Permeability Test FINAL NA

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Permeability Test

Brief Description
One of the most important soil properties of interest to the soils engineer is permeability. To some
degree, permeability will play a role in the design of almost any structure. For example, the durability of
concrete is related to its permeability. In designs that make use of earthen materials (soils and rock) the
permeability of these material swill usually be of great importance. Soils are permeable (water may flow
through them) because they consist not only of solid particles, but a network of interconnected pores.
The degree to which soils are permeable depends upon a number of factors, such as soil type, grain size
distribution and soil history. This degree of permeability is characterized by the coefficient of

Permeability is a measure of the ease in which water can flow through a soil volume. It is one of the
most important geotechnical parameters. However, it is probably the most difficult parameter to
determine. In large part, it controls the strength and deformation behavior of soils.

Importance of Permeability of Soil

 Permeability influences the rate of settlement of a saturated soil under load.

 The stability of slopes and retaining structures can be greatly affected by the
permeability involved.
 The design of earth dams is very much based upon the permeability of soil used.
 Filters made of soils are designed based upon their permeability.
 Permeability influences the rate of settlement of a saturated soil under load.
 The stability of slopes and retaining structures can be greatly affected by the
permeability involved.
 The design of earth dams is very much based upon the permeability of soil used.
 Filters made of soils are designed based upon their permeability.
Permeability Range of Different Soil Mass

 Gravel - 100 cm/s

 Sand - 100 - 10-2 cm/s
 Silt - 10-4 - 10-6 cm/s
The coefficient of permeability of a porous media can be derived from the following measurable
parameters: the density and viscosity of the permeating fluid, the porosity of the media, the average
hydraulic radius of the pores, and the gravitation constant.

Methods of Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils

Methods that are in common use for determining the coefficient of permeability k can be classified
under laboratory methods.
1. Constant head permeability method
2. Falling head permeability method

Constant Head Permeability Test

The constant head permeability test is a common laboratory testing method used to determine the
permeability of granular soils like sands and gravels containing little or no silt. This testing method is
made for testing reconstituted or disturbed granular soil samples. The most common permeability cell
(permeameter) is 75mm in diameter and is intended for sands containing particles up to about 5mm. A
larger cell, 114mm, can be used for testing sands containing particles up to about 10mm, i.e. medium
gravel size. As a general rule the ratio of the cell diameter to the diameter of the largest size of particle
in significant quantity should be at least 12. The constant head permeability cell is intended for testing
disturbed granular soils which are recompacted into the cell, either by using a specified compactive
effort, or to achieve a certain dry density, i.e. void ratio.

In the constant head test, water is made to flow through a column of soil under the application of a
pressure difference which remains constant, i.e. under a constant head. The amount of water passing
through the soil in a known time is measured, and the permeability of the sample is calculated by using
Equation (1).

If the connections to the cell are arranged so that water flows upwards through the sample, the critical
hydraulic gradient can be determined after measuring the steady state permeability, and the effects of
instability (boiling and piping) can be observed. It is important that use only air-free water, and
measures for preventing air bubbling out of solution during these tests is very crucial.

Diagram of Constant Head

Permeability, k = m/s …………………………….
Equation 1

q = rate of flow

A = area of sample

i = hydraulic gradient
ℎ1− ℎ2
= m/s

h1 - h2 = head difference between 2 reference points

L = distance between 2 reference points

Materials, Tools and Equipments

 The Constant head permeability cells; The
instrument are used to study the behaviour of soil,
relatively coarse-grained soil such as sands and
gravel, in its natural conditions with respect to
water flow. The cells have a transparent plexy or
metal body with 2 pressure points at different level
and aluminium base and head.

 The Fitted with loading piston; The instrument is a

component of reciprocating engines, reciprocating
pumps, gas compressors and pneumatic cylinders,
among other similar mechanisms. It is the moving
component that is contained by a cylinder and is
made gas-tight by piston rings.

 The Perforated plates; The instrument is a sheet

metal that has been manually or mechanically
stamped or punched to create a pattern of holes,
slots, or decorative shapes. Materials used to
manufacture perforated metal sheets include
stainless steel, cold rolled steel, galvanized steel,
brass, aluminum, tinplate, copper, Monel, Inconel,
titanium, plastic, and more.
 The Flow tube connections; The instrument is an
instrument used to measure linear, nonlinear, mass
or volumetric flow rate of a liquid or a gas. When
choosing flowmeters, one should consider such
intangible factors as familiarity of plant personnel,
their experience with calibration and maintenance,
spare parts availability, and mean time between
failure history, etc., at the particular plant site. It is
also recommended that the cost of the installation
be computed only after taking these steps

 The Piezometer nipples and connection; The

instrument for measuring the pressure of a liquid or
gas, or something related to pressure (such as the
compressibility of liquid). Piezometers are often
placed in boreholes to monitor the pressure or
depth of groundwater.

 The Air bleed valve; the instrument is a plumbing

valve used to automatically release trapped air from
a heating system.

 The Sealing rings; is a mechanical gasket in the

shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a
round cross-section, designed to be seated in a
groove and compressed during assembly between
two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface.
1. Prepare permeameter cell,

a. Remove the top plate assembly from the cell.

b. Measure the following dimensions:

i. Mean internal diameter (D mm),

ii. Distance between centres of each set of manometer connection points along
the axis of the cell (L mm),

iii. Overall approximate internal length of cell (H1 mm),

c. Calculate the following based on measured dimensions:

i. Area of cross-section of sample, A = D2/4 mm2

ii. Approximate mass of soil required, to fill the permeameter cell,

V = A H1/1000 cm3

iii. Approximate mass of soil required, if placed at a density ρ Mg/m3, mass = ρ A

H1/1000 g

2. Select sample,

a. Air-dry the soil which the test sample is to be taken.

b. Sieve the soil sample and any particles larger than 5 mm need to be removed by sieving.

c. The material needs to be reduced by the usual riffling process to produce several
batches of samples each about equal to the mass required to fill the permeameter cell

3. Prepare sample,

a. The sample may be placed in the permeameter cell by one of three methods:

i. Compacting by rodding,

ii. Dry pouring,

iii. Pouring through water

4. Assemble cell

a. Place a second porous disc (if one has already been used) and the second wire gauze
disc on top of the soil, followed by about 40mm thickness of glass balls or gravel filter

b. The level of the top surface of the filter should be within the limits required to
accommodate the top plate,
c. Slacken the piston locking collar on the cell top, pull the piston up as far as it will go,
and re-tighten the locking collar,

d. Fit the cell top on the cell and tighten it down into place by progressively tightening
the clamping screws,

e. Release the piston locking collar and push the piston down until the perforated plate
bears on the filter material,

f. Hold it down firmly while the locking collar is re-tightened

5. Connect up cell

a. Connect the nozzle at the base of the cell to the de-aired water supply, and close the
inlet cock,

b. Connect each piezometer point that is to be used to a manometer tube and close
with a pinchcock close to the cell,

c. Connect the top outlet of the cell to the vacuum, fitted with a water trap, using rigid
plastic or thick-walled rubber tubing

d. Close the air bleed screw on the cell top

6. Saturate and de-air sample

7. Connect up for test

8. Run test

a. Turn on the supply of de-aired water to the constant head device, which be at a low
level initially,

b. Open water supply valve that connect it to the cell, and the base outlet cock

c. Allow water to flow through the sample until the conditions appear to be steady and
the water levels in the manometer tubes remain stationary

d. Adjust valve on the supply line to the constant head device so that there is a
continuous small overflow; if this is excessive, the de-aired water will be wasted.

e. To start a test run, empty the measuring cylinder and start the timer at the instant the
measuring cylinder is placed under the outlet overflow.

f. Record the clock time at which the first run is started.

g. Read the levels of the water in the manometer tubus (h1, h2, etc) and measure the
water temperature (TC) in the outlet reservoir.

h. When the level in the cylinder reaches a predetermined mark (such as 50ml or 200ml)
stop the clock, record the elapsed time to the nearest half second,

9. Repeat test
a. Emtpy the cylinder, and make four to six repeat runs at about 5 minutes intervals.

10. Dismantle cell

11. Calculate results

Falling Head Permeability Test

The falling-head test is generally used for less pervious soils, such as fine sands to fat clays. This test is
similar to the constant-head test because it measures the amount of water passing through a sample of
the material. The difference is the falling-head test uses a standpipe to introduce water into the sample
and the head of water is not maintained constant but is permitted to fall The falling head permeability
test involves flow of water through a relatively short soil sample connected to a standpipe which
provides the water head and also allows measuring the volume of water passing through the sample.
The diameter of the standpipe depends on the permeability of the tested soil. The test can be carried
out in a Falling Head permeability cell or in an oedometer cell. . Applying Darcy’s Law, the form of the
equation used is:
2.303(aL) h
K= log 10 (h1)
At 2

K = hydraulic conductivity of the soil in centimeters per second (cm/s) a = inside area of the
standpipe in square centimeters (cm2)
L = length of the specimen in centimeters (cm)
A = cross-sectional area of the specimen in square centimeters (cm2) t = interval of time it took
for the water to fall in seconds (s)
h1 = initial height in the standpipe in centimeters (cm) h2 = final height in the standpipe in
centimeters (cm)
Diagram of Falling Head Method

Materials, Tools and Equipments

 The Falling head permeameter cell; The

instrument are used to study the behaviour of
soil, relatively fine-grained soil.

 The Perforated base plate with straining rods

and wing nuts; it is a sheet of metal forming the
bottom of an object.
 The Top clamping plate; It is used to clamp
the top half of the mold to the moving half of
the molding machine and is usually made of
mild steel.

 The Stopwatch; a special watch with buttons

that start, stop, and then zero the hands,
used to time races.

 The Manometer tubes; Pressure measuring

devices using liquid columns in vertical or
inclined tubes are called manometers. One
of the most common is the water filled u-
tube manometer used to measure pressure
difference in pitot or orifices located in the
airflow in air handling or ventilation system.
1. Assemble apparatus

2. Calibrate manometer tubes,

a. The areas of cross-section of the three manometer tubes should be determined as

follows for each tube:
i. Fill the tube with water up to a known mark near the top of the scale,
observed to the nearest mm,
ii. Runoff water from the tube into a weighted beaker, until the level in the
tube has fallen by about 500mm or more,
iii. Read the new water level on the scale, to the nearest mm,
iv. Weigh the beaker containing water from the tube (weighings should be to
the nearest 0.01g)
v. The diameter of the manometer can be calculated as follows:
diameter, a = h1 -h2

If mw = mass of water (g),

h1 = initial level in tube (mm), h2 = final level in tube (mm),
A = area of cross-section of tube (mm2)
vi. Repeat the measurements two or three times for each tube, and average
the results.
3. Prepare cell,

a. Dismantle the cell,

b. Check the cell body is clean and dry, and weigh it to the nearest 0.1g,
c. Measure the mean internal diameter (D) and length (L) to the nearest 0.5mm
4. Prepare sample,

a. Undisturbed sample can be taken by means of core cutter.

b. Make sure that the sample is a tight fit in the body and there are no cavities
around the perimeter through which water could pass,
5. Assemble cell

6. Connect cell
7. Saturate and de-air sample

8. Fill manometer system

9. Run test

a. Open screw clip at inlet to allow water to flow down through the sample, and
observe the water level in the standpipe,
b. As soon as it reaches the level h1, start the timer clock,
c. Observe and record the time when the level reaches h3, and when it reaches h2,
then stop the clock,

Technical Documents/Specification
ASTM D5084 - Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous
Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter

1.1 These test methods cover laboratory measurement of the hydraulic conductivity (also referred to as
coefficient of permeability) of water-saturated porous materials with a flexible wall permeameter at
temperatures between about 15 and 30C (59 and 86F). 1. Temperatures outside this range may be
used, however, the user would have to determine the specific gravity of mercury and RT (see 10.3) at
those temperatures using data from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. There are six alternate
methods or hydraulic systems that may be used to measure the hydraulic conductivity. These hydraulic
systems are as follows:

1.1.1 Method A—Constant Head

1.1.2 Method B—Falling Head, constant tailwater elevation

1.1.3 Method C—Falling Head, rising tailwater elevation

1.1.4 Method D—Constant Rate of Flow

1.1.5 Method E—Constant Volume-Constant Head (by mercury)

1.1.6 Method F—Constant Volume-Falling Head (by mercury), rising tailwater elevation

1.2 These test methods may be utilized on all specimen types (undisturbed, reconstituted, remolded,
compacted, etc.) that have a hydraulic conductivity less than about 1 X 10-6 m/s (1 X 10-4 cm/s),
providing the head loss requirements of are met. For the constant-volume methods, the hydraulic
conductivity typically has to be less than about 1 X 10-7 m/s.

1.2.1 If the hydraulic conductivity is greater than about 1 X 10-6 m/s, but not more than about 1 X 10-5
m/s; then the size of the hydraulic tubing needs to be increased along with the porosity of the porous
end pieces. Other strategies, such as using higher viscosity fluid or properly decreasing the cross-
sectional area of the test specimen, or both, may also be possible. The key criterion is that the
requirements covered in Section 5 have to be met.

1.2.2 If the hydraulic conductivity is less than about 1 X 10-10 m/s, then standard hydraulic systems and
temperature environments will typically not suffice. Strategies that may be possible when dealing with
such impervious materials may include the following. Tightening the temperature control. The adoption
of unsteady state measurements by using high-accuracy equipment along with the rigorous analyses for
determining the hydraulic parameters (this approach reduces testing duration according to Zhang et al.
(1)). Properly shortening the length or enlarging the cross-sectional area, or both, of the test specimen.
Other items, such as use of higher hydraulic gradients, lower viscosity fluid, elimination of any possible
chemical gradients and bacterial growth, and strict verification of leakage, may also be considered.

1.3 The hydraulic conductivity of materials with hydraulic conductivities greater than 1 X 10-5 m/s may
be determined by Test Method D2434.

1.4 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the guide for significant digits and rounding
established in Practice D6026.

1.4.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/recorded and calculated in this standard
are regarded as the industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the significant digits that
should generally be retained. The procedures used do not consider material variation, purpose for
obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerations for the user's objectives; and it is
common practice to increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be commensurate with
these considerations. It is beyond the scope of this standard to consider significant digits used in analysis
methods for engineering design.

1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard, unless other units are specifically
given. By tradition in U.S. practice, hydraulic conductivity is reported in centimeters per second,
although the common SI units for hydraulic conductivity is meters per second.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It
is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.7 This standard also contains a Hazards section about using mercury

ASTM D1587 / D1587M – 15 - Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Fine-Grained Soils
for Geotechnical Purposes

1.1 This practice covers a procedure for using a thin-walled metal tube to recover relatively undisturbed
soil samples suitable for laboratory tests of engineering properties, such as strength, compressibility,
permeability, and density. Thin-walled tubes used in piston, plug, or rotary-type samplers should comply
with Section 6.3 of this practice which describes the thin-walled tubes.

Note 1--This practice does not apply to liners used within the samplers.

1.2 This Practice is limited to soils that can be penetrated by the thin-walled tube. This sampling method
is not recommended for sampling soils containing gravel or larger size soil particles cemented or very
hard soils. Other soil samplers may be used for sampling these soil types. Such samplers include driven
split barrel samplers and soil coring devices (D1586, D3550, and D6151). For information on appropriate
use of other soil samplers refer to D6169.

1.3 This practice is often used in conjunction with fluid rotary drilling (D1452D 5783) or hollow-stem
augers (D6151). Subsurface geotechnical explorations should be reported in accordance with practice
(D5434). This practice discusses some aspects of sample preservation after the sampling event. For
information on preservation and transportation process of soil samples, consult Practice D4220. This
practice does not address environmental sampling; consult D6169 and D6232 for information on
sampling for environmental investigations.

1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI values given in
parentheses are provided for information purposes only. The tubing tolerances presented in are from
sources available in North America. Use of metric equivalent is acceptable as long as thickness and
proportions are similar to those required in this standard.

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It
is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.6 This practice offers a set of instructions for performing one or more specific operations. This
document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional
judgment. Not all aspects of this practice may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is
not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional
service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many
unique aspects. The word "Standard" in the title of this document means only that the document has
been approved through the ASTM consensus process.

Factors Affecting Permeability of Soil:

 Grain size or Particle size

The above equation is given by Alan Hazen. Permeability depends on shape and soil of soil particles.
Permeability varies with square of particle size diameter.

 Void Ratio

If the presence of voids is more than the permeability is also more.


 Composition

For gravels, sand and silts presence of mica can decrease the permeability of soil. For clay, water
attracted between clay particles reduces the permeability.

 Structural Arrangement

Remolding of natural soil reduces permeability. If soil contains more rounded particles, the permeability
is more.

 Stratification

When flow of water is parallel to strata, permeability will be more when compared with flow
perpendicular to strata.

 Presence of foreign particles and entrapped air

This affects the permeability as it reduces void space and it blocks the inter-connectivity between the

 Degree of saturation

If the soil is dry or partly saturated the permeability of soil is always less.

Consequences of Incorrect Data

In most cases, measurement errors are overlooked when they overestimate the ground permeability
parameters and lead to a more conservative design of the dewatering systems in cofferdam design.
However, when the blow-out stability of the bottom of deep excavation pits is to be assessed, such
errors which lead to overestimation of actual ground permeability result to an unconservative design.

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