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A subscriber’s customer experience is going to have an enormous impact on whether or not they are

retained as a client and if they can be upsold. Capturing application usage is an essential means of doing
this. Big data helps Netflix decide which programs will be of interest to you and Netflix’s
recommendation system influences 80% of the content watched on the platform Tweet
This! Recognizing the importance of this data, Netflix even offered a $1 million prize in 2009 to the
group who came up with the best algorithm for predicting how customers would like a movie based on
previous ratings.

Algorithms help Netflix save $1 billion a year in value from customer retention. This infographic
from FrameYourTV details how. FrameYourTV has resources for custom and handmade TV frames and
mirror televisions.
The relationship between relationship marketing and Big Data may allow companies to relate with
clients more effectively, creating opportunities for automation of relationship processes and to manage
useful business information. In this context, CRM and other technologies may be used in several
business segments and cause more interactivity among people with possibilities of information.

An operational CRM helps tie the teams and align everyone’s goals. CRM operations are best when
marketing lead data is directly linked with sales goals, and current or prospective customer data is fed to
the service team, so they can provide the best support possible. By aligning the various departments
within an organization, businesses can then automate processes and improve the overall customer
experience. This automation then allows businesses to spend less on labor (paying employees for hours
of manual work) and strategically re-invest in areas within the organization that they want to grow.

Netflix could enhance the CRM process by following a core concept summary. The key idea in this
concept summary, “Movie Enjoyment Made Easy”

They hinged on the premise that an entertaining, more cinematic experience would enhance customer
experience. The site literally talks to customers.

They have a feature that engages viewers to answer questions in order to refine their movie tastes — a
benefit for both the user and the recommendation algorithm. This created a wonderful, unique and
cinematic experience.

Netflix differentiated itself by pushing on convenience, selection and value — they went from a DVD
delivery service to streaming TV shows and movies instantly on hundreds of devices for just $8 a month.

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