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Achieve Charter Academy

A ch i ev e Ch ar t er A cadem y
3 25 0 Den t on R d. C ant on , M I Principal Corner September 6, 2019
4 81 88
7 34 -3 97 -09 60 Dear Achieve Families,
P r in ci pal: Jen ni fer C on l ey
It has truly been a wonderful week welcoming our students and families to the 2019-
7 8. j con l ey@ nh as cho ol s . com
2020 school year! We have kicked off the year strong by establishing solid routines and proce-
dures to help ensure a successful school year. I have enjoyed meeting many of our new fami-
Upcoming Events: lies this week as well, we are so excited to have you here with us at ACA!
A few reminders for a successful year:
9/9: NWEA MAP testing be-
gins • Drive slowly in our parking lot during arrival and dismissal and please stay off your cell
9/10: Science Olympiad phone.
meeting @ 5:!5 PM • During arrival, please do not pass by cars that are dropping students off at the curb. Even
if you have already dropped off, please wait in a single line and proceed carefully toward
9/10 Robotics meeting @
the exit.
• Students must be in dress code daily. Please review this in our handbook!
9/13: Room Parent Meeting
@ 8:30 am • Students may not have cell phones in school. If your child must bring a cell phone to
school, they must be dropped off in the office. If your child needs to make a phone call
9/16: PTO meeting @ 5:30
during school hours, they are welcome to use our office phone.
• If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher right away via email
9/19: Bulldog Blast @ 8:00
or phone.
for Middle School.
• Our school hours are 8:15-3:15. Arrival time begins at 7:45. All students must be picked
9/20: Coffee with the Princi-
up by 3:30.
pal @ 8:30 AM
• During dismissal, please do not approach the curb until the whistle is blown. Please pro-
9/26: Fall Picture Day ceed directly back to your car so we can move traffic in a timely manner.
9/27: Student of the Month I am looking forward to a wonderful 2nd week together! Have a great weekend!
9/27: Family Skate night @ Mrs. Conley
The Skatin’ Station– 6 PM

Student Absences
Attendance is a top priority at Achieve this year!! If you attended our Open House,
Wisdom: The ability to you saw that students with chronic absences (8 or more), experience about 20%
discern or judge what is less academic gains compared to our students who have less than 8 absences per
true, right, or lasting; insight year. We need your support to ensure this doesn’t continue!!
Please ensure your children are here and on time daily. Arrange for appointments
outside of school hours. If your child will be absent, you must call the office to ex-
cuse the absence. Emailing the teacher cannot take the place of a phone call to the
Absences that are more than 3 days must be approved through the principal.
Please stop in the office for a form. You may not take more than 10 days off from
school This is already considered chronic absenteeism. You may also not be ap-
proved for an extended absence two consecutive years.
In addition, students who are absent 20 or more days and are not making academ-
ic gains will be considered for retention at the end of the school year. Thank you
for prioritizing daily attendance!
Complete your FORMS Room Parents needed
If you are interested in in helping as room parent this year
Please take a moment to complete all online forms prior to the
please attend the informational meeting on September 13,
start of the school year. We need 100% of our forms completed, 2019 @ 8:30 am in the parent room. If you have any questions
including the free and reduced lunch form. You have until Friday, feel free to contact Cori or So-
September 13th to complete all of your forms, online and paper phia @
forms. Students have the chance to receive up to 10 free casual
dress coupons, 5 for the Free and Reduced lunch form and 5 for
the remaining forms.
Our annual Fall Festival will be here before you know it!! We have
MAP Testing
scheduled this to take place on Friday, October 11th. This is an amazing
Our Fall MAP testing will begin on September 9th for students. event and we need all the help we can get!! If you are interested in help-
Results will come home later this fall. Check your grade level ing out, please come to our next PTO meeting, 9/16. We cannot run
newsletters that are emailed home on Fridays. Don’t forget to events without your help!! We are in need of volunteers to run games
eat a healthy breakfast and get plenty of rest. Students who and someone to sign up to lead and train to run our concession stand!! If
were at ACA in the spring can earn casual dress days by MEET- you can help, but cannot attend the meeting, contact Heather Cooper at
ING or BEATING their spring score in any subject tested!!

Need a hot lunch?? Lunch Help Needed– Please sign up!!

Please set up an account with Meal Payment Plus, or login at We are looking for help daily in the lunch room. Please sign up to
come help us, this is a great way to get involved. Please use our
Students must have money in their account to purchase lunches sing up genius to sign up for a time that works for you!!
and or milk. You can also turn in money to the office in an enve-
lope clearly marked with your child’s name and homeroom
teacher, indicating the funds are to go to hot lunch. achieve
Prices of hot lunch have increased:
Full Price: $2.95 Reduced: $0.40 Both prices include milk. Milk
purchased separately is $0.50 per carton
Volunteering after OC??

Perfect Attendance for September You must stop in the office and sign in before proceeding to the
classroom. All parent volunteers must wear a visitor lanyard and
Don’t forget, if your child has perfect attendance for September,
badge after Opening Ceremony. Please return to our front office
they will be permitted to dress casually for free on Tuesday, Oc-
to sign into our system, print your badge and get a lanyard!! We
tober 1st. Your child’s teacher will communicate this with them on
appreciate your diligence in this process
September 27th and will send home a re-
minder. Thank you for working together with
us to ensure your child is in school daily and Boys Varsity Basketball Coach is needed for the upcom-
ing season this winter. The season runs from last October
on time!! Remember this includes tardies as through early January. If interested please contact Mr.
well as absences. Gendron by email or by
phone at (734) 397-0960 ext. 242.

Robotics After-School Monday Classes: 1st - 2nd Grades Science Olympiad Meeting: 5th - 8th Grades & Parents
For information and a link to register please email Mrs. Gaecke at There will be a Science Olympiad meeting for students/ Classes will be Sept. 16 - Nov. 4. 8 weeks. parents, grades 5th - 8th, on Tuesday, September 10th, 5:15
Fee $160. PM. We will go over expectations, sign up parents for coaching,
sign up students for events study and answer questions. More
Robotics Team Meeting: 5th - 8th Grades (4th graders information will be available at the meeting. If you are unable to
need a waiver) attend, forms are available to sign up on the rounder by school
front door. Questions contact Mrs.
We are planning a robotics meeting for students/parents, grades Gaecke,
5th - 8th, interested in participating on a Robofest
team, Tuesday, September 10th, 6:15 PM, in the library. We will Science Olympiad Coaches Needed
go over Game and Exhibition expectations, form teams, and an-
swer questions. More information will be available at the meeting. Parents/high school students/relatives needed to coach
If you are unable to attend, forms are available to sign up on the events. No experience or background necessary, may coach one
rounder by school front door. Questions contact Mrs. or more events. Please review the list in the parent room or by
Gaecke, the 7/8th grade Science room and consider coaching an
event. Events without a coach, will not have a study ses-

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