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Essence of Dana Punia.

Tabe Salamat Lingu Nalatai Salam Sahujud Karendem Malempang,

Om Swastiyastu, Om Avignam Astu Namo Sidham

Good Morning Ladies and gentlemen all my beloved Hindu brothers and sisters first of all

i would like to thank Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, Raying Hatalla Langit with us for his blessings

and mercy. So he can get her here in this nice occasion, today I'm going to deliver a Dharmawacana

entitle the essence of Dana Punia.

Ladies and gentlemen the word dana Punia is familiar for us. Isn't it now I want to ask you?

What is on your mind? if you hear the word Dana punia is it money many people believe that

Dana Punia is same as giving money and most of them say that no money no Dana Punia. Do you

agree with that? Is dana punia only about money, so what actually the essence of dana punia and

why she we do dana punia?

My below Hindu brothers and sisters in Sanskrit Dana means giving, and Punia means

seizure. so Dana punia means a sincere giving.

In Manawa Dharma sastra chapter 4 sloka 235 it is stated

Yo’rcitam Pratigrihnanti


Tawubhau gacchatah swargam

Narakam tu wiparyaye
It means “those people who give and get Dana punia essentially, book will get heaven. But

those who do it without since your heart, book will get hell.”

That's Sloka shows us that you must do dana punia essentially if it is not it will be useless.

Ladies and gentlemen now you might ask yourself. Why we must do dana punia? is it

important for us? the answer is yes. The very basic reason why we must do dana punia because we

are one “tat twam asi” I am you, you are me. You're her or him, she is me, she is you.

In Upanishad it is stated “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” we are all brothers and sisters. So as

brothers and sisters who must help and care each others.

My beloved Hindu brothers and sisters Dana Punia is not only about money, it can be fight

it into tree “Dharma Dana, Vidya Dana, and Artha Dana” the first one is Dharma Dana, Dharma

Dana means giving Dharma to other people. Dharma means duty, rule, good character and attitude.

It is related to how we tell other people the rules of human being. Nowadays as you see, many case

has happened to this beautiful island morale is the most common issue in this era. It can be denied

that there is moral degradation in our society. Many student not respected teachers, many student

like to bully their friends, moreover many student like to bully their teachers. Bullying is a crucial

issue in this era, many bullying cases and with death, moreover many fallens and murder happen

recently, how do you see this problem ladies and gentlemen? It does problem happened because

the number of criminal is increasing? not at all, it happens because the good people in this country

are just keep watching and doing nothing.

My beloved hindu brothers and sisters, in this life being a good people is not enough to

stop the bullying this of the martyrs to stop the followings we must do something, one of the

solution is that we must implement Dharma Dana. How can we do that? we can do that by giving
illiterate by giving other people how to be a good person encourage and inspire people to think

positively and more anything is else. Does look like a little things, however if all people are aware

to implementing the concept of Dharma dana, Mental Revolution like what was socialized by our

lovely president well that just became a motto we can make it heaven.

Ladies and gentlemen the second type of Dana punia is Vidya Dana. Vidya means

knowledge or education. So vidya dana is giving or sharing our knowledge or education to other

people. Maybe we remember that education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change

the world. It means that education is very important in our life.

However ladies and gentlemen not all people in this country are educated. Based on the

data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia in 2018 more than 4 million people in

Indonesia are struggling to educated someone. Educating people is the responsibility of educated

people, so now what can we do? we as educated people should share our education to uneducated

people. we can do that by teaching illiterate people to read all right, we can do that by sharing our

knowledge to our friend, or we can build a learning center where people can learn without begging.

My beloved Hindu brothers and sisters, the last type of dana punia but not the least is Artha

dana. Artha means property or money so Artha dana means giving operative or money to other

people. Property can be a house, food, could, and many things else. Those are the basic needs of

human being, we need house to live, who need cloud to where, we need food to eat and we need

money well things.

However ladies and gentlemen all people in this country are able to fulfill their basic needs.

Poverty is a big problem in this country. Based on the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics
of Indonesia in 2018 more than 10% people in Indonesia I'll live in poverty. My question is, what

do the rest 90 percent of people in Indonesia do for those people in it?

Ladies and gentlemen it can be denied that nowadays people are getting self-centered and

ignoring, many people are just busy with themselves updating your status on social media such as

Facebook, line, Twitter, Instagram, and etc. However do they update heart and mine. Even many

people are very proud to be called “Sosialita” they considered it out looking is everything so they

buy everything to support their out looking such as jewelry, makeup, clothes, and delight. They go

to some fancy places, buy fancy things, take a selfie, and upload them in social media. Well those

are not that, as long as they still think and care about others. However in fact only few people are

still think and care about others.

Ladies and gentlemen, if all people are aware to implementing the concept of Artha Dana

Surely there will be no people suffering and homeless in Indonesia. it means that by doing Artha

Dana , we can help this country to solve one of its biggest problem poverty.

My beloved Hindu brothers and sisters, now let me conclude that Dana punia is not the

same as giving money, it is about sincerity. It can be done into three ways Dharma Dana, Vidya

Dana and Artha Dana. You can do off them? two of them or all of them. Is based on their

capability. So let us do Dana Punia from now on and start from ourselves. A small and simple

thing for us might be a big and meaningful thing for other people.

Ladies and gentlemen and all of my beloved Hindu brothers and sisters, that's all about my

Dharmawacana, I hope it will be useful for us I do apologize if I have done some mistakes thank

you so much for your kind attention and finally I close this Dharma Wacana and Paramasanthi

Om Santi Santi Santi om

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