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Nonoy lived in a little barrio far

from the town. He had to wake up

early every morning to fetch water
from a well. He had to make several
trips before he could fill a big jar.
One day, men came to the barrio to
drill and artesian well. In ten days the
artesian well was ready. It was like
there was a fiesta. Bariio people lined
up to get water. When Nonoy’s turn
came, he took a long drink. How
cool and satisfying the water
1. Where did Nonoy live?
a. in a barrio b. in the town c. in a city
2. What did he do every morning?
a. fetched water from a well
b. fetched his sister from school
c. bought bread from the store
3. How long did it take him to get water?
a. two trips b. several trips c. several hours
4. Where did he put the water?
a. in a big jar b. in a big can c. in a big bottle
5. What did the men do in the barrio?
a. drilled an artesian well
b. fetched water for the people
c. dug a deep well in the ground
6. How did the barrio people feel about it?
a. angry b. happy c. ashamed
7. What would the well give them?
a. unsafe water b. clean, safe water c. water for the fields
8. How long did the men finish the work?
a. ten days b. four days c. one week
9. What did the barrio people do when it was ready?
a. lined up to get water
b. took baths near the well
c. danced along the street
10. How did the water taste to Nonoy?
a. He did not like it.
b. It was not so good.
c. It tasted cool and satisfying.

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