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Reflective Essay on Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere

submitted by Verdeflor, Pamela L. BSCE-3

SocSciA 2:00-4:00 M-F


Plot Summary:

“Noli Me Tangere” revolves around a young Filipino who has come home after finishing

his study in Europe. He is Crisostomo Ibarra, son of a wealthy landowner, Don Rafael Ibarra,

who has died in prison as the result between a conflict with a parish curate named Padre Damaso.

Crisostomo Ibarra is engaged to Maria Clara, the supposed daughter of Don Santiago de los

Santos, also known as “Captain Tiago”.

Ibarra desires to contribute to the development of his people. He aims to make education

accessible to more townspeople. With the support of a Franciscan, Friar Damaso’s successor

named Padre Salvi who has a secret admiration to Maria Clara, Ibarra established a public

school. At the laying of cornerstone of the new school, a suspicious accident aims to end Ibarra’s

life. But the feast continues until dinner where Fr. Damaso speaks ill-y to Ibarra’s father. Ibarra

loses his control and is about to kill the friar but prevented by Maria Clara. Ibarra is

excommunicated and without knowing, Captain Tiago was forced to break the engagement

because of his fears to the friars. Tiago also agree on Maria Clara’s marriage with Linares, a

Spaniard provided by Padre Damaso. Obedient to her father’s command and influenced by her
mysterious dread of Padre Salvi, Maria Clara consents to this arrangement, but becomes

seriously ill, only to be saved by medicines sent secretly by Ibarra administered by Sinang.

Ibarra’s excommunication is lifted but an uprising against Guardia Civil is secretly

brought by Padre Salvi’s agents to ruin Ibarra. He is warned by Elias but refuses to make his

escape to see Maria Clara first. But when the outbreak occurs, he is arrested as the mastermind

and thrown into prison in Manila.

On the evening in Captain’s Tiago Manila house celebrating his daughter’s engagement,

Ibarra escapes from prison and succeeds in seeing Maria Clara alone. Ibarra tells Maria Clara

how he feels that she has betrayed her but when she explained that she gave the letters in

exchange of her mother’s letters, he had already forgiven her. She swears to Ibarra that she’s

only in love with him.

Elias helps Ibarra to escape through a banka in the lake where Elias jumps of the boat and

mislead the civil guards. Elias is shot and leaps into the water. The civil guards thought they shot

Ibarra when they saw traces of blood in the water. News spread about the death of Ibarra. When

Maria knew about it, she was sad and began weeping. She asks Friar Damaso to grant her

permission to enter the nunnery and he approved.

Elias appears at the tombs of Ibarras on Christmas Eve only to find Basilio beside the

corpse of his mother, Sisa. Elias orders Basilio to cremate his body and her mother’s body.

Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin- Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra. He

studied in Europe for seven years.

Maria Clara- Crisostomo Ibarra’s fiancé, she is the most beautiful and widely celebrated

girl in San Diego and an illegitimate daughter of Father Damaso.

Don Santiago Delos Santos “Capitan Tiago”- He is considered one of the most hospitable

men in the town. He is also known as the father of Maria Clara.

Elias- He is the mysterious friend of Crisostomo Ibarra.

Friar Damaso Vardolagas- A Franciscan friar and the former parish curate of San Diego.

He is known as notorious character that speaks with harsh words and has been a cruel

priest during his stay in the town.

Friar Hernando de la Sibyla- He is a Filipino friar, a Dominican curate in Binondo.

Friar Bernardo Salvi- He is the curate of San Diego and the secret admirer of Maria Clara.

Don Anastacio- He is known as Pilosopong Tacio. He is pessimist, wise and intelligent man.

Don Tiburcio Espanada- He is a false doctor and the Spanish husband of Dona Victorina.

Dona Victorina- She is a woman ashamed of being a Filipino.

The Alferez- He is the Chief of Guardia Civil.

Dona Consolacion- She is the wife of Alferez and passes herself off as a Peninsulares. She

is very abusive to Sisa.

Sisa- A loving mother of Basilio and Crispin.

Crispin- The younger son of Sisa and died because of being punished from the soldiers. He

is accused of stealing an amount of money in the convent where he works with Basilio as a


Basilio- the eldest son of Sisa


The novel shows the inhumane acts, the oppression against the Filipino people during the

time of Spaniards. It is an eye-opener to the people of what is truly going on with our country. It

showed abuse of power, selfishness, and sorrow. It reveals the truth of the Spaniards’

wickedness. It also described love, love for the country and family. Ibarra still helped despite of

the cruelty he has been through. Sisa showed the essence of family love. She did everything to

find her children though she didn’t see them in her last breath. The novel also depicted

forgiveness and sacrifice. The story tells that violence doesn’t end a war. Mahatma Gandhi said

that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and

murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. That despite

of evils existing, goodness will always prevail.



Ibarra’s father was the richest man in the province. He was loved and respected

but envied by some. He was in good terms with the priests and the people but troubles

started when Father Damaso accused him of not going to confession. Padre Damaso was

alluding Don Rafael. Don Rafael was also accused of killing someone. It was stated that

an ex-artillery man has the job of collecting duties on vehicles. Since he can’t read and

write, he was despised and derided. The people are making fun of him. He lost his

patience and hit one of the schoolboys. That time Don Rafael happened to pass by, some

people said that Don Rafael hit the collector and died minutes later. And that he was

accused of being a subversive and heretic. He was sent to jail and died alone with no one

to attend to.

This chapter shows that even if you show goodness, people will judge and envy

you. People tend to make false say against you. People won’t allow you to be on top

because of selfishness. We only want success for ourselves. The chapter also depicted

bullying. Nowadays, bullying is rampant that sometimes it will lead to suicide. Why do

people bully? It is because we can’t accept the differences we have. The society became

our standard of morality. We follow norms and trends even if it’s unusual to us. That’s

why we act based on what the society approved.

I, myself, also experienced the brutality of society today. We didn’t know,

someone out there is backstabbing me. I have been dragged down also and that made me

thought of myself, “Am I worthless?”. I always remind myself of not to be consumed of

too much jealousy because it will make you self-centered and selfish of the success you


 Chapter 16- SISA

Sisa is the mother of Crispin and Basilio. She is unfortunate for marrying an

irresponsible husband. Because of this only Sisa is working and taking care of the boys.

She was even forced to sell all her jewelries she possesses when she’s still a maiden to

provide food for family. Despite her husband’s attitude she still understands and tolerates

him. To her, husband is her God and angels are her children. Sisa was patiently waiting

for her boys to come home but her husband arrive drunk and ate almost all the food she

prepared for her children. Her husband asked for some money if the boys will ever bring

home money. All she could do is cry and cook the food again for her children. Basilio

arrived out of breath and bleeding.

She is a model of a loving mother. She would do everything for the welfare of her

family. Despite of her husband’s attitude, she still loves him and tolerates his vices. I

think that it’s too much to be a martyr of love. It might affect roles in the family. His

husband depicted some Filipino family fathers today: unemployed, a gambler, a

drunkard, and other vices they’re involved. This affects the family as the foundation of

society. This would make the children think that vices are good.

Family is my only treasure. I value a complete family and am always thankful of

having a loving and caring father.


It was 10th of November and the streets of San Diego were bedazzled with

colourful decorations. There were fireworks and bands playing in the streets. The houses

served varieties of delicious foods. A stage of comedy show was fixed in Binondo’s

plaza. Ibarra was busy working the plans for the new schoolhouse. In his project, a lot of

rich people offered help but rejected it since it’s not for the church. By that, Ibarra

became the role model of the children the person they want to be when they grow up.

Ibarra mentioned it to Tacio but he retorted:

“When the greeting on your arrival

Is a happy face and a show of gladness,

Be more careful of a hidden enemy.”

What Tacio has said is true. Two-faced people are real existing. For example,

politicians during campaigns are very good with people. They promised the development

of the country. They promised betterment. They would always say, prioritize first the

poor but what happened? When they won, they forget everything. They stole the people’s

money. Corruption is one of the Philippines worst problems. Politicians were very

comforting to people when cameras are flashing. But in the real world, some of them

were the instigator of drugs. They were the ones who brought pest in the society.

The society is the environment where one’s personality is nurture. What will

happen to our young generation if corruption, drugs, and crimes will continue to happen?

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