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IDBI Tower, WTC Complex

Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai-400005


Supply and Implementation


Loan Processing System


IDBI Bank Limited

Reference No : IDBI/RFP/LPS/2014

Date : 08.01.2014
RFP-Loan Processing System


The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document or information pro-
vided subsequently to the bidder(s) or applicants whether verbally or in documentary form, by
or on behalf of IDBI Bank Limited (IDBI Bank/Bank), is provided to the bidder(s) on the terms
and conditions set out in this RFP document and all other terms and conditions, subject to
which such information is provided.

This RFP document is not an agreement and is not an offer by IDBI Bank. This RFP is to invite
proposals from applicants who are qualified to submit the bids (“Bidders”). The purpose of this
RFP is to provide the Bidder(s) with information to assist them in formulation of their proposals
(Bids). This RFP does not claim to contain all the information, which each Bidder may require.
Each Bidder should conduct its own investigations, analysis and should check the accuracy, reli-
ability and completeness of the information in this RFP and wherever necessary obtain inde-
pendent advice. IDBI Bank makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability un-
der any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this
RFP. IDBI Bank may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so,
update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP.

The information contained in the RFP document is selective and is subject to update, expan-
sion, revision and amendment. It does not purport to contain all the information that a Bidder
may require. IDBI Bank does not undertake to provide any Bidder with access to any additional
information or to update the information in the RFP document or to correct any inaccuracies
therein, which may become apparent. IDBI Bank reserves the right of discretion to change,
modify, add to or alter any or all of the provisions of this RFP and/or the bidding process, with-
out assigning any reasons whatsoever. Such change will be intimated or made accessible to all
Bidders. Any information contained in this document will be superseded by any later written
information on the same subject made available to all recipients by IDBI Bank.

IDBI Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the expression of interest /proposals received in
response to this RFP at any stage without assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of IDBI
Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding an all the parties.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................................................3
Document Control Sheet ....................................................................................................................5
Section 1 – REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ................................................................................................6
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................... 6
2. Purpose of RFP .......................................................................................................................... 6
3. Guidelines to Bidders ................................................................................................................ 7
4. Eligibility Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 8
5. General Instructions .................................................................................................................. 8
6. Deadline for Submission of Proposals ....................................................................................... 9
7. Evaluation of Proposals ............................................................................................................. 9
Section 2: Procedure for Submission of Bids..................................................................................... 10
1. Clarification on Bid document ................................................................................................. 10
2. Language of Bids...................................................................................................................... 10
3. Validity of Bids ......................................................................................................................... 10
4. Contacting Bank....................................................................................................................... 11
5. Modification & Withdrawal of Bids ......................................................................................... 11
6. List of documents to be attached............................................................................................ 11
Section 3 – SCOPE OF WORK............................................................................................................. 12
1. Existing System ........................................................................................................................ 12
2. LPS requirements .................................................................................................................... 12
3. Recommendations for Hardware and 3rd Party Software ....................................................... 13
4. Implementation & Customizations ......................................................................................... 13
5. Integration with External Systems .......................................................................................... 13
6. Data Migration requirements ................................................................................................. 14
7. Training .................................................................................................................................... 14
8. Support .................................................................................................................................... 14
9. Annual Technical / Maintenance Support ............................................................................... 14
10. General Terms ......................................................................................................................... 15
11. Warranty ................................................................................................................................. 15
12. Financial Bidding Process ........................................................................................................ 17
13. Bid Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................................. 17

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Section 4 : Terms & Conditions of Contract ....................................................................................... 21

1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 21
2. Interpretation .......................................................................................................................... 22
3. Termination for Convenience.................................................................................................. 27
4. Dispute Resolution .................................................................................................................. 27
5. Addresses for Notices .............................................................................................................. 28
6. Taxes and Duties...................................................................................................................... 28
Section 5 - Service Level Expectations ............................................................................................... 38
Section 6 – BID FORMS ..................................................................................................................... 39
Annexure 1 - Technical Bid Form ................................................................................................................ 40
Annexure 2 - Commercial Bid Form ............................................................................................................ 43
Annexure 3 - Price Schedule Format........................................................................................................... 47
Annexure 4-AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 48
Annexure 5 - Performance Security Form .................................................................................................. 50
Annexure 6 - Acceptance Certificate .......................................................................................................... 53
Annexure 7 - Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of RFP .................................................... 54
Annexure 8 - Non-Disclosure Agreement ................................................................................................... 55
Annexure 9 - Deed of Indemnity................................................................................................................. 58
Annexure 10 - Format for Cover Letter....................................................................................................... 61
Annexure 11 - Undertaking ......................................................................................................................... 63
BANK DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................. 64
Annexure 12- Service level Requirements .................................................................................................. 65
Annexure 13 - Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria ......................................................................... 66
Annexure 14 - Fulfilment of Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................ 68
Section 7 - Requirement Specifications ............................................................................................. 69
General Requirements (Common for Retail, Corporate & SME, Agriculture) ............................................ 70
Technical Requirements (Common for Retail, Corporate & SME, Agriculture) .......................................... 74
Retail Loan (HL,ML,AL,PL,EL) Processing Requirements ............................................................................. 77
Corporate Loan Processing Requirements.................................................................................................. 82
Agricultural and Allied activities Loan Processing Requirements ............................................................... 89

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Document Control Sheet

Bidders may note the schedule of following important events. Action may please be taken ac-

Name of the Company IDBI BANK LIMITED

Issue of Bid Document 09-01-2014
(excluding holidays if any) Between 10 am to
4.00 pm on all working days.
Cost of the Bid Document (Non-refundable) Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) in
the form of Demand draft from any scheduled
commercial bank in favour of ‘IDBI Bank Lim-
ited’, payable at Mumbai.
Last date for submission of queries 15.00 Hrs on 16-01-2014
Pre-bid meeting with Vendors on queries 10.30 Hrs on 20-01-2014
Last Date and Time for Sale of Bids 15.00 Hrs on 29-01-2014
Last Date and Time for Receipt of Bids 15.00 Hrs on 29-01-2014
Cost of Earnest Money Rs.15,00,000.00

Date and Time of Opening of Technical Bids 16.00 Hrs on 29-01-2014

Place of Opening of Bids/ Pre-bid meeting IDBI Intech Ltd.
Mafatlal Center, 5th floor,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021, India.
Address for Communication Ramasubramaniam Bangaru
IDBI Intech Ltd.
Mafatlal Center, 5th floor,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021, India.

Please note that the desired information shall be provided only in the form and formats speci-
fied in this RFP document.

Changes and clarifications, if any, related to this RFP document shall be issued to the Bidders
through emails.

This document contains 90 pages.

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1. Introduction
IDBI Bank Limited (“IDBI Bank or Bank”) is a company incorporated and registered under Companies
Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company under section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10
of 1949). IDBI Bank is also a Scheduled Bank as notified by the Reserve Bank of India under the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934. IDBI Bank is engaged in the business of banking. The Bank presently has 1173
branches including one overseas branch at Dubai.

The Bank is seeking proposals for supply and implementation of separate modules for Loan Processing
System (hereinafter referred to as “LPS”) to automate loan processing system of Retail, Corporate, Agri-
culture, SME and other portfolios. This document constitutes the formal Request for Proposal (hereinaf-
ter referred to as “RFP”) for supply of LPS and is being availed through floating of RFP to all eligible ven-

2. Purpose of RFP
The purpose of this RFP is to invite separate bids for procurement of Loan Processing System for Retail,
Corporate &SME and Agriculture Loans by the Bank.

Due Diligence
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in this RFP and study
the RFP document carefully. Bid shall be deemed to have been submitted after careful study and exami-
nation of this RFP with full understanding of its implications. The Bid should be precise, complete in all
respects and in the prescribed format as per the requirement of this RFP. Failure to furnish all informa-
tion required by this RFP or submission of a Bid not responsive to this RFP in each and every respect will
be at the Bidder’s own risk and may result in rejection of the Bid and for which IDBI Bank shall not be
held responsible.

Cost of RFP / Bid document

Cost of RFP / Bid document is Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) and the amount is not refund-
able. The prospective Bidder is required to pay the prescribed amount in the form of a Demand Draft or
Pay order in favour of ‘IDBI Bank Limited’, payable at Mumbai, at the time of purchasing the RFP/Bid
Document. In case, the Bid/RFP Documents are downloaded from the Bank’s website, the prescribed
amount towards the cost of Bid Document should be paid along with the submission of the Bid re-
sponse. Bids received without the Bid amount shall be summarily rejected. The Cost of RFP / Bid docu-
ment is non-refundable.

Bid Security (EMD)

a) Amount of Bid Security
The Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, Bid Security in the form of demand draft / pay order in
favor of ‘IDBI Bank Limited’ payable at Mumbai as detailed below :
Rs.15,00,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs only)
Bidders may note that bidding for Retail Loan module is compulsory and other modules are
optional. The Bid security amount/s is common all groups and the same should accompany the
technical bid for Retail Loans in separate sealed cover. The Bid Security will not bear any interest.
b) Currency of Bid Security (EMD):
The Bid Security shall be furnished in Indian National Rupees.
c) Rejection of Bid:
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Any Bid not accompanied by EMD as mentioned above, apart from such other deficiencies as may
be found in the bid, shall be rejected by IDBI Bank, without any further correspondence, as non-
d) Discharge of Bid Security of Unsuccessful Bidder:
EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after 90 days of financial-bid opening without any
e) Discharge of Bid Security / EMD of Successful Bidder:
EMD of successful bidder will be returned on submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee for
the applicable amount as specified under “Performance Security” in Page 19.
f) The Bid Security will be forfeited:
i. If a Bidder withdraws his bid during the bid validity period; or
ii. If a Bidder makes any statement or encloses any form which turns out to be false, incorrect
and/or misleading at any time prior to signing of contract and/or conceals or suppresses
material information; or
iii. If the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract or furnish performance security and other
guarantee(s)/security in the form and manner to the satisfaction of IDBI Bank, as
mentioned in the Bid Documents; or
iv. In the event of any evasion, avoidance, refusal or delay on the part of the successful Bidder
to sign and execute any document, as may be required by IDBI Bank.
Any decision by IDBI Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder/s.

3. Guidelines to Bidders
When responding to this RFP, all Bidders will adhere to the guidelines defined below. All proposals that
do not follow the prescribed format are subject to immediate rejection. Bidders will have to
compulsorily quote for the Retail Loan Module and can optionally quote separately for other modules.
In case the price quoted for the optional modules by the L1 Vendor is more than the average price
quoted by all bidders for the optional modules, the L1 vendor has to match the average price. In case
the price quoted for the optional modules by the L1 vendor is less than the average price, the price
quoted by the L1 vendor will apply. The Bank reserves the right to procure software for Retail Loan Module
only or any additional module(s) (Corporate & SME, Agriculture) along with Retail Loan Module. Any decision
of IDBI Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding on bidders. No upward price revision
relating to increase in customs duty, excise duty, taxes, exchange rate fluctuation etc. will be permitted.
However, if there is any reduction on account of government levies/taxes, during the offer/bid validity
period, the same shall be passed on to IDBI Bank. The bidder must indicate the tax component of the
cost separately and IDBI Bank reserves its right to verify the same with documentary evidence.

The following points may be noted for submission of bids :

a) Technical Bids for each module should be submitted in separate sealed covers. Similarly, Commer-
cial bids for each module must also be submitted in separate sealed covers duly marked.
b) The detailed information regarding the procedure and submission of bids are mentioned in Section
2. The Bidder shall include in their proposal any additional services or items considered necessary
for the successful functioning of the proposed Loan module.
c) The bid document should contain information relating to the functionality of the Loan module of-
fered, workflow capabilities, integration capabilities, operating system, details of technical support,
implementation methodologies, work plan and other relevant information.

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d) The bid document shall clearly indicate the total cost of module, Implementation, Customization,
Training, Post Implementation support, Annual Technical Support as per the format given in Annex-
ure – 2 , but the same may be broken down to enable partial payments or scaling of requirements.
e) The "Bidder" as used in this RFP shall mean the one who has submitted a duly signed Bid (as defined
hereinafter). All certificates received hereby shall be furnished and signed by the Principal
Officer/Authorized Person and any other documents (including any clarifications sought and
subsequent correspondences) received hereby shall be signed by the Principal Officer / Authorized
f) It is further clarified that the individual signing the Bid or any other document in connection with the
Bid must certify whether he/she signs as Authorized Representative / Constituted Attorney of the
firm / company and also indicate the source of his ability to bind the Bidder.
g) The Bidder shall clearly indicate its legal constitution.
h) IDBI Bank may reject any bid not supported by adequate proof of the signatory’s authority.
i) A uniform procedure shall be adopted by the Bank for evaluating the proposals, viz., Basic Eligibility
Criteria, Technical Evaluation and Commercial Evaluation.
j) Bank reserves the right to appoint a separate agency for each of the modules specified based on
Technical evaluation and lowest price for each module. A bidder, selected for providing one
module, may be asked to match the lowest price of that module from among the qualified bids

4. Eligibility Criteria
The Basic Eligibility Criteria will be based on the following:
• Bidding for Retail Loan module is compulsory; other modules are optional.
• Bidder should be a corporate and registered body in India.
• Bidder should be in existence and in this field of business for the last FIVE years.
• Bidder should be profit-making and should have made a net profit in the last 3 financial years.
• Bidder should not have been Black-Listed by any Bank or Government Organization.
• Bidder should have all necessary licenses, permissions, consents, NOCs, approvals as required
under law for carrying out its business.
• Bidder should have completed minimum 5 implementations in any Loan product for the BFSI
segment out of which ONE implementation should have been for a PSU Bank in India.
• Bidder shall have proper service setup in India to provide post implementation support and An-
nual Technical Support.
• The bidder should have experience in interfacing Loan Processing System module with Infosys’
Finacle core banking system for Online Account opening.

All eligibility requirements mentioned above should be complied by the bidder as per Annexure 13 and
relevant documents as per Annexure 14 be submitted for fulfilment of eligibility criteria failing which the
bid may be summarily rejected.

5. General Instructions
The following general information is given as information to bidders.

a) The RFP document to be submitted by the bidder will consist of two bids viz., Technical Bid and
Commercial. Further, both the Technical and Commercial bids will have separate duly marked
sealed covers for each Loan module. Bidders are required to submit the bids in separate sealed
covers as specified. The vendors shortlisted in Technical Bid for each of the module as per
Technical parameters will be eligible for participation in Commercial Bid and hence Commercial

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Bids of only those Bidders will be opened in the presence of technically qualified bidders and
Bank Officials. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids at any time during the
bidding process without assigning any reason there of and may reissue the RFP. The decision of
the Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding. The commercial price offered for
each of the module will be inclusive of all Taxes, Cess, levies, etc. except Octroi, which will paid
at actual on submission of original receipt. The Bidder should invariably mention the validity of
the Bid which should be at least 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of Financial Bid.
b) All expenses associated to the preparation and submission of proposal, demo/presentations and
negotiations shall be borne by the Bidder. The Bank shall in no case be responsible or liable for
those expenses, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
c) The Bank reserves the right to accept or to reject any proposal and to annul the bidding process
at any time prior to the award of the contract, without incurring any liability to any Bidder or as-
suming any obligation to inform the Bidder of the grounds for its action.
d) Amendment of RFP - At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, the Bank, for
any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospec-
tive Bidder, may modify the RFP by amendment.
e) All prospective Bidders that have received the RFP shall be notified of the amendment in writ-
ing, and it will be binding on them. It is therefore important that bidders give their correct ad-
dress details, at the time of collecting/receiving the RFP. To allow prospective Bidders reason-
able time to take any amendments into account in preparing their proposals, the Bank may at its
sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals based on the nature of the

6. Deadline for Submission of Proposals - Proposals should be submitted on or before 15.00 hrs on 29-
01-2014 at the specified address. Proposals received after the above-specified date and time shall
not be considered.

Cost Structure and non-escalation - The bidder shall, in their proposal, detail the proposed costs. No
price escalation under this contract shall be allowed. The Bank shall not compensate for any costs
incurred in the preparation and submission of this RFP. The Bidder shall bear all costs and expenses
associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid and the Bank shall in no case be held re-
sponsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process in-
cluding cancellation or abandonment or annulment of the bidding process.

Taxes and Incidental Costs - The prices and rates in the commercial proposal should be expressed in INR
only and will be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes and any other incidental costs, except Octroi.

Relevance of Proposals - The relevance of the proposals to the requirements of this RFP will be determined.
A relevant proposal is deemed to contain all documents or information specifically called for in this RFP docu-
ment. A proposal determined not relevant will be rejected by the Bank and may not subsequently be made re-
levant by the Bidder by correction of the non-conforming item(s).

Errors in proposals - Proposals determined to be substantially relevant will be checked by the Bank
for any arithmetical errors. Proposals with arithmetic errors will be summarily rejected.

7. Evaluation of Proposals - The proposals for each module will be evaluated both on the Technical
and Commercial merits and the Bank’s decision in this regard shall be binding, final and conclusive.

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Section 2: Procedure for Submission of Bids

The Bidders shall submit one copy of Technical Bid and separate copy/copies of Financial Bid for each
module in separate sealed envelopes, clearly marking the envelopes as "Technical Bid for Supply,
Implementation, Maintenance and Support of __________ Loan Processing Software at IDBI Bank
Limited” and " Financial Bid for Supply, Implementation, Maintenance and Support of __________ Loan
Processing Software at IDBI Bank Limited”. The soft copy of Technical Bids and other relative documents
for each module should also be submitted in MS Word Format on a Compact Disk and should be placed
in the Technical Bid envelope. Both the envelopes carrying technical bids (with separate envelopes
inside for each module) and financial bids (with separate envelopes inside for each module) should be
submitted as described. The covers should read “Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of _______
Loan Processing Software at IDBI Bank”. RFP documents received by facsimile or electronic mail (other
than physical form) will be summarily rejected. All the bids, duly addressed to, DGM-IT, IDBI Bank
Limited and must be submitted in person to the IDBI representative mentioned below at the following
address on or before the due date specified.
Ramasubramaniam Bangaru
IDBI Intech Ltd.
Mafatlal Center, 5th floor,
Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021, India.
Bid envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the Bids to be returned
unopened in case it is declared "late". No indications pertaining to price, financial or commercial
terms are to be made on the envelopes.
IDBI Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation and to cancel, annul or abandon the en-
tire bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to award of the contract without thereby
incurring any liability whatsoever to the affected Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bid-
ders of the grounds for IDBI Bank’s action. IDBI Bank shall not be bound to give any reason/s or explain
the rationale for its actions / decisions to annul or abandon or cancel the bid process.

1. Clarification on Bid document

Any clarification sought by the Bidder in respect of this RFP shall be addressed in writing by email latest
by 16-01-2014 to Shri Ramasubramaniam Bangaru on .

IDBI Bank may at its discretion, hold a pre bid meeting for any request or queries for clarification on the
Bid Document, from the prospective Bidders, which it receives not later than 15:00 Hrs on 16-01-2014.
Further, IDBI Bank may also respond by E-mail/Letter/Fax if deemed necessary, to all clarifications,
without identifying the source of the inquiry. The pre-bid meeting may be held at 10:30 Hrs on 21-01-
2014 in IDBI Bank premises as mentioned above. IDBI Bank shall not be responsible for any delay caused
due to external agency. Bidders are required to watch out for any Addendums to the RFP on the Bank’s
website in their own interest. Final bids submitted will be in adherence to the Addendum released.

2. Language of Bids
All Bids should be submitted preferably in English only. All correspondence related to the RFP/Proposal
shall preferably be in English.

3. Validity of Bids
Bidders are requested to hold their proposals valid for 90 (Ninety days) days from the closing date of
submission. The Bank will make its best efforts to arrive at a decision within this period.

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4. Contacting Bank
a) No Bidder shall contact Bank on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of the bid opening
to the time the Contract is awarded.
b) Any effort by a Bidder to influence Bank's bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award de-
cisions may result in the rejection of the bid.

5. Modification & Withdrawal of Bids

a) Written Notice - The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission, provided
that IDBI Bank receives written notice of the modification or withdrawal, before the expiry of
deadline prescribed for submission of Bids.
b) Signing and Marking of Notice - The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be
prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched delivered in accordance with the procedure set-out
for submission of Bids and shall be placed in an envelope marked as “MODIFICATION” or
“WITHDRAWAL” as appropriate. A duly signed withdrawal notice may also be sent by fax or
post, so as to reach the designated office, before the expiry of deadline for submission of Bids.
c) Last Date for Notice - No Bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of
Bids. No Bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and
the expiry of validity period of Bid specified by the Bidder on the Bid form. Withdrawal of a Bid
during this interval may result in the forfeiture of Bidder’s Bid Security.

6. List of documents to be attached

The following documents, other than commercial document, must be submitted with the proposal :

a) DD/PO for Bid Document amount and Bid Security amount as specified.
b) Teaming agreement/Authority letters from third party products embedded or interfaced
with the LPS software
c) Covering letter as mentioned in Annexure 10
d) Undertaking letter as mentioned in Annexure 11
e) Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of the RFP as per Annexure 7
f) Original copy of Bid duly signed along with original purchase receipt of the Bid document
g) Bidder should provide audited balance sheets, duly certified and stamped by CA/CA firm
with membership number.
h) Bidder should submit a certified copy of Incorporation Certificate of their organization, a
letter giving details of their profile, line of business and self-declaration stating that they
have not been black-listed by any Bank/FI/Govt. agency. The letter should be on their
company’s letter head and duly signed by authorized signatory.
i) Bidder should submit copies of Purchase order / invoices for having implemented the
application at other Banks/clients as specified.
j) Addresses of support offices PAN India.
k) Details of Technical staff available in India and in Offices in Mumbai to implement and
support the application.
l) Attested copy of ISO Certification.
m) Project plan for delivery and implementation from the date of the PO.
n) Published Technical details/brochure/s of software offered by the Bidder.
o) The Bidder should obtain necessary permissions and arrange for a visit of IDBI Bank officials
to their client’s site for inspection of the LPS implementations, where it has been done and
is live.
p) The Bidder should commit in writing that the application would be able to support 1500
concurrent users.
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Section 3 – SCOPE OF WORK

1. Existing System
The Bank is currently using Loan Processing System from Infosys Technologies Ltd. for Home loan,
Mortgage loan and other variants. Present RFP is intended to automate processing requirements of
Auto, Personal and Educational Loans and to extend the facility to Housing, Mortgage, Corporate,
SME and Agriculture Loans in due course of time .

2. LPS requirements
To have an independent Loan Processing System for Retail, Corporate, Agriculture and SME Loans
that will enhance the Bank’s capability in handling Loan Origination, Loan application processing and
sanction, Opening of loan accounts online in Bank’s Core banking software (Finacle version 7.25 &
10.X), Disbursement Management resulting in efficiencies in customer acquisition, sanction & dis-
bursement and maintaining proper controls. The Bank will initially implement Auto Loan, Personal
Loan & Educational Loan and later on will implement other Retail products like Housing Loan,
mortgage loan along with all of their variants. After successful implementation of Retail Loans, the
Bank will decide on the implementation of SME, Corporate Loan and Agriculture Loans.

Functional and Technical requirements shall be as per Details in Section 7. The Bidders are required
to mark their response against each item and the responses will be used for Technical evaluation.
The requirements are arranged under following Heads and the bidders will have to mark their res-
ponses against all the requirements. Bank will implement each module of LPS in various phases as
per Bank’s need. Hence bidders are required to quote separately for a) Retail (Auto loan, Personal
Loan, Educational Loan, Home Loan & Mortgage) Loan b) Corporate &SME Loans c) Agricultural
a) Scope of work – The scope of the Project Management Plan is explained below:
 Requirement analysis with the LPS admin team,
 Prepare a Gap Statement which is mutually agreed upon,
 Project implementation Schedule,
 Quality Assurance Plan,
 Requirements Management process,
 Change Management process,
 Release Management process,
 Quality control /Testing Plan,
 Documentation Management process,
 Progress Reporting and distribution process,
 Project Communication plan,
 Progress Report (Format, content & frequency to be mutually agreed between Bank -
b) Supply of LPS Application and License : Bank requires Corporate License of the respective module
fulfilling various requirements as described in Section 7 (Retail / Corporate, / Agriculture / SME).
Bidders are required to quote their price for Corporate License only.
c) Documentation – This includes Technical & Functional manuals for proposed LPS.
a. Solution Architecture Overview, Logical & Physical Data Base Design, System Interfaces de-
sign, Development Tools, APIs,
b. System configuration / set up parameters documentation,
c. System Administration Manual,
d. Module-wise user and administrator’s manual,
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e. Documentation for Master data set up, rating grades mapping, product types mapping,
f. New/existing Model configuration, Facilities grading system configuration documentation,
g. Data migration documentation,
h. Details of methodology for validation, parameters, data processing, formulas, algorithms,
statistical models,
i. Test cases for User Acceptance Testing (UAT),
j. Customization details along with full process flow,
k. System Performance Benchmarks (response times, etc.)
l. Any changes due to “Non Compliance" observed during UAT must be incorporated in base
m. Reference material shall be provided before Training and User Acceptance Testing.

a) Provide APIs for integrations with various External Systems

b) Provide Ancillary Services like documentation and reporting toolkit
c) Perform Current System Study and Gap Analysis

3. Recommendations for Hardware and 3rd Party Software

a. System architecture, hardware sizing
b. 3rd Party Software which are to be used in conjunction with the proposed LPS,
c. Bandwidth requirement, Directory Layout, Storage Size, Kernel Parameters, Database parame-
ters, OS Hardening.

4. Implementation & Customizations

a. Installation & configuration of various components and functionalities of LPS
b. Customization in LPS as per the required functionality mentioned in RFP, pre-deployment study
and gap analysis.
c. Any changes required or suggested by Regulator, Bank’s Internal Audit and compliance with
Bank’s policies.
d. Integration with External Systems.
e. Support for UAT.
f. Provide support for Go Live.
g. Hand-over as per the agreed project plan.
h. Provide Implementation, Parameterization and Customization Services along with Migration of
existing Data,
i. Perform Stress Testing and Performance Tuning on LPS application and database,
j. Project hand-over at the end of the agreed period as agreed with the Bank,

5. Integration with External Systems

Each module of the LPS shall support integration with various External Systems through straight
through processing (STP) / upload functionality (optional). Bank will require integration in a phased
manner depending on need .The External Systems are listed below:
a. Finacle - Core Banking System.
b. Document Management System (yet to be identified and acquired by the Bank)
c. Credit Reference Bureau
d. Reserve Bank of India
e. Integrated Risk Management Architecture
f. SMS & Email Gateway
g. Telephone System
h. Payment Systems

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i. Credit Scoring Software

j. Any other system as required by the Bank from time to time.

6. Data Migration requirements

a. Data migration of outstanding cases from the existing LPS software to the proposed LPS module
with consistency and accuracy.
b. All the outstanding proposals to be migrated from the existing environment (Microsoft Word
and Excel Spreadsheet) to proposed LPS module with reconciled position.
c. All the transaction details if required as found during requirement study.
d. Reports for the migration of data during the migration with all required controls, status of pro-
posals and checks for the proper migration.
e. Security features as per the standards and procedures as per Bank’s IS Policies and in line with
prevailing Industrial Standards.

7. Training
The training shall include Functional and Technical training to Bank’s designated personnel and
training material should be in English,
a. Functional
- Parameterization
- Products setup
- All functionalities & features
- Report generation
- Uploads
- Begin of Day / End of Day process
- User Management and Auditing Techniques
- All other aspects required for smooth implementation of LPS software
b. Technical
- Installation and configurations of LPS (including all functionalities and requirements) along
with all third party softwares
- Management and Administration of LPS
- Backup & Recovery Operations,
- Report writing,
- Troubleshooting,
- Management of Database
- Data Dictionaries
- Configuration and customization for adding new products, Business outlets, changes affect-
ing scoring, deviation, eligibility, account opening and other processing parameters
- All other aspects required for smooth implementation of LPS software

8. Support
a. Provide support in setting up Production, Disaster Recovery, Development and Test Environ-
b. Post-implementation on-site support for 3 months from Go Live date and further support as
mentioned in Service Scope.

The Vendor shall provide technical and functional support for the proposed LPS and shall have overall
responsibility of the performance, functionality and operation of the LPS system.

9. Annual Technical / Maintenance Support

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a. The Contract shall include the terms for Technical or Maintenance Support along with SLA as per
Bank’s conditions.
b. It shall also include the following:
 Defects fixes: Bidder shall maintain the source code and provide bug fixes for the defects/
bugs noticed in the application without any additional cost.
 Application support/Helpdesk support (User support on functional and technical aspect).
 Generation of Regulatory and other MIS reports
 Changes/enhancements in Software application/Reporting requirements to be implemented
from time to time to meet the changes in the regulatory/statutory/Business requirements.
 Application Software version Upgrades.

10. General Terms

a. The Bank reserves the right to purchase Hardware and 3rd Party Software, to be used in conjunc-
tion with the LPS from other vendor/s or use the same depending upon the hardware / licenses
already available with the Bank.
b. The Proposal shall include scope for ensuring the software is thoroughly tested for quality and
consistency, before commissioning.
c. All procedures and processes in the lifecycle of the Project shall be in accordance with the
Bank’s project management guidelines.
d. The Vendor shall provide the support for DR setup
e. On-site support shall be provided by technical experts conversant with functionality of proposed
LPS. The on-site support should extend services like helpdesk, data backup, user management,
database management / maintenance, updating of data, maintaining integrity of data, loading
application upgrades, technical support for ad hoc queries, archival of data, etc.

11. Warranty
Post implementation warranty should cover the following:
 Defect fixes, Removal of bugs
 Application support (User support on functionality and technical aspect).
 On site post-implementation support to LPS admin and IT team at no extra cost. Warranty Pe-
riod of Contract shall be one year and will start from the date the LPS has been accepted by IDBI
BANK by issuing the certificate of acceptance.
 Regulatory reports generation.
 Changes / enhancements in LPS application due to reporting requirements to be implemented
from time to time to meet the changes in the regulatory / statutory requirements.
 Application Software version Upgrades.

General Scope Related to Service

The Vendor shall provide technical support for the software application systems supplied under this con-
tract, and will have overall responsibility of the performance, functionality and operation of the systems
under this contract. On receipt of a problem/issue, the Vendor shall analyze the problem and resolve
the problem completely to the satisfaction of the Bank within predetermined time frame. The Vendor
shall also provide escalation matrix in respect of support and maintenance of the application software.
The scope of work is as below:
 The development of the system as mentioned in the scope.
 Delivery of predefined deliverables as agreed.
 The complete documentation – Modular wise User Manuals and Administrator Manual are re-
quired for users as decided at time of study. Context sensitive help is required.

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 Maintenance and support of the software application systems during the project period which
includes implementation, post-implementation, warranty and maintenance periods. The cover-
age shall be at least 97% uptime for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
 Post-implementation on-site support should be provided by the vendor or 3 months from the
date of Go Live.
 On-site support by functional and Technical team of Vendor conversant/acquainted with the en-
tire LPS module. Bank may extend this support scope for further period, based on its require-

Project Management Plan – The comprehensive Project Management Plan should include the following
processes/procedures and time lines:
a. Project implementation Schedule
 The project implementation schedule can be redrawn /revised, if required, based on mutu-
ally agreed terms and conditions between bank and Vendor.
 Quality Assurance Plan
 Requirements Management process
 Change Management process
 Release Management process
 Quality control /Testing Plan
 Documentation Management process
 Progress Reporting and distribution process
 Project Communication plan
 Progress Report (Format, content and frequency to be mutually agreed between IDBI Bank
& Bidder)
b. Product customization and implementation
c. Comprehensive System Configuration, Customization and testing documentation referred
below, shall be delivered to IDBI Bank on commencement of the User Acceptance Testing
(UAT) following the correction of any “Non Compliances".
i. Software Executable
ii. Logical Data Base Design and Data Dictionary
iii. The technical design document including
• Solution Architecture Overview
• Logical & Physical Data Base Design
• System Interfaces design
• Development Tools, API
• System Performance Benchmarks (response times, etc.)
• Persistency of the Network Connection for remote and dial-up users
iv. Application set-up & Configuration Manual
• System configuration / set up parameters documentation
• Documentation for Master data set up, product types mapping
• Existing Data migration documentation
v. Documentation for Validation /calibration tools
vi. Details of methodology for validation, parameters, data processing etc.
vii. User Manual for the entire process.
viii. Test cases for User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
ix. System Administration Manual

Environment Set up & Configuration

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i. Detailed documentation on system set up & configuration of UAT, Production (DC) and Fallback
(DR) environments. Also provide documentation on detailed procedure for switching to fall
back mode in case of disaster/system down time and again switching back to normal
production set up once systems are made available.
ii. Bidder should provide the detailed documentation on set up & configuration of Back up
procedures and suggestions/recommendations on data backup and restoration procedures.
Time shall be of the essence to the supply and implementation of LPS.

12. Financial Bidding Process

a) Each Financial Bid will contain the estimated cost of the software, support and maintenance to
be procured. Technical compliance should be submitted as per each and every line item
specified by IDBI Bank. The Tentative/Estimated cost to be provided as per format given in
Annexure 2
b) The Bidders shall quote price in clear terms. Break up should abide by the Format for Financial
Bid described in Annexure 2
c) All prices shall be for delivery of items & Service(s) at IDBI Bank's premises including all
taxes/duties other than Octroi and Service Tax. Octroi, if applicable, will be payable extra at
actual on production of original receipts, which should be in the name of IDBI Bank Ltd and
service tax will be paid on actual and to the satisfaction of IDBI Bank or IDBI Bank’s
representatives. The aggregated price should be quoted in words also. In case of discrepancy
between figures and words, the price quoted in words shall be considered.
d) The Financial Bids should conform strictly to the format to enable evaluation of Bids and special
care should be taken about the same. The Bids having any hidden costs or conditional costs will
be liable for straight rejection forthwith without any notice or intimation in this regard.
e) The price components furnished by the Bidders will be solely for the purpose of facilitating the
comparison of Bids by IDBI Bank and will not in any way limit IDBI Bank’s right to negotiate the
contract on any of the terms offered.
f) Prices quoted by the Bidders shall be fixed during the entire Contract period and no increase of
rates shall be allowed including but not limited to that on account of increases in customs
duty, excise duty, taxes, exchange rate fluctuation etc. No open-ended Bid shall be entertained
and the same is liable to be summarily rejected.
g) Bank, at its sole discretion, will negotiate with L1 vendor(decided after Techno commercial
evaluation) to have a better overall net pricing for the entire scope and deliverables on same or
better terms and conditions as mentioned in RFP document.

13. Bid Evaluation Criteria

To meet the Bank's requirements, as spelt out in the Bid Document, the selected Bidder must have the
requisite experience and expertise in providing end to end implementation of LPS. The Bank reserves
the right to modify / amend the evaluation process at any time during the Bid process, without assigning
any reason, whatsoever and without any requirement of intimating the Bidders of any such change. Any
time during the process of evaluation, the Bank may seek specific clarifications from any or all Bidders.
At the sole discretion and determination of the Bank, the Bank may add any other relevant criteria for
evaluating the proposals received in response to this RFP.
a) A screening committee constituted by IDBI Bank for the purpose of selection of the successful
Bidder, would evaluate Technical Bids to qualify the Bidders.
b) The proposals will be evaluated in three stages.

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c) In the first stage, the Bidders will be screened based on correctness of responses against basic
eligibility criteria, Bidder information and other data submitted along with the Technical Bid.
Bidders found qualified will be assessed in Second stage.
d) In Second stage, Technical evaluation will be done on 70-30 techno-commercial evaluation
method, 70% weight age for “Technical Bid evaluation criteria” and 30% weight age to the re-
sponse to “Commercial Bid”. Technical Evaluation (70%) will be based on i) Vendor Competitive-
ness and ii) Responses given by the Bidders to the requirements in the RFP Section 7 and other
relevant information provided in the proposal. iii) Demo and Evaluation and / Site visit. Technical
Evaluation will be made separately for Retail, Corporate, Agriculture and SME and segment wise scores
will be used for evaluation of respective segment. Methodology and relevant weight age is as follows:

Basis of Assessment Max Score

i) Vendor competitiveness as per number of implementations 15
ii) Score obtained through Responses to Various Technical and
Functional Requirements
iii) Demo Evaluation and or Site visit 30
Total 100

i. Vendor competitiveness will be assessed based on number end to end of LPS implementa-
tions as mentioned below
Total Successful LPS Implementations Scoring
1 – 5 implementations 5
6 – 10 implementations 10
More than 10 implementations 15
ii. Total scores obtained from responses against Technical requirements will be adjusted
against Maximum score of 55
iii. Shortlisted Bidders will arrange for a visit to a client’s site where the proposed software has
been implemented for reference site feedback. Bidders will be required to present a Demo
of the proposed solution within a maximum time of 2 hours including Q&A session. Marks
will be awarded for Site Visit and Demo evaluation from Maximum mark of 30.

The bidders scoring at least 75 out of Max 100 are eligible to participate in Commercial Bidding.
Commercial Bids of only those Bidders having 75 or more marks will be opened. Financial bids of
technically disqualified bidders shall not be opened and will be returned to the bidders. In case
sufficient number of Bidders are not qualified , Bank reserves the right to reduce the scoring (75)
in order to make sufficient bidders to qualify for Commercial evaluation.

e) In Third Stage, Commercial Evaluation will be done by opening of the Commercial Bid of Bidders
with >=75% mark(or as may be decided by the Bank) in Technical Bid evaluation stage. Lowest
bidder (L1) will be awarded 100 marks out of 100 and other bidders will be awarded marks
keeping Lowest Bidder as Maximum as explained below:
Bidder Price Quoted Ranking Total Commercial Score
Bidder A 150000 L2 66.67(=100000*100/150000)
Bidder B 100000 L1 100.00(=100000*100/100000)
Bidder C 175000 L4 57.14(=100000*100/175000)
Bidder D 160000 L3 62.50(=100000*100/160000)

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The Final evaluation will be done on a total score of 100. Final Score will be arrived by taking 70 % of
marks obtained in Technical evaluation (Second Stage) and 30 % marks obtained in Commercial Evalua-
tion (Third Stage). On the basis of highest score arrived as per techno-commercial evaluation, the ven-
dor will be called for negotiation before awarding the contract. Bank may, at its sole discretion, decide
to seek more information from the respondents in order to normalize the bids. However, respondents
will be notified separately, if such normalization exercise as part of the technical or commercial evalua-
tion is resorted to.

Total Score = 0.70 x T + 0.30 x F

Where T= Total Technical Score and

F= Total Commercial Score

T = Tv /100 x 100
F= (LEC / EC) x 100

T stands for percentage of technical evaluation score out of Maximum 100 marks.
F stands for percentage of a bidder’s commercial price compared to the lowest quoted price.
EC stands for Evaluated Cost of the Commercial offer quoted for by the bidder.
LEC stands for Lowest Evaluated Cost of the Commercial offer amongst the bidders.

Acceptance of Bid
Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, Bank will notify the successful Bidder in writing, that
its bid has been accepted.
Signing of Contract
After Bank notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted; the Bidder should sign the
Agreement / Contract Form. The successful Bidder shall sign the Agreement / Contract Form at Mumbai
within 10 (TEN) days of receipt of notification of award of contract.
Performance Security
The Bidder will be required to submit Performance Guarantee for an amount equivalent to 15 % of the
Final Bid amount/ award amount (after negotiation) whichever is lower before commencement of the
project. In case vender fails to perform the contract, Bank shall invoke the Bank Performance
Guarantee to recover penalty/damages.
Payment Terms
Payment will be made in phases after obtaining a “Letter of satisfaction” and clearance for Payment
from the Dealing group.

Sr. No Stage of Payment Payment to be made

1 After Installation (Development & Testing), completion of Requirement 20 %
Study, BPD Setup, Interface and other relevant installation/Master uploads
2 Completion of Customization 25 %
3 Completion of UAT(including resolution of all Issues, Complete Installation 25 %
of DC and DR setup)
4 Go Live (One month after Go live) 10 %
5 Resolution of Issues Raised after Go live 20 %

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Since Retail loans will be implemented in two phases, Payment will be released in two phases in above
proportion( 40 % for Auto loan, Education Loan and Personal Loan+60% for Housing , Mortgage Loan and all

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Section 4 : Terms & Conditions of Contract

1. Definitions
a) 3rd Party Software shall mean the software which is not part of the LPS, but it is required to be
used in conjunction with the LPS.
b) 3rd Party Vendor shall mean the developer, owner or supplier of 3rd Party Software or services
that may be required in conjunction with the deployment or use of the LPS.
c) Bidder shall mean Vendor or a company / firm responsible for submitting the Proposal.
d) Commissioning means LPS shall be considered to have been commissioned, when entire job,
including supply, installation, configuration, integration, successful testing of all hardware &
software is executed to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
e) Confidential Information includes (i) intellectual property information ‘(ii) technical or business
information or material not covered in (i) , (iii) proprietary or internal information related to the
current, future and proposed products or services of the Parties including, financial information,
process/flow charts, business models, designs, drawings, data information related to products
and services, procurement requirements, purchasing, customers, investors, employees, business
and contractual relationships, business forecasts, business plans and strategies, information the
Parties provide regarding third parties; (iv) information disclosed pursuant to this Contract and
(v) all such other information which by its nature or the circumstances of its disclosure is
f) Contract shall mean the agreement executed between the Bank and the Vendor before start of
the Project.
g) Contract Price means the price/compensation payable to the Bidder under and in accordance
with the Contract for the due performance and observance of its contractual obligations under
and in accordance with the Contract.
h) Customization shall mean modifications to the default LPS modules or functionalities.
i) Defects shall mean bugs or shortcomings in the LPS that prevent using of the LPS for the
purposes described Section 7.
j) Documentation shall mean all relevant documentation, such as product manuals, installation
manuals, user guides, operating/administration manuals, release notes, etc. provided from time
to time in conjunction with the LPS as the case may be and other printed materials reasonably
required by the Bank to use the LPS.
k) Effective Date means the date on which this Contract is signed and executed by the Parties
hereto. If this Contract is executed in parts, then the date on which the last of such Contracts is
executed shall be construed to be the Effective Date.
l) Hardware shall mean servers, storage, personal computer, network, security,
telecommunications equipment and any other physical equipment necessary to implement and
operate the LPS.
m) IDBI Bank or “The Purchaser” means IDBI Bank Limited including its successors and assigns.
n) Intellectual Property Rights means any patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, design, trade
secret, permit, service marks, brands, propriety information, knowledge, technology, licenses,
databases, computer programs, software, know how or other form of intellectual property right,
title, benefits or interest whether arising before or after the execution of this Contract and the
right to ownership and registration of these rights.
o) LPS shall mean Integrated Loan Origination and Processing System which includes Licenses,
Software modules, Application Program Interfaces (API), database structure/dictionaries, all
functionalities etc. in line with the Bank’s functionality requirements listed under Section 7.
p) Parties means the Purchaser and the Bidder and “Party” means either of the Parties.

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q) Pre Deployment Study(PDS) shall mean the activity carried by the Vendor for in-depth
examination and analysis of the Banks’ organization, infrastructure, business model, applicable
business processes and procedures, technical capabilities and other data submitted which is
relevant for LPS. PDS shall also include the detailed functional specifications, customizations, its
interfaces, Bank’s defined business processes and procedures, hardware configuration and
setup parameters and any other Information which the Bank deems necessary.
r) Project shall mean all the activities carried out for the installation, customization, development,
parameterization, training, testing, deployment of LPS or any other mutually accepted service
required for LPS to perform the functionality defined under Section 7.
s) Proposal shall mean a response to this RFP submitted by the Bidder as per the formats and
guidelines defined under Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.
t) Service(s) means all the services, which the Bidder is required to provide and/or procure to the
Purchaser under and in accordance with the Contract.
u) User Acceptance Test (UAT) shall mean the testing procedure by which the Bank verifies
whether the LPS runs in line with the functionality listed under Section 7 and the PDS document.
v) Vendor shall mean firm / company, etc., to which work has been awarded and whose Bid has
been accepted by the Bank and shall include its authorized representatives, successors and
permitted assignees, the developer, author and owner of the intellectual property rights of their
LPS and Documentation.
2. Interpretation
In this Contract unless a contrary intention is evident:
i. The clause headings are for convenient reference(s) only and do not form part of this Contract;
ii. A word in the singular includes the plural and a word in the plural includes the singular;
iii.A word importing a gender includes any other gender;
iv. A reference to legislation includes legislation repealing, replacing or amending that legislation;
v. Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning it includes the appropriate grammatical
forms of that word or phrase which have corresponding meanings;
vi. Reasonability and materiality of "doubt" and "controversy" shall be at the discretion of IDBI
Bank Ltd.

In case of a difference of opinion on the part of the Bidder in comprehending and /or interpreting any
clause / provision of the Bid Documents after submission of the Bid, the interpretation by Purchaser and
decision of Purchaser in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.
Conditions Precedent
This Contract is subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions precedent by the Bidder.

a) Furnishing of an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (Performance

Security) as per the format given in Annexure V
b) Execution of a Deed of Indemnity as per format given in Annexure IX
c) Obtaining of all statutory, regulatory and other permissions, approvals, consents, licenses and
no-objections required, if any, under the extant applicable laws or from RBI for the performance
of the Services under and in accordance with this Contract.
d) Furnishing solvency certificate and certificate confirming that there are no vigilance or court
cases threatened or pending against the Bidder.
e) Furnishing of such other documents as the Purchaser may specify, including but not limited to
definitive documents.

Standard of Performance
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The Bidder shall perform the Service(s) and carry out its obligations under the Contract with due
diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted techniques and practices
used in industry and with professional standards and shall observe sound management, technical
practices. It shall employ appropriate advanced technology, procedures and methods. The Bidder
shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to the Contract, as faithful advisors to Bank and
shall, at all times, support and safeguard Bank's legitimate interests in any dealing with third par-
Use of Contract Documents and Information
a) The Bidder shall treat all documents, information, data and communication of and with Pur-
chaser as privileged and confidential and shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the Non-
Disclosure Agreement, draft of which is given in Annexure- VIII. The Bidder shall execute this
Non-Disclosure Agreement simultaneously at the time of execution of this Contract. The Bidder
shall not, without Purchaser's prior written consent, disclose the Contract, or any provision
thereof, or any specification, plan, sample or information or data or drawings / designs fur-
nished by or on behalf of Purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than a person
employed by the Bidder in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed
person shall be made in utmost confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary and
relevant for purpose of such performance and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of
the Non-Disclosure Agreement.
b) The Bidder shall not, without Purchaser 's prior written consent, make use of any document,
data or information etc., enumerated in this Bid Documents save and except for due perform-
ance and observance of the Contract.
c) Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in this Bid Documents shall remain
the property of Purchaser and shall be returned (in all copies) to Purchaser on completion of the
Bidder's performance under and in accordance with the Contract, if so required by Purchaser.
Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Rights
The bidder should ensure all the products / services / technology platforms etc. should be owned or it
should have rights to use & distribute to their customers.
Purchaser shall own and have a right in perpetuity to use all Intellectual Property Rights which have
arisen out of or in connection with the implementation of this Contract, including all processes and
products which have been developed by the Bidder during the performance of Services and for the pur-
poses of inter-alia use or sub-license of such Services under this Contract. The Bidder undertakes to dis-
close all Intellectual Property Rights arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services
to the Purchaser and execute all such agreements/documents and file all relevant applications, effect
transfers and obtain all permits, approvals, consents and no objections that may be necessary in this
regard to effectively transfer and conserve the Intellectual Property Rights of the Purchaser. The Bidder
shall indemnify the purchaser against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or in-
dustrial design rights arising from use of the Goods, or any part thereof in India.
a) The Bidder shall ensure that while it uses any software, hardware, processes or material in the
course of performing the Services, it does not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any person
and the Bidder shall keep the Purchaser indemnified against all costs, charges, expenses, liabilities,
claims, damages, litigations, suits, judgments and/or otherwise howsoever, arising out of any illegal
or unauthorized use (piracy) or in connection with any claim or proceedings relating to any breach
or violation of any permission/license terms or infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights by
the Bidder or any sub-Bidder during the course of performance of the Services.

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b) The Bidder shall be obliged to ensure that all approvals, consents, no objections, registrations,
licenses, permits and rights which are inter-alia necessary for use of the information technology
system installed by the Bidder, shall be acquired in the name of the Purchaser, prior to
termination of this Contract and which shall be assigned by the Purchaser if necessary under the
applicable laws or otherwise to the /Bidder for the purpose of execution of any of its obligations
under the terms of the Bid, or this Contract.

In the event of any claim asserted by a third party of infringement of trademark, trade names, copyright,
patent, intellectual property rights or industrial drawing/design rights arising from the use of the
Services or any part thereof in India, the Bidder shall act expeditiously to extinguish such claim. If the
Bidder fails to comply and Purchaser is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from
such infringement, the Bidder shall be responsible for the compensation including all expenses, court
costs and lawyer fees. Purchaser will give notice to the Bidder of such claim, if it is made, without delay.
The bidder should execute furnish to the Purchaser, a deed of indemnity in favor of the Purchaser in a
form and manner, as given in Annexure 9 indemnifying the Purchaser, its directors, employees, agents
and representatives are indemnified from and against any costs, loss, damages, expense, claims,
litigations, suits, actions, judgments, and or otherwise including but not limited to those from third
parties or liabilities of any kind howsoever suffered, arising out of or incurred inter alia during and after
the Contract period including but not limited to third-party claims due to infringement of patent,
trademark, Intellectual Property Rights, copy-rights or industrial drawings and designs arising from use
of the Services or any part thereof and/or otherwise.

Inspection & Quality Control Tests

a) Bank will conduct Inspection / Audit of the Software/ Service of the bidder along with the
Quality Control test any time during the contract including prior to availing the Services.
b) Bank reserves the Rights to reject the software based on the Quality Control Test / inspection /
audit by External or internal Team/agencies.
c) The Bank reserves the right to carry out pre-shipment inspection by a team of Bank officials of
any of the existing live installation of the supplier referred to in the Technical Bid or demand a
demonstration of the solution proposed on a representative model in the bidder’s office at the
cost of bidder

a) The Bidder must along with the LPS, supply all relevant manuals for the systems delivered /
installed. The manuals shall be in English.
b) Unless and otherwise agreed, the LPS shall not be considered to be completely delivered for
the purpose of taking over, until such manuals as may be necessary are provided to Purchaser.
c) System manuals should include the specifications of LPS supplied.

Acceptance Certificates:
On successful completion of acceptability test, receipt of deliverables, etc., and after the Purchaser
(which shall not be deemed to be an obligation on the Purchaser) is satisfied with the working of the
System, the Acceptance Certificate in the format given in Annexure 6 The date on which such
certificate is signed shall be deemed to be the date of successful commissioning of the Systems.

Delivery and Documents

1. Delivery of LPS shall be made by the bidder in accordance with the approved order. The details
of Documents including other documents to be furnished by the Bidder are specified hereunder:
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a) Copies of Bidder’s invoice showing contract number, Services description and total amount.
b) Original Delivery note and acceptance certificate duly signed for receipt, installation and
commissioning of LPS from the concerned location.
c) Bidder’s warranty certificate.
d) Inspection certificate issued by the nominated inspection agency, if any.
e) Other documents which the Purchaser may specify to the Bidder.
2. The above documents shall be received by the Bank before installation of LPS software.
Incidental Services
The incidental services to be provided pursuant to and in accordance with the Contract are as under:
a) Performance of on-site installation and start-up of the LPS;
b) Furnishing of services required for the installation / customization and /or maintenance of the
rendered LPS.
c) Furnishing manuals for rendered LPS.
d) Maintenance of the rendered LPS for the “Contract Period”, provided that this LPS shall not re-
lieve the Bidder of any warranty period obligations under and in accordance with this Contract;
e) Any other related services as the Purchaser may require and deem fit.

1. The Bidder represents and warrants that the LPS delivered under and in accordance with this
Contract shall have no defect, arising from design or from any act, error/defect or omission of the
2. The Bidder/Vendor will warranty of 1 year for Supply, customize, Install, Maintain and Support the
software required for proposed LPS solution at IDBI Bank. Any defects noticed in the software sup-
plied shall be reworked and/or replaced promptly by the Bidder/Vendor free-of-cost.
3. Post warranty, the software will be covered under the AMC. As part of AMC, the Vendor/Bidder has
to provide following Service(s):
a. Bidder/Vendor has to maintain the software and provide defect fixes noticed in the software
without any additional cost for next three year after successful completion of warranty period as
part of the comprehensive AMC.
b. IDBI Bank shall notify the Vendor of any claims arising under this warranty.
c. If the Vendor/Bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s)/issues within a time-
frame specified in the Service Level Requirements as per Annexure XII, IDBI Bank shall proceed
to take such remedial action as may be deemed necessary, at the Vendor’s/Bidder's risk and ex-
pense, and without prejudice to any other rights, which IDBI Bank may have against the Vendor,
under the Contract or applicable laws or in equity.

Payment against Bank Guarantee:

For all the payments to be made against bank guarantee, the same shall be issued by a Scheduled
Commercial Bank as acceptable to Purchaser and forwarded directly to the Purchaser by the issuing
Change Orders/Alteration/Variations
a) The Bidder agrees that the requirements given in specifications, charts, etc., in the Bid
Documents are minimum requirements of mere indicative nature and are in no way exhaustive.
It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to meet all the requirements of specifications, charts,
etc., and other criteria contained in the Bid Documents and any upward revisions and/or
additions of quantities, specifications, charts, etc., of the Bid Documents required to be made
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during execution of the work shall not constitute a change order and shall be carried out
without a change order as forming part of the Services agreed hereunder and shall be carried
out without any time and cost effect to Purchaser. Further, upward revisions and or additions
required to make Bidder’s LPS and installation procedures to meet Bid Documents requirements
expressed and to make entire facilities safe, operable and as per specified codes and standards
shall not constitute a change order and shall be carried out without any time and cost effect to
Purchaser. Any upward revision and/or additions consequent to errors, omissions, ambiguities,
discrepancies in the specification etc. of the Bid Documents which the Bidder had not brought
out to the Purchaser’s notice in his Bid shall not constitute a change order and such upward
revisions and/or addition shall be carried out by Bidder without any time and cost effect to

b) Purchaser may, at any time, by a written order given to the Bidder, make changes within the
general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following:
i. Functional specification
ii. The Services to be provided by the Bidder

c) If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for the
Bidder’s performance or observance of any provisions under the Contract, an equitable
adjustment shall be made in the Contract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the Contract
shall accordingly be amended as may be decided by Purchaser. Any claims by the Bidder for
adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 30 (thirty) days from the date of
knowledge of Purchaser’s change order by the Bidder.

d) Any change order as stated above comprising an alteration which involves change in the cost of
the works (which sort of alteration is hereinafter called a “Variation”) shall be the subject of an
amendment to the Contract by way of an increase or decrease in the Contract Price and
adjustment of the implementation schedule if any.

e) If the Contract provides applicable rates for the valuation of the variation in question, the
Contract price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with those rates.

f) Any change order shall be duly approved by the Purchaser (including any modification/change in
the Contract Price) in writing.

g) If there is a difference of opinion between the Bidder and Purchaser whether a particular work
or part of the work constitutes a change order or not, the decision of the Purchaser shall be
final, conclusive and binding on the Bidder.

Contract Amendments
No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made, except by prior written
amendment after obtaining prior written approval from both the Parties and shall be signed by the
Delays in the Bidder’s Performance
a) Delivery of LPS & installation shall be made by the Bidder in accordance with the time schedule
prescribed by Purchaser.
b) If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Bidder shall encounter conditions /
situations impeding timely delivery of LPS and its installation, the Bidder shall promptly notify
Purchaser in writing of the fact of the delay, its likely duration and the cause(s) thereof. As soon
as practicable, after receipt of the Bidder’s notice, Purchaser shall evaluate the condition/
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situation, and consider, extending the Bidder’s time for performance, with or without liquidated
damages, in which case, the extension shall be ratified by the Parties by written amendment of
the Contract.
Except as provided in the above clause, a delay by the Bidder in the performance of its delivery and
installation obligations shall render the Bidder liable to the imposition of liquidated damages, unless
an extension of time is agreed upon without levying liquidated damages.

Liquidated Damages
a) If the Bidder fails to deliver LPS and/or install LPS within the time period(s) specified in the
Contract, Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies under and in
accordance with the Contract, deduct from the Contract price, as liquidated damages, a sum
equivalent to 1% percent per week or part thereof of respective order cost subject to maximum
deduction of 5% of the order value of the delayed LPS or unperformed services for that
particular location. In case of undue delay beyond a period of 15 days unless otherwise waived
by the Purchaser, Purchaser in its discretion may consider termination of the Contract.
b) If the Bidder fails to complete the entire work before the scheduled completion date or the
extended date or if Bidder repudiates the Contract before completion of the Services, the
Purchaser may without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Purchaser as
under the Contract recover from the Bidder, as ascertained and agreed liquidated damages and
not by way of penalty:
c) The Purchaser may without prejudice to its right to effect recovery by any other method, deduct
the amount of liquidated damages from any money belonging to the Bidder in its hands (which
includes the Purchaser’s right to claim such amount against Bidder’s Bank Guarantee) or which
may become due to the Bidder. Any such recovery or liquidated damages shall not in any way
relieve the Bidder from any of its obligations to complete the works / Services or from any other
obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
3. Termination for Convenience
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Contract and/or the Bid Documents the Purchaser, by written
notice sent to the Bidder, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its
convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for Purchaser’s convenience, the
extent to which performance of the Bidder under and in accordance with the Contract is terminated,
and the date upon which such termination becomes effective.

4. Dispute Resolution
The Parties shall use their best efforts to amicably settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with
this Contract in the following manner:
a) The Party raising the dispute shall address to the other Party a notice requesting an amicable
settlement of the dispute within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice.
b) The matter will be referred for negotiation between General Manager (Retail Banking) of the
Purchaser and Mr. _[•] of the Bidder. The matter shall then be resolved by them and the agreed
course of action documented within a further period of 30 days.
The Parties agree that any dispute between the Parties, which cannot be settled by negotiation in the
manner, described above, may be resolved exclusively by arbitration and such dispute may be submit-
ted by either party to arbitration within 30 days of the failure of negotiations. Arbitration shall be held in
Mumbai, India and conducted in accordance with the provision of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. Each Party to the dispute shall appoint 1 arbitra-
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tor each and the two arbitrators shall jointly appoint the third or the presiding arbitrator. The arbitration
proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. Subject to the above, the courts of law at Mum-
bai alone shall have the jurisdiction in respect of all matters connected with the Contract. The arbitra-
tion award shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the Parties and judgment may be entered
thereon, upon the application of either party to a court of competent jurisdiction. Each Party shall bear
the cost of preparing and presenting its case, and the cost of arbitration, including fees and expenses of
the arbitrators, shall be shared equally by the Parties unless the award otherwise provides.
The Bidder shall not be entitled to suspend the provision of the Services or the completion of the job,
pending resolution of any disputes between the Parties and shall continue to render the Services in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the Contract notwithstanding the existence of any dispute between the
Parties or the subsistence of any arbitration or other proceedings.
The provision under this section survives the contract.
5. Addresses for Notices
a) All notices, requests, consents, waivers or other communication required or permitted hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served: (i) if delivered by hand and received by an
authorized employee or officer of the Party, (ii) 3 (three) days after being given to a reputed courier
with a reliable system for tracking delivery, (iii) upon receipt of confirmation receipt when sent by
facsimile; or (iv) 14 (fourteen) days after the date of dispatch by certified or registered mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested; (v) when sent by electronic mail. All notices and other
communication shall be addressed in following format:

In the case of IDBI Bank Limited

Purchaser IDBI Building, Plot No.39-41, Sector-11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400 614, Maharashtra
Attn: Shri [•]
Tel: +91-22-XXXXXXXX, Fax: +91-22-27566313
Email: [•]
In the case of the ------------------------
Bidder ------------------------
Attn: Shri [•]
Tel: +91- Fax: +91-
Email: [•]
b) A party may change its address and/or addressee for notification purposes at any time during the
term hereof by giving the other Party written notice in accordance with the terms hereof and the
date on which such change will become effective.

6. Taxes and Duties

1. Bidder will be entirely responsible for all applicable taxes, duties, levies, imposts, costs, charges,
license fees, road permits etc., in connection with delivery of LPS at site including incidental services
and commissioning. Payment of Octroi /entry tax, if applicable, will be made at actual, on
production of suitable evidence of payment by the Bidder.
2. Income / Corporate taxes in India: The Bidder shall be liable to pay all corporate taxes and income
tax that shall be levied according to the laws and regulations applicable from time to time in India
and the Price Bid by the Bidder shall include all such taxes in the Contract price.

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3. Tax deduction at Source: Wherever the laws and regulations require deduction of such taxes at the
source of payment, Purchaser shall effect such deductions from the payment due to the Bidder. The
remittance of amounts so deducted and issuance of certificate for such deductions shall be made by
Purchaser as per the laws and regulations in force. Nothing in the Contract shall relieve the Bidder
from his responsibility to pay any tax that may be levied in India on income and profits made by the
Bidder in respect of this Contract.
4. The Bidder’s staff, personnel and labor will be liable to pay personal income taxes in India in respect
of such of their salaries and wages as are chargeable under the laws and regulations for the time
being in force, and the Bidder shall perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may
be imposed on him by such laws and regulations.
5. It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to submit to the concerned Indian authorities the returns
and all other connected documents required for this purpose. The Bidder shall also provide the
Purchaser such information, as it may be required in regard to the Bidder’s details of payment made
by the Purchaser under the Contract for proper assessment of taxes and duties. The bidder or their
personnel shall bear all the taxes if any, levied on the Bidder’s and Bidder’s personnel. The amount
of tax withheld by the Purchaser shall at all times be in accordance with Indian Tax Law and the
Purchaser shall promptly furnish to the Bidder original certificates (Challans) for tax deduction at
source and paid to the Tax Authorities.
6. The Bidder agrees that he shall comply with the Income-tax Act in force from time to time and pay
Income -tax, as may be imposed / levied on them by the Indian Income Tax Authorities, for the
payments received by them for the works under the Contract.
7. Should the Bidder fail to submit returns/pay taxes in times as stipulated under the Income -tax Act
and consequently any interest or penalty is imposed by the Income-tax authority, the Bidder shall
indemnify Purchaser against any and all liabilities or claims arising out of this Contract for such taxes
including interest and penalty any such Tax Authority may assess or levy against the Purchaser/
Prices payable to the Bidder as stated in the Contract shall be firm and not subject to adjustment
during performance of the Contract, irrespective of reasons whatsoever, including exchange rate
fluctuations, changes in taxes, duties, levies, charges, etc.
Bidder’s Integrity
The Bidder is responsible for and obliged to conduct all contracted activities strictly in accordance with
Contract using state-of-the-art methods and economic principles and exercising all means available to
achieve the performance specified in the Contract.

Bidder’s Obligations:
a) The Bidder is obliged to work closely with Bank staff, act within its own authority and abide by
directives / instructions issued by Bank from time to time. The Bidder will abide by the job safety
measures prevalent in India and will free Bank from all demands or responsibilities arising from
accidents or loss of life, the cause of which is the Bidder’s negligence.
b) The Bidder would be required to install and implement the requisite support and information
technology infrastructure to enable the Bank to meet the operational objectives. It will be the
Bidder’s responsibility to ensure the proper and successful implementation and continued operation
of the proposed branch/ Sites/Hardware/Software.
c) The Bidder shall be responsible for managing the activities of its personnel and / or personnel
working pursuant to its instructions and will hold itself responsible for any misdemeanors.

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Key Performance Measurements

Unless specified by the Purchaser to the contrary, the Bidder shall deliver the LPS and carry out the
installation under and in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
Commencement and Progress
The Bidder shall proceed to carry out the delivery & installations with diligence and expedition in
accordance with any stipulation as to the time, manner, mode, and method of execution contained in
this Contract and shall meet the standards of good industry practice.
Start of Installation
Prior to taking up installation of any major component of work, the Bidder shall submit to Purchaser his
proposed procedures and obtain Purchaser’s approval in writing.
Contract Prices
Prices payable to the Bidder as stated in the Contract shall be firm and not subject to adjustment during
performance of the Contract, irrespective of reasons whatsoever, including exchange rate fluctuations,
changes in taxes, duties, levies, charges, etc.
Information Security
a) The Bidder and its personnel shall not carry any written material, layout, diagrams, floppy diskettes,
hard disk, storage tapes or any other media out of Purchaser’s premise without written permission
from the Purchaser.
b) The Bidder personnel shall follow Purchaser’s information security policy and instructions in this
c) Bidder acknowledges that Purchaser’s business data and other Purchaser proprietary information or
materials, whether developed by Purchaser or being used by Purchaser pursuant to a license
agreement with a third party (the foregoing collectively referred to herein as “proprietary
information”) are confidential and proprietary to Purchaser; and Bidder agrees to use reasonable
care to safeguard the proprietary information and to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure
thereof, which care shall not be less than that used by Bidder to protect its own proprietary
information. Bidder recognizes that the goodwill of Purchaser depends, among other things, upon
Bidder keeping such proprietary information confidential and that unauthorized disclosure of the
same by Bidder could damage Purchaser. By reason of Bidder’s duties and obligations hereunder,
Bidder may come into possession of such proprietary information, even though Bidder does not take
any direct part in or furnish the Services performed for the creation of said proprietary information
and shall limit access thereto to employees with a need to such access to perform the Services
required by this Contract. Bidder shall use such information only for the purpose of performing the
d) Bidder shall, upon termination of this Contract for any reason, or upon demand by Purchaser,
whichever is earliest, return any and all information provided to Bidder by Purchaser, including any
copies or reproductions, both hardcopy and electronic.
Representations and Warranties
In order to induce the Purchaser to enter into this Contract, the Bidder hereby represents and warrants
as of the date hereof, which representations and warranties shall survive the term and termination
hereof, the following:
a) That the selected Bidder is a body corporate which has the requisite qualifications, skills, experience
and expertise in providing the services contemplated hereunder to third Parties, the technical know-
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how and the financial wherewithal, the power and the authority that would be required to
successfully set up the required infrastructure and to enter into this Contract and provide the
Services sought by the Purchaser, under and in accordance with this Contract.
b) That the Bidder is not involved in any major litigation, potential, threatened and existing, that may
have an impact of affecting or compromising the performance of the Bidder under the Contract.
c) That the representations made by the Bidder in its Bid are and shall continue to remain true and
fulfill all the requirements as are necessary for executing the duties, obligations and responsibilities
as laid down in the Contract and the Bid Documents and unless the Purchaser specifies to the
contrary in writing, the Bidder shall be bound by all the terms of the Bid.
d) That the Bidder has the professional skills, personnel and resources/authorizations that are
necessary for providing all such services as are necessary to perform its obligations under the Bid
and this Contract.
e) That the Bidder shall ensure that all assets including but not limited to LPS, licenses, etc. developed,
procured, deployed and created during the term of this Contract are duly maintained and suitably
updated, upgraded, replaced with regard to contemporary requirements.
f) That the Bidder shall use such assets of the Purchaser as the Purchaser may permit for the sole
purpose of execution of its obligations under the terms of the Bid, Tender or this Contract. The
Bidder shall however, have no claim to any right, title, lien or other interest in any such property,
and any possession of property for any duration whatsoever shall not create any right in equity or
otherwise, merely by fact of such use or possession during or after the term hereof.
g) That the Bidder shall procure insurance policies for all its present and future property and assets
that are developed, procured and created during the term of this Contract with financially sound
and reputable insurers to the satisfaction of the Purchaser and shall pay all premium in relation
thereto and shall ensure that nothing is done to make such insurance policies void or voidable. The
Bidder shall also furnish to the Purchaser a certificate evidencing such insurance, risks covered,
names of beneficiaries, expiration dates, names of insurers and all other features of the insurance
policy, both original and renewed and shall keep the same alive during the term of this Contract.
h) That the Bidder shall procure all the necessary permissions and adequate approvals and licenses for
use of software and any copyrighted process/product free from all claims, titles, interests and liens
thereon and shall keep the Purchaser indemnified in relation thereto.
i) That all the representations and warranties as have been made by the Bidder with respect to its Bid
and Contract, are true and correct, and shall continue to remain true and correct through the term
of this Contract.
j) That the execution of the Services herein is and shall be in accordance and in compliance with all
applicable laws.

k) That there are – (a) no legal proceedings pending or threatened against Bidder which adversely
affect/may affect performance under this Contract; and (b) no inquiries or investigations have been
threatened, commenced or pending against Bidder by any statutory or regulatory or investigative
l) That the Bidder has the corporate power to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions
of this Contract and has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery
and performance by it of the Contract.
m) That all conditions precedent under the Contract has been complied.

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n) That neither the execution and delivery by the Bidder of the Contract nor the Bidder’s compliance
with or performance of the terms and provisions of the Contract (i) will contravene any provision of
any applicable law or any order, writ, injunction or decree of any court or governmental authority
binding on the Bidder, (ii) will conflict or be inconsistent with or result in any breach of any or the
terms, covenants, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under any agreement, contract
or instrument to which the Bidder is a Party or by which it or any of its property or assets is bound or
to which it may be subject or (iii) will violate any provision of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Bidder.
o) That the Bidder certifies that all registrations, recordings, filings and notarizations of the Contract
and all payments of any tax or duty, including without limitation stamp duty, registration charges or
similar amounts which are required to be effected or made by the Bidder which is necessary to
ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of the Contract have been
p) That the Bidder confirms that there has not and shall not occur any execution, amendment or
modification of any agreement/contract without the prior written consent of the Purchaser, which
may directly or indirectly have a bearing on the Contract or the project.
q) That the Bidder owns or has good, legal or beneficial title, or other interest in, to the property,
assets and revenues of the Bidder on which it grants or purports to grant or create any interest
pursuant to the Contract, in each case free and clear of any encumbrance and further confirms that
such interests created or expressed to be created are valid and enforceable.
r) That the Bidder owns, has license to use or otherwise has the right to use, free of any pending or
threatened liens or other security or other interests all Intellectual Property Rights, which are
required or desirable for the project and the Bidder does not, in carrying on its business and
operations, infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person. None of the Intellectual Property
or Intellectual Property Rights owned or enjoyed by the Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed to
use, which are material in the context of the Bidder’s business and operations are being infringed
nor, so far as the Bidder is aware, is there any infringement or threatened infringement of those
Intellectual Property or Intellectual Property Rights licensed or provided to the Bidder by any
person. All Intellectual Property Rights (owned by the Bidder or which the Bidder is licensed to use)
are valid and subsisting. All actions (including registration, payment of all registration and renewal
fees) required to maintain the same in full force and effect have been taken thereon and shall keep
the Purchaser indemnified in relation thereto.
The Parties agree that they shall hold in trust any Confidential Information received by either Party, un-
der this Contract, and the strictest of confidence shall be maintained in respect of such Confidential In-
formation. The Parties also agree:
i. to maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of this Contract and only
as permitted herein;
ii. to only make copies of such documents/papers as specifically authorized by the prior written
consent of the other party and with the same confidential or proprietary notices as may be
printed or displayed on the original;
iii. to restrict access and disclosure of Confidential Information to such of their employees, agents,
vendors, and Bidders strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain confidentiality of the
Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with this Clause and
iv. to treat Confidential Information as confidential for a period of five (5) years from the date of
receipt. In the event of earlier termination of this Contract, the Parties hereby agree to maintain
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the confidentiality of the Confidential Information for a further period of [two (2)] years from
the date of such termination.
Confidential Information in oral form must be identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and
confirmed as such in writing within 30 days of such disclosure. Confidential Information does not include
information which:
a) the recipient knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation on its
b) is independently developed by the recipient without breach of this Contract;
c) information in the public domain as a matter of law;
d) is received from a third party not subject to the obligation of confidentiality with respect to such
e) is released from confidentiality with the written consent of the other party.

The recipient shall have the burden of proving that Clauses (i) or (ii) above are applicable to the
information in the possession of the recipient.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge that the nature of the services to be performed
under this Contract may require the Bidder's personnel to be present on premises of the Purchaser or
may require the Bidder's personnel to have access to computer networks and databases of the
Purchaser while on or off premises of the Purchaser. It is understood that it would be impractical for the
Purchaser to monitor all information made available to the Bidder under such circumstances and to
provide notice to the Bidder of the confidentiality of all such information. Therefore, the Bidder agrees
that any technical or business or other information of the Purchaser that the Bidder’s personnel, sub-
Bidders, or agents acquire while on the Purchaser premises, or through access to the Purchaser
computer systems or databases while on or off the Purchaser premises, shall be deemed Confidential
Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the disclosing Party.
Upon termination of this Contract, Confidential Information shall be returned to the disclosing Party or
destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction shall be witnessed and so recorded, in writing, by an
authorized representative of each of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall in any manner impair
rights of the Purchaser in respect of the Systems, Services, and Documents etc.
In the event that any of the Parties hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential
Information, such Party shall give sufficient notice to the other Party to enable the other Party to
prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such disclosure. Neither party shall disclose to a third party
any Confidential Information or the contents of this Contract without the prior written consent of the
other Party. The obligations of this Clause shall be satisfied by handling Confidential Information with
the same degree of care, which the receiving Party applies to its own similar confidential information
but in no event less than reasonable care. The obligations of this Clause shall survive the expiration,
cancellation or termination of this Contract. The provision of this clause shall survive termination of the
Contract till such Confidential Information enters public domain.
Records of Contract Documents:
The Bidder shall at all-time make and keep sufficient copies of the drawings, designs, data,
specifications, charts, etc., and the documents including any Contract documents for him to fulfill his
duties and obligations under the Contract.
Ownership and Retention of Documents

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1. The Purchaser shall own the documents, prepared by or for the Bidder arising out of or in
connection with this Contract.
2. Forthwith upon expiry or earlier termination of this Contract and at any other time on demand by
the Purchaser, the Bidder shall deliver to the Purchaser all documents provided by or originating
from the Purchaser and all documents produced by or from or for the Bidder in the course of
performing the Services, unless otherwise directed in writing by the Purchaser at no additional cost.
The Bidder shall not, without the prior written consent of the Purchaser store, copy, distribute or
retain any such Documents.
Term and Extension of the Contract
a) The term of this Contract shall be initially for a period of Six years from the date of signing of the
contract (1 year Warranty+5 year ATS).
b) The Purchaser shall reserve the sole right to grant any extension to the term above mentioned and
shall notify in writing to the Bidder, at least three months before the expiration of the term hereof,
whether it will grant the Bidder an extension of the term. The decision to grant or refuse the
extension shall be at the discretion of Bank.
1. The Purchaser may, terminate this Contract by giving the Bidder a prior and written notice indicating
its intention to terminate the Contract under the following circumstances:
a. Where it comes to the Purchaser’s attention that the Bidder (or the Bidder’s team) is in a
position of actual conflict of interest with the interests of the Purchaser, in relation to any of
terms of the Bidder’s Bid or this Contract.
b. Where the Bidder’s ability to survive as an independent corporate entity is threatened or is lost
owing to any reason whatsoever, including inter-alia the filing of any bankruptcy proceedings
against the Bidder, any failure by the Bidder to pay any of its dues to its creditors, the institution
of any winding up proceedings against the Bidder or the happening of any such events that are
adverse to the commercial viability of the Bidder. In the event of the happening of any events of
the above nature, the Purchaser shall reserve the right to take any steps as are necessary, to
ensure the effective transition of the project to a successor Bidder, and to ensure business
2. Termination for Insolvency: The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written
notice to the Bidder, without compensation to the Bidder, if the Bidder becomes bankrupt or
otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or
remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser.
3. Termination for Default: The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other right or remedy for breach of
Contract, by a written notice of default sent to the Vendor, may terminate the Contract in whole or
in part.
Consequences of Termination
1. In the event of termination of this Contract due to any cause whatsoever, [whether consequent to
the stipulated term of the Contract or otherwise] the Purchaser shall be entitled to impose any such
obligations and conditions and issue any clarifications as may be necessary to ensure an efficient
transition and effective business continuity of the project which the Bidder shall be obliged to
comply with and take all available steps to minimize loss resulting from that termination/breach,
and further allow the successor Bidder to take over the obligations of the erstwhile Bidder in
relation to the execution/continued execution of the scope of this Contract.
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2. In the event that the termination of this Contract is due to the expiry of the term of this Contract / a
decision not to grant any (further) extension by the Purchaser, the Bidder herein shall be obliged to
provide all such assistance to the successor Bidder or any other person as may be required and as
the Purchaser may specify including training, where the successor(s) is a representative/personnel
of the Purchaser to enable the successor to adequately provide the Services hereunder, even where
such assistance is required to be rendered for a reasonable period that may extend beyond the
term/earlier termination hereof.
3. Where the termination of the Contract is prior to its stipulated term on account of a default on the
part of the Bidder or due to the fact that the survival of the Bidder as an independent corporate
entity is threatened/has ceased, the Purchaser shall pay the Bidder for that part of the Services
provided which have been authorized by the Purchaser and satisfactorily performed by the Bidder
up to the date of termination, without prejudice any other rights, the Purchaser may retain such
amounts from the payment due and payable by the Purchaser to the Bidder as may be required to
offset any losses caused to the Purchaser as a result of any act/omissions of the Bidder. In case of
any loss or damage due to default on the part of the Bidder in performing any of its obligations with
regard to executing the scope of work under this Contract [as laid down in the Service
Specifications,] the Bidder shall compensate the Purchaser for any such loss, damages or other
costs, incurred by the Purchaser. Additionally, the Bidder / other members of its team shall
continue to perform all its obligations and responsibilities under this Contract in an identical manner
as were being performed hitherto before in order to execute an effective transition and to maintain
business continuity. All third Parties shall continue to perform all/any functions as stipulated by the
Purchaser and as may be proper and necessary to execute the Services under the Contract in terms
of the Bidder’s Bid and this Contract.
4. Nothing herein shall restrict the right of the Purchaser to invoke the bank guarantee and other
guarantees, securities furnished, enforce the Deed of Indemnity and pursue such other rights and/or
remedies that may be available to the Purchaser under law or otherwise.
5. The termination hereof shall not affect any accrued right or liability of either Party nor affect the
operation of the provisions of this Contract that are expressly or by implication intended to come
into or continue in force on or after such termination.
6. In the event of termination of this Contract due to any cause whatsoever, [whether consequent to
the stipulated term of the Contract or otherwise] the Bidder is obliged to transfer the legal
ownership of such property that is supplied and installed at Purchaser locations for the purpose of
completion of project to the Purchaser, at the time of expiration of the term of this Contract. If this
Contract is terminated prior to the completion of Services the Bidder shall be obliged to transfer the
ownership of the LPS and licenses thereon to the Bank.
7. Termination survives the Contract.

Insurance to be taken out by the Bidder

1. The Bidder shall :
a. take out and maintain at their own cost but on terms and conditions approved by Purchaser,
insurance against the risks, and for the coverage, as shall be specified below.
b. at the Purchaser’s request, provide evidence to the Purchaser showing that such insurance has
been taken out and maintained and that the current premiums therefore have been paid.
2. Third party liability insurance with a minimum coverage, of Rs.50,00, 000/- for the period of the

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3. Professional liability insurance, with a minimum coverage equal to estimated remuneration and
4. Employer's liability and workers' compensation insurance in respect of the personnel of the Bidder,
in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable law, as well as, with respect to such
personnel, any such life, health, accident, travel or other insurance as may be appropriate; and
5. Insurance against loss of or damage to (i) LPS purchased under this Contract or otherwise, (ii) the
Bidder’s property used in the performance of the Services, and (iii) any documents prepared by the
Bidder in the performance of the Services.
6. The Bidder shall not use these documents for purposes unrelated to this Contract without the prior
written approval of the Purchaser.
7. All obligations of the Bidder under the Contract / Bid Documents survive the Contract / Bid
Documents, subject to the provisions stipulated therein.
Conflict of interest
The Bidder shall disclose to the Purchaser in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest that
exist, arise or may arise (either for the Bidder or the Bidder’s team) in the course of performing the
Services as soon as practical after it becomes aware of that conflict.
The Bidder is not permitted to make any public announcement or media release about any aspect of this
Contract unless the Purchaser first gives the Bidder his written consent.
Relationship between the Parties:
1. Nothing in this Contract constitutes any fiduciary relationship between the Purchaser and
Bidder/Bidder’s Team or any relationship of employer - employee, principal and agent, or
partnership, between the Purchaser and Bidder.
2. No Party has any authority to bind the other Party in any manner whatsoever except as agreed
under the terms of this Contract.
3. The Purchaser has no obligations to the Bidder’s team except as agreed under the terms of this
No Assignment
The Contract cannot be transferred or assigned by the Bidder without the prior written approval of the
Entire Contract
The terms and conditions laid down in the Bid and all annexures thereto as also the Bid and any
attachments/annexes thereto shall be read in consonance with and form an integral part of this
Contract. This Contract supersedes any prior Contract, understanding or representation of the Parties
on the subject matter.
Statutory Requirements:
During the tenure of this Contract nothing shall be done by the Bidder in contravention of any law, act
and/ or rules/regulations, there under or any amendment thereof governing inter-alia customs, foreign
exchange, etc., and shall keep Purchaser indemnified in this regard.

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1. Any provision of this Contract which, either expressly or by implication, survive the termination or
expiration of this Contract, shall be complied with by the Parties including that of the provisions of
indemnity, confidentiality, non-disclosure in the same manner as if the present Contract is valid and
in force.
2. The provisions of the clauses of this Contract in relation to Documents, data, processes, property,
Intellectual Property Rights, indemnity, publicity and confidentiality and ownership survive the
expiry or termination of this Contract and in relation to confidentiality, the obligations continue to
apply unless the Purchaser notifies the Bidder of its release from those obligations.
“No Claim” Certificate
1. The Bidder shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever against the Purchaser, under or by
virtue of or arising out of, this Contract, nor shall the Purchaser entertain or consider any such claim,
if made by the Bidder after he shall have signed a “No claim” certificate in favor of the Purchaser in
such forms as shall be required by the Purchaser after the work /Services are finally accepted.
2. In case the Bidder has any other business relationship with the Purchaser, no right of set-off,
counter-claim and cross-claim and or otherwise will be available under this Contract to the Bidder
for any payments receivable under and in accordance with that business.
Completion of Contract
Unless terminated earlier, the Contract shall terminate on the successful completion of the Service
Period as specified in the Contract.
No Agency
The Services of the Bidder herein shall not be construed as any agency of Purchaser and there shall be
no principal agency relationship in this regard.
No Set-off, counter-claim and cross claims.
In case the Bidder has any other business relationship with Purchaser, no right of set-off, counter-claim
and cross-claim and or otherwise will be available under this Contract to the Bidder for any payments
receivable under and in accordance with that business.
Governing Law
This Contract shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India. These provisions shall survive the
Jurisdiction of Courts
The courts of India at Mumbai have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any proceeding in relation to this
Contract. These provisions shall survive the Contract.

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Section 5 - Service Level Expectations

The list of minimum service level to be maintained by the bidder are listed in Annexure-XII. A service
level agreement will be executed with the bidder.

Penalty / Insurance

During the AMC period the following service levels are expected to be maintained by the Vendor/Bidder
failing which the penalties will be charged by IDBI Bank and payments are made after adjusting the
penalties for not meeting the service levels.

Penalty amount will be mutually agreed between Vendor/Bidder & IDBI Bank and it should not be higher
than 10% of the invoice value for the specified invoice period.

Breach of Service levels consistently on part of the Vendor/Bidder may lead to invocation of Clause for
“Termination for Default”

Sr. No. Category Severity Timeframe for Problem Timeframe for

analysis & response replacements
1 Problem/ Issue/ Defect Critical 1 Hr 1 Day
High 2 Hr 2 Days
Low 8 Hr (One Day) 4 Days

Problem/Issue/Defect: This should be defined as any flaw within the hardware / System Software which
does not allow the end user to perform its regular operations as per the specifications/operational
guidelines /functionality requirements in a stipulated timeframe. Any problems/Issues /Defects,
reported by Users should be categorized based on severity as follows:

Critical: When the System Operation is stopped/ halted or System malfunctioning, such that
hardware/system software does not function as required and stipulated business operations are

High: When the System Operation is stopped/ halted or system malfunctioning but for the same the
workaround is available.

Low: Minor irritancies during operations.

• For any delay in delivery, installation and commissioning beyond the specified period, a penalty
@ of 1% of the purchase order value per week or part thereof will be levied, subject to
maximum of 5%.

• In case the delay in delivery exceeds more than 5 weeks, IDBI Bank reserves the right to cancel
the order and no payment will be made to the vendor.

• IDBI Bank Ltd. shall enter into an agreement with vendor for the procurement of the LPS
software. The agreement will be signed in Mumbai and stamped as per Maharashtra state
stamp duty prevailing at the time of execution of the agreement and stamp duty has to be paid
by the vendor.

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Section 6 – BID FORMS

Various forms to be used in reference to this RFP are as follows:

Annexure Details
1 Technical Bid Form
2 Commercial Bid Form
3 Price Schedule format
4 Contract Form
5 Performance Security Form
6 Acceptance Certificate
7 Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of RFP
8 Non-Disclosure Agreement
9 Deed of Indemnity
10 Format for Cover Letter
11 Undertaking
12 Service level Requirements
13 Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria
14 Fulfilment of Eligibility Criteria

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Annexure 1 - Technical Bid Form

(To be included in Technical Bid Envelope)
Date: ………………..
IDBI Bank Limited,
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005.

Dear Sir:
Reg: Engaging Bidder

Ref: ____________________________________

After going through the Bid Documents, the receipt whereof is hereby duly acknowledged, we the
undersigned, unconditionally and irrevocably offer our services for System Integration in conformity
with the said Bid Documents.

We agree and undertake that, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver and commission the Services in
accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the schedule of requirements.

If our Bid is accepted, we will obtain bank guarantee in a sum equivalent to 15 (fifteen) percent of
the Contract Price for the due performance and observance of the Contract, in the form and manner
prescribed by and to the satisfaction of IDBI Bank Limited (Bank).

We agree and undertake to abide by the bid terms of Bank including the rates quoted therein for
the orders awarded by Bank up to the period prescribed in the Bid, which shall be final and
conclusive and remain binding upon us.

Until a formal contract is finalized and executed, this Bid Documents, together with relevant
documents as amended, modified, supplemented, revised, modified by addendum, etc., if any, at
the sole discretion of Bank duly initialed/executed shall constitute a binding Contract between us.

We agree and undertake that, in competing for (and, if the Bid is accepted by you) the above
contract, we will strictly observe the laws inter alia, in particular, against fraud and corruption in
force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988” and similar laws and also strictly abide by
and observe all applicable laws.

We agree and confirm that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive and
you also have the right to re-issue/re-commence the Bid. Any decision in this regard by you shall be
final and binding on us.

We enclose a demand draft of Rs. ___________/- (Rs. ______________ only) towards Bid Security of
Retail/________________ , in favour of "IDBI Bank Limited." drawn on ____________, _________
Branch payable at Mumbai.

We understand that the Bid Security will be refunded after the Bidder signing the Contract and
furnishing of the Performance Bank Guarantee in case of successful Bidder and within a period of 90

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(Ninety) days after the expiry of Bid validity period for unsuccessful Bidders. We have noted that Bid
Security shall not carry any interest.

Dated this ……………………….. day of ……………………..20 .

(signature) (Name) (in the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign bid for and on behalf of _________________________________________

The major sections of the proposal should be organized as follows:

This section should provide a brief write-up about the proposal, Bidder
Bidder Information
This section should provide all the relevant information about the Bidder, including the required Bidder
Product Information
This section should provide product brochures, product technical specifications, pamphlets, etc for the
proposed LPS software.
Maintenance & Support
This section should discuss the Maintenance & Support methodology to be adopted by the Bidder.
List of documents/ enclosures
Documents, other than the commercial documents, that must be submitted with the proposal are the
a) Teaming agreement/Authority letters from third party products embedded or interfaced with
b) Covering letter as mentioned in Annexure X
c) Undertaking letter as mentioned in Annexure XI
d) Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of the RFP (Annexure VII).
e) Original copy of Bid duly signed along with original purchase receipt of the Bid document.
f) All Bids must accompany by a DD towards cost of bid document, if not been purchased on pay-
g) All the Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security as specified in the Bid Documents.
h) Bidder should provide audited balance sheets (duly certified / authenticated) as a supporting
document. The Bids submitted by the prospective Bidders shall be summarily rejected, if it does
not comply with the turnover condition mentioned above.
i) Bidder should submit a letter stating its year of incorporation, line of business and self-
declaration stating that they are not in the negative list of any bank/ government organization.
The letter should be on a company letter head and duly signed by authorized signatory.
j) Bidder should submit Purchase order / invoices for having implemented at least 4 LPS solutions
in last two years to any scheduled commercial bank operating in India.
k) Addresses of support offices PAN India.
l) Details of Technical staff available in India to implement the project & post implementation

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m) Certifications details like ISO, if any to be submitted.

n) Project plan for delivery and implementation from the date of the PO.
o) Published Technical details/brochure/s of Hardware components/items offered by the Bidder
duly supported by technical specifications of each component offered shall be furnished.
p) The Bidder should commit in writing that the proposed software would be supported for six
years from the date of delivery. The Bidder shall submit back to back agreements with the OEM
confirming support for six years in case the Bidder is a system integrator.
q) Bidders should provide all the information necessary as per the Bid/RFP document, failing
which their proposals are liable to be summarily rejected.
r) The Bidder should obtain necessary permissions and arrange for visit to a site for LPS implemen-
tations, where it has been installed and is in live operation.
s) The Bidder should commit in writing that the proposed solution would be able to support e at
least 1500 concurrent users on daily basis.

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Annexure 2 - Commercial Bid Form

A)Retail Loans :(Auto Loan, Personal Loan, Educational Loan, Housing Loan, Mortgage Loan)
Items as per technical specifications provided in RFP (forming part of TCO)
Sr. Total Cost including
No Item Description taxes/levies etc
Items -
1 Cost of Corporate License
2 Cost of Installation Implementation, Training ,Go Live, Warranty (1 year)
Cost of Customisation required as part of Go Live in Retail (Auto Loan, Per-
3 sonal Loan , Educational Loan, Home Loan, Mortgage Loan)
4 Post Implementation Support
A. Total
B. AMC @_____ % of 1 above (AMC Per year)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In figures)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In Word)

Authorised Signatory


Company Name and Stamp

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B) Corporate and SME Loans

Items as per specifications provided in RFP (forming part of TCO)
Sr. Item Description Total Cost including
No taxes/levies etc
1 Cost of Corporate License
2 Cost of Installation Implementation, Training ,Go Live, Warranty (1 year)
3 Cost of Customisation required as part of Go Live in Corporate& SME Loans
4 Post Implementation Support
B AMC @_____ % of 1 above (AMC Per year)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In figures)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In Word)

Authorised Signatory


Company Name and Stamp

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C) Agriculture Loans
Items as per technical specifications provided in RFP (forming part of TCO)
Sr. Item Description Total Cost including
No taxes/levies etc
1 Cost of Corporate License
2 Cost of Installation , Implementation, Training ,Go Live, Warranty (1 year)
3 Cost of Customisation required as part of Go Live in Agricultural Loans
4 Post Implementation Support
B AMC @_____ % of 1 above (AMC Per year)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In figures)
Total amount inclusive of all taxes. (In Word)

Authorised Signatory


Company Name and Stamp

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Terms & Conditions:

Please note that the cost break up must be provided strictly in the format specified above. IDBI Bank Ltd
reserves the exclusive right to accept any bid, and to annul the bid process and reject all bids at any time
prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any
obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for IDBI Bank Ltd.’s action. Bank also
reserves the right to procure one or more modules from Retail Loans, Corporate & SME Loans, Agricul-
ture Loans, depending on requirement .Any decision in these regards by IDBI Bank Ltd shall be Final,
conclusive and binding on the Bidder. IDBI Bank shall not entertain any claim or be responsible for the

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Annexure 3 - Price Schedule Format

(To be included in the Price Proposal)

a) Having perused the Bid Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, offer our services as bidder, in conformity with the said Bid Documents at fees
mentioned in the financial bid.

b) The above fees include all costs, duties, levies, taxes and all other applicable charges including
local travelling expenses, cost of stationery, assisting Bank in replying to inspection remarks of
Bank’s, if any, etc.

c) When works are executed wholly or in part which involves the bidder services in such cases
value of such whole or partly work will be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating
the bidder fees. However, for any such works independently undertaken by Bank along with
works under progress where the bidder has no direct role or responsibility such value of work
will not be eligible for bidder fees.

d) In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail.

e) In case of discrepancy between figures and words, the amount in words shall prevail.

f) No increase in costs, duties, levies, taxes, charges, etc., irrespective of reasons (including
exchange rate fluctuations, etc.) whatsoever, shall be admissible during the currency of the

g) For the above, any decision of Bank, in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on
Bidder / Bidder.

Signature of Bidder : _________________

Name : _________________

Business address : _________________

Offices Seal : _________________

Place :

Date :

Annexure –IV
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THIS AGREEMENT made at………………… the ………day of ……………………. 2014. Between IDBI BANK LIM-
ITED, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company within
the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and having its registered
office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 (hereinafter called “the Pur-
chaser” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof shall be
deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and ……………. (Name of Con-
tractor) of …………………… (please specify the registered office of the (Contractor) (hereinafter called “the
Contractor” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof
shall be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART;

The Purchaser and Contractor are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Parties" and individu-
ally as Party-

WHEREAS the Purchaser invited Bids for certain Services viz Procurement of User Licenses, Installation,
Customisation, Training, Go Live, Annual Technical support etc for ……………………………. (comprehensive
description of Service(s) )and has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for rendering of the Service(s) for the
sum of ……………………… (Contract Price in Words and Figures) (hereinafter called “the Contract Price”).


In this Agreement words and expressions not specifically defined shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the RFP/Conditions of Contract referred to.

The following documents of Bid No._________________________ together with all Annexure, Sched-
ules and Forms of RFP amended from time to time and this Agreement, and the other related docu-
ments shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of these presents

Invitation for Bids

General Instructions to Bidders
The Bid form and the price schedule submitted by the Bidder/Contractor;
Service level expectations
The technical specifications ;
Bill of material
The terms and conditions of Contract ;
The purchaser’s notification of award ;
Schedule of dates, amounts etc.

In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Contractor as hereinafter men-
tioned, the Contractor hereby agrees and covenants with the Purchaser to provide/render the Service(s)
and to remedy defects, if any therein, strictly in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Con-

The Purchaser hereby agrees and covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the rendering of
the Service(s) and the remedying of defects, if any therein, the Contract price or such other sum as may
become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the day, month
and year first above written.

Signed and Delivered by

the within named

Signature :

Name :

Date :- ..........................


1. Signature

Name :- .......................

Address :- .......................


2. Signature

Name :- .......................

Address : .......................


Signed and Delivered by ......... .........................

the within named

M/s. ..................................
Date :- .......................


1. Signature 2. Signature

Name :- ...................... Name : ……………………….

Address :- ...................... Address : ……………………

.................................. ………………………..
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Annexure 5 - Performance Security Form

Bank Guarantee No. ___________________________________

Bank Guarantee Amount ___________________________________

Expiry Date ___________________________________

Claim Amount ___________________________________

Account M/s.


THIS GUARANTEE AGREEMENT executed at ___________ this ________ day of _____________

Two Thousand ______________________

BY :
______________________ Bank, a body corporate constituted under _______________, having its Reg-
istered Office/ Head Office at ______________, and a Branch Office at
_________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Guarantor”,
which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context thereof, be deemed to
mean and include its successors and assigns)


IDBI BANK LIMITED, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking
company within the meaning of Section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and hav-
ing its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 (hereinafter re-
ferred to as “Bank” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject, meaning or context
thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns),

WHEREAS the Bank desires to implement Loan Processing System (LPS) for improving the Loan Process-
ing functionality and to improve Turn Around time (TAT), and had accordingly called for bids for supply,
installation, Integration, implementation of LPS solution required by the Bank ……………………… have
been appointed as the Software vendor (hereinafter referred to as "Software Vendor" or “Vendor”) and
accordingly the Vendor has entered into Contract with the Bank subject to the terms and conditions
contained in the Contract and the said documents. The vendor has strictly agreed to abide with the
terms of Contract and the said documents.

AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Bid Documents, the Contract, and the other related documents (herein-
after collectively referred to as “the said documents”, the Bank has agreed to avail from …………………….
and ……………………………. has agreed to provide to the Bank …………………. , more particularly described in
the Schedule/Annexure to the said documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Service(s)”),
subject to payment of the Contract price, as stated in the said documents and also subject to the terms,
conditions, covenants, provisions and stipulations contained the said documents.

AND WHEREAS the Vendor has duly signed the said documents.
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AND WHEREAS in terms of the Contract, the Vendor has agreed to provide the Service(s) and to procure
an unconditional and irrevocable performance bank guarantee, in favour of the Bank, from a bank ac-
ceptable to the Bank for securing the faithful observance and performance by the Vendor of the terms,
conditions, covenants, stipulations, provisions of the Contract/the said documents.

AND WHEREAS at the request of the Vendor, the Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the Bank, payment
of the 15 % of the Contract Price amounting to …………………………..(in words) towards faithful observance
and performance by the Vendor of the terms of the Contract and the said documents.


In consideration of the above premises, the Guarantor hereby unconditionally, absolutely and irrevoca-
bly guarantees to the Bank as follows:

The Guarantor hereby guarantees and undertakes to pay, on demand, to the Bank at its office at Mum-
bai forthwith, the sum of `……………………………………….or any part thereof, as the case may be, as afore-
said due to the Bank from the Vendor, towards any loss, costs, damages, etc. suffered by the Bank on
account of default or breach of the Vendor in the faithful observance and performance of the terms,
conditions, covenants, stipulations, provisions of the Contract and the said documents, without any de-
mur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest or without any reference to the Vendor. Any such de-
mand or claim made by the Bank, on the Guarantor shall be final, conclusive and binding, notwithstand-
ing any difference or any dispute between the Bank and the Vendor or any dispute between the Bank
and the Vendor pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator, or any other authority.

The Guarantor agrees and undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during the currency of these pre-
sents, without the previous written consent of the Bank and further agrees that the Guarantee herein
contained shall continue to be enforceable until and unless it is discharged earlier by the Bank, in writ-

The Bank shall be the sole judge to decide whether the Vendor has failed to perform and/or observe the
terms of the Contract of the said document for providing the Services by the Vendor to the Bank, and on
account of the said failure what amount has become payable by the Vendor to the Bank under this
Guarantee. The decision of the Bank in this behalf shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Guaran-
tor and the Guarantor shall not be entitled to demand the Bank to establish its claim under this Guaran-
tee or contest the claim of the Bank, but shall pay forthwith, the sums demanded, without any objection
and despite any contestation made by the Bidder or any third party, whatsoever.

To give effect to this Guarantee, the Bank, may act as though the Guarantor was the principal debtor to
the Bank. The liability of the Guarantor, under this Guarantee shall not be affected by:

(a) any change in the constitution or winding up of the Vendor or any absorption, merger or amalgama-
tion of the Vendor with any other company, corporation or concern; or
(b) any change in the management of the Vendor or takeover of the management of the Vendor by the
Government or by any other authority; or
(c) acquisition or nationalisation of the Vendor and/or of any of its undertaking(s) pursuant to any law;
or any change in the constitution of IDBI Bank / Vendor; or
(d) any change in the setup of the Guarantor which may be by way of change in the constitution,
winding up, voluntary or otherwise, absorption, merger or amalgamation or otherwise; or

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(e) the absence or deficiency of powers on the part of the Guarantor to give Guarantees and/or In-
demnities or any irregularity in the exercise of such powers.

Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall not
exceed the rupee equivalent of ………………………………………. (in words) being the 15% of the Contract

This Guarantee will expire on _______________(expiry date-1+5 years from date of contract).

Any demand or claim under this Guarantee must be received by the Guarantor by ……….( date) (3
months after the expiry date)

For all purposes connected with this Guarantee and in respect of all disputes and differences under or in
respect of these presents or arising there from the courts of Bombay city/ Mumbai city where the Bank
has its Registered Office shall alone have jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has caused these presents to be executed on the day,
month and year first herein above written as hereinafter appearing.


the within named Guarantor,
by the hand of Shri.__________,
its authorised official.

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Annexure 6 - Acceptance Certificate

No. Date:

Certificate of commissioning of Loan Processing System(LPS) for ___________________________

This is to certify that the Supply, Installation, Integration, implementation and Testing of Loan Processing
System (LPS) at IDBI Bank has been successfully completed (subject to remarks in para No.2) in
accordance with the Contract.

Contract No. ______________________________ dated ________

Date of commissioning and proving test ____________________

Details of Service(s) not yet supplied and recoveries to be made on that account:

Sr. No. Description Amount to be recovered

The Contractor has fulfilled his contractual obligations satisfactorily*

The Contractor has failed to fulfil his contractual obligations with regard to the following :

The amount of recovery on account of non-rendering of Service(s) is given under Para No._____.

The amount of recovery on account of failure of the Contractor to meet his contractual obligations is as
indicated in endorsement of the letter.

Signature : ___________________

Name : ___________________

Designation _________

Explanatory notes for filing up the certificates:

He has adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in dispatching the Service(s) pursuant to
He has commissioned the Service(s) in time i.e., within the period specified in the Contract from the
date of receipt of notification of awards from IDBI Bank.

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Annexure 7 - Unconditional Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of RFP

(To be submitted on the Company’s Letter Head)
The General Manager,
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, 18th floor, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005.

Dear Sir,

Ref: RFP for supply and maintenance of Loan Processing System

This is to confirm that we unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions as mentioned in the
said RFP floated for IDBI Bank Ltd. regarding Supply, Install, Maintain and Support of Loan Processing

Authorized Signatory

( )
Company Seal

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Annexure 8 - Non-Disclosure Agreement

This Non-Disclosure Agreement entered into between IDBI Bank Limited, a company incorporated and regis-
tered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and a banking company within the meaning of Section 5
(c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC
Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 (hereinafter called “the Purchaser/Bank” which expression shall
unless it be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof shall be deemed to mean and include its
successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and ……………. (Name of Bidder) of …………………… (please specify the
registered office of the (Bidder) (hereinafter called “the Bidder/Contractor” which expression shall unless it
be repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof shall be deemed to mean and include its succes-
sors) of the OTHER PART;

WHEREAS, Bank called for the bids for engagement of Bidder to supply, Install, Maintain and Support Loan
Processing System at the Bank. M/s……………………… (hereinafter referred to as "Bidder"), after going through
the Bid Documents and being interested to act as Bidder and provide the services for installation and com-
mission of Loan Processing System, has submitted its bid.

WHEREAS, the Bidder is aware and confirms that the information, data, drawings and designs, and other
documents made available in the Bid Documents / the Contract and thereafter regarding the Services as
furnished by the Bidder in their Request For Proposal or otherwise and all the Confidential Information un-
der the Bid Documents/the Contract is privileged and strictly confidential and/or proprietary to Bank,

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Bidder agrees to all of the following conditions, for
Bank, to grant the Bidder specific access to Bank’s property/information and other data.

In connection with this Agreement,

“Confidential Information” means all intellectual property information; technical or business

information or material not covered; proprietary or internal information related to the current, future
and proposed products or services of the Parties including, financial information, process/flow charts,
business models, designs, drawings, data information related to products and services, procurement
requirements, purchasing, customers, investors, employees, business and contractual relationships,
business forecasts, business plans and strategies, information the Parties provide regarding third parties;
information disclosed pursuant to this Contract; documents, accounts, business plans, information or
documents whatsoever, concerning business, policies, strategy, property, contracts, trade secrets,
transactions, or interested parties of IDBI Bank or its Subsidiaries or Affiliates and/or any other
information of either Party whether disclosed to the other Party in oral, graphic, written, electronic or
machine readable form, and whether or not the information is expressly stated to be confidential or
marked as such, all Trade Secrets and other proprietary information including but not limited to
customer list, financial information, and pricing information.

It is hereby agreed as under:

i.The parties agree that they shall hold in trust any Confidential Information received by either party,
under this Contract, and the strictest of confidence shall be maintained in respect of such
Confidential Information. The parties also agree and undertake to:
a) maintain and use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of this Contract and only as
permitted herein;

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b) make copies as specifically authorized by the prior written consent of the other party and with
the same confidential or proprietary notices as may be printed or displayed on the original;
c) restrict access and disclosure of confidential information to such of their employees, agents,
vendors, and contractors strictly on a "need to know" basis, to maintain confidentiality of the
Confidential Information disclosed to them in accordance with this clause; and
d) treat Confidential Information as confidential for a period of five (5) years from the date of
receipt. In the event of earlier termination of this Contract, the Parties hereby agree to maintain
the confidentiality of the Confidential Information for a further period of [two (2)] years from
the date of such termination.

Confidential Information in oral form must be identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and
confirmed as such in writing within 30 days of such disclosure. Confidential Information does not
include information which:
ii. the recipient knew or had in its possession, prior to disclosure, without limitation on its
iii. is independently developed by the recipient without breach of this Contract
iv. is the public domain
v. is received from a third party not subject to the obligation of confidentiality with respect to such
vi. is released from confidentiality with the prior written consent of the other party

The recipient shall have the burden of proving hereinabove are applicable to the information in the
possession of the recipient.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge that the nature of the Services to be
performed under this Contract may require the Bidder’s personnel to be present on premises of
Bank or may require the Bidder’s personnel to have access to computer networks and databases of
Bank while on or off premises of Bank. It is understood that it would be impractical for Bank to
monitor all information made available to the Bidder’s personnel under such circumstances and to
provide notice to the Bidder of the confidentiality of all such information. Therefore, the Bidder
agrees and undertakes that any technical or business or other information of Bank that the Bidder’s
personnel, or agents acquire while on Bank premises, or through access to Bank computer systems
or databases while on or off Bank premises, shall be deemed Confidential Information.

Confidential Information shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the disclosing
party. Upon termination of this Contract, confidential information shall be returned to the disclosing
party or destroyed, if incapable of return. The destruction shall be witnessed and so recorded, in
writing, by an authorized representative of each of the parties. Nothing contained herein shall in
any manner impair or affect rights of Bank in respect of the Confidential Information.

In the event that any of the parties hereto becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential
Information, such party shall give sufficient notice to the other party to enable the other party to
prevent or minimize to the extent possible, such disclosure. Neither party shall disclose to a third
party any Confidential Information or the contents of this Contract without the prior written
consent of the other party. The obligations of this Clause shall be satisfied by handling Confidential
Information with the same degree of care, which the receiving party applies to its own similar
confidential information but in no event less than reasonable care. The obligations of this clause
shall survive the expiration, cancellation or termination of this Contract.

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The provisions hereunder shall survive termination of the Contract.

Authorised Signatory :
Name :
Designation :
Office Seal :
Place :
Date :
Accepted –

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Annexure 9 - Deed of Indemnity

This Deed of Indemnity executed at Mumbai on the ______ day of _______ by _____________________
(hereinafter referred to as “the Obligor” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context,
subject or meaning thereof, shall be deemed to mean and include successors and permitted assigns);
IDBI BANK LIMITED, a company registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956)
and a banking company within the meaning of section 5 (c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of
1949) having its registered office at IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005
(hereinafter referred to as “IDBI Bank ” which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or
context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns)
1. The Obligor has
a) offered to IDBI Bank to supply, install, implement, Integrate and maintenance of Loan
Processing System software solution (hereinafter referred to as the LPS solution) for IDBI Bank ,
as stated under Section ……….. of RFP document;
b) represented and warranted that they have all permissions, consents, approvals and license
from all authorities, both regulatory / statutory and non-regulatory, for executing their Ser-
vice(s) as stated in the Contract dated……… to IDBI Bank;
c) represented and warranted that the aforesaid Service(s) offered to IDBI Bank do not violate any
provisions of the applicable laws, regulations or guidelines including laws relating to intellectual
property rights, legal and environmental. In case there is any violation of any law, rules or regu-
lation, which is capable of being remedied the same will be got remedied immediately during
the implementation, maintenance and contract period to the satisfaction of IDBI Bank;
d) represented and warranted that they are authorised and legally eligible and otherwise entitled
and competent to enter into such contract(s) with IDBI Bank;

1. IDBI Bank, relying and based on the aforesaid representations and warranties of the Obligor, has agreed
to avail the Service(s) of the Obligor on the terms and conditions contained in its Contract dated
____________________ (the Contract) with the Obligor;

2. One of the conditions of the aforesaid Contract is that the Obligor is required to furnish an indemni-
ty in favour of IDBI Bank indemnifying the latter against any loss, damages or claims arising out of
any violations of the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines during the execution and rendering of
its Service(s) to IDBI Bank over the contract period as also for breach committed by the Obligor on
account of misconduct, omission or negligence or otherwise by the Obligor.

3. In pursuance thereof, the Obligor has agreed to furnish an indemnity in the form and manner and to
the satisfaction of IDBI Bank as hereinafter appearing;


In consideration of IDBI Bank having agreed to award the aforesaid Service(s) / job to the Obli-
gor, more particularly described and stated in the aforesaid Contract, the Obligor do hereby uncondi-
tionally, absolutely and irrevocably agree and undertake that: -
i. the Obligor shall, at all times hereinafter, save and keep harmless and indemnified IDBI
Bank, including its respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives and
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keep them indemnified from and against any claim, costs, charges, damages, demand,
losses, liabilities or expenses of any nature and kind whatsoever and by whomsoever made
in respect of the said Contract and any loss or damage caused from and against all suits and
other actions that may be instituted taken or preferred against IDBI Bank by whomsoever
and all losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses that IDBI Bank may incur by reason of
any claim made by any claimant for any reason whatsoever or by anybody claiming under
them or otherwise for any losses, damages or claims arising out of all kinds of accidents, de-
struction, deliberate or otherwise, direct or indirect, from those arising out of violation of
applicable laws including those relating to intellectual property rights, rules, regulations,
guidelines and also from the environmental damages, if any, which may occur or result from
the terms of the Agreement.

ii. The Obligor further agrees and undertakes that the Obligor shall, ensure that all the permis-
sions, authorizations, consents and licenses are obtained and renewed from the local and/or
municipal and/or governmental authorities, as may be required under the applicable laws,
rules, regulations, guidelines, orders framed or issued by any appropriate authorities.

iii. The Obligor further agrees to provide complete documentation of all to the Bank. The Obli-
gor shall also supply all software component required for installation, Integration and
maintenance of the LPS Solution together with training material and literature and other re-
lated materials and literature. The Obligor hereby indemnifies and keeps indemnified IDBI
Bank including its respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives
against any levies / penalties / claims / demands litigations, suits, actions, judgments, and or
otherwise on account of any default and or breach and or otherwise in this regard.

iv. If any additional approval, consent or permission is required by the Obligor to execute and
perform the Contract during the currency of the Contract, they shall procure the same
and/or comply with the conditions stipulated by the concerned authorities without any de-

v. The obligations of the Obligor herein are irrevocable, absolute and unconditional, in each
case irrespective of the value, genuineness, validity, regularity or enforceability of the afore-
said Contract or other agreement, or the insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization, dissolution,
liquidation or change in ownership of IDBI Bank or Obligor or any other circumstance what-
soever which might otherwise constitute a discharge or defense of an indemnifier.

vi. The obligations of the Obligor under this deed shall not be affected by any act, omission,
matter or thing which, would reduce, release or prejudice the Obligor from any of the in-
demnified obligations under this indemnity or prejudice or diminish the indemnified obliga-
tions in whole or in part, including in law, equity or contract (whether or not known to it, or
to IDBI Bank).

This indemnity shall survive the aforesaid Contract :

i. Any notice, request or other communication to be given or made under this indemnity shall
be in writing addressed to either party at the address stated in the aforesaid Contract and or
as stated above.

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ii. This indemnity and other non-contractual obligations arising out of this indemnity, shall be
governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India. The Obligor irrevocably
and unconditionally agrees that any legal action, suit or proceedings arising out of or relat-
ing to this indemnity may be brought in the Courts/Tribunals at Mumbai. Final judgment
against the Obligor in any such action, suit or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be en-
forced in any other jurisdiction, by suit on the judgment, a certified copy of which shall be
conclusive evidence of the judgment, or in any other manner provided by law. By the execu-
tion of this indemnity, the Obligor irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such
Court/Tribunal in any such action, suit or proceeding.

iii. IDBI Bank may assign or transfer all or any part of its interest herein to any other person.
Obligor shall not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this indemnity, ex-
cept with the prior written consent of IDBI Bank.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Obligor has signed these presents on the day, month and year first above

Signed and Delivered on behalf of )

___________________ )
by the hand of ___________________, )
_________, the authorised official )
of the Obligor )

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Annexure 10 - Format for Cover Letter

Place: Date:
IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Building, Plot No. 39-41,
Sector-11, CBD-Belapur,
Navi Mumbai

Dear Sir,

RE : Supply, Install, Customise, Implement and Support of Loan Processing System required for IDBI
Bank Limited.

In respect of the Bid for Supply, Installation, Maintenance and Support Loan Processing System required
for IDBI Bank, please find enclosed our response to your RFP dated ……

Having examined the RFP Document /Bid Document and annexure thereto, we, the undersigned, in con-
formity with the RFP/Bid Document, offer to provide the Service(s) as defined and described in the RFP
Document, on the terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP/Bid Document and for the sum / price
indicated as per financial bid.

If any action is brought against you for infringement / violation, of the applicable laws in respect of the
hardware components supplied by us to IDBI Bank, we will defend the same at our cost and conse-
quences and will indemnify IDBI Bank and shall hold IDBI Bank harmless of all the costs and other ex-
penses that IDBI Bank may incur or suffer in this connection.

We undertake to you that, if our Bid/Proposal is accepted, we shall provide the Service(s) comprised in
the Contract to you within timeframe specified, starting from the date of receipt of notification of award
from IDBI Bank.

We agree to abide by this proposal for the period of 120 days from the date of Bid opening and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period.

We agree to execute a Contract in the form to be communicated by IDBI Bank, incorporating all agree-
ments with such alterations or additions thereto as may be necessary to adapt such agreement to the
circumstances of the standard and notice of the award within time prescribed after notification of your
intention to accept this proposal.

Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this proposal together with your written
acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Contract.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive, not to give any
reason for rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in biding.

We certify that all the information and representations furnished herein are true, correct, valid and sub-
sisting in every respect and can be supported with relevant documents of proof on demand by the IDBI
Bank/the Purchaser.

As security for the due performance and observance of the undertaking and obligation of the bid, we
submit herewith Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque bearing no. ____________ dated __________ drawn
in favour of IDBI Bank Limited for an amount of Rs.XX,00,000/- (Rupees Lakhs Only) payable
at Mumbai.
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Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2014


(Company Seal)


In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

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Annexure 11 - Undertaking

We, [•] (name and designation) on behalf of [•] having its registered office at [•] have submitted a bid
proposal document to IDBI Bank for “Supply, Installation, Integration , implementation and maintenance
of Loan Processing System required for IDBI Bank” in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated
issued[•] by IDBI Bank.

a. We are duly authorized persons to submit this undertaking

b. We have read and understood the aforesaid RFP.
c. We do not have any business relationship with IDBI Bank including its Directors and officers which
may result in any conflict of interest between us and IDBI Bank. We shall on occurrence of any such
event immediately inform the concerned authorities of the same
d. We have submitted our bid proposals in compliance with the specific requirements as mentioned in
the RFP document.
e. We have provided with all necessary information and details as required by IDBI Bank and shall
provide with such additional information’s as may be required by IDBI Bank from time to time.
f. Neither the Company nor any of its employees/directors have been barred from providing such
services nor are we blacklisted by any public sector banks, statutory or regulatory or investigative
agencies in India or abroad.
g. All the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true and accurate and
nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the conditions of Bid and
are aware that we would be liable to any punitive action in case of furnishing of false information /

It is further certified that we have not modified or deleted any text/matter in the Bid Document.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 2014


(Company Seal)


In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

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(to be included in Technical Bid Envelope)

Successful Bidder is advised to open an Account with Bank. to facilitate easy and timely credit of
payments for services rendered.

1. Name of the Bank

2 Address of the Bank

Contact Person

Telephone No.

Fax No


. Over Draft Limit

. Bank Guarantee Limit

Remarks, if any

Corporate Authorisation details.

Note: This statement has to be duly attested by the banker.

Signature: Signature:

Name of the Authorised Person: Name of the Authorised Person:

Designation: Designation:

Company Seal Banker Seal

All authorisations should be collected.

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Annexure –12
Service level Requirements

1. This section lists the minimum service level requirement to be maintained by Bidder on award of the
2. The Bidder has to enter into a service level contract with Bank before the award of the contract as
per the format provided by Bank.

Service Level expectations for Loan Processing System:

1. The Bidder will offer warranty for the software against defects arising out of faulty design, bugs,
unexpected result, slow performance etc. for a period of Three (3) years from the Date of
Acceptance of the software
2. Necessary changes in the software be made by the Bidder at his own cost, including the cost of
transport if any.
3. The Bidder shall provide all normal toolkit and test equipment needed for the maintenance of the
software to the engineer.

Implementation and Integration services

The Bidder will be required to get the Acceptance Certificate in original duly signed & stamped by the
IDBI Bank Officials for having supplied, installed and commissioned the aforesaid software at IDBI Bank.
Payments will be released on submission of duly signed installation reports.

During the AMC period the following service levels are expected to be maintained by the Vendor/Bidder.
Failing to which the penalties will be charged by IDBI Bank and payments are made after adjusting the
penalties for not meeting the service levels.

Penalty amount will be mutually agreed between Vendor/Bidder & IDBI Bank and it should not be higher
than 10% of the invoice value for the specified invoice period.

Breach of Service levels consistently on part of the Vendor/Bidder may lead to invocation of Clause for
“Termination for Default”
Sr. No Category Severity Timeframe for Problem analysis & response Timeframe for replacements
1 Problem/ Critical 1 Hr 1 Day
Issue/ High 2 Hr 2 Days
Defect Low 8 Hr (One Day) 4 Days

Problem/Issue/Defect: This should be defined as any flaw within the Software which does not allow the
end user to perform its regular operations as per the specifications/operational guidelines /functionality
requirements in a stipulated timeframe.
Any problems/Issues /Defects, reported by Users should be categorized based on severity as follows:
Critical: When the System Operation is stopped/ halted or System malfunctioning, such that
hardware/system software does not function as required and stipulated business operations are
High: When the System Operation is stopped/ halted or system malfunctioning but for the same the
workaround is available.
Low: Minor irritancies during operations.

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Annexure 13 - Format for Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria

Bidder Re- Remark by

Sr. No Eligibility Criteria sponse Bank
1 Bidder should be a corporate and registered body in India.
2 Bidder/OEM/Partner/Principal/Indian agent should be in existence on the
date of application and in this field of business for the last seven years
3 Bidder should be profit-making and should have made a net profit in the last
three financial years (FY 2010-11,FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13)
4 Whether Bidder have been put in the negative list by any Bank/Government
Organization for breach of any applicable law or violation of regulatory pre-
scriptions or breach of agreement in the last two years
5 Whether Bidder have all necessary licenses, permissions, consents, no ob-
jections, approvals as required under law for carrying out its business
6 Whether Bidder/OEM/Partner/Principal/Indian agent have completed
minimum 5 implementations in LPS software in the last 3 years to any
scheduled commercial bank/company operating in India out of which at
least one should be in Public Sector Bank
7 Whether Bidder have proper service setup in Mumbai or nearby cities to
provide post implementation support and Annual Technical Support
8 Whether Bidder have undergone quality assurance practices preferably and
have obtained certifications like ISO etc
9 Whether the bidder have interfaced loan processing system with Infosys
Finacle core banking system(version 7.0.25 and or 10.x)
10 Whether the system is capable of handling Pre sanction, Sanction, Post
Sanction and disbursement activities (monitoring, follow up with related
correspondence) related to the Rule Based Lending i.e it should handle Loan
origination and Loan Processing. Bidder may however indicate all functional-
ities /capabilities available in the solution proposed
11 Whether the system is scalable to support additional users and products
12 Whether the system is centralized with the facility of on line access from
various branches/field offices
13 Whether the System is capable of being integrated with existing Core Bank-
ing Solution (Finacle ver 7.0.25 / later 10.X) and other software for online
account opening in core banking software, data enquiry and other require-
ment as decided by the Bank.
14 Whether the proposed Solution is scalable for Loan Management System
15 Whether the System is capable of being integrated with the Document
Management software of the Bank.
16 Whether the System is capable of being integrated with Credit Scoring soft-
ware of the Bank.
17 Whether the System is capable of being integrated with CRM system of the
18 Whether the System is capable of being integrated with User Management
Software as and when implemented in the Bank
19 Whether the System have built-in features for providing role based access
to users of the Bank
20 Whether the System have built in security features to help only authorized
users to use the application
21 Whether the solution is built in platform independent technologies
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22 Whether the solution is accessible by authorised users through Internet

without compromising security of data
23 Whether the solution is accessible for processing of loan applications
through Mobile platform

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Annexure 14 - Fulfilment of Eligibility Criteria

(To be submitted on the Company’s Letter Head)

Sr. Description Document Required

1 The vendor /bidder must be OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) OEM Certificate Copy
2 The OEM should have been in the business in India for the last seven Self-Declaration and order copy
3 The OEM should be a net profit earning company during the last 3 Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss
(three) financial years Account Statement for last three
4 The OEM’s plant should be certified for ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008 Certificate Copy
5 The OEM should have successfully executed at least 5 (five) orders in Orders Copy
any Indian Banks /FIs/NBFCs during the last 2 years out of which one
should be in PSU Bank.
6 The OEM should not be blacklisted by any Govt., PSU or PSB during the Self Declaration
last three years
7 Authorization for signing of RFP Document Certified true copy of Board
Resolution towards authorizing
the signatory to sign all docu-
ments in respect of RFP including
the commercial bid
8 Bidder should have all necessary licenses, permissions, consents, no Copy of relevant Documents
objections, approvals as required under law for carrying out its busi-
9 Bidder shall have proper service setup in India to provide post imple- Address of Offices for providing
mentation support and Annual Technical Support. Service in India
10 The bidder should have interfaced loan origination system with Finacle Self Declaration with name of
core banking system(version 7.0.25 and 10.x) in minimum 2 Public Sec- Bank where interface has been
tor Banks in India done/ Letter from relevant Bank
11 The bidder should have interfaced loan processing system with any one Self Declaration with name of
Credit Bureau, Service providers like FI,RCU and Valuers Bank where interface has been
done/ Letter from relevant Bank

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Section 7 - Requirement Specifications

The Bank is interested in implementing an Integrated Loan Processing System. The application will be
implemented in web mode with role based access to users located at various Branches/RACs/Offices.
There should not be any restriction on number of user licenses for any office/subsidiaries of the Bank.

The LPS is expected to support a broad range of Loan products taking into account present and future
requirements. Furthermore, the LPS should show adaptability to market dynamism whereby the system
can be used to develop unique products suiting niche customer requirements.
The objective of this document is to identify and finalize the functional requirements for LPS required by
the Bank.

The functionalities mentioned are grouped under the following categories:

a) Vital - The functionality is mandatory and should be available in Core of the LPS.
b) Desired - It is required to facilitate smooth functioning however its absence will not hamper the
functioning of LPS.

Prospective bidders are required to submit their responses against each functionality as follows in the
column “Bidder Response”:

A -If the functionality is Readily Available in their solution in the Core product.
PA -Partially Available in the Core Product and rest will be customised and delivered as part of the
C - The functionality is not at all available and will be delivered after Complete Customisation as
part of the project.
WA – If alternate functionality or Work Around is provided
U –The functionality is unavailable and cannot be provided i.e Unavailable.

Scores or Marks will be awarded as per following Matrix

Available-A Partially available-PA Customisable-/ Work Around- C/WA Unavailable- U

Vital 5 3 2 0
Desirable 2 1 1 0

All the requirements are listed under General Requirements, Technical Requirements, Retail Require-
ments, Corporate & SME Requirements and Agricultural Requirements out of which General Require-
ments, Technical Requirements will be common for Retail, Corporate, SME and Agriculture. Require-
ments listed in the following sections are not exhaustive and complete in all respects and may undergo
change during preparation of “Requirement Document”. Certain requirements may be implicitly avail-
able in the product sought and hence might have been excluded from the Requirement List. Successful
Bidder is required to offer the latest version of the product available and make necessary customisations
as may be required after preparation of Requirement Document.

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A) General Requirements (Common for Retail, Corporate & SME, Agriculture)

Ref No Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks

1 System should provide support for product All Retail products Vital
like Auto Loan, Housing Loan, Mortgage Loan, Personal Loan,
Education Loan etc.
2 System includes processing of SME and Corporate Loans Vital
3 System includes processing of Agriculture loans Vital
4 Processing of Loan products other than mentioned above Desirable
/Functionalities available in the LPS Software (Please specify
under Remark Column)
5 System must provide support for multiple Currency, Country, Desirable
Time Zones and Calendar
6 System should have ability to send Reminder Emails and SMS to Vital
designated higher Officials of the Bank which can be scheduled
in the system as online mode/batch mode
7 System should be auto-routing and control based on parame- Vital
ters set for each product/group of products as defined in the
process flow.
8 System should have start date and end date for a particular Vital
work flow
9 System should provide facility to support various EMI calcula- Vital
tors like Normal, Flip, Balloon, Step up, Step down etc.
10 System should be able to generate an EMI schedule giving Vital
breakup of the principle, interest and balance outstanding for
the tenor of the loan.
11 System should be able to define multiple business Partners/ Vital
Vendors (Employees, Auto dealers, Outsourced agents, data
Entry operators/Legal Partners/Verification agents),Creation of
user groups under each business partner and creation of users
under each group. Licensing will be based on the number of
Employee users only
12 Facility of document tracking across the life cycle of the loan Vital
application and across business partners.
13 All e-mail/electronic communications (external and internal for Vital
recommendations, concurrence etc) should be stored electroni-
cally as a part of all loan documentations.
14 System should provide facility to define broad types of products Vital
e.g. personal loans, auto loans, Credit Cards ,Overdrafts etc
15 Capacity to support tie ups with Auto vendors, Educational Insti- Vital
tutions etc
16 System should support both decentralized and centralized op- Vital
17 System should be capable of validating data at entry as well as Vital
during "Save" level.
18 System should maintain a master list of legal vendors, verifica- Vital
tion vendors and other external agencies region / city wise
19 System should have a provision to capture Sector/sub-sector, Vital

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Ref No Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks

Borrower category, Occupation code and other BSR details as
required by RBI and statutory authorities.
20 Provision to add new Co applicant/ Guarantor before Final sanc- Vital
tion of application
21 The system should have the ability to print a blank application Vital
form(s) and mandate form(s) to be completed based on defined
business rules
22 System should have provision to capture vital data (including Vital
Financial Documents Type of Organization, Business registration
number, Place of incorporation, Number of years in business
Equity Structure, Ownership structure, Contact Information,
Directors & Key Management, Business operations etc.) as re-
quired for Non Individual Customers, Risk rating and MIS
23 System should be able to capture and validate various data for Vital
KYC norms as per RBI norms from time to time like Customer
Type, Customer Profile, Customer Address etc
24 System should be able to Create/ Update / View customer In- Vital
formation at defined stages of application processing
25 Provision for editable field linked to data in earlier field as and Vital
when required
26 KYC documents and compliance are to be based on Constitution Vital
of the applicant or other criteria as to be decided by the Bank
27 System should deny further data entry if it does not fit prelimi- Vital
nary requirements. For e.g. if age is less, salary is less etc as per
defined parameters for the product. However preliminary data
may be saved in the system for future use and for making a
Cross offer
28 System should support error / warning / action messages for Vital
doubtful / wrong entries
29 The Bank users should be allowed to follow up with the cus- Vital
tomer using built in decision scripts, capture follow up results,
easily access customer contact information and manage follow
up through reminders.
30 System should be able to edit and view prospect/customer de- Vital
tails during defined stages of Application processing and to
process the application, eligibility and other processing parame-
ters based on new data.
31 System should be able to capture the date and time details of Vital
application like date of receipt, date of Login and other dates
as will be defined by the Bank
32 System should have provision for defining and modifying eligi- Vital
bility norms and other key features without referring to IT team
33 System should have workflow which can be configured/ param- Vital
eterized depending on channel, product, scheme, source, and
any other available fields.
34 System should be able to flag and alert (pop up message) the Vital
user for missing essential information.
35 System should have ability to send SMS alerts to the customer Vital
on Vital information related to Processing of Loan as well as
offering of other facility.
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Ref No Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks

36 System should have the ability to track documents i.e which Vital
user is in possession of documents.
37 System should have the capability whereby the user can view all Vital
previous notes exchanged and remarks made by other users
with respect to the application under consideration.
38 Supervisor should be able to override the distribution of the Desirable
tasks to processors and reroute to other processors.
39 System should have provision to generate alerts from each Vital
stage – normal alerts and exceptional alerts.
40 The system should provide a facility to User to raise and clear Vital
exceptions at different stages of the loans process with user
41 Report on pending documents after disbursement, system Vital
should provide report on daily basis automatically as well as
user should be able to generate as and when required for all the
documents pending from customer proposal wise. Specific
Documents received / Pending should be a part of account
opening process
42 System should have ability to send Emails /SMS to the External Vital
agency to initiate the required process immediately.
43 System should keep history of each of parameters change. Vital
44 System should be able to define various hierarchies:- Defining Vital
the organization hierarchy (at least 10 levels),Define the roles
performed in the organization, Co-relating the role of employee
and his area of work, Co-relating business partners with prod-
ucts offered, Define hierarchies based on type of deviation (for
e.g. Credit for exposure, Delegation of Power,
45 System should be able to restrict access to data based on user’s Vital
position/Role/combination of both in the organization, eg.
Branch employees should not be able to access Sales data and
vice versa.
46 System should be able to customize the screen based on user’s Vital
hierarchy in the organization. Restricted viewing or viewing of
related fields only.
47 Ability to define various masters e.g. Calendar Master, Business Vital
Partners, Deviation reason master, Delegation level master
(Value), Product master (including pricing etc.), Customer mas-
ter (With ID details etc.), Policy criteria master, Profession mas-
ter, Company master, Customer service master, Collateral detail
master, Interest Rate Master, Other Masters as relevant for the
software/as required by the bank,
48 System should support intermediate queries from recommend- Vital
ing and sanctioning authorities. Such queries should not be ed-
itable in future
49 System should have provision to specify Start date & End date Vital
for various loan products.
50 The system should support multiple products across various Vital
verticals of the Bank.
51 Define and view help against each item Vital
52 System should provide for search facilities across the screens in Vital

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Ref No Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks

various modules during various stages of processing

53 Ability to handle substitution (Assign/Reassign) due to leave/ Vital

Emergency/Transfer/Improvement of TAT. Only Authorized Of-
ficials should be allowed for this job.
54 Executive Dashboard on Document TAT overdue, Application Vital
Tracking, Other Alerts (Contract overdue, Expired date, Sur-
veyor, Appraiser.)
55 System should be able to capture details and print standard Vital
loan documents in the prescribed format as desired by the
56 Report should be available for follow up with prospect clients Vital
on Offer letter issued and not acknowledged with details like
Relationship Manager name, Prospect client details, Product,
Date of application, date of issuance of offer letter and days
pending for acknowledgement.
57 Report should be available from the system on the proposals Vital
approved but not accepted by the customer.
58 The LPS system should support the generation of statistical and Vital
management reports like Number of proposals assigned, Num-
ber of proposals completed, Time taken to complete each pro-
posal, Process History Report, User Performance Report, Aver-
age proposal Time Report, MIS reports as decided by the Bank
from time to time
59 The LPS module should support definition of new customized Vital
reports based on existing data and other calculated logic.
60 MIS should be available through system like branch wise expo- Vital
sure, industry wise exposure etc.
61 System should provide comprehensive audit trail report on all Vital
actions performed on the system including modification of data.
62 System should generate a report which gives the category-wise Vital
application received, approved, Pending during particular pe-
63 System should provide Vendor wise detail report for ascertain- Vital
ing TAT and quality of work performed by the vendor
64 Complete advances and loans portfolio sector wise and industry Vital
wise report should be available from the system
65 Report on operative accounts linked to the loan accounts. Vali- Desirable
dation of operative account/ Repayment account from Core
Banking database
66 Exception reports/ Deviation Reports to be available to Author- Vital
ised users only
67 System should be able to receive various reports in predefined Vital
form from authorised vendors through internet, email, and
other electronic media in a secured manner.
68 System should be able to display and print advocate/survey Vital
report which has been stored in the system.
69 Facility to generate online reports. Ability to drill down into the Vital
information provided in the reports.

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Ref No Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks

70 System should have ability to track the Staff with whom and for Vital
how long the customer's application is pending. Date and Time
associated with TAT should be non-editable
71 System should have capability to display turnaround time for Vital
approval for each approved application. TAT for each process
should be defined during set up of Process flow.
72 System should have provision to route applications forward or Vital
backward (as per flow) depending on its conditions. In case the
application is sent back to requestor, system should recalculate
73 System should have TAT monitoring in hours and minutes. Vital
74 System should have provision for graphical representation Desirable
of account details including history transactions of cus-
75 Post account opening, proposed software should be able Desirable
to create Security Records(SRM creation in Finacle),
Transaction Posting for Disbursements.
76 System should be scalable for Loan Management Sys-

B) Technical Requirements (Common for Retail, Corporate & SME, Agriculture)

Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks
System should adhere the password policy of the bank and this should
1 Vital
be user definable.
System should provide facility to Admin users to define and configure
2 Vital
various workflow steps for each process.
Vendors/suppliers should provide a separate test and development en-
3 vironment bundled with software licenses, including the development Vital
tools with the proposals
The solution should have the feature of setting up LDAP and other secu-
4 Vital
rity measures including access control and authentication.
System should allow to define required subjective and financial parame-
5 Vital
ters with scores and weight age as per Bank’
The LPS system should allow administrators to manage users, groups,
6 Vital
roles and other document management operations.
Ability to define credit deviation matrix for a hierarchy of reviewers and
7 Vital
approvers, credit committee, or a hierarchy of credit committees
There should be a facility to configure templates in the system like the
8 Call Report, Offer letter, MS and email alert, Survey report templates Vital
which can be configured at the masters level in the system.
System should be able to generate and maintain Terms and Condition /
9 Vital
Document Checklist.
System should have the capability to interface with
a. Core Banking System of the Bank,
10 Vital
b. Credit Bureau and other External systems
c. Payment Systems like NEFT/RTGS/Wire etc.,

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Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks
d. Credit Scoring System,
5) Telephone system,
6) Document Management System,
7) Risk Management System,
8) Reserve Bank Of India (RBI)
9) SMS and Email System
10) Cersai System
11)Financial accounting system(OFSA)
12)Other systems of the bank to capture Customer details, existing Li-
abilities, Defaulters, Mortgaged property, Negative Database etc
The LPS system architecture must be scalable and shall support increas-
11 Vital
ing number of users and concurrent transactions.
The LPS system shall have a business rules engine to support different
types of document routing mechanism including:
a) Sequential routing –Tasks are to be performed one after the other in
a sequence
b) Parallel routing – Tasks can be performed in parallel by splitting the
tasks among multiple users and then merging as single composite proc-
12 ess instance. The system shall support conditional merging of multiple Vital
parallel activities i.e. Response from mandatory parallel process stages
before it can be forwarded to next stage
c) Rule based routing - One or another task is to be performed, depend-
ing on predefined rules
d) Ad-hoc routing: Changing the routing sequence by authorized per-
LPS solution should have provision for a reporting Tool to develop vari-
ous Reports, letters, MIS data etc as may be required from time to time
13 Vital
by the Bank. The tool should be configurable by Users for developing
adhoc reports also.
14 System must provide fail-over, back-up and recovery capabilities. Vital
System should provide facility to define and administer different rating
15 Vital
criteria for different industries /branches/group of customers
The LPS system should give a facility to define Turn Around Time (TAT)
16 for the complete loans process and also for the individual work stages Vital
for efficient monitoring
17 System should provide tool to generate reports Vital
System should have capability to define the Service level agreement
18 Vital
(SLA) for each stage in the application.
The system shall provide facility to define multi level escalation proce-
19 Vital
dures for meeting a pre-defined SLA.
The system must support 24-hours x 7 days x 12 months non-stop con-
20 Vital
tinuous processing.
21 The system should support multi-processor architecture. Vital
System should be capable to handle strong Change Management Proc-
22 Vital
23 Proposed systems should support client-server architecture. Vital
24 Proposed system must support TCP/IP protocol. Vital
The systems should provide options for on-line real time integrated so-
25 Vital
lution as well as off-line processing for batch postings.
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Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks
The proposed LPS should provide interface with Finacle Core Banking
System version 7.0.25 and 10.x, (which is running on Oracle database),
26 Document Management System (yet to be identified and acquired by Vital
the Bank) and other software in operation at IDBI Bank for achieving
required functionality of the Software
LPS shall be configurable and modular. It shall have the capability to
27 configure the existing modules, add new modules and have enough Vital
flexibility to accommodate changes in schemes and policy
LPS is easily configurable at Bank’s level to add new products/product
28 Vital
variants, schemes without seeking help from the vendor.
29 System should have customer centric application design i.e. common CIF Vital
30 System should be able to inherit Customer information and other in- Vital
formation from LPS to account level. Accounts will be opened in Core
Banking System Finacle ver 7.0.25/10.X
31 System should have single database structure across different modules Vital
of the system.
32 System should interface with Finacle Core Banking System and Other Vital
Required Systems for Customer Creation, Account Opening, data valida-
tion and synchronization, as will be required for processing of LPS and
Bank’s Core Banking System
33 Facility to interface with any Negative database of Customers, Property, Vital
Vendor, Sourcing Agency (external database if available) etc .This is to
check against the list of customers the institution shall not accept under
any circumstances
34 Maker/ checker functionality for defining parameters in the masters, Vital
user creation/modification, other functionalities to be specified by the
35 All the aspects of security wrt Customer Data should be taken care of in Vital
the system
36 System should have provision to validate and use user input Cust Id to Vital
open the account in Core Banking System when ever required. However
for new customers, system should create a new cust id and open the
account using the new cust id .
37 System should be capable to store various uploaded documents in com- Vital
pressed and encrypted form and should be able to retrieve and display
the same whenever required.
38 System should provide separate Admin Modules for System and User Vital
Admin functionalities.
39 Changes to decision master to be quick and easy. Flexibility to modify Vital
the rules by business users/Admin users without depending on the IT
department. Decision master to be parameterised by admin users only
40 System should provide audit trail report on all actions/activities per- Vital
formed on proposal.
41 System should be able to perform stress testing based on given parame-
43 Facility to attach scanned images of documents with the application in Vital
compressed and encrypted form. The different users in the workflow
can view the images.
44 Documents to be stored page wise and be retrieved page wise so that Vital

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Functionality Vital / Desirable Response Remarks
bandwidth usage is minimised
45 The proposed software should be able to pick up Interest Rate from Vital
Core Banking Software(Finacle) for calculation /recalculation of Offer
46 Account opening and all related activities(Security master creation, label Vital
code creation etc) is be based on parameters, logic, user requirements
of various products/schemes of the Bank

C) Retail Loan (HL,ML,AL,PL,EL) Processing Requirements

Ref Vital / Vital /
Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
1 The system should be able to take care of the provisions relating to the Vital
Credit Policies of IDBI Bank A suitable pop up messages be displayed (in
case of any deviation from the bank’s policies and guidelines .
2 Credit committee/Loan approving authority should be able to take deci- Vital
sions on proposals while sitting in different locations and contents of
this meeting should be captured in the system like in case committee
members are working from different locations and having committee
meeting through video conferencing the system should have provision
to record the proceedings of meeting
3 All the documents related to proposal should be available in the system Vital
along with proposal form for -reference.
4 In case of tranche disbursement, system should provide the details like Vital
how much bank has to contribute for this disbursement.
5 System should be able to show charge and amend predefined process- Vital
ing charges.
6 System should display a screen to summarize all closing costs, fees, and Desirable
cost of borrowing with notes of any fee waivers for any fee category,
including state tax fees.
7 The System should provide facility to capture the expected Completion Vital
date for construction and other construction details which can be con-
figured so that the same can be captured.
8 System should provide facility to capture financial statements in local Vital
currencies and to convert them automatically into base currency (multi
currency) and vice versa.
9 The system should support maintenance of projected cash flows as pro- Desirable
vided by the borrower and carry out a variance analysis with the actual
cash flows as recorded in the customer's account
10 System should automatically compute customer profitability according Vital
to the profitability model for existing customers as well as new borrow-
ers; Display return on risk adjusted assets
11 System should provide facility of rating matrix consisting of different Vital
sub-ratings/risk scores for financial risk, qualitative factors, .This will be
as per IDBI Bank policies prevailing from time to time
12 Scorecard should be generated if defined. Parameters, which are used Vital
for evaluating Credit Scoring should be defined in the configuration
module by the system administrator.
13 System should allow to define scoring parameters include weight of Vital
each parameter (Bank will define scoring parameter).
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Ref Vital / Vital /

Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
14 In case the customer has account in the bank then the statistics of the Vital
account should be fetched from Finacle core banking system and be
displayed in the system.
15 System should provide facility to support part release/ disbursement of Vital
the loan amount and predefined disbursements/modification of prede-
fined disbursements. Disbursements should be linked to the sanction
terms, e.g. Limit, interest rates, tenor, pricing etc.
16 System should have the ability to disburse to multiple parties/accounts. Vital
17 System should facilitate to provide for input of repayment instructions. Vital
Following repayment modes are anticipated but not limited to :1) Stand-
ing Order,2) PDC,3 )Cash,4) Cheque 5)Direct deduction 6.ECS. This will
be in sync with Finacle core Banking system
18 If approver chooses one application to be approved, system should al- Vital
low approver to query all information of the application (such as Loan
detail, collateral data).
19 The system should have the facility to check for the customer / Guaran- Vital
tor's current account information like Previous facilities information
(Sanctioned amount ,outstanding balance etc.
20 System should have calculator to automatically compute for borrower's Vital
paying capacity, loan value vs. appraised value, monthly amortisation/
repayment schedules, loan to collateral ratios, debt service ratio, in-
come multiplier, aggregate exposure of borrower and other ra-
tios/values as required by the Bank
21 Credit scorecard templates should be available and can be customised. Vital
Score can automatically provide recommendation as follows:- Approve,
Refer to higher authority, Reject
22 System should allow deviation process and should have Authority Over- Vital
ride, such as: General deviation (For example:.: Scoring result) Existing
Customer deviation
23 Ability to define credit deviation matrix for a hierarchy of reviewers and Vital
approvers, credit committee, or a hierarchy of credit committees as
decided by the Bank
24 System should provide facility for application deviation due to incom- Vital
plete documents for selected documents - to allow application to con-
tinue to be processed. But Deviation Memo must be created attached to
it. This application will proceed to the supervisor for the next step.
25 System should have facility for different repayment systems like EMI, Vital
Interest+ Equal rate of Principal etc
26 The system should provide for a facility to add collaterals in the offering Vital
stage in case the Bank requires the customer to do so due to a lower
finance to value ratio. The additional collateral details should flow to
Core Banking system during account opening process
27 System should provide facility to capture Multiple Co-Applicant and Vital
Multiple Guarantor details.
28 System should be able to support and take care of interest calculation Vital
and accrual methods like….Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, yearly or
any other method defined by user
29 The system should provide the facility for the printing of Offer Letter, Vital
Rejection Letter etc.
30 System should be able to define and support different loan Repayment Vital

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Ref Vital / Vital /

Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
Management (Schedules).
31 System should allow users to define parameters of interest and principal Vital
for EMI and repayment calculations.
32 System should be able to define, edit and view products like tenor which Vital
can be in days, weeks, months or years with maximum, minimum and
interval restrictions, fees & commissions which can be of different types
e.g. Processing Fee, Commitment fees, L/c, commissions etc.
33 System should be able to display the details of facilities like Structure Vital
summary, Facility Number, Facility type, Currency, Existing limit, Pro-
posed increase/decrease, New Limit, Pricing & Tenor, Repayments, Pri-
mary classification, Secondary classification, Interest Rate, Any other
34 System should be able to group the facility Vital
35 System should be able to perform financial screening of pros- Vital
pects/customers based on customer risk rating criteria and obtain the
customer risk rating information through the bank's risk rating engine.
36 System should provide automatic computation of customer profitability Vital
according to the profitability model for existing customers as well as
new borrowers and system should display return on risk adjusted assets.
37 System should be able to capture standard compliance checklist de- Vital
vised by the Bank from time to time
38 System should have provision for Borrower wise details of various Vital
documents executed along with date of the execution.
39 System should be able to create/save/amend/ abort/ appeal/ recreate Vital
Loan applications.
40 System to automatically assign Loan application numbers (Alpha nu- Vital
meric) and the same to be migrated to Finacle core banking
41 Loan application to automatically include names of RM, business units, Vital
Business Centres/Branch, region information etc
42 System should be able to edit pricing, tenors, terms and conditions etc. Vital
43 System should be able to create/edit/assign underwriting limits profile Vital
to each credit underwriting workflow
44 System should provide facility to differentiate different modes of rout- Vital
ing operation e.g. amending a Loan Application, Returning an incom-
plete/unsatisfactory Loan Application, Appealing against a Declined
Loan Application, Aborting an on-going Loan Application, Transforming
an Approved Loan Application into an Effective Loan Application etc
45 System should lock Loan application once it is approved. Vital
46 System should have provision to access the appraisal note and accord Vital
on line approval by the delegated authority. Approval authority matrix,
deviation matrix and requisite approving authority to be defined in the
master, drop down to be available for the credit officer to select from.
47 System should provide facility to maintain first level, second and subse- Vital
quent levels of credit memo which will consists risk factors, mitigating
factors, business prospect, cash flow analysis etc.
48 System should provide facility for inquiry/update/ delete of credit pro- Vital
posal and through this inquiry user should be able to get complete gen-
eral application information, track application workflow history, facility
linked to credit proposal.
49 System should provide facility to define complete workflow process Vital
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Ref Vital / Vital /

Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
steps of credit proposal.
50 System should provide credit evaluation & approval structure to be de- Vital
finable by Bank.
51 System should facilitate to generate acknowledgement letter on receipt Vital
of application incorporating therein date of receipt, expected date of
conveying decision, the contact official for enquiry etc. and flexibility to
modify term sheet and should generate document and letter id number
automatically. In the same manner system should generate credit notifi-
cation letter and Approval credit proposal.
52 System should auto-generate Letters of offer (Sanction Let- Vital
ter/Provisional Sanction Letter) once CA has been approved with inclu-
sion of all relevant structured fields from the CA in terms of facilities,
approved limits, sublimit, interest rates, tenors and covenants.
53 System should have a functionality of despatch/ acknowledgment of Vital
security documents from the customer and within the bank, expected
date for obtaining pending documents, and instructions for disburse-
ments . This should migrate to Finacle core banking system during ac-
count opening process
54 System should provide facility for disbursement automatic routing; de- Vital
fine disbursement approval authority, disbursement documentation.
55 System should provide information on rejected application with reason. Vital
56 System should generate credit information report (CAM sheet) Vital
57 System should be capable to integrate with External Credit Bureau and Vital
capture external credit rating data for validation
58 System should be able to perform stress testing based on given parame- Vital
59 System should capture all the historical Loan Applications of existing Vital
customers for record purposes
60 System should provide a clear and concise summary screen of all details Vital
on the facility requested as applicable for an underwriting review.
61 System should allow the user (maker) to whom the application has been Vital
routed to edit only specific information depending on the role and au-
thority of the user.
62 The LPS module should provide graphical and tabular tools to view pro- Vital
gress of each individual process instance.
63 The system should have provision of conveying sanction/rejection of the Vital
loan from the Hub to the respective spoke/branch.
64 System should automatically distribute tasks to processors/credit officer Vital
by: Considering load of the processing Officer/credit officer, Production
line, Customer Type, Group of the processing Officer, Authority of the
processing Officer/approver/Branch Head
65 The system should facilitate to track the automated underwriting work- Vital
flow for monitoring of TAT of each step and each processing Official
66 Each user in the workflow has To-do/To-track queues. User will receive Vital
Loan Application from their To-do queue. Others will be able to view
Loan Application and its status from there To-track queue
67 Reports on Credit Risk Analysis should be available along with proposal Vital
and other related documents of the proposal
68 Credit Reference Report /Other report- system should provide report Vital
with interfacing from Credit Bureau and other agencies as required.
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Ref Vital / Vital /

Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
69 Report on commitment fees charged Vital
70 System should be able to accept details of valuation certificate from Vital
approved valuers periodically.
71 While completing the data entry the system should be able to give an Vital
alert in case any expired document is entered
72 Customer level exposure i.e all existing Liabilities to be captured and Vital
73 Changes to decision master to be quick and easy. Flexibility to modify Vital
the rules by business users without depending on the IT department.
74 Batching of documents so that nothing is overlooked or misplaced. Vital
75 The system should support maintenance of a schedule for disburse- Desirable
ments and return an exception when a disbursement is not within the
76 Generation of letters for in-principle approval of facilities Vital
77 Provision of extra fields (text, number, date etc) to take care of future Vital
requirement of the Bank or to fulfil RBI Mandate
78 Report should be available for follow up with prospective clients on of- Vital
fer letter issued and not acknowledged with details like Relationship
Manager name, Prospect client details, Product, Date of application,
date of issuance of offer letter and days pending for acknowledgement,
proposals approved but not accepted by the customer
79 The LPS system should support the generation of statistical and man- Vital
agement reports like
- Number of proposals assigned
- Number of proposals completed
- Time taken to complete each proposal
- Process History Report
- User Performance Report
- Average proposal Time Report
80 MIS should be available through system like branch wise exposure, in- Vital
dustry wise exposure etc.
81 Generation of Monthly MIS – a report which gives the application re- Vital
ceived and approved during particular period and other related statistics
82 The LPS system should support scoring various educational institutes Vital
followed by approval by authorities as per DOP of the Bank where tie up
exists with the Bank or are proposed for tie up. The dropdown of Insti-
tutes should contain list of all such Institutes and “Other Institute”. On
selection of “Other Institute”, another field should open to input the
name of the institute.
83 There should be provision for fast track sanction of selected prod- Vital
ucts(Personal Loan and Auto Loan) based on pre-determined data
84 Provision for recording personal discussion with the bor- Vital
rower(Telephonic/face to face)
85 Provision to store Quotation details wherever required Vital
86 System ensures adherence to product specific Credit Underwriting Vital
Norms via Automated Credit filters and Deviations checks
87 Automated Score card analysis(CRESS) based on product and profile Vital
88 Online opening of various types account such as Term Loan, Cash Credit, Vital
Overdraft, short term loan etc as may be required under various prod-

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Ref Vital / Vital /

Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
89 Moratorium period and start of Repayment date should be interlinked Vital
to enable user to input only one value
90 Provision for separate screen with various Tabs to capture score card, Vital
deviation, BSR code and other details
91 Routing of Rejected applications for final decision Vital
92 Provision to create dealer Master based on State, City, Location, Vehicle Vital
Manufacturer enabling users to select the dealer based on on State,
City, Location, Vehicle Manufacturer
93 Provision available for Auto Dealer payout, Agent Payout based on Vital
Bank’s structure and generation of Bills
94 Generation of Dealer Performance Report for tie up cases Vital
95 Provision of Sanction Expiry Date as per Bank’s Norms Vital
96 Provision for Storing Vehicle Insurance details and tracking based on Vital
expiry date, sending alerts/letters prior to expiry date
97 Provision for sending alerts/communication for renewal of Sanction Vital
Limits in OD type of accounts
98 Creation of Label codes during Online account opening Vital
99 The application form for various products should be in Sync with Bank’s Vital
application form

D) Corporate Loan Processing Requirements

Ref Vital / Vital /
Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
1 System should have facility to create and link Credit Investigation Report Vital
(CIR)/ Collateral Approval Report (CAR).
2 System should provide facility to capture financial statements in local cur- Vital
rencies and to convert them automatically into base currency (multi-
currency) and vice versa.
3 System should automatically compute customer profitability according to Vital
the profitability model for existing customers as well as new borrowers;
Display return on risk adjusted assets
4 System should provide facility to define and administer different rating cri- Vital
teria for different industries/ business segments
5 System should be able to link Customer to Credit Proposal and Facilities Vital
6 System should be able to define and support different loan/Lease Repay- Vital
ment Management (Schedules).
7 System should be able to view all details of all collaterals attached to the Vital
facility like Type of collateral, Collateral information (land and building,
Cash, Stand-by L/c's, Motor vehicles, Machinery & Equipment, stock of
goods, Accounts receivable, intangible)Collateral valuation, Loan/Lease to
Value Ratio, Collateral coverage, Secured/unsecured facility flag, Collateral
asset value appropriation
8 System should provide the link to track the linkage between collateral, facil- Vital
ity and customer
9 System should be able to create, modify and view the list of approved val- Desirable
uer, Stand-by L/C issuer and Collateral insurer.
10 System should provide facility for risk assets that are on-& off-balance Vital
11 System should provide automatic computation of Financial ratios Vital
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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
12 System should auto populate industry information in the Credit Application Vital
from Finacle Core Banking .
13 System should provide facility for the underwriter to amend the facility Vital
structure, pricing and terms before approval.
14 System should be able to maintain historical and projected Balance Sheet, Vital
P&L and cash flow of the required group of borrowers over a series of fi-
nancial year
15 System should calculate LGD (Loss Given Default) and Default Probabilities Vital
16 System should be able to provide single view of the customers’ facilities Vital
and drawings.
17 System should have the provision to upload the related documents. Vital
18 System should have the capability to process highly structured loans and Vital
syndicated deals.
19 System should be flexible enough to cater to the needs to adding new busi- Vital
ness / regulatory rules.
20 System should allow t0 define any process flow as the per the requirement Vital
of the business.
21 System should have in-built document management system for capturing Vital
and maintaining the list of documents required for processing loans on the
basis of products defined.
22 System should provide a view for number of applications with status at dif- Vital
ferent stages.
23 System should provide a 360 degree view of a customer right from the ap- Vital
plication received for processing.
24 The system should support the generation of a unique reference number Vital
for applications received from each customer
25 Proposed system should support Date of receipt of application Registering Vital
the application details in a user defined format, Clarifications Sought from
customer, Clarifications Received, Proposal put up to committee/ sanction-
ing authority for in principle approval, In principle approval, Clarifications
sought from customer / branch / RO / ZO / FGMO / CO for final approv-
al/decision, Proposal put up to committee/ sanctioning authority, Sanc-
tion/rejection (along with reasons for rejection), Customer ID allotted in
case of sanction (if not already allotted)
26 There should be provision for calculation, accounting and recovery of appli- Vital
cation processing charges/lead bank charges (consortium advance leader)
based on user-defined parameters
27 It should support interface with external databases, of Credit Information Vital
Bureau, Reserve Bank of India, Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
caution list, Directorate General of foreign Trade etc. for verification of de-
fault status/credit rating of the applicant
28 It should support access to internal database such as list of non-performing Vital
accounts, written off accounts, suit filed accounts, decreed accounts, credit
information reports, and other database. for verification of default sta-
tus/credit rating of the applicant or other requirement
29 Proposed System should support user definition of mandatory and optional Vital
stages of appraisal process for, each Product and Customer segment
30 Support creation of master records for Customer acquisition method, Cus- Vital
tomer type / segment, Group (Associate / Sister concern; detailed profile of
the group), Product codes, Nature of facility, Industry, sub-segment, Prod-
uct under which the customer is being financed, Types of repayment sche-
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RFP-Loan Processing System

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
dules, Consortium / multiple, bank/institution name or code

31 Provision for system upload of data files received from customers concern- Vital
ing Stock statements, book debt statements, Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly
reports etc., Advances data in bank specified format (Credit Monitoring
Arrangement format specified by RBI),Financial Statements
32 It should support tracking of credit exposure by Defining targets for indus- Vital
try, sub-industry, sector, sub-sector, geo-graphical area, period, and any
combination of the same, Define policy flags (expand, reduce, contain ex-
posure, etc.) for industry, sub industry, sector, sub-sector, geographical
area and combination of the same, Defining exposure levels for group, bor-
rower, borrower-constitution, etc., Tracking of credit exposure for borrow-
er, group, industry, sector, etc., Tracking of exposures against targets
33 System should generate Reports for tracking of exposure for various cate- Vital
gories of borrowers
34 The system allow for a flexible definition of exposure limits like group, with- Vital
in that for each individual company and for each company product wise or
division wise, or a combination of these
35 System should support calculation and validation against eligibility criteria Vital
for each facility / product and nature of facility being proposed. Allow mod-
ification of eligible amount
36 System should have provision to set up Maximum and minimum for each Vital
facility as a parameter for each
37 The system should have provision to capture of the information from the Vital
master records and the Customer Information File(of Finacle). Apart from
this enable capture Amount of assistance requested under each prod-
uct/facility, Details of deposits held by customer, Details of third party de-
posits mobilized by customer
38 It should be capable for Capturing the financial data of the customer like Vital
Equity / capital details, Credit facility sanctioned/availed by/from other
banks/institutions (with latest outstanding and present status of the ac-
count), Current and historical (min 3* years) profit and loss statement, Cur-
rent and historical (min 3* years) balance sheet statement, Notes to Ac-
counts (free text field), Projected profitability details (min for the next 2*
years),Projected balance sheet details (min for the next 2* years), Projected
cash flows, Projected fund flows
39 System should be able to retrieve historical financial data for all future pro- Vital
posals of the same customer
40 System should capture remarks (with replies) of latest internal/ external Vital
auditors,(concurrent, statutory, stock audit, etc.), inspections (by RBI etc.)
41 Text comments be captured along with capturing of remarks and irregulari- Vital
ties pertaining to the account in the bank’s monthly / quarterly monitoring
42 Capturing of the non-financial details of the customer like Management Vital
details, Names of Directors /Partners, their addresses and their PAN, Cus-
tomer-IDs, if any. (Minimum of ten directors/partners), Installed and li-
censed capacities (where applicable) Industry details ,Project details (where
43 Support capturing of additional project details (where applicable) in free Vital
format like Sponsor / scheme, Financial / technology partner, Marketing

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
details, Raw material requirements, Environmental clearances, Other statu-
tory clearances, Schedule of implementation, Date of commencement of
business / project, Competitor’s details, Industry trends
44 Support calculation of various ratios on the basis of profit & loss account Vital
and balance sheet
45 The system must have the ability to verify the application for completeness Vital
and provide alerts for non-availability of any information. The user should
be able to define the checklist for verification.
46 The system should aid the user to generate correspondence to the custom- Vital
er for additional information after gaps are identified based on Checklist
47 Support analysis of data based on Ratio Analysis (turnover, liquidity, profit- Vital
ability, leverage, debt service ratios, etc.), Balance sheet and Profit and Loss
analysis, Cash flow analysis, Fund-flow analysis, Internal Rate of Return
(IRR)/ Net Present Value (NPV) analysis, Calculation of monthly, quarterly,
half-yearly, yearly projections, for desired periods, Comparison of selected
key ratios, financial parameters across borrowers within the industry classi-
fication ,Comparison of selected key ratios, financial parameters against
bench marks
48 Support capturing the following financial indicators like Paid up capital, Vital
Reserves and Surplus, Intangible assets, Revaluation reserve, Tangible net
worth, Long-term liabilities, Capital employed, Net block Investments, Non-
current assets, Net working capital, Current assets, Current liabilities, Net
sales, Other income Net profit after tax, Depreciation, intangible assets
written off, Cash accruals, ROCE (Return on capital employed)
49 Support division-wise Storage and retrieval of financial data, Financial anal- Vital
ysis and aggregation for the company
50 Support analysis based on the following criteria, but not limited to Simula- Vital
tion of cash flow based on the various repayment schedules and amount of
payments (principal and interest), Sensitivity analysis (what-if analysis)
51 Support definition/change of formulae for various ratios to be calculated Vital
52 Support definition /change of criteria for selection of group of borrowers Vital
for intercompany comparison
53 Allow input of specific (standard/free format) recommendations to the
54 Support capturing of the inputs FOR Application reference number, Vital
Rate/quotation/estimate of the asset being financed, • Land records/lease
deed/rent agreement, Financials, Credit information/credit report. •
Norms prescribed by developmental agencies (such as scale of finance, unit
cost, etc.) , Salary/Income certificate, Tax returns (such as Income Tax,
Wealth Tax, Sales Tax, etc.), Educational qualification / training qualifica-
tion, Experience certificates, Relevant licenses/ registration numbers, Proof
of residence, Details of cost and expenses, Pre sanction inspection report,
Detail of the sponsors, Availability, claim and receipt of subsidy, Calculation
of Economics/ profitability analysis, Location/project site details, NOC
from competent authorities, Guarantee details, No dues certificate from
banks/financial institutions
55 Comparison of selected key ratios, financial parameters against bench Vital
56 Support creation and maintenance of a list of standard user-defined terms Vital
and conditions, which will be included in the appraisal note and sanction
letters. These may be different for different types of products, facilities,

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
industry, etc. (E.g. primary / collateral security, documentation)

57 Ability to generate financial projections based on historical data and key Vital
58 Ability to record syndication process across various institution and banks Vital
59 As part of appraisal note, support capture Branch/ Region/Zone/ FGMO, Vital
Date of receipt of application, Customer / Company details (from CIF),
Name of the account, Credit rating of the borrower, Asset Classification,
Date of asset classification, Date of change in asset classification, Constitu-
tion, Address of registered / administrative office, Address of factory / unit,
Date of incorporation, Date of commencement of commercial production /
business, Date for commencement of customer relation, Date since avail-
ing credit facilities from Union Bank of India, Line of activity, Industry sec-
tor / BSR code, Product manufactured (licensed/installed capacity & capac-
ity utilization), Name of directors / partners / proprietors,• Means of direc-
tors / partners / proprietors
60 It should capture Capital structure (amounts) viz • Authorized capital, Paid Vital
up capital, Book Value (latest financial year & per share), Market Value (lat-
est year & per share)
61 It should capture Shareholding pattern (capturing number of shares, Vital
amount and percentages for each) Promoters, Associates, Public, Finan-
cial Institutions (FI) and Others
62 It should capture Details of banking arrangement along with banks’ share- Vital
holding pattern (fund Based / non-fund based), Limits enjoyed with the
financial institution / banks, • Name of Bank / FI, Nature of facility,
Amount of sanction, Present outstanding, Details of overdue, Status of
the asset, Securities offered, Summary of account history / group history,
Customer / group evaluation
63 The Software should have provision to capture Comments on estimated / Vital
projected sales for current / next year with assumptions, Inventory / re-
ceivable norms / holding (for working capital), Comments on current assets
/ current liabilities projections (for working capital), projections (for work-
ing capital), Calculation of working capital limits, Free format text fields for
comments on working capital limits
64 For Term loans , the Software should have provision for Comments on es- Vital
timation of project cost and break-up, Capital structuring – means of fi-
nancing, Estimation of future cash flows and scenario analysis, Project risk
evaluation and mitigation measures,• Calculation Debt Service Coverage
Ratio / Internal Rate of Return / Net Present Value
65 System should store comments / views on risk Rating summary , SWOT Vital
analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, threats), Conclusion, Any
other matter , In case of retail/priority sector advances capture ceil-
ing/margin/maximum loan amount as prescribed by the bank/RBI , Facility
for sanction of composite loan
66 The system should have text fields for capturing information wrt Regularity Vital
in submission of CMA data, Financial statement, QPR statement, Stock
statement, Comments on operations/over dues
67 System should be able to record Compliance to terms and conditions like Vital
Completion of mortgage facilities , Registration of charges with Registrar of
Companies, Documents validity, Compliance of RBI guidelines, Capture
the inspection details

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RFP-Loan Processing System

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
68 The proposed system should be able to capture information on Collateral Vital
securities (with latest valuation) like Nature / description of collateral se-
curities, Value, Date of valuation with name of valuer, Insurance details,
Date of last inspection, Remarks (free text format) and other information as
required for SRM creation in Finacle core Banking System
69 There should be provision for recording Modifications / waiver / relaxations Vital
in existing terms of sanction, Support capturing of interest rate,• Other
liabilities of the company / directors / partners to the bank, comments on
other liabilities of the company / directors / partners to the bank, Exposure
to the customer / group., Comments on exposure to the customer’/group
Value of account (During the last financial year)
70 Provision to record Interest income (provision for sub-classification mini- Vital
mum 5 fields), Fee based income (provision for sub-classification minimum
5 fields) of the Borrower
71 Based on the terms and conditions specified in the sanction, the system Vital
should be able to draw up the list of documents to be executed by the cus-
tomer mandatory and otherwise - which can be updated at the time of
opening the account for each customer.
72 Allow adding and modifying the terms and conditions after authorization Vital
73 Support calculation of the repayment amounts based on the repayment Vital
schedule selected.
74 Support calculation of the banks share in the consortium based on the per- Vital
centage share
specified by the user.
75 Support automatic forwarding of the appraisal and assessment note with Vital
the user’s recommendations to the next highest authority for approval
based on the delegated authority defined/ as per process flow defined by
the Bank
76 The system have provision to allow the user to define the format of the Vital
appraisal note to be forwarded to the higher authorities
77 System should have report writer capabilities to design and generate vari- Vital
ous letters, MIS reports
78 Support generation of report on adverse features, which should include, for Vital
the period specified by the user, Bills returned unpaid (Number and
amount), Cheques returned unpaid (Number and amount), Guarantees
invoked (Number and amount), LC devolved (Date, number and amount),
Term loan installments not paid (Number and amount), Deferred payment
guarantee installment devolved and not paid (Date, number and amount
Temporary overdraft, Excess over sanctioned limit
79 Ability to generate summary report (preliminary ‘credit report’ on a cus- Vital
tomer which contains some basic client/project data for the ‘in-principle
approval’) on Technical feasibility, Financial viability/analysis, Market po-
tential, Management, Capital market perception, Evaluation of the spon-
sor and the project team, Group concerns (related parties) – Customer
Information, Financials, account history, account status etc., Remarks of
internal/external auditors and replies, List of deviations from benchmarks
and policy guidelines
80 Support definitions of rating information like Industry rating, Compa- Vital
ny/customer rating, Management rating, Financial rating etc
81 Provision to record Overall proposed rating, Overall actual rating and Ra- Vital
tionale for rating

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
82 Support creation and modification of pre-defined risk rating table (facility- Vital
wise & corporate/retail-wise rating).Support assigning credit rating to the
customer based on user-defined parameters
83 Support defining scoring bands and corresponding rating for each model Vital
and support defining sets of key financial ratios and other parameters for
each model
84 Support definition of bands of values for each key financial ratio under each Vital
model and support definition of key ratios for historic comparison
85 Support definition of scores for each band of variance under history com- Vital
86 Support definition of industry, management, miscellaneous, and other pa- Vital
rameters differently for each model. Support definition of sets of value
statements for each parameter under each model
87 Support defining weights for each category of parameters (i.e., key financial Vital
ratios, historic comparison, industry comparison, industry, management,
miscellaneous etc.,)
88 Support assigning of a particular model to a customer based on user- Vital
defined criteria based on say industry sector, exposure level, etc
89 Support application of multiple models. Support extraction of values of key Vital
financial ratios and historic averages required for the model, based on the
customer-ID and year selected
90 Support manual over-write/keying of the values; over-written fields have to Vital
be authorized. Support automatic working of the scores and weighed
scores based on the extracted values
91 Support automatic working of scores and weighed scores based on the val- Vital
ue statements selected. And support automatic generation of overall score
and corresponding rating. User may be allowed to modify the rating, which
may be different than that calculated by the application of the respective
92 Support pricing based on Value of account, Exposure amount, Prime lend- Vital
ing rate, Facility rating, Tenor of credit, Margin, Cost of funds/transfer
pricing, Operating costs (i.e. direct and indirect), Expected credit loss ma-
trix, Capital allocation matrix, Target return on capital-at-risk (CAR), Unex-
pected loss, Pricing suggested by pricing model, Fee based income details
93 System must allow for the bank to use its own formula or model for interest Vital
94 Provide for setting up/capture of period specific lending rates (BR), sepa- Vital
rately for each product, for the bank
95 Support user defining spread over BR/cost of funds linked to credit rating Vital

96 Based on the specific lending rates (BR)/cost of funds, the system should Vital
have the ability to change the rate chargeable to the customers, wherever
they are linked to the BR/cost of funds
97 Support creation of a sanction advice with the following details: Vital
• Customer details
• Product details (type of loan etc.)
• Classification of loan / sector code
• Purpose of the sanctioned loan
• Terms and conditions of the sanction
• Amount
• Period of sanction or tenure of loan

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Functionality Response Remarks
No Desirable
• Terms of sanction (Rate of interest including any additional charges appli-
cable, payment terms of interest, margin, etc,)
• Credit rating
• Repayment schedules
• Moratorium period
• Renewal details (where applicable)
• Security details (prime & collateral)
• Charges to be created with appropriate authorities
• Guarantees
• Insurance details (including crop insurance)
• Documentation and legal formalities to be executed
• Standard terms and conditions
• Special terms and conditions
98 Provide for the generation of a sanction letter to the customer as per user Vital
defined format

E) Agricultural and Allied activities Loan Processing Requirements

Vital / Vital /
Ref No Functionality Response Remarks
1 System should be capable of processing short term, Medium Vital
Tram and Long Term loans of all Agriculture, Land Development,
Dairy and animal husbandry, Farm Mechanisation, Minor Irriga-
tion, Fishery, Poultry ,Loan against Ware House Receipt, Gold
Loan ,Plantation and Horticulture, Indirect Agriculture Loans etc
2 System should be capable of capturing, storing and processing Vital
Loan applications based on state wise/District wise/Crop wise
/Irrigation facility wise Scale of Finance as per RBI guidelines on
yearly basis
3 System should have facility to bifurcate Loan requirements into Vital
various purposes including Insurance amount wherever applica-
4 System should have provision to process Loans under Kisan Vital
Credit Card Scheme
5 System should have provision to capture various channels of Vital
Disbursements applicable for Agricultural Loans
6 Loan Application should consist of Main Application Form and Vital
Annexure (different for various activities) as per NABARD guide-
7 Stipulation of Security / Collateral Security as advised by Vital
Nabard/RBI based on quantum of loan/Type of farmer/ other
8 System should have provision to calculate Loan Requirement Vital
based on stored Templates for various Agricultural. Dairy, Poul-
try etc type of Loans
9 Parameterisation of Eligibility norms Available Vital
10 System should have provision to store and calculate interest Vital
rate based on Base rate, interest subvention, dis-
count/differential(+ve & Negative)

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RFP-Loan Processing System

Vital / Vital /
Ref No Functionality Response Remarks
11 System should be capable to calculate Repayment schedule Vital
based on EMI/ Non EMI as applicable for various Agricultural
12 System should be able to classify the farmer based on land hold- Vital
ing, irrigation, district/state/area or other criteria as per RBI
norms in Parameterisation form
13 System should calculate eligibility of loan based on type of Vital
farmer and other criteria as per NABARD norms
14 System should have provision to store purity of gold(in carats) Vital
and its weight to calculate eligibility amount in case of Gold
15 System should have provision to store various units of land area Vital
prevailing in various states and also to convert it to standard
units like acre, square feet and square meter
16 System should have provision to capture details of existing Vital
Farm equipment's/ Live stock/ Immovable assets owned
17 In case of tractor loans, the system should be able to store Vital
minimum hours to be used for Farm and Off Farm activi-
ties(Parameter) and compare the same with data provided by
the applicant. Required alert if tractor is not used for minimum
stipulated hours for farm activities
18 System should have inbuilt facility to capture existing and pro- Vital
posed cropping pattern based on which Loan amount to e calcu-
19 System should be capable to calculate eligibility and repayment Vital
schedule based on inflow and outflow of cash as well as
RBI/Nabard Norms for each loan type

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