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How to speak so that people want to listen


Julian Treasure


In this video Mr. Treasure explains the key on how you should communicate with

people so that they would listen to you. Communicating is the basic thing we people

have to do everyday from morning till night. Communicating skills is essential for us

students who aspire to be a professional educator or businessman/woman. Thus this

video help us on better understanding why people don't or want to listen to us. Mr.

Treasure discuss about the seven deadly sins of speaking. The first one is Gossip

or the act of speaking ill of somebody who's not present or what we bisaya called it

"Libak". Gossip is not a good thing to do because it promotes dishonesty. The

second one is Judging. We all know what judging is because it's fairly common in

the society we live in today. Judging someone without actually knowing that person

is quite frankly stupid and redundant. The third one is Negativity. Why would anyone

would listen to someone who's being negative. Think like a proton always positive.

The fourth one is Complaining. We all done this at least once in our lifetime which is

not really a great habit to have. Be contended because complaining as Mr. Treasure

said "It's not really spreading sun shine in this world". The fifth one is Excuses. Sad

to say there are people who is a "Blame Thrower" or the act of not taking

responsibility for their action. Which is not really the ideal person you want to listen

to. The sixth one is Lying. Yes of course no one want to listen to a liar. To be fair

sometimes lying could be a good thing. It is a good thing when you use it to not hurt

someone else feelings. That's the only exception to use lying.

The last one is Dogmatism. The confusion of facts with opinion. No one want to

listen to someone that contradicts facts because they have different opinion. For

example the debate between either the earth is flat or a sphere. Of course the earth

is a sphere but some people or what they called themselves as "Flat Eathers" really

believed that the earth is flat. Which is utterly ridiculous. Mr. Treasure also talks

about the foundation that we could stand on if we want our speech powerful and

make a change to our world. That word is "HAIL" H for honesty A for authenticity I for

integrity and L is for love. All this word is self-explanatory

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