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Instrumentasi Geoteknik

Desain Geoteknik selalu dihadapkan pada heterogenitas yang besar pada jenis dan sifat material di bawah
permukaan tanah.

Geoteknik perlu
g-kan berbagai
tanah yang tidak
pasti dalam
analisis dan
Tipe Instrumentasi Geoteknik
1. Pada Saat Proses Desain (Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur sifat fisik
dan mekanik in-situ tanah dan batu)
▪ Soil boring and sampling
▪ Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)
▪ Field Vane Shear Test
2. Selama Konstruksi (Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memonitor kinerja lapangan)
▪ Memberikan peringatan dan Menunjukkan potensi kegagalan
▪ Mengungkapkan tidak diketahui dan penggunaan bantuan metode observasional
▪ Meminimalkan kerusakan struktur yang berdekatan
▪ Kontrol kualitas atau operasi
▪ Mengurangi litigasi
▪ Desain verifikasi
▪ Keselamatan

3. Setelah konstruksi (Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memonitor kinerja lapangan)

▪ Pemantauan kinerja dalam masa layan
▪ Meningkatkan kinerja dan pengetahuan
▪ Menginformasikan para pemangku kepentingan
▪ Memberikan peringatan dan mengindikasikan potensi kegagalan
Reasons for Installing Instrumentation
Geotechnical instrumentation provides data that helps engineers in every stage of a
project. Here are the main reasons that instrumentation is used:
1. Instruments are used to characterize initial site conditions.
Site Investigations Common parameters of interest in a site investigation are:
Pore-water pressure,
Permeability of the soil, and
Slope stability.
2. Instruments are used to verify design assumptions and to
Design Verification check that performance is as predicted. Instrument data from
the initial phase of a project may reveal the need (or the
opportunity) to modify the design in later phases.
3. Instruments are used to monitor the effects of construction.
Construction Instrument data can help the engineer determine how fast
Control construction can proceed without the risk of failure.
Reasons for Installing Instrumentation (continue)
Here are the main reasons that instrumentation is used (continue):

4. Instrumentation can be used both to enforce the quality of

Quality Control workmanship on a project and to document that work was
done to specifications.
5. Instruments can provide early warning of impending failures,
Safety allowing time for safe evacuation of the area and time to
implement remedial action. Safety monitoring requires quick
retrieval, processing, and presentation of data, so that
decisions can be made promptly.
6. Instrument data can provide evidence for a legal defense of
Legal Protection designers and contractors should owners of adjacent
properties claim that construction has caused damage.
Reasons for Installing Instrumentation (continue)
Here are the main reasons that instrumentation is used (continue):

7. Instruments are used to monitor the in-service performance

Performance of a structure. For example:
▪ Monitoring parameters such as leakage, pore-water
pressure, and deformation can provide an indication of
the performance of a dam.
▪ Monitoring loads on tiebacks or rock bolts and
movements within a slope can provide an indication of
the performance of a drainage system installed in a
stabilized slope.
How to Choose Instruments (Pertimbangan Memilih Instrument)

Considerations to choose instruments:

1. Each project presents a unique set of critical parameters.

Critical The designer must identify those parameters and then select
Parameters instruments to measure them. So carefully think about
things below:
▪ What information is required for the initial design?
▪ What information is required for evaluating performance
during and after construction?
▪ When the parameters are identified, the specification for
instruments should include the required range,
resolution, and precision of measurements.
▪ Evaluate several options of instrument performance
How to Choose Instruments (continue)

Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :

2. The behaviour of a soil or rock mass typically involves not

Complementary one, but many parameters.
Parameters Thus it is common practice to choose instruments that
provide complementary measurements.

For example:
▪ Inclinometer data indicating increased rate of movement
may be correlated with piezometer data that shows
increased pore pressures.
▪ The load on a strut, calculated from strain gauge data,
should correlate with convergence data provided by
inclinometer behind a retaining structure.
How to Choose Instruments (continue)

Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :

3. Ground conditions sometimes affect the choice of instrument. For

Ground example:
Conditions A standpipe piezometer is a reliable indicator of pore-water
pressure in soil with high permeability, but is much less reliable in
soil with low permeability. A large volume of water must flow into
the standpipe to indicate even a small change in pore-water

In soils with low permeability, the flow of water into and out of the
standpipe is too slow to provide a timely indication of pore-water
pressure. A better choice in this case would be a diaphragm-type
piezometer, which offers faster response since it is sensitive to
much smaller changes in water volume.
How to Choose Instruments (continue)

Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :

4. Temperature and humidity also affect instrument choice.

ntal Instruments such as hydraulic piezometers and liquid settlement
Conditions gauges have limited use in freezing weather. In tropical heat and
humidity, simple mechanical devices may be more reliable than
electrical instruments.
5. Consider the personnel and resources at the site when choosing
Personnel instruments.
and Do technicians have the skills required to install and read a
Resources particular type of instrument?
at the Site Are adequate support facilities available for maintenance and
calibration of the instrument?
How to Choose Instruments (continue)

Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :

6. An automatic data acquisition system may be required when:

Data ▪ There is a need for real-time monitoring and automatic
Acquisition alarms;
▪ Sensors are located at a remote site or in a location that
prevents easy access;
▪ There are too many sensors for timely manual readings;
▪ Qualified technicians are not available.

If a data acquisition system is required, the choice of instruments

should be narrowed to those that can be connected to the system
easily and inexpensively.
How to Choose Instruments (continue)

Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :

7. Are readings needed only during construction or will they be

Instrument needed for years afterwards?
Life Instruments, signal cables, and protective measures should be
selected accordingly.
8. The difference in cost between a high-quality instrument and a
Instrument lesser-quality instrument is generally insignificant when compared
Quality to the total cost of installing and monitoring an instrument.

For example:
The cost of drilling and backfilling a borehole is typically 10 to 20
times greater than the cost of the piezometer that goes in it.
It is false economy to install a cheaper, less reliable instrument.
How to Choose Instruments (continue)
Considerations to choose instruments (Continue) :
9. Instrument performance is specified by range, resolution, accuracy,
Instrument and precision. The economical designer will specify minimum
Performance performance requirements, since the cost of an instrument
increases with resolution, accuracy, and precision.

Instrument Performance:
Range is defined by the highest and lowest readings the instrument is expected to produce. The
designer typically specifies the highest values required.

Resolution is the smallest change that can be displayed on a readout device. Resolution typically
decreases as range increases. Sometimes the term "accuracy" is mistakenly substituted for resolution.
Resolution is usually many times better than accuracy and is never expressed as a plus/minus value.

Accuracy is the degree to which readings match an absolute value. Accuracy is expressed as a ± value,
such as ± 0.5mm, ±1% of reading, or ±1% of full scale.

Precision or repeatability is often more important than accuracy, since what is usually of interest is a
change rather than an absolute value. Every time a reading is repeated, the value returned by the
instrument is slightly different. Precision is expressed as a ± value representing how close repeated
readings approach a mean reading.
Common Parameters to Monitor

(During And After Construction)

Engineering Parameters To Measure And Monitor

▪ Pore Water Pressure
▪ Stresses In Soil
▪ Lateral Deformation
▪ Vertical Deformation
Common Parameters to Monitor: Pore Water Pressure

Pore-Water Is Used For: Instruments

▪ Establish initial site conditions. ▪ VW Piezometer
▪ Determine safe rates for placement ▪ Pneumatic Piezometer
of fill. ▪ Standpipe Piezometer
▪ Predict slope stability.
P ▪ Design and build for lateral earth
▪ Design and build for uplift
▪ Monitor the effectiveness of
drainage schemes.
Common Parameters to Monitor: Pore Water Pressure

Instruments for Monitoring Pore-Water Pressure

Piezometers are the only instrument used to monitor pore-water

There are two basic types of piezometers:

▪ Standpipe Piezometers
▪ Diaphragm piezometers (vibrating wire, pneumatic, or strain-gauge).
Pore Water Pressure
Instruments for Monitoring Pore-
Water Pressure
Standpipe Piezometers
The standpipe piezometer or open-
hydraulic piezometer or a Casagrande
piezometer, consists of a porous water-
intake element connected to a riser pipe.

Water enters the riser pipe through the

intake element, which is normally sealed
in the borehole at a specified depth. As
porewater pressure increases or
decreases, the water level inside the
standpipe rises or falls.

Readings are usually obtained with a water

level indicator, which provides a depth-to
water measurement.
of Standpipe
1. Drill the borehole slightly below the required depth of the piezometer. Flush the borehole with water or
Installation biodegradable drilling mud.
of Standpipe 2. Form a sand intake zone by placing sand at the bottom of the borehole. Tremie wet sand to the bottom.
Sand should be graded number 80 to number 10 US sieve size in most soils. You must pull drill casing
Piezometers upwards to keep it above the level of the sand. When the sand reaches the required depth of the filter tip,
lower the filter element and the attached riser pipe downhole, assembling the pipe as you go. When the
standpipe is in place, tremie sand around the filter tip, again pulling the casing to keep it above the level of
the sand. Place at least 6 to 12 inches of sand above the tip. If you are using a well point and installing the
piezometer in soft ground, It is sometimes possible to push the point into position. In this case, the sand
intake zone is not required. In clay, a pushed or driven piezometer shears and remolds the clay adjacent to
the porous element. This can lead to erroneous measurements of in-situ pore pressures. Note that the action
of pushing or driving may set up high excess pore-pressures, which in soils of low permeability may take a
long time to dissipate.

3. Place a bentonite seal above the intake zone, using bentonite chips. A typical seal is typically 1.5 feet thick,
but refer to project specifications. Again, be sure to pull the casing up above the level of the bentonite. Drop
chips in slowly to ensure proper placement of the seal and to avoid bridging. The bentonite seal typically
requires 2 to 3 hours to set up, but refer to your bentonite instructions for exact times. Keep the borehole
filled with water to fully hydrate the bentonite and prevent it from drawing water from the surrounding soil.

4. Fill the remainder of the borehole with a bentonite-cement grout. Use a tremie pipe to place the grout
starting a foot or two above the bentonite seal and then slowly raising the tremie pipe (and the drill casing, if
any) as the level of the grout rises. The exact mix of the grout will vary and you should follow project
specifications if available. It is important that the constituents of the mix not segregate and that the grout is
easily pumped. A typical mix might be four parts bentonite mixed thoroughly with eight to twelve parts water,
to which is added one part of ordinary Portland cement. Special mixes and chemical additives may be
necessary if the grout is to be used in sea water or very acid water.
5. Terminate the installation as specified. The top 1.5 feet of the borehole should be sealed with a cement
Installation grout to prevent entry of rainwater and other surface runoff. A well-drained, lockable surface box should be
provided for every piezometer installation.
of Standpipe
6. Readings taken after completion of the installation should be treated with caution, as it is unlikely that
Piezometers equilibrium will have been re-established, especially if mud rotary drilling methods were used. A datum
(continue) reading can be taken 24 hours to several days after installation, depending on the permeability of the soil.
Take readings periodically to determine when recovery has occurred. Water level readings should be
performed in accordance with ASTM Standard D-4750, “Determining Subsurface Liquid Levels in a Borehole
or Monitoring Well.”

7. After installation, a response test should be conducted on each piezometer, where possible, to check the
adequacy of the installation. The response test may be of the falling head type with the results presented on
falling head permeability test results sheets. Unexpected results in a response test may indicate that the
piezometer is defective. Similar response tests carried out at intervals during the life of the piezometer are
recommended to ensure that the head used in response tests does not cause hydraulic fracture in the soil.
Pore Water Pressure
Pneumatic Piezometers
The pneumatic piezometer is
by gas pressure. In a typical
installation, The piezometer is
sealed in the borehole, and twin
pneumatic tubes run from the
piezometer to a terminal at the
surface where readings are
obtained with a pneumatic
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure

Pneumatic Piezometers
Pore Water Pressure

Pneumatic Piezometers
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure
Vibrating Wire Piezometers
Pore Water Pressure
Vibrating Wire
Pore Water Pressure
Vibrating Wire
Pore Water Pressure
Vibrating Wire
Pore Water Pressure
Vibrating Wire
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure
Embankment ▪ Control Placement of Fill
construction ▪ Monitor Consolidation
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure
Pore Water Pressure

Diaphragm Wall or Sheet Piles Wall

Pore Water Pressure

Dewatering an Excavation
Pore Water Pressure

Dynamic Compaction
Pore Water Pressure
Pile Tests

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