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Third Quarter Examination in ENGLISH 7

Name: ________________________________ Year & Section: ______________________

Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________

Directions: This is a listening test. You will hear a spoken passage read by the examiner. Listen carefully
as this will be given only once and questions will follow later. Choose the best answer and shade the
circle that corresponds to your answer

.1 . A. skydiver B. gymnast C. high jumper D. trapeze player

2. A. stevedore B. acrobat C. hunter D. fisherman
3. A. a painter B. a sculptor C. an engraver D. a draftsman
4. A. a dentist B. an anaesthesiologist C. a nurse D. a surgeon
5. A. girl B. old woman C. mother D .daughter
6. A. hearth B. stick C. coal D. flame
7. A. discovery B .man C. glass D. experts
8. A. oil search B black gold C exciting adventure D. lives and fortunes
Read the following paragraphs, then choose the letter that corresponds to your answer in each item.

A. Air is present everywhere. It is a part of the land. It is in rocks and in plants. It is a part of water. It
is in the bodies of plants and animals.

9. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Air is part of the atmosphere.
B. Only a part of the earth has air.
C. Air moves around.
D. Air is found everywhere.
10. What is a good title for the paragraph?
A. The Parts of the Air B. The Kinds of Air C. Where Air is Found D. The Movement of Air

B . Air occupies space. This is shown if you put a glass in a bowl half filled with water over a floating
cork. You notice that very little water enters the glass. The water is pushed down by the air.

11. What is the whole paragraph about?

A. An experiment on space travel
B. How water enters a glass
C. An illustration of air occupying space
D. A story about air, glass and space
C. There are many kinds of fertilizers. There is decayed vegetable matter called compost. There is also
animal waste like horse or chicken manure. Then there is chemical fertilizer.

12. What is a good title for the paragraph?

A. Kinds of Fertilizer
B. Uses of Fertilizer
C. How Fertilizers are Made
D. Why Fertilizers are Used
13. What is the whole paragraph about?
A. Manure B. Matter C. Fertilizers D. Chemical

D. Organic foods are grown by local farmers who use safe, sustainable farming methods. One reason
to eat organic is because these methods protect the earth. Organic farming does not introduce
dangerous chemicals into the soil, the crops, the air, or the ground water. Organic foods are also
better for our bodies than conventionally grown foods. The long term effects of genetically modified
foods are still being studied, but pesticide residue is known to be poisonous to the human body.
Certified organic foods are minimally processed, and studies show that they can contain twice as
many nutrients as conventionally processed foods.

14. Which statement from the text represents the author’s opinion?
A. Sentence 3 B. Sentence 4 C. Sentence 5 D. Sentence 6
E. Even a tiny speck of dust on his carefully-pressed uniform would receive his immediate attention.
15. What kind of person is he?
A. Fashion conscious B. Meticulously neat C. Sloppy dresser D. Smart Dresser

F. One Big Appetite

Although the golden eagle destroys many harmful rodents, he also kills many lambs, kids and calves.
Of all the birds of prey, the golden eagle has the most voracious appetite. This unpopular hunter will
perch on the top of the loftiest peak where he can scan the valleys below for helpless prey. Or he may
glide lazily through the air thousands of feet above the earth. When he spies a luckless lamb or calf,
he folds his wings against his sides and power-dives upon his victim. If his target is a rabbit or a
squirrel, he will swoop upon it with his claws, barely breaking his speed. If he is attacking a larger
animal, he will engage it in battle and rift it apart with his strong break and sharp talons.

16.The golden eagle has a great ________________. A. target B. family C. power D. appetite
17. He in sentence 1 refers to __________________. A. eagle B. rodent C. lamb D. kid
18. It is sentence 6 refers to ________________. A .Eagle B. lamb C. calf D. rabbit
19.The whole selection is mainly about _________________.
A. the eating habits of a golden eagle
B. why the golden eagle kills animals
C. how the golden eagle catches its prey
D . the characteristics of a golden eagle
20. She had to paint horses; they were the only models she could afford because they cost nothing.What
would best describe the artist?
A. poor B. lazy C. stingy D. horse-lover
21.Never was there reason for him to smile, and so never did his lips take the cheerful curve of the little
A. unhappy B. poor C. unfortunate D. disappointed
22.“ I had a dream and I went to Madam Auring to ask her what it could possibly mean.” The speaker is
A. romantic B. inquisitive C. prophetic D. Superstitious
23. Even as a child he was of a retiring nature. He seldom mingled with other boys of his age. He was
A. shy B. proud C. quarrelsome D. independent
E. Visible light is a form of energy. Man uses the energy of light to see the things around him. Since
light supplies the energy which green plants use to make food for themselves, man depends light for
the plant he grows and for the food he eats. In addition, it has many practical applications in man’
everyday life. There are house lights, car lights, signal lights and decorative lights. Man’s cameras,
microscopes, telescopes and projectors are useless without light. Indeed, man could hardly live
without light
24. The selection is about ____________________________.
A. the sources of light B. visible light C. the importance of light D. the different kinds of light
25. It in sentence 4 refers to ________________________.
A .energy B. plant C. food D. Light
26. Themselves in sentence 3 refers to _______________________.
A. Things B. green plants C. light energy D. Food
27. Light in the paragraph means _______________________________.

A. of little weight B. knowledge C. pale in color D. that which make things seen
A. Words or expressions with part-whole( partitive ) relations
28. When you go shopping , don’t forget to buy…of bread.
A. head B. loaf C. dozen
29. Every morning I like to have a … of coffee with my breakfast.
A. cup B. box C.bag
30.This … of groceries is very heavy . Could you please help me carry it?
A. bottle B. bag C. loaf
31. Did you buy a …of cereal?
A. slice B. jar C. box
32. I’m thirsty! I need a … of water to help me cool down.
A. jar B.dozen C. glass
B. Literature
Choose the author’s purpose of the following passages:
33. A story about a young athlete who wears Nike tennis shoes and he wins every race.
A. Persuade B. Entertain C. Inform
34. A medical report about pimples.
A. Persuade B. Entertain C. Inform
35. A speech written by a professional athlete listing the negative effect of steroids and urging young
athletes to not use steroids.
A. Persuasive B. Entertain C. Inform
36. What is the “mood” of a story?
A. Emotions audience feels from a given passage.
B. The summary of events of the story.
C. The time and place of the story.
D. The lessons learns from the story.
37.What is the mood?
When I step out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things in
mind: Why does it happened and is it possible to happen in real life?
A. Relaxed B. Worried C. Terrified D. Perplexed
C. Narrative Writing
38. What are the five elements of narrative writing?
A. Character, conflict, theme, external, and internal
B. What is plot?
A. Internal and external conflict
B. The main character
C. The events in a story
D. The turning point in a story
39. What is conflict?
A. The events in a story.
B. The problem.
C. The lesson learned.
D. Who or what carries out the actions of a story.
40. What is theme?
A. The lesson learned from a story.
B. The protagonist.
C. The antagonist.
D. The actions in a story.

A. Choose the correct determiner to complete the sentence. Choose letter that corresponds to
your answer.
41. Which sentence uses the passive voice?
A. Yesterday, the old farmer painted the bard.
B. Going to the park can be a lot of fun for kids.
C. The bill was passed with an unanimous vote.
D. I usually let my brother play my toys.
42. Which sentence uses the active voice?
A. The test papers were handed out at the beginning of class.
B. No prizes were actually given out by the contest organizers.
C. Unfortunately, the big dance was not enjoyed by most of the students.
D. Rico’s mother was once the president of the neighbourhood association.

43. What punctuation mark needs to be added to the following sentence in the DIRECT speech James
asked”Are you coming to my house today?”
A. period B. colon C. exclamation mark D. comma

44. Find the correct sentence in INDIRECT speech which matches to this sentence in DIRECT speech
Mary asks, “Are you okay, Harry?”
A. Mary asked if Harry was ok?
B. Mary asked if Harry was ok.
C. Mary asked Harry if he was ok.
D. Mary told Harry he was ok.

45. Which of the following sentences is the form of DIREC speech?

A. Sarah said, “My family and I are going to the market today.”
B. Nadela asked, “ Can I go with Sarah to the market?”
C. Charlotte said, “I don’t want to go to the market today.”
D. Chloe said, “where is the market?”
V. Personal Letter
46. What is a personal letter?
A. A letter you write to a company about their product
B. A piece of descriptive writing
C. A letter you might write to a friend or relative to keep in touch
D. A letter you write to your school
47. Which of the following is optional in a personal letter?
A. The heading B. The body C. The closing D. A postscript
48. In what part of the personal letter would you include the date and your address?
A. The heading B. The signature C.The closing D. The body

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