi-băl)
negru - black (bleac)
nepot - grandson / nephew (greand-săn / ne-fiiu)
nervos - nervous (ner-văs)
nevasta - wife (uaif)
nimeni - nobody (no-ba-di)
nimic - nothing (na-finc)
nisip - sand (seand)
nivel - level (levăl)
noapte - night (nait)
noi - we (ui)
noiembrie - November (no-vem-băr)

nor - cloud (claud)
nord - north (nort)
normal - normal (nor-măl)
noroi - mud (mad)
nou - new (niu)
noua - nine / new (nain / niu)
nouasprezece - nineteen (nain-tin)
nu - no / not (no / nat)
nuca - walnut (uăl-nat)
(a) numi - (to) name (neim)
oaie - sheep (şip)
oala - pot / saucepan (pat / sos-pean)
oameni - people (pi-păl)
oaspete - guest (ghest)
obez - obese (obiz)
obiect - object (ob-ject)
obiectiv - objective (ob-jec-tiv)
obisnuit - usual (iu-juăl)
obligat - forced (forst)
obligatie - obligation (o-bli-ghei-şăn)
obosit - tired (tai-ărd)
obositor - tiring (tai-ring)
obraz - cheek (cic)
obraznic - naughty (nauti)
observatie - observation / remark (ob-ser-vei-şăn / ri-marc)
obsesie - obsession (ob-sei-şăn)
obstacol - obstacle (ob-sta-căl)
(a) obtine - (to) obtain (ob-tein)
ocazie - occasion (o-chei-jăn)
ocazional - occasionally (o-chei-jănli)
ocean - ocean (oşăn)
ochelari - glasses (glea-sez)
ochi - eyes (aiz)
(a) ocoli - (to) avoid (ăvoid)
octombrie - October (oc-to-băr)
oferta - offer / bid (ofăr / bid)
oglinda - mirror (mi-răr)
om - man (mean)
opera - opera / work (opra / uărc)
opinie - opinion / view (o-pi-niăn / vi-iu)
(a) opri - (to) stop (stap)
opt - eight (eit)
optiune - option (op-şăn)
optsprezece - eighteen (eit-tin)
oras - city / town (siti / taun)
orez - rice (rais)
ornament - ornament (or-nă-ment)

os - bone (bon)
ospatar - waiter (uei-tăr)
otel - steel (stil)
otet - vinegar (vini-găr)
ou - egg (eg)
oxigen - oxygen (ocsi-gen)
pace - peace (pis)
pachet - package (pea-că-gi)
pacient - patient (pei-şănt)
pact - pact (peact)
padure - forest / wood (forest / ud)
pagina - page (peigi)
pahar - glass (gleas)
pai - straw (stro)
paianjen - spider (spai-dăr)
paine - bread (bred)
paisprezece - fourteen (for-tin)
palat - palace (pea-lăs)
paleta - palette / pallet (pea-let / pa-let)
palma - palm / slap (palm / sleap)
palton - coat / overcoat (cot / ovăr-cot)
pamant - earth / ground (ărt / graund)
pana / pana - feather / until (fedăr / an-til)
pane - breaded (bredăd)
panglica - ribbon / tape (ribăn / teip)
panica - panic (pea-nic)
panou - panel (pea-năl)
pansament - bandage (bean-dă-gi)
panta - slope (slop)
pantalon - trousers (trau-zărs)
pantof - shoe (şu)
papagal - parrot (pea-răt)
papion - bow tie (bo tai)
papuc - slipper (sli-păr)
papusa - doll / puppet (dol / pa-pet)
par - hair (her)
para - pear (pir)
parcare / (a) parca - parking / (to) park (parching / parc)
parfum - perfume / fragrance (păr-fium / frei-grăns)
parlament - parliament (par-la-mănt)
pasaport - passport / pass (pas-port / pas)
pasare - bird (bărd)
pasta - paste (peist)
pastila - pill (pil)
pat - bed (bed)
pata - spot / stain (spat / stein)
(a) patina - (to) skate (scheit)

patron - owner / employer (onăr / emploiăr)
patru - four (for)
pedala - pedal (pe-dăl)
peisaj - landscape (leand-scheip)
pensie - pension (pen-şăn)
pensionar - pensioner (pen-şănăr)
pepene - melon (me-lăn)
perie - brush (braş)
(a) permite - (to) allow / afford (ălau / ăford)
peste - fish (fiş)
pestera - cave (cheiv)
pian - piano (piano)
piatra - stone (ston)
picatura - drop (drop)
picior - leg / foot (leg / fu-ut)
(a) picta - (to) paint (peint)
piele - skin / leather (schin / ledăr)
piept - chest (cest)
pieptene - comb (comb)
piersica - peach (pi-ci)
pijama - pajamas (pă-gia-măz)
piper - pepper (pe-pă)
pisica - cat (cheat)
(a) placea - (to) like (laic)
plaja - beach (bi-ci)
plaman - lung (lang)
planta / (a) planta - plant / (to) plant (pleant)
plastic - plastic (pleastic)
(a) pleca - (to) leave / go (liv / go)
ploaie - rain (rein)
poarta - gate (gheit)
pod - bridge (brigi)
politie - police (polis)
pom - tree (tri)
pompier - fireman (fa-iăr-man)
porc - pig / pork (pig / porc)
portocala - orange (orăngi)
portocaliu - orange (orăngi)
portofel - wallet (ualet)
porumbel - pigeon / dove (pigiăn / dav)
poveste - story (stori)
praf - dust / powder (dast / pau-dăr)
(a) praji - (to) fry / toast (frai / tost)
precizie - precision / accuracy (pre-si-jăn / ăchiu-ră-si)
(a) pregati - (to) prepare (pri-per)
prenume - first name / forename (fărst neim / fo-neim)
pret - price (prais)

prezent - present (pre-zănt)
prieten - friend (frend)
primar - mayor / primary (meior / prai-mări)
primarie - town hall / city hall (taun hăl / siti hăl)
primavara - spring (spring)
prin - by / through / via (bai / tru / via)
privire / (a) privi - look / (to) look (luc)
prizonier - prisoner / captive (pri-ză-năr / cheap-tiv)
proaspat - fresh (freş)
problema - problem (pra-blăm)
proces - process / trial (proses / traiăl)
profesie - profession (pro-fe-şăn)
profesor - professor / teacher (pro-fe-săr / ti-ciăr)
(a) promite - (to) promise (proa-mis)
proprietar - owner (onăr)
prosop - towel (tauăl)
prostie - stupidity (stiu-pi-di-ti)
pudra - powder (pau-dăr)
pulover - sweater (sue-dăr)
pumn - fist (fist)
punct - point / spot / dot (poin / spat / dat)
(a) pune - (to) put (put)
(a) purta - (to) wear (uer)
(a) putea - (to) may / can (mei / chen)
rabdare - patience (pei-şăns)
rabdator - patient (pei-şănt)
raceala - coldness (cold-nes)
racheta - rocket / missile (roa-chet / mis-ail)
racire - cool down / cooling (cul daun / culing)
racoare - coolness / cool / cold (culnes / cul / cold)
racoritor - refreshing (ri-freş-ing)
radacina - root (rut)
radar - radar (rei-da)
(a) rade - (to) laugh (laf)
radiera - eraser (irei-zăr)
radio - radio (rei-dio)
radiografie - X-ray / radiography (ics-rei / rei-dio-grafi)
raft - shelf (şelf)
rai - heaven (hevăn)
raion - department / section (de-part-mănt / sec-şăn)
rama - frame (freim)
(a) ramane - (to) remain / stay (ri-mein / stei)
rampa - ramp (reamp)
ramura - branch / twig (branci / tuig)
rana - wound / injury (und / in-giu-ri)
rapid - fast / quick (feast / cuic)
rar - rare (rer)

rasarit - sunrise (san-raiz)
raspuns - reply / response / answer (ri-plai / ris-pons / an-săr)
(a) rasturna - (to) overthrow / overturn (ovăr-tro / ovăr-tărn)
rata / rata - rate / duck (reit / dac)
rau - river (rivăr)
raza - radius / ray (rei-diăs / rei)
razboi - war (uăr)
real - real / actual (riăl / ac-ciu-ăl)
rechin - shark (şarc)
reclama - advertising / commercial (ad-văr-tai-zing / co-mer-şial)
recompensa - reward (ri-uărd)
(a) reface - (to) restore / rebuild / remake (ristor / ribild / rimeic)
relax / (a) relaxa - relaxation / (to) relax (ri-leacs-eişăn / ri-leacs)
(a) repara - (to) repair / fix (ri-per / fix)
(a) repeta - (to) repeat (ri-pit)
(a) respecta - (to) respect (rispect)
restaurant - restaurant (resto-rant)
(a) retine - (to) retain / detain / withhold / remember (ritein / ditein)
(a) retine - (to) withhold / remember (uit-hold / ri-mem-băr)
(a) reuni - (to) gather (ghea-dăr)
(a) rezerva - (to) reserve / book (rizărv / buc)
(a) rezolva - (to) resolve / solve (rizolv / solv)
rezultat - result (rizălt)
(a) ridica - (to) pick up / raise / elevate / lift (pic up / reiz)
(a) ridica - (to) elevate / lift (ele-veit / lift)
ridiche - radish (readiş)
rinichi - kidney (chidni)
(a) risca - (to) risk (risc)
rival - rival (rai-văl)
roata - wheel (uil)
rochie - dress (dres)
roman - Romanian (ro-me-niăn)
Romania - Romania (ro-me-nia)
rosu - red (red)
rotund - round (raund)
roz - pink (pinc)
rugina - rust (ruast)
ruj - lipstick (lip-stic)
(a) rupe - (to) break (breic)
rusine - shame / disgrace (şeim / dis-greis)
sabie - sword (suărd)
sac - bag (beag)
sacosa - bag (beag)
sacou - jacket (gia-chet)
sacru - sacred (sei-crăd)
sageata - arrow (arou)
Sagetator - Sagittarius (sageteriăs)

sah - chess (ciz)
saisprezece - sixteen (sics-tin)
sala - room / hall (rum / hăl)
salam - salami (salami)
salariu - salary / wage (salări / uei-gi)
salata - salad (sea-lăd)
salt / (a) sari - jump / (to) jump / skip (giamp / schip)
salut / (a) saluta - greeting / (to) greet (gri-ting / grit)
(a) salva - (to) save / rescue (seiv / res-chiu)
salvare - rescue (res-chiu)
sambata - Saturday (sa-tăr-dei)
sampon - shampoo (şampu)
sanatate - health (helt)
sandala - sandal (seandăl)
sange - blood (blad)
sanie - sleigh / sledge (slei / slegi)
sansa - chance (cians)
sant - trench (trenci)
santaj - blackmail (bleac-meil)
sapa / (a) sapa - shovel / (to) dig (şavăl / dig)
saptamana - week (uic)
sapte - seven (sevăn)
saptesprezece - seventeen (sevăn-tin)
sapun - soap (sop)
saracie / sarac - poverty / poor (povărti / pur)
sarbatoare - feast / holiday (fist / holidei)
sare - salt (salt)
sarma - wire (uaiăr)
sarpe - snake / serpent (sneic / săr-pănt)
sase - six (sics)
sat - village (vilăgi)
satelit - satellite (sată-lait)
sau - or (or)
sauna - sauna (sona)
savant - scholar / scientist / scholarly (scu-lar / sa-iăn-tist)
scara - scale / stairs / ladder (scheil / steirs / ladăr)
scaun - chair / seat (cer / sit)
(a) schia - (to) ski (scai)
(a) schimba - (to) change / exchange (ce-ingi / ecs-ce-ingi)
scoala - school (scul)
scop - purpose / aim / goal / objective (păr-păs / eim / gol / obgectiv)
scor - score (scor)
scorpion - scorpion (scor-pion)
scrisoare - letter (letăr)
secret - secret (si-crăt)
secunda - second (se-cănd)
sef - chief / boss (cif / bos)

semn - sign / mark / symbol (sain / marc / sim-băl)
sensibil - sensitive (sen-zi-tiv)
sentiment - feeling (filing)
(a) separa - (to) separate (se-pă-reit)
septembrie - September (sep-tem-băr)
seringa - syringe (si-rin-gi)
sertar - drawer (dro)
sfat - advice / tip / counsel (ădvais / tip / caun-săl)
sfera - sphere (sfer)
si - and (end)
siguranta - safety (seifti)
singur - alone / single (ălon / singăl)
situatie - situation (si-tu-ei-şăn)
slab - weak / skinny (uic / schin)
(a) slabi - (to) weaken / lose weight (uicăn / luz ueit)
soare - sun (san)
soarece / soricel - mouse (maus)
soacra - mother-in-law (madăr-in-lou)
socru - father-in-law (fadăr-in-lou)
solutie - solution (so-lu-şăn)
soparla - lizard (lizărd)
sora - sister (sis-tăr)
sos - sauce (sos)
(a) sosi - (to) arrive (ăraiv)
sot / sotie - husband / wife (haz-bănd / uaif)
spate - back / rear (beac / rir)
special - special (spe-şăl)
spital - hospital (hos-pităl)
spranceana - eyebrow (ai-brau)
sprijin / (a) sprijini - support / (to) support (săport)
spuma - foam (fom)
(a) spune - (to) say / tell (sei / tel)
(a) sta - (to) stay / stand / sit (stei / stend / sit)
stalp - pole (pol)
stanga - left (left)
statie - station (stei-şăn)
statuie - statue (stea-tiu)
stea - star (star)
steag - flag (fleag)
(a) sti - (to) know (cnou)
sticla - glass / bottle (gleas / batăl)
strada - street / alley (strit / ali)
(a) straluci - (to) shine / glow / sparkle (şain / glo / spar-căl)
stres - stress (strit)
strugure - grape (greip)
(a) sublinia - (to) emphasize / underline (em-făsaiz / andăr-lain)
suc - juice (gia-stis)

sud - south (saut)
suferinta - suffering / pain (sa-fring / pein)
sufragerie - living room / dining room (living rum / daining rum)
sunca - ham (heam)
supa - soup (sup)
surpriza - surprise (sur-praiz)
sus - above / up (ăbav / ap)
sutien - bra (bra)
tabel - table (tei-băl)
tabla - sheet / blackboard (şit / bleac-bord)
tablou - painting (pein-ting)
tacut - silent / quiet (sai-lănt / cuaiăt)
(a) taia - (to) cut (cat)
talent / talentat - talent / talented / gifted (tea-lănt / tea-lăntăd)
talpa - sole / base (sol / beis)
tanar - young (iang)
tanc - tank (teanc)
tantar - mosquito (moschito)
tap - goat (gout)
tapet - wallpaper (ual-pei-păr)
tara - country / land (cauntri / leand)
taran - peasant (pe-zănt)
tarm - shore (şor)
tasta - key (chi)
tata - father / pop (fa-dăr / pap)
taur - bull (bul)
tava - tray (trei)
tavan - ceiling (siling)
taxa - tax / duty / fee (teax / diuti / fi)
teafar - okay / safe / safely (o-chei / seif / seifli)
teama - fear (fir)
teatru - theater (tia-tră)
tehnica - technique (tec-nic)
tehnologie - technology (tec-no-lo-gi)
telecomanda - remote (control) (rimote)
telefon - phone / telephone (fon / tele-fon)
telespectator - viewer (viuăr)
televizor - TV / television (ti-vi / tele-vi-jăn)
temperatura - temperature (tem-pe-ciăr)
teren - land / terrain (leand / terein)
(a) termina - (to) finish / complete / end (finiş / complit / end)
tigaie - pan / frying pan (pean / fraing pean)
tigru - tiger (tai-găr)
timbru - stamp (steamp)
timp - time (taim)
toaleta - toilet (toi-lăt)
tot - all / everything (ol / evri-fing)

tractor - tractor (treac-tăr)
traditie - tradition (tra-di-şăn)
(a) trage - (to) drag / pull / fire (dreag / pul / faiăr)
trandafir - rose (roz)
(a) transpira - (to) sweat (suet)
(a) transporta - (to) carry / transport (cheri / trans-port)
treapta - stair / step / stage / level (steir / step / steigi)
(a) trebui - (to) need / must (nid / mast)
trei - three (tri)
treisprezece - thirteen (tăr-tin)
tren - train (trein)
tricou - T-shirt (ti-şărt)
(a) trimite - (to) send (send)
trist / tristete - sad / sadness (sead / seadnăs)
triunghi - triangle (trai-angăl)
tufis - bush (buş)
tunel - tunnel (tanăl)
tunet - thunder (tan-dăr)
ud / (a) uda - wet / (to) wet (uet)
uimit - astonished / surprised (ăstonişd / săr-praizd)
uimire - amazement (ămeiz-mănt)
(a) uimi - (to) amaze / dazzle (ămeiz / dea-zăl)
(a) uita / uitat - (to) forget / forgotten (foghet / fo-gatăn)
ulei - oil (oil)
uleios - oily (oili)
uliu - pigeon hawk (pigiăn houc)
ultimul - last / the last (least)
umar - shoulder (şol-dăr)
umbra - shadow / shade (şa-dou / şeid)
umbrela - umbrella (ămbrela)
umed - wet / moist (uet / moist)
umeras - hanger / clothes hanger (hengăr / cloţ hengăr)
(a) umfla - (to) swell / inflate (suel / infleit)
umor - humor (hiu-măr)
(a) umple - (to) fill (up) (fil)
un - a / an (ă / ăn)
unchi - uncle (ancăl)
unde - where (uer)
undeva - somewhere (sam-uer)
unealta - tool (tul)
uneori - sometimes (sam-taims)
(a) unge - (to) spread / (to) grease (spred / gris)
unghi - angle (engăl)
unghie - nail (neil)
unghiera - nail clippers (neil cli-părs)
unic / unicat - sole / unique (sol / iunic)
uniform - uniform (iuni-form)

unsprezece - eleven (ilevăn)
unt - butter (batăr)
unu / unul / una - one (uan)
ura - hatred / hate (heit-răd / heit)
urat - ugly (agli)
(a) urca - (to) rise / ascend / go up (raiz / ăsend / go ap)
ureche - ear (ir)
(a) urma - (to) follow (falou)
urmas - follower / successor (falouăr / suc-sei-săr)
urs - bear (ber)
usa - door (dor)
(a) usca - (to) dry (drai)
usor - easy / light (izi / lait)
usturoi - garlic (garlic)
utilaj - equipment / machinery (ăcuip-mănt / maşi-nări)
(a) utiliza - (to) use (iuz)
vaca - cow (cau)
val - wave (uev)
valabil - valid (vea-lid)
valabilitate - validity (vea-li-di-ti)
vale - valley (veali)
valiza - suitcase (suit-cheis)
valoare - value / worth (vea-liu / uort)
vama - customs (cas-tăms)
vames - custom officer (cas-tăms ofisăr)
vanata - eggplant (eg-pleant)
vanataie - bruise (bruz)
vanator - hunter (hantăr)
vant - wind (uind)
vanzator - seller (selăr)
vapor - ship (şip)
vapori - vapor / steam (veipar / stim)
var / văr - lime / whitewash / cousin (laim / uait-uăş / ca-zăn)
vara - summer / cousin (samă / ca-zăn)
varf - peak (pic)
varsta - age (eigi)
(a) varui - (to) whitewash (uait-uăş)
varza - cabbage (chea-bă-gi)
vas - vessel / ship (vesăl / şip)
vasla - paddle / oar (peadăl / oor)
vast - vast (veast)
vata - wadding / cotton (uading / catăn)
vaza - vase (vaz)
vechi - old / ancient (old / ein-şănt)
vecin - neighbor (nei-băr)
vedere / (a) vedea - view / sight / (to) see (vi-iu / sait / si)
veioza - table lamp (teibăl leamp)

vena - vein (vein)
(a) veni - (to) come (com)
verde - green (grin)
(a) verifica - (to) check / check out / verify (cec / cec out / ve-ri-fai)
vesel - cheerful / joyful (cir-ful / gi-oi-ful)
vesta - vest (vest)
veverita - squirrel (scue-răl)
viata - life (laif)
vin - wine (uain)
vina - blame / guilt (bleim / ghilt)
(a) vinde - (to) sell (sel)
vineri - Friday (frai-dei)
(a) viziona - (to) watch (uaci)
(a) vizita - (to) visit (vizit)
(a) vizualiza - (to) view / visualize (vi-iu / vi-juă-laiz)
vopsea / (a) vopsi - paint / (to) paint (peint)
(a) vorbi - (to) speak / talk (spic / tălc)
vot / (a) vota - vote / (to) vote (vot)
(a) vrea - (to) want / like (uant / laic)
vreme - weather (uedăr)
vulpe - fox (focs)
vultur - eagle (igăl)
zahar - sugar (şugăr)
zambet / (a) zambi - smile / (to) smile (smail)
zana - fairy (feiri)
zapada - snow (snou)
zaruri - dice (dais)
zarzavat - vegetables (ve-ge-dă-băls)
zavor - latch (laci)
zbor / (a) zbura - flight / (to) fly (flait / fli)
(a) zdrobi - (to) crush (craş)
zebra - zebra (zibra)
zece - ten (ten)
zgarda - dog collar (dog colăr)
(a) zgaria - (to) scratch (screaci)
zgomot - noise (noiz)
zi - day (dei)
ziar - newspaper (niuz-pei-păr)
zid - wall (uăl)
zidar - bricklayer (bric-leiăr)
zori - morning (morning)
zugrav - painter (peintăr)
zvon - rumor (rumor)


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