Pretest For Grade 8

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Name:______________________________________ Section:_______ 8.

Which of the choices will you refer to determine if the reading selection is an
informational text?
PRETEST A. It is accompanied with pictures.
B. It is rich in opinions and reactions
Grade 8 C. It gives clear directions or steps in doing activities.
D. It has all the facts needed to describe and discuss the topic or subject.
Towards One Asia
9. In order to meet criteria on suitability, the writer must consider_____.
Historic changes in Asia brought dramatic and sometimes tragic events in the quest for
A. audience and purpose B. length of the text
a peaceful and independent life. Even today, in the international relations of the states C. format and style
in the multi-faceted Asian continent, we see the interaction interlacing and clashing of D. point of view
diverse factors – historical, political, socio-economic, cultural and psychological. We are 10. Which of the following choices refers to plagiarism?
aware of the complex problems which the Asian people have inherited from both the A. The paraphrased material uses 80% of the words from the original source and
distant and the recent past. Among these are the gaps in the levels of economic
development of the various countries on the continent, the dependent status of many of
includes a parenthetical citation.
them in the system of the world’s capitalist economy, territorial disputes, religious B. The words taken from a source are copied exactly, enclosed in quotation marks,
contradictions, ethnic differences, among others. These complicated problems become and followed by a credit.
more acute because of acts of subversion of forces hostile to the peace and freedom of C. The writer did not acknowledge the source since only the ideas and not the exact
Asian nations. As a result, instability still prevails in the Asian region.
words are used.
D. The same requirement was submitted by the student to her two professors for
There are several forces in Asia which firmly uphold the cause of peace. These are the
growing movement of peace-loving, anti-war, and anti-nuclear forces belonging to the an adjunct project.
progressive parties and public organizations of practically every country in the region. 11. Which of the following choices is highly reflected in the reading text?
These forces are in the vanguard of intensifying the struggle for peace and stability in A. S-symbol
the Asian continent. B. I- imagery
C. F- figurative language
However different their approaches to existing problems may be, the Asian nations are
D. T- theme 12. Why is it important to achieve brevity in writing?
linked by common historical destinies and vital interests. They are coping with these
tasks in some similar ways. This is precisely the reason that dictates the necessity of A. Verbose writing is not synonymous with intelligence.
cooperation and good neighborly relations. It is then necessary for Asian countries to B. Big words are not needed to make you sound smart.
actively participate in the social, economic, and other fields on a bilateral and C. Ideas are better expressed when explained concisely.
multilateral basis. These could be in education and skills training in agricultural and D. Less is more.
industrial development. Such good-neighbor cooperation is an effective way of
13. Which of the choices should not be published in a literary folio or magazine?
improving the international climate in Asia.
A. poems
This situation in Asia and the adjoining countries urgently requires that the Asian B. editorial C. photographs
countries evolve politics aimed at averting the threat of nuclear war and achieving D. book review 14. Business letters are for_____.
peaceful solution to all issues. This is a choice that Asian can and must make. A. banking transactions
B. financial business transactions
These joint efforts could bring about an all-Asian forum to consider the complex issues C. transactions in small enterprises or industries
concerning security and cooperation among the Asian nations.
D. communications in formal written language involving various purposes
15. As the editor- in- chief of your school organ you will write a letter to the
1. If “Towards One Asia” were written in verse, what would it be? It is a/an
principal to send you to an international seminar on journalism. What kind of letter
__________ text.
will you be writing?
A. literary
A. Letter of Request
B. non-literary
B. Letter of Approval
C. Informational
C. Letter of Complaint
D. instructional
D. Letter of Authorization 16. As a member of the organizing committee on choral
2. If the reading text is informational it would
interpretation, what will you look for in a text which will be used by the competing
A. give clear directions or steps in doing activities.
B. be rich in opinions and reactions
A. vivid words
C. be accompanied with pictures.
B. variety of roles
D. provide the facts needed to describe and discuss the topic or subject.
C. an enchanting story
3. Which of the following choices refers to a kernel sentence?
D. repetitive verse or rhythm 17. The ONE ASEAN Committee has asked you to be a
A. Simple
judge of the literary
B. Active
folio competition. Which of the criteria below will you use to determine the folio’s
C. Extended
depiction of the theme?
D. Declarative
A. responsive B. engaging
4. Which of the choices best completes the sentence, “We want to explore a new
C. concise
and _______ destination in Asia?”
D. formal
A. Excite
18. You have been asked by your teacher to make a report on the historic changes
B. Excited
in Asia. When you use a direct quotation from a source, you need to cite the
C. Exciting
following except the _____.
D. Excitement
A. author’s name
5. What kind of business letter is this excerpt, “Attached is a photocopy of the
B. page number
article, Towards One Asia, which we will be publishing once we receive your
C. year of publication
permission to print it” from? It is from a letter of __________.
D. publishing company
A. Authorization
19. You are a judge in an informative speech delivery contest, which of the criteria
B. Excuse
would you use to assess the provided information?
C. Request
A. accurate
D. Complaint
B. concise
6. Asia’s transformation is due to its fast growing economy. The underlined
C. audience-centered
expression means_______.
D. meaningful
A. change
20. In writing an essay about Asia, which of the following would you use to make
B. transfer
your kernel sentence more colorful?
C. location
A. adjective phrases
D. position
B. prepositional phrases
7. What is the kernel sentence in this statement, “They are coping with these tasks C. appositive phrases
in some similar ways.”?
A. they are D. noun phrase
B. they are coping
C. these tasks in some
D. tasks in some similar ways

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