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ENSURE a Safe Workplace

Azmat Ali Shah 0417
Assessment Task 1

Establish and maintain WHS management systems


Report Purpose

To design and build up a WHS administration framework to help Australian Hardware on the
absence of its way to deal with WHS consistence. Will be clarified the framework, obligation
holders and assets.


As a WHS expert by Australian Hardware, my part is to make and propose a WHS

administration framework for the organization.

Company background

As indicated by Australian Hardware site the first was opened in Sydney in 1921 under the
name of Percy's Home Goods. At first, the organization was had some expertise in the
assembling and offer of little family furniture, yet in 1950s they took advantage from the
lodging blast by providing wood and other equipment things. The business was re-named
Australian Hardware and an extension program initiated that brought the business into all
states throughout the following 10 years. In 1982 Australian Hardware was recorded on the
Australian Stock Exchange and was offered to the general population in an offer buoy. The
business has kept on growing to currently have 138 stores and around 10,000 staff the nation

Mission Statement

Australian Hardware gives the best quality equipment, homewares, cultivate supplies and
building materials from Australia and the world. Australian Hardware is focused on
furnishing clients and tradespeople with esteem through ordinary low costs, item quality,
master benefit, network commitment and ecological duty.

Vision Statement

Inside five years, Australian Hardware will lead the equipment and home change advertise in

Products & Services

Australian Hardware supplies equipment and home change items and give master guidance
and administration.

Australian equipment is headquartered in Sydney, NSW. The business claims and works 138
stores all through Australia.


Target Market

The market has been separated into three target markets or fragments: Home improvers;
DYIs; tradespersons.

Marketing Strategy

Australian Hardware adopts a two-dimensional key strategy portrayed result and

administration separation alongside select focused on advertising exercises.

Strategic Direction

The Australian Hardware vital bearings for FY2013 are:

 Increase deals income and gross benefit

 Maintain or increment piece of the overall industry
 Control immediate and aberrant operational expenses
 Maintain prevalent item and administration quality measures
 Establish Australian Hardware's notoriety for being a socially and ecologically
dependable organization.
Organizational chart

Australian Hardware Organisation Chart

Australian Hardware Organisation Chart shows that the COO is responsible for the all the store managers and they manage all the areas.

WHS management systems

Define and explain WHS management systems (WHSMS)

A Work Health and Safety Management System, as the name recommends, is a procedure made to deal with the work wellbeing and security in
an association. The goal is to advance a sheltered and solid condition through a structure that permits to the association to distinguish and control
dangers, limit mishaps and the framework is intended to guarantee that the national enactment is taken after and incorporate primary parts as cry:

 Policies tending to the responsibility of the association and administration to the usage of work wellbeing and security in the working
 Documented accountabilities, parts and duties
 Document control and audit
 Communication and discussion methodologies
 Supervision which guarantees specialists are not set in danger
 Training and enlistment programs
 Registers and records
 Documented safe work technique explanations and methods
 Purchasing control
 Risk appraisal tending to form for distinguishing proof of dangers, evaluation of hazard levels, and control techniques
 Hazard, close miss, occurrence and mischance detailing, recording, examination and investigation
 Specific work wellbeing and security programs;

Policies and procedures to include in WHS management systems

 specific working environment perils (distinguishing proof and evaluation of the dangers, chance control and detailing risks)
 issue determination
 consultation on proposed change
 workplace examinations
 investigating occurrences and issues, with restorative activities
 reactive and reaction exercises, for example, emergency treatment and restorative crises, revealing disease, damage, detailing episodes
and unsafe events
 Administrative exercises, for example, record keeping and buying
 Legal obligations in connection to: contractual workers e guests, damage records, wellbeing checking and following new controls, which
apply, to the work environment
 Non-smoking arrangement
 Policy on utilization of medications and liquor
 housekeeping arrangement
 working in limited spaces
 resolving issues;

Adaptation and amendments may be requiring to existing policies and procedures

An adaptation or amendment may be necessary in cases of a new hazard be identified, new technology be used, new legislation, new substances
or equipment, new layout of workplace, accidents occurring more often.
It could be necessary to adapt a new resolution or changing the way that something is done, it may be necessary to wear a special PPE for a
certain job, or have a special qualification to handle a chemical product

Roles, Responsibilities & Accountabilities

Roles Responsibilities Accountabilities

- Assist on the implementation of the - Make decisions and report to Store
Senior WHS system plan; managers;
Managers - Ensure the effectiveness of the WHS - Manage risks and provide solutions
system plan and monitor; for them;
- Ensure a safe and health workplace, - Create, implement and monitor
Store keeping a periodic maintenance; policies and procedures, reviewing
Managers - Ensure that training and PPE are been them when necessary;
provided to workers;
- Motivate the team in regarding to the
following of policies and procedures;
Team - Report and indicate when a possible
- Ensure that new staff members are well
leaders hazard is identified;
trained and work inside of the WHS

- Look after themselves and others;

- Ensure that everyone follow the
Workers - Follow policies and procedures;
training and is aware of policies and
- Wear and use PPE when necessary;
- Assist the organization providing
- Provide the WHS system plan;
information within the legislation in
WHS - Ensure that the WHS system covers
WHS system;
consultant - Ensure that policies and procedures are all the topics and are by law.
- Promote audit of the system in
clear and effective;
certain periods of time.

Human, physical and financial Resources

entitlements cost productivity Total cost
($/hour) ($/hour) ($/hour)
Senior managers
100 100 200
Store managers
50 50 100
Team leaders (8
Human per store) 30 30 480
Workers (20 per
store) 25 25 1000
WHS consultants 60 N/A 60
IT support 30 30 30
Training rooms
50 N/A 50
340 N/A 340
Physical Screen 1500 N/A 1500
Resources Material (paper,
pen) 150 N/A 100
Furniture (6 tables
+ 35 chairs) 900 N/A 900
Water 200 N/A 200
Total Cost of project per session:
Amend the Wollongong Store WHS policy to apply nationally

Highlight aspects of the current policy from appendix 4 to be amended

The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of Australian Hardware Wollongong Store. Management at the Wollongong Store
are responsible.
Provide rewritten amended sections for Australian Hardware national WHS policy
The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of Australian Hardware stores all over Australia.
Management at Australian Hardware stores are responsible for:

Proposed WHSMS

Description of the features of the proposed WHSMS, including policies and required amendments
 More particular parts and obligations
 reactive and reaction exercises, for example, emergency treatment and medicinal crises, detailing sickness, damage, announcing episodes
and hazardous events
 Evacuations
 legal duties in connection to: contractual workers e guests, damage records, wellbeing checking and conforming to new directions which
apply to the work environment
 How frequently the arrangements and methods ought to be explored

Explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets legislative requirements

The proposed WHSMS is based on the relevant legislation:

 Work Health and Safety Act 2011

 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.

Description of duty holders

PCBU: A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking has the essential obligation of care to guarantee the wellbeing and security of labourers
while they are grinding away in the business or undertaking. A PCBU is additionally in charge of guaranteeing work completed does not convey
hazard to the wellbeing and security of others.

Officers: are required to work out 'due constancy' to guarantee the PCBU meets that obligation.

Labourers: take sensible care to guarantee acts or oversights do not unfavourably influence the wellbeing and security of others; Comply with
sensible directions from the PCBU to help them in following the WHS Act; and Co-work with strategies or systems identifying with wellbeing
and wellbeing that the specialists have been told of it.

How the proposed WHSMS meets organisational requirements and integrates with organisational needs including budget.

The proposed WHSMS is aligned with the organizational need and as is possible to confirm on item 3.5 financial resources, is within the budget.
Assessment Task 2
Undertake consultation and manage WHS risk

Part A

Review the following scenario: Statement reviewing your task

As a WHS specialist is a piece of my undertaking to explore and propose a WHS administration framework for Australian Hardware, in the
Wollongong store. I will outline and set up the approach and strategies, the hazard administration design and gather data from Australian
Hardware national WHS information to guarantee that the WHS administration framework is covering immeasurably essential issues.

Review the Australian Hardware simulated business information in the appendices of the previous Assessment task

Detailed information on Australian Hardware

Refer to assessment 1
Operational policies and procedures (appendix 5)
The Australian Procurement approach composed under enactment as Fair work Act, organizations Act, Income Tax Assessment Act, expresses
Reason: to guarantee the buy of items and materials is controlled reliably, reasonably and straightforwardly in understanding to Australian
Hardware prerequisites.
covers the obtaining and securing of assets by representatives and temporary workers of Australian Hardware.
Representatives and administration of Australian Hardware.

Risk management

Risk Risk Risk Hierarchy of Effectiveness

Risk Controls
Likeliness impact Score risk control of control
-Targeted advertising
Difficulty in trade magazines Zero or very
sourcing or and online; low data of
training - Promotional focus accidents
3 4 12 Administrative
skilled and on training and between
experienced development experienced
staff opportunities. staff
Better posture
- Staff training (at all of staff
risk due to
levels) on sustainable members
operations of 1 4 4 Administrative
practices at Australian adopting
Hardware. sustainable
Very low
Poor product
- Continual audits of index of poor
quality from 1 4 4 Administrative
product quality. product
Failure to - Regular
comply with maintenance of
legislation in legislation register; Use of current
1 5 5 Administrative
jurisdictions - Regular update of legislation
across policies and
Australia procedures.


 Discuss trends (sales, expenses, profit)

 Profitability ratios

As per Australian Hardware Financial Performance in the vicinity deals were $3,600 million expanding around 5% ($3,800 million) on the next
year. In any case, the business dropped to $3,500, which was under.
The costs were $1,080, expanding the number to $1,140; this number was around $1,050.
The benefit was $1,800, $1,900 and was per year less gainful with $1,750.

2016 2017 2018

Gross Margin (Gross profit/sales)
1800/3600 = 0.5 1900/3800 = 0.5 1750/3500 = 0.5
Profit Margin (Net profit/sales)
358/3600 = 0.099 380/3800 = 0.1 343/3500 = 0.097
Operating Margin (Operating income/ Net sales)
597/3600 = 0.166 634/3800 = 0.167 572/3500 = 0.163

The gross edge was the very same more than 3 years.
Develop a policy and procedure for WHS risk management.
Ensure your policy and procedure includes:
 Define the organisation’s approach to WHS risk management and commitment to legal compliance.
 Refer to relevant legislation, codes of practice, etc.
 Include procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risk
 Include reference to, and procedures for using hierarchy of control
Refer to and assist the organisation to comply with consultation requirements under the WHS Act.

Australian Hardware: Work Health and Safety Policy

Overview and purpose
Australian Hardware esteems their kin and their prosperity. Australian Hardware is focused on giving protected and sound working environments
to every one of their specialists, clients and different guests. Australian Hardware expects to have damage free Workplaces and to conform to all
WHS lawful prerequisites.
Policy statement
A proactive way to deal with WHS is basic. To meet our dedication, Australian Hardware finds a way to guarantee the wellbeing and security of
people influenced by its business or undertaking, through the advancement, execution and requirement of approaches and strategies.
These approaches and methods will accommodate the accompanying goals so far as sensibly practicable

 The arrangement and upkeep of a protected workplace.

 The distinguishing proof of any perils and related dangers at work environments.
 Active cooperation in raising and settling WHS issues.
 The safe utilize, taking care of and capacity of plant, structures and substances.
 The arrangement and upkeep of safe frameworks of work including safe plant and structures.
 The incite execution of hazard control procedures to wipe out dangers and, where that isn't sensibly practicable, to limit those dangers so
far as sensibly practicable.
 The arrangement of satisfactory welfare offices at work environments.

Australian Hardware perceives the significance of meeting amongst administration and specialists in issues identifying with WHS and
furthermore captivating in counsel with different elements as important to guarantee that regular security matters are the subject of interview, co-
task and co-appointment.

Responsibilities for specified roles

Everyone at a workplace, including workers and others, are responsible for

Workers and taking reasonable care for their own health and safety and taking reasonable
Others care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety
of themselves or others.
HSRs have the following primary responsibilities:

- Take reasonable steps to keep themselves informed on WHS issues and

Health and
encourage consultation between workers and management.
- Provide advice, raise awareness or assist in the resolution of WHS issues
within their designated workgroup or work area.
- Accompany WHS Inspectors during inspections of their designated work

The Australian Hardware Senior Manager, WHS has the following


- Assisting Australian Hardware in the implementation of this WHS policy.

- The ongoing review of this WHS policy and WHS procedures and making
Senior recommendations for any amendments.
Manager, WHS - Periodic reporting about WHS matters that will assist duty holders under
this policy to fulfil their duties.
- Monitoring, reviewing and analysing all reported injuries and hazards
arising from the Australian Hardware, and determine whether appropriate
corrective actions have been put in place.
- Demonstrating appropriate leadership behaviours in relation to WHS.
- Making sure all necessary WHS instruction, information, training or
supervision is provided to their reports so that individuals can safely perform
their expected roles.
- Making sure there are regular WHS inspections of the workplace so that
hazards are identified and controlled.
- Requiring people within their team to comply with relevant WHS policies
and procedures, and to use the safety management tools available to them
- Managers must not organise or take, threaten to organise or take, or
Managers authorise or coerce others to take, any action against a health and safety
representative exercising their powers or performing a required function of
that role, or treat the health and safety representative less favourably because
of the role they undertake.
- A Manager who engages a contractor to provide services.

- Documenting the Operational Risk Management Policy and the Operational

Risk Management Framework.
- Independent monitoring and reporting of operational risk and loss events
for Australian Hardware.
- Development, implementation and maintenance of operational risk
management tools.
- Maintenance of databases for recording operational events identified
throughout the Australian Hardware.
- Support and maintenance of the risk registers.
- Recommending education and training.
Officers within Australian Hardware will exercise due diligence over WHS
compliance. This requires taking reasonable steps to ensure that Australian
Hardware entity for which they have responsibility complies with its WHS
duties and obligations.

- Acquire and keep up-to-date knowledge of work health and safety matters
within the entity.
Officers - Gain an understanding of the nature of the operations of the entity, and
generally of the hazards and risks associated with those operations.
- Ensure that the entity has available for use, and uses, appropriate resources
and processes.
- Ensure that the entity has appropriate processes for receiving and
considering information regarding WHS incidents, near misses, hazards and
risks and responding in a timely way to that information.
- Ensure that the entity.
- Verify the provision and use of the above resources and processes.
Responsibilities of Australian Hardware committees and the Board
- Providing a communication and consultation mechanism for Australian
Hardware workers, including input into the development of WHS policies and
- Assisting in the consultation process by receiving and disseminating WHS
information to and from designated working groups, Divisional WHS
Committees and Australian Hardware WHS and Security Management
- Monitoring the progress of WHS.
- Reviewing regional WHS training achievements and requirements.
- Receiving updates on WHS legislation.

- Monitoring the operational risk profile of Australian Hardware.

- Monitoring the occurrence and treatment of significant loss events and
compliance breaches, including WHS.
- Considering any significant treated risks resulting from various types of risk
- Considering the results of monitoring of key operational risks of Australian
Reg Risk
- Monitoring the development of operational risk policies and frameworks.
- Monitoring regulatory and legal changes impacting Australian Hardware and
providing oversight and guidance.
- Directing the appropriate recording of any risk.
- Providing effective leadership in WHS and security.
- Receiving and considering information on the performance and continuous
improvement of WHS and Security within Australian Hardware.
- Reviewing, endorsing and/or approving WHS and Security operational
Group WHS
strategies, plans, standards, procedures and guidelines.
and Security
- Reporting and/or referring matters (including recommendations) to
Australian Hardware Executive relating to the:
o Australian Hardware WHS Policy;
o Australian Hardware WHS Quarterly Performance Report;
o Australian Hardware WHS Continuous Improvement Plan; and
o Any other WHS or Security issue it considers appropriate.

-Receiving and considering the Australian Hardware WHS Report.

- Receiving and considering any recommendations made by the Australian
Hardware WHS and Security Management Committee.
- Endorsing recommendations regarding health and safety, or the
implementation of new policies or procedures as appropriate.
- Recommending key WHS policies to the Board Governance & HR
- Referring matters for consideration to Australian Hardware WHS and
Security Management Committee.
- In relation to resources.

The Committee also makes recommendations to the Board Governance & HR

Committee on any changes to WHS practices.
- Receiving and considering the Australian Hardware WHS Report.
- Considering recommendations of management in relation to key WHS
policies and amendments to those policies and making recommendations to the
- Considering recommendations of management in relation to changes to the
Operational Risk Management Framework which relate to WHS and
approving any changes.
& HR
Note: Changes to the Framework must also be approved by the Board Risk

- Overseeing the establishment and implementation of risk management

systems and monitoring and reviewing those systems.
- Monitoring and reviewing the operational risk profile and loss events across
the Australian Hardware.
- Providing oversight on the treatment of significant regulatory compliance
risks and breaches. This includes oversight of escalation and rectification
Board Risk decisions.
Committee - Reviewing the activities and reporting of the management Operational Risk
- Receiving the Operational risk report including analysis of significant risks,
trends, risk profile.
- Receiving a consolidated overview of the risk and compliance declarations
- Exercising due diligence, by taking reasonable steps to ensure that Australian
Hardware is meeting its WHS legal obligations.
- Receiving and considering the following.
- The Australian Hardware WHS Report.
- Any WHS policies recommended by the Governance & HR Committee.
Board - Any other matters brought forward by the Governance & HR Committee.
- Responding to any specific requests for resources, to ensure that enough
resources are available.

Recordkeeping policy and procedures

Procedures for collecting information on hazards Incidents and actions taken

Incident reports

Australian Hardware Incident Reporting Form 1.5

Date of Incident: Place of Incident:

Name of person reporting incident: (in block capitals)

Brief Description of Incident:

Brief Description of Any Action Taken (at time of discovery):

Date this Form Sent to Australian Hardware Name: (in block capitals)

Risk registers

Risk Register Form – Australian Hardware

Risk Identification Qualitative Rating Risk Response

Risk Risk Risk
Risk Probability Impact Risk Response Trigger Risk Owner
Category Score Ranking
Assessment Task 3

Evaluate WHS management systems

Review the Australian Hardware

 What is your role

 What has happened at Wollongong store
 Main needs of Australian Hardware with respect to the proposed system

I am a WHS expert contracted for Australian Hardware to outline and execute a WHSMS
anticipate the association.

After effectively guiding the program at the Wollongong Store, I have actualized the program
across the nation.

The primary needs of Australian Hardware in with respect to the proposed framework are:

 Legal consistence crosswise over wards

 Safest conceivable working environment conditions for laborers
 Integration with all other Australian Hardware administration frameworks, activities
and corporate culture
 Advertise and show Australian Hardware responsibility to WHS.

Review the Australian Hardware simulated business

Refer to assessment 1

Review the Australian Hardware national WHS data

FAI First Aid Incidents

MTI Medical Treatment Injury

LTI Lost Time Injury

NMI Near Miss Incident

LTIFR Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate

IR Incident Rate

Incident Month Role Times Location

July Customer service staff (new) Wollgong, Sydney, Perth
Customer service staff (new),
LIT 3 Bendigo, Darwin, Port
August Driver
NMI Customer service staff (new) 1
FAI 1 Coburg
MTI 1 Ballarat
September Customer service staff (new)
LIT 2 Launceston, Mounth Isa
LTIFR 1 Gold Coast
Customer service staff (new),
LIT 3 Adelaide, Sydney,
October Forklift driver, Customer
FAI Customer service staff (new) 1
Hobart, Byron Bay,
LIT November Customer service staff (new) 1
NMI 1 Port Macquarie,
December Customer service staff (new)
LIT 1 Geraldton
January Customer service staff (new) Geelong, Ballina
LIT March Customer service staff (new) 1 Port Fairy
April Customer service staff (new) Freemantle, Bundaburg
LIT May Customer service staff (new) 1 Malvern, Canberra, Perth

Read and analyse the data

The Australian Hardware national WHS information presents data from July to May, except
for February, when no episodes happened.
The information uncovers that Customer Service Staff (new) is the best rundown of parts that
have more occurrences appearing no less than 1 episode for every month. This data affirms
that the WHS fizzled and is critical to survey the adequacy of the preparation and build up a
preparation program for new staff.

Lost Time Injury (LIT) speaks to around half of the occurrences and has happened each
month since August. As Australian standard: Workplace Injury and Disease Recording
Standard recommends "lost-time damage is characterized as an event that brought about a
casualty, changeless handicap or time lost from work of multi day/move or more". Moreover,
this effects on the organization's profitability.

Emergency treatment Incidents, Medical Treatment Injury and Near Miss Incident speak to
each, around 15% of the episodes, which is huge considering that has been happening no less
than at regular intervals. Inside those episodes, hurt by lifting objects is a typical occurrence
and is an essential theme of preparing that ought to be clear for everybody.

Develop an evaluation report

Three recommendations to address the issues identified

Develop, survey and screen the adequacy of a preparation program for new staff and ensure
that everybody begins working simply after been prepared.
 Buy little trolleys to convey boxes and make an approach and method for that
 Ensure that the shoes of staff individuals are fitting, look through a superior material
to abstain from slipping and build up a month to month guarantee staff individuals
from working environment mindfulness.

Improvements to recordkeeping practices

The recordkeeping must be finished by anybody in the organization. Indeed, even clients are
welcome to enrol them. Initially, the recordkeeping structure need to think about a specific
level of points of interest as: date, time, name of the enlist, name of individuals included,
area, circumstance, and so forth., which dissects the episode with more exactness, even by
viewing on the stores' video reconnaissance.

Induction or training requirements

Objective of
Identified Development
Details development Timeframe Cost
gap activity
Ensure that all
- Review and - Provide training for
new staff
improve training new staff members,
members are
Effectiveness program; ensure that they start
of training - Monitor and working only after 1 month $ 500,00
understand and
for new staff control been trained and
follow the
effectiveness of monitor their
policies and
training; performance
- Improve the lifting
Following of - Review the Minimize to
policies and procedure
lifting policies and zero the
for the understanding 1 month $ 300,00
policies and procedure for incidents with
of all and demonstrate
procedures lifting; lifting
the practical issues
- The daily check list
Ensure that all
is to remind staff
- Develop a daily staff members
members on their
check-list for are aware of
Awareness actions at workplace
staff members their 3 weeks $ 600,00
of workplace - Create a short video
and a periodic responsibilities
with common incidents
short training and of
to be showed every

Justification for recommendations

Majority of the occurrences had occurred with client benefit staff (new) is imperative to give
a viable preparing before they begin working.
 The lifting is been a typical issue the same number of staff individuals don't convey
legitimately or don't take after the sheltered strategies to stroll with them. The little
trolleys can be utilized for boxes more than 10kg and 70x70x70 cm, limit the danger
of occurrences.
 As is seen numerous occurrences with slipping a more secure material for shoes will
be sought as a month to month video to continue rehashing of working environment

Create a plan for the implementation

Date Actions Description Resources Responsible
- Review and - Provide training for
improve training new staff members,
program; ensure that they start
14/08 - Monitor and working only after WHS manager 14/09
control been trained and
effectiveness of monitor their
training; performance
- Improve the lifting
- Review the policies and
policies and procedure for the
14/08 policies and WHS manager 14/09
procedure for understanding of all
lifting; and demonstrate the
practical issues
- The daily check list
is to remind staff
- Develop a daily
members on their
check-list for
actions at workplace Check list,
14/08 staff members WHS manager 07/09
- Create a short video video
and a periodic
with common
short training
incidents to be
showed every month

Plan for a typical training or safety induction session

Target Duration Training

Session Topic Outcome
audience in min method
New staff program, Staff member ready to
1 80 min practical
member Policies and work in WHS system
and Team leaders able to
Team controlling monitor and control the
2 45 min workshop
leader team work team on WHS system
in WHS and report effectiveness
Driver able to drive Theory and
Forklift driving
3 40 min following safety policies practical
driver policies and
and procedures assessments
Promote Managers will learn how
and review to promote WHS system WHS
4 Managers 50 min
of WHS within the company and trainer
system when/how to review it
Customer service staff
member will be aware
Customer of incidents that may
5 service 30 min happen with customers workshop
staff and will take safety
behavior before they

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