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EXERCISE 1. Forming the passive (change the active to the passive)
1. Tom has opened the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
2. Tom opened the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
3. Tom was opening the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
4. Tom had opened the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
5. Tom will open the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
6. Tom is going to open the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
7. Tom will have opened the door.  The door _______________ by Tom.
8. Is Tom open the door?  _______ the door ________ by Tom?
9. Did Tom open the door?  _______ the door ________ by Tom?
10. Has Tom opened the door? _______ the door ________ by Tom?
EXERCISE 2. Forming the passive.
Part I. Change the active to the passive.
1. Shakespeare wrote that play.  That play was written by Shakespeare.
2. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement. 
3. Does Prof. Jackson teach that course? I know that Prof. Adams doesn’t teach it. 
4. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet. Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet? 
5. His tricks won’t fool me. 
Part II. Change the passive to the active.
6. That sentence was written by Omar. 
7. Our papers are going to be collected by the teacher. 
8. Was the electric light bulb invented by Thomas Edison? 
9. The speed limit on Highway 5 is not obeyed by most drivers. 
10. Have you been informed of a proposed increase in our rent by the building
superintendent? 
Part III. Change the active to passive if possible. Some verbs are intransitive and cannot be
11. A strange thing happened yesterday.  (no change)
12. Jackie scored the winning goal.  The winning goal was scored by Jackie.
13. My cat died. 
14. I agree with Dr. Ikeda’s theory. 
15. The cup fell to the floor. 
16. It rained hard yesterday. 
17. The solution to my problem appeared to me in a dream. 
18. Barbara travelled to Uganda last year. 
Part IV. Change the active sentences to passive sentences if possible. (Some of the verbs are
intransitive and cannot be changed.) Keep the same tense. Include the by-phrase only if
19. People grow corn in Iowa.  Corn is grown in Iowa.
20. Peter came here two months ago.  (no change)
21. Someone made this antique table in 1734. 
22. An accident happened at the corner of Fifth and Main. 
23. Someone stole my purse. 
24. Someone was making the coffee when I walked into the kitchen. 
25. Translators have translated that book into many languages. 

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