Nov 28 PBC Bulletin

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Our Life Together: 28th November - 5th December 2010

Sunday 28th
Thursday 2nd
10:00am Worship Service 7:30pm Music Practice
Speaker Ian Cathie from DAI
Enjoying God, Blessing Others
(plus Sunday School) Friday 3rd
11:30am Morning Tea FUEL Youth - TBA - contact leaders Sunday 28th November 2010
5:00pm FUEL Study at the Youth Shed for details
7:30pm Memories at Christmas -
Service at Uniting Church Hall
Tuesday 30th
A warm welcome to everyone,
10:30am Church House Prayer Meeting Saturday 4th particularly all visitors as we conclude
7:00pm Table Tennis at the Hall 8:00pm Blokes’ Brekkie in the Hall “November - Missions Month”. It is a privilege to
7:30pm Home Group at Honeybuns’
welcome our speaker this morning, Ian Cathie from
Sunday 5th
DAI and his wife Wendy. Thank you for being with us
Wednesday 1st December 10:00am Communion Service
Speaker John
today! Please join us for morning tea in the
7:30pm Home Group at Oakley’s hall after the service.
(plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6)
7:30pm Home Group at Dallistons’
11:30am Morning Tea
8:00pm Young Adults’ Home Group 2:00pm Seaview House Service
5:00pm FUEL Study at the Youth Shed
Our Upcoming Highlights
BULLETIN NOTICES: To place “Blokes’ Brekkie” in the Hall: Next Saturday 4th December - 8:00am
Roster: 5th December 2010 Seaview House Service: Next Sunday 5th - 2:00pm
notices in the bulletin, please contact
Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email Door Greeting: Lee Caddick Decorate the Christmas Tree: Monday 6th in the church - 6:00 or 7:00pm by 10am Door & Offering: Len Caddick Sunday School Christmas Celebration: Sunday 12th December
Thursdays. Thank you. Girls’ Craft Night: Monday 13th - 7:00pm
Downstairs D&O: David Hein Seniors’ Christmas Afternoon in the Hall: Tuesday 14th - 2:00pm
Children’s Talk: Jim Blake Annual Christmas BBQ at Drik Drik: Sunday 19th - 5:00pm
Loaves Media Desk: Mel, Ian, James
& Fishes Morning Tea: Moyle, Caddick Pastor: Associate Pastor: Secretary:
Thank you to everyone for your Communion Prep: Mieke Walker Rev John Simpson Rev Michael Drennan Jim Blake
faithful support. Items most Offering Counting: D Hein, 13 Browning Street 11 Webb Court 39 Patrick Street
needed include: canned
J Donehue Portland Portland Portland
vegetables; pasta; shampoo;
P: 5523 2257 P: 5523 4893 P: 5523 2347
conditioner; jam; tissues; soup; Lawns & Garden: G Sobey
M: 0428 780 421 M: 0408 568 887 M: 0425 714 633
tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; Ch. House Clean: D Wulff
biscuits. Place donations in the Church Cleaning: Atwell
foyer trolley or in the marked box Our website:
on the piano downstairs . Hall/Kitchen Clean: Honeybun
From John & Judith ... “Devote yourselves to prayer, being
watchful and thankful.” Col. 4:2
We welcome Ian and Wendy!  Gillian Karlberg– recuperating from Total October Offering: $13,367
surgery, in Donvale Rehab Centre Monthly Budget: $16,250
We have a huge privilege as a fellowship in reaching out
(1119 Doncaster Rd, Donvale 3111) Weekly Target: $ 3,750
around the world – to support the work of Jesus in many
 Dianne Adams – recuperating from Weekly Average $ 3,062
different settings. Today we have as our special guests, Ian
and Wendy Cathie – much loved friends of ours of many surgery (avg. from 1st July 2010)
years. A brief introduction:  Stuart Oakley – radiation, chemo Week 03 October $ 2,754
treatment continues Week 10 October $ 4,480
 Ian and Wendy have four sons all following diverse careers: pastor,  George Mackley – has been in Week 17 October $ 3,154
Jetstar pilot, operations manager, company accountant. hospital this week Week 24 October $ 2,979
 They have eleven grandchildren including several sets of twins – very  Our friends with special needs –
clever people! Matthew Harris, Lionel Atwell, Keith Direct Debit Payments for offerings
 They have served Jesus in many ways over many years. Ian is currently Whitbourn, Stevie King and donations can be made
the President of the Bible College of Victoria, a recent major project  Drennan family – safely arrived in electronically. Details are as follows:
being the relocation of the college to a new site. the US, with Michael’s parents now Acc Name: Portland Baptist
 We pray for and support Ian in his role as the Director of Development  Rosie – travelling in Africa Church Direct Offering
 Our Mayor – pray for Gilbert and BSB 704 922
Associates Australia which is member of an international mission
Councillors Account No. 100 006 869
dedicated to the mentoring, training and equipping of Christian leaders
in countries where leadership resources are limited.  Victoria – with the election yesterday,
 Ian travels frequently to Asia, Africa and PNG bringing to the emerging God’s guidance for our State Building Fund
Christian leaders in these places the benefit of his many years of  Our world – for Ian and Wendy,
mentoring Christian leaders in China, Total Building Fund raised to
experience in serving Jesus as a leader.
 Along the way he is building friendship networks with Christian Mongolia, Uganda and PNG end of October: $506,476
leaders which go way beyond the conduct of the training program he Monday October Donations: $2,948
conducts. He is well known and loved in many places. Nathan & Elly McLean, Neil, Vicki, Dale B/F available balance: $103,497
 He is often sought for his wisdom in attending to the many issues Tuesday All gifts to the building fund are
which leaders have to deal with. Don Meyer fully tax deductible. Please take
 He has recently been invited to join the International Board of DAI the information sheets (blue &
which has its headquarters in Colorado Springs. yellow) and envelopes are
Aaron Mibus
 Wendy travels with Ian at least once annually being very much an available in the porch. You can
active member of the training team. Thursday
deposit straight into the building
John enjoys the privilege of Chairing DAI Australia’s Committee of Roger & Rosemary Mibus
 fund via internet banking using
Management. Friday the following information:
Dallas & Rachael Mitchell,
David, Jessica, Joshua, Katie Acc Name: Portland Baptist
Ian and Wendy, thank you for being with us today! We assure you of our Church Direct Building Fund
ongoing prayers and financial support as you represent us and others in your Saturday BSB 704 922
global service for Jesus. Neil Mitchell Account No 100 007 044
John & Judith Claire Moriarty “Let’s press on in faith!”
Read the Bible DATES TO
in 2010 REMEMBER
FUEL Youth - Study Group at
the Youth Shed: Sunday
Thank you: to Jon and the Mission Support Group for a
 Nov 28 Romans 15:1-16:27 evenings - 5:00pm
challenging and interesting month focussing on Jesus’ call
2 Corinthians 1:1-2:4 to us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
Table Tennis for all at the Hall:
 Nov 29 2 Corinthians 2:5-6:13 Tuesday evenings - 7:00pm This Morning: We welcome Ian Cathie from Development Associates
 Nov 30 2 Corinthians 6:14-10:18 International (DAI). Ian is training Christian leaders in China, Mongolia,
Memories at Christmas: Service
 Dec 01 Acts 20:7-12 Uganda and PNG and is currently the President of the Bible College of
at Uniting Church Hall next
Friday 3rd - 7:30pm Victoria. See John and Judith’s column today.
 Dec 02 2 Corinthians 11:1-13:13
Our “5-Cent Coin Collection”: Received and blessed this morning - all
Acts 20:13-21:36 Blokes’ Brekkie in the church proceeds to Central Baptist Church in Harare, Zimbabwe.
 Dec 03 Acts 21:37-23:35 Hall: Next Saturday 4th -
8:00am. RSVP by this Thursday
 Dec 04 Acts 24:1-26:31
 Dec 05 Acts 27:1-44 Seaview House Service: Next
Congratulations!... Drennan
Sunday5th - 2:00pm Congratulations
to Helen Sobey
Weekly Prayer Group Decorate the Christmas Tree:
Monday 6th in the church -
who, after long Furlough
Please join us at 10.30am on study, now has
6:00pm for pizza, 7:00pm Tree achieved an The Drennan family has now
Tuesdays at Church House. Given
Advanced Diploma of Family arrived safely in Calabash,
that our Friday morning
Sunday School Christmas Counselling (Christian). Her North Carolina, and celebrated
prayer meetings are in
Celebration: Plus visit to Lewis Graduation is in April. Well Thanksgiving with Michael’s
recess for a period, those Court - Sunday 12th December
who used to attend done, Helen! We know that your Mum and Dad on Thursday.
Fridays are welcomed to training will be a blessing to the Continue to pray for good
Special Church Business times for them in these special
join the Tuesday group. Meeting: Sunday 12th after the Portland community.
days away.
Service - see separate notice
Parents’ & ~ Lighthouse ~ Important Notice:
Community Carols Service: On
Tots’ Room Bentinck St. lawns Sunday 12th
Depression MISSING ...
Parents are welcome from 6:30pm Support Group Has anyone seen a data
to use the room just
off the foyer, with Girls’ Craft Night: See Steph for A good company projector? Jon Lambert is
activities for children up to 12 details. Monday 13th - 7:00pm attended last Tuesday evening’s missing his projector which was
months, especially during our meeting at the Arts Centre. in a black case and was last seen
prayer time and the sermon if your SUFM - Summer Beach Mission Thanks to Steph who shared the at the church about a month ago.
child is unsettled. It is sound-linked Program: Wednesday 29th ways in which she has coped Please contact Jon (5521 1833
to the auditorium. December - Friday 7th Jan. 2011 with depression. or 0418 504 010) if you can help.
A few Christmas Dates ...
FUEL Youth
Check out the “Christmas Activities” leaflet Next Friday 3rd December - 7:30pm
enclosed in the Bulletin and note the
following highlights happening soon! All secondary-school age youth
See or call Paul, Jolene, Brad or Scott for details
Memories at Christmas – special service next
Friday at Wesley: see the Christmas Activities or check emails ... text messages ... facebook ...
notice with RSVP as soon as possible please. Have patience and all will be revealed!
Blokes’ Brekkie: next Saturday at 8.00am in Cost $4.00. Come on down and bring a Friend!
the Church Hall. $5 to cover costs. RSVP by this ... and don’t forget ...
Thursday please to John or Judith.
Bible Study TONIGHT
Help decorate the Christmas tree! Tomorrow at the Youth Shed 5:00-700pm
week, Monday 6th commencing at 6:00pm with Includes dinner, total cost $4.
pizzas. RSVP to Judith by next Sunday. Bring your Bible, bring a friend.

Missions Advice of
Sunday School
NEWS Church
Special Christmas Celebration!
Sunday 12th December
The latest newsletters from Kelly
All our Sunday School - all ages 1-4 years old, grades 1-4 and grades 5-6
and the Raysides are now available There will be a brief Church children will be involved in a Christmas Celebration during the Church
on the Missions table downstairs. Business Meeting immediately after Service on Sunday 12th December. Afterwards we are going to Lewis
Please feel free to check out the the service on Sunday 12th Court to present our Sunday School Christmas Celebration and share
Missions table regularly for news, December to elect a Pastoral Search morning tea with the residents. Parents: please ask for your child’s
information and catalogues from Team. For any queries, please see information sheet which will include a permission slip.
many areas. Secretary Jim Blake. (5523 2347).

Mission Dates: 29 Dec. - 7 Jan
Project: Christmas Hampers
News from the SUFM Team Leaders:
Loaves and Fishes is running a Christmas Hamper The training weekend was good and a lot of planning, preparation and training
drive to assist those in need during the festive season. got done which was amazing. The team has come together well now with all
Any donations would be welcome but more particularly what about some spots filled.
Prayer: Continue to pray for the SUFM team as they leave their lives to come to
Christmas goodies? Christmas cakes, puddings, shortbread, the special
Portland to serve God. Pray for safe travels and that everything goes according to
Christmas traditional foods would be very gratefully accepted. Thank you plan without hiccups. Pray that the people of Portland will come out in force and
to everyone for your generous support throughout the year. that they will be open to hearing the message that we are sharing .

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