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Wustralian Higher Education * Graduation Statement THE UNIVERSITY OF a NEWCASTLE a AUSTRALIA, ee Seoeeomanss Seaavmocees See eet oe peer ea Saocame 4. The Graduate SS Family Name: LIE Given Name(s): Dicky ‘Student Number: 3217603, z Certification Sven Hos eon (Génations) (ec) Oat 31 Osa 5 ) 8 aAQF level Dale: 31 October 2017 a Bins mee ere tees ye yours of ties partineeqlvlor Adicoen bated one Aaaton lite Terry Adrsins Rank or equion g Features: ‘Academic Registrar This program contains an industry project in the fa year of sy and graduats -must also complete 12 weeks of industrial experience roughout the program. A graded — honours classcation in engineering is awarded on the basis of superior perlormance ‘throughout the program. Program Accreditation: Ths program is aozedted by Eriees Assia end heats international ‘cxganistons, Award Institution: The Univeray of Newosie sa progressive: dai stuon ‘chieverent, teaching imavaton and access higher education for disadvantaged ‘oups. The University was established by an Ac ofthe New South Wales Priamentin {8. The University Conmonwoath Registro! nits and Courses or Overseas ~~ Students (CRICOS) code is 00108). ‘Adéitional information can be found at wow newcastle ed au

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