AshutoshNivargi (8 0)

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Mainframe Lead/Senior Consultant, 8.5+ yrs.

experience, Certified Scrum Master, ITIL Certified


Full Name : Nivargi Ashutosh Anilkumar

Sex: Male Age: 31 Marital Status : Single

Personal email id:

Contact number : 9930767968

Current Job Location: Pune

Current City of Residence: Pune

Skills: -

Database: IDMS, Oracle, DB2 SQL


Tools: CA7, JHS, RMDS, QMF, Detector, SPUFI, Intertest, File Master, SDSF, Service now, Remedy tool for incident management.

Work Methodologies: Waterfall, Incremental, Scrum, Agile - Kanban.

Certifications: -

 ITIL 2011 Foundation Certification - - - April 2018.

 Certified Scrum Master - - - June 2019.

Profile Summary:-

 I am currently a Mainframe Senior Consultant in a team that works on an enhancement & maintenance
project on mainframes. My responsibilities are to work on root cause analysis of application issues
reported by customer and suggest code changes in COBOL, JCL , SQL to fix recurrent issues and already
existing bugs. I also work on data maintenance requests, job abend handling, new MQ connection design
and modification requests.

 From 2016 until July 2018, I initially lead a team of eight to ten members which performed various support
& maintenance activities based on Kanban. Later on, my role changed to lead the development team
which worked on small sized enhancement as well as development projects on mainframes based on
Scrum for a US based client.

 Started my IT carrier as a Software Engineer in Mainframes (COBOL, MF-COBOL, JCL, CICS, DB2, Oracle,
IDMS, VSAM) from July 2011. Got promoted to Senior Software Engineer in 2012 after that. In 2016, I was
promoted to lead a mainframe team. Currently, I am a senior consultant for a mainframe team that works
on various enhancement & maintenance projects on mainframes.

 I have performed in different roles till now starting from an application developer to requirements analyst,
L2 support analyst and also a team lead.
 Been a part of different types of projects –

- Development projects – Large sized projects which last for a year long, Medium sized projects,
Small sized and single resource projects as well.
- Enhancement and maintenance projects which involve customizing existing functionalities in the
system to suit the needs of the client.
- Mainframe Testing Projects – Purely Integration/System testing projects of mainframe
applications developed and/or maintained by client-side development teams.
- Legacy migration project for migrating a COBOL based billing system into a modern technology.
- L2 Support project - Worked on batch monitoring, abend resolution, user tickets, change
requests, work orders, Maintenance activities like preventive maintenance, DB2 database
upgrade etc.

Most of the above projects involved customer interaction, onshore-offshore coordination,

coordinating with other different teams working for the same client and external third-party vendors.

 Business domain knowledge –

o Worked on financials of US based distribution client. So, I am aware of concepts related to billing,
payments, purchase orders, general ledger, daily/monthly/annual reconciliation etc.
o Worked on financials of US based Utilities clients. So, I am aware of concepts of billing, payments
of utilities organization, metering, reporting, month end processing etc.
o Worked on design application of a European Automobile Client. So, I am aware of concepts like
Model series, part numbers, Variants , Position Variants etc.

 My key strengths are strong technical background, good analytical skills and flexibility to adapt to different
roles in quick time as per the requirements of the team.

Professional Profile: -
Employer: T-systems ICT India Ltd, Pune. (A Deutsche Telekom Group Company)
Designation: Senior Consultant.
Dates of employment: July 2018 till date

Client: DIAMLER AG , Germany.

Domain: Billing and Enterprise Application of European Automobile Client.

Project Type: Enhancement & Maintenance of mainframe application.

Platform: Mainframes (COBOL, JCL, DB2, MQ)

My current scope of work includes :-

 Medium to high complexity enhancement and maintenance change requests for a mainframe application.
 Root cause analysis of application issues reported by customer
 Suggesting code changes in COBOL, JCL , SQL to fix recurrent issues and already existing bugs
 Handling data maintenance requests,
 Handling job abends
 New MQ connection design and modification requests for existing connection
 Suggesting and working on continuous improvements in the application as well as day to day work
Most of my work involves direct interaction with customer, coordination with distributed teams with varied
expertise and onshore – offshore coordination.

I also had an opportunity to work from onshore for three weeks to understand client expectations, role of the
onshore team also the future road map of the business.

Employer: Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai

Designation: Application development Senior Analyst(SSE), Mainframe Support Team Lead(TL)
Dates of employment: October 2014 till July 2018

Project Type: Enhancement, Maintenance and Support on mainframes

Platform: Mainframes (COBOL, JCL, DB2)


Domain: Billing and Payment application of US based Energy Distribution Client.

Role 1: Mainframe Team Lead

Duration: 2.5 years. (December 2015 to July 2018)

Role 2: Senior Support Engineer (L2 support)

Duration: 1 years. (October 2014 to November 2015)

Worked on batch monitoring, abend resolution, change requests, work orders, maintenance activities.

 The user tickets involved resolving or providing work arounds to user issues like incorrect data in reports,
user interfaces, performing root cause analysis, requirement analysis of proposed user enhancements,
planning changes to mainframe batch schedules.

 Change requests / code changes –

a) To resolve an existing technical or logical bug in the code which is causing issues in production
b) Enhancements to existing functionality in the system. Small sized purely development projects on
mainframes. Estimating, planning, coding, testing of the new code going live in production.

 Participated in support of maintenance activities on mainframe servers –

a) Mainframe Preventive maintenance
b) DB2 database upgrade
c) Day light saving clock change
d) Mainframe server security certificate upgrade.

 Suggested and delivered continuous Improvements that have improved the mainframe batch process
performance, that have reduced the volume of manual work for the team, automation of manual support

 Worked on Kanban methodology

Most of these involved customer interaction, coordinating with other different teams working for the same client
and external third-party vendors. I have been a major contributor to resolving time critical and high impact
production issues.
I also received the ‘ACE (Accenture Celebrates Excellence)’ Award for being client centric in my work.
Role: Mainframe Team Lead
Duration: 2.5 years. (December 2015 to July 2018)

I have initially lead support team and then later on the development team for the same client. Team size was eight
to ten members.

My responsibilities as a Lead included –

 Ensuring Timely and quality delivery of tasks by the team.
 Managing and planning resources for shifts for daily support and weekend maintenance activities.
 Assigning tasks and providing technical/functional guidance to the team in their tasks.
 Keeping a check on aging tickets and backlog of open tickets.
 Reviewing & Approving time reports and vacation plans of resources in the team.
 Tracking and validating expenses claimed by team members.
 managing escalations and exit requests/resignations.
 Recommending trainings for team members
 Mentoring new joiners (experienced and freshers)
 Conducting Knowledge sharing activities for the team and at project level.
 Participation in the annual performance review activities.

Other contributions –
 Conducted interviews for new joiners on behalf of Accenture.
 Conducted mock internal information Security Audit at project level.
 Conducted mainframe JCL training for college campus recruits in Accenture.

Employer: iGATE Global Solutions Ltd , Mumbai (Formerly, Patni Computer Systems Limited)
Designation : Senior Software Engineer (SSE) , Software Engineer(SE)
Dates of employment : July 2010 till April 2014


Domain: Retail Distribution and Inventory Management application of Electrical Distribution Client.

Project Type: Development, Enhancement, Maintenance, Legacy Migration

Platform : Mainframes (COBOL, JCL, CICS, IDMS,DB2)

Role1: Application Developer , Requirement Analyst

Duration : 3 years , 4 months(July 2011 to October 2013)

Role2: Requirement Analyst

Duration: 6 months. (October 2013 to April 2014)

I have worked as a programmer on various medium and large scale software projects on COBOL, CICS & JCL for a
distribution based client. I worked on IDMS & DB2 databases to access data from the database and processing it as
per the requirement in programs written in COBOL. The entire work process essentially had to be in adherence to
project processes (SDLC) and also included maintenance of project /process specific documents. I worked on tasks
for development, enhancement & maintenance projects This also involved interaction with Client and/or onsite
coordinator regularly.

I have also worked on purely integration/system testing projects of mainframe applications which were developed
or changed by the client-side development teams. I have contributed in developing test case documents, test plans,
executing the test cases, reporting bugs in the quality management tools and closing them.
The tasks that I performed across all the above projects were one or more of the below –
a) Creation of New CICS Screens & coding new COBOL programs from the scratch driving them.
b) Enhancement of the Existing CICS Screens and/or their COBOL programs.
c) Changes in the JCL Procedures & JOBS.
d) Processing the Data in the Input/output Files/Datasets.
e) Displaying , Adding ,Deleting & Modifying the data in the Database on CICS screens.
f) Searching and preparing test data, manual database fixes, preparing data extract reports.
g) Changes in processing logic of existing COBOL programs
h)Creation, enhancement and maintenance of reports generated through mainframe batch processes.
i)Documentation – Technical & Functional specifications, Test Case documents, Test plans, Defect reports etc.
j) Ad hoc Requests from onshore/client.

My responsibilities in this role included –

1. Understanding the requirements of various tasks & project and act as a sole technical resource as well as a
significant contributor in delivery.
2. Interacting with the Onsite coordinators to better understand the project/task requirements
3. To comprehend the existing code and make client specified changes.
4. Timely delivery of all deliverables of the allocated task
5. Documentation adhering to each phase of the SDLC
6. Coding to implement the required functionality/ Enhancements in COBOL and JCL
7. Unit testing & Integration testing with teams working on other platforms like Java. for multi-platform projects.
8. Quality Analysis (QA) Support.

Role2: Requirement Analyst

Duration: 6 months. (October 2013 to April 2014)

I have also worked as a Requirement Analyst. It involved coordination from offshore to the Business Analyst located
at onsite, to research about the existing functionality of various elements in the system. Various tickets involving
issues reported by client and major enhancements required by the client were picked up for analysis by the
business analyst at onsite and allocated to offshore to build a picture of existing functionality in the System in terms
of the loop holes and special features of the functionality under focus.

The various kinds of tasks & responsibilities included –

a) Analysis of COBOL programs for functionality related to any particular display field on CICS screens, database
fields and their usage in the System, functionality related to any particular JCL or Procedure.
b) To comprehend the existing code and undertake requirement gathering for client specific changes to code
c) Use of OLQ for searching test data, manual database fixes , preparing data extract reports.
d) Suggesting Solutions to the Business Analyst on various issues & enhancements
e) Requirement gathering for small and medium sized projects on Mainframes
f) Writing one-time special run batch COBOL programs for extraction and/or update of multiple database fields.

Project Type: Legacy Application Migration

Role: Requirement Analyst
Platform: Mainframes (MF-COBOL, Unix, SQL)
Duration: 6 months. (April 2014 to October 2014)

Client: General Electric.

Domain: Billing Application of Electrical Distribution Client.

I got the opportunity to work on a Legacy modernization project which involved migration of an
existing billing process coded in MF-COBOL, Oracle and unix , into a new application in PL-SQL , C#.
I was the only COBOL resource in the team in a team of 10 Members

My responsibilities included –
a) Analysis of Large MF-COBOL programs to understand and document the business logic coded inside them.
b) Scheduling and attending extensive meetings with the client to discuss and verify the understanding of the
documented business logic.
c) Translate the business logic into common English so that the non-mainframe programmers can comprehend to it
d) Development of Functional specifications of the proposed migrated application for non-mainframe
e) Testing and verification of the functionalities in the new application developed by non-mainframe programmers.

Educational Qualification: -

Degree : Master of Science(MS) in Software Engineering

University : Birla Institute of Technology & Science(BITS), Pilani, Rajasthan, India.
Institution : BITS Pilani, Work Integrated Learning Programs Division.
Grade : CGPA 8.31 out of 10.
Month & Year of passing : June 2013

Degree : Bachelor of Engineering(BE) in Electronics

University : University of Mumbai.
Institution : NYSS Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli , New Mumbai, India.
Grade : First Class with Distinction (70.33%)
Month & Year of passing : June 2010

HSC from SIES College of Science & Arts, Sion west, Mumbai , Maharashtra, India
Subjects : English, Information Technology, Physics , Chemistry, Maths, Biology.
Grade : Distinction (PCM = 90.33%)
Month & Year of passing : February 2006

SSC from Little Flower Convent High School , Solapur , Maharashtra, India
Subjects : English, Hindi, Marathi, Maths, General Sciences, Social Sciences.
Grade : Distinction (87.33%)
Month & Year of passing : March 2004

 ITIL Foundation Training and certification in 2018
 Successfully completed the Level 1(Entry Level) Training & Examination in Mainframes involving

Passport - Valid

Other Personal Information: -

Languages known:
English (Read, write, speak & understand)
Hindi (Read, write, speak & understand)
Marathi (Read, write, speak & understand)
Kannada (Understand only)
Telegu (Understand only)

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