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Final exam review

Duration: 90 minutes.

2 A4 handwriting Note is allowed. (2 tờ 4 mặt )

Part 1 (50 points) : 5 questions will be selected.

Chapter 6: Questions: 5,7,8,16,17,18,20

5. What are some of the changes that Google has made to its search engine algorithms to
improve search results and user experience?

7. What is a marketing automation system and how is it used?

8. List the differences among databases, data warehouses, and data mining.

16. What are some of the advantages of direct e-mail marketing?

17. Why is offline advertising still important?

18. What is the difference between hits and page views? Why are these not the best

measurements of web traffic?

Which is the preferred metric for traffic counts?

20. What are marketing analytics and how are they used?

Chapter 7: 3,4,6,19,20

3. Why is the connection between social, mobile, and local marketing important to marketers?

4. What are the objectives of social marketing?

6. What are the five elements of the social marketing process?

19. Why is location-based marketing so attractive to marketers?

20. List and describe some basic location-based marketing tools.

Chapter 8: 15,19,20,

15. Define cybersquatting. How is it different from cyberpiracy? What type of intellectual

property violation

does cybersquatting entail?

19. What is the “right to be forgotten”? What are some of the risks and benefits of establishing

this right?

20. What is the doctrine of “fair use”? Why did the courts decide that Google’s scanning of

copyrighted books was

a “fair use”?

Chapter 10: 2,3,5,8,15,17,19

2. What are the basic revenue models for online content, and what is their major challenge?

3. What are the two primary e-book business models?

5. What techniques do music subscription services use to enforce DRM?

8. What are the different revenue models that newspapers have used?

15. What factors are needed to support successfully charging the consumer for online content?

17. What alternatives do magazine publishers have for online distribution channels?

19. What are some of the challenges currently facing the book publishing industry?

Part 2: 02 cases will be selected.

1) V i d e o A d s : S h o o t , C l i c k , B u y (page 343)
2) P r o g r a m m a t i c A d v e r t i s i n g : Real-Time Marketing (page 419)
3) E x c h a n g e H u n t e r J u m p e r. c o m : Building a Brand with Social Marketing
4) T h e R i g h t t o B e F o r g o t t e n : E u r o p e L e a d s o n I n t e r n e t P r i v a c y
5) T h e P i r a t e B a y : Searching for a Safe Haven (577)
6) O p e n T a b l e : Your Reservation Is Waiting (646)
7) N e t f l i x :
8) How Does This Movie End?

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