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Survey of Smart Grid Standardization Studies and

Sebastian Rohjans∗ , Mathias Uslar∗ , Robert Bleiker∗ , José González∗ , Michael Specht∗ ,
Thomas Suding∗ and Tobias Weidelt∗

Institute for Information Technology,

26121 Oldenburg, Germany
Email: [first name].[last name]

Abstract—Currently, several smart grid efforts in US and The first definition [1] was published by the US National
Europe are gaining momentum. Even if there are different focuses Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and defines
in US and Europe on what is known as the smart grid, all agree on the smart grid as a transition process from the existing
the fact, that standardization is a key issue. Hence, a lot of studies
and roadmaps pick standardization in the context of smart grids power system to the future, Information and Communication
out as a central theme. The various approaches are concentrating Technologies (ICT) based power system. The second
on different core areas, depending on the circumstances in definition [2] was published by the European Technology
which they were elaborated. However, no overview aligning these Platform (ETP) SmartGrids and defines the smart grid as a
approaches exists. This contribution takes all relevant approaches target architecture. Thus, the NIST definition focuses on the
up to now into account, which give concrete recommendations for
smart grid standards. The approaches will be aligned, and a set of way, and the ETP SmartGrids definition on the target.
core standards will be identified to point out the most important All this leads to the conclusion, that not a single smart grid
fields for future research and development. Furthermore, the IEC model exists, but a lot of smart grids with different focuses.
TC 57 Seamless Integration Architecture SIA will be introduced However, almost all definitions have some requirements, rec-
and extended by future standards, which were identified as core
standards and existing work not yet included in the SIA. ommendations and ideas in common:
• integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and
• full-scale smart power supply system based on modern
The smart grid is the dominating topic in today’s energy
and advanced ICT
domain. However, many definitions of smart grid exist all
• efficient and sustainable power supply
around the world, and depending on them the smart grid is
• improving and transitioning the existing infrastructure to
defined as state, transition process or target infrastructure.
a new overall system
The basic content of each definition is influenced by many
• decentralized network operation technologies
different factors, for example different generation structures
• integration of consumer as ”prosumer”
caused by natural resources and regulation and different
• intelligent use of smart equipment
consumption structures caused by energy prices, using habits
• new energy market products and services
as well as urban population density. The following definitions
• use of improved ICT based management functions for
emphasize the influence of the aforementioned factors:
Energy Management System (EMS) and Distribution
Management System (DMS)
”The term ’Smart Grid’ refers to a modernization of
the electricity delivery system so it monitors, protects and The most important aspect is the agreement on the fact
automatically optimizes the operation of its interconnected that a changing power infrastructure needs a new-style ICT
elements – from the central and distributed generator through infrastructure. Such a radical and far-reaching process provides
the high-voltage network and distribution system, to industrial several opportunities – in this context the opportunity to reach
users and building automation systems, to energy storage a level regarding interoperability for the new system that is
installations and to end-use consumers and their thermostats, as high as possible. An established way to approach this
electric vehicles, appliances and other household devices.” challenge is the application of standards. Accordingly, lots of
countries develop national standardization roadmaps as well
”A Smart Grid is an electricity network that can intelligently as organizations and companies specify their own smart grid
integrate the actions of all users connected to it - generators, strategies. That results in a large variety of approaches, which
consumers and those that do both - in order to efficiently were often developed independent from each other. Unfortu-
deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.” nately, no overview on the standardization recommendations
is available. This contribution was created in the context of

978-1-4244-6511-8/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 583

the German Standardization Roadmap [3] and tries to close for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0, is the
this gap. output of the first phase of the three phase NIST plan [5].
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section Standards listed here are to be regarded as neither exhaustive
II and its subsections describe several standardization recom- nor exclusionary. Apart from the 16 core standards, additional
mendation roadmaps, whereas section III gives an overview standards, specifications, requirements, guidelines and reports
on the identified set of core standards. Afterwards, the In- for further review are presented and discussed, too.
ternational Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee
(IEC TC) 57 Seamless Integration Architecture (SIA) is intro- C. IEC SMB SG 3
duced as a basic framework in section IV. Finally, section V In February 2010, the SG 3 (Strategy Group ”Smart Grids”)
concludes the results and section VI presents the future work published a draft of a roadmap [6] including their own
which has been identified while comparing all available smart standards and eleven high level recommendations. The SG
grid studies. 3 was appointed by the IEC Standardization Management
Board (SMB). The main focus of the IEC roadmap is on
II. S UMMARY OF S TANDARDIZATION S TUDIES improved monitoring and control of all components within the
To identify the core set of standards for the future smart network. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve a higher level
grid, various approaches have to be taken into consideration. of syntactic and semantic interoperability between all involved
In the following sub-sections, those approaches are introduced, components and solutions. Increasing energy consumption,
which give clear recommendations for standards. The last sub- further spread of DER, sustainability of generation and dis-
section summarizes approaches, which are also of high impor- tribution, competitive market prices, security of energy supply
tance though they do not recommend individual standards, but as well as the maturing infrastructure are seen as main drivers
more general practice and architectures. for the changing process. Furthermore, common requirements
regarding a smart grid reference architecture, which should be
A. The German Roadmap E-Energy / Smart Grid based on the SIA, are defined by the roadmap. Altogether,
The national smart grid standardization roadmap for Ger- more than 100 standards have been identified, described and
many [3] considers national and international standards ex- prioritized, whereas five standard series are ranked as ”core”
haustively, focusing on the smart grid’s ICT infrastructure. and nine as ”high priority”. The roadmap includes twelve main
Basic elements of the roadmap consider an overview on application areas, six general topics and 44 recommendations
various international standardization efforts as well as specific overall.
recommendations for standards relating to different parts of the
smart grid. Not only core standards for the future smart grid in D. German BMWi E-Energy Program
terms of ICT have been identified, but also the improvement E-Energy is a public funding program of the Federal Min-
of existing and the development of new standards has been istry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Federal
taken into account. Furthermore, a second edition is already Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
planned to incorporate experiences gained from the realiza- Safety (BMU) and consists of six model regions spread
tion of the recommendations. The second edition will also across Germany. The current objective is to create the so
include a multi-utility aspect (gas, heat and water) as well as called and coined ”Internet of Energy”. In the course of that
communication standards for further focal topics like market framework, the BMWi commissioned a study [7] to analyze
communications, High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and the standardization environment of the six projects in late
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS). 2008. Based on expert interviews, literature research and the
consortium’s experiences of IEC and Institute of Electrical and
B. US NIST IOP Roadmap Electronics Engineers (IEEE) participation, a set of standards
In the United States, the Energy Independence and Security has been identified. Eleven standards for eight topics were
Act (EISA) authorized the Department of Commerce (DoC) recommended as core standards. The recommendations are
in 2007 to coordinate the development of an interoperability not absolutely specific for the funded model regions and, thus,
framework. This framework is coordinated by NIST and aims applicable to other smart grid projects. Besides IEC standards,
at interoperability between and among smart grid systems the study focuses on converging technologies between the ICT
and equipment with special respects to standards in the fields and automation domains. The study was the basic document
of ICT protocols and data models. NIST designed an action and overview for the national roadmap and one of the inputs
plan to support and foster the development of important for the IEC roadmap.
standards. The first version of the framework includes an
abstract reference model consisting of about 80 standards, E. German BDI initiativ - Internet der Energie
which are related to the smart grid directly or on a meta The German Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie (BDI)
level [4]. Furthermore, 15 key areas and gaps – where new published a study (”Internet of Energy – ICT for Energy
or improved standards are needed – have been identified. Markets of the Future”) [8] in February 2010, which con-
In conclusion, 16 core standards are recommended by NIST siders energy shortage, the regulatory environment, technical
[5]. The latter document, NIST Framework and Roadmap developments associated with increasing energy prices and the

German electricity system including its ICT infrastructure. A are understood as optional technical specifications and general
number of standards were linked to four domains (decen- technical rules for products and systems in the market [11].
tralized energy generation, transport grids, energy quantity
measurement and end consumption). The following four main I. Others Studies, Frameworks and Programs
recommendation areas were given: The IEEE is also working on a document focusing on
• an improved harmonization and integration of existing interoperability and convergence in terms of energy and in-
standards and communication protocols formation technologies. The ”IEEE P2030 Draft Guide for
• extend standardization to gas, water and heat Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Infor-
• coordinated support for interoperability mation Technology Operation with the Electric Power System
• development of open communication standards for new (EPS)” [12] is developed within the IEEE P2030 project and
technologies aims to be a knowledge base for smart grid interoperability
consisting of consistent terminology, characteristics, functional
F. Microsoft SERA descriptions, evaluation criteria and appropriate development
The Microsoft Smart Energy Reference Architecture activities.
(SERA) is a comprehensive reference architecture based on Furthermore, various national roadmaps exist, for example
NIST work and Microsoft products [9]. It addresses the from Spain [13], Austria [14], the UK [15] and Japan [16].
technology integration throughout the scope of the smart Those national roadmaps are either still under development
energy ecosystem and the surrounding systems. It should help or do not recommend specific standards, hence it is not
utilities to create an integrated utility by providing a method reasonable to go in detail within this contribution, but they
of testing the alignment of information technology. To meet still provide a very usefull insight on needed function in
the necessary requirements of power utilities IT infrastructure, terms of DMS, demand response and intelligent sensor grids.
there has been close cooperation between key power industry To improve work on e-mobility, several national items like
partners (i.e. Accenture, Alstom Power, ABB, ESRI, Itron Inc. the German ”National Development plan Electric Mobility”
and OSIsoft Inc.) and Microsoft. The main intention of the [17], the France ”14-Point Plan to Accelerate Development
reference architecture is to accelerate solutions development of Electric Cars and Plug-in Hybrids” [18] or the ”American
under the aid of specific Microsoft products. SERA tries to Recovery and Reinvestment Act” [19] are focusing on this
assure to enable developers to provide enhanced, more cost- aspect of the smart grid.
effective, secure and scalable solutions. In addition, the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) es-
G. CIGRE D2.24 tablished a focus group on smart grid to analyze among other
The Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Électriques aspects the potential impacts on standards development and,
(CIGRE) WG D2.24 focuses on ”EMS Architectures for the therefore, identified several smart grid acitivites of leading
21st Century” and works on a visionary architecture for standardization developing organizations, see [20].
the next generation energy and market management systems.
The architecture and its implementation aim to be used as III. OVERVIEW ON R ECOMMENDED S TANDARDS FROM
a de-facto standard. Therefore, real time systems should be
linked up with transmission grids and market systems, whereas As mentioned in the sections before, currently several stud-
interoperability and reusability are defined as non-functional ies regarding smart grids proposing the use of standards are
requirements. Ten design rules were defined for the develop- developed. To enable comparison of the different approaches
ment. A ”Cat A Liaison” between IEC TC 57 and CIGRE D2 and stress out their differences, we choose to identify the stan-
has already been established, so that the developed architecture dards proposed by the different studies. Figure 1 shows a table
will be mainly based on IEC TC 57 standards and architectures containing all identified standards with a short description of
[10]. each of them. Next to the standards, the main approaches
analyzed alongside a mapping of which approach uses which
H. European Union: Mandate CEN/CENELEC M/441 standard (black cell) are listed. As the SMB SG 3 IEC
The European Smart Meter Coordination Group (SM-CG) study distinguishes in the relevance of the proposed standards
classifies existing standards into six categories based on dif- between ”core” and ”high priority”, figure 1 shows table cells
ferent functionalities for smart metering. The SM-CG operates in black and grey, accordingly. Apart from comparing studies
in the context of the mandate M/441, which was given to developed by other institutions, the German Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), European Com- Roadmap (section II-A) was added as well.
mittee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and The development of figure 1 was first elaborated through
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) by desktop research, based on the analysis of published docu-
the European Union. M/441 comprises the standardization ments regarding the approaches (see corresponding sections
of smart meter functionalities and communication interfaces for references). This first version was later on discussed and
for European power, gas, heat and water industries. They refined in several workshops and through expert interviews,
develop standards and technical reports, whereas standards mainly within the German Strategy Group Standardization

Roadmap Smart Grid / E-Energy. Hereby, discussions and
interviews proved to be fruitful for identifying relevant ref-
erences and checking the correct mapping of approaches to
standards. Afterwards, the German Standardization Roadmap
Smart Grid / E-Energy [3] was added to show its recommen-
dations in comparison of the other studies and roadmaps.
Through this analysis, the following standards can be
regarded as the consensus on core information technology
standards for the future transition of the electric distribution
grid towards a smart grid:
• IEC 61970/61968: Common Information Model (CIM)
[21], [22]
• IEC 61850: Substation Automation Systems (SAS) and
DER [23]
• IEC 62351: Security for the Smart Grid [24]
Fig. 2. IEC TC 57 Seamless Integration Architecture (SIA)
• IEC 62357: TC 57 Seamless Integration Architecture [25]
• IEC 60870: Communication and Transport Protocols
[26], [27], [28] V. C ONCLUSIONS
• IEC 61400-25: Communication and Monitoring for Wind
Power Plants [29] Summarizing all recommendations leads to the conclusion,
• IEC 61334: DLMS [30] that the IEC TC 57 SIA is a good basis and, most important, a
• IEC 62056: COSEM [31] general consensus for a smart grid standardization framework,
• IEC 62325: Market Communications using CIM [32] because several standards are already included. However, the
The mentioned standards are referenced by most of the SIA combines efforts from different working groups focusing
approaches (see figure 1) and play an important role within on different topics and stakeholders. Hence, a great need
the IEC SIA. All of these standards are developed within the for integration and cooperation is obviously needed for the
IEC TC 57, but unfortunately by different working groups. smart grid to become reality. Furthermore, some future focal
topics are not yet addressed. Different regions in the world
IV. IEC TC 57 S EAMLESS I NTEGRATION A RCHITECTURE have different focal topics, but still have to rely on the very
The IEC TC 57 SIA 62357 provides an important frame- same standards. Vendors do not want to develop products
work for standardization in the electric energy domain. Most for single markets, as this just rises costs and provides less
of the studies introduced in section II identified the SIA interoperability between products. There are several new focal
as the core framework for standardization in smart grids in topics coming up.
terms of automation and power system management. Figure For example, electromobility and national and trans-national
2 shows the different layers of the SIA and both combines market communications will be part of the smart grid. That
the important standards from IEC TC 57 and IEC TC 13 and emphasizes the need for a close information exchange be-
depicts the relations between them. Furthermore, two major tween standardization organizations and their working groups.
interfaces are included, on the one hand an interface for market The existing standards have to be developed continuously
communications and on the other hand an interface for smart to deal with changes within regulatory, technical, political
metering. The layers can be summarized as follows: and organizational aspects. It would also be reasonable to
• Application and business integration (top and middle) have a close coordination in the fields of international and
• Power system integration (bottom) national standardization roadmaps to learn from each other
• Security and data management (left, vertical functions) and foster joint work programs. Furthermore, different national
The SIA includes object and data models, services and scopes can lead to fruitful complementary work, as national
protocols as well as interfaces between systems, communica- standardization body alone cannot drive all the dimensions of
tion architectures (e.g. SOA – service oriented architecture), standards for the smart grid.
processes and data formats. The basic data model and do-
main ontology for the future smart grid is the CIM (IEC VI. F UTURE W ORK
61970/61968), which provides interfaces for the primary and An important part of the future work will be focused on the
secondary IT in terms of EMS and DMS. Leading commu- SIA. In figure 3, we suggest to extend the SIA by at least three
nication protocols are standardized in IEC 60870 (transport important components and working areas and we highlight
protocols) and IEC 61850-7-4xx (Substation automation and four more components for future research and development.
DER communication). In the field of smart metering, the SIA The first component we suggest to add are new extensions
tries to standardize applications and functions not too much and profiles of the CIM. The CIM already includes a large
to leave enough space for innovations and vendor specific and rather complete data model, but it is not possible to model
implementations - and of course, work done by other TCs. e.g. DER or multi-utility aspects in an appropriate way. Thus,

Standard Approach
Standard Description DKE NIST SMB SG 3 BMWi BDI - Microsoft CIGRE CEN/CEN Japan's
Normungs- IOP IEC E-Energy Internet SERA D2.24 ELEC Roadmap to
roadmap Framework Program der M/441 international
Smart Grid Roadmap Recommend Energie standardization
1.0 1.0 ations OFFIS for Smart Grid
AMI-SEC System Security Requirements Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and SG end- + + +
to-end security
ANSI C12.19/MC1219 Revenue metering information model + + +
BACnet ANSI ASH-RAE 135-2008/ISO Building automation + + +
Digital meter / Homegateway Mandate M/441 of CEN/CENELEC + + +
DNP3 Substation and feeder device automation + + +
EDIXML Market communication for Germany +
IEC 60870 Communications protocol + + + +
IEC 60870-5 Telecontrol, EMS, DMS, DA, SA + High + +
IEC 60870-6 / TASE.2 Inter-control center communications + + High + + +
TASE.2 Inter Control Center Communication
IEC 61334 DLMS + + + + +
IEC 61400-25 Wind Power Communication + High + + +
IEC 61499 SPS and Automation, Profile for IEC 61850 +
IEC 61850 Substation automation and protection,Distributed + + core + + + + +
generation, Wind parks, Hydro, E-Mobility
IEC 61850-7-410 Hydro Energy Communication + High +
IEC 61850-7-420 Distributed Energy Communication + High + + + +
IEC 61851 EV-Communication + High
Smart Home, e-Mobility
IEC 61968 Distribution Management, System Interfaces for + core + + +
Distribution Management Systems, DCIM (CIM for
IEC 61968/61970 Application level energy management system + + core + + + + +
interfaces, CIM (Common Information Model) ,
Domain Ontology, Interface, Exchange format,
Profile, Process blueprints, CIM (Common
Information Model) EMS, DMS, DA, SA, DER, AMI,
DR, E-Storage
IEC 61970 Energy Management, Application level energy + core + + +
management system interfaces, Core CIM
IEC 62051-54/58-59 Metering Standards + High +
DMS, DER, AMI, DR, Smart Home, E-Storage, E-
IEC 62056 COSEM High + + + +
DMS, DER, AMI, DR, Smart Home, E-Storage, E-
IEC 62325 Market communications using CIM + + +
IEC 62351 SIA Security + + core + + + + +
IEC 62351 Parts 1-8 Information security for power system control + + + + + + +
IEC 62357 IEC 62357 Reference Architecture – Service- + + core + +
oriented Architecture, EMS, DMS, Metering,
Security, Energy Management Systems, Distribution
management Systems
IEC 62443 General Security +
IEC 62541 OPC UA (Automation)) + + +
IEC TR 61334 DLMS, Distribution Line Message Service High +
IEEE 1547 Physical and electrical inter-connections between + + +
utility and distributed generation (DG)
IEEE 1686-2007 Security for intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) + +
IEEE C37.118 Phasor measurement unit (PMU) communications + + +
ISO / IEC 14543 KNX, BUS +
NERC CIP 002-009 Cyber security standards for the bulk power system + + +

NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Cyber security standards and guidelines for federal + +
NIST SP 800-82 information systems, in-cluding those for the bulk
power system
Open Automated Demand Response Price responsive and direct load control + +
(Open ADR)
OpenHAN Home Area Network device communication, + +
measurement, and control
ZigBee/HomePlug Smart Energy Profile Home Area Network (HAN) Device Communications + +
and Information Model

Fig. 1. Overview on standards and related approaches based on [3].

we suggest special extensions to meet the requirements of the (TSDA) or Historical Data Access (HDA) there [34]. One
future smart grid. Furthermore, electromobility should be part important aspect is also that with an inclusion as an Abstract
of the standardization framework. In detail, utility extensions Communication Service Interface (ACSI) interface mapping
for electromobility should be added as well as the IEC 62196- for the IEC 61850 family, this could lead to a common
2 for charging poles and the work done by the Joint Technical vertical communication standard meeting the requirements of
Committee (JTC) 1 focusing on e-Mobility. The IEC 62541 the automation with a binary protocol and the ICT world with
[33] is the third component that should be added. The IEC web services.
62541 family standardizes the OPC Unified Architecture (UA), CIM extensions and technology mappings are two already
which is a new and powerful standard for process automation included components. Both are very important for future
and already established in other domains. This can easily be research and development. Technology mappings for platform
applied to the CIM layer of the SIA and can replace the independent and abstract models always have to consider the
old deprecated OPC interfaces like Time Series Data Access state-of-the-art technologies to use the full potential of the

[9] Microsoft, “Smart Energy Reference Architecture SERA”, 2009.
[10] D2.24, “EMS Architectures for the 21st Century”, 2009.
[11] CENELEC, “Smart Meters Coordination Group: Report of the Second
Meeting held on 2009-09-28 and Approval of SM-CG Work Program
for EC Submission”, 2009.
[12] IEEE, “P2030 Draft Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy
Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric
Power System (EPS)”, 2009.
[13] FutuRed, “Spanish Electrical Grid Platform, Strategic Vision Docu-
ment”, 2009.
[14] “Roadmap Smart Grids Austria - Der Weg in die Zukunft der elek-
trischen Netze, version prepared for the Smart Grids Week Salzburg
2009”, 2009.
[15] Electricity Networks Strategy Group, “A Smart Grid Routemap”, 2010.
[16] “Japans Roadmap to International Standardization for Smart Grid and
Collaborations with other Countries”, 2010.
[17] Die deutsche Bundesregierung, “German Federal Government’s National
Electromobility Development Plan”, 2009.
[18] Ministére de l Écologie, de l Énergie du Développement durable et de
Fig. 3. Extension of the SIA. la Mer, “Un plan national pour développer les véhicules propres”, 2010.
[19] Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America,
“American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009”.
[20] ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Policy & Technology
updated developments. For example, semantic technologies Watch Division, “Activities in Smart Grid Standardization Repository
will provide new possibilities e.g. for meta data annotation or Version 1.0”.
[21] 61970-301 Ed. 1: Energy management system application program
internet communication. The CIM for DER is an example for interface (EMS-API) - Part 301: Common information model (CIM)
a necessary CIM extension, and in the future more extensions base, IEC Std., 2007.
have to be realized, e.g. for electric vehicles and Plug-in [22] 61968-11 Ed. 1: System Interfaces for Distribution Management - Part
11: Distribution Information Exchange Model, IEC Std., 2008.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). [23] 61850-1 Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 1:
In addition to the SIA specific future work, some general Introduction and overview, IEC Std., 2003.
work has to be done. To realize a sustainable knowledge [24] 62351-1 TS Ed.1: Data and communication security - Part 1: Introduc-
tion and overview, IEC Std., 2006.
management in terms of the use and implementation of ICT [25] 62357 Second Edition: TC 57 Architecture - Part 1: Reference Archi-
smart grid standards, a centralized knowledge data base has tecture for TC 57 - Draft, IEC Std., 2009.
to be established, e.g. some kind of internet portal. This [26] 60870 Ed.2: Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-101: Transmis-
sion protocols - Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks, IEC
knowledge data base should also comprise the current work Std., 2003.
from South America and Asia like the engagement of Brazil [27] 60870 Ed.2: Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-104: Transmis-
in the IEC and the Chinese SAC and its ”Strengthened Smart sion protocols - Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard
transport profiles, IEC Std., 2006.
Grid” plan [20]. Furthermore, experience reports concerning [28] 60870 Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-503: Telecontrol
implementations (being technical reports) are a good way to protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations
help other stakeholders to participate in the smart grid. Another - TASE.2 Services and protocol, IEC Std., 2003.
[29] 61400 WIND TURBINES Part 25-1: Communications for monitoring
reasonable way to create a broader and deeper understanding and control of wind power plants - Overall description of principles
for the core standards is to support the publication of white and models, IEC Std., 2006.
papers and white books. [30] 61334 Distributed Automation Using Distribution Line Carrier Systems
Part 4: Data Communication Protocols; Section 4: Application Proto-
As this paper is limited in both space and updating pos- col; Clause 1: Distribution Line Message Specification (DLMS), IEC
sibilities, we will provide an up-to-date overview on smart Std., 1996.
grid standardization approaches at a dedicated web site at [31] 62056 Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and
load control - Part 47: COSEM transport layers for IPv4 networks, IEC Std., 2006.
[32] 62325-101 DTR Ed.1: Framework for energy market communications -
R EFERENCES Part 101: General guidelines and requirements, IEC Std., 2004.
[1] G. Arnold and D. V. Dollen, “Report to NIST on the Smart Grid [33] 62541-1 Ed. 1.0: OPC Unified Architecture Specification - Part 1:
Interoperability Standards Roadmap”, EPRI, Tech. Rep., 2009. Overview and Concepts, IEC Std., 2008.
[2] ETP, “Smart Grids - Strategic Deployment Document for Europe’s [34] S. Rohjans, M. Uslar, and H. J. Appelrath, “OPC UA and CIM: Seman-
Electricity Networks of the Future”, 2009. tics for the smart grid”, in Transmission and Distribution Conference
[3] DKE, The German Standardization Roadmap E-Energy/Smart Grid. and Exposition, 2010 IEEE PES, 2010, pp. 1–8.
VDE, 2010.
[4] D. Owens, “Time to speak up! - Get involved in developing smart grid
standards,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, 2010.
[5] “NIST Special Publication 1108 NIST Framework and Roadmap for
Smart Grid Interoperability Standards”, 2010.
[6] SMB Smart Grid Strategic Group (SG3), “IEC Smart Grid Standardiza-
tion Roadmap,” June 2010.
[7] OFFIS, SCC Consulting, and MPC management coaching, “Unter-
suchung des Normungsumfeldes zum BMWi-Foerderschwerpunkt ”E-
Energy - IKT-basiertes Energiesystem der Zukunft””, 2009.
[8] BDI Initiativ, “Internet of Energy - ICT for Energy Markets of the
Future”, 2008.


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