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Observing Summer Solstice With Naked Hiking and Naked


Nude Hiking Excursion in New York - Yesterday we went on our first nudie hike of the
summertime, just a day after the Summer Solstice. It was hosted and directed by our naked
yoga instructor pal Beth Nolan.
While the weekend had some gloomy skies, Monday turned out to be a friendly, hot summer
I took the Equipment To Go Outfitters' Trail Cab van with 7 other folks, from NYC to the
meeting point at a Lake Sebago parking lot.

A number of individuals had been asking me how many folks were going, but I didn't have an
official hike signup. While I thought there'd be more people than last time, I was pleasantly
surprised to see a group of about 40 people at the lot!
A few late-comers dripped in and then we headed off to the trail. It was a big group to keep
together, but the hike in went by fast. Once we were far enough away from "culture," some
removed a few or all of their garments to hike nude.
Naked hiking!
We just encountered a handful of others through the day, which can be typical for a weekday.
Other hikers or campers are often fine with our dearth of clothing, if not a little bewildered.
However we're always prepared to instantly cover on the trail to avoid causing alarm. Since it
is legal for men and women to trek topfree in NYS, we just had to make sure to have a towel
or something useful in case we needed to cover up below the waist. Q. When most folks
consider breast reconstruction, they believe it's pretty much just like breast augmentation.
was that this time, every time we spotted other hikers and covered up, it turned out to be
other fellow free hikers or folks who there looking to meet up with us!
After perhaps 45 minutes of hiking, we reached our first skinny dipping area. The water was
calm and refreshing. To get in you need to maneuver carefully down some slippery stone.
Some went in up with their waistline and others promptly swam out farther into deeper
Skinny dipping during the first nude hike rest stop
We just stopped for a short 10 minute rest, and then it was time to get to our final destination
at the other lake. It's possible to camp around here, and a family of three (two adults, one
child) were seen doing just that in the trail. They did not appear to be bothered by us one bit.
Upon reaching our hangout place, we saw a couple fishing. I used ton't speak to them
myself, but someone else did and they looked cool with the nudie group invasion.
Appropriate etiquette in these scenarios is to approach the folks who were there first and
inquire if they are alright with folks skinny dipping. This really is what we did when skinny
dipping around Ithaca, too, and happily for us, nobody complained.
The afternoon sun was beating down. Nude Hiking Interview with Richard Foley and Info on
Nude Hiking in the U.S. sprawled out their towels on the grass or stone and hung while
occasionally taking dips in the lake. So passed Things To Read Naked and Our Naked Party
, relaxing afternoon in nature.
Me in the lake at our final naked hike skinny dipping area
This season, nevertheless, they were already gone (and it could be another 17 years before
a fresh brood of cicadas comes out!). The woods was much greener. You could still see
bright yellowish mushrooms and wildflowers if you looked for them. Many butterflies fluttered
by, and mosquitoes or insects weren't a problem. One individual found a tick on them, but I
do not think anyone else did.
Around 3:00 pm, most of us packed up and headed back down the mountain. A few
determined to stay behind to appreciate the sun and water a little longer. As we trekked back,
a timber rattlesnake was seen on the trail, but he slithered off into the brush before I could
see him The snakes there scare off fairly easily!
Back at the lot we said our good-byes to both old and new friends. We climbed back into the
van for the ride back to the city and so ended another amazing day of nude hiking and skinny
dipping in southern New York!
We don't have another hike scheduled at this time, but for those who had be interested,
Supplies To Go has some directed skinny dipping hikes on their calendar. (I may join the
August trip, but not convinced yet.)
Much love to my fellow hikers reading this and hope we really get to meet again!
This review of the FKK nude hiking and naked swim day trip was released by -Young
Naturists & Naturists America

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