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Title III corporation refuse to sue or are the ones to


8. Authority of the BOD/BOT
1. Correlation among the BOD/BOT, officers BOD/BOT has the sole authority to
and stockholders determine policies, enter into contracts, and
Stockholders periodically elect the conduct the ordinary business of the
BOD/BOT, who are charged with the corporation within the scope of its charter.
management of the corporation. The board,
in turn, periodically elects officers to carry out The authority of BOD/BOT is restricted to the
management functions on a day-to-day management of the regular business affairs
basis. of the corporation, unless more extensive
power is expressly conferred.
Stockholders have residual powers over
fundamental and major corporate changes. 9. What are the 3 levels of control?
(1) BOD – responsible for corporate policies
2. Acts of management vs ownership and general management of the
Acts of management pertain to BOD/BOT, corporation’s business affairs; may
and those of ownership, to the stockholders delegate some of its functions to officers
or members. or agents
(2) Officers – execute policies laid down by
BOD/BOT cannot act alone, but must seek the board
approval of the stockholders/members. (3) Stockholders – have the residual power
over fundamental corporate changes
3. What is business judgment rule?
Contracts intra vires entered into by the BOD 10. Who has the power to decide whether a
are binding upon the corporation and courts corporation can enter into a binding
will not interfere unless such contracts are so contract?
unconscionable and oppressive as to The power and responsibility to decide
amount to wanton destruction to the rights of whether a corporation can enter into a
the minority. binding contract is lodged with the BOD.

 Intra vires – within the powers General rule: In the absence of authority
from the BOD, no person, not even its
4. Where do corporate powers reside? officers, can validly bind a corporation.
Once the BOD/BOT are elected, the
stockholders or members relinquish 11. May the corporate powers be directly
corporate powers to the board. conferred upon corporate officers?
Yes. The corporate powers may be directly
5. Who has power to manage the conferred upon corporate officers or agents
corporation? by statute, AOI, by-laws or by resolution or
The BOD/BOT shall exercise the corporate other act of the BOD.
powers, conduct all business, and control all
properties of the corporation. 12. Qualifications of BOD/BOT
(1) For a stock corporation, ownership of at
6. What is meant by apparent or ostensible least 1 share of the capital stock of the
authority? corporation in his own name.
It is the power of an agent to act on behalf of For a non-stock corporation, only
a principal, even though not expressly or members of the corporation can be
impliedly granted. This power arises only if a elected.
third party reasonably infers, from the (2) Must be capacitated
principal’s conduct, that the principal granted (3) Must be of legal age
such power to the agent. (4) Other qualifications prescribed in the by-
laws of the corporation.
7. Derivative suit
The right of a stockholder to sue on behalf of 13. Who is an independent director?
the corporation to protect or vindicate A person who is independent of
corporate rights, whenever officials of the management and free from any business or
other relationship which could be perceived
to materially interfere with the exercise of May or may not Must be a Must be a
independent judgment in carrying out the Secretary be a director Filipino resident of the
Citizen Philippines
responsibilities as a director.
May or may not Need not be Must be a
Treasurer be a director a Filipino resident of the
14. What are the requirements for the Citizen Philippines
election of directors/trustees? Compliance
If the corporation is vested with public interest.
(1) The owners of the majority of the Officer
outstanding capital stock, or if there be officers
Qualification may be provided for in the by-laws.
no capital stock, a majority of the
members entitled to vote must be Note: Any 2 or more positions may be held by the
present, either in person or by same person concurrently except that no one shall
representative authorized to act by act as president and secretary or president and
written proxy. treasurer at the same time.
(2) When authorized in the by-laws or by a
majority of the BOD, the stockholders or 18. Who is a corporate employee?
members may also vote through remote A person who is employed by the action of
communication or in absentia. the managing officer of the corporation.
(3) The election must be by ballot, if
requested by any voting 19. Quorum at the meeting of BOD/BOT
stockholder/member. General rule: A majority of the BOD/BOT, as
(4) In stock corporations, the total number of fixed in the AOI, shall constitute a quorum for
votes cast shall not exceed the number the transaction of corporate business, and
of shares owned by the stockholders every decision of at least a majority of
multiplied by the whole number of BOD/BOT present at the meeting shall be
directors to be elected. Provided, no valid as a corporate act.
delinquent stock shall be voted. Exception: If the AOI or by-laws provide for a
(5) In nonstock corporations, the members greater majority.
may cast as many votes as there are
trustees to be elected but may not cast  Majority means 50% + 1
more than 1 vote for 1 candidate.
(6) Nominees for BOD/BOT receiving the 20. Requirement regarding report of election
highest number of votes shall be and its objectives
declared elected. Requirement
Within 30 days after the election of
15. Define corporate officer BOD/BOT, the secretary, or any other officer
A person who shall manage the corporation shall submit to the Commission, the names,
and perform such duties as may be provided nationalities, shareholdings, and residence
in the by-laws and/or as resolved by the addresses of the BOD/BOT and officers
BOD. elected.

16. Are the acts of corporate officers binding Objective

the corporation? To give the public information under sanction
General rule: The acts of corporate officers of oath of responsible officers, of the nature
within the scope of their authority are binding of business, financial condition and
on the corporation. operational status of the company together
Exception: When officers exceed their with information on its key officers or
authority, their actions cannot bind the managers.
corporation, unless it has ratified such acts or
is estopped from disclaiming them. 21. Grounds for disqualification of directors,
trustees or officers
17. Who are the corporate officers? (1) If within 5 years prior to the election or
appointment, the BOD/BOT or officers
Officer Requirement Citizenship Residency
were convicted by final judgment of an
i. Must be a Need not be Need not be a
director a Filipino resident of the offense punishable by imprisonment for a
ii. Must be a Citizen Philippines period exceeding 6 years:
President stockholder a. For violating the Revised Corporation
on record
Code; and
of at least 1
b. For violating R.A. 8799 The
Securities Regulation Code
(2) If within 5 years prior to the election or a majority of the outstanding capital stock
appointment, the BOD/BOT or officers or a majority of the members entitled to
were found administratively liable for any vote.
offense involving fraudulent acts.
(3) If within 5 years prior to the election or 26. In case of a special meeting for the
appointment, the BOD/BOT or officers removal of director or trustee, who shall
were found by a foreign court or call the meeting?
equivalent foreign regulatory authority for It must be called by the secretary on order of
acts, violations or misconduct similar to the president.
(1) and (2).
27. If the president does not order the special
22. Can a director be remove with or without meeting to be called, who may call such
cause? meeting?
General rule: Removal of directors or It must be called by the secretary upon
trustees may be with or without cause. written demand of the stockholders
Exception: Removal without cause may not representing at least a majority of the
be used to deprive minority stockholders or outstanding capital stock or a majority of the
members of the right of representation to members entitled to vote.
which they may be entitled.
28. Who may call the meeting if the secretary
23. How are the directors (trustees) fails or refuses to call the special meeting
removed? or fails or refuses to give notice?
Any director or trustee of a corporation may The stockholder or member signing the
be removed from office by a vote of the demand may call for the meeting by directly
stockholders holding 2/3 of the outstanding addressing the stockholders or members.
capital stock, or if a non-stock corporation, by
a vote of 2/3 of the members entitled to vote: 29. In what manner shall notice of the time
Provided, that such removal shall take place and place of such meeting as well as the
either at a regular meeting of the corporation intention to propose such removal be
or at a special meeting called for the
purpose, and in either case, after previous
It must be given by publication or by written
notice to stockholders or members of the
corporation of the intention to propose such notice prescribed in the Code.
removal at the meeting.
30. What vote is required for the removal of a
24. Who has the power to remove directors or director or trustee?
trustees? The vote of the stockholders representing at
The power to remove directors or trustees least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or
belongs to the stockholders or members 2/3 of the members entitled to vote in case of
exclusively. non-stock corporation.

25. Requisites for the removal of directors or

(1) The removal should take place at a
regular or special meeting duly called for
the purpose;
(2) The BOD/BOT can only be removed by a
vote of the stockholders representing at
least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock
or 2/3 of the members entitled to vote in
case of non-stock corporation;
(3) There must be a previous notice to
stockholders or members of the
corporation of the intention to propose
such removal at the meeting; and
(4) The special meeting of the stockholders
or members for the propose of removal
must be called by the secretary on order
of the president or on the written demand
of the stockholders representing at least

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