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1. For a constant head laboratory permeability test on a fine sand, the following values are
Length of specimen = 250 mm
Diameter of specimen = 64 mm
Head difference = 460 mm
Water collected in 2 min = 0.51 cm3
a. Hydraulic conductivity, k, of the soil (cm/min)
b. Discharge velocity (cm/min)
c. Seepage velocity (cm/min)
The void ratio of the soil specimen is 0.46.

2. For a variable head permeability test, these values are given:

• Length of the soil specimen = 200 mm
• Area of the soil specimen = 1000 mm2
• Area of the standpipe = 40 mm2
• Head difference at time t = 0 is 500 mm
• Head difference at time t = 3 min is 300 mm
a. Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in cm/sec.
b. What was the head difference at time t 100 sec?

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