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Ques 1: Analyze Vishal’s Job, is it worth doing so much, at the cost of so many
Ans: It’s definitely not worth doing so much for two reasons-
Firstly, his Job role has not been made clear to him, secondly he is not given enough time to
complete the tasks due to which he seems to be missing out both professionally and personally.
As mentioned in the article, he himself wonder whether being a middle level manager, it is his
job to promote sales, travel a lot, and also plan for the sales staff, meet clients, talk to regional
distributors regarding market expansion.
This has ultimately taken a toll on him personally and physically as well. He suffered from high
cholesterol due to neglecting his health because of the burden of work, and he also couldn’t give
time to his wife and family. He was clearly not able to do well because of the lack of clarity in his

Ques 2: How is Vishal’s life similar to any salesperson’s life in general? What
difference did you find in your life and that of Vishal?
Ans: Vishal’s average day involves meeting targets, making calls, collecting reports which is very
similar to that of a Salespersons. This is also owing to the fact that his job role was not clearly
defined, hence he ended up doing almost everything similar to a Salesperson’s profile. Vishal is
also required to report to someone with his reports (VP Sales)
Being an MBA student, I find my life similar to Vishal’s in several ways. I too find myself chasing
deadlines, feeling overburdened, unable to manage time wisely.

Ques 3: What managerial skills are described in the case? Which skill is more
important for Vishal to possess? Why?
Ans: The managerial skills apparent in the case are Planning, Time management, Organizing,
Persuasion, Communication skills. I feel that Vishal should work hard on improving his Time
management and delegation skill. He has so much on his plate, but he doesn’t know how to
delegate tasks. He is unnecessarily overburdened, had he delegated the tasks he would have
been utilize his time effectively on his tasks like redesigning strategies and would have succeeded
in balancing his personal and professional life and not ended up getting cholesterol at such a
nascent age.
Ques 4: Why do you think Vishal is handling too much (If you think so)? Is there
a way out?
Ans: Vishal is handling too much. Being a middle level manager, he has to promote sales, travel
a lot, and also plan for the sales staff, meet clients, talk to regional distributors regarding
market expansion. Because of excessive burden he was unable to give time to his family and
ended up getting unfit.
There’s a way out if he delegates petty tasks like making calls, collecting reports and work on
the major tasks like redesigning the territories and adjusting each salesperson’s area and quota
for the territory by himself. He also should learn to prioritize tasks and create a timeline for the

Ques 5: Can Vishal manage his life in the long run? If so, please give suggestions.
Ans: It will be nearly impossible for Vishal to manage his life in the long run if things go at the same pace.
He is unable to manage his personal life, has turned unhealthy then in future there seems no hope unless
he learns to prioritize and delegate tasks.
Q1: What are the roles and functions of direct sales associates in GE
Ans: Roles of Direct Sales Associates-
1) Providing easy and quick loans to customers
2) Improve sales of company
Functions of Direct Sales Associate-
1) To promote GE by putting up road shows, distributing pamphlets, loan melas, etc.
2) Collection primary data about and from customers
3) Meeting sales target of the company
4) Helping customers with information about loans being granted by the company
5) Collecting KYC information from customers and creating files for accuracy

Q2: Analyse the diagram and explain various stages of Sales management in GE
1) TOLLFREE NUMBER: The prospects call seeking information about various schemes

2) APPLICATION STAGE: Several modes are undertaken to attract customers to fill

application forms. They do so by putting up road shows, distributing pamphlets, loan
melas, etc.

3) DOCUMENT ANALYSIS STAGE: Authenticity of documents is verified in this stage. In this

stage customer queries are also analyzed.

4) ELIGIBILITY ANALYSIS STAGE: This job is done by telemarketing executive, direct sales
associates or marketing executives. Eligibility of documents is verified for further

5) CAPACITY ANALYSIS STAGE: Relationship manager handles this department. It is seen

whether the customer is worthy enough or has enough potential to long last with the
company. This applies to existing customers as well.
6) DEVIATION ANALYSIS STAGE: It is to see whether any customer might deviate or back
out in future.

7) RISK ANALYSIS STAGE: Branch Manager sees whether a certain customer is a risk or not
since company will be granting them loan, their image is also at stake in case the
customer falters in future.

8) FINAL APPROVAL: Loan is granted.

Q3: Why should a company like GE Countrywide maintain customer database?

In what way it is helpful to the company?
Ans: GE Countrywide is the lending service. It has to carry plethora of documents about the
customer's complete information. This type of business works in tremendous data traffic and has
several duties as well. The explanations why the organization needs to maintain the database are
as follows:
1) Company includes the number of applicants as well as clients
2) Holding older customers
3) Manage existing customer information
4) Operating company’s administrative roles
5) To get the loose customers back
6) To be considered officially
7) To boost the company's profits
8) Recapping already existing customers
9) For forecasting and planning
10) To maintain financial records

Maintaining the company's database helps the business expand both financially and in terms of
customer base. An entity may perform many tasks with the updated database, which can only be
done with authenticated information. The business like GE Countrywide is operating in the
financial sector so it needs to keep records so that any documentation or conflict within the
company can be prevented. So to run the business efficiently, the company's records must be

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