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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Due to the fast advancement of technology nowadays mobile phones have

become a social and economic necessity that became part of our lives; it is feasible that

in the future, every person in the world may own or use a mobile phone. The rise in the

use of mobile phones has led to many changes in our everyday lives. In particularly,

this rise has also led to the rise of mobile games. Mobile games refer to any game that

a person plays through the use of mobile phone; which can be played by multiple

players in different scopes around the world. The popularity of mobiles games has

spread at an increasing rate since its introduction.

However, nowadays people see mobile games having a good impact for students

and kids considering it as an effective mind exercise. This also shapes a student’s ability

to think and react faster as they do in gaming. A research shows that a child playing

online games becomes more active and can change your brain to be smarter (C. Shawn

Green). Online gaming plays a major role for a teen’s involvement to modernization and

preparation for the 21st century. However, we should not lose sight of the negative

impacts it may bring to us. Mobile games is one of the most blamed issues by the

media why teenagers today becomes violent and commit extreme anti-social behavior

which they probably adapt from the things happening on the virtual world.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine how mobile game addiction affects the students of

Movers Academy, Inc.

Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What could they gain from playing mobile games in terms of academic


2. Is playing mobile game hindrance on the students’ such as:

a) Doing of assignments/homework c) Attending school matters/ activities

b) Doing performance task

3. Do playing mobile games affect the students’ academic performance at school?

Scope and Delimitation

The study mainly focus on showing how even an online game can affect

someone different aspects. Its purpose is to study and describe the effects of mobile

games among the gamers of Movers Academy Grade 8 students. The aspects explored

the effects of it on the gamers’ academic performance and also the benefits that they

obtained from playing mobile games.

Significance of the Study

The researchers conducted this research to determine the effects of mobile game

to the students of Movers Academy, Inc. The researchers believe that the result of this

study will greatly benefit the following:


 Teachers

The findings of the study may help them understand the different characteristics

that high school age students have. This will give them insights on why students have

to leave their classes just to play online games. It will help them also create a certain

teaching strategies using technology. This will broaden their imagination on the

advantages and disadvantages of mobile games.

 Students

The findings of the study may help them understand and realized that mobile

games have good and bad effects to their studies. This will help them to balance their

time of playing mobile games with their academic schooling. It will help them realized

how useful the modern technology in achieving quality basic education.

 Parents

The findings of the study may help them in guiding their children as far as playing

mobile game and the importance of their studies is concerned. This will help them

realized that this technology is one way of developing the minds of their children

provided with limitation to play.


Chapter II


This section presents the related literature and studies that is relevant and

significant to the current studies. This will be a guide to the research about the said

topic presented in the next chapters.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

With this trend, many students received different consequences which impact

their lives due to excessive playing of mobile games. Because of these consequences

different concerns appear and it results to a growing number of studies that indicate

that playing mobile games is associated with various negative consequences. The

psychological consequences include the following: education, work, other pastime

activities, sleep, socializing, stress, problems with verbal memory, and worse academic

achievement (Kuss D. J. 2013). This long list indicates that mobile gaming problems

must be taken seriously as they can affect an individual negatively in a variety of ways.

According to James (2016) mobile gaming addiction is a very real problem for a

large number of people across the world. Most of us understand that moderation is key

when it comes to the colorful games that aim to part us from our money, but it’s

obviously too much for some people to handle. And according to Young, K. (2009)

addiction to online games can cause a tremendous amount of consequences to the

gamer. Gaming addicts willingly forgo sleep, food, and real human contact just to

experience more time in the virtual world. Gaming addicts must play for long periods of

time to excel at the game, which makes them forget/ neglect their real life interactions

and duties at hand.

As stated by Jobin Babu (2018), Games provide fun moments into our busy and

tight scheduled life. They help in reducing stress. Playing games on mobile phones is

not harmful as far as it doesn’t turns out to be an addiction. To release some stress, we

play mobile games for hours, which in turn adversely affects our health physical and


Effects on Academic Performance

The effects of mobile gaming in particular may have a positive effect on learning

in kinds. It’s already well known that playing video games is good for the brain. German

researchers conducted a study showing that people who played games for 30 minutes a

day gained gray matter in the areas of the brain responsible for memory formation,

spatial navigation, fine motor skills and strategic planning. Numerous studies suggest

that not only device access, but also the games on those devices can have a positive

impact on classroom engagement, study habits, literacy and student test score at all

levels. It’s not surprising that mobile devices are gaining traction as a learning tool by

educators and parents. (Jessica Oats, 2015)

In addition, according to the research conducted by Bachhuber and Saulnier

(2012) games help students understand that words can have multiple, discrete

definitions. Through formative testing, they found that the students often merge the

different definitions of multiple meaning words into a single inaccurate interpretation. A


range of existing research suggests that this is a serious hindrance in reading

comprehension. However, their research shows that the person who plays games can

improve their grammar, vocabulary and comprehension. This is perfect reason why

students should play games. They can have interactive way to learn English or any

other language.

According to Gentile (2004), video games are natural teachers. Children find

them highly motivating by virtue of their interactive nature. Children are actively

engaged, provide repeated practice, and include rewards for skillful play. These facts

make it likely that video games could have large effects, some of which are intended by

game habits are correlated with risk factors for health and with poorer academic

performance. When video game play is analyzed for violent content, additional risk

factors are observed for aggressive behavior.

On the other hand, in the research conducted by Anderson and Dill (2000), they

were able to discover that academic achievement may be negatively related to over-all

time spent playing video games. One of their study have shown that the more time a

kids spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. Their

surveyed data also show that students who reported playing more violent video games

in junior and high school engaged in more aggressive behavior.

Furthermore, it is important to remember that even if a person spends a

significant amount of time on the mobile games every day, that doesn’t necessarily

mean that the person is negatively addicted. Spending a considerable amount of time

online doesn’t always ruin a person’s life or the lives of the other people. There are

people who use their mobile phones to reach out to other in a meaningful way and use

the awesome power and positive aspects of the internet to learn and grow in every

area of their lives and to become better people.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

The research’s framework covers about the effects of mobile gaming to grade 8

students of Movers Academy in year 2019 in their academic performance. By getting

responses to grade 8 students, data is gathered.

Gaming addiction is not yet classified as a mental health disorder or "true"

addiction like gambling or alcohol addiction. However, some gamers clearly struggle to

keep their playing habits under control and may place more importance on their gaming

accomplishments than their happiness and success in the real world (e.g., academic

achievement). (Dr. Brent Conrad)

Research indicates that there are many effects of mobile gaming among the

grade 8 students of Movers Academy. Studies have been conducted assessing the

effects of mobile gaming. As an input, the researchers will gather all the information

about the effects of mobile gaming among the grade 8 students of Movers Academy.

Research Paradigm

The effects of A survey Discovery of

mobile among the the effects
gaming grade 8 that the grade
among the students of 8 students
grade 8 Movers obtain from
mobile gaming
students Academy, Inc.

Assumptions of the Study

 We assume that playing mobile games is not a hindrance towards the academic

performance of the student.

 There may be disturbance that can be adopted or acquired in playing mobile

games that causes the student to be physically and mentally absent in school

related activities.

Definitions of terms

 Academic Performance – is measured by taking written and oral tests,

performing presentations, turning in homework and participating in class

activities and discussions.

 Game Addiction – is an excessive or compulsive use of computer games or

mobile games, which interferes with a person’s everyday life.

 Gamer – a person who plays games especially video or mobile games.

 Mobile Games – games refer to any game that a person plays through the use of

mobile phone.

 Movers Academy – school where the researchers conducted their research.

 Online Game – is any game that is played online, based online, or has a majority

of its content/gameplay online.


Chapter III


This chapter described the research design, respondents of the study, instrument

of the study, validity and reliability, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This research work adopted the descriptive survey research design to find out

the effects of mobile games on academic performance in Grade 8 students.


The respondents of this study are grade 8 students of Movers Academy, Inc.

Data Collection

The questionnaires/ survey forms are written in English. The questioning method

is in check list form.

Plan for Data Analysis Wherein:

% = percentage
F = no. of respondents that
%= 𝑵 ×100 answered the question

N = total no. of respondents

Plan Dissemination and Advocacy

This will be disseminated to grade 8 student mobile gamer from Movers


Chapter IV


This chapter includes the timetable, data analysis and explores the results

obtained from the survey on the effects of mobile games to grade 8 students.




Analyze data 

Encoding result 
Final defense 


Here are the legends for the table 1 shown below:

SA= Strongly Agree

A= Agree

SD= Strongly Disagree

D= Disagree

F= Frequency

P= Percentage


a) You get very
angry when
someone interrupts
a game. 0 0% 17 51.52% 8 24.24% 8 24.24% 33 100%
b) You lose hours of
sleep to gaming. 3 9.1% 16 48.48% 10 30.30% 4 12.12% 33 100%

c) You have called

in sick or late to
0 0% 5 15.15% 20 60.61% 8 24.24% 33 100%
work or skipped
classes to game.
d) You have learned
something that you
can use in your 10 30.30% 16 48.48% 4 12.12% 3 9.1% 33 100%
studies from
e) You forget
responsibilities or
2 6.06% 10 30.30% 12 36.36% 9 27.28% 33 100%
deadlines in work
school when
f) You become
irritated and
defensive when
3 9.1% 11 33.33% 6 18.18% 13 39.39% 33 100%
people suggest you
might be gaming
too much.
g) You gain skills
and strategic
planning in doing 5 15.15% 22 66.65% 3 9.1% 3 9.1% 33 100%
school works from
h) You have intense
feelings (highs,
4 12.12% 16 48.49% 5 15.15% 8 24.24% 33 100%
lows, anger, fear)
while gaming.
i) You feel like
gaming helps your
eye and hand
2 6.06% 17 51.52% 8 24.24% 6 18.18% 33 100%
coordination that
helps you in reading
and writing.
j) Your hours spent
more on school
13 39.4% 14 42.42% 4 12.12% 2 6.06% 33 100%
activities than
A) From the first statement, out of 33 respondents, 17 of them agreed which

constitutes (51.52%), 8 of them strongly disagreed (24.24%) and who answered

disagree (24.24%) of the total population.


B) From the second statement, out of 33 respondents there were 3 of them

answered strongly agree (9.1%), 16 of them answered agree (48.48%), 10 of them

answered strongly disagree (30.30%), and 4 of them answered disagree (12.12%) of

the total population.

C) From the third statement, 5 gained agree (15.15%), 20 strongly disagree

(60.61%), and 8 disagree (24.24%) of the total population.

D) Statement no. 4 there were 10 respondents strongly agreed (30.30%), 16

agreed (48.48%), 4 strongly disagreed (12.12%), and 3 disagreed (9.1%) of the total

population. According to the research conducted by Bachhuber and Saulnier (2012),

their research shows that the person who plays games can improve their grammar,

vocabulary and comprehension. Therefore, they can have interactive way to learn

English or any other language.

E) Statement no. 5 gained 2 strongly agreed (6.06%), 10 agreed (30.30%),

12 strongly disagreed (36.36%), and 9 disagreed (27.28%) of the total population.

F) Statement no. 6 has 3 who strongly agreed (9.1%), 11 agreed (33.33%), 6

strongly disagreed (18.18%), and 13 disagreed (39.39%) total population.

G) Statement no. 7 gained 5 who strongly agreed (15.15%), 22 agreed

(66.65%), 3 strongly disagreed and who answered disagree (9.1%) of the total

population. According to Jessica Oats (2015), people who played games for 30 minutes

a day gained gray matter in the areas of the brain responsible for memory formation,

spatial navigation, fine motor skills and strategic planning.


H) Statement no. 8 has 4 who strongly agreed (12.12%), 16 agreed

(48.49%), 5 strongly disagreed (15.15%), and 8 disagreed (24.24%) total population.

As stated by Jose Alvarez (2018), video games can invoke a lot of emotions for the

people playing them. Positive or not, playing video games is an emotional experience.

Getting so far through a mission only to be ‘killed’, can lead to an understandable

feeling of frustration and rage.

I) Statement no. 9 gained 2 respondents who strongly agreed which

constitutes 6.06%, 17 agreed (51.52%), 8 strongly disagreed (24.24%), and 6

disagreed (18.18%) of the total population. According to Neha Karl (2014), the ability

to efficiently learn sensorimotor skills are in high demand, particularly in certain careers

where precision is needed, such as surgery. The hand-eye coordination that is

enhanced by gaming can also help make everyday tasks such as driving and typing

more efficient.

J) Statement no. 10 has 13 who strongly agreed (39.4%), 14 agreed

(42.42%), 4 strongly disagreed (12.12%), and 2 disagreed (6.06%) total population.

Hundreds of millions of people play mobile games on their phone. Mobile games

provide moments of fun that are easy to fit into our busy lives. Mobile games can

relieve stress and improve your mood. Truly great mobile games are also beautiful. The

best mobile games are engrossing, entertaining, and beautiful to look at. These are the

games that the respondents playing through mobile phone.


Table 2

What mobile games do you play?

Frequency Percentage
Minecraft 5 15.15%
Plants vs. Zombies 4 12.12%
Mobile Legends 7 21.22%
Rules of Survival 2 6.06%
PUBG 1 3.03%
Word Search 1 3.03%
Zombie Tsunami 2 6.06%
Free Fire 2 6.06%
Arrow .io 1 3.03%
Benji Banana 1 3.03%
Temple Run 1 3.03%
Subway Surf 1 3.03%
Balloon Tip 1 3.03%
Helix Jump 1 3.03%
Clash of Clans 2 6.06%
Candy Crush 1 3.03%
Total= 33 100%

Table 2 showed that 5 of the respondents play Minecraft on their mobile phones

(15.15%), 4 of them play Plants vs. Zombies (12.12%), 7 of them play Mobile Legends

(21.22%), 2 of them play Rules of Survival (6.06%), Zombie Tsunami (6.06%), Free

Fire (6.06%), and Clash of Clans (6.06%) and 1 of them play PUBG (3.03%), Word

Search (3.03%), Arrow .io (3.03%), Benji Banana (3.03%), Temple Run (3.03%),

Subway Surf (3.03%), Balloon Tip (3.03%), Helix Jump (3.03%), and Candy Crush


Chapter V


This chapter presents the conclusions of the study, recommendations, and



Within the limits of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. We therefore conclude that playing mobile games is not a hindrance in the

studies of students, according to the result of our study.
2. The respondents don’t want to be disturbed with their gaming because they
might lose at their game that can make them annoyed.
3. Most of respondents lose hours sleep to gaming but not too late to attend
school maybe because they only play long every week ends.
4. The effects of playing mobile games increase the knowledge and other
learning of student gamer.
5. The solutions for the other students who are addicted to games were being
aware of the bad effects of playing games too much so that they’ll limit their


 Parents should be observant of time limit as for allowing their children to play
mobile games.
 The guidance office promotes programs that educate children about the bad
effects of too much playing mobile games.
 This study will help the next researcher whose research is related to this
study. This can be a guide for the next researcher or the same topic. It will
serve as a reference for all the students.
 The teacher should give its students an assignment about mobile gaming.

 The school should expand and allow the use of library for the students to
have a reference regarding the effects of mobile games or computer games
to students. It will be a great help to the students when this matter is being
approved. Their information and knowledge about this matter will expand and




A. Personal Data

Name: Danielle Joyce L. Bacsal

Age: 16

Date of Birth: April 25, 2002

Place of Birth: Baguio General Hospital

Address: Carayacan, San Quintin, Pangasinan

Contact#: 09560948269

Name of Father: Danilo E. Bacsal

Name of Mother: Lolita L. Bacsal

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Sisenando V. Tecson Elementary School

San Quintin, Pangasinan

Secondary: San Quintin High School Educational

Foundation, Inc.
San Quintin, Pangasinan

Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

MOTTO: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and
then success is sure.” -Mark Twain


A. Personal Data

Name: Gavin Reivon M. Espiritu

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 18, 2000

Place of Birth: San Nicolas, Pangasinan

Address: Poblacion East, San Nicolas, Pangasinan

Contact#: 09560949264

Name of Father: Roger E. Navat

Name of Mother: Rizzadee M. Espiritu

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

Secondary: Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

MOTTO: “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never
know how amazing you can be.” -Maya Angelou


A. Personal Data

Name: Deane Mikhail M. Tablang

Age: 17

Date of Birth: November 23, 2001

Place of Birth: Baguio General Hospital

Address: Batchelor East, Natividad, Pangasinan

Contact#: 09060854418

Name of Father: Marvin D. Tablang

Name of Mother: Janet M. Tablang

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Natividad Central School

Natividad, Pangasinan

Secondary: Natividad National High School

Natividad, Pangasinan

Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

MOTTO: “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” -

Truman Capote


A. Personal Data

Name: Genesis P. Pagal

Age: 18

Date of Birth: July 17, 2000

Place of Birth: San Quintin, Pangasinan

Address: Calapugan, Natividad, Pangasinan

Contact#: 0955489747

Name of Father: Conrado C. Pagal

Name of Mother: Rizzalina P. Pagal

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

Secondary: Movers Academy, Inc.

Natividad, Pangasinan

MOTTO: “I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it

wrong.” -Benjamin Franklin

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