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Whatis happening in these pictures?

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屹 Ques■ons
l. ツ
VhO is the lecturer speaking to?
2. フ
Vhat are three advantages of TV?
3. ツ
Vhat are three disadvantages of TV?

蝙謳謳薇隧鰊憫魏蠅 wOrk in groups to discuss the quesJons below.

rith the fol10■
Do you agree or disagree l∼ ring statements?

① AllJapanese people know a10t abOut mangas.
② All young peoplein the US 10ve hamburgers.
③ AllJapanese people frOm the Kansai area are funny.
2. Can you think Of Other stereotypes you have Of groups of people arOund
you? Discuss your ideas in your grOup and share them in class.
0 一
Reading guide questiOns

1, 7Vhat do children use to understand the world they live in?

2. Give four examples of st9rytellers.
3. Whatis one negative effect of watching TV or rnovies too IInuch?
4. 7Vhy is it important for childien to learn categorization?

Teach:ng chIIdren how to discr:minate


Fronl a young age′stories are important for children.Children dO not have

much experience so they use 6tories to learn about the wOrld.Therefore′
storytellers act as teachers that tell children what the world is like and how the
such as their parents′
should act in it.These storytellers are not only people′
SuCh as books′TV and lnovies.The Fnedia is an especially
but also lhe rnediaノ
iFnPOrtant source of stories because it is げhere.
Children watch a lot of TV and inovieso This lneans they spend a lot of time
watching characters and actors and seeing how they behave.This is ilnportant
because children――even very young children― watch human behavior and
the kind of
learn that this behavior is the correct way to be in society.TherefOre′
media children watch will affect how children thint behave and see the world
Through the lnedia′ children learn categOrization.Categorization rFleanS
learning how to put things into categories.This skill is very important
so we need to put things into categories to
because the world is very complex′
olds cannot clearly understand
For example′two―year―
understand thenl bette■
that a dog is different fronl a cat or a horse.They will see anirnals with four
legs′ and Put them into the same category.The
such as dogs′cats and horses′
name of this category could be″things with four legs′
olds would see all these anilnals as the same thingo When the children grow
o l d e しt h e y w i l l b e a b l e t O t a k e t h e a n i m a l s o u t o f t h i s c a t e g o r y a n d s e
cats and horses.
different things:dogs′
olds put all the different anilnals into the
In the same way thatthese twO―year―
same category/children see patterns in the world and then use those patterns to
understand the world.
SO when children watch rnOvies′they are letting the lnovies tell thern how to

categorize.For example′ in movies′characters■rith glasses are usually smart.

If childttn keep seeingthey
willlearn that people whO have
shOuld go in the〃 smart′′category.Ho■ rever/at the end Of the llnOvie′ children

may forget that this categOry does nOt exist in real life.If we categorize people
5 intO the sa血e grOup and forget thatthey are different We stereotype people.

LangИage lИHovles


ンク4″ θBθαs′is a Disney lnovie that
is set in France.All the characters are French′
hOwever7 allnost all the characters haOe an
American accent.Being a French character
with a■ American accent is not a problem.The
problem is that sο θFrench characters have an

AInerican accent while sοzθ French characters
have a FrenCh accent.In the lnovie′ there are
two different accents for characters that shOuld speak in the same way.ツ
knowing it childrenン 、ratching these characters will categOrize the characters
into two groups:″American″ and″ French″characters。
So which characters will have a French accent?The directOr ch00ses these
characters very carefully.They will ch00se characters whO fit the stereotype
of being French.The twO characters who speak with a French accent are the
saucy maid B¨ette and the sm00th―
talking butler Lumiere.Children watching
this lnOvie will learn that French people should be categorized into sauc
talking peoplc.If●
ey keep seeing this image and never get a chanc
meet real Fre,ch people′they will believe that all French people are siinilar tO
Babette and LuIIrLiere.As we know/everyone is different sO having stereotypes
is problematic。

E]stOryteller □ such as E]rnedia □ source □ while

E]behav10r □ affect □ categorization E]cOmplex □ stereOtype

涸 Look tt the etaЫ
and i:lin Ыthe
anks,Work h groups and dbcuss whbh moues you
have seen before and what characters are in those movies.

DLney Fims study

餘吻凸 Dおney movies used m the dy


Snow White and the The Rescuers Down Under 199θ 2る931′
1937 184′925′485
Seven Dwarves
Beauサand the Beast 19911 171/340/294
Pinocchio 194θ 8t300/000
Aladdin 1992 21ら350′
Dumbo 1941 2,500′000
The Lion King 1994 328′539′505
The Reluctant DragOn 1941 Not available
POcahontas 1995 141′579′773
Bambi 1942 102′797′000
The Hunchback of
1996 100′138′851
Cinderella 195θ 85′
000′000 Notre IDame
Robin Hood 1953 500′000
9′ Hercules 1997 99′112′101
Peter Pan 1953 8ろ400′000 Mulan 1998 120′620′254
Ladv and the Tramp 1955 93′600′000 Tarzan 1999 171′091′819
Sleeping Beautv 1959 46t608
9′ The Emperor′ s New
2θθθ 89′296′573
101 Dallnatians 1961 153′000′000
Atlantis:The Lost Empire 2θθl 84052′ 762
The Swvord in the StOne 22′182′353
Lilo&Stitch 2θθ2 145′771/527
The rungle Book 196ア 141′
Treasure Planet 2θθ2 3&120′554
The Aristocats 197θ 55′685′257
BrOther Bear 2θ03 85′336′277
The Rescuers 197ア 48′775′599
Home on the Range 2θ04 50′
The Fox and the Hound 1981 43′ 231
Chicken Little 2θθ5 135′386′665
The Creat Mouse
I1986 23/605′534 2θθ7
Detective Meetthe Robinsons 97′822′171
The Little Merinaid 1989 111′
543′473 Bolt 20θθ 114′053′579
Duck Tales:Treasure of The Princess and the
199θ 18′075′331 2θθ9 104′
the Lost Lamp Frog
Source:Teaching Ch‖ dren how io Discrlminate

DiSney and stereowFing

E)isney films were chosen fOr the study because they are very popular.So′
many children watchthem and are affected by them.
There are 371 characters with speaking roles in the 24 movies exalnined in
1997.259 of these characters or 69.8 Percent Of them are l)(male/female)
characters.The rest are 2)(lnale/female)Characters.3)(lnale/female)Characte
w市 es
almost always work 4)(inSide/Outside)the hOuse:they are mothers′
they wOrk asの(waiters/
or good daughters.If they work outside the house′


waitresses)′nurses′nannies′or hOusekeepers.NIen′on the other hand′are
doctors′の(princes/princgSses)′ っ(sQIyanl,/mュidS)′
ad宙 sors tO kings′ hunters′
and Pi10ts.

赳 Look a the口
e charts bebw li
h the bhnks.

D おИ
e y c h a r a c t e r s b y w p ea goef lsapnoglЙ

What about the language they Speak?


Vhat types of English do male and
female characters speak?Most characters

(1)__二__percent)speak Standard
American English.2)______percent
speak non―standard American English.
Bntish Standard British English is spOken by
3)=______percent of the characters.
Only 34 characters(or 4)____
Source:L pp卜Green,R(1997),Eng‖sh wth an Accent,RouJege percent)of E)isncy characters speak nOn―
nat市e Englist even though 91 0fthem
are in non―
s peaking countries.

鸞晰輻躙躙輻靱 Negative Disney characters Fe

byり age
There are 72 negative characters.
Of these 72 bad characters′ hOwever/
Only 5)_______percent speak American
English.6)______percent speak British
English or Other English.7)_
percent Of all the characters speak non―
native English.
Sou"e:L pp卜 Green,R(1997),Eng‖sh wtth an Accent,Rou‖

M Look atthe bar graphs bdow the

鰺爾吻lDお‖ey characters by wpe ofCharaCters and iangИ


M Positive characters

鑢Negative characters

■Characters with positive

and negative aspects

American English British or other Eng‖ sh Non‐ native English Source:Teaching Chldren how to D scnminate

Disney characters speaking non―

n ative English are usually lnuch rnore
negative than thOse with American or British English.About8)____pe
of E)isney characters that speak American English are bad characters′ while
about 40 percent of non―native speakers of English are evil.

鼈躙躙 Dおney characters by wpe ofCharaCters

機Non日native English

醸British or other Eng‖


■A m e n c a n E n g l i s h

Positive characters Negative characters Characters with

positive and negative
aspects SourCe:Teaching Chi dren how to D scnminate

Allnost half Of the positive E)isney characters speak 9)

E n g l i s L w h i l e o n l y 2 1 . 4 p e r c e n t o f t h e m s p e aEkn gllの
As for the negative characters′
11) .

conciИ sion
Disney is a company/so its lnain goal is to lnake inoney.(Dne way it can do
this is by selling lnOvies.As a professional storyteller/Disney understands
very well how t0 1nake interesting characters and a good story.Sometilnes
this means making characters that are stereotypical.HoweveL this may have a
negative effect on children and the way they understand the、

鱗Do yOu agree or disagree with the conclusion above?Work in groups to discuss your
opinion.Write down your reasons belowi


スピーキング (1):ディスカッション
_ _ │││

ペ アやグル ー プで行 うディスカ ッシ ∃ンには、次の利点があ ります。

瘍 英語で考え、話す力が伸びる。
隋 トビックが深 く身につ く。
瘍 様々な意見や経験 に触れることができる。

議論を活性化するには、全員が次のような意識を持 つて貢献することが大切です。
鸞 文法や発音などの間違いは気にせず、内容を伝えることに重点を置 く。
瘍 自分の力を伸ば し、まわ りの人が学ぶために、全員が発言する。

鸞 発言をよく聞き、感想や質問などにフィー ドバ ックをする。



1. Every culture has genera:ideas about what other ties nationa‖
are like, How would
Japanese peop:e descttbe the fo:lowing nationa1lies?

2.Give some examples to explain how stereotypes can negatively affect your ei
daily l百

ln order to teach yOung dren

ch‖ to resist stereotypes and to value differences,it
irnportant for parents and teachers to present children with positive images o
races.what can be done to present young Japanese dren
ch‖ with these positive


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