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GPS Speedometer

Typical approach to using GPS for speed measurement today is to consider a series of
“Trackpoints” that record position estimates (latitude and longitude) determined by the GPS at
regular time intervals. Each GPS track-point is determined with some error that is variable and
difficult to determine. Hence, speed values computed from a series of trackpoints have unknown
accuracy and cannot be considered reliable. It is virtually impossible to prove the accuracy of
speed computed from a recorded series of trackpoints. The most inaccurate is the method that
tries to estimate an average speed over some “accumulated distance” between trackpoints. Due to
track-point inaccuracies, the line connecting all track points is a zig-zag, even if the real path of a
speed competitor is a smooth or straight line. Since the length of this zig-zag is always longer
than a smooth/straight line, the “average speed” determined with the “accumulated distance”
method always overestimates the real speed. The less accurate are trackpoints (the less accurate
is a GPS unit) – the larger the estimated “average” speed and the more impressive is the

Objective of the Project:

Speed GPS is an advanced speedometer application that uses the phone's built-in GPS system to
show your current and maximum speed. It is suitable for car driving and biking. The speed is
display in both analog and a digital value. It acts as a normal digital and analog Speedometer,
which you may find in any car that showing the velocity of the vehicle in kph and mph. This
system has many advantages such as large capability, wide areas range, low operation costs,
effective, Strong expandability and Easy to use in vehicle traffic administration.

Development Methodology
Pair programming is an Agile technique originating from Extreme programming (XP) in which
two developers’ team together and work on one computer. The two people work together to
design, code and test user stories. Ideally, the two people would be equally skilled and would each
have equal time at the keyboard.

GPS Speedometer

Steps that we followed in developing the Project

1. Started with deciding the problem
2. First step of development was knowing about how to implement the GPS based
Speedometer in android.
3. Basic step in coding was to implement GPS in android app. For that we needed to give
user permissions and implement ‘LocationListener’ to our main class.
4. ‘LocationListener’ is an interface used for receiving notifications from the
LocationManager when the location has changed.
5. Among three- one did coding, second person did observe for errors and third person had
a project’s perspective which he guided to complete the project.
6. All of them change their roles frequently to avoid any project errors and to get new insight.
7. The challenging issue was to get Latitude, Longitude and Altitude points continuously on
moving. So one of us found solution to add ‘LoctaionListener’ function such as
onResume(), onPause() and onStop().
8. At some point we faced some errors on UI, so we got guidance from other teams.
9. We did pair programming positively which helped us in team-building activity as well
team bonding.
10. There was a critical need to finish the work quickly like troubleshooting issues and
analyzing tricky scenario, Pair Programming helped us to solve in an easy way.
11. For each new feature that we implemented, we tested with our own cases to produce fewer
12. We got to know each other more quickly when pair programming. Pair programming
encouraged team jelling.
13. By breaking down the project into manageable units, our team focused on high-quality
development and testing.
14. By producing frequent builds and conducting testing and reviews during each iteration,
quality of the project was improved by finding and fixing defects quickly and identifying
expectation mismatches early.
15. In this project we use how frequency of the GPS Location points are changing during
single time period. Then if we have the real distance between the geo locations points, we
can get the speed.

GPS Speedometer

This implementation takes in four parameters:
• provider: The name of the provider with which you register
• minTime: The minimum time interval for notifications, in milliseconds.
• minDistance: The minimum distance interval for notifications, in meters.
• listener: An object whose onLocationChanged() method will be called for each location

Speed Detection Procedure:

The GPS receiver acquires the GPRMC sentence in every second. From the GPRMC sentence,
the speed information will be extracted by counting the number of comma (,) by the MCU. Two
memory spaces will be allocated for the speed, one memory space for the time and another for
the latitude and longitude. The latest time and latitude/longitude will be always saved in the
memory overwriting the previous values. The last two speed information will be always kept in
memory. The latest speed information will be stored in the first memory space and will move to
the second memory speed once new speed information is acquired.

Extreme programming emphasizes business results and takes an incremental, “get something
started” approach to build the product, using continual testing and revision. It advocates
frequent releases in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and
introduce checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted. It really simplifies
and speed up the process of developing new software, making it possible to launch a new
product as fast as possible with a solid MVP. Extreme Programming is really about bringing
efficiency in the coding process and providing customers with maximum value.

The Speed app project has succeeded in demonstrating that vehicular speeds could be measured
from a smart phone. The detected speeds were proportional to the ground truth speeds. The
discrepancy may be explained to arise from error in the reported ground truth speed however the
test vehicle used cruise control to maintain steady speeds.

GPS Speedometer

Vehicle tracking system resulted in improving overall productivity with better fleet management
that in turn offers better return on your investments. Better scheduling or route planning can
enable you handle larger jobs loads within a particular time. Vehicle tracking both in case of
personal as well as business purpose improves safety and security, communication medium,
performance monitoring and increases productivity. So in the coming year, it is going to play a
major role in our day-to-day living.

Future Enhancement
1. Adding the ability to share the track and other related information obtained via SMS,
Bluetooth or mail. Adding the ability to share the track via Messenger.
2. Separate servers have to be created for alert systems. When an accident occurs,
immediately the location of the person is tracked and message is sent to the personal
contacts, where they could immediately take actions.
3. Traffic Police can monitor over speeding of vehicles.
4. Integration with Google maps.
5. Enabling the camera feature to get the live footage if accident occurs.

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