Business Letter

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade - 8 English

Teacher: Baby Joy E. Jovita

School: Dumingag National High School- Annex A
Grade Level: 8
Subject: English
Learning Competency: Organize one’s thoughts and adopt the appropriate wrtiting style in letters,
resumes, critiques, etc. using appropriate styles (formal and informal ) and audience in mind

I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the students will be able to do the following
with at least 75% level of accuracy:
a. identify the different parts of a business letter;
b. compose a business letter; and
c. stress the importance of business letters..

II. Subject Matter: Parts of a Business Letter

Materials: cartolina, manila paper, marker

III. Procedure: Deductive Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Passing of Assignments
 Setting of Classroom Standards

A. Preparation
1. Motivation
Class, we will have an activity.
(Teacher group the class into four)
This activity is called 4Pics2Words. All you have
to do is to form words out from the pictures. The
first group to form the word will recieve 1 point.
________ ______

What are the words formed out form the picture? The words form out from the pictures is business

Yes/No, Ma’am.
Class, do you know the parts of a business letter?

2. Statement of the Aim

This morning, we will learn about the parts of a
business letter.

B. Discussion

Business Letter- is a letter written in formal

language, usually used when writing from one
business organization to another, or for
correspondence between such organizations and
their customers, clients and other external parties.

Parts of Business Letters

1. Heading. This contains the return address
(usually two or three lines) with the date on the last
2. The Inside Address. This is the address you are
sending your letter to.
3. The Greeting. Also called the salutation. The
greeting in a business letter is always formal. It
normally begins with the word “Dear” and always
includes the peron’s last name. The greetings in a
business letter always ends in a colon.
4. The Body. The body is where you explain why
you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business
5. The Complimentary Close
This short, polite closing ends always with a
comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge
is in the center, depending on the letter style you
choose. It begins at the same column the heading
does. (Note: the second word of the closing is
NOT capitalized).
6. The Signature Line
The signature is the last part of the letter. You
should sign your first and last names. The signature
line may include a second line for a title, if
appropriate. The signature should start directly
above the first letter of the signature line in the
space between the close and the signature line.

(Teacher provides a sample of business letter)

C. Inference
What are the parts of a business letter? The parts of a business letter are heading, the inside
address, the greeting, the body, the complementary
close and the signature line.

How important is business letter? Business letter is important because they serve as a
formal method of communication between people.

D. Application
This time, we will have an activity. (Same Group)
Direction: In your group, create your own business
letter. (Students create business letter)

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. It all bears the necessary information of an 1. Heading

2. It is where the month and year are placed. 2. Date
3. This is the address you are sending your 3. Inside Address
letter to.
4. It is also called salutation. 4. Greeting
5. It is the main part of a business letter. 5. Body
6. It is a short, polite closing ends always with 6. Complementary close
a comma.
7. It is the last part of a letter? 7. Signature

8-10. Define business letters. 8-10. Business letter is a letter written in formal
language, usually used when writing from
one business organization to another, or for
correspondence between such organizations
and their customers, clients and other
V. Assignment external parties.

Directions: In a short bond paper create your own

business letter. Follow the format of a
business letter.

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