The Miles Are Long and Far and Wide

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The miles are long and far and wide,

But my love for you will never subside.

My heart will continue strong and true,
Steadfast in my love for you.
You never need to fret or fear;
My only love is for you my dear.
It hurts to be so far from you,
But a love like ours will make it through.
Keep holding on a little longer;
Our love will keep on growing stronger.

When I close my eyes

I can hear your voice
I can see your face
I can feel the touch of your lips as we kiss.

When I open my eyes

I see an empty room
Without your beautiful smile lighting it up
And I'm missing you so much it hurts.

I ache to hold you

To be in your arms
To hear your laughter.

Know that even as far apart as we are

My love for you
is as strong as ever.

Dreams of Distant Lover

The connection between us
Is perfectly forged
and is so strong
I feel it always
No matter how far apart we are.

The deep spark of our love

Is brighter than ever
And every thought I have about you
Seems to make the distance
Appear smaller
And smaller.
Until -

One day soon

That distance will disappear
And we'll be free to let our love's bright spark
Burn into a wildfire.

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