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Policy WCM/HS WCBOE Accept- Needs Needs Comments/ Suggestions

Media Policy able to be to be

Center Up- Added
Policy dated
Last Updated 2007 2005 X
1. Mission X There was no mission statement found in the school
Statement policy. The BOE policy stated a general mission
statement for the school but not for the media center.
There is a good example of a media center mission
statement at this site:
2. Media
Selection X X The policy goes into depth of who is responsible for
Responsibility material selections.
Selection X X This policy gives regulations for selecting
Criteria appropriate materials for the media center.
Selection and X X X These processes are explained in great depth and are
Weeding acceptable and complete.
3. Equipment
Responsibility X X X The policy describes the types of equipment that is
available and who should instruct the teachers,
Damage or X There is no mention of what to do when the
Repair equipment is broken or destroyed. There need to be
set guidelines on this so that teachers and students
also know the consequences.
Ordering X X This policy goes into great detail explaining what to
consider when ordering new equipment for example,
types of warranties, durability, and costs.
4. Staffing X X The BOE notes the number of media specialists and
media clerks needed. The school policy should also
include this information.
5. Media X X The roles and responsibilities are briefly mentioned
Specialists in the BOE policy and are not mentioned in the
Roles and school policy. Howard County Schools do a good
Responsibilities job at detailing these roles. These roles can be found
on this website:
Media X X The WCM/HS policy describes the members of the
Committee media committee. It does not mention a chairperson
Chairperson and every committee needs a chairperson.
6. Media Clerk The media clerk roles and responsibilities cannot be
Roles and found in either policy. The website above does a
Responsibilities good job at describing these roles as well.
7. Reconsideration X X X This policy is acceptable and complete.
8. Copyright X X X In both policies there is only a mention that staff and
students will follow the laws set forth for copyright.
There is no help for finding these laws. This needs to
be updated and a great example of how these laws
can be explained and easily accessible to students and
staff is at the following website:
9. Technology
Integration in X X X This policy is acceptable and complete.
Internet Use X X In the BOE policy, internet use for students is vague
and needs to be very descriptive and also tell the
consequences for violating the guidelines. There is an
internet agreement form sent home that has to be
signed by the parent and student but it too is vague.
This school has a great way of addressing this policy
at the following website:
Technology X When there is a problem with technology, everyone
Problems needs to know the correct protocol for getting it
repaired or corrected. There needs to be a policy
explaining where to go to help find a solution.
Lending of X X X
Equipment to
Damage or Loss X Staff members need to know that they will be held
by staff accountable for missing or damaged media center
property. If this policy were added, a number of
technology problems would diminish.
11. Student Media
Student X X The student behavior in the media center description
Behavior in in the BOE policy is not clear. It states that students
Media Center should be reverent and respectful. Students need to
know specific expectations and their consequences.
Weston Public Schools has a great set of guidelines
for students to follow while in the media center. For
Internet X X X The form that is sent home for parents and students to
Accessibility sign is vague and needs to be updated with violations
Agreement and consequences.
Checkout/ X X X This is acceptable and complete.
Fines and X X The fines policy explains the amount of money that is
Notices owed for loss or damaged property of the media
Withdrawal and X This is a good policy to have to clear any questions
Clearing about books or equipment that is checked out by a
Students student and then withdraws from that school. This
policy needs to include the consequences of not
returning property of the media center.
12. Facility X X X This policy is acceptable and complete.
13. Budget
Media Expenses X There is no mention of how much money is allocated
for media expenses such as reading materials.
Technology purchases are pulled from another
account as well as textbook orders. The amount of
money varies depending on the FTE count and the
amount of money available to the school.
Gift Materials X X This policy is acceptable and complete.

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