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Mobile Development – CSD 3184

Final Project
[Total Marks: 100]

Class: CSD 3184

Instructor: Mohammad Kiani

Evaluation: 30%


You are supposed to create an application in order to save the information of an employee as
well as his/her vehicle. There are two types of vehicle you can register and there are three kinds
of employees as there are illustrated below in the figure.

Your launch activity is a list of employees that shows employees’ names and theirs ids as
illustrated in the execution example. You need to add employees by clicking on a button and
also you should be able to search for a specific employee. When you click on an add button you
go to another activity to register the employee and his/her car. A layout implementation is
illustrated in the index. After registration, you should navigate back to the list and the list view
should be updated; you can add as many employees as you want. When you click on each item
of the list, you navigate to another activity that describe each employee as illustrated below.

Create a project according to the diagram below and develop the specified classes:
Class Vehicle is a superclass of the classes Car and Motorcycle. Class Employee has three
subclasses Manager, Tester and Programmer.

The goal of this assignment is to manage the salaries of the employees of a software engineering
company. An employee is characterized by his/her name (the field name must remain
unchanged after its initialisation); his/her birth year; his/her age as a property which computes
and returns his/her age regarding the current year and his/her year of birth; a monthly income
and an occupation rate (the percentage of time worked monthly; for example, 80%) and an
employee Id. The employee has also a vehicle. There exist three types of employees according
to the diagram:
- Managers (class Manager) specifically characterized by the number of new clients
brought to the company.
- Testers (class Tester) characterized by the number of bugs they managed to solve while
- Programmers (class Programmer) characterized by the number of projects they have

Here is the list of classes you see in the diagram:

- Class Vehicle contains four properties: make (model), plate, color.

- Class Car has one properties: ‘type’ which indicates the type of the car i.e. sport, SUV,
hatchback, minivan or sedan.
- Class Motorcycle has one property which indicates if the motorcycle has a sidecar.
- Class Employee has five properties according to the diagram.
- Class Programmer has one property, ’nbProjets’ which indicates the number of the
projects the programmer has done.
- Class Tester has one property, ‘nbBugs’ which indicates the number of bugs the tester
has found and corrected.
- Class Manager is another subclass of Emplyee and it contains one propertie according
to the diagram.

Make sure all your classes are well encapsulated. To do a good encapsulation, try to use “Set”
and/or “Get” to expose ONLY what needs to be exposed by each class (hint: for a good
encapsulation, all properties MUST be private and accessed only via Get and Set methods).
Start your work by equipping your classes with initializers enabling the initialisation of all their
properties. The initializers must be compatible with the provided main part; the occupation rate
will be 100% by default. Moreover, if an initializer receives as parameter an occupation rate
lower than 10%, the effective occupation rate of the employee must be set to 10%. Similarly, if
the occupation rate received by the initializer is greater than 100%, the effective occupation
rate will be set to 100%.

Add a method AnnualIncome() (yearly income) or a property which computes and returns the
yearly income of an employee as follows:

- Each employee has a base yearly income computed as 12 times the monthly income
multiplied by the occupation rate.
- For a manager a bonus of 500 dollars per client brought to the company is added as well
as 100 dollars per day for the expenditure of the travelled days. (you can define two
constants like GAIN_FACTOR_CLIENT equals to 500 and GAIN_FACTOR_TRAVEL
equals to 100)
- For a tester, a bonus of 10 dollars per corrected bug is added (a constant can be used
like GAIN_FACTOR_ERROR equals 10)
- For a programmer, a bonus of 200 dollars per completed project will be added (a
constant can be defined GAIN_FACTOR_PROJECTS equals to 200)

Add all the necessary code so that the output of your application produces the output given in
the execution examples below. You must override also a method ‘ToDisplay’ for all the classes
in such a way that no code duplication occurs in the ToDisplay methods of the sub-classes.

Note : you should validate your input before registering the employee.
• Id is unique, birth year should be greater than 1900 and less than the current year
• Occupation rate should be validated as well


The assignment is open book, you can refer to books, the internet, etc. but do not copy from
each other. every group is responsible to protect his/her work from being copied; the groups
involved will get zero.

Grading scheme:
• Layout: 30%
• Input validations and error checking: 20%
• Application functionality: 40%
• Code indented properly: 10%

Here are some figures which display a layout sample as well as actions happen when you choose
an item in a layout:

• By choosing an employee type, a new field will be added for one of the following cases:
o # of clients brought by manager
o # of bugs corrected by tester
o # of projects completed by programmer
• By choosing car or motorbike, a new field will be added as shown below

Figures below show a layout example of application

Launch activity time example When you press add button and you
navigate to this activity
When you choose an employee type; text view When you choose a tester;
text property is changing according to the # bugs
employee type

When you choose a programmer; When you choose a manager;

# projects # clients
When car is selected, Car type is shown When motorbike is selected, sidecar is shown

Choose color from a drop down list The output result

The output result when clicked on items The output result when clicked on items

The output result when clicked on items The output result when clicked on items
Execution example:

Employees description:
Name: Serge, a manager
Age: 34
Employee has a car
- make: Lamborghini
- plate: Custom Plate
- color: White
- type: Sport
Occupation rate: 100%
Annual income: $ 104472.00
He/She has brought 30 new clients.
Name: Cindy, a manager
Age: 45
Employee has a car
- make: BMW
- plate: Custom Plate
- color: Black
- type: Sedan
Occupation rate: 80%
Annual income: $ 89104.00
He/She has brought 20 new clients.
Name: Paul, a programmer
Age: 26
Employee has a motorcycle
- make: Kawasaki
- plate: Custom Plate
- color: Yellow
- without sidecar
Occupation rate: 75%
Annual income is 58704.00
He/She has completed 3 projects.
Name: Pierre, a tester
Age: 31
Employee has a motorcycle
- make: Honda
- plate: Custom Plate
- color: Black
- with sidecar
Occupation rate: 50%
annual income is 33976.00
He/she has corrected 124 bugs.

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