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Media- serve as channels which people use to send or receive information

Information: A facts or details about a subject that depicts meaning to person

Media Literacy- ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create media
Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to
locate, evaluate, and use it effectively

Media and information Literacy- ability to access, analyse, evaluate, and create
information from media
Technology Literacy- effective use of technology tools, in accessing, analysing,
evaluating and creating messages

 Umalahokan- a walking bulletin who went around the barangay to deliver public announcements
 Literature are written on leaves or barks of trees using baybayin
Spanish Period

 Doctrina Christiana(1593)- first published book in the Philippines

 Del Superior Gobierno(1811) first regular newspaper in the Philippines
 Strict government censorship was applied to newspaper
 Upon the rise of Filipino ilustrados, nationalistic newspaper came into existence such as La Solidaridad (1889) of
Propaganda Movement and Kalayaan(1898) of Katipunan.
 La Independencia(1898) most widely read newspaper of revolution

American Period

 Newspapers such as Manila Times (1898), Manila Bulletin(1900) and Philippine Press (1908) were introduced
 Editorial Content are pro-american and based on religious and political partnership
 Many liberal and nationalist newspaper has produced but due to American oppression, these newspaper did not last
long. Many of their writers and edtiors are subjected to pacification, which led them to jail or death
 Broadcast radio were introduced
 KZKZ(1922)- first radio station
 1930-1950- Golden age of Philippine Cinema
 Komiks were introduced
 Antionio Vasquez- Father of Philippine Komiks

Japanese Period

 Japanese forces disbanded all publication

 A board of information was set up to implement censorship on all publication
 Postwar Era(1945-1972) Golden age of Philippine journalism
 1953- Television was introduced in the country

Martial Law Period

 *Media was fully censored and many editors and journalist who are criticizing Marcos government were either
arrested or had gone underground
 ABS-CBN 2, RPN 9 and IBC 13 were sequesterd by government
 Film industry wre flourished

Post-Martial Law

o Censorship were lifted and freedom of expression, of speech were reinstituted with end of marcos
o March 29, 1994- Internet was first made available in the Philippines by Benjie tan in PLDT network
o center in Makati City
Information Literacy

Data- unstructured facts and figures that create the least impact on the receiver

Information- data organized with relevance and purpose made meaningful by person

Knowledge- human understanding of a subject matter derives from experience, learning and thinking

Ethical Use of Information

1. Privacy-state of being alone or being away from public attention

2. Accuracy- correctness of the information source to the details
3. Plagiarism-use the words or ideas of another as if they were your own words or ideas

Information Literacy Skills

An information literate individual is able to:

 Determine the extent of information needed

 Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
 Evaluate information and its sources critically
 Incorporate selected information into ones knowledge base
 Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
 Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information;and
 Access and use information ethically and legally

An information literate in

 A need of information
 Resources available
 How to find information
 The need to evaluate results
 How to work with or exploit results
 Ethics and responsibility of use
 How to communicate or share your findings
 How to manage your findings
Types of Media

1. Print Media- oldest form of media


Books- oldest print media

Newspaper-lightweight serial publication which comes out regularly

Daily Courant (1702) first daily newspaper

Magazine- targets a variety of audience by offering a smosgabord of articles that aim to entertain, inform, or advertise.

Journal- periodic publication focusing on specific field of study.

Broadcast Media- media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as
the transmission medium.

New Media- content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

Media Convergence-phenomenon that connects differents form of media

Media and information Sources
Media and Information Languages
Legal ethical societal issues

Issues on intellectual property





Fair Use





Remember the human

Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you abide the laws of society

Know where you are in cyberspace

Respect other people’s time and bandwidth

Make yourself look good online

Share expert knowledge

Help keep flame wars under control

Respect other peoples privacy

Do not abuse your power

Societal issues in information Age

Digital Divide

Internet addiction

Cybersexual addiction

Cyber relationship addiction

Online gambling

Web surfing addiction

Online game playing







Outing and Trickery


Power of information and media

In education

In economy

BPO Companies

In Politics

In Society
Trends in Media and information

Patterns of media development

Innovation Stage

Penetration Stage

Peak Stage

Decline Stage

Adaptation Stage

Massive Open Online Course

Wearable technology
The Mdeia and onformation Literate People

Personal Aspect

Know his right to information

Distinguish truths from untruths

Create Decisions based on well-evaluates information

Mirror the values and attitudes representes in media against his/her own

Exprerss his/her own persona and style through media content

Protect his/her own information and privacy

Professional aspect

Use of information ethically and creatively

Respect producers and consumers of information

Adapt to dynamics of any medium

Educational Aspect

Think critically and learn knowledge based on facts

Proliferate information that are based on academic and/or factual sources

Utilize media and exploring knowledge

Text information and Media


Descriptive text

Informative text

Instructive text

Persuasive text

Selection criteria



Point of view

Medium Used


Writing stylr
Visual Information and media



Statistical Evaluation


Graphic Design


3-d image

Power of information



Make and break


What/who is the source of information

What is medium used

What is the reason behind showing information to the public?

How is the visual information made?

Selection criteria



Point of view

Medium used

Audio information and media


Radio Newscast

Public Service Announcements

Radio Commercaial

Radio Dramas



What/who is the source of information

What is the medium used?

What is the purpose

How deos the audio information made?

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