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Mohsin Hamid has written three novels.

All the novels are set in subcontinent and the main

theme of these novels are class conflict, class consciousness and conflict of system that is
religious pride and prejudice, social and moral values. The third novel of Mohsin Hamid is How
to get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia. It is the bird’s eye view novel of for all mankind. The main
aspect and lookout of novel is very eye opener for reader. The writer has used a standpoint and
uses a second person perspective and presenting the hero as a ‘you’. The story of novel has vast
appearance of interpreting and a broad view on those countries which have the division of
classes is the cause of the conflict. The writer’s view is straightforward for Asian countries that
how the poverty made the lower class bitter to swallowing in this world. The writer portrays a
real gloomy picture of a poor struggling man, who born poor, grown poor, and died poor in a city
of somewhere in the Asia. It is story of unnamed hero and his struggle for money and for status
as he headway to the city and starts a small business. It could be any city in Asia, Mumbai, and
Delhi, Lahore or maybe it is Karachi. It does not matter but the deep language is deep and
effective and engages the reader till the end. This novel shows that class conflict is for sure a
curse for all countries and it is very difficult for a poor man to achieve a high status in the elite
class dominating society.

“How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia” is compelling story of a society in which poor become
poorest and rich become richest. Mohsin Hamid narrates the critical situation of the lower class
which is dejected by society. The political and social trials made the fate of poor a setback of
misfortune. They have no pure water to drink, no health safety and no food to eat. Poor drainage
system unpaved streets as well as their bad and hard lucks. In this novel Mohsin Hamid shows
that a man can be filthy rich by moral decay, by putrefaction and by wickedness. It shows that
money is the only thing in the society which makes the status of a man. If you have money you
can do everything in the society by every mean. You have respect and status in the society
because of money. If you have money you can go everywhere. No wall comes into your way.
But if you have not any money you have to faces a lot hurdles, a lot of situation and a lot of
problems. You have small house to live, a little food to eat, no school to go, no medicine for cure
and your life is totally depends on elite class. This is what Mohsin Hamid show in the novel.
Mohsin Hamid exposes in this novel different pictures that portray class conflict and class
division in the Pakistani society. Lahore is the born city of Mohsin Hamid and he writes about
the contemporary society and reflects the true illustration of the society. How to Get Filthy Rich
in Rising Asia is a true representative of new realities of South Asia such as politics, Corruption,
broken hearts, failed marriages, perennial war edge and lifestyle pressures on fast street of the
society. It is an account of modern life in the develop world, economic growth, marked the
tension generated by industrialization and urbanization, social mobility, poverty and inequality.
There is no name use in the novel so it lends the book its universal character.

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