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Why English Became Global Language

oleh Felicia/XII Socrates

Language is one of the most important aspects in the world. Without

language, people can't communicate with other people, and do important things,
such as business, tourism, and conference. In other words, language help people to
do their work and daily life.

There are so many languages spoken in the world, but there is only one
language that become the most spoken and often used language by people, called a
global language. Do you know the language that became the global language? It's
the English language.

English is indeed the most spoken language in almost every country in the
world, not just in a country where English is the main language. But have you ever
wondered how English became the global language, aside from it was the most
spoken language?

One of the factors was the expansion of UK and the incursion of USA as the
first world power, where through all the conquests, the commerce, the religion, the
education, and the technology. From the very beginning of human civilization it
has always been the main international language used, originally established for
the dominant civilization; the Latin language was expanded by the Roman Empire,
the French language became popular for the Napoleon conquests, and finally the
English language which, through the process as written above, has became the first
language worldwide.
Another factor is because it's 'business language'. For example if a company
is dealing with a foreign company with a different mother tongue, they will use the
English, the universal language to communicate to each other. English is also one
of the most studied language all across the world, most of the countries teach it as a
second language from primary school. As per the statistics, it said that the English
language is one of the easiest languages to learn, if we compare it with languages
like Chinese, German, French and even Spanish.

Pop culture is also one of the reasons why English became global language.
Most of the films and TV channels we watched, and music we heard used English
as it's language. Pop culture was liked mostly by teenagers, and because of it they
think that using English is cool, therefore they started to learn English from there.

So it's no wonder that most teenage from every country, not just from
country where English is the main language, often speak English more than their
country's language, because they are influence by the movies, TV channels, and
music they love to watch and hear.

English is such an important language worldwide, that 80% of the

information that we find in the internet is in English, take this into consideration
because the internet is one the most used and effective sources of communication
across the world.

It is from the historical and the linguistic side that make English the global
language. It is important for us to start learning English, in order to be prepared for
the global world, which requires enough English skill, whether in writing or


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