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Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 1 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ

⋰ A ☼ Parts of Speech ⋱
Avgiv mK‡jB Rvwb, ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ cÖ‡Z¨KwU A_©‡evaK kã‡K G‡KKwU Parts of Speech e‡j| Parts of Speech
Gi Part A_© Ask Ges Speech A_© e³…Zv|
Part = Ask myZivs Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi, ev‡K¨i Parts ev
Parts of Speech
(e³…Zvi Ask¸‡jv) Ask¸‡jv‡KB ejv nq Parts of Speech
Speech = e³…Zv
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Djuice is a very good boy who lives in Cumilla
Parts of
noun adverb adjective noun verb Preposition noun
Dc‡ii D`vniYwU †_‡K mn‡RB †evSv hvq, GKwU evK¨ ev sentence Gi A‡bK¸‡jv Part _vK‡Z cv‡i| ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ GB A_©‡evaK
k㸇jvi cÖ‡Z¨KwU‡K G‡KKwU Parts of Speech e‡j|
g‡b ivLyb t ev‡K¨ e¨envi Qvov GKwU kã‡K †Kvb Parts of Speech Zv mwVKfv‡e wbiƒcY Kiv m¤¢e bq| †hgb : Next
kãwUi wewfbœ Parts of Speech G e¨envi ‡`Lyb| I shall see you next Tuesday (Adjective), What next?
(Adverb), She was sitting next her. (Preposition) Ges He will tell you more about it in the next.
(Noun) myZivs GKwU kã sentence G e¨envi †f‡` GKvwaK Parts of Speech Gi KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Parts of Speech ‡gvU 08 (AvU) cÖKvi|
Noun Pronoun Great! Abeer and his
Verb Adverb Interjection Noun Conjunction Pronoun
Adjective Conjuction friend are the only
Preposition Interjection Noun Verb Adverb
brilliant boys with highest
wb‡Pi evK¨wU †Lqvj Kiæb : Adjective Noun Preposition Adjective
Great! Abeer and his friend are the only Score in class
brilliant boys with highest score in class. Noun Preposition Noun
AviI GKwU evK¨ jÿ¨ Kiæb :
Wow! Faisal and his wife are happily enjoying their most romantic honeymoon in London.
Noun : Faisal, wife, London Pronoun : his
Verb : are Adverb : happily
Adjective : romantic Conjuction : and
Preposition : in Interjection : Wow!
wb‡R †Póv Kiæb : (we.`ª: cÖwZwU ev‡K¨ 08wU Parts of Speech i‡q‡Q)
Ah! My husband and I wish we could travel yearly to Bandarban and take in all the amazing sites.
Alas! the evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by eight the next morning.
The Noun o The Mango tree (Dw™¢‡`i bvg) is the national
e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb, Dw™¢`, cÖvYx, ¸Y, NUbvi bvgmn †h †Kvb tree of Bangladesh (†`‡ki bvg).
wKQzi bvgB Noun. wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb o Forgiveness (¸‡Yi bvg) is a great virtue.
o He was singing a song (¸‡Yi bvg).
o Mehadey (e¨w³i bvg) reads a book (e¯‘i bvg) Mehadey (e¨w³i bvg), Book (e¯‘i bvg), Dhaka (¯’v‡bi
o Runa (e¨w³i bvg) lives in Dhaka (¯’v‡bi bvg) bvg), Mango tree (Dw™¢‡`i bvg), Bangladesh (‡`‡ki
bvg) Forgiveness (¸Y) cÖf…wZ Noun.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 2 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ 04. Preposition এর object দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়।
I spoke to Abeer.
01. ‡Kvb kãwU Noun? cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
05. Possessive case এর পমর বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়।
(ewikvj wefvM) 2003
Kamal hates Aporna for her
K. Sing L. Song talkativesness.
M. Feed N. Tell DËi : L c. Suffix এর মাধ্যমম noun চচনা যায়। (02 bs cÖ‡kœi
e¨vL¨v : Sing (Mvb Kiv), Feed (LvIqv‡bv), Tell (ejv) e¨vL¨v jÿ Kiæb|
cÖf…wZ kã n‡jv Verb. Song k‡ãi A_© Mvb hv †Kvb d. Gerund (verb + ing = Noun) চযম঵ত্ু একই ঴ামথ
e¨w³i ¸Y hv Abstract Noun Gi D`vniY| noun + verb এর কাজ কমর ত্াই এমক noun দ঵ম঴মব
02. Accomodation kãwU †Kvb ai‡bi Parts of গণ্য করা ঵য়। চযমন: Please stop reading.
Speech? – cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 1992 e. Adjective, noun দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য় যদি adjective
K. Noun L. Adjective এর আমগ ‘The’ বম঴। চযমন: The poor are not
M. Preposition N. Adverb DËi : K always happy.
e¨vL¨v : Suffix এর মাধ্যমম noun চচনা যায়। age, al, f. Determiners এর পর ঴াধ্ারণ্ত্ noun বম঴। চযমন:
ance, ce, cy, dom, hood, ism, ment, mony, ness, Some boys are coming here.
ship, ry, ty, th ইত্যাদি suffix ঴মূ঵ লমের চলম঳ থাকম঱ g. দকছু দকছু pharse, noun এর মমত্া কাজ কমর। চযমন :
ত্ামক noun বম঱। চযমন : Goodness, childhood, For good, in general, in short, at present, in
marriage, advice, agency, freedom, criticism, black and white.
agreement, friendship, victory, poverty, youth etc.
Noun Gi cÖKvi‡f` (Classification of Noun)
Noun চেনার উপায় Noun প্রধ্ানত্ ২ (রৃই) প্রকার।
A. Concrete Noun ( ইদিয়গ্রাহ্য দবমলষ্য)

a. অমথের মাধ্যমম চচনা যায়। চযমন : Hymn, Elegy. B. Abstract Noun ( গুণ্বাচক দবমলষ্য)।
b. Function এর মাধ্যমম চচনা যায়। Concrete Noun চক আবার ৪ (চার) ভামগ ভাগ করা যায়।
01. যথা :
Verb এর subject দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়।
01.Proper Noun,
Nahid is sleeping now.
02.Common Noun,
02. Verb এর complement দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়।
03.Collective Noun,
Salam is a professor.
04.Material Noun.
03. Verb এর object দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়। I
অথোৎ Noun চমাট ৫ (পাাঁচ) প্রকার।
helped Faisal.
Anger (ivM)

Bravery (mvnmx)

Concrete Noun Material Noun Abstract Noun

Proper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun

‡R‡b ivLyb : Proper Noun &Gi cÖ_g eY© ev Letter wU

Proper Noun Capiatal Letter–G wjL‡Z nq| †hgb I am Salam,
চয Noun দ্বারা চকান বযদি (person), বস্তু (thing), ধ্ারণ্া
He reads Arabian Night’s.
(idea) বা স্থামনর (place) দনদিেষ্ট নাম চবাঝায় ত্ামক Proper
Noun বম঱। চযমন : Fazlul Haque, Nazrul, Rangpur,
Quran, Newton‟s Theory (দনউটমনর ত্ত্ত্ব) etc. bRiæj KziAvb wµ‡KU ej
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 3 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
01. Narul is the national poet of Bangladesh. 03. Which group of words are proper noun?
(bRiæj evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq Kwe) (cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi Kw¤úDUvi Kg©KZ©v 95)
02. The Meghna is the deepest river of K. Man, boy, book
Bangladesh. (‡gNbv evsjv‡`‡ki MfxiZg b`x) L. Rahim, Bangladesh, The Ittefaq
03. Rangpur is the 7th administrative division M. Malik, water, iron
of Bangladesh. ( iscyi evsjv‡`‡ki mßg cÖkvmwbK N. Cattle, class, army DËi : N
wefvM)  e¨vL¨v : Proper noun Gi cÖ_g AÿiwU Capital
04. Today is Friday. (AvR ïµevi) letter G nq, ‡m wn‡m‡e ÒLÓ b¤^iwU mwVK DËi| Z‡e GwU
Dc‡ii D`vniY¸‡jv †_‡K mn‡RB †evSv hvq, Nazrul cwic~Y© †Kvb mgvavb bq| Avgiv Rvwb, †Kvb e¯‘, e¨w³,
GKRb wbw`©ó e¨w³i bvg, Quran GKwU wbw`©ó MÖ‡š’i bvg, aviYv ev ¯’v‡bi bvg‡K ejv nq Proper noun. ‡Lqvj
Cricket ball GKwU wbw`©ó †Ljvi e‡ji bvg, Rangpur K‡ib, Rahim GKwU e¨w³i bvg, Bangladesh GKwU
GKwU wbw`©ó kn‡ii bvg, Friday mßv‡ni GKwU wbw`©ó ¯’v‡bi bvg, The Ittefaq ej‡Z GKwU wbw`©ó cwÎKvi
ev‡ii bvg| e¨w³, e¯‘, aviYv, ¯’v‡bi GB mywbw`©ó (wbw`©ó e¯‘) bvg ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
bvg¸‡jv‡K ejv nq Proper Noun. 04. Drive the nail (‡c‡iK) into the table. GLv‡b
Nail kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii Noun?
 `ywU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq †R‡b ivLyb K. Proper noun
01. এমির পূমবে চকান determiner বম঴ না। ত্মব কখমনা L. Common noun
কখমনা proper noun এর ঴ামমন article বদ঴ময় M. Collective noun
proper noun দটমক common noun দ঵ম঴মব N. Material noun DËi : K
বযব঵ার করা যায়। এমনদট ঘটম঱ বামকযর অমথের উপর  e¨vL¨v : nail k‡ãi A_© †c‡iK (e¯‘i bvg)
চখয়া঱ করমবন। চযমন:
 Kazi Nazrul Islam is the Shelley of
Bangladesh. (KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg n‡jb Common Noun
evsjv‡`‡ki †kjx)
 The Padma is a big river. (cÙv GKwU ‡h Noun Øviv e¨w³ ev e¯‘i mv`„k¨/mvaviY bvg †evSvq
eo b`x) Zv‡K common noun e‡j| †hgb boy, girl, river,
GLv‡b Shelley n‡”Q Common Noun. GwU ev‡K¨i ocean, cricketer, man etc. common noun ‡Pbvi
ai‡bi Dci wbf©i K‡i| jÿ K‡ib, Dc‡ii D`vni‡Y mnR Dcvq n‡”Q GKvwaK proper noun Gi gv‡S Kx Kx
Shelley ‡K Common e¨w³ aiv n‡q‡Q| mv`„k¨ ev common Av‡Q Zv †Lqvj ivLv| †hgb
Nahid, Khairul, Abir, Faisal G¸‡jv proper noun
02. এমিরমক plural করা যায় না। ত্মব proper noun চক Gi D`vniY|
যখন plural করা ঵য় ত্খন যদি nounদট দনদিেষ্ট কাউমক না
বুদঝময়, common noun এর ন্যায় একদট ঴াধ্ারণ্ নাম
‡Lqvj K‡ib, G‡`i mevB‡K GKwU common kã Øviv
বুঝায় ত্খন চ঴দট Common Noun ঵ময় যায়। চযমন : †evSv‡bv hvq| A_©vr G‡`i mevB‡K man ev gvbyl ejv hvq|
There are two Nahids in this class. এখামন myZivs GLv‡b man n‡jv common noun.
Nahids দ্বারা রৃ’জন Nahid চক চবাঝামনা ঵ময়মছ। Avevi aiv hvK, Nahid, Khairul, Abir, Faisal mevB
রৃ’জমনর common নাম ঵ম঱া Nahid. চ঴জন্য Nahids wµ‡KU †L‡j| Zv‡`i GKUv common kã cricketer
঵ম঱া একদট common noun এর উিা঵রণ্। Øviv wPwýZ Kiv hvq| Zvn‡j Cricketer n‡jv common
Common Noun noun.
Common Noun ‡Pbvi GKUv Dcvq Avgiv Lyu‡R †cjvg
bvwn` - 01 Nahids ÔÔGKvwaK Proper Noun Gi g‡a¨ mv`„k¨B n‡jv
Common NounÕÕ. wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv ‡`Lyb

bvwn` - 02

Proper Noun
Man (gvbyl) Infant (wkï) Village
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 4 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
 e¨vL¨v t ÒGirl” ‡Kvb we‡kl †g‡q‡K bv eywS‡q
mvaviYfv‡e mKj ‡g‡q‡K †evSvq| myZivs GwU GKwU
Common Noun.
06. We hate the Mir Jafars. Here ÔMir Jafars‟ is
a _____ noun?
River (b`x) Mouth (gyL) K. Proper L. Common
M. Collective N. Material DËi : L
Dc‡ii D`vniY¸‡jv‡Z Man ej‡Z mKj gvbyl‡KB  e¨vL¨v t GB ev‡K¨ ÒMir Jafars” ‡Kvb we‡kl e¨w³‡K
†evSvq| Infant (wkï) ej‡Z mKj wkï‡KB †evSvq, bv eywS‡q mvaviYfv‡e Plural noun wn‡m‡e mKj Lvivc
Village (MÖvg) ej‡Z mKj MÖvg‡KB †evSvq, Mouth e¨w³‡K †evSv‡”Q| myZivs GwU GKwU Common Noun.
(gyL) ej‡Z mK‡ji gyL‡KB †evSvq|
07. Nazrul is the Byron of Bangladesh. The
ev‡K¨ Av‡iv common noun Gi D`vniYmg~n jÿ¨
undelined word used as___
Kiæb K. Proper noun L. Common noun
01. The cow is domestic animal. (Miæ GKwU M. Material noun N. Abstract noun
M„ncvwjZ cÖvYx)  e¨vL¨v t GB ev‡K¨ ÒByron” ej‡Z †K ÒByron” bv
02. The elephant has great strength. (nvwZ eywS‡q wfbœ e¨w³‡K (Nazrul) ÒByron” Gi wn‡m‡e
A‡bK kw³kvjx) ‡`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| myZivs GwU GKwU Common Noun.
03. Dhaka is a big city. (XvKv GKwU eo kni)
04. Farida is a good girl. (dwi`v Lye fvj †g‡q) 08. Which one is a common noun?
K. Salt L. Army
cow (‡h †Kvb Miæ), elephant (‡h †Kvb nvwZ), city (‡h M. Studentship N. Infant
†Kvb kni), girl (‡h †Kvb evwjKv) wbw`©ó K‡i †Kvb wKQz‡K  e¨vL¨v t Salt – jeY (Material noun), Army -
‡evSvq bv| GB D`vniY¸‡jv‡Z GKvwaK proper noun Gi ‡mbvevwnbx (Collective noun), Studentship- QvÎve¯’v
mv`„k¨ Lyu‡R cvIqv hvq| ZvB G¸‡jv common noun Gi (Abstract noun), Infant – wkï, AcÖvß eq¯‥
D`vniY| (Common noun)| Infant ‡Kvb wbw`©ó wkï‡K bv
05. What kind of noun is ÔGirl‟? (10g wewmGm) eywS‡q mKj wkï‡K †evSv‡”Q)| ZvB GwU GKwU Common
K. Proper L. Common Noun
M. Collective N. Material DËi : L

Common Noun Gi wKQz D`vniY

man (gvbyl), woman (¯¿x‡jvK), country(‡`k), city (bMix), student (wkÿv_©x), boy (evjK), girl (evwjKv),
harbor (‡cvZvkÖq), Doctor (wPwKrmK), pupils (Qv·`i), bank, human, waiter (‡nv‡Uj ev †i‡¯Ívivi
cwiPviK), word, child (wkï), Children (‡Q‡j‡g‡q) hand, Pirate (Rj`my¨) family, College (gnvwe`¨vjq),
student, firefighter, public, river (b`x), mouth, Sailors (bvweK), Island (Øxc), Fighter (‡hv×v) BZ¨vw`|

Collective Noun ‡evSvi Rb¨ wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ Kiæb

gvbyl m¤úwK©Z Collective noun :
‡h Noun GKB ai‡bi e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K c„_Kfv‡e bv eywS‡q A panel of speakers = e³ve„›`
Zv‡`i mgwó‡K †evSvq Zv‡K collective noun e‡j| A staff of employees = Kg©Pvixe„›`
†hgb army, police, jury (wePviKgÐjx), A gang of thieves = ‡Pv‡ii `j
committee, gang, flock, gentry, Fleet, Herd A band of muscians = msMxZ‡Ái `j
(Mevw`cïi cvj), Committee, Jury, Team, A troupe of artists = bvU¨`j
Audience (‡kÖvZvgÐjx), School (gv‡Qi SvuK), A crew of sailors = bvwe‡Ki `j
Cattle, Crowd, Pack, Navy, Library, Class, A team of players = ‡L‡jvqv‡oi `j
Public, Covey, Police, Gang, Gentry, A gang of laborers = kÖwg‡Ki `j
Orchestra, Infantry (c`vwZK evwnbx) etc. A crowd of people = `k©K
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 5 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
cï-cvwL m¤úwK©Z Collective noun
A school of fishes gv‡Qi SvuK A swarm of bees †g․gvwQi SvuK
A herd of cows Miæi cvj A colony of ants wcucovi `j
A drove of camels D‡Ui cvj A colony of penguins ‡c½yB‡bi `j
A drove of horses ‡Nvovi cvj A flock of animals/birds cï/cvwLi SvuK
A pride of lions wms‡ni `j A swarm of rats Bu`y‡ii SvuK
Ab¨vb¨ Collective Noun o Collective noun ev‡K¨i subject n‡j Ges
A group of islands ØxccyÄ (Archipelago) member iv GK‡Î KvR Ki‡j verb = Singular
A fleet of ships †b․eni (Fleet) o Collective noun ev‡K¨i subject n‡j Ges
A stack of wood Kv‡Vi ¯Í~c member – iv Avjv`vfv‡e KvR Ki‡j verb =
A range of mountains ce©Zgvjv (Mountain range) Plural
A galaxy of stars ZviKvivwR
A bouquet of flowers dz‡ji †Zvov 09. The jury found the prisoner guilty. (cÖv_wgK
A basket of fruits GK Szuwo dj we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix wkÿK 2010)
A bunch of keys GK †MvQv Pvwe K. Proper L. Common
A hedge of bushes †Svuc-Sv‡oi mvwi M. Collective N. Abstract DËi : M
A album of photographs Qwe ivLvi A¨vjevg
A sting of pearls gy³v gvjv 10. ‡KvbwU collective noun? (cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi
A cloud of dust a~wji †gN mnKvix wkÿK 2006)
K. Book L. Girl
M. Library N. Soldiers DËi : M
 e¨vL¨v t Book, girl, Soldiers G¸‡jv common
noun Gi D`vniY|
11. The police have disprersed the crowd‟ ev‡K¨
ØxccyÄ (Archipelago) †b․eni (Fleet) crowd kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? (cÖv_wgK
we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wkÿK 2009)
Dc‡ii D`vniYmg~n †_‡K collective noun GKUv msÁv K. Common noun
†`qv hvq, ÔmgRvZxq wKQz e¨w³ ev wel‡qi mgwó‡K GKwU L. Collective noun
bv‡g †evSv‡jB collective noun Zv‡K e‡jÕ| ev‡K¨ M. Material noun
e¨envimg~n jÿ¨ K‡ib N. Abstract noun DËi : L
01. The committee has taken its decision  e¨vL¨v t evK¨wUi A_© Òcywjk evwnbx RbZv‡K QÎf½
(KwgwUwU Zvi wm×všÍ wb‡q‡Q) K‡i‡QÓ| GLv‡b ÔcrowdÕ kãwUi A_© RbZv hv GKB
02. The committee are divided on one ai‡bi ev mg‡MvÎxq A‡bK e¨w³i mgwó‡K †evSvq| myZivs
decision. (KwgwU GKwU wm×v‡šÍi e¨vcv‡i wef³) GwU GKwU Collective noun Gi D`vniY|
03. The jury has reached a decision. (Rywi‡evW© 12. The juries were divided in their opinion.
GKwU wm×v‡šÍ †c․u‡Q‡Q) ev‡K¨ `vM †`qv AskwU †Kvb noun? (cÖv_wgK
04. The jury are divided in their opinions we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix wkÿK -1993)
(Rywi‡ev‡W©i m`m¨iv Zv‡`i gšÍ‡e¨ wef³ n‡q‡Q) K. Collective L. Proper
`ywU welq jÿ¨ K‡ib M. Common N. Abstract DËi : K
 committee, juri mgRvZxq wKQz e¨w³i mgš^‡q  e¨vL¨v t evK¨wUi A_© ÒRywi‡ev‡W©i m`m¨iv Zv‡`i gšÍ‡e¨
MwVZ n‡q‡Q| myZivs GB k㸇jv collective wef³ n‡qwQjÓ| Rywi‡evW© MwVZ nq mg‡MvÎxq m`m¨ wb‡q|
noun Gi D`vniY| myZivs GwU GKwU Collective noun Gi D`vniY|
 committee, juri Gi m`m¨iv hLb wm×všÍ MÖn‡Y 13. ÔOur team is better than yours Õ ev‡K¨ ÔteamÕ
HKg‡Z¨ †c․‡Q‡Q, ZLb singular verb e¨eüZ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
n‡q‡Q| hLb wm×všÍ MÖn‡Y HKgZ¨ nqwb, ZLb K. Proper L. Common
plural verb e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| M. Collective N. Abstract DËi : M
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 6 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
 e¨vL¨v t evK¨wUi A_© ÒAvgv‡`i wUg †Zvgv‡`i †P‡q fvjÕ Material Noun
GLv‡b ÔteamÕ kãwUi A_© `j hv mg‡MvÎxq GKvwaK m`m¨
wb‡q| myZivs GwU GKwU Collective noun Gi D`vniY| o †Kvb e¯‘ †h wRwbm Øviv MwVZ nq Zv‡K A_vr e¯‘i
14. ÔI shall join the army‟ GLv‡b Ôarmy‟ kãwU †Kvb Dcv`vbwU‡KB material noun e‡j|
cÖKv‡ii noun? o ‡h noun Øviv †Kvb e¯‘i bvg eySvq, wKš‘ MYbv Kiv
K. Material noun hvq bv (KZ¸‡jv Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi cvIqv hvq bv),
L. Proper noun ïay cwigvc (wK cwigvY Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi cvIqv
M. Common noun hvq) Kiv hvq Zv‡K material noun e‡j|
N. Collective noun DËi : N o GKwU ¯^‡Y©i nvi evbv‡bvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb Gold
 e¨vL¨v t ÔarmyÕ k‡ãi A_© †mbvevwnbx hv A‡bK (‡mvbv)| myZivs †mvbv (Gold) GKwU material
mgRvZxq e¨w³i mgš^‡q MwVZ nq, ZvB GwU GKwU noun Gi D`vniY|
Collective noun Gi D`vniY|

Gold (‡mvbv) Rice (fvZ) Water (cvwb) Suger (wPwb)

o ‡mvbv GKwU e¯‘i bvg, MYbv Kiv hvq bv, Z‡e cwigvc K. Material noun
Kiv hvq| hw` ejv nq, KZ¸‡jv (msL¨v) †mvbv Zvn‡j L. Common noun
‡Kvb DËi cvIqv hvq bv (1wU †mvbv ejv hvq bv)| jÿ¨ M. Collective noun
K‡ib, Kx cwigvY Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi cvIqv hvq (1 N. Abstract noun DËi : K
cvDÛ †mvbv)| myZivs GwU GKwU material noun Gi  e¨vL¨v t 01 bs cÖkœwUi e¨vL¨v jÿ¨ Kiæb|
17. Coffee is a popular drink all over the
Abyiƒcfv‡e, Kx cwigvY Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi n‡Z cv‡i : 1 world. ev‡K¨ coffee kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
†KwR Pvj, 1 wjUvi cvwb, 1 ‡KwR wPwb| Avgiv wKš‘ ewj bv, K. Material noun
10wU fvZ, 20wU cvwb, 30wU wPwb| L. Common noun
M. Collective noun
Zvn‡j, †evSv †Mj, material noun ‡K cwigvc Kiv
N. Abstract noun DËi : K
hvq, wKš‘ MYbv Kiv hvq bv|
15. The ring is made of gold. ev‡K¨ gold kãwU AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb
†Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? (cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix Silver (iƒcv), iron (‡jvnv), cotton (Zyjv), diamond
wkÿK (gyw³‡hv×v/knx` gyw³‡hv×vi mšÍvb -2010) (nxiv), milk (`ya), paint (is), rubber (ievi), paper
K. Common noun (KvMR), steel (B¯úvZ), wood (KvV), sand (evwj),
L. Collective noun mutton (QvMj/‡fovi gvsm), suger (wPwb), oil (‡Zj)
M. Material noun etc.
N. Abstract noun DËi : M
 e¨vL¨v t eY©bvi cÖ_g kZ©wU jÿ¨ Kiæb :
Ô†Kvb e¯‘ †h wRwbm Øviv MwVZ nq Zv‡K A_v©r e¯‘i Abstract Noun
Dcv`vbwU‡KB material noun e‡jÕ| evK¨wU‡Z ejv ‡h noun ¯úk© Kiv hvq bv, †Kej Abyfe Kiv hvq (‡Kvb
n‡q‡Q Ring ‣Zwi Kiv nq Gold w`‡q| myZivs Gold Ae¯‘MZ aviYv A_v©r †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ‡`vl, ¸Y †evSvq)
GKwU Material noun Gi D`vniY| Zv‡K abstract noun e‡j| †hgb : Honesty,
16. The necklace is made of gold. (cÖv_wgK goodness, love, kindness, beauty, fraility,
we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix wkÿK 2005) youth etc.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 7 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
 চিা঳, গুণ্, অবস্থার নাম চবাঝায়।
Abstract Noun  চচামখ চিখা যায় না।
(চেনার উপায়)  অনুভূদত্র ঴া঵ামযয উপ঱দি করমত্ ঵য়।

wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb Ges Dc‡ii •ewkó¨ LyuRyb – o Esteem (kÖ×v) After discovering the
great celebrity‟s secret help for those in
o Kindness (D`viZv) Kindness is a great need, my esteem for him has doubled. (GB
virtue. (D`viZv GKwU gnr ¸Y) L¨vwZgv‡bi Afvex †jvK‡`i‡K †Mvc‡b mvnvh¨ Kivi
o Honesty (mZZv) Honesty is the best K_v Rvbvi ci †_‡KB Zvui cÖwZ Avgvi kÖ×v wظY n‡q
policy. (mZZvB m‡e©vrK…ó cš’v) – cÖv_wgK cÖavb wM‡q‡Q|)
wkÿK (kvcjv) 09 o Forgiveness (ÿgv) – Forgiveness is a great
o Ability (mvg_©¨) His long experience as a virtue. (ÿgv GKwU gnr ¸Y)| cÖv_wgK mnKvix
teacher has given him the ability to quickly wkÿK 05
understand a student‟s needs. (wkÿK wn‡m‡e o Goodwill (mybvg) I an not looking for any
Zvui `xN©w`‡bi AwfÁZv Zv‡K wkÿv_©x‡`i Pvwn`v money from you; I want only your
m¤ú‡K© †evSvi mvg_©¨ w`‡q‡Q) goodwill. (Avwg †Zvgvi Kv‡Q †Kvb UvKv-Kwo PvB
o Arrangement (Av‡qvRb) Grammar deals bv, PvB ïay †Zvgvi mybvgUv|)
with the arrangement of words in sentence. o Hapiness (myL) Happiness comes from
(e¨vKiY ev‡K¨ k‡ãi web¨vm wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i) loving people and using things, and not
o Attitude (AvPiY) If we have the right from using people and loving things. (myL
attitude to troubles in life, we can remain Av‡m gvbyl‡K fvjevmv Avi e¯‘‡K e¨envi Kiv †_‡K;
happy. (hw` Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi mgm¨v¸‡jvi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i gvbyl‡K e¨envi K‡i e¯‘‡K fvjevmv †_‡K bq|)
`„wófw½ mwVK nq, Zvn‡jB Avgiv myLx n‡Z cvie)|
o Height (D”PZv) The Government cannot
o Boyhood (evj¨Kvj) Most of his boyhood go ahead with its decision to raise the
was spent playing football and it is only height of the dam, for thousands of people
later that he began to take interest in his will be displaced from their villages.
studies. (Zvi †Q‡j‡ejvi †ewkifvMUvB †K‡U‡Q
dzUej †Lj‡Z †Lj‡Z, †Kej Gi c‡iB †m Zvi
o Hope (Avkv) Hope of success helps us to
cov‡jLvq g‡bvwb‡ek Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q|) perceive in this difficult task.
o Bravery (exiZ¡/mvnwmKZv) – The soldiers o Integrity (mZZv) It is true that he is a
were rewarded for their bravery. man of integrity, but, he is hard-hearted.
(‣mwbK‡`i/‡hv×v‡`i‡K Zv‡`i mvnwmKZvi Rb¨ o Joy (Avb›`) There was unspeakable joy
cyi¯‥…Z Kiv n‡qwQj)| on her face as the award was announced.
o Chairmanship (mfvcwZZ¡) The o Knowledge (Ávb) All those who have
chairmanship of a municipality is a the luxury to consume knowledge in
position highly desired for its lucrativeness centres of higher learning have also the
and power. (Avw_©K myweav I ÿgZvi Rb¨B responsibility to produce it for the good of
†c․imfvi mfvcwZZ¡ GZUv AvKvw•ÿZ|) society.
o Childhood (‣kkeKvj) In childhood, I did o Length (‣`N©¨) The length of this road is
not have the capacity to fully understand just two miles. (GB iv¯Ívi •`N©¨ gvÎ 2 gvBj)|
abstract nouns. (‣kkeKv‡j Abstract noun o Love (fvjevmv) Love doesn‟t make you
‡evSvi gZ GZUv mvg_©¨ Avgvi wQj bv) remind the other that you have forgiven.
o Depth (MfxiZv) We struck water at the o Memory (m¥„wZ) Write down the details
depth of twenty feet. (Avgiv cvwbi wek dzU ot the answer; for memory may fail.
Mfx‡i AvNvZ †n‡bwQ|)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 8 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o Nature (¯^fve) It is his nature to keep o Service (‡mev) The website is a honest
silent, even in the midst of all the noise of service to all those who had once
his boisterous buddies. (Zvi ¯^fveB n‡”Q bxie neglegted their study of English Grammer,
_vKv GgbwK Zvi •n‣P Kiv eÜz‡`i gv‡S †_‡KI)| but now see the need for it.
o Obligation (eva¨evaKZv) As a parent, you o Strength (kw³) – Wisdom is better than
have the obligation to look after your strength (kw³i †P‡q Ávb ‡kÖq)| cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK
children. (evev/gv wn‡m‡e Avcbvi mšÍv‡bi †`Lv‡kvbv 09
Kiv AvcbviB KZ©e¨)| o Truth (mZ¨Zv, wbfy©jZv) – Truth must prevail
o Obscurity (`y‡e©va¨Zv) He mistakenly in the long run. (‡kl ch©šÍ mZ¨B wU‡K _vK‡e)|
believed that others did not understand his o Understanding (‡evakw³) I prayed and
written works because he was genius and understanding was given me.
not because there was obscurity in his o Urgency (AZ¨vek¨KZv) He was wasting
thoughts. (‡m fzj eyS‡Zv †h, Zvi †jLv-‡jwL †KD time because he did not understand the
†ev‡S bv KviY †m cªwZfvevb, Zvi †jLv `y‡ev©a¨ †m urgency of the task set before him.
Kvi‡Y bq)|
o Proficiency (`ÿZv) He has a high
o Victory (Rq) – Nelson is famous for his
victory at Trafalgar. (‡bjmb UªdvjMvi weR‡qi
degree of proficiency in English language;
Rb¨ weL¨vZ)|
but he has almost forgotten his mother-
tongue. (Bs‡iwR fvlvi `ÿZvi Dci Zvi D”PZi
o Weight (IRb) If you reduce your
weight, many of your health problems will
wWMÖx Av‡Q, wKš‘ †m Zvi gvZ…fvlv G‡Kev‡I fz‡jB
†M‡Q)| disappear”, advised the doctor.
o Purpose (D‡Ïk¨) The purpose of these o Youth (ZviæY¨) Youth is positively
examples is to help learners understand associated with idealism and enthusiasm
abstract nouns more deeply. (GB and negatively with being rash.
D`vniY¸‡jvi g~j D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv abstract noun o Zenith (P~ov) He reached the zenith of
wkÿv_©x‡`i Mfxifv‡e eyS‡Z mvnvh¨ Kiv)| his career at the age of thirty-five.
o Quality (¸Y) The recruitment of fresh o Zest (iƒwP) Whenever he spoke, the way
hands into our company should depend on his words came out showed his zest for
their quality of it was enough for them. life.
(Avwg PvB Zzwg fvj djvdj Ki, KviY Zzwg Gi
†hvM¨)| 18. What kind of noun is ÔhonestyÕ? MYc~Z©
o Requirement (cÖ‡qvRb) Grasping what Awa`߇i DcmnKvix cÖ‡K․kjx (wmwfj) – 11
concrete means is a requirement for K. Proper L. Common
understanding abstract nouns. (weg~Z© A_© M. Abstract N. Collective DËi: M
eyS‡Z cvivB n‡”Q abstract noun eyS‡Z cvivi o e¨vL¨v : Honesty k‡ãi A_© mZZv| hv †Pv‡L †`Lv
g~jkZ©)| hvq bv, e¨w³i ¸Y‡K †evSvq Ges Abyf~wZi mvnv‡h¨
o Result (djvdj) I wish you get a good Dcjwä Kiv hvq| myZivs ÔhonestyÕ GKwU
result for you deserve it. (Avwg PvB Zzwg fvj Abstract noun.
djvdj Ki, KviY Zzwg Gi †hvM¨)| 19. ÔBeauty is truth‟ Here Ôbeauty‟ is
o Saddness (welYœZv, †kvK) Her sadness was _____noun. (9g wkÿK wbeÜb 14)
so intense that she could not weep. (Zvi `ytL K. Common L. Proper
GZB Zxeª †h †m Kvu`‡ZI cvi‡ZwQj bv)| M. Abstract N. Collective DËi : M
o Scholarship (e„wË) Universities are o e¨vL¨v : Beauty k‡ãi A_© ‡m․›`h© hv †Pv‡L †`Lv
placed which are supposed to encourage hvq bv, e¨w³/e¯‘i Ae¯’v‡K †evSvq Ges Abyf~wZi
scholarship. (wek^we`¨vjq n‡”Q †mB ¯’vb, hv mvnv‡h¨ Dcjwä Kiv hvq| myZivs ÔBeautyÕ GKwU
cvwÛZ¨‡K Drmvn w`‡e e‡jB g‡b Kiv nq)| Abstract noun Gi D`vniY|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 9 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
20. ÔBeggarÕ kãwUi Abstract Form n‡e cÖv_wgK Dcjwä Kiv hvq| myZivs ÔHealthÕ GKwU Abstract
mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) 11 noun Gi D`vniY|
K. Beggarhood L. Beggary
M. Beggarship N. Beggarness DËi : L Compound Noun
o Beggar (wfÿzK) kãwU GKwU Common noun.
kãwUi mv‡_ suffix ( y) hy³ n‡q Beggary kãwU Bs‡iwR fvlvq GKwU noun Gi mv‡_ Av‡iKwU noun Gi
MwVZ n‡q‡Q hvi A_© wb`viæY `vwi`ª¨| hv †Pv‡L †`Lv mgš^q A_ev adjective Gi mv‡_ noun Gi mgš^q A_ev
hvq bv, e¨w³i Ae¯’v‡K †evSvq Ges Abyf~wZi mvnv‡h¨ gerund Gi mv‡_ noun Gi mgš^q †h †h․Mc` •Zwi nq
Dcjwä Kiv hvq| Beggarhood, Beggarship, ZvB compound noun. ‡hgb –
Beggarness cÖf…wZ kã Awfav‡b †bB| o Noun + Noun Classmate, handbag, tea
†R‡b ivLyb : Common noun QvovI Adjective, verb cup, water-power, headmaster.
‡_‡KI Abstract noun MwVZ n‡Z cv‡i| wb‡Pi o Adjective + Noun Yellow card, green
D`vniYmg~n jÿ Kiæb house, blackboard, hotplate, Sweetheart.
Verb ‡_‡K Abstract Noun o Gerund + Noun Closing time, running
Act–Action, Choose–Choice, Cruel–Cruelty,
o Noun + Gerund Sightseeing, taxi-
Defend–Defence, Depart Departure, Die– driving.
o Noun + Verb Haircut, sunrise.
Adjective ‡_‡K Abstract Noun o Verb + Noun Bathroom, playboy,
Bitter – Bitterness, Cold – Coldness, Deep – search engine, postman, rest house, call
Depth, Honest – Honesty, Long Length.
21. ÔKing’ Gi Absract Form n‡”Q – cÖv_wgK 23. Which one is a compound noun? (11Zg
mnKvix wkÿK 10 cÖfvlK wbeÜb 2014)
K. Kingship L. King K. Headmaster L. Information
M. Kinghood N. Kingly DËi: K M. Friday N. Examination DËi: K
o e¨vL¨v : ÔKing‟ kãwU GKwU Common noun Gi o e¨vL¨v : Headmaster Noun (Head) + noun
D`vniY| kãwUi mv‡_ suffix ( ship) hy³ n‡q (Master).
Beggary kãwU MwVZ n‡q‡Q hvi A_© ivRc` hv
†Pv‡L †`Lv hvq bv, e¨w³i Ae¯’v‡K †evSvq Ges
Abyf~wZi mvnv‡h¨ Dcjwä Kiv hvq| Common noun
‡_‡K Abstract noun Gi AviI wKQz D`vniY †`qv The Determiner
n‡jv চয ঴ক঱ লে noun/pronoun এর দনদিেষ্টত্া, অদনদিেষ্টত্া,
Agent Agency (cÖwZwbwaZ¡), Bond Bondage ঴ংখযা বা পদরমাণ্ দনমিেল কমর ত্ামিরমক Determiner e‡j|
(`vmZ¡eÜb) Bankrupt Bankruptcy (‡`Dwjqvcb), h_v : a, an, many, much, few, little BZ¨vw`|
Boy Boyhood (evj¨Kvj), Coward Cowardice  Types of Determiners
(KvcyiælZv), Friend Friendship (eÜzZ¡) a. e¯‘evPK Determiners : †hme determiners
Infant Infancy (‣kke), Thief Theft (Pzwi) e¯‘‡K e¯‘evPK wn‡m‡e determine Ki‡Z
22. ÔWithout health there is no happiness’. mnvqZv K‡i Zv‡`i‡K e¯‘evPK determiners
GLv‡b Ôhappiness’ kãwU cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK e‡j| h_v :
myigv 10 Articles A, An, The
K. Proper L. Common Demonstrative This, These, That, Those
M. Abstract N. Collective DËi: M Possessives My, Your, His, Her, It‟s,
o e¨vL¨v : Health k‡ãi A_© ¯^v¯’¨ hv †Pv‡L †`Lv hvq Our, Your, Their, One‟s,
bv, e¨w³i Ae¯’v‡K †evSvq Ges Abyf~wZi mvnv‡h¨ Whose
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 10 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
22. ____ amazing song haunted me for a long Few, A few, The few
time. (35Zg wewmGm) o Few gv‡b Aí msL¨K, †bB ej‡jB P‡j| GUv
K. These L. Those †bwZevPK A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v He has few
M. Thus N. That DËi: N friends in Chicago. (Zvui wkKv‡Mv‡Z Aí msL¨K
b. msL¨v/cwigvYevPK Determiners : msL¨v ev eÜz Av‡Q)| Few A‡_© A‡bK mgq Very Few
cwigvY wb‡`©k K‡i Ggb me Determiners e¨envi Kiv nq|
hv‡`i‡K quantifier ejv nq| h_v : o A few wKQz msL¨K | h_v I have a few
Some, Any, No All, Both, Half friends in Bangladesh. (evsjv‡`‡k Avgvi
Each, Every, Either, One, Two, Three, Four., K‡qKRb eÜz Av‡Q)| Ges
Neither Other
What, Whatever, Which, Whichever
o The few A_© Aí †h KRb/KwU Av‡Q Zvi

Countable/Uncountable determiners Giv mvaviYZ countable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| Zv

Avgiv D`vniYmg~n †`‡L B‡Zvg‡a¨B ey‡SwQ|
o wKQz wKQz Determiner Av‡Q †h¸‡jv Countable.
Giv countable noun Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb : 24. Which of the following is the correct
Either, Many, Few, A, An, Several, meaning of Ôa few’? mve-‡iwR÷ªvi 92
Neither, Each, Every etc. K. Not many, hardly any
o Ab¨w`‡K uncountable determiner mg~n L. Not many, but all there are
uncountable noun Gi mv‡_| †hgb : Much, M. Some
little, less, least etc. N. Not much DËi : M
23. Which word is the determiner in the o e¨vL¨v : A few A_© wKQz msL¨K ev Some.
sentence ÔÔWill it take much time?‟‟ 35Zg
wewmGm 25. Zvi †Kvb eÜz †bB ej‡jB P‡j| 6ô cÖfvlK
K. will L. take wbeÜb 10, 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (2) 14
M. much N. time DËi : M K. He has a few friends.
L. He has no friends.
e¨vL¨v : চয ঴ক঱ লে noun/pronoun এর দনদিেষ্টত্া, M. He has few friends.
অদনদিেষ্টত্া, ঴ংখযা বা পদরমাণ্ দনমিেল কমর ত্ামিরমক N. He has the few friends. DËi : M
Determiner e‡j| GLv‡b Ômuch‟ kãwU Øviv mg‡qi o e¨vL¨v : Few gv‡b Aí msL¨K, †bB ej‡jB P‡j| A
cwigvY †evSv‡bv n‡”Q| ZvB GwU GKwU Determiner. few wKQz msL¨K Ges The few A_© Aí †h
o wKQz wKQz determiner Av‡Q †h¸‡jv countable KRb/KwU Av‡Q Zvi me¸‡jv/mevB| mwVK DËi (M)|
Ges uncountable Dfq cÖKvi noun Gi mv‡_ Little, A little, The little
em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb : Some, a lot of, number.
o Little A_© Lye mvgvb¨, †bB ej‡jB P‡j| kãwU
wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wbqg †bwZevPK A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v There is a little
of hope of recovery. (Zvi AviM¨jv‡fi Avkv †bB
Many, Much, A lot of, Lot’s of ej‡jB P‡j)| Little A‡_© Very little e¨envi Kiv
Much kãwU uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Ges nq|
many kãwU Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| Giv o A little A_© mvgvb¨ cwigvY| I still have a little
mvaviYZ bv †evaK Ges cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ nq| Avi money. (Avgvi GLbI wKQz UvKv Av‡Q) 38Zg wewmGm
n¨vu †evaK ev‡K¨ A lot of e¨eüZ nq | wKš‘ Lot‟s of o The little ej‡Z mvgvb¨ †hUzKz Av‡Q Zvi meUzKz|
ïay countable plural noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq| h_v : †hgb : We should use the little time we
 I don‟t have much spare time these three have at our disposal to settle the dispute.
days. Giv mvaviYZ uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m, Zv
 There are a lot of dangerous drivers. Avgiv D`vniYmg~n †_‡K mn‡RB eyS‡Z cvwi|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 11 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
26. A lot of food was prepared, but hardly any K. some L. any
of it was eaten. (Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j M. none N. No DËi : N
A¨vWRy‡W›U 15) 30. They have ___ Children. (MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii
K. little L. a little Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡K․kjx 2018)
M. few N. a few DËi : K K. no L. none
27. ___ milk he gave me has been split. M. not N. nothing DËi : K
Choose the correct option.
K. Few L. A few Many of, Much of
M. A little N. The little DËi: N o Many of Gi ci plural countable noun nq|
h_v Many of them may commit crime.
Less, Fewer (Zv‡`i A‡b‡K Aciva Ki‡Z cv‡i)| Many of the
Little Gi comparative degree n‡”Q Less Ges people may commit crime. (A‡bK gvbyl
Few Gi Comparative degree n‡”Q fewer. Aciva Ki‡Z cv‡i)|
Uncountable noun Gi Av‡M Less Ges o Much of Gi ci uncountable noun nq|
Countable noun Gi Av‡M Fewer e‡m ÔZzjbvg~jK
h_v Much of the time we had left together
KgÕ A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v :
was spent looking for the right papers and
 Fewer people get American Visa‟s documents. (mwVK KvMRcÎ Ges bw_ †LvuRvi Rb¨
nowadays. (AvRKvj Lye Kg gvbyl Av‡gwiKvb Avgiv †ewki fvM mgq GKmv‡_ wM‡qwQjvg)|
wfmv cvq)|
 Less traffic means fewer traffic
accidents, people should use public
The Gender
transportation more.
31. How many types of gender are existed?
Each, Every
GB `yBwU determiner Gi ci singular form e‡m Ges cÖvK cÖv_wgK mnKvwi wkÿK (weUv) – 2014
verb I singular nq| wKš‘ Each Gi ci of _vK‡j K. One type L. Two types
noun plural nq. Z‡e verb singular _v‡K| Each of M. Three types N. Four types DËi : N
the three boys got a prize. o e¨vL¨v : Gender Pvi cÖKvi|
 Masculine Gender (cywj½) – ïay
Any, Some, No cyiæl‡K †evSvq|
o Awbw`©ó msL¨K e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSv‡Z some e¨eüZ  Feminine Gender (¯¿xwj½) – ïay bvix‡K
nq| Z‡e mvaviYZ n¨vu †evaK ev‡K¨i †ÿ‡Î Some †evSvq|
e‡m| †hgb : I need some money. (Avgvi wKQz  Common Gender (Dfqwj½) – bvix I
UvKv cÖ‡qvRb)| cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq|
o Any Ô‡Kv‡bvÕ A‡_© n¨vu‡evaK ev‡K¨ Singular  Neuter Gender (K¬xewj½) bvix I
countable noun Gi c~‡e© Any e‡m Z‡e bv cyiæl KvD‡K bv eywS‡q Ab¨ †Kvb A‡PZb
†evaK/cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i †ÿ‡Î Any e‡m Plural c`v_©‡K †evSvq|
noun Gi c~‡e©| ‡hgb : Have you got any
information? 32. What is the feminine gender of ÔTiger’?
(‣e‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix
28. A person of ___ age may suffer from cwiPvjK 2012)
defects of vision. (mnKvix cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZv©-13) K. Trigren L. Tigress
K. every L. Any M. Tigeri N. Tigerian DËi : L
M. Certain N. Some DËi : L
o e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz kã Gi †k‡l ess ‡hvM K‡i
o No – Ô‡bBÕ A‡_© Countable I uncountable Masculine gender ‡_‡K Feminine gender
Dfh cÖKvi noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb ‣Zwi Kiv nq| Avevi wKQz wKQz k‡ã ess ‡hvM Kivi
29. I have__ interest in the matter. (24Zg wewmGm) mgq evbv‡bi wKQz cwieZ©b Kiv nq|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 12 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM Kivi mgq g~j k‡ãi evbv‡bi wKQz 34. What is the masculine gender of Ômare’?
cwieZ©b K‡i Masculine gender ‡_‡K Feminine (34Zg wewmGm)
gender MV‡bi K‡qKwU D`vniY jÿ Kiæb – K. Mermaid L. Bear
M. Stallion N. Dog DËi : M
Masculine gender Feminine gender o wKQz wKQz ‡ÿ‡Î Masculine Gender Ges
Actor (Awf‡bZv) Actress (Awf‡bÎx) Feminine Gender Gi evbv‡b †Kvb mv`„k¨ _v‡K
Abbot (gvVa¨ÿ) Abbess (gvVva¨ÿv) bv| A_©vr `y‡Uvi evbvb wfbœ wfbœ kã| GLv‡b Mare
Conductor (cwiPvjK) Conductress (cwiPvwjKv) A_© †NvUKx| Mermaid grm¨Kb¨v, Bear fjøyK,
Duke (m`©vi) Duchess (wWD‡Ki cZœx) Stallion ‡NvUK ev †Nvov Ges Dog A_© KzKzi|
Emperor (m¤ªvU) Empress (m¤ªvÁx) cÖ‡kœ PvIqv Mare ev †NvUKxi cyOwj½ Stallion
Enchanter (hv`yKi) Enchntress (hv`yKix) ‡NvUK ev †Nvov| wb‡P m¤úY© wfbœ wfbœ evbv‡bi wKQz
Governor (AwffveK) Governess (AwffvweKv) ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Masculine Gender Ges Feminine
God (‡`eZv) Goddess (‡`ex) Gender ‡`qv n‡jv
Hunter (wkKvix) Huntress (gwnjv wkKvix) Masculine gender Feminine gender
Master (gwbe/KZ©v) Mistress (KÎx©) King (ivRv) Queen (ivbx)
Murderer (Lybx) Murderess (gwnjv Lybx) Drone (cys †g․gvwQ) Bee (‡g․gvwQ)
Songster (MvqK) Songstress (MvwqKv) Fox (‡LuKwkqvj) Vixen (‡LuKwkqvjx)
Tempter Temptress Bachelor Spinster/Maid
(cyiæl cÖjyäKvix) (gwnjv cÖjyäKvix Beau (m`k©b cyiæl) Belle (mykÖx ¯¿x‡jvK)
Traitor (wek^vmNvZK) Traitress (ivR‡`ªvwnYx) Boar (k~Ki) Sow (k~Kix)
Tiger (evN) Tigress (evwNbx) Buck (nwiY) Doe (nwiYx)
Tutor (wkÿK) Tutress (wkwÿKv) Bridegroom (ei) Bride (K‡b)
Waiter (cwiPviK Witress (cwiPvwiKv) Dog (KzKzi) Bitch (KzKzix)
33. The feminine form of the of the word Drake (cvwZnvum) Duck (cvwZnvumx)
ÔAuthor’ – (MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix 16) Horse (‡NvUK) Mare (‡NvUKx)
K. Authos L. Authorss Monk, friar (mbϬvmx) Nun (mbϬvwmbx)
M. Authoress N. Authores DËi : M
Wizard (hv`yKi) Witch (hv`yKix)
o e¨vL¨v : k‡ãi †k‡l ess ‡hvM K‡i Masculine
gender ‡_‡K Feminine gender MVb Kiv nq| 35. Which one is the correct masculine form
K‡qKwU D`vniY jÿ Kiæb – of ÔShe-goat’?
K. He-goat L. He-bear
Masculine gender Feminine gender M. Goat N. None DËi : K
Baron Baroness o e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz Compound masculine k‡ãi
Count Countess cys AskwU‡K cwieZ©b K‡i Feminine Gender Kiv
Giant Giantess hvq| wb‡Pi D`vniYmg~n jÿ Kiæb
Host Hostess Masculine Feminine
Heir Heiress Bride-groom Bride
Jew Jewess Bull-calf Cow-calf
Lion Lioness Brother-in-law Sister-in-law
Manager Manageress Great-uncle Great-aunt
Poet Poetess He-goat She-goat
Priest Priestess Jack-ass She-ass
Prince Princess Man-servant Maid-servant
Shepherd Shepherdess Pea-cock Pea-hen
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 13 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
36. Which of the following nouns is used in o e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, †h¸‡jv memgq
the masculine form? cjøx mÂq e¨vsK (K¨vk Masculine Gender nq| G‡`i †Kvb Feminine
Awdmvi) 18 Gender ‡bB| wb‡P Ggb wKQz Masculine Gender
K. Autumn L. Moon Gi D`vniY Gi †`qv n‡jv
M. Peace N. Time DËi : N
o e¨vL¨v : D‡jøL‡hvM¨ kw³ ev ÿgZvi AwaKvix nIqvi Squire (cÖavb f~wg gvwjK), Judge (wePviK),
Kvi‡Y wKQz kã Masculine Gender wn‡m‡e Parson (`jcwZ), Chairman (mfvcwZ), Knight
we‡ewPZ nq| wb‡P AviI wKQz D`vniY †`qv n‡jv (exi‡hv×v), Coward (Kvcyiæl)

Sun (m~h©), Summer (MÖx®§Kvj), Winter 40. Which one is common gender? (Z_¨
(kxZKvj), Time (mgq), Thunder (eRª), Awdmvi 2005)
Danger (wec¾bK), Day (w`b), Death (g„Zz¨), K. Baby L. Girl
Love (fvjevmv)| M. Boy N. Man DËi : K
o ‡h mKj Noun bvix-cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K
37. Which of the noun is used in the
Common Gender e‡j| wb‡P wKQz Common
feminine form? (mnKvix wkÿK – 18) Gender Gi D`vniY †`qv n‡jv
K. Anger L. Time
M. Moon N. None DËi : M Ass (cyiæl ev gv`x Mvav), Beggar (wfLvix ev wfLvwiYx)
o e¨vL¨v : †m․›`h©, g„`yZv Ges gvayh© cÖKvk welqK Baby (‡Q‡j ev †g‡q wkï), Bird (cÿx ev cwÿbx),
k㸇jv cÖvqk Feminine Gender nq| wb‡P AviI Chairperson (cyiæl/gwnjv mfvcwZ), Captain (cyiæl
wKQz D`vniY †`qv n‡jv ev gwnjv AwabvqK), Child (evjK ev evwjKv), Cousin
Spring (emšÍKvj), Autumn (kirKvj), Nature (PvPv‡Zv/gvgv‡Zv fvB/‡evb), Cat (cyiæl/gv`x weovj),
(cÖK…wZ), Moon (Pvu`), Earth (c„w_ex), Liberty Citizen (cyiæl ev gwnjv bvMwiK), Deer (nwiY ev
(¯^vaxbZv) nwiYx), Enemy (cyiæl ev gwnjv kÎæ), Elephant
(cyiæl ev gv`x nvwZ), Foal (g`©v ev gv`x †Nvovi ev”Pv),
38. Which of the following is always Fowl (‡h †Kvb cvwL), Friend (eÜz/evÜex), Infant
Ôfeminine’? (evjK-evwjKv), Monarch (ivRv/ivYx), Lawyer
K. Blonde L. Judge (cyiæl ev gwnjv AvBbRxex), Orphan (GwZg evjK ev
M. Coward N. Knight DËi : K evwjKv), Parent (wcZv-gvZv), Pig (ïKi ev ïKix),
o e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, †h¸‡jv memgq Pupil (QvÎ-QvÎx), Person (cyiæl ev gwnjv e¨w³),
Feminie Gender nq| G‡`i †Kvb Masculine Relative (AvZ¥xq ev AvZ¥xqv), Student (QvÎ-QvÎx),
Gender ‡bB| wb‡P Ggb wKQz Feminine Gender Sheep (‡fov/‡fox), Spouse (¯^vgx-¯¿x), Servant
Gi D`vniY Gi †`qv n‡jv (PvKi ev PvKivYx), Teacher (wkÿK ev wkwÿKv),
Writer (‡jLK ev †jwLKv)|
Amazon (wMÖK cyiv‡Y DwjøwLZ K…òmvM‡ii DcK~‡j
emevmKvix iYiwi½bx cÖgxjv mgvR), Blonde
(¯^Y©‡Kkx), Brunette (k¨vgvw½bx), Coquette
The Number
(wQbvj †g‡q), Flirt (wQbvj), Laundress Number Øviv e¯‘ ev cÖvYxi msL¨v †evSvq| Number `yB
(‡avcvbx), Nurse (‡mweKv), Prude (kvjxbZvi cÖKvi| h_v
fv‡b fiv ¯¿x‡jvK), Shrew (KjnwcÖq ¯¿x‡jvK),  Singular Number ‡KejgvÎ GKRb e¨w³,
Siren (KznwKbx), Termagant (KjnKvix), Virgin e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K †evSvq|
(Kzgvix).  Plural Number – G‡Ki AwaK e¨w³, e¯‘ ev
cÖvYx‡K †evSvq|
39. Which of the following is always Number ‡evSvi Rb¨ Person ‡evSv cÖ‡qvRb| wewfbœ
Ômasculine gender’? Sentence Gi Rb¨ Avgiv Person e¨envi K‡i _vwK|
K. Blonde L. Judge Avmyb †R‡b †bB wewfbœ Person Gi Subjective Ges
M. Flirt N. Brunette DËi : L Objective Form mg~n|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 14 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
1st Person g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, Gme bv‡gi gv‡S hw` s ev es A_ev
Singular Plural and I hw` _v‡K Zvic‡iI Zvuiv singular
Subjective Objective Subjective Objective number n‡e| †hgb : The Arabian Nights
I me We us (eB‡qi bvg), Liver Brothers (‡Kv¤úvwbi bvg),
2 Person The United States of America (‡`‡ki bvg),
You you You You Baby‟s Day Out (gywfi bvg)|
3rd Person
He him
o wKQz wKQz noun ‡`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI Giv g~jZ
They Them 3rd person singular number. ‡hgb: Ethics,
She Her
Economics, Gallows, Mathematics, News,
It It
Politics, Physics, Statistics.
Any kinds of name (Salam, Rangpur etc)
‡R‡b ivLyb : Dc‡ii noun ¸‡jv Øviv †Kvb e¨w³ ev
Third Person Singular Number e¯‘i ‣ewkó¨/¸Y eySv‡j G‡`i c‡i plural verb
rd e‡m| †hgb: His mathematics are weak.
3 Person Singular Number Gi †ÿ‡Î Verb Gi
mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| ZvB Kviv 3rd Person o ‡h †Kvb planet Gi bvg 03rd person singular
Singular number ‡mUv Rvbv cÖ‡qvRb| †hgb number nq| †hgb : Mercury, Venus, Earth,
o ‡h †Kvb e¨w³i bvg, †`‡ki bvg, gywfi bvg, Dcb¨v‡mi Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
bvg, MÖn-DcMÖ‡ni bvg memgq third person BZ¨vw` Singular Number.
singular number nq|
cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cixÿvi Rb¨ evQvB Kiv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Singular & Plural Number
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Agendum Agenda Hypothesis Hypotheses Radius Radii
Alumnus Alumni Hoof Hoves Sheep Sheep
Analysis Analyses Index Indexes Seraph Seraphim
Appendix Appendices Locus Luci Syllabus Syllabi
Axis (Aÿ) Axes Lord-justice Lords-justice Step brother Step brothers
Bandit Bandits Louse Lice Thesis Theses
Bacterium Bacteria Leaf Leaves Terminus Termini
Basis (wfwË) Bases Loaf Loaves Tooth Teeth
Criterion Criteria Medium Media Ultimatum Ultimata
Crisis (msKU) Crises Memorandum Memoranda Vertex Vertices
Cherub Cherubium Maid-servant Maid-servants Wharf Wharf/Wharves
Commander- Commanders- Man-servant Man-servants
in-chief in-chief Mussalaman Mussalmans 41. Which of the following
Datum Data Matriach Matriachs words is in singular form?
Deer Deer Knife Knives (37Zg I 38Zg wewmGm)
Erratum Errata Norman Normans K. formulae L. agenda
Foot Feet Oasis (giƒ`¨vb) Oases M. oases N. radius
Formula Formulae Ox Oxen 42. What is the plural form of
Focus Foci Passer-by Passers-by the word Ôlouse‟? (38Zg
Fez Fezes Phenomenon Phenomena wewmGm)
Genus Genera Parenthesis Parentheses K. louses L. lice
Goose Geese Referendum Referenda M. lices N. licess
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 15 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
43. The plural of Ôwildlife‟ is wKQz noun Av‡Q hv me mgq Plural nq
K. wildlives L. wildlifes `ywU Ask wb‡q •Zwi K‡qKwU hš¿
M. wildlife N. wildlive DËi : M Scissors Glasses Spectacles Bellows
o e¨vL¨v : wildlife ev eb¨cÖvYx (e‡bi cï, cvwL, Dw™¢` K‡qKwU †cvkvK
BZ¨vw`) n‡jv Uncountable noun. ZvB GwU Trousers Drawers Breeches
Singular-B _vK‡e, Plural n‡e bv| KviY Ab¨vb¨
Uncountable noun memgqB Singular nq| Bowels Alms Ashes Assets
AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ Kiæb Annals Fetters Proceeds Belongings
Information (Z_¨), Furniture (AvmevecÎ), Tidings
Scenery (`„k¨), Poetry (KweZv), Machinery
(hš¿cvwZ), Expenditure (e¨q), News (Lei), KZ¸‡jv noun i‡q‡Q hv‡`i Singular Ges Plural GKB
Advice (civgk©), Traffic (PjvPj), Money Deer (nwiY), Sheep (‡gl), Canon (Abykvmb), Pair
(UvKv), Baggage (jUeni), Research (M‡elYv)| (‡Rvov), Gross (¯’’j), Pice (cqmv), Apparatus
(hš¿cvwZ), Species (cÖRvwZ), Swine (k~Ki), Salmon,
44. Which one of the following is a plural? Stone (cv_i), Troop (‡mbv`j) BZ¨vw`|
cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK 14
K. news L. crises 46. What is the plural number of Ôovum‟?
M. mathematics N. economics DËi : L (39Zg wewmGm)
o e¨vL¨v : Crises kãwU Crisis kãwUi Plural. K. ovams L. ovumes
News, mathematics, economics kã wZbwU M. ovums N. ova DËi : N
Singular KviY wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q †h¸‡jv †`L‡Z o e¨vL¨v : hw` singular noun Gi †k‡l um _v‡K
Plural n‡jI GKwU welq‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ singular Zvn‡j Plural Kivi mgq um Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa‟ e‡m|
nq| wb‡P Ggb †`L‡Z Plural n‡jI memgq wb‡P AviI wKQz D`vniY †`qv n‡jv
singular nq Ggb wKQz noun Gi D`vniY †`q Singular Plural
n‡jv Agendum (wePvh© welq) Agenda
Athletics (kixiPP©v), Economics (A_©bxwZ), Addendum (cwiwkó) Addenda
Physics (c`v_©we`¨v), Mathematics (MwYZ), Bacterium (e¨vK‡Uwiqv) Bacteria
Politics (ivRbxwZ), News (Lei), Optics Datum (DcvË) Data
(Av‡jvKwe`¨v), Ethics (bxwZkv¯¿), Wages (gRywi), Dictum (mZ¨ evYx) Dicta
Statistics (cwimsL¨vb), Gallows (dvuwmKvô), Erratum (ïw×cÎ) Errata
Innings (Bwbsm), Electronics (B‡jKUªwb·) BZ¨vw`| Stratum (¯Íi) Strata
Medium (gva¨g) Media
45. Which of the following is Ôplural‟? Memorandum (¯§viKwjwc) Memoranda
K. Gallows L. Wages Ovum (wW¤^vYy) Ova
M. Ethics N. Majority DËi : N Symposium (Av‡jvPbv mfv) Symposia
o e¨vL¨v : Gallows, Ethics, Wages n‡jv Plural Forum (m‡¤§jb ¯’j) Fora/Forums
Aquarium (Kvu‡Pi grm¨vavi) Aquaria/Aquariums
Noun Ges Majority kãwU †`L‡Z Singular
Utimatum (PigcÎ) Ultimata
noun n‡jI Plural noun. Ggb wKQz D`vniY
Cranium (gv_vi Lywj) Crania/Craniums
Aristocracy (AwfRvZZš¿), Clergy (cvw`ªeM©), Gymnasium (e¨qvgvMvi) Gymnasia/Gymnasiums
Nobility (AvwfRvZ¨), Peasntry (Pvlxm¤úª`vq), Extordium (f~wgKv) Extordia/Extordiums
Gentry (f`ªm¤úª`vq), Cattle (Mevw` cï), Vermin Encomium (D”P cÖksmv) Encomia/Encomiums
(RNb¨ †jvK), Government (miKvi), Poultry,
Perfumery (myMÜ `ªe¨mg~n), Majority (AwaKvsk), 47. Which one of the following is the plural
Mankind (gvbeRvwZ), Tenantry (cÖRveM©), Police, form of Ôhypothesis‟? ÷vÛvW© e¨vsK – 2012
People (m¤úª`vq/RvwZ) BZ¨vw`| K. Hypothesises L. Hypotheses
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 16 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
M. Hypothisis N. Hypothesus DËi: L Singular Plural Singular Plural
o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb Singular noun Gi †k‡l is _v‡K, Mango Mangoes Echo Echoes
Zvn‡j is Gi cwi‡eZ© es em‡e| Ggb wKQz D`vniY Hero Heroes Mosquito Mosquitoes
wb‡P †`qv n‡jv Buffalo Buffaloes Zero Zeroes
Singular Plural Singular Plural Potato Potatoes Tomato Tomatoes
Axis Axes Diagnosis Diagnoses
Analysis Analyses Synopsis Synopses 50. Which of the following does not add Ôves‟
Basis Bases Parenthesis Parentheses in the plural form? evsjv‡`k we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i
Crisis Crises Oasis Oases mnKvix cwiPvjK (cÖkvmb) 13
Hypothesis Hypotheses Thesis Theses K. wife L. roof
M. wolf N. shelf DËi : M
48. Plural form of Ôwolf‟ is – (mnKvix RR 10, o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb Singular noun Gi †k‡l Ôf‟ _v‡K
cÖv_wgK wkÿv Awa`߇ii wnmve mnKvix 11) Ges Zvi c~‡e© vowel _v‡K, Zvn‡j kãwUi †k‡l Ôs‟
K. Wolfs L. Wolfes ‡hvM K‡i Plural Ki‡Z nq| †hgb
M. Wolffier N. Wolves DËi : N Singular Plural Singular Plural
o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb Singular noun Gi †k‡l f ev fe Chief Chiefs Spoof Spoofs
_v‡K, Zvn‡j Plural G Zvi ¯’‡j Ôves‟ e‡m| wb‡Pi Proof Proofs Roof Roofs
D`vniYmg~n jÿ Kiæb Hoof Hoofs Brief Briefs
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Wife Wives Self Selves
Knife Knives Thief Thieves
Leaf Leaves Loaf Loaves
The Pronoun
Half Halves Wolf Wolves 51. A Pronoun takes place of a/an…(we Avi wm
Sheaf Sheaves Calf Calves
wmwbqi Awdmvi 19)
Life Lives
K. antecedent L. verb
49. Echo Gi mwVK Plural ‡KvbwU? (A_© gš¿Yvj‡q Awdm M. noun N. Subject DËi : M
mnKvix 11) o e¨vL¨v : English Language G noun Gi
K. Echo L. Ehoes D”Pvi‡Yi cybive„wË Gov‡Z Zvi cwie‡Z© †h kã e¨envi
M. Echoistic N. Echoed DËi : L Kiv nq Zv‡KB pronoun ejv nq| A_©vr noun Gi
o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb Singular noun Gi †k‡l Ôo‟ _v‡K cwie‡Z© †h kã e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K pronoun e‡j|
Ges Zvi c~‡e© Consonant _v‡K, Zvn‡j kãwUi †k‡l Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq, noun Gi cÖwZ¯’vwcZ kã
Ôes‟ ‡hvM K‡i Plural Ki‡Z nq| wb‡Pi D`vniYmg~n (Substituting word) n‡jv pronoun.
jÿ Kiæb
Pronoun ‡K 8 fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq
Personal ‡Kvb e¨w³i cwie‡Z© †h pronoun e‡m, Zv‡K personal pronoun e‡j| D`vniY I, We, You, He,
Pronoun She, They.
Note: A Possessive pronoun replaces a possessive noun & adjectives to avoid repeating information that is
already clear. ‡hgb : Mine, Ours, Yours, His, Hers, Theirs. My shirt is green (Possessive Adjective); The
shirt is mine (Possessive pronoun)
Reflexive self ev selves ‡hv‡M †h mKj pronoun MwVZ nq Ges KZ©v I Kg© GKB e¨w³ †evSvq, †m mKj pronoun
Pronoun ‡K reflexive pronoun ejv nq| D`vniY Myself, Ourselves, Yourself, Yourselves, Herself,
Himself, Themselves, Oneself, Itself.
Demonstrative †h mKj pronoun noun ‡K we‡klfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡`i demonstrative pronoun e‡j| D`vniY
Pronoun This, That, These, Those, It, so, much, the same etc.
Relative GB pronoun `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ relation ev m¤^Ü eywS‡q †`q| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m| D`vniY Who,
Pronoun Whose, Whom, Which, That.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 17 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Interrogative G iKg pronoun cÖkœ Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g e‡m| D`vniY Who, Whose, Whom,
Pronoun Which, What etc.
Distributive GB pronoun GKRvZxq GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨KwU c„_Kfv‡e †evSvq| D`vniY Either, Each,
Pronoun Neither etc.
Reciprocal GB pronoun GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK© eywS‡q †`q| D`vniY Each other, One another
Pronoun etc.
Indefinite G iKg pronoun ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq| D`vniY – One, any, some, many, all, none, no,
Pronoun one, everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, anybody, somebody etc.
Pronoun & its usage
Subjective Objective Possessive Reflexive
Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1st Person I Me My Mine Myself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
2nd Person You You Your Yours Yourself
You You Your Yours Yourselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
It It Its Its Itself
One One One‟s Oneself
Who Whom Whose
3rd Person Everyone,
Someone, Anyone,
None, Everybody,
Somebody, - His/her - -
Anybody, Nobody,
Each, Either,

Subjective Pronoun Gi e¨envi You, he & I went I, you & he are guilty
there (¯^vfvweKfv‡e) (‡`vl ¯^xKvi Ki‡j)
o verb Gi subject wn‡m‡e hw` †Kvb pronoun o Be verb (am, is, are, was, were etc) Gi ci
Av‡m Zvn‡j subjective pronoun nq| pronoun Avm‡j H pronoun টি subjective
52. Choose the correct sentence ivRkvnx K…wl pronoun nq A_©vr I/We/She/He n‡e| †hgb
Dbœqb e¨sK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2015  It was he who bought Inception Digest
K. I, you and he are present from Library,
L. You, he and I are present  I wsih I were King
M. You, he and I am present  It was we who had left before he arrived
N. He, You and I are present DËi: M  It was she not I, who put forth (cÖKvk Kiv)
the attractive position.
o e¨vL¨v : ‡Kvb sentence G subject wn‡m‡e GKvwaK
person _vK‡j Avgiv ¯^vfvweKfv‡e 2nd Person
+ 3rd Person + 1st Person (g‡b ivLyb: 231) Objective Pronoun Gi e¨envi
Ges †`vl ¯^xKvi Kiv †evSv‡j 1st Person + 2nd
53. Choose the correct sentence. (12Zg wewmGm)
Person + 3rd Person (g‡b ivLyb : 123) e¨envi
K. Let you and he be witness
K‡i _vwK| G‡ÿ‡Î verb me mgq plural n‡q _v‡K L. Let he and you be witness
Ges GKvwaK person Gi cÖwZwU subjective M. Let you and him be witness
pronoun n‡e| N. Let him and you be witness
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 18 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o To be verb Qvov Ab¨ me verb Gi object wn‡m‡e  She hurt herself.
pronoun mvaviYZ objective form o ev‡K¨i Subject Ges Object GKB e¨w³ n‡j
(me/us/you/ him/her/them) AvKv‡i e‡m| Let Object G Reflexive pronoun e‡m| h_v –
GKwU verb nIqvq Gi c‡i pronoun wUi  You sent yourself another Valentine‟s
objective form (221 wbq‡g) e‡m| Day card, didn‟t you?
54. Choose the correct sentence with the correct  Jack introduced himself to his
agreement of pronouns wcGmwm wba©vwiZ 12wU girlfriend‟s parents.
c` 01
 One must get oneself insured if one
K. Rahim kindly helped you, me and him
intends to drive on city streets.
L. Rahim kindly helped you, him and me
M. Rahim kindly helped me, him and you  The choir (MvqvK`j) practiced
N. Rahim kindly helped hims, you and me themselves to the point of exhaustion.
o mwVK DËi (M)| To be verb Qvov Ab¨ me verb Gi
object wn‡m‡e pronoun mvaviYZ objective form Distributive Pronoun Gi e¨envi
(me/us/you/ him/her/them) AvKv‡i e‡m| †`vl
58. Which one of the following words is an
¯^xKvi Kiv Qvov ¯^vfvweKfv‡e 2nd Person + 3rd
example of distributive pronoun? (38Zg
Person + 1st Person (g‡b ivLyb: 231) wbqg wewmGm)
Abymv‡i objective form e‡m|
K. such L. either
M. That N. Any DËi : L
Possessive Adjective Gi e¨envi o e¨vL¨v : ‡h mKj pronoun GKRvZxq GKvwaK e¨w³ ev
55. He insisted on_____ there. (36Zg wewmGm) e¯‘i g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨KwU c„_Kfv‡e †evSvq| D`vniY Either,
K. on my going L. is to go Each, Neither etc. GKwU Distributive pronoun
memgq Singular nq ZvB Gi ci Singular noun ev
M. over going N. to go DËi: K
verb nq| ‡hgb-
56. My fathe never approve of ___ a foreigner.
mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq) 10
 Each boy was given a prize. (cÖ‡Z¨K evjK‡K
cyi¯‥vi †`qv n‡qwQj)
K. her to marry L. her marrying
M. she marrying N. She not marry
 Each new day is different. (cÖ‡Z¨K bZzb w`b
o e¨vL¨v : Preposition I gerund Gi gv‡S  Either road leads to the railway station.
possessive adjective (My, Our, Your, His, (iv¯Ív `ywUi Df‡qB ‡ij‡÷k‡b †M‡Q)
Her, Their, It‟s One‟s, Whose) e¨eüZ nq|
 Neither road leads to the railway station.
(iv¯Ív `ywUi †KvbwUB †ij‡÷k‡b hvqwb)
Reflexive Pronoun Gi e¨envi  Neither of these two women is to be
trusted. (GB `yB gwnjvi KvD‡KB wek^vm Kiv hvq bv)
57. If you do this you will hurt yourself. The  Neither accusation is true. (Dfq Awf‡hvM
underlined word is (wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis 99) AmZ¨)
K. Personal pronoun
L. Reflexive pronoun Z‡e Gi e¨wZµg i‡q‡Q| wb‡Pi D`vniY jÿ Kiæb-
M. Relative pronoun Each of, neither of and either of
N. An emphatic pronoun DËi : L 59. Choose the correct sentence. (10g wewmGm,
o e¨vL¨v : Kill, Hurt, Absent, Avail, Enjoy BRDB Gi mnKvix cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v)
Introduce BZ¨vw` verb ¸‡jvi c‡i subject Abyhvqx K. A few of the three boys got a prize.
Reflexive pronoun (Myself, Ourselves, L. Every of the three boys got a prize.
Yourself, Yourselves, Herself, Himself, M. All of the three boys got a prize.
Themselves) e‡m| AviI wKQz D`vniY N. Each of the three boys got a prize.
 He killed himself. o e¨vL¨v : Each, neither, either Gi ci of _vK‡j
 I shall avail myself of this opportunity. Gi ci noun plural Ges verb singular nq| Gi
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 19 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
gva¨‡g cÖ‡Z¨K e¨w³ ev e¯Í‡K Avjv`v K‡i †evSv‡bv o e¨vL¨v : `ywU uncountable noun Gi †ÿ‡Î Zzjbvi
nq| †hgb mgq that of e‡m Ges `ywU plural countable
 Each of the answers is correct. (cÖwZwU noun Gi †ÿ‡Î Zzjbvq those of e¨eüZ nq| wb‡Pi
DËi mwVK)| jÿ K‡ib, GLv‡b mKj k‡ãi D`vniY¸‡jv wjLyb
cwie‡Z© cÖ‡Z¨K k‡ãi e¨envi n‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K  The roads of Chittagong are wider than
ej‡Z me¸‡jv‡K †evSv‡jI, GLv‡b Avjv`v those of Dhaka. (PÆMÖv‡gi iv¯Ív¸‡jv XvKvi
Avjv`v K‡i mevB‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| GUvB iv¯Ívi †P‡q cÖk¯Í)
Distributive pronoun Gi we‡klZ¡|  One‟s finger prints are different from
 Neither of the girls can do that. those of any other person. (GKR‡bi
Neither, either Gi mxgve×Zv wd½vi wcÖ›U¸‡jv Ab¨ Av‡iKR‡bi wd½vi wcÖ‡›Ui
‡_‡K Avjv`v)
`ywU e¯‘ ev `yBRb e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î Avjv`v Avjv`v K‡i †evSv‡bvi Rb¨
neiter, either e¨envi Kiv nq| Z‡e `yB‡qi AwaK n‡j  The houses of our village are better
Indefinite pronoun (any, no one or none) e¨eüZ nq| than those of yours. (Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi
evwo¸‡jv †Zvgv‡`i MÖv‡gi evwo¸‡jvi †P‡q my›`i)
Neither /Either Gi AviI e¨envi
o Neither + noun/pronoun …… + nor + Relative Pronoun Gi e¨envi
noun/pronoun Ges Either + noun/pronoun
…… + or + noun/pronoun Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡j 62. Who, which, what are (12Zg wewmGm)
neither I either ‡K e‡j Conjunction. Z‡e K. Relative L. Demostrative
Neither/Either + noun ïay Gfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡jI M. Reflexive N. Reciprocal DËi: K
Giv Adjective nq| wKš‘ Neither/Either + of + o Relative pronoun `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ relation ev m¤^Ü
Plural noun ev pronoun Giƒ‡c e¨eüZ n‡j ZLb eywS‡q †`q| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m| D`vniY Who,
Neither Ges Either ‡K e‡j distributive Whose, Whom, Which, That, What.
pronoun. 63. Which one is correct? (10Zg wewmGm)
 There are two pens here; either pen K. The man that said that was a fool.
will do Adjective. L. The man whom said that was a fool.
 There are many people here; either of M. The man who said that was a fool.
them can do it Pronoun N. The man which said was a fool. DËi : M
o e¨vL¨v : Antecedent e¨w³evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k
Demonstrative Pronoun Gi e¨envi Ki‡Z Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e who/that e‡m|

60. Which of the following is demonstrative 64. Which one is correct? (26Zg wewmGm)
K. The man who stole my bag was tall
pronoun? (mnKvix cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v 12)
L. The man was tall who stole my bag
K. he L. yourself
M. The man stole my bag who is tall
M. those N. who DËi: M
N. The man stole my bag who was tall.
o e¨vL¨v : ‡h me pronoun wbKUeZ©x, `~ieZx©, eZ©gvb, o e¨vL¨v : mwVK DËi (K)| Antecedent (GKwU
AZxZ I fwel¨Z‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z e¨envi Kiv nq
†mme pronoun ‡K demonstrative pronoun ev‡K¨ hLb GKwU noun ‡K pronoun wb‡`©k K‡i,
e‡j| ‡hgb This, That, These, Those, It, so, ZLb †mB noun wU‡K pronoun wUi antecedent
much, the same etc. e‡j| †hgb When sally goes home, she eats
dinner. GLv‡b Sally Antecedent, She
61. Your advice is no different from the other Pronoun) e¨w³evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z
friends. `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi mnKvix cwiPvjK 13 Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e who/that e‡m|
K. not different from
L. no different from that of the 65. I have read the book____ you lent me.
M. not different from the (25Zg wewmGm)
N. not different to DËi: L K. that L. whom
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 20 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
M. whose N. what DËi : K AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb
o Antecedent e¯‘evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z  One of the most beautiful girl has come.
Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e which/that e‡m|  One of the problems is extremely easy.
 One of my cousins is a doctor.
66. The children studied in class room___  One of my best friend is getting married
windows were never opened. (22Zg wewmGm) today.
K. that L. which
68. One should be careful about ____ duty.
M. where N. whose DËi: N
(23Zg wewmGm)
o e¨vL¨v : wb‡Pi †UwejwU jÿ Kiæb K. her L. his
Subjective Objective Possessive M. the N. one‟s DËi : N
Who Whom Whose o e¨vL¨v : One hw` Subject nq Zvn‡j Zvi
(‡h/hviv/whwb) (hv‡K/hv‡`i‡K) (hvi/hv‡`i) possessive case wU me©`vB one‟s n‡e| Z‡e GKUv
who + verb + obj e¨wZµg i‡q‡Q| MVbUv jÿ Kiæb – One of the +
……plural noun + his/her…..| h_v
→ → whom + Sub + verb + obj
 Karim was one of the most intelligent
whose + Noun + verb + obj students of his class.
Antecedent → Relative pronoun Gi mvg‡b †h noun
e‡m Zv‡K Antecedent e‡j|
 Dc‡ii Structure wU‡Z Whom Gi c‡ii Interrogative Pronoun Gi e¨envi
Subject wU Antecedent Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©nxb| Interrogative pronoun cÖkœ Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| G¸‡jv
 Dc‡ii Structure wU‡Z Whose Gi c‡ii ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g e‡m| D`vniY Who, Whose, Whom,
Subject wU Antecedent Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©hy³| Which, What etc.
The children studied in class room (wkïiv ‡kÖwY o Interrogative pronouns and the case:
K‡ÿ coZ)___ windows were never opened Interrogative pronoun wn‡m‡e mvaviYZ who,
(___Rvbvjv¸‡jv KL‡bvB †Lvjv n‡Zv bv). myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b which. What GB wZbwU e¨eüZ nq| G‡`i g‡a¨
Avgiv emv‡Z cvwi hvi ev Whose, hvi d‡j evK¨wUi A_© case ‡f‡` ïay who Gi iƒ‡ci cwieZ©b nq| †hgb
n‡e wkïiv †kÖwYK‡ÿ coZ, hvi Rvbvjv¸‡jv KL‡bvB  Who are you? (nominative)
†Lvjv n‡Zv bv|  Whom do you love? (objective)
 Whose pen is this? (Possessive)
Indefinite Pronoun Gi e¨envi
‡h pronoun ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K Reciprocal Pronoun Gi e¨envi
Indefinite pronoun e‡j| D`vniY – One, any, some,
many, all, none, no, one, everyone, someone, A→B
anyone, nobody, anybody, somebody etc. A → B (Fig A) (Fig B)
67. Which of the following sentence is Reciprocal kãwUi gv‡b n‡jv Ôci¯úi cÖwZwµqvkxjÕ|
correct? (16Zg wewmGm) Gevi Dc‡ii wPÎ `y‡Uv †Lqvj K‡ib| cÖ_g wP‡Î, A Nywl
K. One of my friends are lawyers gvij B ‡K| GUv wKš‘ Reciprocal n‡jv bv| KviY ïay
L. One of my friend is a lawyer GKRbB NywlwU †g‡i‡Q| wØZxq wP‡Î jÿ K‡ib, A ïay B
M. One of my friends is a lawyer ‡K gvi‡Q bv eis B-I gvi‡Q A ‡K| GwUB n‡jv
N. One of my friends are a lawyer cÖwZwµqvkxj| †hgb: They two love each other (Zvuiv
o e¨vL¨v : `yÕR‡b G‡K Aci‡K fvjev‡m)| A_©vr ïay GK c‡ÿi
One of the/No one of the/everyone of the/someone fvjevmvi K_v ejv nqwb eis Dfq c‡ÿi fvjevmvi K_vB
of the + Plural Noun + Singular verb + Ext GLv‡b cÖavb¨ †c‡q‡Q|
One of the + Superlative degree + Plural Noun +  The family members love each other.
Singular verb + Ext  The fought with one another.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 21 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
The Verb Zv‡K verb e‡j| Verb n‡”Q GKwU sentence ev
ev‡K¨i essential part.
69. GKwU sentence Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq Ask n‡”Q
(mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii wdì mycvifvBRvi 17) ‡R‡b ivLyb : cÖK…Zc‡ÿ verb ev wµqv c` Pvi iK‡gi|
Being verb The man is honest.
K. Noun L. verb
Having verb I have a sharp knife
M. Hard words N. feeling DËi: L
Doing verb The boy kicks the football.
o e¨vL¨v : Wren & Martin Gi g‡Z, †h word An action in Any form The moon looks bright.
‡Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’vb m¤^‡Ü wKQz ejvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ (Source: Applied English Grammr and
nq Zv‡K verb e‡j| P. C. Das Gi g‡Z, †h Composition by P. C. Das)
Word Gi Øviv nIqv, _vKv ev †Kvb wKQz Kiv †evSvq,

Finite Verb Verb Non-finite Verb

Transitive Verb
Auxilliary Verb Principal Verb
Intransitive Verb

wPÎ. Verb Gi wewfbœ cÖKvi‡f`

will, must, dare, need, used to, ought to,

Principal Verb be, have.
70. I did the work. Here Ôdid‟ is a/an (RbmsL¨v
I cwievi cwiKíbv Kg©KZ©v) The Finite : Transitive, Intransitive
K. Auxillary verb L. Strong verb
M. Weak verb N. Principal verb 72. Which one is transitive verb? [ত্থয মন্ত্রণ্া঱ময়র অধ্ীন
গণ্মযাগামযাগ অদধ্িপ্তমর ঴঵কারী ত্থয অদি঴ার]
o e¨vL¨v : mwVK DËi (N)| Principal verb Ab¨ verb K. The baby sleeps
Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov ¯^vaxbfv‡e ev‡K¨i A_© m¤úbœ Ki‡Z L. The girl takes after her mother
M. Fire burns
o ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ hw` GKwU verb _v‡K, Zvn‡j †mwU N. To err is human DËi: L
Principal verb nq| ‡hgb I am in class
o e¨vL¨v : Transitive verb ‡K evsjvq ejv nq mKg©L
wµqv| †h verb A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Kg© ev object Gi
o ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i s/es hy³ GKgvÎ verb wU‡K ejv nq Dci wbf©ikxj Zv‡K Transitive verb ejv nq|
principal verb. ‡hgb Salam goes to the ‡hgb The girl takes after her mother. jÿ
market. K‡ib, Ôtake after‟ group verb wUi object ev
Kg© (her mother) Av‡Q| ZvB GwU Transitive
Auxillary Verb verb ev mKg©K wµqv| GQvovI verb wU‡K ÔKxÕ ev
ÔKv‡KÕ Øviv cÖkœ K‡i hw` DËi cvIqv hvq Zvn‡j †mB
71. What is the number of auxillary verb in verb wU‡K mKg©K wµqv e‡j| AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ
English? (gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wg wkÿv Awa`߇ii Kiæb
cÖ`k©K 04)  Mother loves (transitive verb) me (object).
K. Fifteen L. Thirteen  He writes a letter.
M. Twelve N. Eleven DËi: M  He took shelter under a tree.
o e¨vL¨v : English grammar G auxillary verb Gi  He has broken the glass.
msL¨v †gvU 12wU| h_v do, can, may, shall,  She will give me a pen.
 Will you see me tomorrow?
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 22 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
73. Mother laughs. ev‡K¨ laughs Kx‡mi D`vniY? Adjective Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K
(প্রাথদমক দবিযা঱য় প্রধ্ান দলক্ষক : ১২) Participle (Present participle) ejv nq|
K. Transitive o
L. Intransitive Present participle Gi wKQz D`vniY
M. Both a and b  The smiling girl is my neighbor.
N. neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’ DËi: L  I saw a walking man.
o e¨vL¨v : †h verb Gi object (Kg©) †bB Zv‡K e‡j o e¨vL¨v : Article + V-ing + Noun. Noun Gi
intransitive verb A_©vr hvi A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Kg© c~‡e© verb + ing hy³ word wU‡K ejv nq
(Object) Gi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| †hgb : Mother participle (adjective). Dc‡ii D`vniYwU †Lqvj
laughs, He goes, I cried, you went, they eat K‡ib| man GKwU noun. GB noun c~‡e© e‡m‡Q
etc. Verb ‡K ÔKxÕ ev ÔKv‡KÕ Øviv cÖkœ K‡i hw` †Kvb walking (verb + ing), hv GKwU participle
object cvIqv bv hvq †mwUB Intransitive verb ev (adjective).
AKg©K wµqv| AviI wKQz D`vniY
 A blind man can’t see.  I saw the man walking.
 Your health will break down.
 Matador writes well.
o e¨vL¨v : Dc‡ii evK¨wUi Subject n‡jv I Ges
 He who can’t earn can’t give Object n‡jv the man. wbqgvbymv‡i, Object Gi
 He who doesn’t want to give, do not take. (verb + ing) Form Avm‡j, Zv‡K Present
 We shouldn’t hate but we sould love. Participle (Adjective) e‡j|
 The door opened automatically.
Types of
The Non-finite : Participles, Infinitives
 ‡h verb Øviv ev‡K¨i mgvwß N‡U bv Ges †h verb wU
number, person, tense Abymv‡i cwiewZ©Z nq bv, Present Past Perfect
Zv‡K Non-finite verb AmgvwcKv wµqv e‡j| Participle Participle Participle
†hgb Shamim wants to read, Khairul
came to invite me to a dinner. g‡b ivLv Riæix
Non-finite verb
Intransitive Present Verb Gi Present Form + ing
verb Participle (AvPiY K‡i Adjective Gi gZ)
Participle Infinitive Gerund Past Verb Gi Past Participle (AvPiY
Participle K‡i Adjective Gi gZ) (V1+-ed, -
Participles d, en, -t)
e¨vL¨v t e¨w³ ev person ‡K modify Ki‡j mvaviYZ past
Participle refers to Adjective. It functions as participle n‡e|
adjective and verb in the sentence at the same Perfect Having + Verb Gi Past
time. (Participle wb‡`©k K‡i Adjective ‡K| GwU Participle Participle Form.
GKwU ev‡K¨ GKB mv‡_ adjective Ges verb Gi KvR
e¨vL¨v t Having Gi ci verb এর past participle
form hLb ev‡K¨ verb+ing Gi cwie‡Z© em‡j ZLb
Present Participle Zv‡K ejv nq perfect participle.
Participle Verb (+ing) + phrase.
74. A rolling stone gathers no moss. What
‘rolling’ is? (11Zg wewmGm) Phrase
K. Gerund L. Verbal noun 75. Suddenly finding himself alone, he became
M. Adjective N. Participle DËi : N frightened. (cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK 2005)
o e¨vL¨v : hw` verb + ing ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Article Ges K. Gerund L. Participle
noun Gi gv‡S e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i Ges M. Noun N. None DËi : L
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 23 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o e¨vL¨v : Verb Gi Present Form + ing hw` o e¨vL¨v : mwVK DËi (L)| Noun Gi c~‡e© verb +
Adverb Øviv modify nq, Zvn‡j ‡mwU‡KI ing hy³ word wU‡K ejv nq participle
Participle (Present participle) ejv nq| (adjective). wKš‘ GLv‡b riding ‡K Avgiv
participle ej‡Z cviwQ bv| KviY-
Present Participle/Gerund ??? GK, Noun + for + (Verb +ing) = Gerund
Short-cut Tips GB Structure G ewm‡q hw` ev¯Íem¤§Z A_© cvB|
o wb‡Pi D`vniY `y‡Uv jÿ Kiæb Zvn‡j Zv‡K Avgiv Gerund ewj| A_©vr A School
a. I saw a walking man. for riding = ev¯Íem¤§Z A_© = Gerund.
b. Walking stick is a device used to `yB, w¯’i Ae¯’v ev KvR‡K ejv nq Gerund.
facilitate walking.
wb‡Pi Structure `y‡Uv †Lqvj Kiæb Past Participle
 Noun + for + (Verb +ing) = Gerund 78. A retired officer lives next door. Here
 Noun + is + (Verb +ing) = Participle underlined word is – (38Zg wewmGm)
Ôa‟ I Ôb‟ bs D`vniY `yBwUi Noun (man & stick) Ges K. Gerund L. Participle
v-ing Form (walking) D‡jøwLZ cÖ_g Structure wU‡Z M. Noun N. None DËi : L
emvb| Man for walking - evK¨wU mwVK ejv hvq bv| o e¨vL¨v : hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Verb Gi Past Participle
Stick for walking– evK¨wU‡K mwVK a‡i †bqv hvq, Form (V1+-ed, -d, en, -t) Article Ges noun
KviY Stick e¨envi Kiv nq Walking Gi Rb¨| Gi gv‡S e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i A_©vr AvPiY
K‡i Adjective Gi gZ, ZLb Zv‡K Participle
Ôa‟ I Ôb‟ bs D`vniY `yBwUi Noun (man & stick) Ges
(Past participle) ejv nq|
v-ing Form (walking) D‡jøwLZ wØZxq Structure
wU‡Z emvb| Man is walking - evK¨wU mwVK ejv hvq| 79. He had his stories published. (‡m Zvi Mí¸‡jv
Stick is walking– evK¨wU‡K mwVK a‡i †bqv hvq bv, Qvwc‡qwQj) Here underlined word is
KviY Stick nvuU‡Z cv‡i bv| K. Present Participle L. Past Participle
M. Noun N. None DËi : L
hw` ev‡K¨i verb-ing & noun ‡K Noun + for +
(Verb +ing) -GB Structure G ewm‡q hw` ev¯Íem¤§Z 80. I couldn‟t mend the computer myself, so I
A_© cvIqv hvq, Zvn‡j noun Gi c~‡e©i ing hy³ verb ___ at a shop. (37Zg wewmGm)
wU‡K ejv nq Gerund. K. had it mended L. had it mend
M. did it ment N. had mended DËi: K
hw` ev‡K¨i verb-ing & noun ‡K Noun + is + Verb o e¨vL¨v : Causative (have/has/had/get + e¯‘ +
–ing -GB Structure G ewm‡q hw` ev¯Íem¤§Z A_© cvIqv Past Participle)| ‡hgb Abeer had his car
hvq, Zvn‡j noun Gi c~‡e©i ing hy³ verb wU‡K ejv nq repaired. (Avwei Zvi Mvwo †givgZ Kivj)|
81. Being disappointed, salam quit this job.
76. Education is enlightening. Here (mvjvg nZvk n‡q GB PvKzixwU †Q‡o w`j) Here
'enlightening' is - (37th BCS) underlined word is
K. Gerund L. Participle K. Present Participle L. Past Participle
M. Preposition N. Adverb DËi : L M. Noun N. None DËi : L
o e¨vL¨v : Complement (ïay verb+ing iƒ‡c) o e¨vL¨v : Being + Past Participle. ‡hgb Being
wn‡m‡e noun/pronoun ‡K we‡kølY Ki‡j †Kej helped by the killer whales, the whales
ZLbB Zv‡K Present participle ejv nq| Ab¨_vq were able to make a successful kill.
Gerund n‡e|
o If + Past Participle : If nominated, Ruma
77. I joined a riding school. (Avwg Ak^v‡ivnb wkÿb will win certainly in the election. (hw`
we`¨vj‡q †hvM`vb Kijvg)| Here Ôriding‟ is a – g‡bvbqb †`qv nq, Kwig wbwðZfv‡e wbe©vP‡b wRZ‡e)
K. Participle L. Gerund
M. Infinitive N. None of these Perfect Participle
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 24 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
82. Having finished the call, he went back to 03.  I like reading. (Gerund)
 Reading is important for learning
work. (KjwU †kl Kivi ci †m Kv‡R wd‡i ‡Mj|) English. (cÖ_gwU Verb + ing & wØZxqwU
K. Present Participle L. Past Participle Object of a preposition)
M. Perfect Participle N. Noun DËi: M  I am reading. (Present continuous tense)
o e¨vL¨v : Having Gi Verb Gi Past Participle 04. She is visiting her friends this weekend.
Form Avm‡j Zv‡K Perfect Participle e‡j| (Present continuous tense)
†hgb Having read the novel, I had my She enjoys visiting her friends. (Gerund)
lunch. (Dcb¨vmwU cov †kl K‡i Avwg `ycy‡ii Lvevi 05. They are working all day. (Present
†Ljvg|) continuous tense)
Working all day is exhausting. (cÖ_gwU Gerund
Gerund & wØZxqwU Present Participle)

83. Reading is an excellent habit. Here the Object vs Complement

underlined word is a (38Zg wewmGm)
K. Participle L. Gerund Object (Kg©) Kx?
M. Noun N. Verb DËi: L o Subject ‡_‡K Avjv`v Kiv hvq|
o e¨vL¨v : Gerund nevi 06 (Qq) wU Dcvq i‡q‡Q| o Verb ‡K wK (What) ev Kv‡K (Whom) w`‡q cÖkœ
Dcvq 06 (Qq) wU †Lqvj Kiæb Kiv n‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq|
 Verb + ing (GwU‡K verbal noun ejv nq) o Object n‡”Q Transitive verb Gi evKx Ask|
Running is good for your heart. o D`vniY – → cÖ_g ev‡K¨ your help, subject
 Subject Gi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq He We need your help. ‡_‡K Avjv`v| → wK
hates waking up early. He makes an e-mail. cÖ‡qvRb? D. your help
 Subject Gi complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ She gave me a love letter. → Transitive verb
nq What I hate most is repeating Gi c‡ii Ask
myself. KL‡bv KL‡bv ev‡K¨ `yÕwU object (Kg©) _v‡K| ‡hgb :
 Object Gi complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ She gave me (Indirect object) a novel (Direct
nq I saw Jim riding his bike. object).(GLv‡b me & a novel `ywU Avjv`v object)
 Object of a preposition wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ
Direct object (e¯‘evPK)
nq I am interested in improving
myself. Object
 Object of possessive pronoun wn‡m‡e Indirect object
e¨eüZ nq She doesn‟t like your (e¨w³evPK)
bossing her around.
Reading is an excellent habit (cov GKwU GKB mv‡_ `ywU object em‡j structure n‡e –
 Subject + Transitive verb + Indirect
fvj/PgrKvi ¸Y)| cÖ_g wbqgwU Abymv‡i, hLb †Kvb verb
Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q bZzb GKwU kã •Zwi nq Ges Zv object + Direct object
 Subject + Transitive verb + Direct
GKB mv‡_ verb I noun Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K
gerund e‡j| object + Preposition + Indirect object

mZK©xKiY : cv_©K¨ †R‡b wbb Complement (cwic~iK) wK?

(Present Continous Tense vs Gerund) o Subject Gi wfbœ cwiPq|
01.  You are learning English. (Present o Linking verb Gi c‡ii Ask| Linking verb bv
continuous tense) _vK‡j we`¨gvb verb wU‡K Linking verb Øviv
 Learning English isn‟t easy. (Gerund) replace K‡i ‡`Lyb, Subject Gi wfbœ cwiPq cvIqv
02.  They are woking all day. (Present hvq/ï× evK¨ cvIqv hvq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv ‡`Lyb
continuous tense)  We are helpless. (Avgiv Amnvq|)
 Working all day is tiring. (Gerund)  Honey tastes sweet. (gay †L‡Z wgwó|)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 25 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
cÖ_g ev‡K¨ wØZxq ev‡K¨ -  Salman felt uncomfortably full, as he
We Ges helpless tastes Gi cwie‡Z© is ewm‡q noun was not accustomed to eating so much.
n‡jv ci¯úi (Honey) Gi wfbœ cwiPq (sweet) (mvjgvb fxlY A¯^w¯Í‡eva KiwQj, KviY †m GZ
ci¯ú‡ii cwic~iK| cvIqv hvq/ï× evK¨ ‣Zwi Kiv hvq| LvIqvq Af¨¯Í wQj bv|
 I am looking forward to going to the
sea beach next week. (Avwg AvMvgx mßv‡n
10 Common verbs followed by Gerunds mgy`ª•mK‡Z hvw”Q)|
 He is addicted to taking phensedyl. (‡m
84. The family doesn't feel ____ going outing ‡dwÝwW‡j Avm³)|
this season. (37Zg wewmGm)  I am opposed to increasing VAT. (Avwg
K. in L. on f¨vU evov‡bvi we‡ivax)|
M. like N. of DËi : M  I object to being charged for parking
o e¨vL¨v : 10wU verb i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jvi ci gerund e‡m, here. (GLv‡b cvwK©s Kivi Rb¨ Rwigvbv Kivq
infinitive nq bv| h_v Kivq Avwg AvcwË KiwQ)|
 Avoid I try to avoid arguing.
 Finish I finished reading. Infinitive
 Be worth It‟s worth seeing. o It is not the main verb in the sentence. (GwU
 Consider We considered leaving party
ev‡K¨ g~j verb bq)
 Discuss You always discuss making o It doesn‟t change as per tense, number or
changes. person. (GwU tense, number A_ev person †f‡`
 Dislike I really dislike being interrupted. cwiewZ©Z nq bv)
 Dread He dreads going to the gum.
 Enjoy They enjoy jogging together. Infinitive = to + Verb’s
 Miss I miss seeing my friends. Base Form
 Feel like I feel like traveling.
Subject 05 uses Object
85. Which one of the following is the example of
of verbal noun? (_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi 96) Infinitive
Subject Adjective
K. Writing a good letter is difficult s
L. The writing of a good letter is difficult
M. Good letter writing is difficult Adverb
N. It is very difficult to write a good letter
o e¨vL¨v : The + v-ing + of + extension =
verbal noun (v-ing form)/Gerund.
ev‡K¨ Infinitive Gi e¨envi
Subject  To do the right thing is not
86. The loss of animals and birds has posed a wn‡m‡e easy.
threat to our environment by____ the  To learn a new language is
ecological balance. helpful.
K. destroying L. destroy  It‟s not easy to do the right
M. destroyed N. none DËi: K thing.
o e¨vL¨v : ev‡K¨ without/by Gi ci verb Avm‡j Zv  It‟s helpful to learn a new
gerund (v-ing) nq| †hgb Kobir went away language.
without taking gift. (Kwei wMdU bv wb‡qB P‡j Object  I want to help you.
†Mj)| wn‡m‡e  They love to travel.
o look forward to, object to, addicted to, get Subbject  Her job is to assist you.
Complement  My dream is to open a
used to, accustomed to, opposed to cÖf…wZ
wn‡m‡e business.
phrase Gi ci v-ing nq| †hgb
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 26 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Adjective I told you to wait. After why or  Why not try doing it
wn‡m‡e He wants me to leave. why not yourself.
I have no time to eat. After rather,  You had better visit him.
better, had  I would rather wait.
Adverb We must study to learn.
wn‡m‡e better
I want to learn to sing.
She reads to gain knowledge.
The Linking Verb
Common verbs followed by infinitives hLb †Kvb verb sentence G complement wn‡m‡e
Like She likes to talk/talking. e¨eüZ Adjective/Noun ‡K subject Gi mv‡_
Enjoy She enjoys to talk/talking. m¤úK©hy³ K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Linking verb e‡j| G †ÿ‡Î
Want They want to expand the company. subject I complement GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k
Hope I hope to see you there. K‡i| †hgb
Agree They agreed to make the deal.  Fried fish smells delicious.
Plan We are planning to visit Europe.  He became a doctor.
Decide She has declared to quit.  Honey tastes sweet.
Ruma choose to stay at home.  The woman went mad.
Promise He promised to come on time. wKQz Linking verb Gi D`vniY
Need I need to go to the bank. Be verb (am, is, are, was, were. been) appear
wb‡¤œ D‡jøwLZ verb ¸‡jvi ci †Kvb verb em‡j †mwU become fall get feel
remain grow run turn
memgq infinitive (to+verb) nq।
taste sound smell act
desire especct pretend wish
stay continue
intend fail hesitate offer
attempt strive learn prepare  g‡b ivLyb Linking verb Gi complement
tend forget refuse seem wn‡m‡e mvaviYZ adjective e¨eüZ nq| †hgb
He remains silent,
Bare Infinitive Honey tastes sweet etc.
Infinitive = to + verb could not help/cannot help, be + used to, get
Bare infinitive = the infinitive form of a verb used to, worth, mind, with a view to, be
without the word ÔtoÕ. addicted to, prefer cÖf…wZi c‡i verb -Gi m‡½ Òing”
‡hvM nq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡j jÿ¨ Kiæb
ev‡K¨ Bare Infinitive Gi e¨envi
After modals  You should tell her how  We cannot help laughing Avgiv bv
(can, will, could, you feel. †n‡m cvwi bv|
may, might, must  I must visit my mother.
 I was used to walking here Avwg GLv‡b
 You can do the work
nvuU‡Z Af¨¯Í wQjvg
After certain  I saw them steal the car.
 He got used to smoking ‡m a~gcvb
verbs  I heard you close the
window. Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í wQj
(see, hear, feel
watch etc)  We don‟t let the children  The book is worth reading eBwU covi
stay up late. g‡Zv
After Ôand‟ Ôor‟  Do you want to come with  I went there with a view to seeing
Ôexcept‟, Ôbut‟ me or stay at home? you Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨
ÔthanÕ, ÔasÕ, ÔlikeÕ  She can do everything but †mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg
cook.  I prefer playing to running Avwg
 She did nothing except cry. †`․ov‡bvi †P‡q †Lj‡Z †ewk cQ›` Kwi
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 27 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
The Phrasal Verb 92. The tree has been blown ______by the the
Intransitive verb Gi Av‡M ev c‡i preposition ev strong wind. (26Zg I 31Zg wewmGm)
adverb hy³ n‡q †h me compound verb MwVZ nq Ges K. away L. up
transitive verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡`i‡K M. off N. out DËi: K
prepositional verb ev phrasal verb ev group verb o e¨vL¨v : Blow awayd move by wind (Dwo‡q
ejv nq| †hgb wb‡q hvIqv), Blow up Destroy by explosion
 I died for the country. (we‡ùviY Øviv Dwo‡q †`Iqv), Blow off (emit,
 Do not run into debt. wbM©Z Kiv), Blow out Extinguish (wbfv‡bv)|
87. ‘To do away with‟ means (36Zg wewmGm) 93. The lights have been blown____by the
K. to repeat L. to start strong wind. (21Zg wewmGm)
M. to get rid of N. to drive off DËi: M K. out L. away
o e¨vL¨v : To do away with To get rid of (gy³ M. up N. off DËi: K
Kiv ev nIqv)| Gi Ab¨ Av‡iKwU A_© evwZj o e¨vL¨v : 92 bs cÖ‡kœi e¨vL¨v ‡`Lyb|
Kiv/we‡jvc Kiv (Stop using something)
94. They had to call _____ the match as the
88. He died___poison. (38Zg wewmGm gvbwmK
ground was wet. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. on L. off
K. in L. by
M. in N. up DËi: L
M. with N. into DËi: L
o Die by `yN©Ubv, AvZ¥nZ¨v, mwnsmZvq gviv hvIqv o e¨vL¨v : Call on Meet (চিখা করা), Cancel
(accident, suicide, poison, hanging/violence), (প্রত্যা঵ার করা), Summon (‡W‡K cvVv‡bv), Call
Die in hy‡×, `wi`ªZvq, Ny‡gi g‡a¨, kvwšÍ‡Z (in up Remember (স্ভরণ্ করা)
battle, in poverty, in sleep, in peace) 95. The man died ____over eating. (25Zg
89. Ôpass away‟ means (33Zg wewmGm) wewmGm)
K. disappear L. die K. by L. of
M. erase N. fall DËi: L M. for N. from DËi: N
o e¨vL¨v : Pass away Come to an end, finish, o Die by `yN©Ubv, AvZ¥nZ¨v, mwnsmZvq gviv hvIqv
die (gviv hvIqv)| (accident, suicide, poison, hanging/violence),
90. While living in poverty, the poet had to ____ a Die from AwZwi³ †Kvb wKQz Kiv, ÿZ, AvNvZ
great deal of sufferings. (31Zg wewmGm) RLg cÖf…wZ Kvi‡Y gviv hvIqv (overeating,
K. see through L. put up with wounds, injuries), Die for ‡`‡ki Rb¨ ev
M. pass by N. fall back DËi: L fvj Kvi‡Y g„Zz¨eiY Kiv| †hgb : He said he was
o e¨vL¨v : `vwi‡`ª¨i Kvi‡Y Kwe‡K A‡bK `ytL-Kó mn¨ willing to die for his country; Die of ‡ivM,
Ki‡Z (Put up with) n‡qwQj| See through ÿzav, Z…òv ev Amy¯’Zvq gviv hvIqv (He died of
transparent, understand; Pass by hunger/ statvation/illness etc.)
Disregard, pay no attention to (AeÁv&, 96. The team is ______ eleven players. (24Zg
D‡cÿv); fall back move or turn back wewmGm evwZj)
(cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv, wcQz nVv)| K. made of L. made up of
91. The police is looking _____ the case. M. made up N. made DËi: L
(26Zg wewmGm) o e¨vL¨v : make of Compose of (‣Zwi Kiv) &
K. into L. after make from ‣Zwi Kiv| make up & make
M. up N. on DËi: K from Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ n‡jv GKwU‡Z †evSv hvq
o e¨vL¨v : Look into The police look into †Kvb e¯‘ †_‡K •Zwi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ab¨wU‡Z †evSv hvq
(Z`šÍ Kiv) the case; Look after ‡`Lv‡kvbv bv| †hgb The chair is made of wood (‡Pqvi
Kiv; Look up ‡Kvb wKQz Lyu‡R †ei Kiv| †h Kv‡Vi •Zwi Zv mn‡RB †evSv hvq), Paper is
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 28 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
made from wood (KvMR †h KvV w`‡q •Zwi Zv o e¨vL¨v : mwVK DËi (M)| Come off – take place,
‡`‡LB †evSv hvq bv); Make up of wfbœ wfbœ †Kvb happen (m¤úbœ Kiv)|
wKQz mgev‡q MwVZ GKK wKQz| †hgb: The team is
102. It is too difficult to ‘tolerate‟ bad temper
made of eleven members. Make up – for long. ___ which of the following
Prepare, arrange something. ‡hgb : You phrases best ‘tolerate‟ in the above
should stay the night- I will make up a bed sentence. (13Zg wewmGm)
for you. K. come up with L. will bring about
97. The Second World War broke ______ in M. put up with N. pull on with DËi: M
September, 1939. (24Zg wewmGm evwZj) o e¨vL¨v : Come up be equal to (mgvb nIqv),
K. through L. away Bring about Cause ot happen (NUv‡bv),
M. out N. in DËi : M put up with tolerate (mn¨ Kiv)|
o e¨vL¨v : Break through Force a path (‡Rvi
K‡i miv‡bv), Break away Get away (চভমে
চবর করা), Break out Suddenly start A
(প্রারৃভোব ঘটা), Break in Interrupt (evav Act for On behalf of, পমক্ষ কাজ করা
†`Iqv)| Act on/upon Depend on, চকান দকছু অনু঴ামর কাজ করা

98. The captain left the boat, because it ____ Act up to আলানুরূপ কাজ করা
(23Zg wewmGm) Act under In obedience to, Av‡`k Abymv‡i
K. turned down L. turned bottom KvR Kiv|
M. turned up N. turned over DËi : N B
o e¨vL¨v : †b․KvwU D‡ë hvIqvq (turned over) Bear off/away win (জয় কমর চনয়া)
K¨v‡Þb †b․Kv Z¨vM K‡iwQj| Turn down Bear on Related to (঴ম্বন্ধ যুি ঵ওয়া)
Reject, Refuse to consider (cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv)| Bear out Confirm, Support (঴মথেন করা)
Turn up Arrive (Dcw¯’Z nIqv)| Bear with tolerate (঴হ্য করা)
Blow away Move by wind, উদিময় দনময় যাওয়া
99. Complete the sentence: Trees have Blow off Emit (দনগেত্ করা)
______off their leaves.
Break away Get away (চভমে চবর করা)
K. thrown L. fallen
Break down Decline (চভমঙ পিা)
M. cast N. put DËi: M
Break in Interrupt (evav †`Iqv)
o e¨vL¨v : Cast off Dispose of
100. In spite of my request, he did not Break out Suddenly start (প্রারৃভোব ঘটা)
_____(22Zg wewmGm) Break through Force a path (চজাি কমর চ াকা)
K. give in L. fall in Break up Close (চল঳ ঵ওয়া)
M. get off N. give forth DËi: K Break into Enter by force (চভমে প্রমবল করা)
o e¨vL¨v : Give in Avgvi Aby‡iva m‡Ë¡I †m nvj Bring about Cause to happen (ঘটামনা)
Qv‡owb/bwZ ¯^xKvi K‡iwb| Fall in with (HK¨gZ¨ Bring forth Produce (উৎপন্ন করা)
nIqv) – The opposition failed to fall in with Bring in Yield, Get paid (‡`Iqv)
the ruling party (we‡ivax `j ÿgZvmxb‡`i mv‡_ Bring up Rear (঱া঱ন–পা঱ন করা)
GKgZ n‡Z e¨_© n‡q‡Q)| Get off cjvqb Kiv| o The widow then brust into tears (nVvr Kvbœvq †f‡½
101. The second anniversary celebration of our cov) at the sad news. (Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi- 08)
college will be held on Decmber, 15 (14Zg
wewmGm) C
K. takes off L. will bring about o He called upon/on (Kv‡iv mv‡_ †`Lv Kiv) me
M. comes off N. will come round yesterday. (kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡q mnKvix cÖavb cwi`k©K 09)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 29 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o If the ranin continues, we shall have to call off Fall in with ঴ম্মত্ ঵ওয়া
(Cancel, evwZj Kiv) the game. (AvBb wePvi I msm` Fall into ঝামম঱ায় পিা
welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve-‡iwR÷ªvi- 12) ঴াদরবদ্ধ ঵ওয়া
Fall in
o He was asked him to___a doctor. (Call in Fall off ঝমি পিা/‡Kvb wKQzi Dci †_‡K cov
‡W‡K cvVv‡bv) cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_©x- 15
Fall on ন্যস্ত ঵ওয়া /আক্রমণ্ করা
o Instead of ÔContinue‟ we can say Carry on.
Fall through দনস্ফ঱ ঵ওয়া
(mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZ©v 15)
Few and far between Very rarely
o The patient will come round soon. 10g wkÿK
For good দচরত্মর
wbeÜb (¯‥zj) 14
Make out চবাঝা
C গদিত্ ঵ওয়া
Make up of
Call at Visit in a place (চকান স্থামন দগময় ক্ষদত্পূরণ্ চিয়া
Make up
চিখা করা)
o Not a word fell from (Come out, ‡ei nIqv)
Call for Demand (চাওয়া) his lips (Zvi gyL †_‡K GKwU K_vI †ei n‡jvbv)|
Call in Summon (‡W‡K cvVv‡bv) wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK 04
Call off Cancel (প্রত্যা঵ার করা) o He fell off (‡Kvb wKQz&i Dci †_‡K c‡o hvIqv) his
Call on Meet (চিখা করা) bike. (‡m evBK †_‡K c‡o †Mj)
Call out Shout (wPrKvi Kiv) o The fell on (AvµgY Kiv) retreating army and
Call up Remember (স্ভরণ্ করা) routed them. mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡q DcmnKix
Carry out Execute, Obey (cvjb Kiv) cwiPvjK 05
Cast aside Throw away (ছুাঁমি চি঱া, বাি চিয়া)
Come after Follow (দপছমন ত্ািা করা) Get along Manage, survive (চা঱ামনা)
Come away Come death to (খুম঱ যাওয়া) Get away Hurried departure (পা঱ামনা)
Come by Obtain (পাওয়া) Get back Recover (D×vi Kiv)
Cut out Remove (চ঴বািান বন্ধ করা) Get by Pass (cvk w`‡q hvIqv)
Come off Take place (অনুদিত্ ঵ওয়া) Get down Descend, Climb down (নামা)
Come of To be born (জন্মগ্র঵ণ্ করা/উদ্ভূত্ ঵ওয়া) চ াকা, দমমল যাওয়া
Get into
Come on Hurry up (দ্রুত্ চ঱া) Get in Arrive (Dcw¯’Z nIqv)
Come out Became visible (প্রকাদলত্ ঵ওয়া) Get off Exit, Leave (P‡j hvIqv)
Come round Recover (সুস্থ ঵ওয়া) Get about ঘুমর চবিামনা
Cut down Abridged, Reduce (কাটা, হ্রা঴ করা) Get over Overcome (‡ivM/wec` KvwU‡q IVv)
Cuf off Separate, Die(দবদিন্ন করা, মারা যাওয়া) Give up* ত্যাগ করা, চছমি চিয়া
Come from চকান স্থান চথমক আ঴া I have told him to give up smoking.
D Go after অনু঴রণ্ করা
Do up অত্যন্ত ্ান্ত , আটমক থাকা Go along চমমন চনয়া
Do without চকানদকছু ছািা চ঱া Go away Leave the place (P‡j hvIqv)
Dwell on/upon দচন্ত া করা/বা঴ করা Go back on চখ঱াপ করা
E Go by অদত্ক্রান্ত ঵ওয়া
End in smoke বযথে Go down অস্ত যাওয়া, হ্রা঴ পাওয়া
Ended in fiasco ঴ম্পূণ্েরূমপ বযথে Go for আনমত্ যাওয়া
Every now and then প্রায়ই Go in for পরীক্ষা চিয়া
F Go off দবমস্ফাদরত্ ঵ওয়া
Fall back দপছু ঵টা Go on চাদ঱ময় যাওয়া
Fall down পমি যাওয়া Go round চক্রাকামর চঘারা
Fall from ক্ষমত্াচুযত্ ঵ওয়া Go through পাি করা, পিা
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 30 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o Instead of Ôdistribute‟ we can say give o I can‟t make out (eyS‡Z cviv) what you say.
away. (cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix cwiPvjK 13) o Glass is made from (make from ‣Zwi Kiv)
o Instead of Ôabandon‟ we can say give over sand.
(cwiZ¨vM Kiv). (cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix cwiPvjK 13) P
o Instead of Ôread‟ we can say Ôgo through‟ Put away ঴দরময় রাখা
(MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUD‡Ui mnKvix cwiPvjK-03) Put down চভমে চি঱া, িমন করা
o Hardly had he entered the room than the Put forward উত্থাপন করা
electricity went out. (go out wb‡f hvIqv) Puf off চখা঱া, স্থদগত্ করা
o When you make a promise, you must not Put on পদরধ্ান করা
go back on (cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv) it. Put out* Entiguish (wbwf‡q †djv)
Please put out the light. (AbyMÖnc~e©K evwZwU †bfvI)
H Put together একত্র করা
Hand over Delivery (mgc©Y Kiv) Put to িণ্ড চিয়া
Hang around চঘারামিরা করা খারাপ কামজ প্রমরাদচত্ করা
Put up to
Hang Back Lag behind (cðvrc` nIqv) Put up with Tolerate, suffer (঴হ্য করা)
Hang on কামরা ওপর দনভের করা
Put up A¯’vqxfv‡e †Kv_vI _vKv
L o Where do you put up? (Zzwg †Kv_vq _vK?)
Let down ঵ত্াল করা
Look after* চিখারৄনা করা
o When they had their first child, they put
aside (mÂq K‡i ivLv) sum for his children.
Everybody should look after their old parents.
Look at ত্াকামনা
Look for চখাাঁজা R
Look into ত্িন্ত করা Run about এদিক- চ঴দিক চিৌিামিৌদি
Look on মমন করা Run down ছুদটয়া ধ্রা
Look about চখাাঁজ করা Run into* To be involve into (RwoZ, cwZZ)
Look out বাইমর ত্াকামনা He ran into debt.
Look through h‡Zœi mv‡_ cixÿv Kiv Run out িুদরময় যাওয়া/‡kl nIqv
Look to মমনামযাগী ঵ওয়া Run over দপষ্ট ঵ওয়া
Look up to* ঴ম্মান করা The man was run over a car.
A leader must be one whom the people look up to Run through চভি করা
Look up ‡Kvb wKQz Lyu‡R †ei Kiv Run upon ধ্াক্কা খাওয়া

o Look to (g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv) it that this does not o If the supplies run out (‡kl nIqv), man may
happen again. have to fall back on horse.
o Look out ! (mZK© nIqv) Time and tide waits S
for none. See off Say goodbye to (we`vq Rvbv‡bv)
o Instead of ÔLook over’ (cixÿv Kiv) we can Set about রৄরু করা
say examine closely. Set down চ঱খা, নামামনা
o Look down on to hate (AeÁ Kiv/‡QvU Kiv) Set in রৄরু ঵ওয়া
o Some sponges look like (resemble m`„k) Set out যাত্রা রৄরু করা, ছদিময় চিয়া
plants. Set up Establish (¯’vcb Kiv)
Stand against Oppose (evuav †`qv)
M Stand aside ঴মর িাাঁিামনা
Make off পাদ঱ময় যাওয়া পামল িাাঁিামনা
Stand by
Make of চভমে চি঱া, চ঱খা, িমন করা Stand off িূমর থাকা
Make over অপেণ্ করা Stand up for পক্ষ ঴মথেন করা
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 31 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o Set upon AvµgY (To attack) o ‡R‡b ivLyb : attribute A_© ÔÔAv‡ivc KivÕÕ ev †Kvb
o Do not stand against the force of time. wKQz †hgb †evSv, •ewkó¨, †`vl Ab¨ wKQzi Dci
T Pvcv‡bv|
Take after Look like (চিখমত্ একরকম ঵ওয়া) 105. This is a book of English language. (Z_¨
Take away ঴দরময় চনয়া gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †Uwjwfkb cÖ‡K․kjx 04)
Take down চ঱খা K. Adjective L. Verbal noun
Take for মমন করা M. Noun N. Adverb DËi : K
Take over D‡ë hvIqv o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb noun Ab¨ Av‡iKwU noun ‡K
Take to Engage (wbhy³ nIqv) modify K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡K adjective wn‡m‡e MY¨
Tell upon ক্ষদত্ করা Kiv nq| †hgb Inception is a book of
Turn over উল্টামনা English Language.
Turn up Arrive (nvwRi nIqv)
106. This is his pen. What kind of adjective
o The plane couldn‟t took off (take off
DÇq‡bi Rb¨ f~wg Z¨vM Kiv) because of the Ôhis‟ is
dense fog. K. Distributive adjective
L. Demonstrative adjective
o He turned in (submit Rgv †`qv) his M. Possessive adjective
paperwork to the main office.
N. Indefinite adjective DËi: M
o Due to some internal conflict the Director o e¨vL¨v : চকান pronoun যদি noun এর পূমবে বম঴
turned down (cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv) the proposal
noun চক modify কমর ত্া঵ম঱ ত্ামক আর pronoun
submitted by the Marketing Manager.
ব঱া ঵য় না, ব঱া ঵য় adjective. wb‡Pi D`vniYmg~n
o The candidate turned up at the interview. †`Lyb
Possessive This is my book.
Adjective This is his car.
The Adjective Demonstrative This book is red.
Adjective She was one of those people
103. An adjective qualifies (wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡qi who are forever worried about
mnKvix ‡cÖvMÖvgvi) money.
K. Preposition L. Noun Indefinite Any boy can do this.
M. Adverb N. Pronoun DËi: L Adjective He is a man of few words.
o e¨vL¨v : Interrogative/ Whose book do you want?
 An Adjective is a word used to qualify a Relative Which pen have you bought?
Adjective Which flower do you like best?
noun or a pronoun. (-J.C Nesfield)
Distributive Each boy got a prize.
 ‡h word Øviv noun ev pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Adjective Every man is potential.
Ae¯’v, msL¨v ev cwigvY‡K †evSvq Zv‡K Adjective I shall support neither party.
e‡j| Neither report is true.
 Adjective ‡K ejv nq modifying/qualifying
107. He actually wanted to have motherly affection
word. from her. [noun+ly= adjective]
104. She is a beautiful lady. Here ‘beautiful‟ is K. Adjective L. Adverb
a/an – mve-‡iwR÷ªvi wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1992 M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K
K. Adjective L. Adverb o e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, hvi mv‡_ ly ‡hvM n‡j
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K Adjective ejv nq| Z‡e wKQz wKQz Adjective ‡Pbv
o e¨vL¨v : hw` †Kvb kã noun ‡K modify K‡i Zv‡K hvq Suffix ‡`‡L|
adjective e‡j| GwU‡K adjective এর attributive al National, legal
use ejv nq| †hgb: He is a good (adj) boy ic Historic, economic
(noun). ical Historical
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 32 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
ish Turkish, childish 111. What is the adjective of Ômarriage‟? (mv‡K©j
istic Fantastic, optimistic A¨vWRy‡U›U 15)
ive Active, attractive K. marry L. marriageable
ed Learned, talented, Unparalleled M. married N. nuptial DËi: N
ian, an Indain, American o e¨vL¨v : nuptial A_© weevn msµvšÍ hv GKwU Latin
en Golden, wooden adjective. wb‡P wKQz Latin adjective Gi D`vniY
able Drinkable, movable †`qv n‡jv
ful Beautiful, hopeful
less Fearless, helpless Noun Latin Adjectives : A_©
ly Firendly, namly, heavenly, homely Bird Avian : cwÿ msµvšÍ
108. I will get the car ready. Here Ôready‟ is Blood Sanguine : Avkvwš^Z
K. Adjective L. Adverb Sanguinary : i³v³
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K Body Corporal : kvixwiK
o e¨vL¨v : Adjective A‡bK mgq Object Gi c‡iI Brother Fraternal : åvZ…msµvšÍ
em‡Z cv‡i| Structure→ Subject + causative Boy Puerile : wkïmyjf
verb (make/get/let/have etc.) + object + Cat Feline : weovj msµvšÍ
adjective. Cattle Bovine : Mevw` cï
Church Ecclesiastical : wMR©v msµvšÍ
109. I like being alone. Here Ôready‟ is
City Civic : bMi m¤^Üxq
K. Adjective L. Adverb
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K Cow/Cattle Bovine : Mevw`cï msµvšÍ
Country Rural/Rustic : MÖvg¨/ MÖvgxY
o e¨vL¨v : Linking verb ¸‡jv n‡”Q be, seem, feel,
Daughter Filial : Kb¨vmsµvšÍ, K‡b¨wPZ
look, become, appear etc. wKQz wKQz adjective
i‡q‡Q, hviv memgq linking verb Gi ci e‡m| Day Diurnal : ‣`wbK, AvwýK
†hgb Afloat, afraid, alight, alike, alive, Death Lethal/Mortal : cÖvYNvwZ, giYkxj
alone, asleep, awake. Dog Canine : KzKzi m¤^Üxq
o Noun Gi complement wn‡m‡e adjective Eagle Aquiline : CMj msµvšÍ
e¨eüZ nq| GwU‡K adjective Gi predicative Earth Terrestrial : cvw_©e
use ejv nq A_©vr Linking verb Gi c‡i East Oriental : cÖvP¨
complement wn‡m‡e e‡m adjective, subject ‡K Egg Oval : wW¤^vKvi
qualify K‡i| †hgb: She is beautiful. End Final : P~ovšÍ
Eye Ocular : Pÿz m¤^Üxq
110. Few students come to school today. Here Father Paternal : ‣cwÎK
Ôfew‟ is an adjective of Fish Piscatory : ‡R‡j msµvšÍ
K. quantity L. quality Piscine : grm¨ msµvšÍ
M. number N. pronominal DËi: M Field/Village Rural : ‡Mu‡qv, MÖvgxY
o e¨vL¨v : Adjective cÖavbZ Pvi cÖKvi| h_v : Flesh Carnal : i³ gvsm m¤^Üxq
 Adjective of quality (¸YevPK we‡klY) or Flock Gregarious : hy_Pi
Descriptive adjective : good, bad, wise, warm,
cold, noble, rich, honest etc. Flower Floral : cy®ú msµvšÍ
 Adjective of quantity (cwigvYÁvcK we‡klY) or Foot Pedal : c`msµvšÍ
Quantitative adjective : none, much, more, Fox Vulpine : k„Mvj msµvšÍ
enough, little, any, sufficient, great, less etc. Heaven Celestial : ¯^M©xq
 Adjective of number (msL¨vevPK we‡klY) or Hell Infernal : bviKxq
Numeral adjective : One, two,., First, second, Home Domestic : N‡ivqv
Third….., Single, Double…., Some, Few etc. Horse Equestrian : Ak^msµvšÍ
 Pronominal adjective (me©bv‡gv™¢~Z we‡klY) or Husband Conjugal : weevn msµvšÍ
Relative adjective .
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 33 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
King Royal : রাজকীয় Night Nocturnal : প্তনলাের
Law Legal : আইন঴ংক্রান্ত Ox Bovine : গবাপ্তদ পশুর নযায়
Life Vital : জীবন঴ংক্রান্ত Place Local : স্থানীয়
Light Luminous : দীপ্তিমান Point Punctual : প্তবন্দুগি
Lion Leonine : প্ত঴ং঵঴দৃ ল Punishment Penal : দণ্ড ঴ংক্রান্ত
Lip Labial : ওষ্ঠ঴ংক্রান্ত Ray Radiant : রপ্তি প্তবপ্তকরণ
Male Masculine: পরু঳ ঴ংক্রান্ত Root Radical : মূ ঱গি বা মূ ঱ক
Man Human : মানবজাপ্তি ঴ম্বন্ধীয় Rule Regular : প্তবপ্তি/িারা অনু যায়ী
Ship Naval : ‡b․evwnbx msµvšÍ Salt Saline : ঱বণাক্ত
Side Lateral : cvwk^©K Sea Marine : ঴ামুপ্তিক
Sky Ethereal : MvMwYK School Academic : চকিাবী
Son Filial : ঴ন্তান ঴ংক্রান্ত Sheep Ovine : চমঘ ঴ংক্রান্ত
South Austral : দপ্তিণ প্তদক ঴ংক্রান্ত Sun Solar : ‡m․i msµvšÍ
Spring Vernal : ব঴ন্তকা঱ীন Town Urban : চপৌর বা ল঵মর
Star Astral : নিত্র ঴ংক্রান্ত Time Temporal : mgqMZ
Temporary : A¯’vqx
Stream Fluvial : নদী ঴ংক্রান্ত
Village Rural/Rustic : চগেঁময়া
Sun Solar : ঴ূ যয ঴ংক্রান্ত
Water Aquatic : জ঱জ
Time Tongue : প্তজহ্বাগি
West Occidental : পাশ্চািয
Tooth Dental : দন্ত ঴ংক্রান্ত
Wife Conjugal : দাম্পিয
Friend Amicable : বন্ধুভাবাপন্ন
Will Voluntary : চস্বচ্ছাকৃি
God Divine : স্বগযীয়
Women Effeminate : চমময়঱ী
Hair Capillary : ককপ্তলক
Womb Uterine : জরায়ু ঴ংক্রান্ত
Hand Manual : ঵স্তকৃি
Wood Sylvan : অরণয ঴ংক্রান্ত
Head Capital : মস্তক ঴ম্বন্ধীয়
Word Verbal : লব্দগি
Heart Cordial : আন্তপ্তরক
World Mundane : পাপ্তর্যব
Marriage Nauptial : প্তববা঵ ঴ংক্রান্ত
Year Annual : বাৎ঴প্তরক
Mind Mental : মানপ্ত঴ক
Youth Juvenile : িরুণ
Money Pecuniary: অর্য ঴ংক্রান্ত
Month Menstrual : মাপ্ত঴ক
Moon Lunar : েন্দ্রিু঱য The Adverb
Mother Maternal : জননী঴ু ঱ভ 112. Which of the following does an adverb
Mouth Oral : চমৌপ্তিক, মুি ঴ংক্রান্ত usually answer? (we Avi wm Awdmvi 98)
North Boreal : উত্তরপ্তদক ঴ংক্রান্ত K. When L. Where
Nose Nasal : নাপ্ত঴কা ঴ংক্রান্ত
M. How N. all of these DËi : N
o e¨vL¨v : When, How, Where cÖkœ¸‡jvi Reve †h
Name Nominal : নামমমাত্র Word wU ‡_‡K cvIqv hvq, Zv‡K Adverb e‡j|
Nature Normal : প্তনয়মমাপ্তিক The bird flies swiftly. (How?)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 34 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
I came here just before ten. (When?) উত্তর: খুব ভা঱ চছম঱। অথোৎ Adjective (Good) দটর
I want to go home. (Where?) অবস্থা ঴ম্পমকে জাদনময় দি঱ ‘Very’ লেদট। ত্াই ‘Very’
cÖkœ Kiæb, How files? Swiftly. Zvn‡j swiftly kãwU লেদট একদট Adverb.
Adverb. Gfv‡e cÖkœ K‡i Adverb Lyu‡R cvIqv hvq|
113. My mother always dresses beautifully.
‡h k㸇jv Verb m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ †`q, †m Here the underlined word is

k㸇jv‡K Adverb e‡j| 1 K. Adjective L. Adverb

M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L
†h mKj Word ‡Kvb Adjective Gi
Ae¯’v cÖKvk K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K Adverb ejv nq|
2 o e¨vL¨v : Verb (Dress) m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ cª`vb Ki‡Q
beautifully kãwU| GQvovI (-ly) hy³ kã‡K ejv
o ‡UKwbK 01 Gi D`vniY nq Adverb. Z‡e
He walks slowly (‡m ax‡i nvu‡U) Ly _vK‡jB fve‡eb bv kãUv Adverb
Faisal speaks loudly (dqmvj †Rv‡i K_v e‡j) o Noun + ly = Adjective ঵য়। Motherly,
 e¨vL¨v : Verb (walk & speak) m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ cÖ`vb fatherly, brotherly. He gave a fatherly
Ki‡Q Slowly & loudly ZvB GB `yBwU smile. ( দত্দন একদট বাবাসু঱ভ ঵াদ঴ দিময়দছম঱ন)।
(Slowly & loudly) n‡jv Adverb. o Adjective + ly = Adverb. Swiftly, loudly,
o ‡UKwbK 02 Gi D`vniY slowly, lately, nicely, kindly. The lion
Abeer is a very good boy. (Avwei Lye fvj †Q‡j) roared loudly. (দ঴ং঵দট চজামর গজেন করদছম঱া)। He
Linkon writes very well. (wjsKb Lye fvj †j‡L) actually to have motherly affection from
 e¨vL¨v : আদবর চকমন ভা঱ চছম঱? her.
Classification of Adverb
1 2
Adverb of Adverb of
8 Place 3
Adverb of Adverb of
Assertion Manner
Cause & Adverb of
Effect Degree
Adverb of Adverb of 4
Order Number
6 5

114. The day of my sister‟s marriage is drawing today, tomorrow, daily, always, seldom,
near. ( ২৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) ago, often, never, sometimes, After,
K. Adjective L. Adverb already, before, since, presently,
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L immediately. ‡hgb Sometimes I go there.
GLv‡b ‘When‟ Øviv go (verb) ‡K cÖkœ Kiv hvK|
o Adverb of Time : Verb ‡K ‘when’ ev ÔKLbÕ
Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq, †m kãwU‡K When go? (KLb hvq?) DËi Av‡m ‘Sometimes’
Adverb of Time e‡j| Gi ai‡bi K‡qKwU verb (gv‡Sgv‡S)| myZivs underlined word Uv n‡jv
Gi D`vniY : Now, then, soon, yesterday, Adverb of Time.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 35 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
115. He always speaks the truth. verb ‡K ‘How’ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h kãwU cvIqv
K. Adjective L. Adverb hvq, †mwU‡K ejv nq Adverb of Manner (aib)
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L
How runs? (Kxfv‡e †`․ovq?) DËi fast. ZvB
o e¨vL¨v : When Speak? (KLb e‡j?) Ans. GwU Adverb of Manner (aib)|
Always (me©`v). myZivs underlined word Uv
n‡jv Adverb of Time. 119. Don‟t worry. English Grammar is not ___
116. Barking dogs seldom bite. Here ‘seldom‟ is – to understand. (13Zg wewmGm)
K. Adjective L. Adverb K. so difficult L. too difficult
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L M. very difficult N. difficult enough
o e¨vL¨v : When bite? Ans. seldom. myZivs o Adverb of Degree : mwVK DËi (L)| wbw`©ó
underlined word Uv n‡jv Adverb of Time. mxgvi AwZwi³ A‡_© too e¨eüZ nq| ‡h Adverb
‡Kvb k‡ãi Degree (cwigvY ev gvÎv) cÖKvk K‡i,
117. He didn‟t find the camera anywhere. ( চ঴ Zv‡K Adverb of Degree e‡j| G ai‡bi wKQz
কযামমরাদট চকাথাও খুাঁমজ চপ঱ না।) Here the Adverb Gi D`vniY n‡jv Almost,
underlined word is completely, very, much, half, so, hardly,
K. Adverb of Time extremely, too, quite, how, twice, fully,
L. Adverb of Place wholly, strongly, totally, entirely, deeply,
M. Adverb of Order poorly, greatly etc. wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨
N. Adverb of Number DËi: L Kiæb
o Adverb of Place : চকান verb এর কাজ ঴ম্পন্ন  I am extremely sorry. ( আদম অত্যন্ত রৃুঃদখত্)
঵ওয়ার স্থানমক চয Adverb দ্বারা চবাঝামনা ঵য়, ত্ামক
 Poor people usually take meal twice. ( গরীব
Adverb of Place বম঱। এ ধ্রমনর কময়কদট adverb মানুম঳রা ঴াধ্ারণ্ত্ দিমন রৃ‟বার খায়)
এর উিা঵রণ্: Down, everywhere, anywhere,  Today is much colder. ( আজ অমনক চবদল
below, above, here, there, near, out, up, VvÛv)
down, inside ইত্যদি।  Robbani has slept only four hours. ( রব্বাদন
Verb wU‡K ÔWhere‟ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverb মাত্র ৪ ঘণ্টা ঘুদমময়মছ)
of Place cvIqv hvq|  My friend is much older than me. ( আমার
বন্ধুর বয়঴ আমার চচময় অমনক চবদল)
Where didn‟t he find Camera? (‡m †Kv_vq
K¨v‡giv cvqwb?) DËi Anywhere. myZivs উপমরর উিা঵রণ্গুম঱া (অত্যন্ত , দিমন রৃ’বার, অমনক চবদল, মাত্র)
underlined word Uv n‡jv Adverb of Place. চথমক এটা ঴঵মজই চবাঝা যামি চয, এই লেগুম঱া
o Please bring that BCS digest (Inception) (extremely, twice, much, only) Sorry, meal,
here. Where bring? Ans. Here. colder, slept, older প্রভৃদত্ লেগুম঱ার পদরমাণ্ বা মাত্রা
দনমিেল কমর। ত্াই extremely, twice, much, only
118. He runs fast. Here the underlined word is
লেগুম঱া Adverb of Degree প্ত঵ম঴মব কাজ করমে।
K. Adjective L. Adverb
M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L 120. Zahid has never gone to USA. ( জাদ঵ি
o Adverb of Manner : †Kvb verb ‡K ‘How’ কখমনাই USA যায়দন)।
Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h kãwU cvIqv hvq, †mwU‡K ejv nq K. Adjective L. Adverb
Adverb of Manner (aib)| G ai‡bi K‡qKwU M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L
Adverb Gi D`vniY: Slowly, suddenly, eagerly, o চয Adverb এর মাধ্যমম কত্ বার দক্রয়া ঴ম্পন্ন ঵ময়দছ঱
anxiously, carefully, clearly, closely, correctly, ত্া জানা যায় ত্ামক Adverb of Frequency ব঱া
bravely, badly, sadly, softly, soundly, swiftly,
঵য়। এ ধ্রমনর কময়কদট Adverb এর উিা঵রণ্ ঵ম঱া:
simply, carelessly, easily, quickly, possibly,
probably, luckily, fortunately, naturally, Once, twice, thrice, rarely, occasionally,
rightly, urgently, wrongly, widely, thus, well often, never, usually, generally, sometimes
etc. etc.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 36 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Adverb of Frequency KZ evi The Preposition
wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb –
123. Eight men were concerned ___ the plot.
 He always gets up early in the morning.
(38Zg wewmGm)
( চ঴ ঴ব঴ময়ই খুব ঴কাম঱ ঘুম চথমক ওমি)
K. at L. with
 Poor people usually take meal twice. ( গরীব
মানুম঳রা ঴াধ্ারণ্ত্ দিমন রৃ‟বার খায়)
M. in N. for DËi: M
 He seldom goes home ( চ঴ কিাদচৎ বাদি যায়)। o e¨vL¨v : Concern in `vqx A‡_© (Responsible
for) ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z RwoZ| †hgb : Salam was
উপমরর প্রথম বামকয প্রশ্ন করুন ‘কত্ বার’ দ্বারা। অথোৎ চ঴ কত্ concerned in Sagor‟s murder. Concern
বার ঴কাম঱ ঘুম চথমক ওমি? উত্তর আম঴ ‘঴ব ঴ময়’। ত্াই with ‡Kvb wel‡q m¤úwK©Z/AvMÖnx| ‡hgb They
‘always‟ এখামন ‘Adverb of frequency‟। were more concern with the way of life.
Concern for DwØMœ| †hgb He didn‟t seem
concern for her safety.
121. Adverb of Order : চয Adverb দ্বারা চকান verb
এর কাজ চল঳ ঵ওয়ার পযোয় চবাঝায়, ত্ামকAdverb of 124. Professor Razzak was a scholar ___ refute.
Order বম঱। এরূপ কময়কদট Adverb of Orders: (of) (36Zg wewmGm)
Firstly, Secondly, thirdly, first, second, 125. John Smith is good ____ Mathematics. (at)
third, last, lastly etc. wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv †`Lyb (36Zg wewmGm)
 Firstly, I am very grateful to my almighty
Allah for my success. ( আমার ঴ি঱ত্ার জন্য
o e¨vL¨v : Good at `ÿ|
আদম প্রথমমই ঴বেলদিমান আল্লা঵র প্রদত্ কৃত্জ্ঞ)। 126. He insisted ____ there. (on my going)
 Secondly, I would like to thank my (36Zg wewmGm)
parents, my neighbours, and, lastly, my o e¨vL¨v : insist on Mr. X – Mr. X Gi Dci
friends. ( দদ্বত্ীয়ত্, আদম ধ্ন্যবাি জানামত্ চাই আমার †RvivRywi Kiv|
বাবা- মা ও প্রদত্মবলীমক এবং ঴বমলম঳ আমার বন্ধুমিরমক)।
127. Credit Tk.5000 ___ my account. (to)
উপমরর উিা঵রণ্ রৃমটামত্ ঱ক্ষয কমরন, firstly, secondly
(36Zg wewmGm)
এবং lastly দ্বারা ক্রম বা পযোয়মক চবাঝামনা ঵ময়মছ। এই ক্রম 128. Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir
বা পযোয়মক ব঱া ঵মি Adverb of Order. ___ phone. (over) (36Zg wewmGm)
129. Some writers sink _____ oblivion in
122. চয Adverb দক্রয়া ঴ম্পন্ন ঵ওয়ার কারণ্ ও ি঱াি঱ course of time. (into) (33Zg wewmGm)
দনমিেল কমর, চ঴ Adverb চক Adverb of Cause &
Effect বম঱। এরূপ কময়কদট Adverb এর উিা঵রণ্: 130. Wordsworth introduced the readers ___ a
accordingly, therefore, yet, as a result, new kind of poetry. (to) (31Zg wewmGm)
consequently ইত্যাদি। wb‡Pi D`vniYmg~n jÿ¨ 131. Your conduct admits ____ no excuse. (of)
Kiæb (29Zg wewmGm)
 As a result of accident, he was out of work for K. to L. for
three months. ( দত্দন রৃঘেটনার কারমণ্ দত্ন মা঴ কামজ M. of N. at DËi M
বাইমর দছম঱ন) । o e¨vL¨v : Admit of ¯^xK…wZ cvIqv, AeKvk _vKv,
 He had no other options; consequently, he left my‡hvM †`qv| Admit to ¯^xKvi Kiv, Keyj Kiv,
his job for BCS preparation. ( ত্ার আর চকান fwZ© nIqv|
দবকল্প দছম঱া না; িম঱ চ঴ দবদ঴এ঴ প্রস্তুদত্র জন্য ত্ার
চাকুদর চছমি দিম঱া। 132. Rizvi requested Rini ____ telephone to
attend the meeting. (over) (29Zg wewmGm)
উপমরর উিা঵রণ্ রৃমটামত্ As a result এবং consequently 133. Many prefer donating money____
লে রৃদট কারণ্ ও ি঱াি঱ দনমিেল করমত্মছ। ত্াই এ রৃদট লেমক distributing clothes. (to) (29Zg wewmGm)
Adverb of Cause & Effect ব঱া ঵য়।
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 37 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o e¨vL¨v : Prefer to AwaK cQ›` Kiv| A‡b‡K Kvco 144. He parted ____ his friend in tears. (from)
weZi‡Yi †P‡q UvKv weZiY Ki‡Z ‡ewk cQ›` K‡i| (24Zg wewmGm)
134. Julia has been ill ____ three months. (for) o Part from ‡Kvb wKQz †_‡K wew”Qbœ nIqv|
(29Zg wewmGm) 145. My friend always goes home ____ foot.
o e¨vL¨v : for wbw`©ó mgq (hour, day, month, (on) (24Zg evwZj wewmGm)
year etc.) a‡i †Kvb NUbvi e¨vwß †evSv‡Z for e‡m| o e¨vL¨v : cv‡q †nu‡U hvIqv †evSv‡Z on e‡m|
since wbw`©ó mgq †_‡K NUv †evSv‡Z since e‡m|
‡hgb It has been raining for ten hours. 146. My wife reminded me ____. (of my
I have been reading since morning. appointment) (24Zg wewmGm)

135. There is no alternative ___ training. (to) 147. I don‟t think you will have any difficulty
(27Zg wewmGm) ___ a driving license. (in getting) (24Zg
o e¨vL¨v : alternative to cÖwkÿ‡Yi †Kvb weKí
†bB| alternative to Gi ci verb + ing nq| 148. The children were entrusted ____ the care
of their uncle. (to) (24Zg wewmGm)
136. I am not good ____ translation. (at) (27Zg
wewmGm) o e¨vL¨v : Entrust to KviI wbKU b¨¯Í Kiv, Ac©Y
Kiv| ev”Pv‡`i †`Lfv‡ji Rb¨ Zv‡`i PvPvi wbKU
137. The rich should not look down ____ the Ac©Y Kiv nj| ‡hgb He entrusted the task ___
poor. (upon) (27Zg wewmGm) his nephew. Ans: to.
o e¨vL¨v : Look down upon GKwU Phrasal verb
149. The minister arrived ____ a decision last
hvi A_© AeÁv Kiv/N„Yv Kiv|
night. (at) (24Zg evwZj wewmGm)
138. My brother has no interest ___ music. (in)
(26Zg wewmGm) 150. The government gave ___ the demands of
o e¨vL¨v : Interest in Avgvi fv‡qi m½x‡Z †Kvb the people. (into) (24Zg evwZj wewmGm)
AvMÖn †bB| Interest to Our writers cannot
make ther writings interesting to the 151. She argued ___ me about the marriage.
students. (Avgv‡`i †jLKiv †jLbxmg~n‡K (with) (23Zg wewmGm)
wkÿv_©x‡`i Kv‡Q gRv`vi Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv) o Argue with KviI mv‡_ ZK© Kiv|
139. He is devoid ____ the two children. (of) 152. I count ____ your help. (upon) (23Zg
(26Zg wewmGm) wewmGm)
o e¨vL¨v : Devoid of – ewR©Z/k~b¨| 153. Government has been entrusted ___
140. He divided the money ____ the two elected politicians. (to) (23Zg wewmGm)
children. (between) (26Zg wewmGm) 154. He fantasized ___ winning the lottery.
o e¨vL¨v : Between `ywU wRwbm ev e¨w³i g‡a¨ (about) (21Zg wewmGm)
†evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq| among `y‡qi AwaK
155. The intellectual can no longer be said to
wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ ‡evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
live ____ the margine of society. (beyond)
141. I should appreciate it if you complete this (20Zg wewmGm)
work ____ Thursday. (by) (26Zg wewmGm)
156. As you doing anything special ____ the
142. Why are you so angry___? (about) (25Zg weekend? (at) (15Zg wewmGm)
157. The walls of our house have been painted
o e¨vL¨v : Angry about ‡Kvb Kvi‡Y ivMvwš^Z|
____ green. (no preposition) (14Zg wewmGm)
143. I finally killed the fly ___ a rolled up
158. What is the time by ____ your watch? (by)
newspaper. (with) (24Zg wewmGm)
(12Zg wewmGm)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 38 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
159. He has assured me ____ safety. (of) (11Zg Q. He has little thirst _____ knowledge. (for)
wewmGm) Q. His words are succeptible _____ flattery.
160. I am not bad ___ tennis. (at) (10Zg wewmGm) Q. The rebel ____ frivolities. (against)
wewmGm wjwLZ cixÿvq Avmv Preposition (10-38) Q. Don‟t dwell ____ past mistaken. (on)
Q. Do not try to divert the man _____ this Q. He responds ____ bed for some time. (on)
purpose. (from) Q. He has reputation ____ honesty. (for)
Q. Alcohol tell ____ your tealth. (upon) Q. The teacher impressed ____ us the valur of
Q. He took her ____ a spy. (on) discipline. (upon)
Q. Water eats _____ irons. (away) Q. He Jumped ____ a conclusion not warranted
Q. I cannot make _____ what he says. (out) by facts. (to)
Q. The thief ran away and the police ran _____ Q. I have no prejudice ____ him. (against)
him. (after) Q. He is intend ____ visiting Germany. (for)
Q. They blamed me _____ their sufferings. Q. I was ignorant ____ the plan. (of)
(for) Q. Yesterday I came ____ an old friend. (by)
Q. He sent a cheque ____ for Tk.5000. (for) Q. Nepoleon had a genious ___ military tacties.
Q. Don‟t look down ____ the poor. (upon) (of)
Q. The principal gave ____ the prizes. (away) Q. She said nothing ___ reply. (in)
Q. He was sick _____ the whole business. (for) Q. Your small money was ____ great help to
Q. He was reverted ____ his former post. (to) me. (of)
Q. Be careful! You may fall ____ your bicycle. Q. Cntrary ___ our expectations, he failed in
(from) the examination. (to)
Q. The boarder kept the cabin key ____ the Q. You must conform ____ the regulations. (to)
hotel manager. (to) Q. He is too miserly to part ____ his money.
Q. My father insisted ____ on my going to (with)
Chittagong. (on) Q. Her firend is still angry____ her. (with)
Q. I will see _____ the problem tomorrow. Q. A woman‟s work is ____ done. (never0
(about) Q. He does not leave his house___ 9 O’clock.
Q. He called ____ me ____ my residence. (on, (before)
Q. Do not quarrel _____ this issue. (about) wewfbœ cixÿvq Avmv AviI wKQz Preposition
Q. Did kamal care ____ living in the country? 161. You are not amenable ___ reason.
(for) (a) to (b) with
Q. He is suspected ____ receiving stolen
(c) for (d) in Ans-a
goods. (of)
162. The disgusted man grumbled ____ his fate.
Q. What is the matter ____ him that he is often
(a) to (b) with
late? (with)
(c) for (d) at Ans-d
Q. He mentioned all ____ problems at the
beginning. (of) o Note: Grumble at/about/over দবিদবদিময়
Q. I cann‟t lower myself ____ such meanness. চক্ষাভ বা অ঴মন্ত া঳ প্রকাল করা। Grumble out
(into) অ঴মন্ত া঳ ভমর ব঱া ।
Q. Luna has cut _____ her budget. (back/down) 163. He has a great apathy ___ his studies.
Q. We went ____ boat to sylhet. (by) (a) for (b) in
Q. Lean the ladder _____ the wall. (against) (c) to (d) at Ans-c
Q. Can you think better solution? (of/about) 164. They crossed the English channel ___ a
Q. Don‟t be _____ such a bad mood. (in) small boat.
Q. Escuse me for trespassing ____ your time.
(a) by (b) in
Q. We urged ____ him to consider it. (upon) (c) with (d) on. Ans- a
Q. He book treats ____ music. (of) 165. Which is correct?
(a) He copied the answer word by word
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 39 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
(b) He copied the answer word for word (a) in (b) on
(c) He copied the answer word after word (c) within (d) at Ans- b
(d) None Ans- c 179. I am convinced ___ the necessity of prudence.
166. Which is correct? (a) with (b) to
(a) His name has been cut off the register. (c) of (d) at Ans- (c)
(b) His name has been struck off the register. o e¨vL¨v:
(c) Both a + b 180. He has no ambition ___ worldly things. (Zvi
(d) None Ans- b RvMwZK wRwb‡mi Rb¨ †Kvb D”PvKv•ÿv †bB)
167. Hurry up! We have to go ___ five minutes. (a) to (b) of
(a) in (b) by (c) on (d) for Ans- d
(c) within (d) at o e¨vL¨v Ambition for (‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨) D”PvKv•ÿv|
(e) for Ans-c †hgb- I am not ambitious ___ fame. Ans:
168. Water is changed ___ vapour.
(a) in (b) into for.Ambition of (‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨) D”PvKv•ÿx| I
(c) to (d) at. Ans-b have no ambition ___ fame. (of) (Avwg mybv‡gi Rb¨
169. We should be alive ___ our problems. D”PvKv•ÿx bB)
(a) to (b) by 181. The dog ran ___ the road. (along)
(c) on (d) for Ans- a o Along – eivei e¨eüZ nq| KzKziwU iv¯Ív eivei †`․‡o
o e¨vL¨v : Alive to To be aware of †Mj|
170. He discourages me ___ to borrow. 182. The train runs ___ time. (on)
(a) from borrowing o e¨vL¨v : In time = ঴মময়র আমগ। On time =
(b) of borrowing যথা঴মময়। To time = ঴মময়র ঴ামথ ঴ামঞ্জস্য চরমখ|
(c) on borrowing
(d) None Ans a 183. My father was in hospital for six weeks ___ the
171. They were charged ___ receiving stolen goods. summer. Ans: during. (not in summer)
(a) of (b) with o e¨vL¨v : †Kvb NUbv PjvKvjxb mgq‡i e¨wß †evSv‡Z during
(c) in (d) for Ans-b e‡m|
172. Choose the correct sentence ---
(a) The matter was informed to the police. 184. He entrusted his nephew ___ the task. (with)
(b) The police was informed of the matter. o e¨vL¨v : Entrust with ‡Kvb `vwqZ¡ Ac©Y Kiv|
(c) The police were informed of the matter. 185. He arrived ___ a decision at last. (at) Ae‡k‡l †m
(d) None of these Ans-c GKUv wm×v‡šÍ †c․uQ‡jv|
173. Choose the correct sentence ---
(a) You are mistaken in holding this view. (b)
o e¨vL¨v : Arrive at ‡c․uQv‡bv| ‡hgb The minister
arrived___a decision/ a conclusion/ an
You are mistaken to hold this view.
agreement last night.
(c) Both
(d) None Ans-a 186. We need two hundred dollars ___ this to pay
174. Rita sat on the corner of the table ___ the door. for everything.
(a) by (b) near (a) beside (b) besides
(c) beside (d) to. Ans-c (c) as well (d) also Ans-b
175. He was guilty ___ contempt of the court. o e¨vL¨v : Besides e¨ZxZ| beside cv‡k|
(a) of (b) for
(c) at (d) to Ans-a 187. The intellectual can no longer be said to live
176. Graff looked in awesome form as she cruised ___ the margins of society. (Ans- beyond)
___ an easy 6-2, 6-1 and 6-1 victory. o e¨vL¨v : Beyond AwZµg Kwiqv|
(a) on (b) over
188. The mob (D”Q…•Lj RbZv) ___ dispersed.
(c) in (d) to. Ans-d
(a) have (b) has
177. We were horrified ___ what we saw. (by)
(c) is (d) are Ans- a, b
o e¨vL¨v : Horrified by upset (nZvk). o e¨vL¨v : In American English, Collective nouns
178. He got his spectacles ___.
(e.g mob, jury, team, committee etc) always
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 40 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
take a singular verb. In British English, (a) on (b) at
collective nouns can be followed by both (c) upon (d) in Ans- d
singular and plural verbs. o e¨vL¨v : Trust in to have confidence in
189. Almost everyone fails___on the first try. someone or something (‡Kvb wKQz ev e¨w³i
(a) in passing his driver‟s test Dci Av¯’v ivLv) Z_¨m~Î www.
(b) to his driver‟s test, Trust with
(c) to have passed his driver‟s test KvD‡K wek^vmf‡i Ac©Y Kiv|
(d) passing his driver‟s test Ans.a 199. His wife is jealous ___ him and she follows
o e¨vL¨v : Fail in cixÿvq DËxY© n‡Z e¨_© nIqv| ‡Kvb him everywhere he goes.
wKQz Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqv †evSv‡Z fail Gi c‡i in + v-ing (a) with (b) at
A_ev infinitive (to + V1) e‡m| (c) of (d) about
190. I forbade him ___ going. Ans: from. (not to go) o e¨vL¨v : Jealous of unhappy because
someone has something that you would
191. I forbid you ___ smoke in my presence. (to) like or can do something that you would
(not from smoking) like to do. ‡hgb Other girls were jealous
192. All the good qualities are embodied ___ my of her good looks.
teacher. (in)
200. He sat there brooding ___ whether life was
o e¨vL¨v : Embody in Represent in bodily from. worth-living.
‡hgb- Its primary purpose was to embody in (a) on (b) in
statutory form the commonlaw principle of (c) over (d) at/of. Ans- c
equal treatment under like circumstances,
201. Officials who are destitute ___ sympathy don‟t
and to provide machinery for enforcement. have incentive ___ work hard.
193. The Prime Minister will ___ his cabinet ___ (a) of, in (b) against, to
next few days. (c) in, against (d) of, to Ans- d
(a) expand, by (b) expand, with o e¨vL¨v : Destitute of Devoid of (Afve, k~b¨)
(c) enlarge, at (d) liberal, to Ans- a Incentive to A thing that motivates or
194. It did not occur ___ my mind at any time. encourages someone to do something.
(a) on (b) in 202. The quality of his painting has fallen ___
(c) to (d) in Ans- c greatly.
195. His body was committed ___ grave. (a) off (b) in
(a) on (b) to (c) in (d) down Ans- a
(c) into (d) with. Ans- b o e¨vL¨v : fall off A decrease in something.
o Committed to A½xKvie×/cÖwZkÖæwZe×| 202. Honesty is indispensable ___ success.
196. Kajal returned ___ London ___ plane ___ (a) to (b) for
Dhaka. (c) at (d) of Ans- a
(a) in, by, from 203. You should drive the car at a speed compatible
(b) from, by, to ___ safety.
(c) to, by, from (a) to (b) for
(d) at, by, in Ans- b (c) at (d) with Ans- d
197. Youth is impatient ___ restraint. o e¨vL¨v:Compatible with mym½Z, Dchy³, mvgÄm¨c~Y©|
(a) of (b) at 204. He despaired ___ success. (‡m mdjZvi e¨vcv‡i
(c) to (d) none Ans- a wbivk)
o e¨vL¨v : Impatient of Intolerant of (Amwnòz, (a) in (b) with
•ah©nxb)| (c) for (d) of. Ans- d
198. My friend reposed his trust ___ me. o e¨vL¨v : Despair of ‡Kvb wKQzi e¨vcv‡i wbivk nIqv|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 41 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o e¨vL¨v : Equal to K‡g© mgZzj¨| Equal in c`gh©v`vq
205. We dispensed ___ his services. mgZzj¨| Equal wih e¨w³i mgZzj¨|
(a) with (b) for 213. Are you doing anything special ___ the
(c) of (d) in Ans- a weekend?
o e¨vL¨v : Dispense with somebody/something (a) at (b) on
‡Kvb wKQz ev e¨w³ n‡Z gy³ nIqv ev wb¯Ívi cvIqv| (c) in (d) for Ans- a
206. He infused a new spirit ___ the army. o e¨vL¨v : at Gi we‡kl e¨envi: at the top, at the
(a) in (b) into weekend, at work, at present, at midnight, at
(c) at (d) upon. Ans- b the bus shop, at the same tome.
o e¨vL¨v : Infuse (sth) into (sb) mÂvi Kiv, o w`‡bi mswÿß Ask †evSv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- at dawn, at
cwic~Y© Kiv| noon, at dusk, at midday.
207. The two brothers show resemblance ___ each o wbw`©ó †Kvb mgq D‡jøL Ki‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- at 8.00
other. a.m.
(a) to (b) with 214. The novelist is observant ___ public feeling.
(c) for (d) at. Ans- a (a) for (b) at
o e¨vL¨v Resemblance to mv`„k¨| (c) to (d) of Ans- d
208. I am entitled ___ a share in the profit. (Avgvi o e¨vL¨v Observant of ch©‡eÿK, g‡bv‡hvMx|
jf¨vs‡k AwaKvi Av‡Q|
215. He objects ___ having to go to so many parties.
(a) with (b) for
(c) to (d) in Ans- c
o e¨vL¨v Entitled to ‡Kvb wKQz cvIqvi AwaKvi ivLv| o e¨vL¨v : Object to Kv‡iv e¨vcv‡i AvcwË Kij| Mr.
Trump objected to his proposal.(Uªv¤ú Zvi cÖ¯Ív‡e
209. I have a savings account ___ AB Bank. AvcwË Ki‡jv)|
(a) in (b) at
216. He had a severe attack ___ fever. (of)
(c) with (d) of Ans- c
o e¨vL¨v Account with ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z wnmve _vKv| 217. We‟ve recently entered ___ an agreement with
the Inland Co-operative society. (into)
210. How did you get an appointment ___ Dr. Sue?
(Kxfv‡e Zzwg Dr. Sue Gi mvÿvr †c‡qwQ‡j?)
o e¨vL¨v: Enter into (something) Av‡jvPbv/Pzw³‡Z
cÖ‡ek Kiv|
(a) to (b) with
(c) at (d) by Ans. b 218. Are we sufficiently insured ___ fire?
o e¨vL¨v Appointment with Dr. Sue Dr. Sue Gi (a) for (b) at
mv‡_ mvÿvrKvi| ‡hgb I have an appointment (c) against (d) from Ans- c
with Hashim Amla at Johansberg. (‡RvnvÝev‡M© 219. Don‟t_____the face of any person.
nvwkg Avgjvi mv‡_ Avgvi mvÿvrKvi Av‡Q) (a) on (b) at
211. He was smiling ___ himself and did not answer (c) in (d) to Ans- c
my question. o e¨vL¨v: Stare in the face gyLgЇji w`‡K ZvKv‡bv|
(a) with (b) on Stare at (a person) – KviI w`‡K ZvKv‡bv|
(c) at (d) to Ans- d
220. I was moved to tears ___ sorrow.
o e¨vL¨v : Smile on cÖmbœ nIqv| †hgb : Fortune (a) at (b) of
smiled on him at last. (A‡e‡k‡l fvM¨ Zvi cÖwZ cÖmbœ (c) by (d) with Ans- b
n‡jv) Smile at ‡Kvb wKQz Øviv Avbw›`Z nIqv| †hgb-
She smiled at the joke. Smile to Felt pleased. 221. Swimming is conducive ___ health.
Self _vK‡j to nq| (a) for (b) to
(c) of (d) against Ans- b
212. He was equal ___ the task. (‡m KvRwUi
mg‡hvM¨Zvm¤úbœ wQj)| o e¨vL¨v : Be Conducive to Useful (DcKvix)|
(a) to (b) for †hgb Earrly rising is conducive to health.
(c) with (d) of Ans-a 222. Starvation stared us ___ the face.
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 42 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
(a) in (b) at o w`b ev Zvwi‡Li Av‡M on e‡m| †hgb- On Thursday,
(c) on (d) of Ans- a On June 26, On Eid day.
o e¨vL¨v : Stare in the face gyLgЇji w`‡K ZvKv‡bv| 233. She sympathized _______ me.
Stare at (a person) – KviI w`‡K ZvKv‡bv| (a) on (b) at
(c) in (d) with Ans- d
223. The police are enquiring ___ his connections
with the criminals.
o e¨vL¨v : Sympathize with- Kv‡iv mv‡_/‡Kv‡bv
(a) on (b) for NUbvq mnvbyf~wZ cÖ`k©b| Sympathy on- ‡Kvb NUbv
(c) into (d) over Ans- c ev `yN©Ubvi Rb¨ mg‡e`bv cÖKvk Kiv| Sympathy
o e¨vL¨v : Enquire into ‡Kvb wel‡q Z`šÍ Kiv| for- ‡Kvb NUbvi cÖwZ mnvbyf~wZ cÖ`k©b|
224. The two companies consolidated ___ greater 234. Mike Hasi is absent _____ the class.
efficiency. (a) to (b) by
(a) on (b) for (c) in (d) from Ans- d
(c) with (d) at Ans- b o e¨vL¨v : Absent from- Abycw¯’Z _vKv|
o e¨vL¨v : Consolidate for fvj D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwÎZ 235.He complied ____ her request. (‡m Zvi Aby‡iva
Kiv| †g‡b wb‡q‡Q)
(a) on (b) to
225. We dispensed ___ his services.
(c) by (d) with Ans- d
(a) with (b) in
(c) of (d) at. Ans- a o e¨vL¨v : Comply with sb Sb ‡K †g‡b Pjv|
o e¨vL¨v : Dispense with (sb/sth) gy³ nIqv, 236. The Judge acquitted him ____ the charge.
wb¯Ívi cvIqv| (a) of (b) on
(c) in (d) from Ans- a
226. The case is ___ trial. Ans- on.
o e¨vL¨v : KvD‡K †Kvb †`vl ev Awf‡hvM n‡Z gyw³ †`Iqv
227. The case never came ___ trial. Ans- to. A‡_© Acquit sb/sth of e‡m|
228. He is ___ trial. Ans- on.
237. ÔJustification for‟ – Gi mwVK A_© †KvbwU?
229. The food is not ___ my taste. (a) mg_©b (b) wePvi
(a) on (b) in (c) gšÍe¨ (d) ZK© Ans- a
(c) to (d) with Ans c
238. She was so constant ______ me !
230. The Cow lives ____ grass.
(a) off (b) of
(a) on (b) in
(c) with (d) to Ans- d
(c) to (d) the Ans a
o e¨vL¨v : Live on ‡L‡q Rxeb aviY Kiv| o e¨vL¨v : ÔShe was so constant to me‟ evK¨wU John
Keats Gi ÔOde to Sorrow‟ KweZvq cvIqv hvq| GLv‡b
231. He is hanker ____ money. KviI cÖwZ wek^vmx A‡_© Constant to e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
(a) after (b) in 239.Mr. Anderson lives ____ honest means ?
(c) to (d) the Ans a (a) on (b) at
o e¨vL¨v : Hanker A_© jvjvwqZ nIqv ev †jvf Kiv| (c) in (d) by Ans- d
Hanker Gi ci after/for sth Qvov Ab¨ †Kvb o e¨vL¨v : Live on ‡L‡q evuPv, Live at ‡QvU ¯’v‡b evm
Preposition e‡m bv| Kiv, Live in eo ¯’v‡b evm Kiv Ges Live
232. I will be free ____ the afternoon. by Abykvmb †g‡b Pjv| Ack‡b Honest kãwU _vKvq
(a) on (b) in Abykvmb †g‡b Pjv mwVK|
(c) at (d) of Ans b 240. You should have a limit ____ your demands.
o e¨vL¨v : Longer parts of the day Gi mvg‡b in e‡m| a) on (b) to
‡hgb- in the morning, in the afternoon, in the (c) in (d) for Ans- a
evening. o e¨vL¨v : Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary
o w`‡bi mswÿß Ask †evSv‡Z at e‡m| †hgb- at dawn, at Abyhvqx limit kãwU hLb restriction A‡_© e¨eüZ nq
noon, at dusk, at midday. ZLb Gici preposition wn‡m‡e on e¨eüZ nq|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 43 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
241. Choose the correct sentence 248. I am offended ____ you ____ your conduct.
(a) Death is preferable than dishonor. (a) with, at (b) with, on
(b) Death is more preferable than dishonor. (c) at, on (d) with, for Ans a
(c) Death is more preferable then dishonor. o e¨vL¨v : Offened with KviI cÖwZ Amš‘ó nIqv|
(d) Death is preferable to dishonor. Ans d Offend at ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z mš‘ó nIqv|
o e¨vL¨v : Prefer, preferable, senior, junior, prior 249. He has recently parted _____ his wife.
BZ¨vw` Latin comparative ¸‡jvi ci to e‡m|
(a) with (b) to
242. Choose the correct sentence. (c) from (d) at Ans c
(a) He was hunged for murder o e¨vL¨v : Parted from somebody KviI †_‡K Avjv`v
(b) He has been hunging for murder ev c„_K nIqv|
(c) He was hanged for murder
(d) He has been hnuged for murder Ans c 250. Which is the appropriate preposition in the
sentence? ÔHe deals ____ rice.‟
o e¨vL¨v : Ôdvuwm †`IqvÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq Hang for. Hang (a) at (b) with
Gi Past Participle Form Hanged. Ô‡Kvb wKQz Szjv‡bvÕ
(c) to (d) in Ans d
A‡_© Hang up e¨eüZ nq|
o e¨vL¨v : Deal in sth ‡Kvb wKQz †ePv‡Kbv/e¨emv Kiv|
243. Frustration results _____ violence. (nZvkv Deal wtith – Av‡jvPbv Kiv/‡gjv‡gkv Kiv/m¤úK© iÿv
mwnsmZvq ch©ewmZ nq) Kiv|
(a) in (b) at
(c) with (d) of Ans a 251. Which one of the following sentence is
o e¨vL¨v : Result from ¯^vfvweKfv‡e cwiYwZ jvf Kiv ev correct?
NUv| Result in ch©ewmZ nIqv/NUv‡bv ev †W‡K Avbv (a) His name has been cut off
(wec`)| (b) His name has been stroke off
(c) His name has been struck off
244. I caught him ______ the ear. The preposition in (d) His name is cut off Ans c
the gap will be
(a) by (b) with
o e¨vL¨v: Cut off AcÖ‡qvRbxq Ask Ô‡K‡U †djvÕ Ges
Struck off Ôev` †`qvÕ| bvg ev` †`qv A‡_© e¨eüZ nq
(c) in (d) of Ans a Struck off.
o e¨vL¨v : Catch somebody by something A_© ‡Kv‡bv
e¨w³‡K †Kvb A½ †hgb nvZ, Kvb cÖf…wZ a‡i Uvbv| 252. Fill in the bland with appropriate preposition.
He takes pride ____ his wealth.
245. Put in suitable preposition. ÔWho did give the (a) on (b) in
money _____ ? (c) at (d) upon Ans b
(a) from (b) to
(c) in (d) of Ans a
o Pround Gi mv‡_ of nq Ges Pride Gi mv‡_ in e¨eüZ
nq| Dfq †ÿ‡ÎB GKB A_© nq, hvi A_© ÔMe©‡eva KivÕ|
o e¨vL¨v : Give something to somebody Ac©Y Kiv
ev Dcnvi wn‡m‡e `vb Kiv| 253. Choose the correct sentence?
(a) He has zest in music
246. Choose the right preposition : ÔWe shall refrain (b) He has zest to music
_____ doing it‟. (c) He has zest for music
(a) from (b) of (d) He has zest at music Ans c
(c) by (d) at Ans a
o e¨vL¨v : Zest for AbyivM| Zvui music Gi cÖwZ AbyivM
o e¨vL¨v : Refrain from weiZ _vKv| Refrain Gi mv‡_ Av‡Q †evSv‡Z Ackb (c) n‡e mwVK DËi|
by, of, at e‡m bv|
254. Man has no escape ____ death. (gvbyl g„Zz¨ Gov‡Z
247. Fill in the blank with the correct choice How cv‡i bv)
much did you _____ the book? (a) before (b) from
(a) Pay (b) paid (c) in (d) by Ans- b
(c) Pay for (d) pay on Ans c o e¨vL¨v : Escape from cvwj‡q hvIqv ev Gov‡bv| g„Zz¨
o e¨vL¨v : Pay for g~j¨ cwi‡kva Kiv ev `vg †`Iqv| Awbevh© nIqvq Ackb (b) mwVK DËi|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 44 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
255. Early rising is beneficial ___ health. either-----or, neither----nor, but, yet, still,
(a) for (b) to nevertheless, so, therefore, that, so that, if,
(c) on (d) of Ans- b though, as, because, when, where, since,
o e¨vL¨v : Beneficial to DcKvix| before, after, till, until, unless, as if etc. মমন
256.What you talking _____? রাখমত্ ঵মব : Conjunction এর মাধ্যমম একাদধ্ক
(a) in (b) at বামকযর ঴ংমযাজন, দবময়াজন ঵ময় একদট বামকয পদরণ্ত্ ঵য়।
(c) on (d) about Ans- d চ঴টা পরীক্ষাথেীমির দচন্ত ার দব঳য় নয়, পরীক্ষাথেীমির MCQ
এর চক্ষমত্র প্রিত্ত ৪ (চার) দট অপলন চথমক
o e¨vL¨v : Talk about/of something ‡Kvb wel‡q
Av‡jvPbv Kiv ev Av‡jvPbvi welqe¯‘| Talk at Rev‡ei Conjunction এর লেদট খুাঁমজ চবর করমত্ ঵মব প্রমশ্নর
cÖwZ KY©cvZ bv K‡i KviI mv‡_ K_v ejv| mwVK DËi চাদ঵িা অনু঴ামর। দনমচ গুরুত্বপূণ্ে দনয়ম আম঱াচনা করা ঵ম঱া:
Ackb (d)| 02. The vegetable were fresh _____ they were
257. The customer gets what he pays _______. tasty. (kvKmeRx¸‡jv ZvRv Ges my¯^v`y wQj)
(a) from (b) off (a) since (b) for
(c) at (d) for Ans- d (c) because (d) and Ans- d
o e¨vL¨v : Pay for ‡Kvb `ªe¨, e¯‘ ev †mevi wecix‡Z o e¨vL¨v : And & But : Compound sentence এ
KvD‡K UvKv †`Iqv| ঴মজাত্ীয় দব঳য়মক যুি করমত্ and ( ঴ংমযাজন)
258.It‟s impolite to break _____ when someone বযব঵ার করা ঵য় এবং রৃদট দবপরীত্ দব঳য়মক যুি করমত্
else is talking. but ( দবময়াজন) বযব঵ার করা ঵য়। wb‡Pi D`vniYwU
(a) in (b) into ‡`Lyb
(c) on (d) off Ans- a
03. The boy is intelligent ____ very poor. (‡m
o e¨vL¨v : Break in n¯Í‡ÿc Kiv/evuav †`Iqv| Break eyw×gvb, wKš‘ Mixe)
into ‡Rvic~e©K cÖ‡ek Kiv, Break off nVvr †_‡g (a) since (b) as
hvIqv| (c) when (d) but Ans- d
259. Fill in the blanks : She aspires ____ a scientific 04. চজমন রাখুন : দকছু দকছু লে আমছ যারা বযব঵ার চভমি
(a) to (b) for
Preposition অথবা adverb অথবা Conjuction
(c) from (d) by Ans- a দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵মত্ পামর। চযমন: before, after,

o e¨vL¨v : Aspire to AwZwi³ AvKv•ÿv Kiv ev D”PvKv•ÿv since, for etc.

ZvwoZ nIqv| o We moved to Mecca before holy pilgrim.
The o I have seen him before. (Adverb)
o I always feed the children before I have
Conjunction dinner. (Conjuction)
01. A conjunction is a part of speech that ___ 05. They suffered much ____ tornado had hit
thoughts. (e¨vsKvm© wiµzU‡g›U KwgwU 98) their village. (31Zg wewmGm)
(a) describes (b) joins (a) until (b) since
(c) modifies (d) scrutinizes Ans- b (c) let alone (d) as if Ans- b
o e¨vL¨v : চয word রৃই বা ত্মত্াদধ্ক লে বা বাকযমক যুি o e¨vL¨v : Since : Past Indefinite Tense (Sub +
কমর, ত্ামক Conjunction বম঱। অথে ও পদরদস্থদত্মভমি V2 + Extension) + Since (Zvici †_‡K/ZLb
দবদভন্ন Conjunctions দবদভন্নভামব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়। রৄধ্ু †_‡K) + Past Perfect Tense. Since Gi AviI
পরীক্ষার জন্য গুরুত্বপূণ্ে দকছু Conjunction এর বযব঵ার GKwU e¨envi †`Lyb
আমামির জানা উদচৎ।
06. Much water has followed through the
o চয ঴ক঱ লে একাদধ্ক sentences, clauses, Ganges _____ I left you.
phrases অথবা word চক যুি কমর, চ঴ ঴ক঱ লেমক (a) until (b) since
Conjunction বম঱। চযমন : and, as well as, or, (c) let alone (d) as if Ans- b
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 45 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
o e¨vL¨v : Present Perfect Tense (Sub + (a) whether (b) in case
have/has + V3 + Extension) + Since (ZLb (c) unless (d) perhaps Ans b
†_‡K/Zvici †_‡K) + Past Indefinite Tense. o e¨vL¨v : In case (hw`) c~e© mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Kiv
07. Water boils _____ you heat it to 100 0 A‡_© Ôhw`Õ A‡_© In case kãwU hv NUvi Avk¼v/
m¤¢vebv cÖKvk Kiv n‡”Q ‡mB ev‡K¨i c~‡e© e‡m|
centirgrade. (24Zg wewmGm)
(a) unless (b) until 13. Choose the correct answer. How long did
(c) if (d) although Ans- c you wait? (10g wewmGm)
o e¨vL¨v : If (hw`) : fwel¨r m¤¢vebv/Abygvb Ki‡Z hw` (a) Till much time
Ôhw`Õ A‡_© If e¨eüZ nq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ kZ© wb‡`©kK (b) Untill six o‟clock
As‡ki c~‡e© If kãwU Ôhw`Õ A‡_© e‡m‡Q | (c) Till he came
(d) Since this morning Ans c
08. We need two hundred dollars ______this
to pay for everything. (24Zg evwZj wewmGm) o e¨vL¨v : Till/Untill (hZÿY bv, †Kv‡bv mgq ch©šÍ)
(a) as well (b) also ev‡K¨i kZ© wb‡`©kK As‡ki c~‡e© ÔhZÿY bvÕ, Ô‡Kv‡bv
(c) beside (d) besides Ans- d mgq ch©šÍÕ A‡_© Till/Untill e¨eüZ nq|
o e¨vL¨v : Besides (e¨ZxZ): ev‡K¨i A‡_©i Dci wbf©i 14. Tamim Iqbal is _____ a famous cricketer,
K‡i Besides kãwU Ôe¨ZxZÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq| ______ a famous actor.
09. _______ glass is, for all practical purpose, (a) not only, also
a solid, its molecular structure is that of a (b) not only, but also
liquid. (20Zg wewmGm) (c) but only, not also
(a) although (b) since (d) None Ans b
(c) because (d) if Ans- a o e¨vL¨v : Not only____ but also (ïay GUvB
bqÑÑÑHUvI) : GKwU ev‡K¨ GKB Subject Gi `ywU
10. I could not sleep ________ very tired. •ewkó¨ mshy³ Kiv †ÿ‡Î GK As‡k Not only em‡j,
(35Zg wewmGm wjwLZ) Aci As‡k but also e‡m| †hgb The car not
(a) although I was only is economical but also feels good to
(b) in spite of drive.
(c) despite
(d) despite I was Ans a 15. He did not study hard; nevertheless he
o e¨vL¨v : Although, Though (hw`I, Z_vwc): `ywU passed the examination.
Clause hw` GKwU ev‡K¨ wecixZgywLZv †evSvq, (a) whether (b) nevertheless
Zvn‡j Ôhw`IÕ, ÔZ_vwcÕ A‡_© Although, Though (c) unless (d) perhaps Ans b
e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb Although he is poor, he is o e¨vL¨v : Nevertheless (Z_vwc, ZeyI, m‡Ë¡I) :
honest. (যদিও চ঴ গরীব, ত্বুও চ঴ ঴ৎ)| GKwU ev‡K¨ `ywU wecixZgyLx Clause e¨eüZ n‡j
Zv‡`i ms‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ ÔZ_vwcÕ, ÔZeyIÕ, Ôm‡Ë¡IÕ A‡_©
11. Prices for bicycles can run ____Tk.20,000. Nevertheless kãwU e¨eüZ nq|
(18Zg wewmGm)
(a) as high as (b) so high as 16. The weather is hot; moreover, the air is
(c) as high to (d) as high for Ans- a humid. (AvenvIqv Mig, Gi Dci evZvm n‡jv
o e¨vL¨v : As___as, so/as___as : Zzjbv Kivi Rb¨ Av`ª©)|
n¨vu-‡evaK ev‡K¨ As___as Ges bv-‡evaK ev‡K¨ (a) whether (b) moreover
so/as___as e¨eüZ nq| (c) unless (d) perhaps Ans b
o e¨vL¨v: Moreover AwaKš‘|
The right word to fill in the gap of the
17. We wanted to meet him. However, he
following sentence – arrived late. (Avgiv Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z
12. ‘Give her a telephone number to †P‡qwQjvg| wKš‘, wZwb †`wi‡Z †c․u‡QwQ‡jb|)
ring_____she gets lost.‟
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 46 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
(a) whether (b) moreover 22. He should do his homework,___ he never
(c) unless (d) perhaps Ans b does it. (Zv‡K Zvi evwoi KvR Kiv DwPr, A_P †m
o e¨vL¨v : However ÔhvB †nvKÕ, ÔwKš‘Õ A‡_© KLbB †m GwU K‡i bv)
However `ywU evK¨‡K mshy³ Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq| a) despite (b) yet
(c) only (d) whereas Ans b
18. I had to go Dhaka____ my sister‟s
marriage. (ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡q e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 06)
o e¨vL¨v : Yet (Zrm‡Ë¡I) : ev‡K¨ hv ejv n‡q‡Q Zvi
mv‡_ Avðh©RbK Z_¨ hy³ Ki‡Z yet (Zrm‡Ë¡I)
(a) because (b) because of
e¨eüZ nq|
(c) due to (d) as Ans b
o e¨vL¨v : Because & Because of (KviY) : 23. Run fast, ____ you should miss the train.
Phrase Gi c~‡e© because of Ges Clause Gi c~‡e© a) if (b) lest
because e‡m| Because of ‡h ev‡K¨ e‡m †m (c) because (d) nor Ans b
ev‡K¨i MVb – Because of + Noun/Noun o e¨vL¨v : Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_© Lest
phrase. ‡hgb Because of his obtstinancy e¨eüZ nq| ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub
(GK¸‡qwg), we could not reach conclusion. + should/might + verb + extension. ‡hgb
Hurry up lest you might be late for
19. We were delayed _____ a traffic jam. examination.
(a) because
(b) because there was 24. We have been working hard _____ we can
(c) due to win this year‟s challenge. (Dc‡Rjv
(d) because it is Ans b †cv÷gv÷vi 10)
o e¨vL¨v : Because (KviY) : Clause Gi c~‡e© a) so (b) because
because e‡m| Because ‡h ev‡K¨ e‡m †m ev‡K¨i (c) that (d) so that Ans d
MVb – _____ Because + Subject + Verb/ o e¨vL¨v: So that/ in order to – Ô‡hbÕ/ Ôhv‡ZÕ A‡_©
Because/there + verb + …. ‡hgb It was †Kvb Kv‡Ri djvdj wn‡m‡e wb‡`©k Ki‡Z So that/in
difficult to see clearly because it was order to e¨eüZ nq|
raining. 25. He speaks _____ he knew everything.
20. You many accept the job on offer ___ you a) as if (b) because
may wait for a better job. (8g cÖfvlK (c) that (d) so that Ans a
wbeÜb 12) o e¨vL¨v : As if/As though (‡hb) : wb‡Pi `ywU
(a) and (b) or ev‡K¨i MVb jÿ¨ Kiæb|
(c) till (d) but Ans b o Rule : Present Indefinite + af if/as though +
o e¨vL¨v: Or ÔA_evÕ, ÔwKsevÕ A‡_© †Kvb wKQzi weKí Past Indefinite. ‡hgb He looked as if he
†evSv‡Z Ôor‟ e¨eüZ nq| knew the answer.
o Rule : Present Indefinite/Past Indefinite + as
21. _______ hard labor, he could not prosper. if/as though + Subject + were + extension.
k~b¨¯’vb c~iY Kiæb| ‡hgb He treated me as if I were a child.
(a) In spite of
(b) In view of 26. ______ his parents allow him ____ not,
(c) In liew of Sumaiya intends to go to party.
(a) because _____ of not
(d) In the light of Ans b
(b) Whether ____ or not
o e¨vL¨v: In spite of/ Despite (m‡Ë¡I) : Despite/ (c) As _________ if not
In spite of me©`vB Ôm‡Ë¡IÕ A‡_© Noun/Noun (d) because _____ not Ans b
Phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m| AviI GKwU D`vniY †`Lyb 27. e¨vL¨v : Whether ____ or not (`ywUi g‡a¨ †h
Despite all his attempt to solve the †Kvb GKwU †evSv‡Z) : mygvBqv‡K Zvui wcZv-gvZv
problem, he failed. AbygwZ w`K ev bv w`K, †m cvwU©‡Z †hvM w`‡Z AvMÖnx|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 47 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ

⋰ B ☼ Idioms & Phrases ⋱

ববদলষ্টয Idiom Phrase
ধ্রন Subject এবং Finite Verb দব঵ীন লেগুি
প্রকৃদত্ Sentence এর একদট অংল (Parts of Speech) দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ ঵য়।
অথে লেগুম঱ার দনজস্ব অথে চথমক আ঱ািা। লেগুম঱ার দনজস্ব অথে চথমকই চবর করা যায়
D`vniY „White elephant‟ একদট idiom যার অথে ‘বযয়঴াধ্য’। এখামন “No easy task‟ একদট Phrase যার অথে
„white‟ বা ‘elephant‟ চকামনা লমের অথেই প্রকাল পায় দন। ‘঴঵জ কাজ নয়’। এখামন আক্ষদরক অথেই প্রকাল
বরং লেগুিটা ঴ম্পূণ্ে আ঱ািা একটা অথে প্রকাল কমরমছ। করমছ।

01. He worked with all sincerity. [৩৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]  e¨vL¨v : Prepositional Clause Preposition
a. adjective phrase w`‡q ïiæ nq Ges m¤ú~Y©Uv wg‡j GKUv Preposition
b. Verbal phrase Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i| †hgb He stood in front of
c. Prepositional phrase me. He could not come on account of
d. Adverbial phrase Ans d illness.
o e¨vL¨v : Adverbial Phrase Adverb Gi KvR 03. I have no kith and kin in this town. (Kviv
K‡i A_©vr Verb ‡K modify K‡i| GB Phrase ZË¡veavqK wb‡qvM cixÿv 2000)
QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ (a) adjective phrase
Underlined AskUzKz ev` w`‡jI A_© cÖKvk cvq (b) noun phrase
(He worked ‡m KvR K‡iwQj)| GQvovI (c) adjective phrase
Clause wU (with all sincerity) Verb (work) (d) prepositional phrase Ans b
‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZiv GwU GKwU Adverbial
Clause. AviI D`vniY †`Lyb I want it at this e¨vL¨v mwVK DËi (b)
moment. o Noun Clause : Noun word র্ামক। ‡hgb
Short-Cut : Verb ‡K How, Where, When, Why Khairul is a man of letters.
Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverbial Phrase cvIqv hvq| o Noun এর কাজ কমর। ‡hgb I have no kith and
kin in this town.
Interjectional o Determiner, Preposition এর পর বম঴| ‡hgb
Phrase His going home is uncertain.
Phrase o এই Phrase ছািা বামকযর অথে প্রকাল পায় না| ‡hgb
Phrase He likes to play tennis.
Phrase Adjective
Prepositional Phrase 04. A man in great difficulties came to me for
Phrase help. (_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi 1999)
Adverbial Verbal (a) adjective phrase
Phrase phrase (b) noun phrase
(c) adjective phrase
Kinds of Phrases (d) prepositional phrase Ans c
o e¨vL¨v : Adjective phrase Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m
02. We were waiting for the bus. (28Zg noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgb The tree in
wewmGm) front of my house has been cut down.
(a) adjective phrase o GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| †hgb
(b) Verbal phrase The man in the street knows it.
(c) Prepositional phrase
(d) Adverbial phrase Ans c
o GQvovI Phrase wU‡Z Adjective word _v‡K|
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 48 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
05. Habiba looks after her parents. Here the o e¨vL¨v: Conjunctional Phrase Conjunction
underlined phrase is Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i| ev‡K¨ as well as, as soon as,
(a) adjective phrase as if/as though, as far as, no sooner had___
(b) noun phrase than, scarcely had___ when, Hardly had
(c) verbal phrase ___ before, either ___ or, neither ___ nor,
(d) prepositional phrase Ans c not only ____ but also BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
o e¨vL¨v : Verbal Phrase : Verb Gi mv‡_ †hgb Come as soon as you can. No sooner
Preposition wg‡j bZzb A_©‡evaK Verb ‣Zwi K‡i| had he left the place than the fire broke.
Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ look GKwU verb hvi mv‡_ Not only he but also his brothers were
Preposition (after) hy³ n‡q bZzb A_©‡evaK kã present.
(look after ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv) •Zwi K‡i‡Q| 07. What a pity ! the man is dead. Here the
†hgb The Police look into the case. underlined phrase is
06. Fahim as well as his fridends had decided (a) interjectional phrase
to leave London. Here Ôas well as‟ is (Kviv (b) noun phrase
ZË¡veavqK ¯^ivóª gš¿Yvjq 2010) (c) verbal phrase
(a) adjective phrase (d) Conjuctional phrase Ans a
(b) noun phrase o e¨vL¨v : Interjectional Phrase g‡bi g‡a¨
(c) verbal phrase AvKw¯§K Av‡eM cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb Good
(d) Conjuctional phrase Ans d heavens ! G‡`i c‡i Av‡eMm~PK wPý (!) _v‡K|

08. „Once in a blue moon‟ means-

Idioms & Phrases [৩৮ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
a. always
Idioms & Phrases বাং঱া অর্য Meaning in English
b. very rarely
ABC/ Three R‟s প্রাথদমক জ্ঞান Basic knowledge c. nearly
A bad egg রৃশ্চদরত্র/ দনষ্কমো A person who can‟t create d. hourly Ans b
A bed of roses পুষ্পলযযা A comfortable situation 09. „Take the bull by the horns‟
A bed of thorns কন্টকলযযা A discomfort situation means- [৩৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
A big dram খুবই আক঳েণ্ীয় A huge attractive a. To challenge the enemy
with courage
A bird of passage ভ্রামযমাণ্ বযদি a migratory bird
b. Force the enemy to submit
A black look রিচক্ষু angry
c. Surrender before the enemy
A black sheep কু঱াোর Scoundrels, wicked man d. Out of one‟s wit Ans a
A bolt from the দবনা চমমঘ বজ্রপাত্ Unexpected something
blue 10. The phrase „Achilles heel‟
A bull market চলয়ার বাজামর Rising of share market means- [৩৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
ঊধ্েগদত্ a. a strong point
A close-fisted man কৃপণ্ A great miser b. a permanent point
A dog‟s life দনম্ন জীবনযাপন an unhappy existence c. a weak point
d. a serious idea Ans c
A fantasy কল্পকাদ঵নী/ an imaginary story
রূপকথা 11. „To do away with‟ means-
A fish out of water অস্বদস্তকর অবস্থা An unsuitable environment [৩৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
A fool's paradise মূমখের স্বগে In a state of care free a. to repeat
happiness b. to start
A foregone অনুদমত্ ি঱াি঱ An anticipated result c. to get rid of
conclusion d. to drive off Ans c
A gala day আনমের দিন A day of happiness
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 48 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
A green horn অনদভজ্ঞ inexperienced 12. „A maiden speech‟ means-
A household word অদত্ পদরদচত্ Familiar, well known [২৩ত্ম, ২৪ত্ম, ২৬ত্ম এবং
৩৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
A jaundiced eye দবমদ্ব঳ভরা চচাখ/ A biased view
a. First speech
b. Final speech
A little bit ঴ামান্য few
c. Middle speech Ans a
A lot/ A great deal প্রচুর Many, much d. Maid servant‟s speech
A man of দবচারবুদদ্ধ঴ম্পন্ন Judicious person
discretion বযদি 13. „Call to mind‟ means- [৩৩ত্ম
A man of letters পদণ্ডত্ বযদি Scholar দবদ঴এ঴]
A man of parts কমেি বযদি A man of many talents a. fantasize
A man of word এক কথার মানু঳ a truthful person b. attend
A number of দকছু ঴ংখযক A collection of persons/ c. remember
things d. request Ans c
A rainy day রৃদিেন trouble 14. „Pass away‟ means- [৩৩ত্ম
A round dozen পূণ্ে এক ডজন A full dozen দবদ঴এ঴]
A short of miracle জারৃকর Extraordinary power a. disappear
A sleeping partner দনদিয় অংলীিার Silent partner b. die
A slow coach অ঱঴ বযদি Stupid fellow c. erase
A white elephant অকল্পনীয় বযয় costly d. fall Ans b
A white lie/Pack ডা঵া দমথযা a small or harmless lie 15. „Take into account‟ means-
of lies [৩৩ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
After all ঴ব দকছু ঴মত্ত্বও In spite of everything a. count numbers
As a whole চমামটর উপর Altogether, On the whole b. consider
Above criticism ঴মাম঱াচনার ঊমধ্ে Beyond criticism c. assess
Above one's means আময়র অদধ্ক বযয় Beyond one‟s income d. Think seriously Ans b
Achilles heel রৃবে঱ জায়গা A weak point
Acid test অদি পরীক্ষা A conclusive test 16. ‘To end in smoke‟ means-
Ab origine উৎপদত্ত ঵ইমত্ From the beginning [৩৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
Ad hoc দবমল঳ উমেমে For the purpose a. To create fire
Add insult to কাাঁটা ঘাাঁময় নুমনর to worsen an uncomfortable b. To go through suffering
injury দছটা situation c. To come to nothing
d. To see five Ans c
affidavit ঵঱িনামা Written statement
After one‟s own মমনর মত্ To one‟s own liking 17. Only those who are not
heart serious to their success
Again and বারবার Repeatedly, many times, work____and starts. [৩১িম
again/Once Time and again, Over and প্তবপ্ত঴এ঴]
again/Over again over a. long odds
Against the grain অদনিা ঴মত্ত্বও Beyond one‟s will b. against time
Alma mater রৃগ্ধিায়ী মা The sucking mother c. every inch
All along/ Every Completely, thoroughly, d. fits Ans d
inch, From head to Through and through, Word
foot, From top to আগামগািা/আপাি for word 18. ‘To read between the lines‟
bottom, Neck and মস্তক means- [১৭ত্ম ও ৩০ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
crop, Letter and a. to concentrate
spirit b. to suspect
All and sundry ঴ক঱মক Everyone, everything c. to read carefully Ans d
All at once/By ঵িাৎ Suddenly, all of a sudden d. to grasp the hidden
chance meaning
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 49 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
All in all ঴মবে঴বো Of supreme weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ
All but/Every now Nearly, almost, sometimes 19. „To put the cart before the
and then/Ever and প্রায়ই/ মামঝ মামঝ horse‟ means- [৩০ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
anon/ off and on/ a. to offer a person what he
Very often cannot eat
All ears/ All গভীর মমনামযাগী Deeply concentrated b. to force a person to do
attention something
All moonshine বামজ Rubbish, Stuff and nonsense c. to raise obstinate
All out efforts যথা঴ম্ভব involvement of someone's d. to reverse the natural
energy, strength, and order of thing Ans d
All over/ Far and Everywhere, Far and wide
20. „To keep one‟s head‟ means-
[৩০ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
near/ Home and ঴বেত্র
abroad/ Every a. to save oneself
nook and corner b. to be self respectful
c. to keep calm
All the best ঴বোেীন মে঱ Best of luck
d. none of these Ans c
কামনা করা
All the better আরও ভাম঱া so much the better 21. The bad news struck him like
All the same একই Similar to, same a bolt from the_____[২৯ত্ম
All the while ঴ারাক্ষণ্ Always দবদ঴এ঴]
An estimate of the অনুমান A forecast a. sky
value b. heavens
An ordinance অধ্যামিল A law c. firmament
An irony of fate ভামগযর দনমেম Bad luck d. blue Ans a
পদর঵া঴ 22. „To get along with‟ means-
An open question দবত্মকের দব঳য় a matter that is not yet [২৮ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
decided a. To adjust
An open secret উন্মুি র঵স্য/ a supposed secret that is in b. to accompany
঴বাই জামন এমন fact known to many people c. to interest
চগাপনীয় দব঳য় d. To walk Ans a
Anno Domini দিস্টাে In the year of Christian era
23. „Through thick and thin‟
Ante meridian রৃপুমরর আমগ Before noon means- [২৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
Apple of discord/ দববামির দব঳য় Subject of quarrel a. under all conditions
Bone of b. to make thick and thin
contention c. not clear understanding
Apple of one‟s নয়মনর মদণ্ Most favorite d. of great density Ans a
Arm in arm কাাঁমধ্ কাাঁধ্ দমদ঱ময় with arms linked 24. „Bring to pass‟ means-
As a matter of fact প্রকৃত্পমক্ষ Actually ( ২৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
As a result of িম঱ on account of a. cause to destroy
As far as যত্টুকু for as great a distance as b. cause to happen
As good as একই রকম very nearly c. cause to carry out
As long as যত্ক্ষণ্ পযেন্ত so long as d. cause to convince Ans b
As soon as যত্ ত্ািাত্াদি No sooner than 25. „Prior to‟ means-
঴ম্ভব a. after
As the crow flies চ঴াজাপমথ In a straight line b. before
As usual যথারীদত্ habitually c. immediately
As well as একই ঴ামথ/ এবং Along with, and d. during the period Ans b
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 50 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
At a stretch, At a একটানা Without break 26. ‘White elephant‟ means-
time [১০ত্ম ও ২৬ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
At all আমিৌ primarily a. a hoarder
At all events যাই ঘটুক না চকন In all cases b. b. an elephant of white
At any cost/rate চয চকান মূম঱য anyhow colour
At best বি চজার taking the most optimistic c. c. a black marketer
view d. a very costly or
At bottom দভত্মর/ গ঵ীমন at the core troublesome possession
At dead of night গভীর রামত্ At midnight Ans b
At ease অনায়াম঴ easily 27. „Out and out‟ means-
[১১ত্ম ও ২৬ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
At every step পমি পমি Step by step
a. not at all
At finger‟s end নখিপেমণ্ near
b. man of outside
At first sight প্রথম চিখায় on first seeing c. the best
At heart ঴দত্যকার অমথে Actually d. thoroughly Ans d
At home/Good at িক্ষ Expert, well up
At large স্বাধ্ীনভামব indepentdently 28. „First language means
At last অবমলম঳ In the long run the____Language. [২৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
a. important
At least কমপমক্ষ At the lowest
b. main
At length/In fine অবমলম঳/ At last, in conclusion
c. natural
d. official Ans c
At no time কখমনা না never
At one‟s heels পাময় পাময় Close behind 29. The phrase „After one‟s own
At one‟s wit‟s দকংকত্েবযদবমূঢ় perplexed heart‟ means- [২৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
ends a. to be in low spirit
At present বত্েমামন now b. to be in high spirit
At random উমেে঵ীনভামব aimlessly c. with complete devotion
d. to one‟s own liking
At sixes and এম঱ামমম঱া In disorder
Ans d
At stake দবপিাপন্ন In danger 30. ‘Razzmatazz‟ means-
At the bottom of মূম঱ real reason for [২৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
At the eleventh চল঳ মুর৆মত্ে the latest possible moment a. a musical instrument
hour b. a well-planned
At the foot of পািমিমল the lowest part of something programme
At the height of দলখমর Apex c. a noisy activity
d. a musical activity Ans c
At the sight of িৃদষ্ট঴ীমা Upon seeing
At the outset/very রৄরুমত্ই In the beginning, On the eve 31. „Lingua Franca‟ means-
beginning of [২৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
Back and belly ভরণ্- চপা঳ণ্ Bread and butter a. The French Language
Back and forth আগ- দপছু/ এদিক to and fro b. The common language
ওদিক c. Language of brothers
Back up ঴া঵াযয/ ঴মথেন support d. The first language Ans b
Backstairs অননদত্ক প্রভাব Unfair influence 32. He raised his eyebrow at my
influence explanation. Means [২৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴]
Bad blood মমনামাদ঱ন্য Enmity, bitterness, anmosity a. Show surprise or disapproval
Bad egg বামজ A worthless person b. show agreement
Bag and baggage ত্দল্পত্ল্পা঴঵ With all belongings c. show happiness
Base born নীচ বংলজাত্ low birth or origin d. show indifference Ans a
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 51 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
33. „Swan song‟ means- Be on the watch ঴ত্কে থাকা Cautious
( ২৩ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Bear a brave বীরমত্বর ঴মে Face with courage, to
a. First work face/Take the bull চমাকাদব঱া করা challenge the enemy with
b. Last work by the horns courage
c. Middle work Bear away the palm জয়ী ঵ওয়া Be winner, victorious
d. Early work Ans b
Bear in mind মমন রাখা Keep in mind
34. A person whose „head is Bear market মো বাজার Falling price
in the clouds‟ is- (২৩ত্ম Bear a loss ক্ষদত্ স্বীকার করা to make a loss good
দবদ঴এ঴) Bears the brunt চরম চভাগাদন্ত Suffer the most
a. proud Bearish মূ঱যপত্ন A falling price
b. a day dreamer Beat about the bush অযথা বকবক করা/ Avoiding the subject
c. an aviator অন্ধকামর দ ঱ চছাাঁিা
d. useless Ans b Beauty sleep প্রথম প্র঵মরর ঘুম sleep considered to be
35. „Debut‟ means- ( ২৩ত্ম Bed and board খািয ও বা঴স্থান lodging and food
দবদ঴এ঴) BC দিস্টপূবে Before christ
a. first appearance Beg the question অদভমযাগ করা To raise objection
b. conclusion Beggars description অবণ্েনীয় Cannot be descibed
c. contradiction
Behind the scene চগাপমন out of sight
d. gracious response
Behind time চিদরমত্ late
Ans a
Below the salt দনম্নমামনর low
36. „Cul-de-sac‟ means-
( ২২ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Benefit of doubt ঴মে঵াবলত্ doubtedly
a. dead end Beset with ঴মস্যা জজেদরত্ In trouble
b. selection Better half স্ত্রী wife
c. error Between two fires/ উভয় ঴ংকট Difficult situation, in
d. bubble Ans a Between the devil perplexity
and the deep
37. „Parcel‟ means- sea/Horns of a
( ২২ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) dilemma
a. Quarrel Between you and me চত্ামার- আমার In confidence
b. Piece of land মমধ্য
c. Postage Ans b Beyond all doubt ঴মে঵াত্ীত্ভামব Undoubtedly
d. unobstructed view
Beyond all questions দনুঃ঴মেম঵
38. „Ruminant‟ means- Beyond one's means ঴ামধ্যর বাদ঵মর beyond one's income
( ২২ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Bid adies দবিায় ঴ম্ভা঳ণ্ Good bye
a. cud chewing animal Big wig/bug/gun চনত্ৃস্থানীয়/ দবখযাত্ বযদি Powerful man
b. soup Bill of fare খামিযর ত্াদ঱কা a list of dishes at restaurant
c. gossip Bird‟s eye view ভা঴াভা঴া িৃদষ্ট To view in general
d. noise maker Ans a Birds of the same ঴মচদরমত্রর চ঱াক People of the same short
39. We must keep our feather
finger_______that the Black and blue দনিুরভামব mercilessly
weather will stay fine for Black and white দ঱দখত্ভামব In writing
the picnic tomorrow. Blessed with আদলবোি Wishes, pray
( ২২ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Blessing in disguise অপ্রত্যাদলত্ Positive outcome in an
a. raised আদলবোি apparent negative
b. pointed dreamer Block head চবাকা Foolish, stupid
c. lifted Blow for blow ইটদট মারম঱ পাটমক঱দট Tit for tat
d. crossed Ans d চখমত্ ঵য়
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 52 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
40. „Dilly-dally‟ means- Blue blood আদভজাত্য Aristocratic birth
( ২০ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Blue book আিা঱ত্নামা Records of court
a. wait impatiently
Blue chip দনরাপি safe
b. to dilute
Body and soul পদরপূণ্েভামব completely
c. repeat
Bon voyage রৄভ ভ্রমমণ্র প্রত্যালা Wish a good trip
d. waste time Ans d
Bona fide ঴রৃমেমে In good faith
41. „Salarium‟ means- Bone to pick with রাগাদিত্ ঵ওয়া an angry
( ১৮ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Book worm পিুয়া Person who is fond of reading
a. salt Boot leg চচারাচা঱াদন smuggle
b. salary Boring chore দবরদিকর কাজ Tiresome job
c. soldiers
Bosom friend ঘদনি বন্ধু Intimate friend
d. the Salt Road Ans b
Bottom line মূ঱কথা/ ঴ারাংল The essential point
42. „Bill of fare‟ means- Bottom of my heart অন্ত মরর চকিস্থ঱ Core of my heart
( ১৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Bring to book দত্রস্কার করা Insult, rebuke, take to task
a. a chart of bus fare Bread and butter জীদবকা main source of income
b. a price list Break butterfly on মলা মারমত্ কামান To apply an excessive amount
c. a valuable document the wheel িাগা of force to achieve something
d. a list of dishes at minor
restaurant Ans d Break the ice নীরবত্া ভাো To begin to overcome
43. When a person says he‟s formality
„all in‟, it means- ( ১৩ত্ম Bring/Come to life পুনরুজ্জীদবত্ করা
দবদ঴এ঴) Bring/Come to light; প্রকাল করা To disclose, publish
a. He is very tired Come out/Give vent
b. He has finished to
packing Bring to mind/ Call স্ভরণ্ করা To remind
c. He has arrived to mind
d. He has got Bring to pass ঘটা cause to happen
everything Ans a Bring to sense বাস্তবত্া চমমন feeling rationally
44. „A bull market‟ means- চনওয়া
( ১৭ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Broken reed অদবশ্বা঴ী বযদি A non-reliable person
a. falling Brow beating আশ্চযে Showing surprise
b. rising Brown study/Build আকাল- কুসুম দচন্ত া Day dream, meditation, absent
c. a moving castles in the air/ করা/ দিবাস্বপ্ন minded
e. static Ans b Utopian scheme
Brush up উন্নদত্ করা Improve previous knowledge
45. „Blue chip‟s are- ( ১৭ত্ম by study
দবদ঴এ঴) Bull in a china shop পদ্মবমন মস্ত঵স্তী Unbelievable something
a. Securities issued by Buoyant health সুস্থ ঴ব঱ Sound health
the government Burn the candle চবদ঵ম঴মব খরচ Expense without thinking
b. Industrial shares
considered to be a
Burn the candle at অদত্দরি চাপ Overtaxing his energies
safe investment
both ends
c. Industrial shares
Burning question ত্ীব্র দবত্মকের দব঳য় Vital issue
considered to be a
risky investment Bury the hatchet মীমাং঴া করা Make peace
d. Flast plastic By any means/By all চয ভামবই চ঵াক By all, By hook or by crook
counters used as means, By fair
money tokens means or foul
Ans b
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 53 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ By and by ক্রমমক্রমম eventually
46. „A fantasy‟ is- ( ১৬ত্ম By and large অদধ্কাংল mostly
দবদ঴এ঴) By means of উপাময় with the help of; by using
a. an imaginary story By contrast ত্ু঱নায় In comparison
b. a funny film By dint of/By virtue of ঴া঵ামযয/ বম঱ with the help of, on account of
c. a history record By fits and starts অদনয়দমত্ভামব irregularly
d. a real life event By heart/Get by মুখস্থ করা Commit something to
Ans a heart/ Learn by heart
47. „An ordinance‟ is- memory
By leaps and bounds দ্রুত্গদত্মত্ Quickly, rapidly, fast
( ১৬ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
a. a book By nature স্বভাবত্ Naturally
b. an arms factory By night রামত্র চব঱ায় At night
c. a newspaper By the by কথা প্র঴মে By the way of conversation
d. a law Ans a By the ear কথা ঱াগামনা To provoke to quarrel
By the rule and বাস্তব অদভজ্ঞত্া Practical experience
48. „At daggers drawn‟ thumb
means- ( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) By the way প্র঴েত্ incidentally
a. to be in a state of
By this time এত্ক্ষমণ্/ ইমত্ামমধ্য already
b. to be in a state of By turns পযোয়ক্রমম alternately
hostility By way of উমেে/ রূপ Purpose of
c. to be in a state of Call at দগময় চিখা করা to stop at a place for a short
friendship time
d. none Ans b Call in চডমক আনা Request to come
49. „Three score‟ is- Call it a day কাজ বন্ধ করা Finish work
Call names গাদ঱ চিওয়া To abuse
( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
a. thirty times twenty Call to the bar আইন বযব঴ায়ী Admission as a lawyer
b. three hundred times
Came across পমথর মামঝ to meet someone
c. three times twenty
d. more than three
Capital punishment মৃত্ুযিন্ড Death penalty
Ans c
50. „Bottom Line‟ means- Carry out চাদ঱ময় যাওয়া Continue
( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Carry the day জয় ঱াভ করা win
a. The final step Cash cow ঴ি঱ত্া অজেমনর A source of steady profit
b. The end of the road উপায়
c. The last of a book Cat and dog life দববািপূণ্ে a life together fights
d. The essential point Catch a tartar ত্ুমু঱ প্রদত্দ্বদিত্া Meet a power opponent
Ans d Catch sight of ঵িাৎ চিখা Suddenly meet
51. „Boot leg‟ means- Cats and dogs মু঳঱ধ্ামর heavily
( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Cat‟s paw অমন্যর ঵াদত্য়ার a person who is used by
a. distribute দ঵ম঴মব বযবর৅ত্ বযদি another
b. export Cat‟s sleep ঘুমমর ভান Pretension of sleep
c. import
Chicken hearted কাপুরু঳/ ভীত্ু coward
d. smuggle Ans d
Child‟s play চছম঱মখ঱া Easy task
Chip of the old বাপকা চবটা A worthy son of a worthy
block, like father father
like son
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 54 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
52. „A round dozen‟ means- Cock sure আস্থাপূণ্ে confident
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
Cock and bull story আজগুদব গল্প An absurd story
a. a little less than a
Cold feet/feet of clay ভীরুত্া cowardice
Come by পাওয়া Get
b. a little more than a
dozen Come into fashion প্রচদ঱ত্ ঵ওয়া become fashionable
c. a full dozen Come into force কাযেকর ঵ওয়া To be enforced
d. round about a dozen Come round আমরাগয ঱াভ recover consciousness
Ans c Come to an end চল঳ করা To finish
53. „Paediatric‟ relates to the Come true ঴মত্য পদরণ্ত্ ঵ওয়া actually happen
treatment of- ( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Come up to আলানুরূপ ঵ওয়া become brighter
a. adults Compare to ত্ু঱না Similar to
b. children Comply with ঴ম্মত্ ঵ওয়া act in accordance with a wish
c. old prople Conducive to উপমযাগী ঵ওয়া making a certain situation
d. women Ans b Cope with ত্া঱ দম঱ামনা/ deal effectively
এাঁমট ওিা
54. „Plebiscite‟ is a term
Cook the books কারচুদপ করা To deceive in accounts
related to- ( ১৫ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
a. medicine Crocodile tears মায়াকান্না False tears of sorrow
b. technology Cry for the moon অপূরণ্ীয় আকাঙ্ক্ষা To want something impossible
c. law Cry wolf দবপমির জন্য দমথযা Give a false alarm
d. politics Ans d দচৎকার
Cry over spilt milk বৃথা অনুমলাচনা Repent falsely
55. „Dog days‟ means- Crying need অদত্ প্রময়াজন Obvious need
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Cul-de-sac কানাগদ঱ Dead end
a. a period of being Cupboard love চ঱াক চিখামনা Show of affection
carefree ভাম঱াবা঴া
b. a period of having Curry favour চত্া঳ামমাি করা Be favorite through flattery
youthful feelings Curriculum Vitae জীবন বৃত্তান্ত Bio-data
c. a period of Curtain lecture স্ত্রীর পরামলে Lecture given by a wife to her
misfortune husband
d. hot weather Ans d Cut a poor/sorry পরীক্ষায় খারাপ করা Make bad results
56. „To meet trouble half figure
way‟ means- ( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Cut and dry বাাঁধ্া ধ্রা Traditional, already decided
a. To be puzzled Cut and thrust ঵াত্া঵াদত্ যুদ্ধ Hand to hand fight
b. To get nervous Cut off দবদিন্ন Apart from
c. To be disappointed Cut someone dead না চচনার ভান করা Look over
d. To bear up Ans a Cut short অকা঱মৃত্ুয/ to end earlier
57. „Soft soap‟ means- ঴ংদক্ষপ্ত করা
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Cut to the quick আাঁমত্ ঘা চিওয়া To shock
a. Flatter for self Daggers drawn লত্রুত্া to be in a state of hostility
motives Dark horse অজ্ঞাত্নামা Unknown person
b. To speak ill of Day by day দিমনর পর দিন gradually
others Day dreams দিবাস্বপ্ন Fantasy
c. To speak ill of Dead against চঘার দবমরাধ্ী Bitterly against
others Dead beat ্ান্ত Extremely tired
d. To recognize Dead language অবযবর৅ত্ ভা঳া Not spoken language
other‟s good deeds
Dead letter অপ্রচদ঱ত্ আইন No longer in force
Ans a
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 55 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
weMZ eQ‡ii cÖkœ Debut অদভম঳ক First public appearance
58. The invention of De-facto প্রকৃত্পমক্ষ actually
computer has turned over De jure আইনগত্ By legal right, legally
a new leaf in the history Desire to ইিা Wish
of modern technology. Devoted to ভি Loyal, obedient
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Die in harness কমেরত্ অবস্থায় মৃত্ুয Die while still working
a. created a new Dilly dally গদিমদ঴ Waste time
history Dog days গরম আব঵াওয়া Hot weather
b. began a new Donkey work গাধ্ার খাটুদন Hard and boring work
civilization Double jeopardy একই মাম঱ায় Judicating twice
c. opened a new
রৃইবার দবচার
Down in the mouth চত্জ঵ীন Out of spirits
d. created a sensation
Down-to-earth বাস্তববািী realistic
Ans c
Ducks and drakes অপচয় করা waste
59. Trying unitedly we were
able to have out project Due to চকান দকছুর কারমণ্ Because of
approved against strong Eat the humble pie অপমান ঵জম কমর make a humble apology and
oppositions. ( ১৪ত্ম ক্ষমা চাওয়া accept humiliation
দবদ঴এ঴) Ended in Fiasco ঴ম্পূণ্ে বযথে Complete failure
Ended in smoke বযথেত্ায় পদরণ্ত্ ঵ওয়া To come to nothing
a. in the wake of
b. in the guise of Epoch making যুগান্ত কারী পিমক্ষপ of major importance
c. in the plea of Evening star আধ্াাঁর ঘমরর Most favorite or desired
d. in the teeth of Ans d মাদনক
exit বাদ঵র ঵ওয়ার পথ A way out
60. Not many people can
commit such a heinous Face value বাদহ্যকত্া Outward appearance
Fag end অপ্রময়াজনীয় অংল Useless remnant
crime in „Cold blood‟.
Fair and square ঴ৎ ও ঴র঱ honest
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
Fair play/fair field ন্যায় দবচার Impartial justice/ Hold the
a. in cool brain &
and no favor scale even
calculated thoughts
Fair weather friends সু঴মময়র বন্ধু Person who ceases to be friend
b. so patiently &
when one is in trouble
Fall a victim to ভুিমভাগী sufferer
c. so impatiently &
thoughtlessly Fall flat দনষ্ফ঱ ঵ওয়া Have no effect
d. stirred by sudden fall from the clouds আকাল চথমক পিা Shattered dream
emotion Ans a Fall ill অসুস্থ ঵ওয়া Become sick
Fall off ঝমর পিা Drop out
61. You should show good Fall out ঝগিা করা Make a quarrel
manners in the company
Fall short আলানুরূপ না ঵ওয়া Be inferrior to
of young ladies. Which
Far and near কাছাকাদছ Near to
is appropriate phrase?
a. behave gently Far cry অমনক বযবধ্ান Long distance
b. practice manners Fare and fury উমত্তজনা excitement
c. behave yourself Few and far between কিাদচৎ Few and widely scattered
d. do not talk rudely Fight shy of এদিময় চ঱া avoid
Ans a Find fault with অমন্যর চিা঳ ধ্রা To complain
62. False tears of sorrow First language মাত্ৃভা঳া Natural/ mother language
Crocodiles tears (gvqvKvbœv) Fish in troubled চঘা঱া পাদনমত্ মাছ Take advantage of disturbed
(Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii water স্বীকার situation
mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U 15) Fish out of water অস্বদস্তকর Like one out of his element
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 56 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
63. The condition of most Fit to complete পূণ্ে করা Fill up
slum dwellers is so
Flare up, to hit the রাগাদিত্ ঵ওয়া To get angry
miserable that it cannot
be described in words. roof
( ১৪ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴) Flesh and blood রিমাংম঴র চি঵ Human nature
a. beggars description Fly high উড্ডয়ন Become happy
b. cuts to the quick Fly in the face দবমরাদধ্ত্া কমর Oppose directly
c. boils down to this দবপমির ঴ম্মুখীন
d. keeps open house Flying visit ঴ংদক্ষপ্ত ভ্রমণ্ Short visit
Ans a Foot the bill দব঱ পদরমলাধ্ করা Pay the bill
64. I have never seen such a For good দচরত্মর permanently
slow coach like you.
For instance উিা঵রণ্স্বরূপ For example
Which is appropriate
For the interest of স্বামথে Personal gain
phrase? ( ১৩ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
a. an irresponsible For the sake of খাদত্মর for the purpose of
person For the time being ঴মময়র for the present
b. a careless person পদরমপ্রদক্ষমত্
c. an unthoughtful Foul play অ঴িাচরণ্ Unfair act
person Free and easy চখা঱াখুদ঱ Frank
d. a very lazy person Free from মুি Safe
Ans d দবনা অনুমদত্মত্
French leave To take leave without
65. „Hold water‟ means- প্রস্থান
( ১১ত্ম দবদ঴এ঴)
Fresh blood নত্ুন ঴ভয Immatured person
a. keep water
b. bear examination Friends and foe লত্রু- দমত্র Friend and enemy
c. drink water From frying pan to কমষ্ট দনমদজ্জত্ ঵ওয়া Worse position
d. Store water Ans b fire
66. Puss the buck to pass From hand to দিন এমন দিমন With only the bare
the blame to someone mouth খাওয়া essentials
else. (G‡Ki †`vl A‡b¨i Dci From time to time প্রদত্ মুর৆ত্ে sometimes, occasionally
Pvcv‡bv) – (wkÿv, WvK, ¯^v¯’¨ I Full of পদরপুণ্ে Abundant in
A_© gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK I Gain ground ধ্ীমর ধ্ীমর উন্নদত্ become more popular
e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2015) করা
67. He is not himself He Gain the day জয়঱াভ করা Become victorious, winner
does not feel well (‡m fvj Gala day উৎ঴মবর দিন Victory day
†eva Ki‡Q bv) – (wkÿv, WvK, Get along with মাদনময় চনওয়া To adjust
¯^v¯’¨ I A_© gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Get his ideas কাউমক দকছু Make his ideas understood
I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v 2015) across চবাঝামত্ পারা
68. Which one is the correct Get into প্রমবল Enter into
phrase to fill in the gap Get over অদত্ক্রম করা recover from
of ___ The teacher beat Get rid of মুদি পাওয়া To do away with, become
the student_____ (mnKvix free
Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi 15) Get the better of আমগর চথমক ভা঱ gain an advantage
a. One by one
Get the sack বরখাস্ত করা To be fired from a job or
b. Black and blue
c. Black & white task
d. One after another Gift of the gab বাকপটু Fluency of speech
Ans b Give a cold ধ্মক চিওয়া To scold
o Black & blue ‡e`g cÖnvi shoulder
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 57 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
69. Being Ôdown to earth‟ Give a hand ঴া঵াযয করা help
means mnKvix Dc‡Rjv Give away দবত্রণ্ a thing that is given free
wkÿv Awdmvi – 15 Give in বেত্া স্বীকার করা surrender
a. Close to nature Give up ত্যাগ করা cease making an effort
b. Hopeful
Give upon the ghost মারা যাওয়া To die
c. Thrown to ground
Go a long way অমনকিূর অদত্ক্রম very successful
d. Realistic Ans d
Go all out ঴াধ্যমত্ চচষ্টা Try hard
o Down to earth ev¯ÍweK
Go astray দবপমথ/ চগাল্লায় become lost or mislaid
70. To catch of guard যাওয়া
means (Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Go away চম঱ যাওয়া to leave a place
Kg©KZ©v – 15) Go down অস্ত যাওয়া to move down to a lower level
a. To neglect duty Go hand in hand একমত্র Together, in a body
b. To substitute a Go sky high আকালচুম্বী to go very high
guard Go through ভাম঱া কমর পিা look at something very
c. To get someone carefully
when he/she is Golden age চ঴ানা঱ী যুগ A period of prosperity
careless Golden mean উাঁচু িমরর avoiding both extreme excess
d. To be on guard and extreme deficiency
Ans c Golden opportunity সুবণ্ে সুমযাগ an excellent opportunity that is
o To catch of guard Kv‡Ri not likely to be repeated
mgq Ab¨gb¯‥ ev AmZK© Ae¯’vq Go in a body একমযামগ together
KvD‡K aiv| Good for nothing চকামনা কামজর Entirely without value
71. Tooth and nail means না/অপিাথে
(eb Awa`߇ii eb cÖnix 15) Go to the dogs চগাল্লায় যাওয়া Be ruined
a. Get by heart Greek to one/Greek অমবাধ্গময difficult
b. Tried heart and Latin
c. Go with heart
d. None of these Green with envy চরম দ঵ংসুমট Extremely jealous
Ans b Habeas corpus কারাবেীর চমৌদ঱ক Fundamental rights of
o Tooth and nail means অদধ্কার prisoners
fxlYfv‡e †Póv Kiv, D‡Vc‡o Hale and hearty সুস্থ্ ঴ব঱ Strong and health
jvMv| Hall mark চেিমত্বর ছাপ excellent
Hang around দব঱ম্ব করা Loiter about
72. What do you means by
Hard and fast বাধ্া ধ্রা fixed
ÔIn the nick of Time‟?
a. In the appropriate Hard nut to crack কদিন ঴মস্যা A difficult problem to solve
time Hard times রৃুঃ঴ময় a time of difficulty
b. In the wrong time Hard up অভাবগ্রস্ত With insufficient money
c. Before the just time Have a heart ঴িয় To ask somebody to be kind
d. After the just time Head and ears পুমরাপুদর completely
Ans a Head is in the clouds দিবাস্বপ্নচারী A day dreamer
o In the nick of Time Head or tail মাথামুণ্ডু be quite confused
Dchy³ mg‡q| Heart and soul প্রাণ্পমণ্ Earnestly, tooth and nail
73. Gala day a day of Helter skelter এম঱াপাত্াদিভামব On all sides
festivity (Avb‡›`i w`b ev Herculean task কদিন কাজ A very difficult task
Drm‡ei w`b) – Rb¯^v¯’¨ High and low উাঁচু- দনচু in many different places
cÖ‡K․kj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x High handed কমিার ঵মস্ত using power without
cÖ‡K․kjx 15 considering the feelings of
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 58 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
74. Which is the appropriate High time উপযুি ঴ময় The appropriate time
meaning for ÔHush Hold good প্রমযাজয/ খাটা remain true or valid
money‟? (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡K․kj
Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡K․kjx 15)
Hold water উত্তীণ্ে ঵ওয়া Bear examination
a. Silent money Hole and corner ঱ুমকাচুদর Secret, secrecy
b. Money given as Home maker গৃদ঵ণ্ী housewife
bribe Hot water অসুদবধ্া Trouble, difficulty, problem
c. Quiet money Hush money/speed ঘু঳ bribe
d. Borrowed money money
Ans b Hue and cry ব঵ বচ/মলারমগা঱ Loud outcry
75. A red letter day means In a body একমযামগ/ ঴বাই together
a. A letter দমম঱
b. Some red lines In a fix ঵ত্বুদদ্ধ In perplexity, puzzled
c. Memorable day In a hurry ত্ািার৆িা Very quickly
d. Red day Ans c In a nutshell ঴ংমক্ষমপ Briefly, In a word
76. ______ he is coming. In accordance with অনু঴ামর According to
(12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb) In addition to এছািাও Over and above
a. At length In any way/case চয চকান উপাময় anyhow
b. Ten to one In cold blood িান্ডা মাথায় deliberately
c. At large In connection with বযাপামর/ ঴ম্বমন্ধ concerning
d. All in all Ans a In course of time ঴মময়র পদরক্রমায় At the time of
o Ten to one m¤¢eZ In fine উপ঴ং঵ার In conclusion
77. You will fail in the In force ব঱ প্রময়াগ, চা঱ু currently valid or in effect
exam, If you ____ from In front of ঴ম্মুমখ In someone's presence
school. (12Zg wkÿK In full swing পুমরািমম Very active
wbeÜb 15) In good faith ঴র঱ দবশ্বাম঴ In honest belief
a. Take to task In good stead কামরা উপকামর Be extremely useful
b. Put off আ঴া
c. Put out In harmony with এক঴মে দমম঱ to agree with another
d. Play trurant Ans d দমমল থাকা
o Play truant cjvqb Kiv| In lieu of পদরবমত্ে In the place of
78. ÔMilk & water‟ means In no time েীঘই Very soon
(12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb 15) In no way চকান মমত্ই না not at all
a. Brave In order to জমন্য/ উমেে according to a particular
b. Timid sequence
c. Daring In pursuance with অনুপ্রাদণ্ত্ করা Inspire, motivate
d. Courageous Ans b In pursuit of অনুমপ্ররণ্ায় the action of pursuing
o Milk & Water – Timid ev In quest of চখাাঁমজ In search of, look for, search
fxiæ| In season and out of ঴মময় অ঴মময় At all times
79. Politicians often use
In spite of ঴মত্ত্বও despite
students as – (12Zg wkÿK In store for ভাগয/ভদবষ্যৎ coming in the future
In the dark অন্ধকামর/অজ্ঞাত্ In ignorance
a. Cat‟s paw
b. Cold water In the event of ঘটনাক্রমম if there should be
c. Fresh blood In the eye of িৃদষ্টমত্ In someone's view
d. Kith and kin Ans a In the god book উপকামর ঱াগা Become useful
o D‡Ïk¨ nvwm‡ji Rb¨ †Kvb e¨w³ In the grip of কমষ্ট affected by something
KZ©„K †Kvb e¨w³‡K e¨envi Kiv undesirable
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 59 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
80. Sher-e-Bangla was a__(12Zg 81. He is _____ a rogue. (12Zg 82. ÔSalf of life‟ stands for –
wkÿK wbeÜb 15) wkÿK wbeÜb 15) a. Sorrows of life
a. Man of sorrow a. Out of out b. saline water
b. Man of justice b. After all c. sodium chloride
c. Man of mark c. One and every d. valuable things Ans d
d. Man of softheart Ans c d. Above all Ans a o Salt of life Valuable things
o Man of mark A_© weL¨vZ e¨w³| o He (wZwb) is out of out (cy‡ivcywi) ev g~j¨evb wRwbm|
a rogue. (e`gvk)
In the guise of ছদ্মমবমল In disguise 83. Phrase ÔAmicus curiae‟
In the long run পদরণ্ামম ultimately means 9eg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)
In the seventh পরম সুমখ Extremely happy a. An Americus dream
heaven b. A senior advocate
In the teeth of অগ্রাহ্য কমর In defiance or regardless of c. A friend of the Court
d. An arbitrator Ans c
In vain বযথে Fail
Incase of যদি If 84. ÔBig bug‟ means (11Zg wkÿK
Ins and outs খুাঁদটনাদট In details wbeÜb)
Iron will িৃঢ় ঴ংকল্প Strong determination a. Useful person
Irony of fate ভামগযর দনমেম By bad luck b. Important person
পদর঵া঴ c. Unemployed person
d. Mployed person Ans b
Jack of all trades ঴বজান্ত া Person who knows a bit of all
Keen on চাদ঱ময় যাওয়া/উৎ঴া঵ী to be enthusiastic 85. The price of rice is increasing
____ 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‥zj
Keep abreast of আাঁকমি থাকা To remain closely informed ch©vq) 2012
Keep one‟s head লান্ত থাকা To keep calm a. By fits and starts
Keep in the dark না জানামনা/ ঱ুকামনা To keep someone uninformed b. By dint of
Keep in view নজর রাখা Observe, monitor c. By virtue of
Keep pace with ত্া঱ দমদ঱ময় progress at the same speed d. By leadps and bounds
চ঱া Ans d
Keep up রক্ষা করা meet a commitment to pay o By leaps and bounds
Kiss the dust আত্ম঴মপেণ্ surrender `ªæZMwZ‡Z|
Kith and kin আত্মীয় স্বজন Blood-relations and kinsfolk
86. ÔHead over heels in love‟
Know no bound ঴ীমা঵ীন To be without limit,
means (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb K‡jR
mgch©vq 2014)
Lag behind দপছমন পিা to fall behind a. Loving somebody
Laid to rest দচর দবিায় To die b. Disliking somebody very
Lame excuse বামজ অজু঵াত্ Bad plea much
Laugh at ঵াদ঴ িাট্টা To treat lightly c. Hating love strongly
Lay down আত্মার৆দত্ To give up and surrender d. Loving somebody very
Lay heads পরামলে করা To work together to come up much Ans d
together 87. Take one to task means 10g
Lay to rest ঴মাদধ্স্থ করা to bury a dead person cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb 2014
Lead story গুরুত্বপূণ্ে খবর Important news a. Imitate
Leave no stone চচষ্টার ক্রদট না Use all available means b. Rebuke
unturned/spare no করা c. Resume
pains d. Restrain Ans b
Lend me ears মনমযাগ চিওয়া Listen to me
Let bygones be অত্ীত্মক ভুম঱ Forget the past 88. Cock and bull story A false
story (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I
bygones যাও
cÖZ¨qb 2014)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 60 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
89. ÔFag end means 91. ÔNip in the bud‟ means cjøx d. None Ans a
a. The last part we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix mwPe/mnKvix
b. Foggy cwiPvjK (cÖkvmb) 13 93. The proverb ÔA snake in the
a. Destroy at the very grass‟ means (AvenvIqv
c. Cut a bad figure Awa`߇ii mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` 07)
d. Unfair Ans a beginning
b. Bed of the rose a. A sleeping snake
90. A forgone conclusion c. The beginning Ans a b. A dead snake
means gwnjv I wkï welqK d. Rise at the beginning c. A poisonous snake
gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Dc‡Rjv gwnjv d. A hidden enemy Ans d
welqK Kg©KZ©v 2006
o Nip in the bud‟ means A¼z‡i
webó Kiv| 94. To smell a rat means
a. An uneasy situation a. To detect bad smell
b. False hope 92. ÔLoaves and fishes‟ means b. To misunderstand
c. An anticipated result cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK 12 c. To suspect a trick or
d. Quite familiar Ans a a. Personal gains
b. Beautiful Bread
d. To see hidden meaning
c. Tasty fishes
Ans c

Let the cat out of চগাপন ত্থয িাাঁ঴ To tell the secret 95. Castles in the air
the bag a. Romantic designs
Lick the dust অপিস্থ ঵ওয়া To be humiliated b. Ideal projects
c. Fanciful schemes
Life and soul জীবন Main support
d. Visionary projects
Likely to ঴ম্ভবত্ Probable
Ans c
Line by line ধ্ামপ ধ্ামপ Step by step
Lingua franca ঴চরাচর বযবর৅ত্ Common language
o Castles in the air AvKvk Kzmyg
wPšÍv Kiv|
96. A Snake in the glass
Lion‟s share চবদলর ভাগ Major part
a. Secret or hidden enemy
অংল/ দ঴ং঵ভাগ
Live on চবাঁমচ থাকা to depend on something
b. Unfroeseen happening
for sustenance c. Unrecognizable danger
Loaves and fishes বযদিস্বাথে Personal gain d. Unreliable person
Lock and load প্রস্তুত্ ঵ওয়া Get ready Ans a
Long for আকাঙ্ক্ষা Desire for o A Snake in the glass
Look after চিখামলানা করা Care for Secret or hidden enemy
Look down upon ঘৃণ্া/অবজ্ঞা করা avoid (‡Mvcb kÎæ)
Look forward to আলা করা await eagerly
97. To beg the question
Look out ঱ক্ষয করা be vigilant and take notice
a. To refer to
Loom large ভয়াব঵ র৆মদক Threat
b. To take for granted
Loose end চবকার Unemployed
c. To raise objections
Loose heart ঵ত্াল ঵ওয়া To be despaired
d. To be discusses Ans c
Lull to sleep অন্ধকামর to quiet and comfort to
sleep 98. To cry wolf means
Maiden speech প্রথম বিৃত্া The first speech a. To listen eagerly
Make a mess জগাদখচুরী create a dirty or untidy state b. To give false alarm
Make both ends কায়ম্মল To live in a fixed income c. To be frightened Ans b
জীবনযাপন d. To keep off starvation
Make good ক্ষদত্পূরণ্ Compensate for o To cry wolf – to give a
Notwithstanding না ব঱ম঱ই নয় All the same, nevertheless false alarm (e„_v Kvbœv Kiv ev
Nota bene দবমল঳ দ্রষ্টবয Mark well, note well wg_¨v wec` ms‡KZ †`qv)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 62 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Nouveau riche নত্ুন ধ্নী New rich 99. ÔTo kick the bucket‟ means to–
Now or never ঵য় এখনই নয়ত্ used to convey urgency a. Quarrel
কখনও নয় b. Die
Null and void বাদত্঱ Rejected, invalid c. Neglect
Odds and ends টুদকটাদক দজদন঴পত্র miscellaneous d. Begin Ans b
Of course অবেই certainly o To kick the bucket die
Of late ঴ম্প্রদত্ Recently, lately (gviv hvIqv)
On all hands ঴বেজনস্বীকৃত্ Unanimously
100. The closest meaning of ÔSit
On and on ক্রমাগম Without interruption
on the fense‟ is
On behalf of পমক্ষ as a representative of
On easy terms ঴঵জ দব঱মম্ব/দকদস্তমত্ Long term payment
a. To be impartial
On foot পাময় চ঵াঁমট walking rather than b. Brimful
travelling c. Moreover
On no account চকানক্রমমই না By no means d. Everywher Ans a
On the contrary অন্যদিমক On the other hand 101. To end in smoke means
On the eve of প্রাক্কাম঱ In the beginning, just a. To make completely
On the highest alert ঴মবোচ্চ ঴ত্েকত্ায় Concious, cautious
b. To excite great
On the increase ক্রমবধ্েমান becoming greater
On the sky উম্মুি আকামল Open air
c. To give up smoking
On the spur of the উমত্তজনার মুর৆মত্ে without planning in
moment advance
d. To terminate without
On the utter of দববরমণ্ In details producing any result
Once and again একাদধ্ক বার repeatedly Ans d
Once for all চল঳ বামরর মত্ For the last time 102. An apple of discord
Out of ছািা without means
Out of date অচ঱ Off fashion a. A beautiful object
Out of doors বাইমর outside b. A object of dispute
Out of order অপ্রচদ঱ত্ Defective, in vogue c. A favourite thing
Out of temper রাগাদিত্ angry d. A delicious fruit
Over head and ear গভীরভামব deeply Ans b
Over the years ঴মময়র দববত্েমন With the passage of time 103. ÔThe soulder died in
Own accord চস্বিায় willingly harness’ means
Palmy days/good time সু঴ময় Days of prosperity and glory a. He died in business
Pandora‟s box দবিম্বনাপূণ্ে উপ঵ার Artificially good bt b. He died in peace
actually not c. He died in honor
Part and parcel অদবমিিয অংল An essential portion d. He died in dishonor
Pass away মৃত্ুযবরণ্ die Ans a
Pass over অদত্ক্রম করা To avoid 104. ÔWear & tear‟ means
Pave the way পথ বত্দর করা Make the way a. Clothing
Pen through চকমট চিওয়া Cancel something b. Disbursement
Pin money ঵াত্খরচ Personal allowance for a c. Depreciation
lady d. Accumulation Ans c
Pivotal question গুরুত্বপূণ্ে প্রশ্ন The most important
question 105. To lighten the atmosphere
Play false/Play প্রত্ারণ্া Fraud, to deceive To ease a tense situation
tricks someone (mnKvix Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi)
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 63 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Play on a fiddle ঴ময় অপচয় To waste time 106. ÔTo flog a dead horse‟
Play truant স্কু঱ পা঱ামনা stay away from school means
without leave or a. To fight for a lost cause
explanation b. To take intersest in an
obsolete subject
Point blank ঴রা঴দর directly
c. To act in a foolish way
Popular with জনদপ্রয় liked or admired by many
d. To treat an incurable
Post mortem ময়নাত্িন্ত Autopsy, after death
patient. Ans b
Prima facie প্রথম িলেমন At the first sight 107. The thief was caught red-
Prior to পূববে ত্েী Before, previous handed. Here Ôred-handed‟
Pull down চটমন নামামনা To lower something from means
a higher level a. Later
Puppet in the hands of ঵ামত্র পুত্ু঱ A man without ego b. Trap
c. With proof
Push somebody to পরাদজত্ করা To defeat him
the wall d. None of these Ans c
Put off চরমখ চিওয়া unpleasant quality, leave 108. What is the meaning of the
Put on পদরধ্ান করা to wear Idiom ÔTake to one‟s heels‟
Put out চনভামনা to emit something a. To stand on one‟s own
Put the cart before স্বাভাদবক দনয়ম Reverse the natural order feet
the horse উল্টামনা b. To wear expensive shoe
Put up with ঴হ্য করা tolerate c. To escape
Queer fish চখয়াদ঱ চ঱াক Eccentric person d. To reach Ans c
Quorum নূযনত্ম Required number 109. What is the meaning of Ôa
Rack and ruin উিমন্ন যাওয়া destroyed while lie‟?
Rank and fashion ঴াজ঴জ্জা/ অদভজাত্ Aristocratic society a. Harmful lie
঴মাজ b. Harmless lie
Rank and file ঴াধ্ারণ্ ব঴দনক The common soldiers c. Useless lie
Razzmatazz দবলৃঙ্খ঱া a noisy activity d. Irrelevant lie Ans b
Red handed ঵ামত্ নামত্ ধ্রা With proof 110. Put an end to means –
Red letter day স্ভরণ্ীয় দিন Memorable day a. Caused to happen
Red tape আম঱াত্াদন্ত্রক Excessive official b. Stopped
জদট঱ত্া formality
c. Spread
Reflect over প্রদত্ি঱ন ঘটা
d. Confirmed Ans b
Renal failure দকডদন দবক঱ Kidney failure
Riding for a fall পত্মনর পমথ to act recklessly 111. To take a leap in the mark.
অগ্র঴র ঵ওয়া a. To take risk Ans d
Right and left এম঱াপাত্াদি On all sides b. To hazard oneself
c. To do a task serectly
Road block প্রদত্বন্ধকত্া obstacle d. To do a hazardous thing
Root and branch ঴ম্পূণ্েরূমপ completely without any idea without
any idea of the result.
112. What is the meaning of the 113. A green horn means 114. Weal & Woe means
idiom Ôa bad egg‟? a. An enviously lady a. Joy and sorrow
a. An unreliable person b. A trainee b. Out and out
b. A dangerous person c. Am inexperienced man c. To and fro
c. A person who can‟t d. A soft-hearted man d. Kith and Kin
create anything Ans c e. None of these Ans a
d. None of these Ans c
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 64 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Run into দপছু ঵টা/ ঴াক্ষাৎ করা meet
Run out দনুঃমলদ঳ত্ ঵ওয়া be paid out, finish
Run riot আইন দবরুমদ্ধ আচরণ্ করা Behave in a lawless way
Run short ঘাটদত্ Want of, lack of, shortage
Saddle on the right horse চিা঳ী বযদি ঴নাি করা Identify the guilt
Safe and sound দনরাপমি Quite safe
Salarium চবত্ন Salary
Salt of life গুরুত্বপূণ্ে বস্তু Valuable things
Salt of the earth চেি বযদি Famous person
Scapegoat একজমনর চিা঳ অমন্যর উপর a person who is blamed for the
চাপামনা wrongdoings
Set on fire প্রজ্বদ঱ত্ করা To burn
Sheet anchor ঵ামত্র পাাঁচ/ চল঳ ঴ম্ব঱ Last thing for safety
Short cut ঴ংদক্ষপ্ত পথ a means of saving time or effort
Silver lining রৃভোমগয ঴ান্ত্বনা hope
Sine die অদনদিেষ্টকাম঱র জন্য uncertain
Sit on the fench দনরমপক্ষ Remain neutral
Skin and bone অদস্থুঃচমে঴ার Very thin
Skim through ভা঴া ভা঴া িৃমে Bird‟s eye view
Slip of the pen চ঱খায় অ঴ত্কেত্াবলত্ ভু঱ Mistake in writing
Slip of the tongue কথায় অ঴ত্কেত্াবলত্ ভু঱ Mistake in speaking
Slow and steady ধ্ীর দস্থর বযদি Continuity, cold blooded man
Small fry চুমনাপুাঁদট A person of minor importance
Smell a rat ঴মে঵ করা Suspect, doubt
Snake in the grass চগাপন লত্রু A hidden enemy
Soft soap চত্া঳ামমাি flattery
Spare no pains চচষ্টার ক্রদট না করা Leave no stone unturned
Square meal চপটভমর আ঵ার Full meal
Stand in the way of বাধ্াস্বরূপ ঵ওয়া Hinderance of
Stand out গুরুত্বপূণ্ে important
Status quo পূবাে বস্থায় The former state
Steer clear of বজেন করা avoid
Storm in a tea cup ত্ুমু঱ উমত্তজনা A fuss about a trifling matter
Straw vote জনগমণ্র মত্ামমত্র জন্য চব঴রকাদর Poll of public opinion
Stumbling block বাধ্া obstacle
Sub judice আিা঱মত্র দবচারাধ্ীন Under judicial consideration
Sugar coated চমািক make superficially attractive
Sum and substance ঴ারমমে summary
Summer friends সু঴মময়র বন্ধু A fraud person
Sure of দনদশ্চত্ Certain of
Swan song চল঳ রচনা Last work
Take away ঴দরময় চনওয়া To take someone/ something to a
new place
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 65 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Take down দ঱মখ রাখা to write something
Take into account দবমবচনা করা consider
Take place ঘটা to happen
Takes after ঴িৃল To resemble someone
Take to heart মমো঵ত্ ঵ওয়া Cut to the quick
Tall talk বি বি কথা The act of exaggerating
Teeth of opposition বাধ্ার মুমখ In the face of
Teem with ভরপুর To be full of something
Tell upon ক্ষদত্ করা To harm
Ten to one একাই ঴ব/ ঴ম্ভবত্ very probably
The birds and the bees মানব প্রজনমনর চমৌদ঱ক দব঳য় The basic facts about sex
Three score ঳াট Three times twenty
Through fire and water প্রদত্কু঱ত্ার মধ্য দিময় Through thick and thin
Tittle- tattle চখালগল্প করা gossip
To be up and doing উমি পমি ঱াগা Active, busy
To bell the cat আ঴঱ কাজ করা to perform a very dangerous task
To blaze trail নত্ুন দকছু করা To initiate word in a movement
To blow hot and cold একবার গরম একবার িাণ্ডা To be inconsistent
To bring to book ঴ামমন আ঴া To compel to give an account
To call a spade a spade চ঴াজাসুদজ কথা ব঱া To speak bluntly
To get along with মাদনময় চনওয়া To adjust
To breathe one‟s last/ To মারা যাওয়া die
kick the bucket
To rais one‟s brows অবাক ঵ওয়া surprise
To read between the lines অথে বুমঝ পিা to grasp the hidden meaning
To run a race প্রদত্মযাদগত্ায় অংলগ্র঵ণ্ Compete with
To the backbone ঵ামি ঵ামি thoroughly
To the full ঴ম্পূণ্েরূমপ completely
To the point ঴দিক right
To the utmost চরম঴ীমা অদত্ক্রম Cross the most extreme
Toil and moil কমিার পদরেম Hard labour/ work
Tooth for tooth অন্যাময়র প্রদত্মলাধ্ Take revenge
Top to bottom আিযপান্ত A to z, completely
Tough cookie গম্ভীর প্রকৃদত্র a tough person
Turn a deaf ear বদধ্র/ কণ্েপাত্ না করা disregard
Turn down প্রত্যাখযান করা refuse
Turn over a new leaf নত্ুন জীবন আরম্ভ Change for the better
Turn tail গুদটময় চনওয়া Run away
Under a cloud ঵মত্ািযম out of favor
Up and doing ত্ৎপর ঵ওয়া Be serious
Up and down এদিক ওদিক Backwards and forwards
Ups and downs উত্থান পত্ন Prosperity and adversity
Upper hand কত্ৃেত্ব Control over
Value judgement বযদিগত্ দ঴দ্ধান্ত Judgement on personal views
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ wewmGm wcÖwjwgbvwi mv‡cvU© 66 Bb‡mckb ÔBs‡iwR fvlvÕ
Various from পাথকেয Difference from
Vice versa দবপরীত্ The terms being exchanged
Viva voce চমৌদখকভামব Orally
Vote rigging চভাট জাদ঱য়াদত্ Making vote forgery
Watch out for ঴ত্কে Be cautious
Weal and woe সুমখ রৃুঃমখ In good and bad fortune
Well to do স্বি঱ Well off
Well up সুপদন্ডত্ well acquainted with
Wild goose chase পণ্ডেম Useless pursuit
With a heavy heart দব঳ণ্ণ Feeling sad
With a view to উমেে For the purpose of
With flying colours দবজয়ী ঵ওয়া Victoriously
Without delay অনদত্দব঱মম্ব Quickly, as soon as possible
Without fail অবেই Certainly, of course
Without issue ঴ন্ত ান঵ীন childless
Worthy of মূ঱যবান precious
Year to year বছমরর পর বছর Continuously
Yellow dog ঵ীন বযদি Mean person
yeoman‟s service দনুঃস্বাথে কাজ efficient or useful help in need

⋰ C ☼ Clauses ⋱
01. A Close must have o e¨vL¨v : †h sentence- Gi wbR¯^ Subject Ges Finite Verb _vKv m‡Ë¡I
a. Only a verb e„nËi sentence-Gi Ask wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Zv‡K Clause e‡j| ‡hgb
b. A subject
c. Cause and effect I have spent the money. I have spent the money which you gave me.
Sub verb obj Sub verb object Sub v obj
d. Subject and Verb
e¨vL¨v : GLv‡b 1g ev‡K¨ 1wU Clause Ges 2q ev‡K¨ 2wU Clause Av‡Q| 1g ev‡K¨ †h Clause GKvB evK¨ •Zwi K‡i‡Q,
2q ev‡K¨ †mB Clause-UvB GKUv e„nËi sentence-Gi Ask wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| 2q ev‡K¨ “which you gave me”
Av‡iKUv Clause hv 1g Clause-Gi “the money” Object (Noun)-Uv‡K modify K‡i Adjective wn‡m‡e KvR
K‡i‡Q| GLv‡b cÖwZwU Clause-GB GKUv K‡i Subject Ges Finite Verb i‡q‡Q|
Clause cÖavbZ wZb cÖKvi| h_v
Clause A. Principal/ Independent
(cÖavb/ ¯^vaxb evK¨vsk)
B. Sub-ordinate/ Dependent
Principal/ (wbf©ikxj evK¨vsk)
Sub-ordinate/ Co-ordinate
Independent C. Co-ordinate (mg evK¨vsk)
Dependent Clause Clause
02. The Children are safe:. is
a. The Independent Clause
b. Main clause
Noun Clause Adjective Clause Adverbial Clause c. Both
d. Noun Ans c
Classification of Clause

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