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Biomechanical Effect of Ferrule on Incisors Restored with

a Fiberglass Post and Lithium-Disilicate Ceramic Crown

after Thermal Cycling and Fatigue Loading
Andréa Dolores Correia Miranda Valdiviaa / Monise de Paula Rodriguesb / Aline Aredes Bicalhoc /
Bart Van Meerbeekd / Jos Vander Slotene / Roberto Sales e Pessoaf / Carlos José Soaresg

Purpose: To evaluate the biomechanics of endodontically treated incisors restored with a fiberglass post and a
CAD/CAM lithium-disilicate ceramic crown with/without a ferrule after thermal and mechanical aging.
Materials and Methods: Twenty bovine incisors were divided into two groups (n = 10): 1. Fe, with a ferrule of
2 mm, and 2. NFe, without a ferrule. After endodontic treatment, the teeth were restored using a fiberglass post
(Exacto 3, Angelus) and composite core (Tetric Ceram, Ivoclar Vivadent). They then received a CAD/CAM lithium-di-
silicate ceramic crown (IPS e.max CAD) luted using a self-adhesive composite (RelyX Unicem 2, 3M Oral Care). All
specimens were subjected to 20,000 thermocycles and 2,400,000 simulated chewing cycles. Ceramic crown and
root dentin strains (μS) were measured using strain gauges (n = 10) during 100-N loading before and after the ther-
mal and mechanical aging, and upon fracture loading. The specimens were subsequently loaded to fracture (N).
The stress distribution was analyzed using 3D individualized finite-element models created by micro-CT of experi-
mental samples (n = 3). Strain data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test. Fracture resistance
was analyzed using Student’s t-test and fracture mode was analyzed using the chi-squared test (α = 0.05).
Results: After aging, NFe exhibited significantly higher root dentin deformation (buccal: 1248.0 ± 282.8; lingual:
516.2 ± 195.0; p < 0.001) than Fe (buccal, 554.0 ± 233.8; lingual: 311.8 ± 159.0; p < 0.001). The deformation
measured on ceramic crowns was not influenced by ferrule presence or aging process. Significantly higher fracture
resistance (N) was observed for the Fe (1099.6 ± 214.8) than the NFe group (675.3 ± 113.8) (p < 0.001). The
NFe group revealed a lower fracture resistance:root strain ratio than did the Fe group. The stress levels on root
dentin and fiberglass were lower for the Fe group.
Conclusion: The NFe group showed increased root dentin strain after the aging process. The Fe group revealed
higher fracture resistance, lower stress concentration on root dentin and fewer catastrophic fractures.
Keywords: fiberglass post, ferrule, CAD/CAM ceramic crown, strain-gauge test, fracture resistance, finite element
analysis, thermal cycling, fatigue.

J Adhes Dent 2018; 20: 133–142. Submitted for publication: 04.01.18; accepted for publication: 07.03.18
doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a40305

a Dentist, Biomechanics Research Group, Department of Operative Dentistry e Full Professor, KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Department of Mechanical
and Dental Materials, Dental School, Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU), Engineering, Leuven, Belgium. Scientific advisor, proofread the manuscript.
Uberlandia, MG, Brazil; Professor of Oral Rehabilitation, Faculty of Dentistry, f
Autonomous University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Performed the experi- Dentist, Biomechanics Research Group, Department of Operative Dentistry
ments and finite element analysis, wrote the manuscript in partial fulfillment and Dental Materials, Dental School, Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU),
of requirements for a PhD degree. Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. Helped with the finite element analysis, proofread the
b Postgraduate Student, Biomechanics Research Group, Department of Opera- g Professor and Chair, Biomechanics Research Group, Department of Operative
tive Dentistry and Dental Materials, Dental School, Federal University of Uber-
landia (UFU), Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. Performed the finite element analysis. Dentistry and Dental Materials, Dental School, Federal University of Uber-
landia (UFU), Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. Research idea, hypothesis, performed
c Professor, Health Technical School, Federal University of Uberlandia, Minas statistical evaluation, supervised the finite element analysis, scientific advisor,
Gerais, Brazil; Biomechanics Research Group, Department of Operative Dentistry proofread the manuscript.
and Dental Materials, Dental School, Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU), Uber-
landia, MG, Brazil. Performed strain-measurement and fracture tests.
d Full Professor, KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Department of Oral Health
Sciences, BIOMAT & UZ Leuven (University Hospitals Leuven), Dentistry, Leu- Correspondence: Prof. Dr. Carlos José Soares, Av. Pará, 1720, Bloco 4L, Anexo
ven, Belgium. Proofread the manuscript, contributed substantially to conduct- A, Campos Umuarama, 38400-902 Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Tel: +55-
ing the experiments. 34-3225-8106; e-mail:

Vol 20, No 2, 2018 133

Valdivia et al

E ndodontically treated teeth commonly require post-and-

core restorations for retention purposes.1,4 Posts associ-
ated with all-ceramic crowns are an option for teeth with a
Specimen Preparation
severe loss of coronal structure.46 Several materials and Twenty bovine incisors were selected for this study. The in-
techniques have been advocated for restoring endodontically cisors had similar dimensions (coronal volume within 10%
treated teeth. Lithium-disilicate crowns manufactured with of average) and roots without curvature, and were free of
CAD/CAM systems have shown good clinical performance.32 cracks or defects. All external debris was removed with a
The correct choice of the post system and the presence of hand scaler, and the teeth were stored in distilled water at
a ferrule are important factors for treatment prognosis.18,20,43 37°C. Using a water-cooled diamond disk (no. 7020; KG
Fiberglass posts have been used clinically as an alternative to Sorensen; Barueri, SP, Brazil), the anatomic crowns of all
metal posts for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis up to
teeth.8,11,37 The major advantage of fiberglass posts is that 15.0 mm from the apical limit for the specimens with a fer-
they have an elastic modulus more similar to that of den- rule (n = 10; Fe group, Fig 1a) and up to 13.0 mm from the
tin,6,18,25 and are able to bond to root dentin, which may lead apical limit for the specimens without a ferrule (n = 10; NFe
to a better distribution of the occlusal loads along the group, Fig 1b). The mean dimensions of the bovine incisor
root.23,29 Failures in post-retained crowns generally occur in roots were similar to human maxillary central incisors.4 The
the maxillary anterior region, where horizontal forces are root canals were instrumented to full extension using No. 2
greater than in other regions.30 The amount of coronal and and 3 Gates-Glidden drills (Dentsply Sirona; York, PA, USA).
root dentin that remains after root canal instrumentation and A No. 4 Gates-Glidden drill (Dentsply Sirona) was used in
post space preparation is correlated with the fracture resis- the cervical and middle thirds of the root canal. The canals
tance, and plays an important role in the biomechanical be- were rinsed with 1.0% sodium hypochlorite (Miyako; Guarul-
havior of endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber hos, SP, Brazil) and physiological saline (Avante Pharma;
posts.4,46 A recent meta-analysis suggested that the absence Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil), dried with paper points, and
of a coronal wall might increase the risk of fiber post-and-core obturated with gutta-percha (Dentsply Sirona) and calcium
restoration failure, whereas the effect of a ferrule is still not hydroxide-based cement (Sealer 26; Dentsply Sirona). 34
entirely understood.47 Other studies reported that the pres- The specimens of the Fe group were prepared with a dia-
ence of a uniform ferrule surrounding the remaining tooth mond rotary cutting instrument (no. 3215; KG Sorensen),
structure enhanced fracture resistance4 and increased the which allowed cutting a 2.0-mm-high circular ferrule with a
long-term success of anterior teeth with root posts.18,20,40 rounded cervical ending. The post space was initially ob-
Failure of endodontically restored teeth is a result of the tained with a heated instrument (M-Series Hand Pluggers;
interaction of multiple mechanical properties of all the re- Dentsply Sirona) and the residual gutta-percha was then
storative materials involved.41 To evaluate the biomechanical removed with Gates-Glidden drills, standardizing the post
behavior and the failure process of endodontically restored space to 8.0 mm for the group without a ferrule and
teeth, destructive mechanical tests serve as an important 10.0 mm for the group with a ferrule, maintaining 5.0 mm
means of subjecting restored teeth to high-intensity load- of gutta-percha at the apex. The root canals were enlarged
ing.29 However, this method does not provide enough infor- with a 1.0- to 1.6-mm diameter conical drill (Exacto drill No.
mation about the internal structural behavior of the tooth- 3, Angelus Science and Technology; Londrina, PR, Brazil) to
restoration biomechanical unit against loading. Therefore, it 8.0 mm for the group without a ferrule and to 10.0 mm for
is necessary to combine destructive mechanical tests with the group with a ferrule, generating a standardized post
nondestructive methods, such as strain-gauge tests for more space for the fiberglass post.4
precise biomechanical analysis.4,29,45,46 The strain mea- The roots were embedded in polystyrene resin (AM 190
sured during the nondestructive tests can be regarded as an resin, AeroJet; Santo Amaro, São Paulo, Brazil). The roots
indication of the repetitive deformation that roots undergo without and with a ferrule were embedded 2.0 and 4.0 mm
during functioning, resulting in structural fatigue.42 Artificial below the cervical limit, respectively. The periodontal liga-
aging of specimens using thermal cycling and cyclic mechan- ment was simulated using polyether impression material
ical loading is an important in vitro method to reproduce the (Impregum Soft, 3M Oral Care; St Paul, MN, USA).36 Prior to
physiological functions of teeth in the oral environment.10 taking the impression, the root surfaces were dipped into
Generally, accelerated artificial aging of dental materials is molten wax up to 2.0 and 4.0 mm apically from the cervical
indicated and causes a significant decrease in the mechani- limit for the groups without and with a ferrule, respectively.
cal properties.13 The resulting wax layer was 0.2 to 0.3 mm thick. A radio-
The aim of this study was to evaluate the strain before graphic film with a central circular opening (IBF; Rio de Ja-
and after thermal and mechanical fatigue aging, the frac- neiro, RJ, Brazil) was used to stabilize the teeth during the
ture resistance and fracture mode, and the stress distribu- embedding procedure. The roots were placed with the cervi-
tion of endodontically treated incisors that were restored cal limit facing down into the opening in a wooden board,
using a fiberglass post and CAD/CAM all-ceramic crown leaving the root in a vertical position perpendicular to the
with and without a ferrule. The null hypothesis tested was supporting radiographic film. Then, a 20.0-mm-high,
that the biomechanical behavior would not be affected by 22.0-mm-diameter plastic cylinder (PVC, Tigre; Joinville, SC,
the amount of coronal dentin remaining. Brazil) was placed over the root and fixed in position with

134 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Valdivia et al

Fig 1 a: NFe cavity prepar-

ation; b: Fe cavity prepar-
ation; c: 4.0x2.0-mm strain
gauge attached buccally on a b c d
the ceramic crown and
1.0x1.0-mm strain gauge at-
tached at the coronal cervi-
cal limit on the buccal root
surface; d: 1.0x1.0-mm
strain gauge attached at the
coronal cervical limit on the
palatal root surface; e: strain
measurement upon 100-N
loading to simulate occlusal
loading; f: mechanical cy-
cling aging; g: strain mea-
surement upon fracture
e f g

cyanoacrylate adhesive (Super Bonder, Loctite; Itapeví, SP, curing unit (LCU) at an output of 1200 mW cm-2 (Radii-Cal,
Brazil) and wax. The self-curing polystyrene resin (AM 190 SDI; Bayswater, Australia).23 The composite core was fabri-
resin, AeroJet; Piracicaba, SP, Brazil) was manipulated ac- cated using 2-mm increments of composite (Tetric Ceram,
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions and inserted into Ivoclar Vivadent; Schaan, Liechtenstein). The dentin was
the cylinder. After polystyrene-resin polymerization, the etched with 37% phosphoric acid (Cond AC 37, FGM; Join-
roots were removed from the cylinder and the wax was re- ville, SC, Brazil); then an etch-and-rinse 3-step adhesive
moved from both the root surface and the cylinder. Impres- (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose; 3M Oral Care) was applied, fol-
sion material (Impregum Soft, 3M Oral Care) was placed lowing the manufacturer’s instructions. The adhesive primer
into the resin cylinders, the roots were reinserted, and the was applied over the etched structures and gently dried
excess polyether material was removed with a scalpel with an air stream for 5 s, followed by application of the
blade.45 bond component and polymerization for 10 s with the LED
LCU. Each increment was light cured for 40 s with the LED
Post, Core and Crown Fabrication LCU. All-ceramic crown preparations, featuring 1.5 mm of
Prefabricated fiberglass posts (Exacto No. 3, Angelus) with axial reduction and 6 degrees of axial convergence of the
1.4-mm and 0.9-mm diameters in the coronal and apical walls, were performed with a tapered, rounded-end diamond
portions, respectively, were cleaned with a 70% alcohol so- rotary cutting instrument (No. 4138; KG Sorensen). The
lution (Miyako) before the posts were immersed in 24% hy- teeth of the Fe groups were prepared creating a 2.0-mm-
drogen peroxide (H2O2, Dinâmica; Diadema, SP, Brazil) for high ferrule. The diamond cutting instruments were dis-
1 min, followed by rinsing and drying.45 Afterwards, a one- carded after every fifth preparation. The cavity preparations
bottle silane coupling agent (Silano, Angelus) was applied were finished with an extra-fine-grit diamond rotary cutting
for 1 min. instrument (No. 3145FF; KG Sorensen).
For post cementation, the post spaces were rinsed with The specimens were restored with CAD/CAM milled all-
0.9% saline solution (Indústria Farmacêutica Basa; Caxias ceramic crowns. Each sample was scanned using Cerec 3D
do Sul, RS, Brazil) and dried with paper points (Dentsply software (Dentsply Sirona) and milled out of lithium-disili-
Sirona). All posts were cemented with self-adhesive com- cate glass-ceramic blocks (IPS e.max CAD, size I12, Ivoclar
posite (RelyX Unicem 2, 3M Oral Care) that was manipu- Vivadent) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
lated according to the manufacturer’s instructions and intro- internal restoration surface was etched with 5% hydrofluoric
duced into the canal. The cementation process was acid (Condac Porcelana 5%; FGM) for 20 s followed by rins-
standardized with a 500-g load applied to the specimens ing and drying. A silane agent (Silano; Ângelus, Londrina,
for 5 min and at every luting step.4 The excess cement was PR, Brazil) was then applied for 1 min.23 The ceramic
removed after 1 min, and after 5 min, the composite ce- crowns were cemented using self-adhesive composite
ment was light polymerized at each surface of the speci- (RelyX Unicem 2; 3M Oral Care) following the same protocol
mens (buccal, palatal, incisal) for 40 s with an LED light- as that described for post fixation.

Vol 20, No 2, 2018 135

Valdivia et al

Strain Measurement only; (III) cohesive fracture of ceramic crown with core in-
The specimens were submitted to the strain-gauge test be- volved; (IV) fracture with root involvement in cervical third that
fore and after artificial aging. To measure tooth deformation, can be restored in association with periodontal surgery; (V)
two strain gauges with grid size 1x1 mm PA-06-038AA-120- root fracture in the middle or apical third, which requires ex-
LEN, Excel Sensores; Embú, SP, Brazil) were placed on the traction of the tooth. The samples were evaluated for cracks
root surface 2.0 mm below the crown limit; one gauge was after the fracture-resistance test, helping to determine the
placed on the buccal surface (Fig 1c), parallel to the long axis, fracture mode.9 The images of the samples were captured at
and the other on the lingual surface (Fig 1d).29 One strain 1.5X magnification under standardized conditions (Nikon D60
gauge with grid size 4x2 mm (PA-06-060CC-350-LEN; Excel and Nikkor 105 mm macro lens, Chiyoda; Tokyo, Japan)
Sensores) was attached to the buccal surface of the ceramic using transillumination LED light (Photonita, P1050; Flori-
crown (Fig 1c). The strain gauges were bonded with a cyano- anópolis, SC, Brazil) with the optic fiber illuminator positioned
acrylate adhesive (Super Bonder; Loctite) and connected to a on the occlusal surface of the tooth. The fractured speci-
data acquisition device (ADS0500IP, Lynx; São Paulo, SP, mens were mounted on aluminum stubs, sputter coated with
Brazil). In addition, a control specimen with 3 strain gauges gold (Bal-Tec SCD 050; Balzers, Liechtenstein), and exam-
attached, but not subjected to loading, was mounted adjacent ined under a scanning electron microscope (EVO MA 10, Carl
to the tested tooth to compensate for ambient temperature Zeiss; Jena, Germany). SEM photomicrographs were obtained
fluctuations or due to gauge electrical resistance.4,29,46 at different magnifications to illustrate the failure modes.
The specimens with strain gauges were subjected to a
nondestructive ramp load from 0 to 100 N using a mechan- Residual Stress Calculation and Finite-Element Analysis
ical testing machine (EMIC DL2000, EMIC; São José dos The 3D finite-element models were generated using 3 sam-
Pinhais, PR, Brazil) before and after artificial aging. The load ples randomly selected before thermomechanical aging for
was applied at a 0.5-mm/min crosshead speed and 45-de- each group (Fe and NFe). The samples were micro-CT
gree angle along the long axis of the tooth (Fig 1e).4,26 The scanned (Model 1172; Brucker Skyscan, Kontich, Bel-
data were recorded with a computer that performed the sig- gium).14 The equipment was adjusted to scan the whole
nal transformation and data analysis (AqDados 7.02 and tooth, with a beam-accelerating voltage of 100 kV, an x-ray
AqAnalysis; Lynx). beam current of 100 μA, Al+Cu filter material, 10-μm image
pixel size, 2000x1048 resolution, and a 0.7-degree rotation
Thermocycling and Fatigue Loading step to obtain 4 frames, which resulted in 2340 slices.
Thermal variations were induced using a thermal cycling ma- Using NRecon software (SkyScan 1172, Bruker-microCT;
chine (Thermo-cycler, Willytech; Munich, Germany) between Kontich, Belgium), 780 slices of tooth structure were se-
two water baths of 5°C and 55°C with a dwell time of 30 s at lected, applying the artefact-correction parameters of
each temperature. All specimens were subjected to 20,000 Smoothing 2 and Ring 5.
thermocycles in total. After the first 10,000 thermocycles, The DICOM files obtained from MicroCT were identified
the specimens were subjected to fatigue loading for using an interactive medical image-control system (Mimics
1,200,000 cycles. The fatigue loading was performed under 16.0, Materialise; Leuven, Belgium). The segmentation of
water irrigation using a chewing simulator with sliding move- the dental structures and restorative materials was accom-
ment (Willytech, Munich, Germany), which has been claimed plished based on the image-density thresholding. The
to correspond to 10 years of clinical function.22 The load was masks of dentin, composite cement, gutta-percha, fiber-
applied at 45 degrees at a frequency of 1.6 Hz. A sinusoidal glass post, composite, and ceramic were converted into a
load of 0 to 50 N was applied with a stainless-steel ball- 3D file (STL, bilinear, and interplane interpolation algorithm)
shaped stylus to the lingual surface of the ceramic crown using Mimics for STL. The aspect ratio and connectivity of
(Fig 1f).48,49 The failures under fatigue loading were recorded the triangles in the native STLs resulted in an inappropriate
during the test by integrated LVDT displacement sensors, model for FEA use. Therefore, the remesh component in
which were able to detect a displacement of 100 μm and Mimics software was used to reduce the number of trian-
were connected to software. gles and simultaneously improve the quality of the triangles
while maintaining the geometry. In addition, an advanced
Strain During the Fracture Procedure (CSt-Fr), STL design and meshing software (3-matic 8.0, Materialise)
Fracture Resistance and Fracture Mode was used to create the resin cylinder and simulated peri-
All specimens were loaded to fracture using the same com- odontal ligament. Each STL file was treated separately be-
pressive loading design as in the strain gauge tests. The fore merging all parts into a single STL file, termed assem-
force required (N) to cause fracture was recorded by a 500- bly. The final assembly was then re-meshed using the
KN load cell hardwired to software (TESC; EMIC), which de- 3-matic REMESH component. Self-intersecting curves were
tected any sudden load drop in its load cell during the com- maintained and the tolerance variation from the original
pression tests. The strains were also recorded at failure data was specified (the quality of triangles does not mean
load (St-Fr) (Fig 1g). the tolerance variation from the original data). The quality is
The fracture mode of each specimen was assigned to one defined as a measure of triangle height:base ratio, so that
of five categories: (I) post debonding without ceramic-crown the file can be imported in the FEA-software package with-
or root dentin fracture; (II) cohesive fracture of ceramic crown out producing errors.

136 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Valdivia et al

Table 1 Mechanical properties of materials used for dentin and restorative materials

Dentin and restorative Elastic modulus Poisson ratio Tensile Compressive strength Reference
materials (GPa) strength (MPa) (MPa) No.
Dentin 18.60 0.31 98.7 297.0 27

Composite 17.10 0.31 45.5 277.0 34

Lithium-disilicate glass ceramic 13.50 0.31 271.0 360.0 7

Polystyrene resin 13.50 0.31 39

Gutta-percha 0.69 0.45 15

Composite cement 8.10 0.30 26

Polyether 50 0.45 39

As a specific approach for better model generation, the Table 2 Orthotropic properties, tensile strength and
STL models were imported to MSC.Patran 2010r2 (MSC. compressive strength of the fiberglass post43
Software; Santa Ana, CA, USA) and meshed. Tetrahedral
elements were used to ensure smooth contact at all model Properties Fiberglass Tensile Compres-
post unit strength sive
interfaces. The volumetric meshes of all model components
(MPa) strength
were created based on the standard triangulated language (MPa)
(STL) descriptions of the optimized surface. The meshes
were imported into an FEA-software package (Marc/Mentat, EX (MPa) 37000 40 250
MSC.Software) for the attribution of material properties to EY (MPa) 9500
the other model components (ie, bone, periodontal liga-
ment, enamel, dentin, composite cement, gutta-percha, fi- EZ (MPa) 9500
berglass post, and composite). The elastic moduli of the ηXY 0.34
restorative materials and dental structure are listed in Ta-
bles 1 and 2. To simulate the interface among model com- ηYZ 0.27
ponents, precisely bonded contacts were held. The nodes ηXZ 0.34
on the base of the bone-model structure were rigidly fixed in
the x-, y- and z-dimensions, to simulate the experimental Gxy (MPa) 3544.8
set-up tests. The loading conditions were simulated using Gxz (MPa) 1456.7
nodal-point load with the same load intensity used experi-
mentally (100 N applied at 45 degrees to the lingual sur- Gxz (MPa) 3544.8
face of the crown). The load was applied in a coronal-apical ηXY, ηYZ, and ηXZ: Poisson ratios in the orthogonal planes (xy, yz, and
direction in relation to the tooth’s longitudinal axis. The as- xz); Gxy, Gxz, and Gxz: shear moduli.
sessment and post-processing were performed for each
model using modified von Mises and equivalent von Mises
stresses by means of Marc/Mentat 2010r3 software. RESULTS

Statistical Analysis Fatigue Loading

The ceramic crown and root dentin strains (μS) as well as Only one NFe specimen failed during fatigue loading be-
fracture resistance (N) data were tested for normal distribu- cause of post debonding after 1,200,000 cycles. All other
tion (Shapiro-Wilk, p > 0.05) and equality of variances (Lev- specimens survived 2,400,000 fatigue cycles.
ene’s test), followed by parametric statistical tests. Two-
way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test were used to Tooth Structure and Ceramic Strain
compare the effect of ferrule presence, aging procedure, The ceramic crown and root dentin strains (μS) during the
and their interaction for ceramic crown and root dentin simulation of 100-N loading before and after aging are
strain data. Fracture resistance was analyzed using Stu- shown in Fig 2. The ceramic crown revealed lower deforma-
dent’s t-test. Fracture mode was analyzed using the chi- tion than root dentin, irrespective of ferrule presence. For
squared test. All tests used an α = 0.05 significance level ceramic crown deformation, no difference was found be-
and all analyses were carried out using Sigma Plot version tween the FE and NFE groups, irrespective of aging proced-
13.1 (Systat Software; San Jose, CA, USA). The light emis- ures. Root dentin revealed higher deformation than did the
sion spectra were analyzed qualitatively. ceramic crown, irrespective of ferrule presence or aging.

Vol 20, No 2, 2018 137

Valdivia et al

1200 Bb
the cervical third of the root involving cervical dentin demon-
Before aging strated that dentin remained adhered to the ceramic crown
1000 (Fig 5c). The SEM photomicrographs of post-detached sam-
After aging
Tooth strain (μS)

800 ples demonstrated several bubbles and voids in the com-

Ba Ba posite cement (Fig 5d).
600 Ba
The ratio between the maximum resistance and root den-
400 tin deformation at the moment of fracture is shown in
200 Table 4. The NFe group revealed a higher root- strain:fracture
Aa Aa Aa Aa resistance ratio than did the Fe group (p < 0.001).
Fe NFe Fe NFe
Finite-Element Analysis
Ceramic crown Root surface
The modified von Mises stress distributions are summa-
Fig 2 Tooth strain (μS) measured by strain gauges (n = 10) upon rized in Figs 5 and 6. The highest stress concentration was
100 N loading before and after aging. Different uppercase letters located on the external surface of root dentin (Fig 5). The
compare the aging effect for each strain measurement. Lowercase stress on the lingual surface was higher than that on the
letters compare ferrule presence (Fe) and absence (NFe) for each buccal root dentin. The stress levels on the fiber posts and
strain measurement (p < 0.05). composite were lowest for the Fe model (Fig 5). The highest
stress concentration is located at the composite-core inter-
face with root dentin (Fig 6). The stress is more concen-
The NFe group resulted in root dentin deformation similar to trated at the lateral surface and at the lingual surface of
that of the Fe group before aging, but the NFe group re- the cervical margin of the ceramic crown (Fig 6).
vealed higher root dentin deformation than did the Fe group
after aging. The aging process had no effect on root dentin
strain for the Fe group, but significantly increased the root DISCUSSION
dentin strain for the NFe group (Table 3).
The ceramic crown and root dentin strains (μS) at the max- The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the
imum fracture loading are shown in Fig 3. The ceramic crown presence of a ferrule on anterior endodontically treated inci-
revealed a lower deformation than root dentin, irrespective of sors restored with a fiberglass post/composite core/CAD/
ferrule presence. For ceramic crown deformation, no differ- CAM ceramic crown influences the biomechanical perfor-
ence was found between Fe and NFe. The Fe group resulted in mance, as expressed by crown and root dentin strains, frac-
higher root dentin deformation than the NFe group. ture resistance, fracture mode, and stress distribution. The
results of the present study confirmed that the presence of
Fracture Resistance a ferrule improved the integrity of the restorative materials
The mean fracture resistance (N) and standard deviation and root dentin, with the same root deformation after
are shown in Table 3. The Student’s t-test showed a signifi- aging. Additionally, a reduction in stress concentration in
cantly higher resistance to fracture for Fe than NFe. root dentin, an increase in fracture resistance, and a reduc-
The fracture-mode distribution is presented in Table 3. tion in number of root fractures of endodontically treated
The chi-squared showed a significant difference between Fe incisors restored with fiberglass post were observed. There-
and NFe (p = 0.004). The Fe group produced fractures in- fore, the null hypothesis was rejected.
volving only the ceramic crown or associated with core frac- This study used bovine incisors instead of human inci-
ture. NFe revealed more fractures involving root dentin and sors. Bovine dentin is often used for in vitro tests and is
post debonding. The typical fracture modes for Fe and NFe, generally considered similar to human dentin in terms of
examined with the transillumination method, are shown in composition, properties, and geometric root configura-
Fig 4. SEM showed that ceramic crown fractures (Fig 5a) tion.9,33 The increased availability of bovine teeth made it
and composite-core fractures (Fig 5b) are always accompa- possible to standardize the sample size and shape.29,37
nied by crown-dentin detachment. The fracture located at Standardization was essential for obtaining comparable re-

Table 3 Mean strain values (μS) before and after aging loaded to 100N

Aging Buccal crown strain Buccal root strain Lingual root strain

Fe NFe Fe NFe Fe NFe

Before 13.8 (5.4)Aa 12.8 (5.2)Aa 437.8 (178.1)Aa 611.1 (282.8)Aa 221.4 (81.7)Aa 236.7 (59.7)Aa

After 13.4 (4.0)Aa 16.8(3.1)Aa 554.0 (233.8)Ab 1248.0 (282.8)Bb 311.8 (159.0)Ab 516.2 (195.0)Bb

Different superscript uppercase letters indicate significant differences in aging. Different superscript lower case letters indicate significant differences for the
ferrule factor within each strain mode (p < 0.05).

138 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Valdivia et al

a b c d

Fig 3 Prevalent fracture modes. a: NFe

group, type I post debonding; b: NFe group,
type IV root fracture in the cervical third. c:
Fe group, type II cohesive fracture of the
restoration; d: Fe group, type III cohesive
fracture of the restoration with core involve-

a b

Fig 4 SEM photomicrographs of speci-

mens. a: fracture mode type I showing sev- c d
eral bubbles and voids; b: fracture mode
type II showing a ceramic crown fracture
and complete detachment of the ceramic
crown from root dentin; c: fracture mode
type III showing a ceramic and composite-
core fracture and detachment of the com-
posite core from dentin; d: fracture mode
type IV showing a root dentin fracture lo-
cated at the cervical third of root dentin ad-
hered to the ceramic crown.

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

a b a b a b
Fe – with ferule


NFe – without ferule

Fig 5 Modified von Mises stress distribu-

tions of the external root dentin of the Fe 0
and NFe models. a: on the buccal surface;
b: on the lingual surface.

Vol 20, No 2, 2018 139

Valdivia et al

Table 4 Fracture resistance (N), mode of fracture and the ratio between root dentin deformation and fracture resis-
tance, as measured using an axial compression test (n = 10)

Group n Fracture resistance Fracture mode Strain:fracture

(N) resistance ratio
With ferrule 10 1099.6 (214.8)A 0 4 5 1 0 3.85A

Without ferrule 10 675.3 (113.8)B 4 0 1 5 0 5.88B

Different superscript letters indicate a significant difference between the fracture resistance of the restorative techniques (p < 0.05).

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

a b a b a b MPa
Fe – with ferule


NFe – without ferule

Fig 6 Modified von Mises stress distribu-

tions of the ceramic crown of the Fe and
NFe models. a: on the buccal surface; b:
on the lingual surface.

sults, because deformation and fracture load depend on Only one sample in the NFe group failed during fatigue load-
geometry. The dimensions and geometry of the selected ing, with the post debonding after 1,200,000 cycles, which
bovine root dentin had dimensions similar to those of maxil- is the most common failure type observed clinically in pa-
lary human incisors. In this investigation, a force of 100 N tients.40 However, these failures can be easily corrected by
was chosen to simulate chewing strain and for stress re-cementation, prolonging the function of the restor-
analysis, because physiological biting forces during eating ation.8,40
were found to be between 20 and 160 N.5,31 The tooth root The current results show that the strain gauges attached
was embedded in polystyrene resin with an elastic modulus to the buccal and palatal surfaces were able to detect dif-
similar to that of bone tissue, and the periodontal ligament ferences between groups.4,45 It has been demonstrated
was simulated using an elastomeric material, by which the that when a single-root tooth is subjected to loading applied
in vitro experimental design approximated the oral environ- along the tooth’s long axis, the greatest tensile stress oc-
ment.31 The combination of destructive and nondestructive curs at the lingual root surface of the coronal third of the
methods on the same sample, such as strain gauge mea- root.12,24 The bond integrity is decisive for stress/strain
surements, fracture resistance, and fracture mode analysis, transfer; if the fiberglass post detaches from the root den-
permitted a sequential understanding of the failure pro- tin, the stress tends to concentrate at the interfaces
cess. Having measured the deformation before fracture (Fig 4). The large number of bubbles and voids in the com-
may have contributed to a better understanding of the en- posite cement layer may increase stress concentration, fa-
tire fracture process from initiation to ultimate rupture.42 voring failure at the interface (Fig 4). Improving the methods
However, it is not possible to determine stress experimen- of composite cement insertion into the root canal can be an
tally, as the use of finite-element analysis with simulation important strategy to create a more homogeneous compos-
parameters in more realistic conditions is still necessary.3 ite cement layer. Although the stress concentration at the
During oral function, teeth are subjected to dynamic buccal surface of the ceramic crown, where the strain
masticatory and thermal loading. This subcritical loading gauge was attached, was lower, several failure modes in-
may lead to a slow process of incremental structural degra- volving fracture of the ceramic crown were recorded in the
dation, often referred to as fatigue.17 In this study, the NFe group. The stress concentrated at the intaglio surface
specimens were subjected to 20,000 thermal cycles and of the ceramic may contribute to the high stress level of the
2,400,000 mechanical cycles prior to the tests to simulate ceramic crown and result in fracture. The strain values re-
aging during 10 years of clinical service.13,22,44,42,45,48,49 corded in this study before and after aging demonstrated

140 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Valdivia et al

that ferrule presence is important for stress/strain transfer the root canal. Although the behavior was similar for both
from the crown to root dentin. The higher stress concentra- the Fe and NFe models, the use of different specific finite-
tion at the root limit of the composite core/post interface element models was important to demonstrate the effect of
and the absence of the ferrule protection may explain the ferrule geometry and that the external shape of the root can
post debonding, which was responsible for more type I and influence the stress magnitude. Different root shapes and
IV failures in the NFe group. Ferrule effect and maintaining volumes of dentin directly reflect the magnitude of the
cavity walls are predominant factors with regard to tooth stress concentrated at root dentin. Simplified finite-element
and restoration survival of endodontically treated teeth. The analysis using generalized models is commonly used to
absence of a ferrule significantly increased the strain after study the effect of ferrule presence; however, the use of
aging, but the strain was stable when a ferrule was present. individualized models generated by MicroCT, such as those
The strain gauges were attached near sites where fractures used in this study, can better explain the patient-to-patient
were expected to start.4,45 However, this study was limited by variability of clinical restorative procedures.
the location of the strain gauges. Future studies should con- In this study, we also calculated the ratio between the
sider affixing the strain gauge on the proximal root dentin maximum resistance and root dentin deformation at the mo-
close to the crown limit, because most of the fracture lines ment of fracture. The NFe group revealed a higher root
are located in this region. Ceramics have high elastic moduli strain/fracture resistance ratio than did the Fe group. Teeth
and a low strain capacity, so they tend to concentrate stress without a ferrule deformed more with lower fracture resis-
inside the body of the restoration, resulting in low deforma- tance, demonstrating that a ferrule is an important biomech-
tion.32 The stiffness of the lithium-disilicate glass-ceramic may anical parameter for anterior teeth endodontically treated
explain the lower strain values observed at the buccal surface and restored with fiberglass posts and ceramic crowns. The
of the crown. Moreover, the finite-element models demon- results of this study could be interpreted in general for bio-
strated that the stress concentration at the buccal surface of mechanical aspects, such as the stress/strain complex, but
the loaded incisor is insignificant when compared with the failures due to the loss of adhesive should not be directly
stress located at the inner and proximal surfaces. transferred to human teeth. Clinical studies analyzing the di-
Failure by fracture is a direct consequence of stress and mension and configuration of ferrules in anterior teeth are
strain magnitude and distribution. The teeth without a fer- necessary to confirm the results of the present study.
rule revealed a significantly lower fracture resistance than
did the teeth with a ferrule. The absence of a ferrule in-
creased stress at the root dentin/cement/fiberglass post CONCLUSION
interfaces. Theoretically, initial interface debonding occurs
when either the normal stress exceeds the tensile strength, The presence of a ferrule contributed to the prevention of fi-
or the tangential stress overtakes the shear-bond berglass-post detachment from the root dentin and restorative
strength.19 Fiberglass posts are typically involved in these materials, maintaining the same level of root dentin strain
circumstances, and if the post detaches while remaining in after thermomechanical aging. The absence of a ferrule re-
the root canal, the risk-of-fracture index in the root in- sulted in increased root dentin strain after the aging process.
creases significantly.28 Consequently, the root dentin strain The incisors with a 2.0-mm ferrule restored with a CAD/CAM
increased after thermomechanical aging, probably because ceramic crown exhibited higher fracture resistance, lower
the interfaces between restorative material and root dentin stress concentration at root dentin, and fewer fracture modes
presented detachment. Therefore, the lower fracture resis- involving root failure than did incisors without a ferrule.
tance of the teeth without a ferrule is a consequence of
both aspects, namely increased root dentin stress and
strain as well as more detaching sites at the interfaces. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Similar results were observed in several other stud- This study was supported by a PhD grant from PDSE CAPES Founda-
ies.4,16,29,41,46 However, using a thermomechanical aging tion (Grant number 7100/13-2) and grant from FAPEMIG (Research
process in association with the strain-gauge test, the pres- Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais).
ent study clearly demonstrates that root dentin strain and
specific finite-element models expressed the stress-distri-
bution principles that ferrules exhibit to protect endodonti- REFERENCES
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142 The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

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