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Alpha-lipoic acid - The effect
Alpha-lipoic acid - the targeted effect in many diseases
Alpha-lipoic acid in diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as "diabetes disease", is a very
unpleasant and serious disease affecting about 8-10 million Germans.
Type 1 diabetes affects 10% of all diabetics and is caused by a lack of
hormone insulin, which is why this type of diabetes is also known as insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus. This disease starts at a very young age, usually
as early as childhood and adolescence.
Diabetes type 2, formerly also known as "non-insulin-dependent diabetes"or
"old-age diabetes", is a disease that affects mainly older people and does not
necessarily require insulin treatment. This type of diabetes affects about
90% of all diabetics. Environmental factors, obesity and rising sugar
consumption are claiming their victims, and more and more young people are
falling ill with type 2 diabetes.
Alpha lipoic acid can help with diabetes on several fronts:
Alpha lipoic acid has a positive effect on the use of glucose in the cell for
energy production
Alpha-lipoic acid activates the transport molecules Glut-1 and Glut-4, which
are also used to introduce glucose into the muscle cells, where it is then
used as energy*11. Furthermore, the degradation of these transport
molecules is prevented*12 and these mechanisms support the normalization
of our blood sugar level. Glucose uptake can thus be increased by > 50 %.*13
Studies have shown that alpha-lipoic acid leads to an improvement in insulin
Intravenous infusions with 600 mg and 1000 mg alpha-lipoic acid were able
to show an improvement in insulin sensitivity of 27% and 51% for type 2
diabetics compared to placebo, and oral administration of 1200 mg alpha-
lipoic acid per day over a period of 4 weeks for 20 type 2 diabetics showed a
significant improvement in glucose metabolism. Oral intake of alpha-lipoic
acid in doses of 600 mg / day, 1200 mg / day or 1800 mg / day over a period of
4 weeks led to an improvement of insulin sensitivity by 25%*15

Studies such as the "Rochester Diabetic Neuropathy Study" have shown that
one in two diabetics shows signs of neuropathy.
Alpha-lipoic acid has proved very effective in the treatment of diabetic
polyneuropathy. Metabolic changes in diabetes can lead to functional failures
of nerves such as numbness, discomfort, tingling, pain, burning (e. g. diabetic
foot) and reflex failure. Increased intake of alpha-lipoic acid can increase
energy metabolism and unblock enzymes, leading to improved nerve
conduction in diabetics. Nagamatsu was able to prove in his studies in 1995
that alpha-lipoic acid improves signal transmission and nerve blood flow.16
Alpha lipoic acid is officially approved and scientifically proven as a
therapeutic agent in Germany for this purpose.*17
It is well known that the replacement diseases of diabetes are caused by
free radicals, or at least favoured. As THE antioxidant par excellence, it plays
the key role in antioxidation and thus helps to prevent or reduce the
replacement symptoms of diabetes. In 20-40% of diabetics, heart problems
manifest themselves that increase the mortality rate. Studies have shown
that alpha-lipoic acid has a positive effect on these disease
The following table documents the therapeutic benefit of alpha-lipoic acid in
diabetes mellitus:
Optimization of glucose uptake into the muscle cell, where it is then
Optimization of glucose utilization
Improvement of insulin sensitivity
Neutralisation of free radicals, which lead to secondary diseases in diabetes
Increase in the glutathione level, which is low in the case of diabetes
blood flow improvement
Protection against typical cardiovascular problems with diabetes
Protection against neurological failures such as diabetic polyneuropathy
Improvement of nerve conductivity
Protection against degradation of vitamin C, which is stolen by increased
blood sugar
Protection of blood vessels
Improvement of the blood circulation of nerves
Protection against diabetes-typical cataracts (gray cataract)
Counteracts circulatory disturbances
Growth promotion of peripheral nerve cells
Interception of metal ions that lead to oxidative stress

As a rule, diabetics usually receive a dose of 600 - 900 mg of lipoic acid per
day as part of their therapy programme. The dosage should be discussed with
the treating physician, as it is to be assumed that the dose of the required
inuslin can be reduced! The DDG (German Diabetes Society) expressly
recommends alpha-lipoic acid. In the treatment of diabetes, alpha-lipoic acid
seems to provide excellent services!
Alpha-lipoic acid prevents arteriosclerosis and protects against
cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke.
Cardiovascular diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in industrialised
countries, accounting for about 50% of all deaths! It has been proven that in
almost all cases this is preceded by a pathological process known as
Arteriosclerosis is characterized by plaque deposits on the inner vascular
skin and gradual sclerosis (calcification of the arteries) and obstruction of
this. If the blood flow to the heart is stopped due to such constipation, the
heart does not get oxygen and parts of the heart muscle die - it is also called
heart attack.
If it is a cerebral artery that has been blocked due to arteriosclerosis and
prevents blood flow to the brain, it is called stroke or stroke.
Since the process of atherosclerosis is very protracted and creeping,
prevention is the most important requirement in order not to be among the
50% of Germans who die from cardiovascular disease!
Here it is important to exploit all conceivable protective factors against
artheriosclerosis. Alpha- lipoic acid is also a true master in this field!
Studies have shown that alpha-lipoic acid inhibits the production of many
factors that lead to arteriosclerosis.*19
Alpha-lipoic acid prevents heart attack and alleviates the consequences
Alpha-lipoic acid prevents the effects of stroke / stroke
Alpha-lipoic acid for cataract and eye problems
The following table explains the preventive and therapeutic effects of alpha-
lipoic acid on cataracts:
Increase in glutathione level
Protection against harmful glycoproteins, the so-called AGEs
Protection against attacks of free radicals
Protection of the eye lens structure against the destruction of metals such as
Alpha-lipoic acid in Alzheimer's disease and dementia

Alpha-lipoic acid increases learning performance and increases the ability to

Alpha-lipoic acid in cancer
Alpha-lipoic acid in hepatitis C
Alpha-lipoic acid in HIV/AIDS
What is DMSO?
It is the abbreviation for DiMethylSulfOxid, it is a transparent, odourless
liquid, which is today extracted from wood as a natural substance. It
originates from the paper industry. DMSO was first discovered when the
operators of paper mills wondered why their workers so often held their
hands in the solution. The hands enjoyed excellent health.
It is completely non-toxic and heals wounds 2-3 times faster. It works for 6
DMSO is contained in every pain ointment. In the past, this was the main
component of the ointment, but it was lowered more and more, so that now
there is only a minimal component in the ointments. According to the
industry, it is now possible to sell more ointments.
There are about 11,000 studies worldwide and about 40,000 articles on the
positive effects of DMSO. (It's unbelievable that the pharmaceutical industry
suppresses knowledge so much.
This liquid has a lot of intrinsic value, because in countless scientific and
medical examinations that have been carried out decades ago, it astonished
by a multitude of healing effects on humans and animals. It can be taken over
the skin, as a diluted solution for drinking or by injection/infusion. It has been
used therapeutically since 1960.
However, most of the DMSO consumed in the body is gradually converted into
so-called organic sulphur (MSM). This substance (as described in the article
MSM) even has extremely positive effects on the body and is very often used
for joint problems. In summary, DMSO can be described as effective
regeneration, rapid balancing and natural "repair". One can give DMSO the
name "universal medicine"
Ambrotose GANS
Ambrotose® Complex
It contains all eight biologically active and thus vital sugars. It is needed for
the production of glycoproteins, but it does not replace vitamins, minerals or
the necessary generous drinking of water! Ambrotose Complex provides for
optimal cell communication;
optimal organ and gland functions and
supports the immune and hormonal system.

As already mentioned, a weakened immune system can overreact. It then

attacks its own healthy body cells - the result: autoimmune diseases.
However, it can also cause lameness and allow diseased cells to proliferate.
This then leads to cancer.
The mixture of glyconutrients in the Ambrotose Complex is tuned to
modulate the immune system - either slowing down or boosting, depending
on what is needed until the immune system works perfectly.
Although other sugar preparations are available on the market, Ambrotose is
unique in the world. The process, with which all essential sugars from the
aloe vera plant are extracted and stably processed, is patented. In addition,
ten sugars are processed so that the eight essential sugars can be
completely absorbed by the body. No other company can offer this!
Then he gives us another "last thought":"Even if your doctor's diagnosis and
statement confirmed that you are completely healthy, do not stop taking
glycine nutrients. The stress attacks on our bodies become more aggressive
every year. It is vital to be proactive. Give your body the building blocks it
needs for its diverse tasks in all areas. This information is of a general nature
and in no way replaces the recommendations and advice of a physician
familiar with glycine nutrients,"warns Dr. Nugent. "If your doctor is unfamiliar
with the science and use of glycine nutrients, he or she lacks the objective
basis for making a decision. It would be pointless to ask this doctor if you
should take glycine nutrients.
Glyconutrients are unique,"said Dr. Nugent,"because they are needed for
every single cell in the body. Nevertheless, they are not medicinal
substances. Without glycine nutrients, the body is not able to perform the
functions that it must and can perform by nature. The already documented
reports are versatile and cover a wide range of life factors from stress to
cancer. The human body will correct itself if it has the tools that correspond
to its nature."
Astragralus GANS
Heart protecting

relieving from stress

Astragralus activated
stem cells
Reproduction of interferon production
the T-cells the natural killer cells
Furthermore, Astragralus activates the function
the adrenal cortex and also supports the immune system through it.
Astragralus is also effective
loss of appetite
Chronic fatigue
shortness of breath
predisposition to colds
puffiness in front of everyone's face
Diarrhoea diarrhea liquid stool
Bloody Chair
Genital bleeding
anal prolapse
Stomach Prolapse
Uterine prolapse uterine prolapse
Astrargalus is always used for the following diseases and conditions
All diseases associated with a weak immune system

Diseases associated with a virus

heart disease and cardiac insufficiency
liver diseases
kidney diseases
nerve disorders
All forms of allergy
All inflammatory diseases arthritis and so on
Infertility (Male Intertillity)
Autoimmune diseases e. g. lupus
digestive weakness
hormonal imbalances
numbness paralysis of limbs
Diabetes mellitus and better late follow up
chronic nephritis
Chronic fatigue syndrome
album inturia
Excerpt from the book CODEX HUMANUS by ROBERT FRANZ
Chaga mushroom powder, Chaga mushroom extract, Astragalus extract,
ginger root extract, grape seed extract, curcuma, vitamin C, black pepper


Field horsetail GANS
Field horsetail ingredients
tanning agents
minerals such as potassium
bitter substances
The high content of silica makes the horsetail very valuable for middle-aged
and older women. Women with weak connective tissue and/or vein problems
will find help from nature in the horsetail tea. In this way they also
strengthen their bones and promote the elasticity of their skin, among other
things also good for the skin.
Connective tissue,
skin and hair
and hard substances such as bones, teeth and nails.
strengthens the connective tissue
promotes hair and nail growth
supporting wound healing
stimulating the metabolism.


Agnihotra Ash
A gold mine of minerals and trace elements
In the 1980s, a scientist from the former Yugoslavia carried out research on
Agnihotra and ashes. He noted that the Agnihotra ash contained 90 elements
of the periodic table in a harmonic relationship. These are the most naturally
occurring elements of nature. The documents of these investigations were
unfortunately lost in the turmoil of the war at that time and a new
examination which would confirm this statement could not be financed so
But we at least had the ashes examined in a soil laboratory in Allensbach for
the elements which are of great importance for agriculture.
. Ash from Agnihotra was tested only with cow dung (ash1) and ashes where
the Agnihotra was carried out with birch sticks and cow dung (ash 2). The
results are shown in the picture. The study shows that ash 1 has been used
only for cow dung, contains a greater amount of phosphorus potassium and
magnesium than ash 2, and the pH value indicator of whether something is
acid neutral or basic is almost identical for both of them.
Radiesthetic measurements of the ashes showed predominantly that the
light energy of the Agnihotra ashes, similar to the Agnihotra ash itself,
exceeds the maximum values of the scales used. The ashes of OM
Tryambakam Yagna were slightly below the maximum value of the Vyähruti
ash showed a little less. Of course, measurements were again carried out by
different people using different measuring methods.
For a long time, scientists thought that they had discovered the basis of any
matter with atoms or electrons. But then came the quantum physicists who
suspected that vibration or the zero point energy described in the last
chapter is responsible for it. There are people who take this last insight very
literally and say to themselves when the basic substance of April for example
is light energy, why then eat the apple? They practice certain exercises and
imagine themselves with breathing does not absorb energy to maintain their
body. They do not carry their body any more food to some already for many
years yet they live on. One can now ask oneself what is more important for
humans, animal and plant: are the nutrients and trace elements the basis for
growth? Or is it the light energy without which would not exist? However this
answer turns out to be with Agnihotra and the ashes both areas are covered
Excerpt from the book Agnihotra Origin Practice and Applications by Horst
and Birgit Heigl
Astaxanthin GANS
Astaxanthin (Natural) - The strongest antioxidant in the world

In an experiment, the antioxidant effect of astaxanthin should be compared

with that of vitamin E - a very powerful antioxidant, as we know. Astaxanthin
was found to be 550 times stronger than vitamin E in terms of neutralizing
active and reactive singlet oxygen.
(Shimidzu et al., 1996). Compared to beta-carotene, astaxanthin was still 11
times stronger in the same experimental set-up. Lutein is a bioactive plant
substance, which has recently become more and more well-known due to its
excellent effect on the eyes. It is also considered to be an extremely
powerful antioxidant. But lutein was also tripled by astaxanthin.
A second study tested the ability of various antioxidants to eliminate free
radicals. Vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene and astaxanthin, among others,
entered the race. Astaxanthin was almost 20 times better than vitamin E,
more than 50 times better than beta-carotene and more than 60 times
stronger than vitamin C (Bagchi, 2001, Creighton University).
Is astaxanthin a miracle cure?
Often people react incredulously when in connection with some natural
substances such as astaxanthin a great variety of wonderful effects are
listed. How can one and the same substance have an effect on eye problems,
make the joints painless, spice up athletes and at the same time protect the
skin from the sun?
The answer is simple: many complaints have the same cause (oxidative
stress and/or inflammation). They only show up in different parts of the body
because each person has different weaknesses.
If the eyes, the skin, the joints, yes, every single body cell is threatened by
oxidative stress and inflammation, then it is only understandable if they can
all be jointly protected by one and the same substance - one that can reduce
or eliminate oxidative stress and inflammation.
Astaxanthin inhibits inflammation
Acute inflammations are very important. They show that our immune system
is currently fighting a troublemaker, which - if everything works out - should
sooner or later lead to recovery. Inflammations are thus life-saving
components of a healing process.
However, if inflammations become chronic, this is a sign of imbalance in the
body. This imbalance can have various causes. These include an
unfavourable diet, a disharmonious acid-base balance, poor intestinal health,
permanent stress and at the same time a massive lack of antioxidants (and
other bioactive micronutrients).
Chronic inflammations can lead to serious tissue damage throughout the
entire body, which in turn manifests itself in many of today's all too well-
known manifestations, such as arthritis, asthma, Crohn's disease or
glaucoma. Meanwhile, diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's
disease, colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, strokes, diabetes,
arteriosclerosis, prostate enlargement and many other diseases are also
associated with chronic inflammatory processes.
Astaxanthin has a strong anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the activity of
many inflammatory messengers in the body. It can therefore be an enormous
help for chronic inflammatory diseases. Chronic inflammatory diseases do
not develop overnight.
They develop slowly and often unnoticed. One speaks here of so-called
"silent" inflammations. Silent inflammations differ from acute inflammations
in that they are not perceived by the person

affected because they are (temporarily) symptomless. Only after many years
or decades do you suddenly feel the above mentioned diseases as a
consequence of silent inflammation.
Inflammation seems to be a kind of mass phenomenon in today's world, so
that nearly most of the health problems of modern humans should urgently
be treated with measures that, like astaxanthin, can fight chronic
inflammatory processes without side effects. (Underwood, A. 2005)
Astaxanthin for arthritis and arthrosis
Many patients are now taking chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine for joint
problems - in the hope of promoting their cartilage health. Astaxanthin can
replace both: More than 80 percent of arthritis patients experienced a
significant improvement in their symptoms in a study with astaxanthin
(Guerin et al., 2002; Guerin et al., 2003).
Even after decades of arthrosis or arthritis, there is relief. Patients report
fewer pains, less stiffness and a reduction in the number of drugs taken so
far. However, in chronic diseases, however, an effect generally only occurs
after 4 to 8 weeks of astaxanthin intake.
Astaxanthin in carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome, which is all too often treated unsatisfactorily in
conventional medicine, also reacts to treatment with astaxanthin. Dr. Gene
Spiller Ph. D. from the Health Research and Studies Center in California
conducted a study of carpal tunnel syndrome patients and astaxanthin.
It was shown that both the intensity and frequency of pain had already been
reduced after four weeks and a further significant improvement could be
observed after eight weeks of astaxanthin intake. (Nir and Spiller, 2002a)
Astaxanthin as natural sun protection
Even sunburn is an inflammation, which is why astaxanthin can be used to
prevent it. While sunscreen creams have to be constantly applied, all too
often contain questionable ingredients and furthermore inhibit the formation
of vitamin D in the skin, astaxanthin protects the skin from the inside against
UV radiation - just as it does with algae.
In one study, the intensity of UV radiation needed to trigger a sunburn was
The subjects were then given 4 milligrams of natural astaxanthin per day for
two weeks and were then exposed to UV radiation again. It was found that
the duration of UV irradiation, which was necessary to cause sunburn among
the participants, had statistically increased significantly in the meantime.
Please note that two weeks is a very short period of time. The sun protection
produced by astaxanthin increases with every week, as the substance has to
accumulate and accumulate in the body and skin cells (Lorenz, T. 2002).
In general, it is recommended to take 4 milligrams daily over a period of 4
weeks (e. g. before the holiday) in order to achieve good sun protection.
Astaxanthin supports the immune system

At the same time, astaxanthin supports the immune system in many different
ways, as demonstrated by a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
conducted by Dr. Chew. Astaxanthin promotes the formation of killer cells
and enhances their performance (Chew et al., 2003).
Astaxanthin makes beautiful
When free radicals attack skin and muscle cells, this leads to wrinkles,
reduced skin elasticity and sagging muscles. When free radicals attack the
cells of the retina, eye diseases are the result. If free radicals damage the
energy supply centres in our cells (mitochondria), then it makes us weak,
tired, less efficient and even shortens our lifetime.
Antioxidants such as astaxanthin slow down all these ageing processes by
eliminating free radicals and ensure healthy, radiant eyes, smooth, elastic
skin full of elasticity and vibrant radiance.
There are three studies on astaxanthin's extremely positive effects on the
appearance of humans. Various combinations of dietary supplements and
their effects on the human appearance were investigated. All combinations
contained astaxanthin, while the other dietary supplements were omega-3
fatty acids and vitamin E.
In one of these trials, the participants (they were all female and their average
age was 40 years) were given 2 milligrams of astaxanthin daily. At the very
beginning, the test subjects' skin was examined and then, after two and four
weeks, the skin was re-examined in order to detect possible changes.
The results were impressive: already after the first two weeks, improvements
in seven areas of the skin's appearance could be observed. After another two
weeks, dry skin had already changed so much that it now had a higher
moisture content, fewer fine wrinkles, fewer pimples and a more even fat
The participants themselves reported less swelling under the eyes and
increased skin elasticity. The control group showed no improvement in the
same period (Yamashita, E. 2002; Tominaga, K. 2012).
Astaxanthin protects against heart disease
But what good is a youthful appearance if the heart suffers? Don't worry: the
antioxidant and anti- inflammatory effect of astaxanthin also takes care of it.
It ensures that the sensitive heart vessels can relax. This improves blood
flow, lowers blood pressure and reduces inflammation, thereby minimizing
the risk of potentially fatal arterial constipation (embolization, thrombosis,
heart attack, stroke). (Nakagawa, K. et al., 2011)
Astaxanthin for more fertility
Spermatozoa are also at risk of oxidative stress. Not least for this reason,
their quality and thus the fertility of many men in the industrialized countries
is decreasing. In a placebo-controlled study with 20 couples with an
unfulfilled desire to have children, the researchers wanted to find out
whether astaxanthin could also reduce the oxidative stress of male sperm

The couples concerned tried to become pregnant for at least 12 months and
suffered from the poor semen quality of the man in question. After men had
taken 16 milligrams of astaxanthin daily for only three months, half of the
couples were already happy about a pregnancy.
In order to substantiate these obvious successes with measurement results,
the scientists massed the oxidation activity in the sperm cells and found that
it was lower in the astaxanthin group than in the placebo group. The motility,
speed and morphology of the spermatozoa in astaxanthin men had also
improved (Comhaire, F. and Mahmoud, A. 2003; Comhaire et al., 2005).
Read also: Compensating testosterone deficiency with astaxanthin
Astaxanthin in cancer
More than 200 studies have already shown that a diet rich in antioxidants (e.
g. beta-carotene) can have extremely beneficial effects on cancer (e. g.
Moorhead et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 1999; Holick et al., 2002; Rock, C. 2003
etc.). However, if beta-carotene can prevent cancer and astaxanthin can be
up to 50 times stronger than beta-carotene, then it is suspected that
astaxanthin could also be a stronger agent for the prevention of cancer.
Looking at the mode of action of astaxanthin alone shows that there is an
enormous potential hidden against the development of cancer:
Astaxanthin has extreme antioxidative powers
Astaxanthin inhibits inflammation
Astaxanthin strengthens the immune system
Astaxanthin can improve the ability to communicate between cells and thus
reduce the spread of cancer cells (Bertram, J. 1999
Astaxanthin in diabetes
In the area of diabetes prophylaxis and treatment, no clinical studies have
yet been conducted in humans. However, after a 12-week treatment with
astaxanthin, diabetic mice showed a lower blood sugar level than the non-
diabetic control group (Uchiyama et al., 2002).
One of the most feared long-term consequences of diabetes is diabetic
nephropathy, a pathological and progressive change in the kidneys, which
can lead to renal failure requiring dialysis. In this area, animal experiments
also yielded astonishing results.
Astaxanthin has significantly slowed the development of diabetic
nephropathy in rodents with type 2 diabetes. These results indicate that the
antioxidative power of astaxanthin can reduce oxidative stress in the kidneys
and prevent renal cell damage (Naito et al., 2004).
Astaxanthin supports detoxification
The liver is our most important detoxification organ. However, their
detoxification activity automatically leads to free radicals. The more the
organism suffers from environmental toxins, poor nutrition, medication, etc.,
the more the liver has to detoxify and the more free radicals are created.
The oxidative stress in the liver can thus become very high and the liver cells
therefore depend on a sufficient supply of antioxidants. Otherwise, the liver
is weakened by permanent oxidation

processes, its detoxification capacity decreases (which leads to a strain on

the whole organ) and in extreme cases, liver cancer develops.
In one study, the protective effect of astaxanthin compared to vitamin E on
rat liver cells was investigated. Astaxanthin not only proved to be a much
more powerful antioxidant, but also motivated the liver to produce certain
enzymes that were able to protect it from liver cancer (Kurashige et al., 1990
and Gradelet et al., 1998).
Astaxanthin protects the eyes
Meanwhile, most eye diseases are also thought to be the result of excessive
oxidation processes and/or chronic or dumb inflammations. This includes the
following complaints:
Glaucoma (green cataract)
Cataract (gray cataract)
blockage of retinal arteries
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
In order to reduce the oxidative processes and inflammatory processes in the
eye and at the same time in the brain, a supply of sufficient antioxidants is of
utmost importance. However, since many antioxidants cannot penetrate into
the brain, let alone into the eyes, the choice should be made for an
antioxidant that - in contrast to other carotenoids such as beta-carotene or
lycopene - can overcome the blood-brain barrier or the blood retina barrier,
such as astaxanthin (Tso et al., 1996).
Astaxanthin protects the eye on several levels. On the one hand, astaxanthin
prevents damage caused by UV radiation, on the other hand, it promotes
blood circulation in the eye and thirdly, it protects the photoreceptor cells
and ganglion cells (especially nerve cells in the retina of the eye, which
transmit visual information via the optic nerve to the brain) from damage
caused by inflammation and oxidative stress.
In the case of eye pain and dry eyes, 6 milligrams of astaxanthin, taken over
a period of four weeks, have already helped to noticeably reduce the
symptoms (Shiratori et al., 2005; Nagaki et al., 2006).
Officially, circulatory disorders are the cause of many eye problems such as
glaucoma. An intact blood flow to the eye and the retina is therefore one of
the basic prerequisites for optimal visual acuity.
A study investigated whether astaxanthin could increase blood flow in the
small blood vessels of the retina. 36 people were divided into two groups, 18
received 6 milligrams of natural astaxanthin per day, the other 18 received a
placebo. After only four weeks, the researchers found that the treatment
group had improved blood flow compared to the placebo group (Yasunori, N.
In macular degeneration, for example, astaxanthin should be supported by
other vital substances. They all reinforce each other's effects and also cover
all the areas needed to block macular degeneration. The summary of all
holistic measures for macular degeneration can be found here: Macular
degeneration - Holistic measures
Astaxanthin works against Alzheimer's disease

At the same time, astaxanthin inhibits the development of Alzheimer's

disease. Because of its ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier,
astaxanthin can protect the brain directly by protecting the brain and nerve
cells from oxidative stress, i. e. free radicals.
Meaningful research published in the British Journal of Nutrition magazine
showed that natural astaxanthin (6-12 milligrams per day over 12 weeks) can
reduce PLOOH levels in the blood by 50 percent, making it suitable for the
prevention of Alzheimer's disease. PLOOH stands for phospholipid
hyperoxide. If the PLOOH value in the blood is elevated, this fact is regarded
as a sign of Alzheimer's disease. (Nakagawa, K. et al., 2011)
Astaxanthin for athletes
Do you like sports or do you often work in the garden? You want more power?
More stamina? Faster regeneration? Less muscle soreness and joint
problems? Then you need more antioxidants.
Physical exertion automatically causes oxidation processes. Free radicals
develop. The more strenuous the activity, the greater the amount of free
radicals. In endurance sports, for example, oxygen consumption can increase
by 70 percent and the amount of radicals formed can increase by a factor of
12 compared to the resting state.
If there are no or too few antioxidants present, the risk of tissue damage,
sore muscles, injuries, premature fatigue, joint problems etc. increases. But if
one of the strongest antioxidants, astaxanthin, is in the muscles, then
oxidation is prevented and gigantic performances can be achieved.
Achievements such as salmon, which seem almost unattainable to us.
In addition, astaxanthin was found to lower lactate levels in the muscles. It is
well known that lactate (lactic acid) is an undesirable product that can occur
during physical exertion in the muscles, makes you tired and causes a
burning sensation. If you want to enjoy sporting success, the lactate level
should remain as low as possible.
In a clinical study in Japan, the test persons (20-year-old men) were divided
into two groups. The treatment group took 6 milligrams of natural
astaxanthin daily for four weeks. The control group understandably nothing.
At the end of the astaxanthin month, lactate levels were determined in both
groups before and two minutes after a 1200-meter run. The benefit of
astaxanthin was obvious: the treatment group had an average lactate level
28.6 percent lower after the run compared to the control group (Sawaki et al.,
Astaxanthin in tennis elbow
Astaxanthin can also be used to solve problems caused by excessive strain
during exercise more quickly than usual. Tennis elbow ", for example, is an
inflammation of the tendons or tendon attachments at the elbow. Since
inflammation is the speciality of astaxanthin, the symptoms of tennis elbow
deteriorate much faster with astaxanthin than without (Spiller et al., 2006b).
Astaxanthin for stomach problems
Together with vitamin C, astaxanthin can also be helpful in infections with
Helicobacter pylori. The gastric bacterium is thought to be responsible for
inflammation of the gastric mucosa as well as duodenum and stomach
ulcers, including gastric cancer.

The combination of astaxanthin-vitamin C had reduced the number of

bacteria in studies and additionally reduced the inflammation of the gastric
mucosa, so that astaxanthin could be used for appropriate infections.
Astaxanthin for pets
Already some years ago, when it turned out that under the influence of
astaxanthin the endurance and efficiency of athletes could be increased,
sled dog handlers in Alaska administered their dogs astaxanthin. After all,
these dogs were also real athletes who had to cope with the extreme
physical demands of hard work at freezing temperatures.
Sledding is endurance sport and, as with any endurance sport, large amounts
of free radicals are produced here too, which automatically results in an
increased need for antioxidants. As a result, astaxanthin can make dogs -
just like humans and salmon - healthier and more efficient and reduce their
oxidative stress caused by physical exertion (Baskin et al., 2000).
. natural and synthetic astaxanthin
Today, astaxanthin is obtained from various sources:
Natural astaxanthin obtained from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis,
which is the highest quality astaxanthin with the highest antioxidant
Natural astaxanthin obtained from foodstuffs such as salmon
Synthetic astaxanthin
Astaxanthin obtained from the genetically modified yeast Phaffia rhodozyma.
Synthetic astaxanthin is produced from petroleum in a complicated process
and is the most widely sold form of astaxanthin in the world today. However,
it is not sold for humans, but for fish or other farm animals and pets (e. g.
chickens for colouring the egg yolk).
If you buy salmon that is not clearly labelled as "wild salmon" or "with
natural dye", it will be fed with synthetic astaxanthin. In breeding farms
there is no food suitable for the species and therefore no astaxanthin-
containing microalgae for the animals, but the salmon should still be pink
(otherwise it will not be bought) and synthetic astaxanthin is a quick and
cheap remedy.
If the salmon has been fed with natural astaxanthin according to the
declaration, it is possible that it has actually received high-quality
astaxanthin from microalgae. Much more likely, however, is that it is the
astaxanthin from the genetically modified yeast Phaffia, as it is significantly
cheaper than the algal astaxanthin.
Natural astaxanthin is more effective
Although synthetic astaxanthin has the same chemical formula as natural
astaxanthin, the two forms are different. On the one hand in its shape and on
the other hand in its effect. Natural astaxanthin extracted from the
microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis contains not only astaxanthin, but the
total complex of those substances that make up the algae to ensure their
This complex consists of 85 percent astaxanthin, 4 percent lutein, 6 percent
beta-carotene and 5 percent canthaxanthin. The accompanying substances
have a synergistic effect, i. e. they enhance

the effect of astaxanthin and thus turn natural astaxanthin into a much more
effective antioxidant than synthetic astaxanthin. However, natural
astaxanthin from microalgae accounts for less than 1 percent of the global
astaxanthin market.
Does astaxanthin have side effects?
Some basically great antioxidants can sometimes harm the body by suddenly
causing oxidative stress instead of eliminating it. These critical antioxidants
include beta-carotene, lycopene and zeaxanthine (Martin et al., 1999). Even
such common antioxidants as vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc can also cause
oxidative stress.
They say they're prooxidative. This is the case if they are administered in
large quantities in synthetic form and as individual substances. In the so-
called Finland study, for example, this could be observed beautifully. There,
strong smokers with synthetic beta-carotene should be protected against
lung cancer. The opposite was the case. The cancer rate even increased.
Astaxanthin, on the other hand, never has a prooxidative effect due to its
special molecular structure. (Beutner et al., 2000), is thus also far superior to
other carotenoids and antioxidants in this respect.
Annona muricata (graviola)
Alpinia officinarum (Galanga)
Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot)
Larrea tridentada (Chaparral)
Treatment of breast and skin cancer in the 21st century with an alternative
diagnostic ointment
The "Black Ointment" is a newly discovered but well-tried "ointment", which
unfortunately was forgotten.
Learn more about an alternative cancer diagnosis that has no side effects.
The word "ointment" is immediately thought of as a medical cream for the
treatment of cancer. However, the "black ointment" is a diagnosis of whether
you have cancer or not.
Simply apply the "Black Ointment" to the suspected cancer site for 24 hours.
Then you can wash the ointment with warm water"If you are expecting
something "special", you might be disappointed. Most people don't feel
anything for the first few days. The detection of suspected breast or skin
cancer often takes place in the
Tissue depth.

Within approx. 14 days the cancer will fall out of the skin. Now you know it
was a malignant tumor.
How does the "black ointment"work?
The "black ointment" has a selective effect on degenerated cancer cells.
Healthy skin is not affected.
Once a cancerous ulcer has formed, the cancer cells are separated from the
healthy skin and the diseased tissue detaches and falls out of the skin.
Scientific investigations
The diagnostic procedure with the "black ointment" for breast and skin
cancer is a purely empirical procedure and not a medical procedure. We
therefore always advise you to consult your doctor. The "black ointment" can
be included as an alternative diagnostic method for medical treatment as a
"second option".
What if I don't notice?
If the ointment does not have any effect on you, it was probably not a
cancerous ulcer.
What types of cancer can I diagnose?
With the "black ointment" method, you can only diagnose skin cancers that
are located on - or not too deep below the skin surface.
How does the method work?
Apply the "black ointment" in the morning after showering on the suspected
cancer spot and leave the ointment there for 24 hours. The next morning,
wash off the ointment. As a rule, they do not need to repeat the procedure.
Different reactions can now occur, whereby the cancerous tissue is
separated from the healthy tissue. Some feel tingling, others a burning
sensation or sometimes even pain. It can also happen that you will not feel
anything, but that doesn't mean that nothing happens.
The result usually shows up within 14 days when the diseased tissue falls out
of the skin.
What's "Black Ointment"?
"Black ointment" is a vegetable product and has been used for more than 100

Legal advice: If you are suspected of breast or skin cancer, always consult a
doctor. "Black ointment" is not a clinical diagnostic procedure. It is based
exclusively on the empirical experience of people who have successfully
applied "black ointment" in the last 10 years and whose information we want
to pass on here only for informative purposes, and not for the treatment of
breast or skin cancer.
Sync by honeybunny
Brain &Memory Tonic GANS
Brain & Memory Tonic
supports healthy brain function, memory & concentration
Proprietary extract blend:
Gotu Kola herb (Centella asiatica) 1
Ginkgo ginkgo leaf (Ginkgo biloba) 1
Skull cap Blossom weed (Scutellaria lateriflora) 1 F
sage leaf (Salvia officinalis) 1
Rosemary leaf-like twig (Rosmarinus officinalis) 1 F
Additional ingredients:
Certified organic alcohol, distilled water & vegetable glycerine. GLUTENFREE
& GMO-free
1 Certified organically grown
F Fresh (not dried)
All herbs of this formula are extracted individually to ensure a broad
spectrum of therapeutic plant substances.
By Dr. Peter Hartig
contains the OPC from pine bark extract
Eucalyptus oil can support the function of the respiratory tract
free of lactose, yeast and gluten

Pine bark extract with OPC, anise powder, peppermint powder, gelatine
(capsule coating), golden herb extract, andrographite extract, hyssop extract,
camphor powder, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, piperine from pepper extract.
in the cultivation method of Dr. Hans Müller, Großhöchstetten
In organic-biological agriculture and horticulture, basalt flour, the dust of a
volcanic primary rock, is our most important helper. As the basic substance
of the earth, it contributes to the regeneration and revaluation of the soil.
However, only the basalt dust ensures rapid decomposition and increased
exchanger function due to the large surface area. The size of the surface
grows many times over with the smallness of the grains.
The finer the flour, the more effective it is. 75% of the material shall be less
than 0.1 mm, 50% less than 0.6 mm and 0% greater than 1 mm ".
(Docent Dr. Erich Zirkl, Graz University of Technology).
The weathering rate of the basalt is relatively low. The last decay product of
basalt is of a basic nature, caused by the predominant limestone feldspars,
and binds the living substance in the soil as a clay element. This requires an
increase in fertility.
The basalt flour loosens up the soil so that the organic fertilizer can reach a
better physical structure. Due to the improved crumb structure, the soil can
be warmed up more easily. Furthermore, it also has an inhibitory effect on
every decay process in the earth.
Important trace elements for the soil
However, it should be particularly emphasised that the basalt flour provides
the soil with many of the most essential trace elements in a natural form
(copper, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, titanium, strontium, barium, banadium,
gallium, lead, silver and sulphur). Boron is present in insufficient quantity or
not at all. Cheap borates should be added, 50 g to 100 g per tonne). How
important they are for the healthy growth of plants, animals and humans has
long been proven, just as healthy and vigorous plants are not attacked by
pests to the extent that they are sickly.
Application of basalt flour

Basalt flour can be used all year round, regardless of the season, as well as
before ploughing to ensure good mixing in the soil.
The farmer uses the basalt flour best already in the stable. It is spread on the
bedding or on the manure plates. This binds the harmful ammonia and thus
achieves better stable air. The animals become healthier.
The manure is enriched with trace elements, looser, does not get greasy, rots
easily and does not rot, it can be distributed better with the manure
spreader, becomes more extensive, and therefore a larger area can be
fertilised with this noble manure.
Stone flour can also be spread directly on fields, pastures and meadows (400
kg to 600 kg per hectare).
During the conversion of a farm from the fertilizer industry to organic farming
The intensive use of basalt flour is the first and most important measure in
organic farming. The appearance of white clover is the first sign of soil
recovery. It usually occurs after one year. Stone flour should also be added to
the liquid manure before spreading. Where this is not possible, stone flour
should be sprinkled on the deserted areas immediately afterwards. For the
supply of forest soils with trace elements, a single dose of 8 - 15 tons can be
Various scientists recommend 0.1 kg to 1 kg of basalt flour per tree hole
when planting. In the garden, the basalt flour is sprinkled on the beds, under
bushes, trees and when building the compost heap. When incorporating green
manure plants, the basalt flour should also be raked in.
At the beginning of the conversion, up to 10 kg are applied on 100 m2. Later
the amount can be reduced to 5 kg. Potato cultivation is best done already in
autumn and when planting the tubers they should be well pollinated again.
In order to control fungal diseases, it is advisable to finely sprinkle the
potato cabbage, tomato herb, lettuce plants, berry leaves and fruit trees with
primary rock flour every 3 to 4 weeks.
The use of basalt flour (primary rock flour) should not be interrupted in
organic biological agriculture and horticulture. There should always be a
sufficient supply to ensure that our soil has this vital addition.
Martin Ganitzer
Mugwort - Lady's herb & Digestive elixir
Among the most important ingredients of mugwort are sesquiterpenlactones
- certain bitter substances - and essential oil with the main ingredients
camphor and thujone.
It is these substances that are responsible for the main properties of
mugwort: they stimulate appetite, promote digestion, anthelmintic,
antispasmodic, antibacterial and diuretic; they stimulate the uterus, promote
blood circulation and bile flow and relax tired feet. The mugwort applications
are therefore extremely diverse:

stomach and intestinal problems

loss of appetite
worm infestation
gall disease
colic (also the bile)
water retention
asthma (since mugwort has an antispasmodic effect)
menstrual problems (lack of pain and painful menstruation)
circulatory disturbances (cold hands and feet)
Mugwort - Wear under the waistband when abdominal cramps occur.
In the case of mugwort, too, it has long since become clear that the theory of
signatures has also proved to be correct, because mugwort contains
substances that stimulate the uterus and can thus promote menstruation as
well as accelerate childbirth. The mugwort is said to have a good effect even
s mpfe. o that - according to knowledgeable herbal healers - it is enough to
simply wear a twig of mugwort under the waistband for menstrual problems -
and the pain and cramps are already softening.
There are many traditional areas of application for nettle. However, it has
been scientifically proven that nettle can alleviate arthrosis, arthritis,
prostate problems, bladder problems and have a positive effect on
inflammatory intestinal diseases. The seeds of nettle can be used as a
vitality tonic and against hair loss, and in the form of nettle manure replaces
artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Stinging nettle is also an excellent food -
not only because of its abundance of vital substances, but also because of
its fantastic taste.
Stinging nettles contain, among other things, plenty of iron, vitamin C
(allegedly twice as much as the lemon), vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E,
calcium, potassium, magnesium, silicic acid, trace elements, chlorophyll,
carotene, flavonoids.
They are an ideal food because they not only supply our bodies with
important nutrients, they also support the natural body functions and -
of course - they are an excellent remedy.
nettle: healing and food in one plant?

The nettle has been used in many areas of life since time immemorial. In
medicine, where it is one of the oldest medicinal herbs of mankind, in
vegetable cultivation, where the so-called nettle manure is used to fertilize
vegetables with great success, in the kitchen, where it saved people from
starvation in lean times and even in the textile industry, where the fibre-rich
stems were once used to produce nettle cloth.
In spite of all this versatility, it is surprising that many people fight the nettle
so hard against it. Hoeing, spading, ploughing and chemicals are used to get
to grips with it - usually unsuccessfully, as their sprawling root system
constantly produces new plants. So it would be much more intelligent to
simply use the incomparable gift of nature for one's own health.
medicinal plant nettle?
Stinging nettle is a medicinal plant for which at least as many fields of
application are known as the famous chamomile, the pretty marigold or the
bitter dandelion. In folk medicine, nettle is recommended for detoxification
and purification in the context of spring cures and diets as well as for fatigue
and exhaustion.
The latter is often the result of iron deficiency, which can lead to anaemia.
However, iron deficiency in particular can be remedied by the iron-containing
nettle with ease. Depending on the place of growth, it supplies two to four
times more iron than a beef steak and up to three times more iron than
The nettle is also said to have a positive effect on the liver and bile, which is
why Paracelsus has already prescribed the inconspicuous plant in the form
of nettle juice for jaundice (hepatitis). A medicinal plant that cares for the
liver and gall bladder can also help to improve digestion and eliminate
digestive problems.
Even the pancreas - so it is said - reacts to the nettle, which is supposed to
make itself noticeable in a balanced blood sugar level. nettle tea as a Facial
tonic also alleviates allergies that affect the skin and also improves the
appearance of the skin in pimples, eczema and acne.
nettle by chron. inflammatory bowel diseases?
nettle is also part of a therapy concept developed by 16 doctors (for
naturopathic treatments) for the holistic treatment of chronic inflammatory
bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This therapy
concept is based on three pillars:
protection of intestinal mucosa and stool regulation with flea seeds
stool consolidation and reduction of stool frequency by means of tannin-rich
herbs such as blood root, witch hazel and dried blueberry
This is where nettle (or the root of the devil's claw, liquorice or frankincense)
is used to prevent inflammation with special anti-inflammatory oils (e. g.
evening primrose or borage seed oil) and anti-inflammatory herbal
(Additionally, teas can be drunk from calming, cramp- and flatulence-prone
herbs, such as camomile, lemon balm, cumin and cinnamon.

(from: Praxis-Lehrbuch der moderne Heilpflanzenkunde, U. Bühring, 2nd

edition 2009)
further applications of nettles?
for urinary tract diseases
prevention of bladder and kidney stones
Prostate diseases
strengthens the immune system
lowers blood pressure
against infertility and impotence
helps with hair loss
Read more at:
10 x nettle: the rich miracle herb for cuisine and health
Calcium carbonate / 100% organic Original Rügener Sludge Chalk
German branded quality product - Top seller 2017
100% pure and allergen-free premium natural product
Mineral-rich and natural calcium carbonate
Fluoride-free, without artificial aluminium metal
Composition: approx. 98 % calcium carbonate, as well as natural by-products
such as magnesium carbonate, silicon, iron, phosphorus, sulphur and other
trace elements.
Original Rügener Sludge Chalk is a pure natural and 100% biological calcium
carbonate and comes exclusively from mineral springs. Original Rügener
Slurry Chalk is mainly used in therapeutic areas, in the wellness area and as
a mineral-rich basic component of a purely natural and high-quality
toothpaste and in relaxing spas.
Original Rügener Sludge Chalk is a very fine-grained and light-grey micro-
crystalline powder, which has formed in the sea by depositing the remains of
the shells of prehistoric animals, so- called foraminifera and chocolate. These
microorganisms lived in the sea, which about 70-100 million years ago,
between Jurassic and Tertiary, covered the whole of Northern Europe. The

average premium fine grain size is between 2 and 3 μm, which corresponds to
0.002 - 0.003 millimeters.
Conventional chalk has on average a very coarse grain size of approx. 40 to
60 μm, which corresponds to 0.040 - 0.060 millimetres, and is therefore not
suitable for brushing teeth.
Chiric Sanango GANS
Chiric Sanango (Peru)
"Heals cold nerves"
Yellowish white powder, shavings of the Sanango Shrub. Master plant which
has its fixed place in the curandero training. It is indicated for all kinds of
nervous diseases and weaknesses, thus also in case of nervousness and
nervous crises. In particular, Chiric Sanango has been shown to help heal
family trauma, such as the loss of a close family member. Latent depressions
as well as nervous over-excitement can be found in Chiric's master medicine.
Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are
hermetically treated with Chiric.
Application: In serious neurological cases and for the urgent solution of a
mental-psychological problem. In the morning and evening, dissolve a quarter
of a liter in water. Stir a good teaspoon of the powder in cold water and let it
steep for about half an hour or longer. The morning medicine can also be
prepared in the evening and exposed to the night air ("serenated"). It should
be taken by reciting a prayer or intercession. Take it for three days, then 7
days break, then 3 days again. The cycle of the accompanying diet lasts 28
days, starting with the first day of intake, and consists of abstaining from
flesh and sexuality, respecting the principle of silence and social retreat. If it
is possible for the ingested person to take a holiday while taking it, an
intensified diet, which also includes salt and sugar, is only beneficial.
Chuchuhuashi GANS
Chuchuhuashi (Peru)
Reddish-brown powder that is grated and comminuted from the roots of the
Chuchuhuashi tree. Mixed with water or clear liquor, it gives a clear reddish
drink that tastes bitter-furry.
Chuchuhuashi is used to cure bone deficiency in general: weak bones, fragile
bones, reduced blood formation in the bone marrow, it is also useful for bone
fractures. Its second main use is any form of blood deficiency: reduced or
increased blood clotting, decreased oxygen or food intake in the blood. Blood
pressure abnormalities, deficient blood components that make them
susceptible to disease. In combination with blood weakness, Chuchuhuashi
can also be used to treat lung diseases such as chronic cough or respiratory
problems. Chuchuhuashi has a general resistance- increasing effect,
increases blood circulation in the organs and thus also has a tonic effect.
The regular intake of Chuchuhuashi acts as an ingestive is possible while
taking leave, an aggravated diet, which also includes abstinence of salt and
sugar, is only beneficial.

Swartzia polyphylla, cumaseba (cu-ma-say-ba)

Cumaceba grows to a height of about 15m. It is usually found in low jungle
areas. It has small white flowers.
Cumaceba bark is often macerated in sugar cane alcohol, along with other
plants in the treatment of arthritic pain, joint inflammation and as an
aphrodisiac. It is used as an antiseptic to treat yeast infections, for colds, as
a postpartum tonic and for female reproductive problems. It is also used for
physical strength and to prevent laziness. It is taken as a tonic during the
illness to accelerate recovery.
This tree is a sacred teacher's plant and is used by shamans for its curative /
spiritual qualities. It can be used as part of a shamanic dieta or as an
admixture according to Ayahuasca.
The energy of this tree is light and uplifting. Connect with this tree to open
your heart center and bring you a feeling of happiness and well-being. The
color of Cumaceba's energetic medicine is pink and symbolizes love and the
inner child. This colour is soft and playful.
Colostrum (Colostrum)GANS
Leukocytes white blood cells in the colostrum
Proteins Amino acids in colostrum
Growth factors in colostrum
regulation of blood sugar level
Repair DNA and RNA to our body
Increase of general well-being
Acceleration of growth and thus the regeneration of injured muscles tendons
ligaments bone cartilage skin collagen as well as nerve tissue,
Strengthening and strengthening the effect of muscles in weight training
Fast healing in case of burns Cut injuries Surgical wounds Skin abrasions
and wounds Lips
Colostrum is one of the most important groups of active substances in
Antibodies Immunoglobulins Accessory Factors Proteins Amino Acids Growth
Factors Nucleotide Vitamins Minerals
Antibodies in Colostrum
The antibodies in breastmilk (it has been possible to identify 37 in number so
far) have a double important function

they should protect the child from viruses and bacteria from outside and at
the same time discover that the mother may be carrying in them. The few
bags of white blood cells protect the child from both inside and outside
interfering germs.
The antibodies contained in the colostrum protect the organism against
Salmonella coliform bacteria Colon Bacteria
Bordetella pertussis) whooping cough bacteria)
Vibiro Cholerae,
Candida albicans,
Clostridium tetani,
Steptococcus penumoniae,
Chlostridium diphttheria,
All four major immunoglobulins, in colostrum before include IgM, IgG IgA,
and secretory IgA.
Blood glucose regulating mechanisms allergy arthritis lupus multiple
sclerosis and other allergy mechanisms
Human colostrum vs. animal colostrum
Of course, the question arises as to whether the animal colostrum used in
food supplements is as effective for humans as the colostrum used in cattle
and goats. Scientific studies have shown that the k. olostrum of cattle and
goats is not only digestible for humans, but up to 40 times richer in immune
factors than the human colostrum and that the composition corresponds to
99% of the human colostrum. Furthermore, the investigations indicate that, in
contrast to human colostrum, the colostrum of cattle and goats, with the
help of corresponding protease inhibitors and glycoproteins, protects the
active substances of the colostrum and prevents them from being destroyed
by the gastric acid of the adult. It can therefore be assumed that the human
colostrum is actually intended for the relatively gentle digestive juices of a
newborn baby, while adults can benefit exclusively and in animal colostrum.
Studies Colostrum in Diabetes
These are colostrum found IGF-! Stimulates the glucose utilization and
proves to be successful in the treatment of diabetes since is an effective
alternative to insulin and at the same time identical with the human IGF-1 is
the hedgehog level is naturally lower in diabetics than in healthy people.
Excerpt from Robert Franz's book "Codex Humanus".

What is DMSO?
It is the abbreviation for DiMethylSulfOxid, it is a transparent, odourless
liquid, which is today extracted from wood as a natural substance. It
originates from the paper industry. DMSO was first discovered when the
operators of paper mills wondered why their workers so often held their
hands in the solution. The hands enjoyed excellent health.
It is completely non-toxic and heals wounds 2-3 times faster. It works for 6
DMSO is contained in every pain ointment. In the past, this was the main
component of the ointment, but it was lowered more and more, so that now
there is only a minimal component in the ointments. According to the
industry, it is now possible to sell more ointments.
There are about 11,000 studies worldwide and about 40,000 articles on the
positive effects of DMSO. (It's unbelievable that the pharmaceutical industry
suppresses knowledge so much.
This liquid has a lot of intrinsic value, because in countless scientific and
medical examinations that have been carried out decades ago, it astonished
by a multitude of healing effects on humans and animals. It can be taken over
the skin, as a diluted solution for drinking or by injection/infusion. It has been
used therapeutically since 1960.
However, most of the DMSO consumed in the body is gradually converted into
so-called organic sulphur (MSM). This substance (as described in the article
MSM) even has extremely positive effects on the body and is very often used
for joint problems. In summary, DMSO can be described as effective
regeneration, rapid balancing and natural "repair". One can give DMSO the
name "universal medicine".
general effect of L-carnosine
Modulating the immune system
cell rejuvenation
The telomeres prolong and repair damages
Reducing DNA on the telomeres
Eliminating heavy metals
Counteracting the development of cancer
lowers blood pressure
accelerating wound healing

circulatory system protecting

Lowering the body fat
and in anaerobic sports performance-enhancing
It is an all-round antimony oxide that protects our cells from destructive
It suppresses the activity in aggressive free radicals Vienna hydroxyl,
peroxyl, superoxide and singlet oxygen.
It prevents lipid peroxidation, thus protecting our blood vessels.
Protects our cells and chromosomes from oxidation damage.
It is the most effective natural remedy to prevent glycation (sugarification).
It protects against the compounds of proteins in so-called "crosslinking" as
one of the aging mechanisms to influence the L-carnosine influence.
Protects against shortening of telomeres on chromosomes and repairs
damage to telomeres. Both have a life-prolonging effect
Is hindered the carbonylation as further in aging mechanism.
It protects the proteins from the toxic effects of AEGs.
Both proteins and phospholipids.
This accelerates the collagen synthesis and thus the connective tissue and
skin cell renewal.
In animal experiments, it has a positive effect on the behaviour and
appearance of old mice and prolongs their life by 20%.
Protects the brain cells against increased toxicity.
It increases memory performance.
It becomes the so-called neurotransmitter.
Protects biochemical functions and processes in the brain.
It shows amazing successes in the treatment of autism.
It prevents cross-connections of beta-amyloid,
This leads to typical deposits in Alzheimer's disease.
somatic cells in the phase of senescence

It rejuvenates the body's cells in the phase of senescence.

It gives cells that approach senescence a youthful appearance.
Extends cell life
It breaks through the Hayflick limit and allows cells to divide at the limit.
It accelerates wound healing through cell renewal.
Protects against toxic metals
It binds per oxidative metals such as zinc and copper and helps to eliminate
them from the body.
Improves potency and libido
It protects against cardiovascular diseases
It normalizes blood pressure
It optimizes blood clotting values
It protects against stroke
It helps with age-related old-age and cataracts
Protects against macular degeneration
It protects against cat records
In acute stroke, it reduces its consequences
It protects against diabetes complications
It was recently applied to the skin and eliminates wrinkles
It protects our joints
It supports weight loss
Disables or eliminates cellulite
It strengthens the muscles and prevents fatigue.
It has antitumor activity
It strengthens the body's own defences
Excerpt from the book "Codex Humanus

Chlorella - The microalgae

The name Chlorella comes from Latin and means "small, young green". The
best-known representative of the freshwater algae Chlorella is Chlorella
In the past, they were distinguished from chlorella pyrenoidosa. However, in
1992 it was already shown that Chlorella pyrenoidosa does not exist as a
species. At that time, only species and strains of very different algae groups
were grouped together under the now obsolete term, which on closer
inspection did not even belong to the Chlorella family.
Chlorella algae - unlike spirulina and AFA algae - have a cell nucleus that
distinguishes them as microalgae.
Chlorella - highly adaptable and well researched
Chlorella algae are microscopically tiny and very complex unicellular
organisms, which are among the most highly developed living organisms.
Although they are invisible to the naked eye, they possess unimaginable
forces that have enabled them to survive for more than two million years -
despite all changes in their living conditions and all other adversities.
This is probably one of the main reasons why chlorella is so interesting for
science that it is one of the most researched organisms today. It is therefore
not surprising that a large number of scientific studies are available to prove
the countless health effects of chlorella algae.
Broken cell walls offer no noticeable advantages
The cell wall of the chlorella algae is made up of three layers and it was once
thought that these could not be digested by the human organism. As a result,
the purchase of chlorella with broken cell walls was recommended as this
would improve the bioavailability of the substances contained.
However, it is now known that the bioavailability of chlorella without broken
cell walls is only slightly worse, so that the effort of breaking up can be
saved or, as consumers, the most inexpensive products without broken cell
walls can be used.
No plant contains more chlorophyll
The deep green colour is due to the extraordinarily high chlorophyll content
of chlorella, which has not been possible to date to measure in this
concentration in any other plant. Chlorophyll is also known as the "green
blood" of plants, since its chemical structure is almost identical to the
human blood pigment hemoglobin. Therefore, there is no better nutrient for
our blood than chlorophyll.
In combination with organic minerals, chlorophyll ensures that our blood is
clean, rich in minerals and vital. Only in this ideal state can the blood
optimally nourish all body tissues and keep them healthy. This fact already
suggests the importance of chlorophyll for our physical and mental health.
Generally speaking, the higher the chlorophyll content of a foodstuff, the
greater its health benefit.

Chlorophyll - the liver protection par excellence

The unsurpassed chlorophyll levels of chlorella are particularly important for
the liver, as they protect the liver cells from the innumerable toxins that enter
the body every day. Regardless of whether they are foodstuffs contaminated
with spraying agents, tooth toxins, moulds, environmental toxins or other
chemically toxic compounds - chlorophyll detoxified them all and ensures
that they are excreted via the intestines as quickly as possible.
How the chlorophyll of the chlorella algae works
Chlorophyll increases the protection and regeneration capacity of each
individual body cell. In this way, their service life is extended so that the
aging process is noticeably slowed down.
Chlorophyll also strengthens the circulatory system as well as the digestive
system. Due to its strongly alkaline effect, chlorophyll also contributes to the
restoration of a balanced acid-base balance.
But that's not all.
Chlorophyll has many more health benefits for our organism:
It stimulates the formation of red blood cells and contributes to blood
It increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and improves cellular
It activates the metabolism.
It protects the cell walls against enzymatic destruction of invading bacteria.
It normalizes the secretion of digestive juices.
It supports all healing processes.
It has a harmonizing effect and promotes inner serenity.
Exclusively in the Chlorella - top class essences
The essence of Chlorella algae is available in two extracts: CGF (Controlled
Grow Factor) and CVE (Chlorella Vulgaris Extract).
These unique nutrient concentrates contain many valuable secondary plant
substances in highly concentrated form as well as glycoproteins - a complex
combination of certain carbohydrates with special amino acids - which, due
to their highly detoxifying effect, can provide excellent support for restoring
health. Chlorella owes its unmistakably high nutritional and physiological
value to these concentrated essences.
The extracts are unique

Our entire body cells are active around the clock and often they work to the
point of total exhaustion. The more demanding they are, the more adequate
support they need for energy production, for the development of new body
cells and for all necessary repair work. CGF and CVE provide exactly this
support - in the form of an extremely practical modular system. The building
blocks (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) which are missing due to overstraining
can be produced individually and used in a targeted way by means of
extracts. Wherever there is a lack of support - CGF and CVE solve the
problem. As with a (general) key-lock principle, these extract building blocks
simply fit everywhere. For this reason, they are invaluable as an immediate
aid for maintaining the body's health.
How CGF and CVE work
The extracts, which are highly concentrated and extremely bioavailable,
support the body and the brain in many ways due to their individual
application possibilities. They hardly differ in their effect. Nevertheless, both
extracts have their main effects. At the CGF, they are more likely to be found
in the support of child development (physical and psychological) and in
rehabilitation after accidents or operations. The CVE has excelled in the
treatment of excessive stress, detoxification and cancer.
They activate the stimulation of macrophages (feed cells) and activate the T-
lymphocytes (destroy infected and degenerated cells) to strengthen the
immune system.
They can effectively support the organism in the fight against tumor
They contribute to healthy cell growth.
They accelerate cell repair, which counteracts the aging process.
You optimize the liver cell function.
They protect the liver under toxic stress.
They stabilize the natural balance of the intestinal flora.
Improve memory performance in dementia.
Chlorella and its perfect detoxification collective
Chlorella is characterized by a wealth of detoxifying ingredients. In addition
to the chlorophyll, which has already been described in detail, the algae
contain a unique mixture of cell-protecting and detoxifying carotenoids (e. g.
lycopene), glycoproteins (see CGF and CVE), glutathione - a sulphur-
containing protein - and sporopollein - a highly detoxifying component of the
robust chlorella cell wall. In contrast to the aforementioned, two other
important components are still rather unknown. Or have you ever heard of
Protectonia and de Noxilipidnin?
Protectonia and De-Noxilipidnin - two potent detoxifiers

Protectonia is a storage protein of the Phyto-Chelatines, which are produced

by the chlorella itself. On the one hand, they have a strong antioxidant effect,
which helps to protect the body's cells and relieve the immune system. On
the other hand, they form a non- detachable compound with heavy metals,
which are then easily excreted as a complex via the intestine. In this way,
they make a significant contribution to maintaining the body's health.
The substance de noxilipidnin has a similar detoxifying effect. In addition to
heavy metals, it also binds organic toxins and neutralises them both,
rendering them harmless for the organism.
Chlorella as a wholesome foodstuff
Until now, you have received so much information about the effect of
chlorella algae that it is now time to show you the nutritional and
physiological benefits of this algae. Here, too, it becomes clear that every
human being can benefit exclusively from the intake of chlorella algae as a
nutritional supplement.
Chlorella as an excellent protein source
Chlorella provides the body with an unusually high amount of high-quality,
easily digestible proteins at about 60 percent. Their biological value lies
between 75 and 88 percent.
This is an excellent value, because this measure describes how much of the
protein absorbed is converted into the body's own protein and thus made
available to the body for all the building and alteration processes of its cells,
including its organs and tissues.
Chlorella regulates the carbohydrate metabolism
The carbohydrates and fats do not have a particularly moderate effect. With
these nutrients, however, the special features are in the details. Chlorella
accelerates the transport of glucose to the liver and muscle cells, so that the
energy gained from it is available much more quickly. This fact is certainly
not only interesting for athletes.
In addition, Chlorella not only optimizes a healthy carbohydrate metabolism,
but also improves it significantly if it is already impaired. In diabetes
mellitus, for example, the intake of chlorella has already proven its worth.
Chlorella is rich in detoxifying dietary fibres
Chlorella's cell wall contains a wealth of dietary fibres which, although they
are also part of the carbohydrates, are not digested. In this way they reach
the intestine undigested and provide extremely valuable health services.
They stimulate intestinal activity and ensure a regular bowel movement. The
partially high concentration of toxins and other harmful substances in the
intestinal fluid is absorbed by the dietary fibres. They form an inseparable
bond with these disease-causing substances, so that they can finally be
excreted together via the stool.
The interesting fatty acid spectrum of chlorella
Chlorella supplies more than 30 fatty acids, one third of which consists of
saturated FS, unsaturated FS and polyunsaturated FS. Together, they help
ensure that each body cell

remains stable, yet flexible and healthy. In saturated FS, capric and lauric
acid are particularly noteworthy, as they are able to kill bacteria, viruses and
intestinal parasites.
The oleic acid, which is present in large quantities in the unsaturated FS
range, has a preventive effect on various cancers and can also have a
preventive effect against strokes and heart attacks.
Vital substances in abundance
Chlorella also leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to vital
substances. It contains all water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9,
Biotin, Vitamin C) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in a natural
combination as well as accompanying many other bioactive plant
Minerals include calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium as well as the
trace elements iron, zinc, manganese, copper and selenium. As chlorella is a
freshwater algae, it is almost iodine-free. This can be particularly important
for people suffering from hyperthyroidism.
Sync by honeybunny
CalMagD, Calcum, Magnesium, Vitamin D3
CalMagD, with 12,000 units of vitamin D3
Finally a calcium preparation that really works! The supertrio of ingredients
ensures bone production and densification of the existing bone mass - at the
price of a few cans of cola per month.
High dosage of vitamin D3!
CalMagD was specially developed by WLS. It contains calcium citrate,
magnesium citrate as well as a high dosage of vitamin D3 and the
combination of these three substances ensures an optimal absorption
capacity of the powder.
Who benefits from extra calcium?
One should ask: Who not? Studies have shown that approximately 50% of the
population consumes less than half the recommended daily dose.
Sufficient calcium is extremely important for:
Women in general, pregnant women, women over 40 years of age and post-

Men after 40 years of age.

People who do not take enough calcium due to their dietary habits.
Old and sick people.
Especially WLS patients or people who otherwise suffer from malabsorption.
patients with Crohn's disease, IBD or Short Bowel syndrome
People with osteoporosis
Calcium is also recommended for people who have little exercise (e. g. due to
illness or disability).
Calcium is not only necessary for strong bones and teeth, it also regulates
the heartbeat and blood pressure. Calcium provides a healthy nervous
system and some studies show that additional calcium supplies can alleviate
the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and counteract the development of
colon cancer.
Sync by honeybunny
The Damiana herb (Turnera diffusa) consists of the dried leaves of a bush
that grows wild in America.
The Aztecs used it as a powerful aphrodisiac. It was also consumed by the
Wicca during ceremonies. Damiana is said to provoke visions when burned. It
was used as a healing tea by many Indian tribes in South and Central
Nowadays it is appreciated for its mild highs.
Damiana is an aphrodisiac, it stimulates blood circulation and increases
metabolism. It contains substances that directly stimulate the nerves and
The relaxing effect lasts for 1-2 hours. When used regularly, Damiana can
increase potency and regulate the hormonal balance of women.
Dragon's Blood, Sangre de Drago
Also: Sangre de Grado
Preparation: Cultivated tree originating from Brazil, to which magical abilities
are attributed. High secrecy around him. It is delivered in liquid form, but can
also be boiled from pieces of bark for a long time.
Indication: For cuts, surgical scars, wounds in general. This also applies to
complicated fractures and chronic inflammation of the ossicles and the
periosteum. Ritualised use in surface cancers such as lymph glands and
skin. Application: Apply a small cap to the

critical area before going to bed and rub in. It first forms amazingly white
foam and then a white cream that seeps in. If the reaction is positive, a
larger area can be rubbed in.
Specials: The dragon's blood belongs to the "black" side of medicine. It leads
you into your own abysses and thus into the causes of your own suffering. It's
shocking because she's demanding confessions and initiating nightmares. It
makes you uncomfortable and sometimes even angry, because you start to
doubt everything, but not this medicine, which miraculously produces its
agreeable effect.
Preparation: Highland potato tubers ground to dry powder.
Indication: Reliable remedy for every "Lazarus, raise yourself" - or "Blows up
the pants" - project on the butler side, but it also serves hot-blooded
ambitions like "The lips of the deviless","Swallows the company" and
uncompromising must-pressing on the delicious ladies' side.
Consumation: One teaspoon per liter of tea or? litre of fruit juice or? litre of
hot milk or cocoa. Fills the ammunition cabinet in an observable manner and
can therefore lead to addiction among some euphorics.
Specials: Not for breakfast, otherwise too much restlessness in the office.
The sun hat has the ability to stimulate the body's own immune system.
Among other things, he achieves this by activating the phagocytes in the
blood and tissue.
It is therefore not surprising that the echinacea is a very popular medicinal
plant, which is used against the risk of infection, for example if one tends to
catch colds or creeping chronic infections.
Even with poorly healing wounds, it is often used successfully (externally
and internally).
Areas of application:

Infectious influenza,
Immune defenses,
susceptibility to infection,
Poorly healing wounds,
Lower leg ulcers,
Prevention of infections,
scientific name:
Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, Echinacea
Defensive reinforcement,
Healing effect:
Protein GANS
Amino acids as protein building blocks
The purely vegetarian protein is free of gluten, fructose, lactose and sugar.
They are a valuable food supplement with amino acids as protein building
The purely vegetarian protein is free of gluten, fructose, lactose and sugar.
They are a valuable food supplement with amino acids as protein building
Purity Law of Nicola Sautter

- vegan
free of soy protein
free of artificial sweeteners
free of artificial colouring agents
free of preservatives
free of flavour enhancers
If sufficient meat or fish is consumed, the consumption of protein can be
dispensed with.
Enteresogel can be described as a "clever sponge" whose pore size
corresponds to the molecular size of the pollutants.
Enteresogel is not resorbed by the organism at all but wanders on natural
way by the digestive tract and absorbs like a sponge toxic substances
harmful bacteria and viruses and is excreted approximately after 7 hours in
the stool course from the organism.
Polydimethylsiloxane (hydrogel of the metacilicic acid -70%, purified water -
Detoxification in allergy treatments
Supports allergic skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, serborhoe dermatitis,
acute or chronic urticaria, non-allergic skin diseases, sunburn, acne.
In cases of intestinal diseases, diarrhoea and poisoning (e. g. food poisoning)
Enteresogel accelerates the degradation of alcohol - 3 soup spoons before
each celebration and the morning after. Protects against headaches and lazy

Main applications:
Healing effect:
blood sugar-lowering,
stimulates circulation,
Areas of application:

Inflammation of the bladder,
Joint pain,
Insect bites,
Muscle ache,
Muscle pain,
Nerve pain,
Kidney inflammation,
Poorly healing wounds,

Side corridor,
Tuberculosis (supportive),
Digestive weakness (not for inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract),
Gum disease,
property, fullerenes are considered to be the most efficient radical
scavengers in the world and are known as radical sponges (Krusic et al.
1991)). The main advantage of using fullerenes as a medical antioxidant is
their ability to locate within the cell to mitochondria and other cell
compartments where free radicals are produced in diseased states.
Experiments on rats carried out by Najla Gharbi and co-workers proved this
remarkable property. They showed that aqueous C60 suspensions produced
without the use of a polar organic solvent not only do not show acute or
subacute toxicity in rodents, but also protect their liver from damage by free
radicals ("Gharbi et al. 2005).".
The 2005 publication[60] Fullerene is a potent antioxidant in vivo without
acute or subacute toxicit y confirmed both this and another point in the
recent study conducted on rats: C60 does not produce toxicity in rodents. "In
this paper we report on the effects of C (60) prevention on acute
tetrachloride carbon intoxication in rats, a classic model for the study of free
radical-induced liver damage. Our results show that aqueous C (60)
suspensions produced without the use of a polar organic solvent not only
have no acute or subacute toxicity in rodents, but also protect their liver from
damage from free radicals in a dose- dependent manner. According to
histopathological studies and biological tests, however, pure C (60) can be
regarded as a strong liver protector.""
The popular Life extension blogs have recently been highlighted with an
exchange in connection with a recent publication that reports that a
homogenized solution of olive oil and C60 carbon buckyballs fed to middle-
aged rats extends their lifespan by an average of 90%. If this result works,
it's really amazing. Compared to other longevity interventions such as
rapamycin feeding or calorie restriction, which at best increase life
expectancy by 15-20%, the figure of 90% is outside the scale. So I decided to
delve into the research literature to clarify what is and is not known about
C60 carbon fullerenes related to biological effects and health. I'm reporting
here on this expedition. I also agree with my own hypotheses about the
mechanisms by which the C60 olive oil cocktail extends the lifespan of rats,
provided that this is indeed the case. The most important points I will
document are:
There is extensive research literature on C60 buckyballs and their health-
promoting biological effects. Research has been ongoing for about 30 years
and Pubmed. org shows around 1089 publications on C60 fullerenes.

The latest rat study stands on the shoulders of many previous research
findings and, like all good science, is carefully documented, albeit too small,
to give assurance that the longevity results will survive on a much larger
Remarkably, none of the overaged rats who consumed the C60 olive oil mix
and in this study had a 90% life extension effect, were diagnosed with
A previous study also shows that C60 prolongs the life of mice.
5. to be biologically active and non-toxic, the form of administration of C60 is
critical. It tends to clumping and dissolves very poorly in water. C60, which is
taken orally in water or olive oil solutions, does not appear to be toxic in rats
and is excreted by the body within days.
6. C60, a nanomaterial, easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and into the
cell interior, the mitochondria and the cell nucleus. It is believed to have
major effects in the mitochondria.
7. C60 can be very biologically active and a responsible research panel shows
that it has strong antioxidant, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory,
neuromodulatory, antiamyloid and other health- promoting effects. It is
actively investigated as anticancer agent.
8. C60 can have several effects in cells: it binds to DNA and can influence
gene expression; it can affect protein forms and cell morphology and
geometry; it binds to microtubules and can affect their forms and multiple
functions including tubulin polymerization and the shape of the nuclear
9. fullerenes can be used as targeted drug and gene delivery vehicles.
10. C60 buckyballs are small enough to fit into a physical den in the HIV-1
virus. And once the C60 is in this cave, it blocks replication of the virus,
making C60 an important potential weapon in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
Other interesting biological properties of fullerenes include the inhibition of
allergic reactions, the involvement of cells in phagocytosis, platelet
aggregation, influencing the native DNA structure, gene expression,
microtubules in cells, cell mitosis and, of course, the really important - hair
growth potentiation. Mechanisms of action are generally poorly understood
or not understood at all, although the antioxidant effect is most widely
The main context for the study of C60 was the development of new structural
or semiconductor materials with extraordinary properties. For this reason,
the C60 in increasing numbers. And there are concerns that it will be
released into the environment with unknown consequences.
These factors have prompted many scientists to issue warnings about
possible biological effects of C60. A known negative effect is that C60 cannot
be used as a base for a skin cream, as it generates destructive singlet
oxygen radicals when excited by photos. In general, there seems to be mixed
evidence and little agreement on the overall negative effects of C60.
The C60 olive oil cocktail used in the rat longevity study is commercially
available from several sources. Popular blog comments show that there is a
growing cohort of people who buy this cocktail and use themselves as human
lab rats. We do not know whether these people will be seen in the future as
long-lived innovators for personal health and longevity or as risk-taking risk
takers who pay a lot for their own experiments.

Most research publications attribute the effects of C60 on health and

longevity to its strong antioxidant and membrane penetration properties. I
don't agree. I doubt that antioxidant protection alone in rats can increase life
expectancy by 90%. Due to the fact that the overaged rats lived long after
treatment with the C60 olive oil cocktail and C60 quickly detached from the
body, some long- lasting changes in cells and organs had to be caused. I
hypothesize that other more fundamental mechanisms are critically involved,
such as C60 effects on the strengthening of DNA, effects on microtubules or
in the mitochondria and epigenetic effects. These can include quantum
phenomena that have so far been largely ignored in biology.
I think we are rather ignorant so far about how C60 has had its health and
longevity effects. If this is the case, we are on the verge of the emergence of
new biological mechanisms that are crucial for health and longevity -
previously unknown and undreamt-of.
17. What's a C60 fullerene?
18. by Wickipedia:"A fullerene, each molecule is fully composed of carbon, in
the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid or tube. Spherical fullerenes are also
known as buckyballs and resemble the balls used in football (club soccer).
Cylindrical tubes are called carbon nanotubes or buckytubes. Fullerenes
have a similar structure to graphite, which consists of stacked graphene
sheets of joined hexagonal rings, but they can also contain pentagonal (or
sometimes hexagonal) rings. [1] - - The first fullerene molecule discovered,
and the surname, buckminsterfulleren (C 60), was established in 1985 by
Richard Smalley, Robert Curl, James Heath, Sean O' Brien and Harold Kroto
at Rice University. The name was a homage to Buckminster Fuller, whose
geodesic dome is similar to that of Buckminster Fuller. The structure was
also identified five years ago by Sumio Iijima from an electron microscope
image, where it formed the nucleus of a bucky onion. Fullerenes have been
found in nature ever since. 3] More recently, fullerenes have been found in
space. According to astronomer Letizia Stanghellini,"It's possible that
buckyballs from outer space provided seeds for life on Earth." [5]
19. C60 is a powerful antioxidant
This point has long been known and confirmed in a number of studies. From
(2007) Medical applications of fullerenes:"The 1999 published results have
shown that fullerenes have a potential as biological antioxidants. The
antioxidant property is based on the fact that fullerenes have a large amount
of conjugated double bonds and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
(LUMO) that can easily take up an electron, making it possible to attack
radical species. It has been reported that up to 34 methyl radicals have been
added to a single C60 molecule. This quenching process appears to be
catalytic. In other words, the fullerene can react with many superoxides
without being consumed. Due to the fact that property, fullerenes are
considered to be the most efficient radical scavengers in the world and are
known as radical sponges (Krusic et al. 1991)). The main advantage of using
fullerenes as a medical antioxidant is their ability to locate within the cell to
mitochondria and other cell compartments where free radicals are produced
in diseased states. Experiments on rats carried out by Najla Gharbi and co-
workers proved this remarkable property. They showed that aqueous C60
suspensions produced without the use of a polar organic solvent not only do
not show acute or subacute toxicity in rodents, but also protect their liver
from damage by free radicals ("Gharbi et al. 2005).".
The 2005 publication[60] Fullerene is a potent antioxidant in vivo without
acute or subacute toxicit y confirmed both this and another point in the
recent study conducted on rats: C60 does not produce toxicity in rodents. "In
this paper we report on the effects of C (60) prevention on acute

tetrachloride carbon intoxication in rats, a classic model for the study of free
radical-induced liver damage. Our results show that aqueous C (60)
suspensions produced without the use of a polar organic solvent not only
have no acute or subacute toxicity in rodents, but also protect their liver from
damage from free radicals in a dose-dependent manner. According to
histopathological studies and biological tests, however, pure C (60) can be
regarded as a strong liver protector.""
Fullerenes C 60 are also included in the schungit stone.
A healing plant to relieve pain in the heart, stomach or gall bladder. Galangal
is considered to be the most universal heart remedy. It invigorates and
activates immediately.
It helps quickly and safely against dizziness, pain and weakness caused by
the heart or stomach.
Cardiac insufficiency, angina pectoris seizure, after-treatment and prevention
of infarction, exhaustion, circulatory insufficiency, fatigue, stomach and
intestinal problems, fullness, nausea, flatulence, menstrual problems,
circulatory disorders, influenza infections, fever, increase of the immune
Tip: The main areas of application of Galgant can be easily remembered with
the help of the 3 "S" rule: vertigo, weakness, pain originating from the heart
BRAIN- 400
Contained vitamins and minerals
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) contributes to normal mental performance,
including brain, concentration and nerves.
Vitamin B1, B2, B2, B6 and B12 contribute to a normal functioning of the
nervous system.
Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 contribute to normal mental function.
Folic acid contributes to normal mental function
Folic acid, vitamin B2, B6, B12 and B5 help to reduce fatigue and tiredness.

copper contributes to a normal functioning of the nervous system

Dr. Peter Hartig® researches for your health
For more than 25 years, the name Dr. Peter Hartig® has stood for research
into microalgae and the development of dietary supplements. Care is the
highest principle - for all production steps as well as the choice of the
perfect location.
Since 2012, Dr. Peter Hartig® and his team have been breeding the microalga
"Haematococcus pluvialis" on Tenerife. In this own algae farm the valuable
astaxanthin is produced in premium quality.
The local experts are in constant contact with the research and development
department in Büsum. All Dr. Peter Hartig® products are regularly checked by
accredited laboratories. Analyses regularly confirm the highest quality.
Memory G 400 is a valuable food supplement with plant components,
vitamins and minerals. Contains Ginkgo biloba leaf powder, soy lecithin and
micro algae powder (spirulina platensis).
GUARANA powder (Peru)
Characteristics and indication: Highly vitaminous tree fruit from Brazil.
Strong tonic. Efficient cell regeneration and regulation.
For a variety of symptoms of physical deterioration, weakness or instability.
It has a subtle effect on the cell level and therefore finds its rightful use as
an assistant in practically all diseases, even serious ones such as multiple
sclerosis, senile dementia and all forms of neuronal dysfunction.
Application: As tea or in milk form, but also as an addition to teas or fruit
juices. Add one teaspoon to one litre of boiling water, honey and orange juice.
A teaspoonful of warm milk and honey is also added to the tea. Drunk at any
Special feature: In case of specific diseases or deficiency complaints do not
mix with alcohol or pork.
Pour 50g horn flour and 100g of sodium hydroxide into a heat-resistant
container, plastic box, (no metal) with hot distilled water (warning: it
becomes very hot and foamy, so allow approx.? litre to stand for a few days
until everything settles on the ground, then pour away the upper water to
what has settled and then allow it to be poured on with cold water to set
down again (6-9x repeat so that it can be poured off again with cold water).
When it is finished you can put the goose that has settled down in a
container with water, let it settle and use the upper water again and again for
the plants. The water is now informed with nitrogen and CO2, and the plants
are happy. Wikipedia horn flour

Because of its organic origin it is very nitrogenous, the nitrogen content (N)
predominates with 12% to 15%. K2O and P2O5 are less than 1 % by weight.
The organic matter content is 85%,
is the ground root of the plant Tabernanthe Iboga, which grows in the
rainforest of Central Africa. The locals chew on the roots to stay alert, but
also to get visions of their ancestors.
The root contains ibogain, among other things. This has a stimulating effect
in small doses, higher dosages trigger visions, i. e. when the eyes are closed,
fast sequences of images and films are seen in a kind of dream-like
experience, often with intense emotional and also religious-mystic feeling.
In Western science, high doses of iboga are used to free drug addicts from
their addiction.
The root bark contains about 5 times as much ibogain as the common root.
Tabernanthe iboga - root cortex (!!!)
(1g powdered)
Ginger for nausea and joint pain
While conventional medicine has only just begun to explore the medical
properties of ginger, traditional Chinese, Indian (Ayurveda) and Japanese
healers have been using the root of the tropical perennial for almost 3000
years, not only in pain but also in a whole range of different ailments. These
include vomiting and nausea, nausea while travelling (seasickness), chronic
coughing, nausea
during pregnancy, gastrointestinal problems and migraine. Ginger can also be
helpful for rheumatic joint problems such as arthritis and arthrosis.
Ginger works like painkillers - only without their side effects
The studies published so far have shown that ginger has anti-inflammatory
and analgesic properties that are in no way inferior to those of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (e. g. ASA, diclofencac, etc.) - with the decisive
difference that ginger cannot cause gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers.
For example, a study showed that in people with knee osteoarthritis, taking
30 to 500 milligrams of ginger daily for 4 to 36 weeks successfully reduced
knee pain.

Externally used as an oil, St. John's wort is used for trauma, injuries, muscle
tension and spinal problems. The oil has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory
effect. St. John's wort oil helps with sharp and blunt injuries, distortions
(twisting, distortion) and contusions (precision), haematomas (blue spot) and
herpes zoster (shingles). Its anti-inflammatory component can be used as a
preventive measure to prevent decubitus (wound beds) and leg ulcers ("open
leg"). The oil works on first-degree burns and sunburn.
St. John's wort can also be used internally. Of course, you have to pay
attention to quality. Alternative practitioners recommend the use of this
medicine for gastritis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the
stomach) and irritable stomach, for example. The oil covers the stomach from
the inside, protects and heals it. In the case of proctitis (inflammation of the
rectum wall) enemas are even treated with St. John's wort oil. In case of
spinal problems, rubbing with red oil will ease the pain. For example, the so-
called Breuss massage, a form of massage that is mainly used in the practice
of natural healing, uses only red oil. Its warming and pain-relieving
substances support the massage. The oil is also suitable for the care of
Camphor Milk Powder GANS
Camphor milk powder is one of the strongest sun concentrates. It can relieve
colds, sore throats, coughs, lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and
pneumonia, migraine, headaches. Internally and externally in all types of
ulcers such as cancer, skin rashes such as shingles and scarlet fever, itching,
haemorrhoids, allergies, spine warts, anxiety such as claustrophobia, for the
elimination of vaccination damage and amalgam poisoning and it is
particularly helpful in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. It's even
supposed to cure the plague and cholera, according to Lorber.
An important hint: The camphor milk powder is not an antidote to
homeopathic remedies, as many people mistakenly think! The distilled
camphor is transformed in its structure so that there are no undesirable side
effects with homeopathic remedies.
It is taken 1-3 times a day. per intake (or several times a day, up to 5x 1 knife
tip, so I practice it). Melt the powder slowly in your mouth. It can be rinsed
with water. In the case of stubborn ailments such as inflammation of the root
of the tooth, it is recommended to massage some powder into the gums
several times a day. Rubbing and envelopes with flaps are also very effective
against itching of any kind. In the case of warts, the powder should be mixed
with some poppy seed oil, put on or glued on with a plaster. It's proven to

be effective for headaches, like? teas. Apply camphor milk powder and rub
forehead and feet with poppy seed oil. In chemotherapies, the side effects
can be greatly reduced if 1 teas before and after irradiation. of the powder.
The duration of the application takes about three days to 1 month, in severe
cases also longer, which can be tested kinesiologically.
What causes organic germanium?
Our immune system protects us from pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi,
protozoa, toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
We owe our physical immunity to the difficult interaction of various
specialised cells and organs, which is hormonally controlled by the endocrine
system and can be mentally influenced.
Org. germanium apparently stimulates the immune system and balances its
various components.
In the US Patent No. 4.473.581, titled "Organogermanium Induction of
Interferon Production" from 1984, the immunising properties of organic
germanium (Ge-132) in mice and humans are stimulated to produce
interferon, which acts against viruses and cancer.
At the same time, Ge-132 activates the dormant macrophages, which wash
around the antigens and "eat them up". The administration of Sanumgerman
in mice increases the cytolytic effect of natural killer cells, depending on the
At the earliest on the 2nd day this dissolving effect increased, reached its
peak on the 4th day and was normal again after 6 to 8 days. In mice treated
with organic germanium, the cytolysis effect was 27 to 33%, whereas the
untreated mice had only 10%.
Anti-tumour effect?
Scientists Suzuki, Brtkiewicz and Pollard came to the conclusion that the
immune system stimulated by Ge132 might work against some cancers.
Germanium appears to have an indirect anti-tumour effect by stimulating T
cells to produce circulating lymphokines (probably gamma interferon).
The lymphokines in turn activate the dormant macrophages, which
eventually suppress the growth of tumours.
All these research results indicate that germanium from org. germanium
strengthens and balances our immune system from the ground up and
supports health in a natural way.
oxygen enrichment
Oxygen is a vital substance for us. We need it for our metabolism, for the
digestion and resorption of our food and for the detoxification of harmful
If the cells are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, they cannot maintain
their normal metabolic functions. This can lead to cell degeneration and

In addition, an anaerobic environment in our body promotes the growth of a

pathogenic microflora, such as Candida. Oxygen deficiency in our body is
caused by factors such as stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and poor
The combustion of food produces carbon dioxide and positive hydrogen ions.
The carbon dioxide is exhaled and the H+ ions combine with oxygen to form
water and can be excreted by urine and sweat.
If we have too little oxygen in the blood, this leads to an accumulation of H+
ions that can destroy cells and cause tissue damage.
The oxygen atoms of organic germanium combine with H+ ions and could
detoxify the blood.
Organic germanium is an excellent electro-acceptor, which serves as an e-
drain during oxidative metabolism and thus supports the body's energy
By enriching the body with oxygen, organic germanium possibly protects
against carbon dioxide poisoning and stroke.
The more oxygen is available to the body, the better the blood circulation of
all organs, as 02 reduces the viscosity (counting flow) of the blood. This
phenomenon could explain the replacement of germanium in Raynaud's
disease and various eye diseases.
The naturopath Jan de Vries has been using organic germanium for years for
the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
He's writing about it:
"It can bring about an incredible improvement in the patient's condition. The
immune system needs oxygen to protect the grains from harmful intruders,
because the phagocytic white blood cells destroy the foreign substances
with a dose of toxic peroxide".
Organic germanium as an antioxidant
During metabolism toxic oxygen compounds such as hydrogen peroxyl
radicals and singlet oxygen are formed. It is believed that these oxygen types
are responsible for cell degeneration and various diseases.
They possess an unpaired electron and are therefore very unstable, reactive
and harmful to the cells.
At the Institute of Physiological Chemistry at the University of Hanover
experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of organic germanium
compounds on the glutathione enzyme system and peroxidase in rats.
The test results indicate that organic germanium activates known
antioxidants such as peroxydase and catalase, thus supporting antioxidation
- the dissolution of toxic oxygen species.
Healing effect found by chance?
As Dr. Asai du


Gotu Kola
Hydrocotyle asiatica
Gotu Kola is also known in China as Fo Ti Tien. It cleanses the body,
increases mental resistance and has a stimulating effect. It also has a
relaxing effect and increases vitality, fertility and potency.
. Gotu Kola The active ingredient Gotu Kola is already mentioned in the
oldest Chinese herbal-medical guidebook, the "Shennong Herbal", which was
put together about 2000 years ago.
The positive effect of Gotu Kola in the main application areas of vein
diseases and cellulite has now been scientifically proven.
Gotu Kola has a positive influence on the circulation system and is used
successfully in the treatment of varicose veins and phlebitis, as well as leg
cramps, swollen legs and severe or tingling sensations in the legs.
This is especially good for people who are inactive or bedridden. Secondly,
the preparation shows good results in the prevention and treatment of
Studies report a success rate of up to 80%. This seems to be mainly due to
the fact that Centella asiatica strengthens the connective tissue structure by
acting directly on the fibroblasts (a special cell form of the connective
Gotu Kola is also a remedy for stress (see also ginseng) - but not a sedative.
Gotu Kola has a diuretic effect and is used as a calming nerve stimulant to
cope with stress, to prevent overexertion of the eyes, for mental calmness
and clear thinking.
In traditional herbal medicine, Gotu Kola has been used since time
immemorial to strengthen the nervous system. Due to its vitalizing influence
on nerves and brain cells, it is often referred to as "brain food".
Gotu Kola supports the immune system with a natural portion of vitamins A,
B, E. mode of action: Supports the elimination of excess fluid, tightens the
tissues, reduces fatigue and depression and increases sex drive.
Gotu Kola effects a mental equilibrium or inner calm, increases the clear
thinking ability and is taken in addition to strengthening during stress but
also fatigue and persistent nervousness.
The positive effect of Gotu kola is particularly impressive in the case of
continuous weight reduction. Gotu kola actively promotes collagen matrix
formation and thus supports the youthfulness of the body's skin, as it has a
positive influence on the body's circulation system.

Scientific studies have shown that Gotu kola actively reduces cellulite in the
body and counteracts the formation of new cells. Recent studies have shown
that the substance also has a positive effect on memory, i. e. it can improve
memory conduction.
Ayurveda For thousands of years, the small plant Gotu Kola has been an
indispensable natural medicine for the mind and brain for the ancient Indian
healing art of Ayurveda. Gotu Kola helps you fall asleep to strengthen your
general well-being, and even helps you with nasal and sinus problems (with
According to new insights, Gotu Kola can even dampen fears! Research
suggests that the herb can also prevent stress, cleanse the blood, inhibit
inflammation, strengthen the circulation, and have a wound healing effect, as
well as having a beneficial effect on liver diseases and herpes.
According to Ayurveda, Gotu Kola can even strengthen intelligence, develop
consciousness, harmonize the two halves of the brain, strengthen the
immune system and the nervous system, stabilize emotions, revitalize and
rejuvenate the body. pdf
Excerpt from the book Codex Humanus-The Book of Humanity:
The Indians justify the enormous memory of the elephants with whose
preference Gotu Kola leaves tiger herb is another name for God Cola
according to the conviction of the Indians the tigers are said to have attained
their strength through the consumption of Gotu Kola.
Probably the most famous for words and users of"Fo- Ti-Tieng"(Chinese name
of Gotu Kola) was also the oldest person with the names Li Ching-Yuen.
Li Ching-Yuens
Li to a celebrity by the fact that on March 5,1933, at the tender age of 256
years, he blessed the temporal and on his way there he survived 23 wives.
This is not necessarily a story from the land of myths and legends because
his age was officially confirmed by the Chinese government, as the New York
Times and London Times reported after some research.
His knowledge of longevity has been regained by a monk in Sichuan Province
near the Tibetan border.
met. According to you, man was well over 300 years old and as agile as a
monkey as strong as a tiger and as wise as a dragon."
Main properties of pomegranate extract
Bacteria kill the effect

Viruses kill the effect

fungicidal action
Immune building effect
Preservative effect
Disinfecting effect
grapefruit seed extract as a herbal antibiotic
Internal applications from A to Z
amoebic dysentery
angina or tonsillitis
Arthritis Joint inflammation
Inflammation bladder problems
Candida albicans yeast fungus
Chronic fatigue
colitis Inflammation of the bowels
Disease Crohn's disease
bowel inflammation

bleeding disorders
gastritis gastritis gastritis gastritis gastric ulcer
Hormonal system disorders
Weakened immune system
General infectious diseases
lack of concentration
Migraine headache
menstrual problems
migraine headache
inflammation of the middle ear
prostate problems

Common rhinitis
worm infestation
External applications
oral mucosa ulcers
rashes skin rashes
leg ulcers
plantar warts pineapples
athlete's foot
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
Inflammation Sore throat
skin fungi
herpes simplex cold sores
horny skin

insect bites
tooth decay
Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis)
head lice
Excerpt from the book Codex Humanus-The Book of Humanity
Guayusa GANS
Ilex Guayusa whole leaves of the highest quality
Guayusa herb originates from the Amazon basin and has been drunk as a
stimulating tea by the local indigenous people for centuries. By drinking the
strongly caffeinated Guayusa tea, one gets into the state of extreme
alertness also called' runa'.
For the Kichwa Indians, drinking Guayuasa tea is a classic ritual in which the
whole family gets together and the elders tell the boys about the myths of
their ancestors.
Interestingly, Guayusa is also used to stimulate lucid dreaming and is
regarded as a strong plant teacher. The herb is also often added to the
wonderful Ayahuasca brew to enjoy the visions of the ancestors all night
Apart from the high caffeine content, the herb also contains high doses of
antioxidants, theophylline and theobromine. The contained saponins are held
responsible for the trauma- inducing effect.
In Peru, the herb is used for centuries as tea (traditionally 2-3 TL), but we are
not allowed to offer it as a food because of the NOVEL FOOD regulation.
Collagen Graphite GANS
Collagen Graphites
(natural fish collagen)
supporting for:
Skin, hair, nails, feet (inflated),
dilated blood vessels, stretch marks, cellulite
Allergies, skin diseases, rosacea, acne.
Add goose water to the bath water or use as a spray.

are large algae which belong to the brown algae Phaeophyceae) to the
Kelp Extract 600mg - delivers approx. 900 μg iodine - 240 capsules HIGH
No cheap goods from China, Eastern Europe or the Far East.
Made in Western Europe!
Kelp extract (5:1)120,0mg - equivalent of: 600mg Kelp Other ingredients:
maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, size 0, white capsule (colour titanium
Kelp extract 600mg - provides approx. 900 μg iodine -. Resealable by practical
pressure lock. Aromasafe, offers protection against air, moisture and UV
radiation. No cheap goods from India, China or the Far East. Kelp is an algae
species that grows brown in the sea near the coast. Popular in Japanese
cuisine, this seaweed can even be eaten raw and is often used in soups and
salads. Kelp is also dry ground and available as a substitute for salt or in
dietary supplements. The high nutrient content has made Kelp so famous -
especially the very high content of iodine.
Typical symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
increased sensation of cold
slowed reflexes
memory loss, depressive moods
weight gain and an increased cholesterol level
muscle weakness and stiffness
brittle, brittle hair, increased hair loss, brittle nails
pale, cool and dry skin
hoarse, deep voice; slow, blurred speech
chronic constipation
reduction of sexual desire and potency in men
slower heartbeat, lowered, rarely elevated blood pressure
The following complaints are regarded as leading symptoms:
Psychological signs: nervousness, aggressiveness, mood swings, insomnia
Cardiovascular disorders: temporary or constantly elevated pulse, cardiac
arrhythmias, high blood pressure, constricting sensation in the region of the

Increased body temperature, hypersensitivity to heat, sweating

There are also a number of other signs:
weight loss despite a strong feeling of hunger
muscle cramps and tremors
warm and moist, velvety skin
Fragile fingernails and hair, hair loss
Bone changes in the sense of osteoporosis, but only in the case of long-term
untreated hyperthyroidism.
Cycle disturbances
dysfunctions of other glands, in the sense of other autoimmune diseases, e.
g. adrenal cortex insufficiency (Addison's disease), type 1 diabetes,
rheumatic diseases, etc.
In case of diabetes: increased insulin requirement
Colostrum (Colostrum)GANS
Leukocytes white blood cells in the colostrum
Proteins Amino acids in colostrum
Growth factors in colostrum
regulation of blood sugar level
Repair DNA and RNA to our body
Increase of general well-being
Acceleration of growth and thus the regeneration of injured muscles tendons
ligaments bone cartilage skin collagen as well as nerve tissue,
Strengthening and strengthening the effect of muscles in weight training
Fast healing in case of burns Cut injuries Surgical wounds Skin abrasions
and wounds Lips
Colostrum is one of the most important groups of active substances in
Antibodies Immunoglobulins Accessory Factors Proteins Amino Acids Growth
Factors Nucleotide Vitamins Minerals

Antibodies in Colostrum
The antibodies in breastmilk (it has been possible to identify 37 in number so
far) have a double important function
they should protect the child from viruses and bacteria from outside and at
the same time discover that the mother may be carrying in them. The few
bags of white blood cells protect the child from both inside and outside
interfering germs.
The antibodies contained in the colostrum protect the organism against
Salmonella coliform bacteria Colon Bacteria
Bordetella pertussis) whooping cough bacteria)
Vibiro Cholerae,
Candida albicans,
Clostridium tetani,
Steptococcus penumoniae,
Chlostridium diphttheria,
All four major immunoglobulins, in colostrum before include IgM, IgG IgA,
and secretory IgA.
Blood glucose regulating mechanisms allergy arthritis lupus multiple
sclerosis and other allergy mechanisms
Human colostrum vs. animal colostrum
Of course, the question arises as to whether the animal colostrum used in
food supplements is as effective for humans as the colostrum used in cattle
and goats. Scientific studies have shown that the k. olostrum of cattle and
goats is not only digestible for humans, but up to 40 times richer in immune
factors than the human colostrum and that the composition corresponds to
99% of the human colostrum. Furthermore, the investigations indicate that, in
contrast to human colostrum, the colostrum of cattle and goats, with the
help of corresponding protease inhibitors and glycoproteins, protects the
active substances of the colostrum and prevents them from being destroyed
by the gastric acid of the adult. It can therefore be assumed that the human
colostrum is actually intended for the relatively gentle digestive juices of a
newborn baby, while adults can benefit exclusively and in animal colostrum.
Studies Colostrum in Diabetes
These are colostrum found IGF-! Stimulates the glucose utilization and
proves to be successful in the treatment of diabetes since is an effective
alternative to insulin and at the same time identical with the human IGF-1 is
the hedgehog level is naturally lower in diabetics than in healthy people.

Excerpt from Robert Franz's book "Codex Humanus".

L-Arginine for muscle growth and potency
(Centre of Health) - It has long been known in sports circles: The amino acid
L-Arginine brings a noticeable increase in performance within a very short
period of time - not only in the gym and in the gym, but also in bed. This is
because L-arginine promotes muscle growth, at the same time fat burning
and improves blood circulation. The amount of oxygen required decreases
and the performance level increases. If high blood pressure is present, it can
be reduced. Incidentally, a lot of L-arginine is not in meat, but in pumpkin
L-arginine increases performance
L-arginine is a non-essential amino acid. This means that our body can also
produce L- arginine itself if necessary. But this does not always work in
sufficient quantities.
Particularly in times of extreme tension, physical and psychological stress,
after illness or in periods of intense training, L-arginine can suddenly become
a scarce commodity and as a result, our performance - no matter where it is
required - decreases rapidly. If L-arginine is now supplied specifically from
the outside, an enormous increase in performance can be observed.
L-Arginine for muscle building, immune system and fat burning
In a study by the University of Exeter (UE), scientists found that L-arginine
can increase athletic performance by 20 percent and improve race times by
up to two percent.
The reason for this amazing effect is that L-arginine stimulates the release of
growth hormones, which leads to muscle building, but also to an activation of
the immune system and even to increased fat burning.
L-Arginine instead of Viagra
As nitrogen monoxide (NO) is formed in the men's erectile tissue from L-
arginine, which in turn improves blood circulation, a regular intake of L-
arginine leads to an increased erection.
If you also think of the Powerknolle Maca and the vital mushroom Cordyceps,
both of which have an extremely targeted and very positive effect on libido
and potency, hardly anything will go wrong at this point.
The medicinal mushroom Cordyceps improves blood circulation in the penis,
regulates the sex hormone balance and - together with Maca - improves the
semen quality.
L-arginine increases nitric oxide levels
Nitric oxide is an important substance produced by the body from L-arginine.
It regulates blood flow, fights harmful microorganisms and plays an important
role in cell communication.

In addition, nitric oxide helps distribute nutrients in muscle tissue, which is

one of the reasons why a high NO level leads to higher performance in
athletes. At the same time, L- arginine is also a starting substance for
collagen, connective tissue, important enzymes and hormones.
L-arginine in research
L-arginine was tested on a group of healthy men. Not only was there a
marked improvement in performance, but it was also found that L-arginine
appeared to help lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of oxygen
needed during exercise.
Research has shown that the use of L-arginine in the form of a dietary
supplement has led to an enormous increase in performance due to changes
in the intake of oxygen during exercise,
said Professor Andrew Jones of the School of Sport and Health Science at
Exeter University.
This is especially important for endurance athletes, as we believe that with
the help of L- arginine, the race times of top athletes could also be improved
by a further one to two percent. Although these figures seem to be minimal,
one to two percent of the sporting elite represents an extraordinary increase
in performance, as there is often only a fraction of a second between winners
and losers.
Indications for the use of L-carnitine
Arsenal Insufficiency
Alzheimer's disease
angina pectoris
weakness of the connective tissue
Anemia Chemotherapy Therapy
chronic muscle myopathies
chronic kidney diseases
chronic fatigue syndrome
Dementia Diabetes Diphtheria
distal ulcertative for colitis bleeding disorders

fertility disorder
frame of mind
Heart attack heart disease in general
heart failure
liver disease
Bechterew's disease
Myocarditis Post-Polio Syndrome
Reye syndrome smoker's leg
Stroke Shock
sperm deficit
Sperm Inactivity
lower leg ulcers
Furthermore, L-carnitine is recommended for all people under

suffering from stress,

and for smokers
competitive athletes
Pregnant women and young children > 15 years of age (who are willing to
lose weight because their own L-carnitine production is still missing)
In summary, L-Carnitine has the following effects on our immune system
Increased production of antibodies
Increase in TNF-alpha distribution
Release of TNF-alpha and interleukin
Inhibition of the aggregation of platelets and Marcophages
Activation of white blood cells
Inhibition of erythrocyte aggregation
Immunostimulant Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis Activation of
macrophages and monocytes Stimulation of human T and B lymphocytes
Increase in lymphocyte proliferation
Effect on the following organs and organ systems
cardiovascular system
immune system
hormone system
DNA liver sperm cells
Excerpt from the book Codex Humanicus (Robert Franz)
collagen, vitamin E, algae

Dietary supplement of the unique composition. It contains micronized algae,

tertiary lyophilisate collagen and natural vitamin E (D-a-tocopherol) obtained
from modified wild grain seeds.
Colvita® is a derivative of the great invention of Polish biotechnology, which
was extraction to the form of a hydrate, while maintaining the triple-spiral-
protein-conformity of natural organisms.
A pure, natural collagen made of fish skin. The inspiration for the production
of Colvita® was derived from natural collagen, the discovery of Polish
biotechnology, which was derived from biologically active tertiary collagen
from fish skin.
Natural collagen, a globally unique anti-ageing cosmetic, has become a
sensation in the marketplace with nearly 2,000,000 packages of the product,
distributed in a short time by Colway SpJ., campaigns and virtually no retail
store sales.
The positive consumer recipes were met by the above-mentioned Colway®
line of cosmetic products made from collagen hydrate.
Colvita® is a completely new approach to the problem of caring for collagen
tissues. This supplement is a masterpiece of work on a group of products
derived from fish collagen that keeps time forever. Thanks to the vitamin E
supplementation, the skin is smoother and softer, while at the same time
using collagen gel and its derivatives from the outside - it is also better
moisturized and cared for.
The human collagen chains consist of about 20 amino acids. Only a part of it
the body does in metabolic processes. The rest must be delivered in food. It
is worthwhile to feed yourself in a way that provides a constant supplement
to the amino acid storage for cells that produce and serve collagen. Colvita®
is made from lyophilized fish collagen. The triple helix collagen, similar to the
structure of DNA helix spirals, but functioning In extracellular space is the
carrier of information on amino acid reserves for vertebrates. Lyophilization
is the freezing of pure collagen to minus 40 ° C under vacuum conditions and
the subliminal removal of water from it (drying). Thus, the highest purity, the
biological resistance of nutrients and amino acids is preserved in their
natural form. This procedure allows the components to perform an excellent
hygroscopy of the product
and therefore to achieve extremely high assimilability.
Collagen is the most important protein in the human body and is the main
component of tissue bonding. It is directly responsible for the condition of
the skin, eyeballs, bone matrix, hair and nails.
It is produced and maintained by productive cells: fibroblasts and
chondrocytes. The state of body collagen determines the biological age of
man, which can be easily observed on the basis of changes in the
appearance of skin. J Collagen, which is the main competence of Colvita®, is
a unique lyophilised "lyophilized" on global hydrates of tropocollagen from
fish skin, with chain structures a1 and a2 almost identical to humans. The
bioassimilable collagen contained in Colvita® provides peptides, free amino
acids and amino acid rythroxyl groups, including hydroxyproline and
Algae (Fucus vesiculosus).

From the clear waters of the Brehat Archipelago off the coast of France.
Marine algae used in the manufacture of our product were not selected as a
component of Colvita® from a variety of plant extracts by accident. They
contain I-vitamins, macro- and macroelements, including trace elements, |;
peptides and amino acids, and f as essential amino acids. Such * a
composition is conducive to the proper hydration, appearance and condition
of our skin. The so-called mineral T-components; Biogen J, elements play an
important role in body nutrition. The role of micro and macro elements and j
amino acids in the metabolic system is much broader than the role of
vitamins. Mineral component j is essential for the body to build up purposes
(especially in bone tissue); they form high-energy compounds, etc. It also
influences the regulation of the functions of the organs and the whole body.
The specific role of minerals is to maintain homeostasis, which is the inner
balance of the body.
Particular attention should be paid to iodine, which occurs naturally in
marine algae and fulfils its essential function as a structural component of
thyroid hormones. In addition, iodine influences the maintenance of a proper
structure of hair, nails and skin.
Vitamin E - is present in many food supplements because it is the best-known
and most effective antioxidant.
Vitamin I protects against the degeneration of the most important stronghold
of youth and vital ones - the genetic code of the skin cell
the DNA. Therefore, this vitamin is an important factor in inhibiting the aging
process. During the design process of Colvita®, the addition of several
substances to the composition, including those that support the synthesis of
collagen, was deliberately discontinued. The focus was on the manufacture
of Colvita®, a unique addition that offers users the benefits and safety of
Colvita® contains a unique tertiary collagen obtained in molecular form by
lyophilizing collagen hydrate. There are no hydrolysates. It is the only diet
supplement produced this way.
Combination of components that help to complement the in-side, the main
tissue of the human body - the connecting tissue.
lemon fruit lyophilisate (carrier), algae[Fucus Vesiculosus], fish gelatin
collagen glyophilisate, vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol).
nutritional information:
1 / capsule (397 mg) 2 / capsules (794 mg)
Energy 4.7710 / 1.14kcal 9.54 k) / 2.28 kcal
Fat 0.01 g 0.02 g
saturated fatty acids 0.003 g 0.006 g
Carbohydrates 0.08 g 0.16 g
Sugar 0.05 g 0.09 g

Cellulose 0.10 g 0.21 g

Protein 0.13 g 0.25 g
Salt 0.01 g 0.02 g
Vitamin E 6 mg 12 mg
Collagen lyophilisate 12 mg 24 mg
Algae 111 <I11 <I1M <)
Iodine 0.10 g 58.8 ug (39.2% RDA ") 0.20 g, 117.6 ug (78.4% RDA *)
This plant was used by Native Americans to treat inflammation, coughing and
general pulmonary diseases.
King candle - application
Royal candle blossoms are used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory
tract. They have a soothing effect on inflammations of the mucous
membranes (catarrh of the respiratory tract) and associated coughing, colds,
flu-like symptoms and increased mucus production. The drug can also be
used to treat bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes). Wool flowers
are traditionally used to support the mucous solution in the airways. Folk
medicine has been using the healing effect of the plant for a long time to
treat chronic cough and to promote the ejection of bronchial secretion
(expektorant). Wool flowers are also used in folk medicine as a diuretic, anti-
rheumatic and sweat-inducing agent. The flowers should also be applied
externally to help speed up wound healing and the healing of various skin
conditions. Homeopathy uses the fresh, above-ground plant parts of the royal
candle collected during flowering to treat diseases of the upper and lower
respiratory tract and the peripheral nervous system without the woody
Royal candle inhalants
Royal candle blossoms contain about 3 % mucilages and various iridioids
such as aucubin, saponins such as verbascoside, flavonoids and about 11 %
invert sugar.
King candle indication
mucosal inflammation of the respiratory tract, catarrh, cough, cold, flu,

The high content of health-promoting phytonutrients and essential oils in

coriander is said to be the reason for its healing effect. Especially people
with digestive disorders (e. g. flatulence, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome)
and chronic inflammatory diseases (e. g. rheumatism) can provide coriander
relief. The herb has also proved its worth in infections and detoxification
Coriander against gastrointestinal problems
While Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have long been
aware of the healing power of coriander in digestive disorders, modern
science is now also interested in its soothing effect on the gastrointestinal
tract. The indications range from loss of appetite and stomach pain to
diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating to irritable bowel syndrome (RDS).
Coriander oil against infections
Against the background of increasing antibiotic resistance, phytomedicine
has been interested in coriander as a natural germicidal agent for years. In
particular, the essential coriander oil obtained from the coriander seeds is
considered to be a strong germ fighter, which is even supposed to cope with
multi-resistant hospital germs. Research carried out at the University
Hospital of Freiburg attributed an antimicrobial (i. e. antibacterial and
antifungal) effect to the ingredient linalool.
Coriander as a natural antibiotic
The antibiotic effect of coriander was specifically attributed by a Californian-
Mexican research group to the substance dodecenal.
Coriander seeds are effective against chronic inflammatory diseases. This
was confirmed by studies conducted by the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi. The anti-inflammatory properties of coriander
seed extract were tested in rheumatic laboratory tests. As a result of
coriander therapy, it was found that the animals suffered significantly less
from inflammation and swelling than their peer group, which received steroid
Protection against Alzheimer's disease
Author: Center of Health,
(Centre of Health) - Turmeric has become an integral part of the cuisine and
the naturopathic therapy of most diseases. The main active ingredient of the
yellow root - curcumin - is particularly helpful in chronic inflammatory
diseases thanks to its anti- inflammatory effect. Alzheimer's disease is also
associated with inflammatory processes, so that curcuma can also be used
here - both in prevention and in therapy. Extensive

investigations have long since shown how well turmeric can protect the brain
from Alzheimer's disease.
Turmeric for diabetes
Center of Health) - Turmeric has been used for centuries as a spice and
remedy. Numerous scientific evidence has long been available to support the
positive effects on human health. For example, it is known that the yellow
root has an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and detoxifying effect. Turmeric is
also said to have a positive, regulating effect on blood sugar levels. In the
meantime, there are also various studies on this topic, which show how
concretely curcuma can influence diabetes and prevent it.
Studies on curcuma are available on the following topics, among others:
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases
Arthritis Inflammation
Uveitis (inflammation of the eye skin)
Infections with Helicobacter pylori (the known gastric bacterium)
peptic ulcers
Vitiligo (the white spot disease)
psoriasis (the psoriasis)
Alzheimer's disease
Cancer (e. g. prostate cancer)
dental health
elimination of mercury
Leukemia, herpes,
Liver, sinusitis,
general effect of L-carnosine
Modulating the immune system

cell rejuvenation
The telomeres prolong and repair damages
Reducing DNA on the telomeres
Eliminating heavy metals
Counteracting the development of cancer
lowers blood pressure
accelerating wound healing
circulatory system protecting
Lowering the body fat
and in anaerobic sports performance-enhancing
It is an all-round antimony oxide that protects our cells from destructive
It suppresses the activity in aggressive free radicals Vienna hydroxyl,
peroxyl, superoxide and singlet oxygen.
It prevents lipid peroxidation, thus protecting our blood vessels.
Protects our cells and chromosomes from oxidation damage.
It is the most effective natural remedy to prevent glycation (sugarification).
It protects against the compounds of proteins in so-called "crosslinking" as
one of the aging mechanisms to influence the L-carnosine influence.
Protects against shortening of telomeres on chromosomes and repairs
damage to telomeres. Both have a life-prolonging effect
Is hindered the carbonylation as further in aging mechanism.
It protects the proteins from the toxic effects of AEGs.
Both proteins and phospholipids.
This accelerates the collagen synthesis and thus the connective tissue and
skin cell renewal.
In animal experiments, it has a positive effect on the behaviour and
appearance of old mice and prolongs their life by 20%.
Protects the brain cells against increased toxicity.

It increases memory performance.

It becomes the so-called neurotransmitter.
Protects biochemical functions and processes in the brain.
It shows amazing successes in the treatment of autism.
It prevents cross-connections of beta-amyloid,
This leads to typical deposits in Alzheimer's disease.
somatic cells in the phase of senescence
It rejuvenates the body's cells in the phase of senescence.
It gives cells that approach senescence a youthful appearance.
Extends cell life
It breaks through the Hayflick limit and allows cells to divide at the limit.
It accelerates wound healing through cell renewal.
Protects against toxic metals
It binds per oxidative metals such as zinc and copper and helps to eliminate
them from the body.
Improves potency and libido
It protects against cardiovascular diseases
It normalizes blood pressure
It optimizes blood clotting values
It protects against stroke
It helps with age-related old-age and cataracts
Protects against macular degeneration
It protects against cat records
In acute stroke, it reduces its consequences
It protects against diabetes complications
It was recently applied to the skin and eliminates wrinkles
It protects our joints

It supports weight loss

Disables or eliminates cellulite
It strengthens the muscles and prevents fatigue.
It has antitumor activity
It strengthens the body's own defences
Excerpt from the book "Codex Humanus".
Lapacho bark
Tabebuia avellana (100g)
The inner bark of the lapacho tree was already an all-round herb in the Incas
and many abilities were attributed to it.
Also in today's South America Lapacho takes a position like the ginseng in
China, and is used against all sorts of ailments.
Generally speaking, Lapacho tea or an alcoholic extract is rich in minerals
such as calcium, iron, copper, boron, manganese and magnesium.
The smoky-hard tea tastes also very good due to its discreet sweetness!
increasing in mmunsystem,
Healing effect:

Areas of application:
Digestive weakness,
Insect bites,
Facial rose,
Maharishi Ayurveda GANS
Works with
urinary tract infections

Coenzyme Q10 GANS

Coenzyme Q10 is known to most people as the anti-aging agent par
excellence. In the meantime, however, the coenzyme Q10 has been
scrutinized by scientists in many respects. Q10 obviously contains much
more than just an anti-wrinkle remedy. The coenzyme Q10 is required by
every cell in our body to ensure the supply of energy. Q10 activates the
immune system, strengthens the heart and nerves and even increases fat
Coenzyme Q10 for energy supply
All of our body's cells - neurons, muscle cells or heart cells - contain small
energy power plants, known as mitochondria. In these mitochondria, the
energy we consume through carbohydrates, fats and proteins is converted
into cell energy called ATP together with

oxygen and the power of water. Since oxygen is required for this energy
conversion, this process is also called the respiratory chain. A large number
of enzymes and vital substances such as coenzyme Q10 are involved in the
respiratory chain.
However, a coenzyme is not a real enzyme but a kind of enzyme helper, which
is of great importance for the work of the enzymes. Coenzyme Q10 plays an
extremely important role in the final stage of the respiratory chain and is
therefore indispensable for the energy supply of our body.
If the body does not have enough coenzyme Q10, it cannot produce enough
energy in the form of ATP. But the lack of Q10 has yet another negative effect.
Similar to stress, a coenzyme Q10 deficiency increases the formation of free
Free radicals are harmful to our cells in too large quantities, since they can
attack and destroy proteins, cell membranes and other cell components. Free
radicals therefore also contribute to the acceleration of cell ageing.
Coenzyme Q10 as antioxidant
In order to defuse the free radicals and protect our cells, our body needs a
kind of police force. Antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C or vitamin E
play this role.
Coenzyme Q10 also has strong antioxidant properties and can intercept
harmful free radicals. Therefore, the coenzyme Q10 does not only play an
important role for the energy supply but also for the entire cell health.
Coenzyme Q10 for a young complexion
The body's own production of coenzyme Q10 decreases with increasing age,
resulting in an increase in the production of free radicals. Free radicals cause
our skin cells to age faster, which is why, conversely, a sufficient supply of
Q10 via food or dietary supplements can stop skin aging.
Foods containing coenzyme Q10 are, for example, nuts, onions, young spinach
or vegetable oils such as sesame oil. Coenzyme Q10 is a very sensitive
substance which is destroyed by both light and heating. However, Coenzyme
Q10 is also available as a dietary supplement. In special opaque bottles, the
activity of Q10 is maintained very well. In liquid form, Q10 is almost 100%
available to the body.(1)
Coenzyme Q10 for a healthy cardiovascular system
Antioxidants such as Q10 not only protect the beauty of our skin, but also our
heart and blood vessels. Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in
cardiovascular diseases.

The results of a study (2) published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism
showed that antioxidants such as Q10, vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium can
significantly improve risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as high
blood pressure, high blood sugar, poor vascular elasticity and even bad
cholesterol levels.
Coenzyme Q10 for healthy nerves
In addition to protecting blood vessels, coenzyme Q10 can also protect our
nerves. The aging of the nerves is almost always associated with a
disturbance of the energy supply caused by impaired mitochondrial function.
Q10 can improve the functionality of small cell power plants and thus also
help with some nervous diseases.
Coenzyme Q10 against Parkinson's disease
In a scientific study (3) even the progression of Parkinson's disease could be
slowed down with the help of Q10. In this study, different amounts of
coenzyme Q10 were tested in early Parkinson's disease patients over a
period of 16 months. With the highest tested dose of 1.2g of coenzyme Q10
per day, a significant improvement of the disease was observed. However, the
lower quantities of Q10 also led to an improvement in the condition of all
Coenzyme Q10 against inflammation
Coenzyme Q10 also has the property of reducing excessive inflammation. Q10
apparently regulates the release of a certain substance called NF-kappaB,
which is responsible for the activation of inflammatory processes. This
regulation enables Q10 to additionally protect our nerve cells. Many nerve
diseases - as well as aging processes - involve inflammations that can
damage the cells.(4) (5)
Coenzyme Q10 for a strong immune system
There are numerous studies on the fact that the coenzyme Q10 is not only
able to strengthen our immune defence enormously by its anti-inflammatory
properties. For example, it has been shown that Q10 together with vitamin E
makes a major contribution to the defence against viruses and bacteria by
supporting our natural killer cells.(6) These natural killer cells are to a
certain extent the frontline of our defence, which kills cells that are infected
with viruses, among other things, and thus limits the spread of viruses.
Coenzyme Q10 against infections
Another study (7) showed that Q10 and vitamin B6 allow our immune system
to react more quickly to intruders because these two micronutrients
stimulate the production of antibodies and certain immune cells. Scientists
suspect that this effect of Q10 may even be significant in the fight against
infectious diseases, AIDS and cancer.
Coenzyme Q10 against AIDS?
Another study (8) showed that the severity of an AIDS disease is associated
with a lack of Q10. Some AIDS patients were even able to suppress their
symptoms in the early stages of the disease with the help of Q10. An
adequate Q10 supply can obviously support our immune system very well and
therefore protect us from various diseases.
Coenzyme Q10 for strong muscles

Coenzyme Q10 not only provides the cardiovascular system and the immune
system with the necessary power to function properly, but also our muscles
and fat burning. The ATP produced by the mitochondria is the fuel that drives
our muscles in the first place.(9)
Coenzyme Q10 in fibromyalgia
In studies (10) (11) with healthy middle-aged men, Q10 could lead to an
increase in muscle strength. However, the coenzyme Q10 can also lead to an
improvement in people who have problems or even diseases of the muscles.
(12) (13) (13) For example, patients suffering from fibromyalgia could be
helped by Q10.
People with fibromyalgia have about 40% less Q10 in their cell membranes
than healthy people.(14) In a scientific trial (15), 64% of the participants were
able to improve symptoms of the disease with the help of Q10.
Read also: Fibromyalgia - Is Guaifenesin the solution?
Coenzyme Q10 promotes fat burning
Since the coenzyme Q10 is a great combination of energy supplier and
antioxidant, a dietary supplement with Q10 is also ideal for athletes. Another
great side effect of Q10 is that fat burning is apparently stimulated by eating
90mg daily.(16)
Coenzyme Q10 and the adipose tissue
In order to understand this connection between Q10 and increased fat
burning, one should first know a little about the so-called brown fat tissue.
The brown fat tissue is very different from the normal white fat tissue, which
mainly stores excess fat.
The brown adipose tissue is permeated by many nerves and blood vessels
and contains an enormous amount of mitochondria, where the brownish
coloration and hence the name comes from. This fatty tissue appears to play
a role in adapting to colder temperatures. The special feature of brown
adipose tissue is that compared to normal cell energy production it is able to
convert 100% of our calories into heat.
Sync by honeybunny
Preparation: Highland potato tubers ground to dry powder.
Indication: Reliable remedy for every "Lazarus, raise yourself" - or "Blows up
the pants" - project on the butler side, but it also serves hot-blooded
ambitions like "The lips of the deviless","Swallows the company" and
uncompromising must-pressing on the delicious ladies' side.
Consumation: One teaspoon per liter of tea or? litre of fruit juice or? litre of
hot milk or cocoa. Fills the ammunition cabinet in an observable manner and
can therefore lead to addiction among some euphorics.

Specials: Not for breakfast, otherwise too much restlessness in the office.
Everyone needs magnesium.
Magnesium relaxes,
Magnesium has an anti-inflammatory effect,
Magnesium helps with diabetes,
Magnesium is involved in the body's own protein production and thus in
muscle building,
Magnesium increases the efficiency and
Magnesium relaxes the athlete's muscles - briefly:
Without magnesium, many things do not run as they should.
magnesium can help prevent plaque on arterial walls
In the study in question, it was even observed that magnesium also
significantly reduced inflammation in the artery walls after increasing daily
magnesium intake.
cardiovascular system
muscle and nerve functions
Bone and tooth reconstruction
Burning of carbohydrates and fats
Structure of protein and genetic information (DNA)
Stress processing
release of hormones and messenger substances
Melatonin occurs naturally in the human body, is a hormone produced by the
pineal gland in the central nervous system. Hormones play an important role
in regulating the hours of sleep and the vigil during the day.

A formulation that is often recommended to help with sleep disorders

associated with time zone changes, sleep disorders and night rhythm
disturbances in blind patients,
For all those connected with sleep disorders and alertness (shift work).
It stimulates sleep disorders associated with disturbances in the daily
rhythms of the human biological clock.
Sleeps a melatonin provide blood pressure support for blood pressure
already in the normal range
It supports the neutralization of free radicals that occur when you age.
Helps to regenerate the body
It supports deep and relaxing sleep
Nutritional value in 1 tablet:
Melatonin (n-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) 10mg
Melatonin, dicalcium phosphate, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium
stearate, stearic acid
No artificial colour, aroma or sweetener, no preservatives, no sugar, no
starch, no milk, no lactose, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish. Sodium
For a long time, hardly any attention has been paid to this extraordinary plant
in our Western civilisation circles. But now it is promisingly called "the tree
of the 21st century". Nutritionists have discovered that the leaves of the
Moringa tree contain an enormous amount of vital substances. For example,
they contain more calcium than four glasses of milk, vitamin C from seven
oranges, three times more iron than a handful of peas, ten times more folic
acid than raspberries, twice as much protein as milk. The tree provides
virtually a complete range of nutrients.
In addition, Moringa contains a completely newly discovered plant hormone
called zeatin. Zeatin increases the effectiveness of all the vital substances
you ingest with your food sixfold! It also ensures that your cells literally wake
up and open the "doors" for the Moringa vital substances on offer.
MSM strengthens the immune system

The sulphur-containing amino acid methionine, for example, has many

important functions in the body. One of these is the transport of the trace
element selenium to its application sites. Selenium helps to ward off
pathogens, protects against free radicals and is very important for the eyes,
vascular walls and connective tissue.
If sulphur is missing, methionine is also missing. If methionine is missing,
then nobody transports selenium to where it is needed. If there is a lack of
selenium, the body's own defences no longer function properly and the
human being becomes susceptible to infections, inflammations and so-called
signs of wear and tear, all of which would not occur in a healthy immune
The lack of only one single substance never results in a single malfunction,
but in many different ones, which - like an avalanche - cause and intensify
each other.
For a long time it was assumed that even allergies are triggered by a weak
immune system. Today, however, it is known that the body's own defences are
responsible for this. MSM can also be helpful in this case.
MSM Organic sulphur for allergies
People with pollen allergies (hay fever), food allergies and allergies to house
dust or animal hair often report a serious improvement in their allergic
symptoms after only a few days of taking MSM.
MSM relieves pain in arthritis
MSM - Organic sulphur for cartilage and joints
MSM reduces muscle damage
MSM for more energy, fitness and beauty
Ichthyosis: MSM causes a small miracle
Rosacea: MSM improves symptoms
MSM Organic sulphur for the gastrointestinal tract
MSM enhances the effect of vitamins
Organic sulphur in cancer
MSM against breast cancer and metastases
MSM organic sulphur detoxifies the body
Sulphur deficiency is widespread
Of course, our food contains certain amounts of sulphur. Nevertheless, many
people today suffer from sulphur deficiency. Why? Industrial agriculture,
together with modern nutrition, ensures that only small amounts of sulphur
reach the consumer.
Sulphur deficiency due to industrial agriculture and food processing

In the past, farmers used to fertilize manure and enrich the soil with large
amounts of natural sulphur. However, the use of artificial fertilizers over many
decades led to the fact that the sulphur content of the earth and thus also of
food became lower and lower.
Like many vitamins and enzymes, sulphur is extremely sensitive to heat and
cold. As soon as food is cooked, fried, baked, grilled, braised or otherwise
heated as soon as it is stored in the refrigerator or even in the freezer, the
sulphur content of the food decreases.
The sulphur content is also reduced during drying, storage and any industrial
processing of foodstuffs. This means that if foodstuffs are no longer
consumed fresh and raw, they are no longer suitable for the supply of sulphur.
Chronic sulphur deficiency that persists for many years can - as indicated
above - lead to many symptoms without the person concerned even knowing
where the problem might lie.
Fabulous regeneration processes through MSM
If the body is then supplied again with sulfur in the form of MSM, this can set
the legendary regeneration processes in motion. People who took MSM
reported joints that were regenerated and painless, inflammations, allergies
and skin rashes that disappeared, healed gastrointestinal disorders, lost
musculoskeletal problems, cancer that disappeared or simply an overall
increase in the body's defences, performance and wellbeing.
DARMVITAL' S MUMIJO is a complex natural product of plant origin with an
unusual spectrum of minerals, trace elements and complexing humic acids.
Mumijo has been known for more than 2000 years in naturopathic Asian
medicine (Russia, China, Persia, Tibet, etc.). Already Aristotle (physician and
philosopher) described the effectiveness of Mumijo. He recognized the great
healing power of Mumijo. named. In the regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan
and Kyrgyzstan and in most of the former CIS states it is called mummy. In
Transbaikalien, Tibet and Mongolia it is called "Brogschaun" (mountain juice),
in Iran and Iraq it is called "Arakul dshibal" or "mountain sweat".
Mumijo is mountain juice from the flora of Central Asia pressed by tectonic
earth activities. Mumijo needs a long maturing period. It is only after 20
years that the root plant juices become fully effective. Since a large number
of biological and chemical processes are involved in the maturing process, it
has not yet been possible to investigate all the processes that ultimately
lead to Mumijo. Mumijo is collected in certain mountainous regions.
It contains more than ten essential amino acids. Mumijo contains more than
80 different micro- and macro-elements as well as vitamins of the B-group
and the vitamin K. Because of its components, Mumijo is able to be a
sensible food supplement. As a result, Mumijo is a nutritional-physiological,
natural combination to enrich the daily diet with vital substances. In the case
of heavy daily stress, environmental influences, stress, susceptibility to
disease and much more. care must be taken to ensure a sufficient supply of
these nutrients contained in Mumijo. These nutrients are important for a
healthy cell metabolism

Ingredients / Ingredients
Mumijo, capsule material hard gelatine, vitamin C, vit. B1 as thiamine
mononitrate, vit. B2 as riboflavin, vit. B6 as pyridoxine HCL, folic acid, vit.
Nattokinase GANS
Nattokinase - a remedy for cardiovascular diseases
Nattokinase is a healing enzyme and is found in the traditional Japanese dish
called "Natto". Natto has been prepared in Japan for more than 1000 years
and is also considered a cure for cardiovascular diseases.
For this dish, unpeeled soybeans are first soaked in water and then cooked.
Afterwards, the soybeans are mixed with a bacterial culture (Bacillus natto)
and fermented (vaporized) at 42°C, between three and five hours. This
fermentation produces the enzyme Nattokinase. When it's ready, the beans
have shrunk a bit and a sticky protein gruel has formed (looks like melted
If this is just a slimy bean meal...
Why is Natto so healthy now?
Natto is particularly rich in high-quality vegetable protein and other nutrients.
It also contains a particularly high concentration of vitamin K and the trace
element selenium. Not to mention the enzyme Nattokinase. Other ingredients
are lecithin and saponins.
It is a food for cells and nerves and increases physical and mental
performance. Increases concentration and memory and can also prevent
Saponins (secondary plant substances):
Detoxify the body and play an important role in lipid metabolism. They have
an invigorating, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, mucous/mucolytic and hormone-
stimulating effect. They counteract cell ageing, alleviate constipation and
help in the prevention of colon cancer.
Vitamin K:
Natto is one of the most vitamin K-rich foods ever. Vitamin K is indispensable
for regulating blood clotting in the body, i. e. also for stopping bleeding,
otherwise you would easily bleed to death in an injury. If the body suffers
from vitamin K deficiency, the bleeding time is prolonged and bruising can
easily occur. An increased vitamin K deficiency causes poor wound healing,
bleeding gums, nosebleeds, fatigue, heavy menstrual bleeding and internal
bleeding. If vitamin K is lacking, blood coagulation decreases.
Vitamin K also supports bone augmentation together with vitamin D3 and
prevents osteoporosis as it promotes the utilization and incorporation of

It also prevents cancer, protects the heart from plaque formation in the
arteries, lowers LDL cholesterol and is important for healthy teeth and liver
(By the way, drugs for blood thinning cause vitamin K deficiency)
Attention when taking anticoagulants such as Marcumar: Vitamin K is called
the "antagonist" to Marcumar. If anticoagulants are used as medication,
vitamin K should not be absorbed more readily. This should be discussed
with a doctor.
Selenium, as "all-rounder" can be called "protector-trace element". It is a
powerful antioxidant, a catcher of free radicals. Selenium protects the cells
from harmful (environmental and radiation) stress as well as toxins and
counteracts cell ageing (oxidative stress). Selenium is also used as an
antidote to heavy metal poisoning, such as lead and mercury.
Selenium strengthens the immune system and prevents heart disease,
thrombosis and cancer. Together with other vitamins such as vitamin C and
E, it keeps you fit and vital, strengthens your concentration and has an
antidepressant effect.
A selenium deficiency can cause several different illnesses, such as thyroid
disorders, indigestion, immunodeficiency, depression, insomnia, memory
loss, lack of concentration, headaches, joint and muscle pains, fertility
In the 1980s, a Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi (University of Chicago) researched natural
substances capable of dissolving blood clots before they could be dangerous
to the cardiovascular system. This reduces vascular occlusions that can lead
to heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolisms.
Dr. Sumi also examined the Japanese dish Natto and found it. He found an
enzyme that dissolves blood clots and called it Nattokinase ("Enzyme of
Nattokinase dissolves blood clots, lowers high blood pressure and is
regarded as a good protection against stroke, heart attack, pulmonary
embolism and even Alzheimer's disease.
Nattokinase beats all chemical drugs for the treatment of blood clots. The
effect of the enzyme also lasts for more than eight hours longer than that of
the medication. In addition, Nattokinase also supports the production of the
body's own anticoagulants and enhances their effect.
After long studies, no adverse effects from Nattokinase
What is NADH
Physiological functions of NADH

NADH increased energy in heart cells

NADH repairs DNA damage and regenerates damaged cells
NADH is a particularly potent antioxidant
NADH reduces cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure
NADH strengthens the immune system
NADH increases production of dopamine and serotonin
NADH stimulates nitroxide (NO) production and improves blood circulation
of all organs, especially the heart and brain.
Health problems where a positive effect of NADH has been scientifically
NADH and chronic fatigue
NADH and depression
NADH in menopause
NADH at overweight
NADH in diabetes
NADH in brain performance disorders Memory problems and dementia
NADH in Parkinson's disease
NADH in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
NADH in stroke
NADH in cancer
NADH in glaucoma and macular degeneration
NADH in Arthritis
NADH Analgesic
NADH for healthy people
NADH for increasing physical performance
NADH for increasing brain performance
NADH at sleep deficit

NADH with Jetlag

NADH stimulant for men and women
NADH the only substance with a proven anti-aging effect
NADH for skin problems
NADH application in dentistry
What is NADH
NADH the abbreviation for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - hydride,
Is also known as coenzyme 1.
NADH is the biological form of hydrogen and reacts with the
in each cell and the formation of energy and water.
The more NADH a cell has at its disposal, the more energy it can produce,
the better it works and the longer it lives.
NADH occurs in a living ten of animals and plants.
Therefore, NADH is also found in our daily food,
Most meat and fish. Of that, if anything,
absorbed only minimal amounts, because the acidic gastric juice
Is NADH removed immediately.
Physiological functions of NADH
NADH fulfils a variety of physiological functions and is involved in more than
just one physiological function.
as a thousand metabolic processes.
The most important psychological functions of NADH (coenzyme -1)
Described briefly below.
NADH increased energy in heart cells.
More NADH in the cell leads to more ATP.
This means that the cell has more energy and functions better and stays vital
for longer.
NADH repairs DNA damage and regenerates damaged cells.

It also protects against damaging influences such as radioactive radiation to

the environment.
Toxins drugs chemicals and other toxins.
NADH is a particularly powerful antioxidant.
NADH reduces cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure
NADH Dopamine and Serotonin
Dopamine has a significant influence on all sexual functions, especially
on the sexual appetite libido.
Dopamine reduces to that the prolactin secretion and the appetite.
The higher the level of dopamine in the blood, the lower the appetite.
We should also mention the positive influence of dopamine on
secretion of the growth hormone. It is considered a key factor
For the regeneration of 10 tissues.
Dopamine increasing effect of NADH was proven in isolated nerve cells.
NADH stimulates nitroxide (NO) production
You eat better thereby the blood circulation of all organs, especially of heart
and brain.
Nitrooxide (NO) fulfils the characteristics of a neurotransmitter.
This function affects the immune system and inhibits the immune system.
Aggregation of platelets sealing damaged blood vessels
and stop a bleeding.
One of the most important physiological functions of nitrooxide
(NO) is relaxation and dilation of blood vessels.
This causes more blood to enter the organs.
More blood also means more oxygen more nutrients
And thus a better function of the cells.
Excerpt from Dr. Birkmayer's brochure.

Omega 3 GANS
Omega-3: Vital fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats, which means that we have to take the
omega-3 fatty acids, because our body cannot produce them itself.
But what exactly are omega-3 fatty acids needed for? Valuable fatty acids are
needed almost everywhere in the body:
for the production of hormones
for protein synthesis
for the cell metabolism
for supplying the joints with lubricant
for the prevention of inflammation
for the moisture and elasticity of skin and hair
for the formation of the body's own defence cells
for protection against infectious diseases
Thus, those who take care to cover their daily requirement of omega-3 fatty
acids clearly avoid numerous illnesses.
In the following, we would like to introduce you to the seven most important
effects and benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, and you will see that it is
extremely worthwhile for every person to optimize their diet in such a way
that sufficient omega-3 fatty acids are ingested.
1. omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart
Omega-3 fatty acids have long been promoted as important for
cardiovascular function. Whether this was indeed the case was also
questioned for a long time.
However, new studies are now being published almost daily, confirming that
omega-3 fatty acids work at different levels to protect or restore
cardiovascular health.
For example, Swedish researchers found that a dietary supplement with
omega-3 fatty acids
lowers blood lipid levels
Reduced blood sugar levels
relieves inflammation in the body
lowers blood pressure
reduces blood coagulation and thus the tendency to thrombosis (see also
below under 3 Omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of thrombosis)

improves the flow properties of the blood

All of these properties immediately minimize the risk of cardiovascular
The regular intake of sufficient omega-3 fatty acids can thus clearly prevent,
for example, a heart attack, which is still the most common cause of death in
the industrialized countries - and more and more so in women.
Anne Nilsson and her colleagues at Lunds Universitet in Sweden investigated
the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on the cardiovascular
system in a study involving forty participants aged 51-72 years.
Over a period of five weeks, the participants took a daily supplement with
three grams of omega-3 fatty acids.
Subsequently, their cardiovascular risk was examined. The researchers
checked blood fat and blood sugar levels, blood pressure and inflammation of
the test subjects. It showed that omega-3 fatty acids had massively reduced
all these risk factors.
Further studies have shown that the risk of heart attack is reduced by 30 to
50 percent if the body is sufficiently supplied with omega-3 fatty acids.
A study carried out in Shanghai with 18,000 test persons even showed a rate
of 70 percent risk reduction.
Omega-3: Vital fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats, which means that we have to take the
omega-3 fatty acids, because our body cannot produce them itself.
But what exactly are omega-3 fatty acids needed for? Valuable fatty acids are
needed almost everywhere in the body:
for the production of hormones
for protein synthesis
for the cell metabolism
for supplying the joints with lubricant
for the prevention of inflammation
for the moisture and elasticity of skin and hair
for the formation of the body's own defence cells

for protection against infectious diseases

Thus, those who take care to cover their daily requirement of omega-3 fatty
acids clearly avoid numerous illnesses.
In the following, we would like to introduce you to the seven most important
effects and benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, and you will see that it is
extremely worthwhile for every person to optimize their diet in such a way
that sufficient omega-3 fatty acids are ingested.
1. omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart
Omega-3 fatty acids have long been promoted as important for
cardiovascular function. Whether this was indeed the case was also
questioned for a long time.
However, new studies are now being published almost daily, confirming that
omega-3 fatty acids work at different levels to protect or restore
cardiovascular health.
For example, Swedish researchers found that a dietary supplement with
omega-3 fatty acids
lowers blood lipid levels
Reduced blood sugar levels
relieves inflammation in the body
lowers blood pressure
reduces blood coagulation and thus the tendency to thrombosis (see also
below under 3 Omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of thrombosis)
improves the flow properties of the blood
All of these properties immediately minimize the risk of cardiovascular
The regular intake of sufficient omega-3 fatty acids can thus clearly prevent,
for example, a heart attack, which is still the most common cause of death in
the industrialized countries - and more and more so in women.
Anne Nilsson and her colleagues at Lunds Universitet in Sweden investigated
the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on the cardiovascular
system in a study involving forty participants aged 51-72 years.
Over a period of five weeks, the participants took a daily supplement with
three grams of omega-3 fatty acids.
Subsequently, their cardiovascular risk was examined. The researchers
checked blood fat and blood sugar levels, blood pressure and inflammation of
the test subjects. It showed that omega-3 fatty acids had massively reduced
all these risk factors.
Further studies have shown that the risk of heart attack is reduced by 30 to
50 percent if the body is sufficiently supplied with omega-3 fatty acids.

A study carried out in Shanghai with 18,000 test persons even showed a rate
of 70 percent risk reduction.
What is DMSO?
It is the abbreviation for DiMethylSulfOxid, it is a transparent, odourless
liquid, which is today extracted from wood as a natural substance. It
originates from the paper industry. DMSO was first discovered when the
operators of paper mills wondered why their workers so often held their
hands in the solution. The hands enjoyed excellent health.
It is completely non-toxic and heals wounds 2-3 times faster. It works for 6
DMSO is contained in every pain ointment. In the past, this was the main
component of the ointment, but it was lowered more and more, so that now
there is only a minimal component in the ointments. According to the
industry, it is now possible to sell more ointments.
There are about 11,000 studies worldwide and about 40,000 articles on the
positive effects of DMSO. (It's unbelievable that the pharmaceutical industry
suppresses knowledge so much.
This liquid has a lot of intrinsic value, because in countless scientific and
medical examinations that have been carried out decades ago, it astonished
by a multitude of healing effects on humans and animals. It can be taken over
the skin, as a diluted solution for drinking or by injection/infusion. It has been
used therapeutically since 1960.
However, most of the DMSO consumed in the body is gradually converted into
so-called organic sulphur (MSM). This substance (as described in the article
MSM) even has extremely positive effects on the body and is very often used
for joint problems. In summary, DMSO can be described as effective
regeneration, rapid balancing and natural "repair". One can give DMSO the
name "universal medicine".
OPC(Robert Franz)
The manufacturer writes:
"OPC 133 by Robert Franz" Per capsule means 140 mg of pure OPC per 350
mg of grape seed extract.
OPC 133 contains a high-quality grape seed polyphenol powder in vegetable
"vegetarian" cellulose capsules, without flavouring, preservatives or
colouring agents. OPC 133 is 100% vegetarian.

Pure water is used to extract the grape seeds. By means of a membrane

filtration the polyphenols are then enriched with a solution of 70% water and
30% ethanol.
Notes: Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet
and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended intake. Keep out of
the reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place.
Special features
Free of preservatives
Free of artificial colouring agents
Free of artificial flavouring agents
74% grape seed extract with OPC, hydroxyprophylmethylcellulose (capsule
shell), releasing agent magnesium salts of fatty acids
Ingredients per capsule:
Grape seed extract 350 mg of which OPC* 140 mg
Original Padma 28 with monkshood.
The prescription for this remedy has been handed down by a Tibetan-
Mongolian family of doctors. This one had a collection of highly effective
recipes, the 28th recipe of this collection is Padma 28, which consists of 22
different plant extracts (including monkshood tubers).
The ingredients of Padma 28 neutralize so-called harmful free radicals, which
are caused by the modern way of life, stress, nutritional errors, psychological
tension, environmental factors (electrosmog, ozone), diabetes, smoking,
mellitus, high blood pressure, etc., and have an aggressive effect on the
body. The herbal protective substances of the Tibetan remedy can keep
these harmful oxygen compounds in check.
The aim is to restore harmony between the human organism and nature.
Disharmonic states, which, for example, lead to arteriosclerotic complaints,
indicate a deficiency condition. Padma 28 can bring the diseased organism
back into equilibrium.
The Swiss drug compendium lists the following indications: circulatory
disorders, running ants, heaviness and feeling of tension in the legs and
arms, falling asleep of hands and feet as well as cramps in the calves.

Padma 28 is successfully used at:

chronic inflammation of all kinds
circulatory disturbances with symptoms such as tingling and ants, heaviness
and tension in the legs and arms
Falling asleep of hands and feet
calf cramps
Vitalisation in case of change of seasons
overacidification of the body due to lack of exercise
sports activities
physical overload and excessive strain, e. g. from competitive sport
prevention of influenza infections
Strengthening of the immune system
chronic infectious hepatitis B
Prevention and treatment of cancer
chronic polyarthritis
Multiple sclerosis
Alzheimer's disease
arteriosclerosis (calcification of the vessels)
Padma 28 has a blood circulation stimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.
The Tibetan remedy also acts as an antioxidant herbal preparation and
What is included in Padma 28?
Marmelosfruits (Aegie sepiar fructus) 20 mg
clove pepper (Amomi fructus) 25 mg
Aquilegiae (Aaquilegiae vulgaris herba) 15 mg

natural gypsum (Calcii sulphas powder) 20 mg

Marigold blossoms (Calendulae flos) 5 mg
prostate gland
is a plant-based preparation made from the fruit of the saw palmetto to
alleviate the discomfort associated with prostate enlargement, such as urge
to urinate, delayed urination, dripping, feeling of incomplete emptying and
problems with urination. Prostate gland. Prostate trouble. Prostate
hyperplasia. Men suffer. male discomfort, urination
QUANIFEN- GANS Deworming of dogs and cats
Quanifen (50 mg praziquantel / 500 mg fenbendazole) - tablets for dogs and
For the treatment of roundworms, hookworms, whiplashes and tapeworms.
For the treatment of mixed infestations with roundworms and tapeworms of
the following species at
Dogs and cats:
Ascariden Toxocara canis (adult)
Toxocara cati (adult)
Toxascaris leonina (adult)
Hookworms Uncinaria stenocephala (adulte)
Ancylostoma caninum (adult)
Whipworm Trichuris vulpis (adult)
Tapeworms Echinococcus granulosus
echinococcus multilocularis
dipylidium caninum
Taenia spp.
Mesocestoides spp

file: ///C: /Users/Evelyn%20Lerden/Downloads/949091_F_GI_11-02-04_Quanifen

%20 (1). pdf
Rayex Goose
Soil treatment Soil decontamination
Quint Essence Cosmic Rescue GANS
Quint Essence Cosmic Rescue
Meteorite A
Basic theme: increasing and clarifying the ability to perceive, calming
circular thoughts, increasing body awareness and sensitivity, ideal for
Direction of action: after a grounding impulse, the chakras are activated and
the perception is opened, parallel to this, the thoughts are calmed down and
the consciousness is opened,
Clarity, alertness, openness to intuition, inspiration, contact with creative
consciousness, encounter with the boundless.
Chakra: all chakras double their energy intake to 14,000 Bovis, heart and
STIRN-CHAKRA even increase to 28,000 Bovis.
Some meteorites still radiate a distinctly perceptible, special energy -
sometimes stronger than large gems. That was the reason for creating an
alchemical meteorite essence from it. According to the laboratory methods
of Paracelsus, the meteorite rock was dissolved and made available to
humans in terms of material and energy. A very special meteorite was
selected for this purpose: the "Allende meteorite". With the so-called CAI
inclusions, it contains material from the SchopTuning origin of our solar
system and tiny diamonds that were even created outside our solar system -
a truly "extraterrestrial" composition. It also contains unusual elements such
as the "Superman element krypton, which is the rarest element on earth
together with xenon, and the also very rare rhenium; minerals of the olivine
group such as the" energy "-mineral forsterite; corundum, which is the
second hardest gemstone after the diamond; garnets, silicates such as
nepheline, magnetic- electrical substances such as magnetite and magnetite.
According to the Freiburg astrologer Vinzent Liebig, the energetic quality of
the Allende meteorite and its alchemical essence was derived from its
impact horoscope:" Creative consciousness, creative inspiration,
inventiveness, and unexpected strokes of luck are evident in the astrological
constellations; spiritual insight into the boundless backgrounds of existence.
In summary, the Allende meteorite stands for a lively encounter and
communion with the boundless or for an unlimited community, for creative
consciousness and the expansion of communication. In other words, if you
take an essence from this meteor, it could not only open up perception,
inspire ingenuity and new creative ideas, but also open up access to a
completely new kind of community, as it were, to the cosmic, cosmic and
spiritual realms.
I'd like to open the level."

After processing the meteorite into an alchemical essence, it became

apparent that this essence calms the thoughts of everyday life and is
therefore ideal for meditation and, in general, for coming to rest; it increases
clarity and alertness, sensitivity and perceptiveness and at the same time it
remains grounded.
vascular injuries
Bleeding wounds
Corns - Corns
wound healing
Dry and cracked skin
skin burn
oral cavity inflammation
Inner restlessness
Further names
Wound weed, Ointment flower, Marienrose, Moonflower, Lucky flower,
When used internally in the form of flower tea, it has a calming effect that
restores mental balance to painful experiences such as separation or loss. It
is suitable for long-term therapies as no side effects are known. For painful
wounds, it has a healing and anti- inflammatory effect that accelerates the
healing process and is felt to be pleasant. This can also be seen in animals
when treating wounds with marigold ointment.


100% barley grass powder
Barley grass is an old natural remedy.
ideal in combination with Dr. Peter Hartig® Spirulina
Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting and maintenance of normal
purely vegetable
100% vegan
free of lactose, yeast and gluten
by Dr. Peter Hartig
1. Spirulina works against infections
Spirulina is one of the most protein-rich foods with a protein content of up to
70 percent. Among the proteins are also those that have been scientifically
proven to increase the production of disease-fighting killer cells, helper cells
and antibodies.
Research at the Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular
Diseases in Japan showed that the activity of the macrophages (feed cells)
increased significantly after ingestion of spirulina. In this way, spirulina
algae support the immune system in the fight against all kinds of infections.
2. Spirulina protects against viruses
The potassium salts contained in spirulina prevent viruses from penetrating
into the cell as they stick to the salts when docked to the cell wall. In this
hopeless situation they are an easy prey for the immune system's defence
cells. This is confirmed by various studies. The research team was able to
prove that spirulina protects the cells against herpes simplex viruses,
cytomegaloviruses, influenza A viruses, mumps viruses and measles viruses.
In addition, several older studies suggest that spirulina can even protect
against the AIDS virus (HIV). These studies are also consistent with a newer
study from 2012, in which Spirulina was tested in eleven HIV patients over a
period of three months.
The quality of life of the study participants improved during algae intake and
the number of HIV viruses in the blood remained stable.
One of the patients extended the experiment. After 13 months, a significant
decrease in the number of viruses in his blood was finally observed.
3. spirulina can reduce allergic reactions
A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2005 showed that
Spirulina was able to prevent allergic reactions in people suffering from
rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal septum).

Also in the treatment of hay fever, skin allergies and other forms of allergy, it
has been found that spirulina contains certain substances that inhibit the
release of histamine.
All in all, high doses of spirulina can contribute to a significant reduction in
their allergic symptoms, even in the case of severe allergy sufferers.
4. Spirulina improves blood levels
A study with patients suffering from type 2 diabetes showed that the
concentration of blood sugar could be reduced with just 2 g of spirulina per
day. At the same time, the total cholesterol level decreased, the LDL value
decreased and the HDL value increased.
Researchers have also found that the blue-green pigment of spirulina algae -
the so-called phycocyanin - can regulate blood sugar levels.
Phycocyanin is also said to protect against high blood pressure and increase
adiponectin levels. Adiponectin is involved in regulating the feeling of hunger.
High levels of adiponectin mean that we are less hungry.
5. spirulina has an anti-inflammatory effect
Of course, phycocyanin is not only the colorant of spirulina - quite the
contrary. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, phycocyanin occupies a
place high up on the rating scale of active substances in spirulina.
Together with the beta-carotene, which is also contained in spirulina, and
several other radical scavengers (vitamin C and E, selenium), it inhibits the
formation of oxidation processes that lead to damage to the cell walls.
Damaged cell walls trigger inflammatory processes that can spread
throughout the body. In this context, it is important to know that the
development of many diseases is based on these previous inflammatory
6th Spirulina supplies large quantities of chlorophyll
7. chlorophyll has an anticarcinogenic effect
As already mentioned, spirulina contains a lot of chlorophyll. Therefore, the
consumption of this algae can also be taken for the prevention of cancer or
during therapy, because chlorophyll has been shown to have an
anticarcinogenic effect in addition to its many positive health properties.
According to studies, chlorophyll blocks specific enzyme complexes that
cause cell change and lead to uncontrollable cell growth. This is the
beginning of cancer. In this context, it has also been proven that chlorophyll
can drastically reduce the number of carcinogenic aflatoxins in the body.
Aflatoxins are among the highly carcinogenic toxins produced by some molds
of the genus Aspergillus. Whether in the soil, in hay and cereals, in fruit or
nuts - aflatoxins can be found almost everywhere in nature and are therefore
detectable in almost every body.
8th Spirulina slows down the aging process

The large amounts of chlorophyll contained in spirulina algae also stimulate

the production of red blood cells. The more red blood cells there are, the
more oxygen can be transported into the body's cells. The better the oxygen
supply to the cells, the stronger the metabolism is stimulated and the better
the cell respiration works.
These factors maintain the health of each individual body cell and support
the regeneration of weakened cells. Overall, a sufficient proportion of
chlorophyll in the body increases the lifespan of all cells, so that the physical
and mental aging process is equally slowed down.
9. Spirulina improves brain performance
Many people who already supplement their diet regularly with spirulina
report significant improvements in their ability to think. Since Spirulina
contains extraordinarily high amounts of L-tryptophan - an amino acid that
produces the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin - the algae is an
excellent means of improving mood, memory and nerve calming.
The glutamic acid, which is also present in a conspicuously large quantity,
also promotes brain activity, so that mental fatigue symptoms and
concentration disorders are noticeably reduced by regular ingestion of
spirulina. This effect also makes spirulina the ideal nutritional supplement for
children and adolescents.
Sync by honeybunny
barley grass
100% barley grass powder
Barley grass is an old natural remedy.
ideal in combination with Dr. Peter Hartig® Spirulina
Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting and maintenance of normal
purely vegetable
100% vegan
free of lactose, yeast and gluten
by Dr. Peter Hartig
The life-giving chlorophyll is generally present in algae in large quantities -
including spirulina. As it is chemically almost identical to our hemoglobin, the
red blood pigment, chlorophyll is also known as "green blood".
The similarity to haemoglobin also illustrates the importance of chlorophyll in
terms of health, as it fulfils a number of (survival) important functions in the
contains Spirulina platensis micro algae powder with naturally bound zinc

Zinc contributes to a normal function of the immune system

Zinc contributes to a normal acid-base metabolism
Zinc has a function in cell division
Zinc protects cells from oxidative stress
Zinc supports your carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism
Zinc to preserve the skin, hair and nails
zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal cognitive function
for all seasons
100% vegan
free of lactose, yeast and gluten
1. Spirulina works against infections
Spirulina is one of the most protein-rich foods with a protein content of up to
70 percent. Among the proteins are also those that have been scientifically
proven to increase the production of disease-fighting killer cells, helper cells
and antibodies.
Research at the Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular
Diseases in Japan showed that the activity of the macrophages (feed cells)
increased significantly after ingestion of spirulina. In this way, spirulina
algae support the immune system in the fight against all kinds of infections.
2. Spirulina protects against viruses
The potassium salts contained in spirulina prevent viruses from penetrating
into the cell as they stick to the salts when docked to the cell wall. In this
hopeless situation they are an easy prey for the immune system's defence
cells. This is confirmed by various studies. The research team was able to
prove that spirulina protects the cells against herpes simplex viruses,
cytomegaloviruses, influenza A viruses, mumps viruses and measles viruses.
In addition, several older studies suggest that spirulina can even protect
against the AIDS virus (HIV). These studies are also consistent with a newer
study from 2012, in which Spirulina was tested in eleven HIV patients over a
period of three months.
The quality of life of the study participants improved during algae intake and
the number of HIV viruses in the blood remained stable.
One of the patients extended the experiment. After 13 months, a significant
decrease in the number of viruses in his blood was finally observed.
3. spirulina can reduce allergic reactions

A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2005 showed that

Spirulina was able to prevent allergic reactions in people suffering from
rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal septum).
Also in the treatment of hay fever, skin allergies and other forms of allergy, it
has been found that spirulina contains certain substances that inhibit the
release of histamine.
All in all, high doses of spirulina can contribute to a significant reduction in
their allergic symptoms, even in the case of severe allergy sufferers.
4. Spirulina improves blood levels
A study with patients suffering from type 2 diabetes showed that the
concentration of blood sugar could be reduced with just 2 g of spirulina per
day. At the same time, the total cholesterol level decreased, the LDL value
decreased and the HDL value increased.
Researchers have also found that the blue-green pigment of spirulina algae -
the so-called phycocyanin - can regulate blood sugar levels.
Phycocyanin is also said to protect against high blood pressure and increase
adiponectin levels. Adiponectin is involved in regulating the feeling of hunger.
High levels of adiponectin mean that we are less hungry.
5. spirulina has an anti-inflammatory effect
Of course, phycocyanin is not only the colorant of spirulina - quite the
contrary. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, phycocyanin occupies a
place high up on the rating scale of active substances in spirulina.
Together with the beta-carotene, which is also contained in spirulina, and
several other radical scavengers (vitamin C and E, selenium), it inhibits the
formation of oxidation processes that lead to damage to the cell walls.
Damaged cell walls trigger inflammatory processes that can spread
throughout the body. In this context, it is important to know that the
development of many diseases is based on these previous inflammatory
6th Spirulina supplies large quantities of chlorophyll
The life-giving chlorophyll is generally present in algae in large quantities -
including spirulina. As it is chemically almost identical to our hemoglobin, the
red blood pigment, chlorophyll is also known as "green blood".
The similarity to haemoglobin also illustrates the importance of chlorophyll in
terms of health, as it fulfils a number of (survival) important functions in the
7. chlorophyll has an anticarcinogenic effect
As already mentioned, spirulina contains a lot of chlorophyll. Therefore, the
consumption of this algae can also be taken for the prevention of cancer or
during therapy, because chlorophyll has been shown to have an
anticarcinogenic effect in addition to its many positive health properties.

According to studies, chlorophyll blocks specific enzyme complexes that

cause cell change and lead to uncontrollable cell growth. This is the
beginning of cancer. In this context, it has also been proven that chlorophyll
can drastically reduce the number of carcinogenic aflatoxins in the body.
Aflatoxins are among the highly carcinogenic toxins produced by some molds
of the genus Aspergillus. Whether in the soil, in hay and cereals, in fruit or
nuts - aflatoxins can be found almost everywhere in nature and are therefore
detectable in almost every body.
8th Spirulina slows down the aging process
The large amounts of chlorophyll contained in spirulina algae also stimulate
the production of red blood cells. The more red blood cells there are, the
more oxygen can be transported into the body's cells. The better the oxygen
supply to the cells, the stronger the metabolism is stimulated and the better
the cell respiration works.
These factors maintain the health of each individual body cell and support
the regeneration of weakened cells. Overall, a sufficient proportion of
chlorophyll in the body increases the lifespan of all cells, so that the physical
and mental aging process is equally slowed down.
9. Spirulina improves brain performance
Many people who already supplement their diet regularly with spirulina
report significant improvements in their ability to think. Since Spirulina
contains extraordinarily high amounts of L-tryptophan - an amino acid that
produces the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin - the algae is an
excellent means of improving mood, memory and nerve calming.
The glutamic acid, which is also present in a conspicuously large quantity,
also promotes brain activity, so that mental fatigue symptoms and
concentration disorders are noticeably reduced by regular ingestion of
spirulina. This effect also makes spirulina the ideal nutritional supplement for
children and adolescents.
The Sango Sea Coral this is one of the best natural mineral springs in the
The many minerals in the claw carry vital biological information and are and
are distinguished by their extremely high bioavailability.
This Sango Sea Coral comes from Okinawa in Japan, the only place on earth
where his life is the only coral species with the same mineral composition as
the human bone.
Therefore, it is not surprising that I enjoy the residents around Okinawa very
good health and quality of life and it is not surprising that I get in the oven
with anyone as prepared 100 years and older.
The connection between the special water and the longevity of the Okinawa
na was already mentioned in a long-term study from 1976 to 1994 as an
important factor for the attainment of the high age customary in Okinawa.
A major ingredient of Sango Coral is ionized calcium calcium is a crucial
factor in regulating the acid-base balance of it, it repairs the skeleton and
prevents osteoporosis before it is a fundamental building block of enzymes
and hormones that supports the brain

cells in their communication and is involved in the metabolic functions in the

cell. Sango Coral Powder is characterized by the optimal calcium magnesium
ratio of 2:1 and a high bioavailability, with a mineral composition of approx.
24% natural calcium and approx. 11% natural magnesium.
Sango coral is the powder of the foot in Sango Sea coral from Okinawa with
over 70 minerals and trace elements and a high proportion of calcium
Magnesium 115000/kg Calcium2420000 mg/kg Sodium 290mg/kg Potassium
50 mg/kg
Saale is 100% natural without additives ionized structure is crucial for
excellent absorption.
Sango Koralle provides the acidic body fluids and keeps the saliva pH value
constant between 7.2 and 7.4 when taken regularly, eliminating harmful
substances from the body and ensuring that viruses bacteria and fungi do
not have a chance.
Jimson weed GANS
Stechapfel Gans
jimson weed
Use and recipes: Also in Ayurveda dried flowers are smoked to dissolve
spasmodic cough and asthma. If smoking is not effective, inhale the smoke
of dried seeds. In the case of gonorrhea, the press juice of fresh leaves is
administered in sour milk.
In the case of rheumatic swelling, an envelope with crushed fresh leaves is
used as a household remedy. These envelopes are also used for mumps,
ingrown toenails, rheumatoid arthritis, painful tumours and nerve pain
(especially in the face). Fresh leaf shoots in alcohol are also used for the
same purpose. Steam is also used, which is produced by an infusion of
boiling water. In general, the active parts of the plant are used in various
ways as a local anaesthetic.
The seeds are highly intoxicating, astringent, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac,
aromatic and analgesic.
Homeopathy: Datura stramonium HAB1 in highly febrile infections, cramping,
eye inflammation, mental illness and sleep disorders in infants.
Dinand: Flower (June to September) beautiful white. The plant has an
unpleasant, sweetish, numbing odor and a nasty, bitter, salty taste. The
alkaloid daturin (apart from hyoszyamine, atropine and scopolamine), which
is obtained from the herb and the seeds, has the same effect as atropine (f.
Belladonna cherry). In medicine, the leaves (Folia Stramonii) were infused
against nerve disorders and pain-relieving compresses, the seeds were used
to treat nervous facial pain, neuralgia, whooping cough, kidney colic, etc.
Plum cigars against asthma and breast-feeding.
SARSA GANS (press against cancer)

Characteristics and indication: Sarsa is a thin spiked liana from the Rio
Marañon region, which was replanted in Otorongo. Their use is based on the
secret knowledge of the Indians. Their manufacture requires meticulousness
and strict dietary regulations. It is used for severe forms of cancer at an
advanced stage and in chronic neurodermatitis.
Application: The prepared Master Brew 3 x daily after eating 4 cl. (suspend if
the disgust is too big), no television, no pork or pork products.
Special feature: Sarsa belongs to the "jealous" master plants. It calls for
uncompromising social withdrawal and reflection on the struggle. That's why
few patients really want to take it.
Storage: in refrigerator (not in freezer)
Schungite powder consists of 100% schungite mineral stone. It is produced
by grinding the schungite stone. Powder of schungite is suitable for creams
and body lotions production for the face and body.
Schungite paste consists of water and schungite powder. It is produced from
a mixture of fine powder particles and water in a ratio of about 1:2. The paste
has a creamy texture and is black. She's odorless.
Schungit-Paste is used for various inflammations, allergies, skin diseases,
degenerative diseases, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis as well as
for various injuries such as bruises or sprains, etc.
The schungit powder can be mixed into your cream. You can apply the
finished cream to the face, décolleté or other areas of the skin with powder
of schungit. After approx. 30 minutes, remove the Schungit cream with soap
and water.
The powder is helpful for skin irritations, dermatitis and itching. The skin
cells are supplied with minerals. Schungit powder is used for mineral baths,
ointments and face masks.
Schungit is a mineral stone that exists only in one place in the world: Karelia
in Russia. Schungite consists mainly of carbon, but its carbon atoms are
arranged into very special molecules. These football-like carbon molecules
are called fullerenes and are considered to be so interesting in science that
they are also produced artificially (e. g. in nanotechnology).
However, the natural schungite fullerenes have a much more distinct healing
effect. In folk medicine in Karelia, schungite has been considered a healing
stone with unique effects for centuries. But Russian medical science has
also been researching and proving the healing effects of schungit for years.

For example, Schungit contains antioxidants that are many times more
effective than conventional antioxidants and keep our cells healthy and
young. Read more about antioxidants in general and fullerene antioxidants in
particular. Then you too will recognize the unique significance of Schungit.
An even smaller particle of silicon associated with amino acids is organic
This substance can also be found in the human body, but is not produced by
the body itself but must be absorbed with food.
The effect of silicon has been unknown for a long time, but extensive
research has now shown that silicon is essential for bone growth. There are
some interesting scientific studies on this topic, which can be found here
online. However, not all studies from the German area are available here
online in English only. Anyone who reads through the scientific studies will
find that silicon is also needed for healthy hair, nails and skin. If there is a
lack of silicon, this can be noticed very quickly by some symptoms such as
brittle nails, dry and brittle hair, and an unhealthy skin condition. It is
necessary for the general well- being and regeneration of the cells to take up
sufficient silicon with the food.
Since not much silicon is absorbed by the unhealthy diet today, it is possible
to take dietary supplements here. Silica, for example, is a well-known food
supplement with a high silicon content. However, there are other means that
can be used to regulate the silicon content. You can choose from drops,
silicon in ampoules, creams, lotions and other products. Silicon is also
important for the connective tissue. It is kept elastic by this element, as
silicon has a positive effect on the formation of other substances. For
example, elastin and collagen are produced and this production is stimulated
by silicon. Elastin is very important for the connective tissue because it is so
elastic but at the same time remains firm. For this reason, people who are
struggling with cellulite, for example, should simply try the dietary
supplement with silicon. The appearance of cellulite can be greatly improved
by silicon.
The effect of silicon in the human body is particularly due to its ability to
absorb water. Silicon can bind large amounts of water, approximately 300
times its own weight. In this way, the metabolism is regulated, as the water
associated with silicon is only released when the body needs it. You can read
more about the chemical reactions that take place here in the body online.
It quickly became clear from scientific studies that silicon is very good for
the bones as it is one of the most important elements in the cells. The bones
and also the cartilage are strengthened and kept healthy. Silicon is a
decisive factor here. If there is a lack of silicon, bone loss and other bone
diseases can occur. In the case of arthrosis, silicon is very effective and can
greatly reduce the pain.
Silicon is also essential for other functions. Silicon is also an important
factor for the blood vessels, for example. This element keeps the blood
vessels flexible. This means an improvement in blood flow. Therefore, silicon
is also very important for the cardiovascular system. People who took silicon
as a dietary supplement found that it was possible to lower blood pressure in
this way.
Saffron (Iranian) GANS

Both substances - saffron and curcumin - are considered strong antioxidants
(radical scavengers) and protectors of the microcirculation (circulation of the
smallest blood vessels). However, circulatory disorders are one of the main
causes of many eye diseases, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration,
and saffron is also often used in daily computer work to treat painful,
reddened or tired eyes.
Curcumin can complement and enhance the active properties of saffron.
In an Italian study published in the journal Evidence-based Complementary
and Alternative Medicines in 2012,29 patients with macular degeneration
took part in the study.
The volunteers were all between 70 and 75 years old and received 20 mg of
saffron extract daily for 15 months.
In the course of the study, the eye health of the subjects improved
In addition to the mechanisms of action described above, it was discovered
that saffron and the crocine contained in it can prevent the death of the light-
sensitive cells in the retina.
The other saffron carotenoid called crocetin, on the other hand, is said to
improve the distribution of oxygen in the bloodstream and thus lead to an
optimized oxygen supply of the retinal cells.
Ultimately, the researchers summed up their recommendation as follows:"A
long-term saffron supplementation with saffron leads to a stable
improvement in retinal function.
And so the reports of the patients, who all unanimously reported a much
better view and thus an enormous increase in their quality of life, come as no
However, the higher quality of life could certainly be attributed to the mood-
enhancing effect of saffron.
Saffron - A natural antidepressant
Saffron boosts potency and libido
Saffron helps with PMS
Premenstrual syndrome usually manifests itself a few days before
menstruation with mood swings, water retention, breast tenderness, skin
impurities, diarrhoea, etc. and disappears without trace as soon as the rule
begins - except for a new one in the next cycle.
Saffron - The gentle slimming agent
With an effective three-point system, saffron ensures a permanently slender
1. saffron strengthens the feeling of satiety.
2. saffron inhibits the appetite - especially for sweet snacks.
3. saffron automatically reduces the number of snacks.

Saffron - Excellent Stomach and Liver Ingredients

Saffron is considered to be an excellent stomach medicine, it supports
digestion, helps with gas and heartburn and its bitter substances care for the
Safran gegen Krebs
Vor allem in den letzten fünf Jahren wurde verstärkt die krebsfeindliche
Wirkung des Safrans untersucht.
Zumeist werden hier jedoch die isolierten sekundären Pflanzenstoffe des
Safrans hochdosiert eingesetzt, insbesondere das Crocetin.
Es soll Tumore verkleinern und Tumorneubildungen verhindern helfen.
Neben Krebs sind Demenzerkrankungen jene Beschwerden, die wir Menschen
am meisten fürchten.
Safran – Mit voller Kraft gegen Alzheimer
5-HTP: natural help for depression, insomnia and more...
What is serotonin?
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is absolutely crucial for the proper
functioning of your brain and body. A neurotransmitter is an endogenous
substance that transports vital signals between cells. A lack of serotonin
leads to the fact that these signals are not transmitted correctly.
Serotonin is a particularly important neurotransmitter as it regulates the
activity of many other important brain components. Low serotonin levels
have dramatic negative effects and are associated with diseases ranging
from depression to fibromyalgia and insomnia.
5-HTP could revolutionize the treatment of mental and physical diseases
associated with serotonin. It has been used effectively in Europe for
Current clinical studies confirm that the therapeutic administration of 5-HTP
is an effective treatment for depression, fibromyalgia, cravings, chronic
headaches and insomnia.*
Note: The information provided herein should not be used to diagnose or treat
any disease. A doctor should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of all
diseases. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
You should not use this information to diagnose a health problem or disease
without first consulting a qualified healthcare professional.

health service provider. Please contact your doctor if you have any questions
or concerns about your condition.
5-HTP and Insomnia
Do you suffer from insomnia? Having trouble falling asleep? Having trouble
sleeping through the night? Do you wake up in the morning feeling sleepy and
If that is the case, you are not alone. In reality, one in three people suffers
from insomnia - the inability to fall asleep or fall asleep.
Can 5-HTP help with insomnia?
Many people can answer this question with a clear "yes".
How 5-HTP improves natural sleep
Here is the reason: sleep can be divided into several cycles. A normal sleep
pattern includes four to seven cycles spread over the night. Each cycle
consists of two main parts.
The first part includes slowing down brain activity and reducing the level of
consciousness. We don't dream at this stage. The second phase of the cycle
is called REM sleep, in which dreaming is carried out in this phase.
5-HTP helps you "smooth" the irregularities in your sleep patterns and
promote deeper, more relaxing sleep.
Studies have shown that 5-HTP improves sleep quality by prolonging the REM
phase significantly and extending the deep sleep phases of non-REM sleep
without altering the total sleep time.
This is an advantage over many prescription sleeping pills, which can
actually exacerbate insomnia by disrupting the normal sleep pattern.
These drugs tend to interfere with the sleep of the REM phase and the non-
REM deep sleep phases, leading to a superficial sleep that is of little use to
By contrast, 5-HTP improves REM and deep sleep by increasing serotonin
levels that are the fuel your brain needs to regulate sleep activity.
If you have been taking prescription drugs for more than four weeks, you
should not suddenly stop taking this medicine.
to be taken. Talk to your doctor about options for gradually discontinuing the
medication to minimize or avoid potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
The ability of 5-HTP to improve sleep includes regulating the hormone
melatonin, a hormone used by many people as a sleeping pill. However, 5-HTP
has proved to be more effective in promoting restorative sleep, as it
promotes the release of melatonin through the pineal gland in the brain.

Therefore, taking 5-HTP improves the body's natural cycle of melatonin

production and release without causing drowsiness during the day.
Studies confirm the sleep-promoting effect of 5-HTP
The positive effects of 5-HTP on insomnia were first discovered in studies by
Dr. Richard J. Wyatt at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland
and Dr. Vincent Zarcone at Stanford University in the early 1970s. These
studies showed that 5-HTP changes the duration of REM sleep depending on
the dosage chosen.
The neurotransmitter serotonin is crucial for falling asleep and sleeping
through. As the direct predecessor of serotonin, 5-HTP promotes a restful,
high-quality sleep that allows you to wake up in the morning, rested and
rested, and start the new day.
How does 5-HTP work compared to melatonin in the treatment of insomnia?
5-HTP might prove to be better than melatonin. Several clinical studies have
shown that 5- HTP has shown good results in promoting and maintaining
sleep in normal subjects and those suffering from insomnia. One of the main
benefits of 5-HTP to treat insomnia is the ability to improve sleep quality.
5-HTP and depression
Everyone feels bad every now and then. However, if your depressive mood
persists for more than two weeks or disrupts your daily activities, it can be
something worse: a depression.
Below you will find the diagnostic criteria for depression based on:
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM-
IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association, Washington D. C.,
Diagnosis criteria A and A2:
At least one of the following three abnormal moods, which strongly affect the
life of the person:
1. abnormal depressive mood during most of the day, almost every day, for at
least 2 weeks.
2. abnormal loss of all interests and pleasure during most of the day, almost
every day, for at least 2 weeks.
3. if 18 years old or younger, abnormally irritable mood during most of the
day, almost every day, for at least 2 weeks.
Syrian steppe rue GANS
Syrian steppe rue (Peganum harmala) at a glance
Family: Zygophyllaceae (Cochleaf Family)
Class: Peganum

Origin: The distribution area of the Syrian steppe rue extends from the
eastern Mediterranean area over the north of India to the Mongolai and
Manchuria. It is often found in Yemen and the Negev Desert. Every now and
then you can find specimens in Greece and Cyprus.
Habitat: desert-like conditions
Main active ingredient (s): Harman alkaloids, quinazoline alkaloids
Main effects: psychoactive, aphrodisiac, stimulating the imagination
Drug: Seed, (very rarely leaves)
Legal situation: There is no legal provision. Seeds of Syrian steppe rue and
the plant itself are legal in Germany.
Syrian steppe rue: This medicinal plant has been used as a psychoactive
plant since very early times. In the Middle East, the steppe rue still plays a
major role as an incense in the Middle East. In addition, Syrian Steppe Rue is
becoming increasingly popular for the production of ayahuasca-like
In India, the seeds of this medicinal plant are considered a natural
aphrodisiac and are widely used in folk medicine, especially in the
gynaecological field. Furthermore, the seeds of Peganum harmala are used
as an antidepressant.
At larger doses, it is also assumed that the seeds can have a stimulating
effect on the imagination. It is often spoken of conditions that resemble a
Effects & Effects
The really effective plant components are the seeds. These have various
effects on our nervous system. Among other things, they can help with
depression, stimulate imagination and cause psychoactive and dream-like
Since the steppe diamond has strong MAO-inhibiting effects, it is mainly used
to enhance the effects of other smoke plants. The so-called MAO inhibition
amplifies substances such as DMT and thus ensures that, for example, states
of intoxication with psychoactive fungi last much longer and are more
It is also speculated that the smoke contains ß-carboline, which is supposed
to increase the strength of other smoked products.
trad. / folk medicine application
The traditional fields of application for steppe seeds are mainly in the
gynaecological field. Especially in the Indian culture, for example, incense is
used to produce incense to facilitate childbirth. They are also considered
here as natural aphrodisiac and asthma medication.
The incense from the seeds is also used to help women with severe uterine
pain. The plant is also used to promote menstruation.

Skin problems, stomach problems and heart problems can also be treated
with folk medicine with infusions from the seeds. Very strong decoctions can
have not only strong calming and sedative but also anxiety-solving effects.
Effect summarized
psychedelic, imaginative and stimulating
MAO inhibitors
Effect (folk)medical
natural lung herb (asthma)
measurement location conveying
birth and uterine pain
Skin problems, tranquilizer
Active ingredients & ingredients Syrian steppe rue
The seeds, as well as the leaves and stems, contain the ß-carboline
harmaline, Harmin and some related bases such as Harmalol and Harmidin.
Furthermore, the following quinazoline alkaloids are also present: vasicin,
vasicinone, pegalin, tetrahydroharman and deoxyvasicinone. The total
alkaloid content of the seeds varies greatly and lies somewhere between 2
and 6 percent.
Stems and leaves contain a very good smelling essential oil. This oil has a
relaxing effect on your muscles when you use it for massages. The herb also
contains fatty acids and vitamin C.
essential oils
Vitamin C, fatty acids
Quinazoline alkaloids
Harmalin, Harmin
The active substances of interest to psychonauts are predominantly
contained in the steppe rue seeds.
Peganum harmala preparation and forms of consumption
A widespread form of cultural consumption is the use of seeds as incense. In
most cases, smoke is inhaled during smoking.

Since the active substances contained in the product are also intended to
enhance the effect of other substances (e. g. cannabis indica), they are often
also a constituent part of smoke mixtures. Of course, the dried seeds and
sometimes the cabbage are smoked pure.
A paste made from the seeds and lemon juice should be particularly
effective. The paste is then mixed with tobacco and smoked. Intoxicating and
aphrodisiac effects are to be created.
For internal use, the seeds can be swallowed with water. Alternatively, cold
or warm water extracts can also be obtained from the seeds that are
Marinating in wine (harmel wine) is also a common form of preparation. In
some cases, the crushed seeds are also used as snuff powder. The seeds of
the steppe rue can also be evaporated at a temperature of 100 - 150 ° C in
your vaporizer.
smoke mixtures, incense
hot water infusion, cold water infusion
vaporize in the vaporizer
swallow whole seeds
Snuff powder of crushed seeds
Butterfly bracelet
Schmetterlingstramete GANS
Butterfly bracelet (Coriolus Versicolor)
Compilation of the effects demonstrated by studies
The growth of hormone-dependent prostate cancer cells can be prevented.
The development of hormone resistance may be delayed. The PSA value is
reduced by an androgen receptor-dependent mechanism.
Cellular defence is activated: T-, B-lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages,
natural killer cells and bone marrow cells are stimulated.
The production of antibodies and cytokines (interleukin, interferon, TNF) is
The tumor size may decrease and the proliferation of cancer cells can be
prevented by inhibiting DNA synthesis. Coriolus works cytotoxically against
cancer cells.
An antiviral effect was observed in cytomegalovirus, HIV, herpes virus and
human papilloma virus (HPV).

Coriolus can be used prophylactically against cancer, especially in exposure

to radiation and chemical substances.
PSK can inhibit angiogenesis and thus the spread of the tumour.
PSP can trigger apoptosis.
Applications in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Characteristics: sweet, slightly warm.
Spleen invigorating.
Influence on heart and liver.
Eliminates heat and toxins.
Strengthens energy and spirit.
Reduces mucus and moisture.
Strengthens the kidney and liver yin.
For cancer.
For chronic hepatitis.
Infections of the upper airways, urinary tract and digestive tract.
Against fatigue.
Butterfly Stramete - The fungus, which has been used in East Asia for
generations, supports the immune system in the fight against viruses,
bacteria and cancer. Ötzi "already had a relative of this kind in his first-aid kit
5,200 years ago.
The polysaccharides of Coriolus PSK (Krestin) and PSP support the body's
immune system and have antiviral, antibacterial and cytotoxic effects on
cancer cells.
In addition, numerous studies in cancer patients have shown that the
coriolus can inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis and induce apopotosis.
Coriolus activates the TH 1 immune response, which is why this fungus is
particularly effective against viruses and tumour cells.
Against herpes zoster, influenza viruses and cytomegaly the medicinal
mushroom Coriolus has very strong antiviral powers. It activates cellular
defence and the production of antibodies. Particularly in the case of HIV and
hepatitis diseases, an enormous improvement in the quality of life was found
under his administration. However, it should not be used for autoimmune
Viruses also play a major role in the development of cancer: Epstein-Barr
infections often cause lymphomas and breast cancer, and the Human
Papilloma Virus (HPV) is said to be responsible for the development of
cervical cancer. There is a clinical study showing that

HPV positive results after one year of use are negative due to Coriolus HPV-
positive findings. Existing lesions at the cervix have also decreased in the
course of treatment. Coriolus is therefore also an important fungus in the
prevention of cancer.
Sync by honeybunny
The insulin of the heart disease.
Strophanthin is a substance isolated from an African liana. The substance
was approved as a remedy in intravenously administered form until 1960 and
was a leader in German heart medicine. Strophanthin is also a newly
discovered hormone that is produced more often in the heart muscle due to
lack of oxygen.
From 1950 to the present day, a large number of in part Double-blind studies
and reports from clinics, doctors' surgeries and laboratories document that
strophanthine in oral form has an outstanding positive effect in the
prevention and acute treatment of myocardial infarction and angina pectoris
(heart pain attacks). This, by the way, without serious side effects and
inexpensive. The drugs currently recommended by textbook medicine by far
do not achieve the performance of strophanthin.
No underground deaths
From 1977 to 1987, a hospital in Berlin-West achieved the world's best
cardiac infarction survival rates with strophanthin, although the values of
this clinic had previously been particularly poor due to the high proportion of
elderly people in the catchment area. A clinic in Sao Paulo did the same
The study on the strophanthin pill in angina pectoris in the Berlin clinic
showed that 98.6 percent of patients who took it as a preventive measure
were completely free of symptoms within two weeks. In acute patients, who
received strophanthine for the first time, the strophanthin cerebral capsule
worked on 85 percent of them within 5-10 minutes.
A German mine did not record any heart attack deaths due to the use of this
capsule underground for 10 years. Before, there were three a year! By taking
oral strophanthine, every patient with incipient myocardial infarction can
take the most important emergency measure even before the emergency
doctor arrives. Approx. 2000 German doctors use strophanthin with the best
success. You can find a list of doctors on the net by entering "Strophanthin
Doctors" in the search engine...
The positive effect
Strophanthin has a positive effect on several components, especially on the
heart, nerves, arteries and red blood cells. It combines the qualities of a
number of conventional drugs, but without their side effects. It is also used
to treat hypertension, cardiac insufficiency,

stroke, arterial occlusive disease of the legs, bronchial asthma, dementia,

endogenous depression and glaucoma.
Research into strophanthin as a newly discovered hormone has occasionally
been accused of increasing blood pressure. However, this assertion is based
mainly on questionable experiments with rats. All human experience clearly
shows a reduction in high blood pressure. Only one too low can be increased
by strophanthin
What makes the Royal Jelly Ginseng from FAMED so valuable?
Genuine Red Panax ginseng extract
Changbai Mountains region between China and Korea
100 % natural product
Free of impurities and pesticides
Strictest and regular quality and hygiene controls
FDA and GMP certification
Harvest only after 6-7 years
High proportion of ginseng (300 mg/ampoule)
Very high proportion (7%) of ginsenosides
100% pure Royal Jelly addition (200 mg/ampoule)
Convenient oral ingestion (drinking ampoules) of 10 ml each
The liquid itself is dark brown, tasty (sweetish herbal taste).
Royal Jelly in combination with ginseng
In naturopathy, the use of Royal Jelly in combination with ginseng is
preferred, as the complex health-promoting effects appear to be enhanced by
the interaction of these biological substances. In addition, our combination
(in liquid form = drinking ampoule) results in better absorption in the
digestive tract and faster absorption of the active substances in the blood.

Many different studies, both on humans and animals, have shown that Royal
Jelly obviously possesses various invigorating and therapeutic benefits due
to its exceptional high nutrient density:
Increase of oxygen uptake in the tissue[8]
Improvement of metabolism[8]
Increase in resistance to stress[8]
Increase in performance and vitality (therefore equally popular with
professional and hobby athletes)[8]
Promoting concentration and memory[1]
Helpful against depressive moods[8]
Reduction of old-age complaints and diseases (Royal Jelly is also attributed
an anti-aging effect, e. g. positive effects on the skin)[8]
Liver protection (improving the regenerative capacity of a pre-damaged liver,
e. g. through alcohol or medication)[2]
Antibiotic and antiviral properties, improved wound healing[6,7,8]
Possible lowering of high cholesterol levels[3,4,5,9]
L-Tryptophan effect
L-tryptophan effect as a vital amino acid
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that all living beings need and is
responsible for many important functions. In the human body it is minimal
and cannot be formed by the human body itself. Protein-rich foods such as
soybeans, cashew nuts, cocoa powder, oatmeal, various types of meat, eggs
and peas contain L-tryptophan in varying concentrations.
Stress, hectic pace and unhealthy lifestyle do not always meet the demand
for amino acids. The L-tryptophan effect is impaired and insomnia and mild
irritability may be possible consequences. Regular consumption of selected
foods and dietary supplements can ensure the minimum intake of L-
tryptophan. That's 3.5 to 6 mg per kilogram of body weight.1 Vegetarians in
particular appreciate the L-tryptophan effect in the form of dietary
supplements, as the amino acid also balances the budget of the happiness
hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin. L-tryptophan supports
the relaxation of the organism by a healthy sleep and to gain new strength for
the day.
L-tryptophan - the stuff that dreams are made of and that makes you happy
L-tryptophan was discovered in 1901. It is a precursor of nicotinic acid (also
niacin: vitamin B3) and has the character of a provitamin. Vitamin B3 is
essential for the metabolism of

proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Furthermore, the L-tryptophan effect of the

neurotransmitter serotonin is produced in the human organism.
Serotonin is also known as a happiness hormone because it is known to
improve mood. Another messenger in the brain is melatonin. It is formed in
the pituitary gland from serotonin and regulates the sleep-wake rhythm. The
L-tryptophan effect is therefore also described as helpful for sleep disorders.
L-tryptophan effect that should not be foregone
The L-tryptophan effect is calming and sleep-promoting and of great
importance for general well-being and pain perception. The conversion of L-
tryptophan into serotonin increases the level of serotonin, which has a
positive effect on the mood and can counteract a lack of serotonin. Taking a
protein-containing diet or L-tryptophan as a dietary supplement before going
to bed should have a positive effect on a restful sleep. *3
A lack of L-tryptophan can be caused by a low protein diet. A one-sided diet
can also be a possible cause for a deficit of this vital amino acid. The L-
tryptophan effect in the body is reduced and this can lead to insomnia,
listlessness and fatigue. In medicine, the L- tryptophan effect is also known
in the form of L-5-hydroxytryptophane (5-HTP). 5-HTP is the first intermediate
stage of L-tryptophan and is converted to serotonin.
TAT Energy Mix GANS
TAT Energy Mix
This self-mixing can completely change humans with the most different
complaints, such as stiffness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, internal burning,
stomach intestine problems, Crohn's disease and much more in most cases
within approx. 10 minutes on remaining. The mixture contains over 100
enzymes, all amino acids and vitamins, trace elements and minerals, which
are immediately absorbed by the organism. A mixture of div. Minerals and
other high-quality materials
Ingredients: Ingredients: Apricot powder, Artemesia, Aulterra, Cayote,
Cashew, Chaga, Etherium products, Fenchelsamen, Gardenia, Ginseng,
Graviola, Hibiscus, Jasmin, infrared- neg. ionic powder, ginger, jackfruit,
chestnut, mangosteen, almond, moringa, nato kinase, NEM, panax ginseng,
pearl powder, pine pollen, protein plus, shungit, tourmaline, soya, sorghum,
sweet potatoes orange and violet, walnut, wild palm seeds, vanilla,
Una de Gato is a lily that grows in the Amazon rainforest where it has been
used in natural medicine for thousands of years by the indigenous Indians.
The effective part is the unique combination of chemical compounds
(alkaloids), which in the case of the plant is inter alia the inner bark or the
bast. It contains a force of its effect at the same time very gentle on the

Una de Gato is used to cure inflammations, wounds, rheumatism, stomach

ulcers, cancer and malignant ulcers, to strengthen immunity and to treat all
diseases caused by parasites (viroses, mycoses, candidates).
We can recommend Una de Gato as a preventive antioxidant, as a means of
strengthening the body's natural resistance (immunity), but also as a means
of solving specific health problems.
The cat's claw helps to increase the proportion of T-lymphocytes and
macrophage production, to tonify the blood and it can also be used as a
versatile infection control agent. The cat's claw also helps to repair the lipid
matrix in the cell walls and is particularly suitable to stop the spread of
virus-stressed cells.
At the University of Milan, Renato Rizzi conducted an experiment with "Una
de Gato" because it responds to carcinogenic (mutagenic) substances in
smokers. It is well known that the urine of smokers contains mutagenic
substances. When they were given "Una de Gato" for over two weeks, the
smoking urine returned to its original state.
Source: Powerful and Unusual Herbs From the Amazon and China by World
Preservation Society
The cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a plant from the South American
rainforest, which has long been known by the indigenous population for its
healing properties, so that it is often even given the nickname "holy plant of
the rainforest". The small thorns of this climbing plant are found on the
leaves and resemble cat claws. In South America, the plant is sold over-the-
counter as a cancer drug and shows promising results in studies around the
The 5 effects of vitamin B12
The effect of vitamin B12 can be divided into 5 large areas:
1) The synthesis of DNA vitamin B12 influences cell division and blood
2. the energy metabolism vitamin B12 is important for energy production in
the mitochondria
3. the lipid metabolism vitamin B12 is important for the development and
maintenance of cell membranes and the development and maintenance of
myelin sheathing, the protection of nerves in the central nervous system and
4) The synthesis of hormones and vitamin B12 neurotransmitters is
necessary for the production of important messenger substances and
influences mood, psyche and perception.
5. detoxification vitamin B12 neutralizes homocysteine and cyanide as well
as radicals such as nitric oxide and peroxynitrite. B12 is an important
antagonist of nitrosative stress

Vitamin B12 is an indispensable building block in the metabolic steps

necessary for these processes. If the vitamin is missing, these important
bodily functions cannot be maintained - with the corresponding effects on
Vitamin B12: Effect on health
Since vitamin B12 is involved in several basic metabolic processes, it plays a
special role for the health and a vitamin B12 deficiency can sometimes have
severe effects.
Area Symptoms of a Deficiency
1. DNA synthesis Anemia, damaged mucous membranes, risk of cancer
2. energy metabolism chronic fatigue, listlessness, lack of performance
3. lipid metabolism damage of nerves tingling, numbness, chronic pain,
Paralysis Dementia
4. hormones & neurotransmitter depression, psychosis, schizophrenia
5. detoxification chronic diseases, immunodeficiency
Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency (hypovitaminosis)
Vitamin A - also known as retinol or retinoic acid - is particularly important
for vision, skin and growth. In the case of vitamin A deficiency, which is also
referred to as vitamin A hypovitaminosis, vision problems often develop, such
as a reduction in visual acuity due to corneal clouding or poorer vision in the
twilight (night blindness) due to an excessively dry conjunctiva. In addition,
there are often whitish, foam-like structures in the eye (so-called bitot spots)
and corneal ulcers. Without vitamin A balance, the cornea melts
(keratomalacia) and the eye becomes blind. Even dry eyes are often caused
by vitamin A deficiency.
Dry skin with calluses and hair loss and dry mucous membranes are further
common symptoms of retinol deficiency. Less saliva is produced in the
salivary glands. Less saliva favours, among other things, inflammations of the
oral mucous membrane and gums. Other symptoms of vitamin A deficiency
are olfactory disorders with reduced odour, fatigue, lack of concentration,
loss of performance, respiratory problems and anaemia.
The immune system also needs a certain amount of vitamin A. In the case of
a deficiency, the susceptibility to infections increases, especially in children
and elderly people.
Vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy and childhood
Most severely weighs vitamin A deficiency in pregnancy and childhood.
During pregnancy it can lead to malformations of the unborn child.
Malformations of the hearing, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and genital
organs are common. In children, this can lead to growth disorders and
problems with the formation of teeth.

Vitamin A deficiency also increases the risk of atherosclerosis, kidney stones

and decreased fertility due to reduced sperm production. In women, the
vaginal mucosa dries out, the estrogen-hormone cycle is disturbed and the
probability of conception decreases.
Vitamin E - A top-class antioxidant
Vitamin E is not just a single substance, but a whole family of powerful
antioxidants. These include, for example, tocopherols and tocotrienols.
The alpha-tocopherol is particularly well researched. Although it has always
been thought to be the most effective form of vitamin E, it has now been
found that tocotrienols can sometimes be up to 40 times more effective in
terms of their antioxidant effect.
Up to now, the vitamin E family has 16 members who can have different
levels of antioxidant activity. An antioxidant has the task of eliminating free
radicals and thus protecting the body. Free radicals are molecules whose
chemical structure lacks an electron. In their search for this electron, they
are particularly fond of attacking cell walls. A few of these attacks will put
the cell away effortlessly.
However, if it is continuously attacked by free radicals, significant membrane
damage occurs. A cell with a damaged cell wall can no longer perform its
functions properly. The more cells work incorrectly or even die, the more
likely it is that there are perceptible signs of aging (wrinkles, eye problems,
etc.) and diseases.
Usually a cell is pumped about 10,000 times a day by free radicals because
of an electron. Whether or not the cell has to move out with the electron
depends on its protection. Cell protection is the task of antioxidants, with
vitamin E, together with vitamin C and other helpers, standing directly at the
front and protecting the cell walls.
Vitamin E for young and healthy skin
A healthy vitamin E level helps to tighten the skin and gives a fresh, younger
appearance. This works twice as well because vitamin E also increases the
amount of collagen in the skin.
Wounds heal faster because new cells can form rapidly without being
attacked by free radicals. Of course, vitamin E also protects the skin from
the sun - both internally and externally. The latter is applied to the skin in the
form of natural vitamin-E-rich oils and fats (e. g. olive oil or coconut oil).
Vitamin E makes scars disappear
Vitamin E can also be used to reduce scars on the skin or even make them
disappear altogether. It is best applied to clean skin in the form of vitamin-E-
rich oils shortly after scar formation. Do this every evening so that the oil can
act overnight.
Vitamin E for shiny and healthy hair

Vitamin E also cares about the health and vitality of the hair. Hair growth is
accelerated and the hair becomes stronger - both through regular
consumption of vitamin E rich foods and regular packings of vitamin E rich
Vitamin E regulates cholesterol levels
Vitamin E also protects the cells of the blood vessels, keeping the artery
walls clean and elastic. The unfavourable cholesterol (LDL) is prevented by
vitamin E from oxidation. As a result, it cannot build up on the arterial walls.
Vitamin E also has an enormous influence on blood clotting. If there is
enough vitamin E, blood clots (thrombosis) and thus stroke and heart attack
can be prevented.
Vitamin E in cancer and diabetes
Vitamin E can also help prevent or combat cancer. It protects the DNA of the
cells (our genetic material) from damage that can lead to the degeneration of
the cell and to the development of cancer cells. If a tumour has already
developed, vitamin E leads to a reduced tumour growth rate.
At the same time, it supports the immune system in the fight against cancer.
Vitamin E is also helpful for diabetes. Here, it increases the insulin sensitivity
of the cells so that they recognise the insulin again and consequently the
blood sugar level sinks in a healthy way.
Vitamin E against Alzheimer's disease
Vitamin E is crucial for proper functioning of the brain. It guards the myelin
sheath, a protective mantle that surrounds the nerve cells in the brain. This
leads to a slowing of the aging process and is helpful in the prevention of
Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin E against infertility
Vitamin E is often considered THE fertility vitamin par excellence. Men with
poor sperm quality should benefit from vitamin E in particular, but women
with a previously unfulfilled desire to have children can also greatly support
their fertility with the help of a nutrition rich in vital substances.
Whole Life Energy Enhancer GANS
Whole Life Energy Enhancer
1 gVitamin A (as beta-carotene) 10,000 IU
200% Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 1,000 IU
1670% vitamin D (as ergocalciferol) 400 IU
100% Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol Succinate) 200 IU
670% Vitamin K (Phyllochinone) 80 mcg
100% thiamine (vitamin B-1) (as thiamine HCl) 25 mg
1470% Niacin (as Niacinamide) 40 mg

200% Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 25 mg

1250% Folate (like folic acid) 400 mcg
10% Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamine) 200 mcg
3330% Biotin100 mcg35% Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) 60 mg
600% Calcium (as aminoate complex) 200 mg
20% iron (as aminoate complex, ascorbate) 4.5 mg
25% Iodine (from seaweed) 150 mcg
100% magnesium (as aminoate complex) 100 mg
25% Zinc (as monomethion) 15 mg
100% selenium (as selenomethionine, aminoate complex) 25 mcg
35% copper (as aminoate complex) 0.5 mg
25% manganese (as aminoate complex) 4 mg
200% chromium (as polynicotinate) 20 mcg
15% potassium (as a minoate complex) 50 mg
1% whole food PhytoAlgae
Proprietary complex of spirulina,
Phenalgin (Cystoseira canariensis,
Chlorella broken cell,
Cryptomondales, red seaweed,
brown seaweed,
Ulva, red kelp, Dulse, Rockweed)
1000 mg * Bee Pollen (Spanish)
100 mg * Sunflower oil (supplies linoleic acid 54.1 mg, oleic acid 9.3 mg, pal
20Total carbohydrates3 g

1% ** Fibre1 g
6% protein
Product description
Ultra source of life Whole Life Energy Energy Enhancer Multi-Vitamin
Ultra Source of Life with Lutein builds on the proven multi-vitamin formula
Source of Life to provide even greater levels of support for active adults
seeking optimal wellbeing.
Ultra Source of Life with Lutein draws its power from more than 50
wholefood concentrates and extracts, including 17 fruits,
12 vegetables, 11 species of seaweed and 10 herbs.
The ultra-source of life with lutein includes Thione Complex, a specialized
complex of glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, selenium and grape seed extract
for maximum antioxidant support.
Wild card GANS
Main applications:
Lyme disease,
Healing effect:
blood purifying,
Areas of application:
Strengthens the immune system,
Digestive weakness,
Stomach trouble,
Gall bladder weakness,

skin diseases,
finger wounds
The Wild Card
The flowering behaviour of the cards corresponds, if one analyzes it on the
basis of the theory of signatures1, to the wandering redness of Lyme disease.
In the middle of the umbel, a flower wreath is formed which divides and then
moves up and down in a ring.
If you take the card root, it changes the environment in the body and makes
it difficult for microorganisms to inhabit the "host" human being. Through this
change, the Borrelia actually start to "stink" and they leave the host,
because the Borrelia cannot stand the card. This "escape" takes place
mainly through the skin. With the Wild Cardroot you can control the
microorganisms without any chemical warfare. The detoxification process via
the skin can lead to itching lasting one to three days. But this is so far normal
and simply shows that something is happening. The inflamed area can also
start to hurt. It is important to take a card root cure of at least four weeks in
the treatment of Lyme disease, as these microorganisms divide every 28
days and only in this way is it possible to "catch" all of them.
The following examples are all empirical values that have proven themselves.
Basically, the body is an intelligent being and one should listen to its signals.
Here too, there is individual room for manoeuvre. So it may well be that your
body can "cope" with a higher dosage. If necessary, you can also slowly
"creep in" the dosage.
Wild lettuce GANS
Lactuca virosa
The oldest representation of the cosy is an Egyptian tomb painting dating
back to 4500 BC. The lettuce belonged to the cult of the god Min, who was
already worshipped in the Old Kingdom.

The effect of the Wild Late is comparable to that of opium, only lighter and
not addictive.
Relaxing, dreamy and euphoric.
Lattich is good for a better night's sleep and against restless or nervous
feelings. As an antispasmodic agent, it can be used in holistic treatments for
whooping cough and general dry-irritated cough. It relieves colic pains in the
intestines and uterus, and relieves muscle pains in rheumatic diseases.
Wild lettuce also has aphrodisiac properties.
General effect of the Reishi Ling Zhi
Anti allergic,
strengthens the immune system,
Strengthen cardiovascular system for heart and brain,
stimulates circulation, regulates blood pressure,
antiviral, anti-tumorous (anti-cancer
Effect) against rheumatism and joint inflammation
relaxing, calming,
Protect your liver,
Strengthen the liver,
rays radiate projectively (X-ray UV rays) increasing potency,

Aphrodisiac for men and women,

against insomnia,
against anxiety,
against exhaustion,
against auto aggression disorders,
to improve performance Sport e. g.
For better wound healing,
inhibiting pain,
Cholesterol and trirghyceride lowering,
antiaggregative (against thrombosis.
Specific effects traditional application
cardiovascular diseases
Cardiac arrhythmia cancer cancer malignant tumors (liver lung stomach skin
kidney brain),
Hypertension high cholesterol high triglycerides,
Infection Influenza Type A
Herpes Simplex
chronic exhaustion
Neurasthenia Migraine

Constipation Regular complaints

mental illnesses
Alzheimer's disease
butterfly lichen
Stomach and duodenal ulcers
atrophic myotony,
Osterogenic hyperplasia
Joint inflammation,
Asthma joint problems and arthritis
Ulcers Side effects after radiation Decrease of toxicity after chemotherapy
menopausal symptoms
acne and ulcers
Liver inflammation and fatty liver
bronchial asthma chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
Alzheimer's disease
liver diseases
food intolerances

Nervousness Gastric diseases

Skin diseases Elevation sickness
Increasing and maintaining mental and physical performance
Prostate growth bladder problems.
Effect of Reishi on cancer and tumours
Breast cancer (mammary carcinoma), leukaemia, liver tumors, liver cancer,
prostate cancer, melanoma, sarcomas
Excerpt from the book Robert Franz "Codex Humanus".
Frankincense Boswellia Serrata GANS
Ingredients and effects of incense
The resin of frankincense contains not only known ingredients such as
essential oils or tannins, but also 5 - 8% of boswellia acids - the effective
components of frankincense. Researchers have found that these substances
can stop inflammatory reactions and inflammations are also caused by a
certain enzyme (5-lipoxygenase) in the body.
This enzyme induces the formation of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are
substances produced by the body during inflammations and are responsible
for maintaining chronic inflammation. Clinical studies indicate that the
boswellic acids extracted from the resin of the incense tree have a strong
anti-inflammatory effect in chronic inflammations such as rheumatism and
polyarthritis. These indications of an inhibition of inflammatory mechanisms
were also demonstrated in clinical studies in patients with chronic
inflammatory bowel diseases (Colitis Ulcerosa and Crohn's disease).
The centuries-old experience with olibanum as a phytotherapeutic agent and
the results of modern incense research point to various potential
applications in chronic inflammations. Polyarthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's
disease, asthma, and even edema of brain tumors seem to be treatable.
Boswellia acids of Indian frankincense show promising prospects, which
must be proven by further meaningful clinical studies.
weihrauch- boswellia-serrata
Wild Yamis GANS
Wild Yams helps women of all ages to achieve a hormonal balance between
estrogen and progesterone. A lack of the latter is the cause of the above-
mentioned complaints.

Mexican Wild Yams, which the Indians of North, Central and South America
have been using for centuries as a medicinal and rejuvenating plant, contains
a substance called diosgenin. This is a precursor of the female sex hormone
progesterone. Natural progesterone, derived from diosgenin, alleviates
menopausal problems noticeably and successfully prevents osteoporosis, the
American doctor Dr. Lee found out in studies he did over twenty years.
Investigations of Mexican residents who consume wild yams daily indicate a
10% higher bone density compared to the rest of the world's population.
Rejuvenating effect
Diosgenin has another welcome effect: it stimulates the production of DHEA
(DeHydroEpi- Androsterone) in the glands of the adrenal glands. DHEA is
known in research as "rejuvenating", which means it slows down the aging
process, but DHEA cannot be absorbed through food; the body has to
synthesize it itself. In the course of life, the production of DHEA decreases
from about 30 mg (20 years) to just under 6 mg a day (80 years).
Numerous studies have shown that DHEA has positive effects on the
cardiovascular system and cholesterol levels. Further investigations have
also shown that DHEA provides an intact memory, keeps the immune system
efficient and the bones strong. It has been shown that DHEA is helpful in
tension and that it conveys feelings of well-being and new vitality. It supports
the breakdown of body fat, supports a healthy estrogen and testosterone
production and is good for a balanced libido. New results of the ageing
research show that DHEA also has strong cell-protecting properties.
Some women also use wild yams for contraception. A dose of four capsules
per day - 3,000 milligrams - guarantees an average contraceptive safety of 97
percent. 1
wechseljahr- beschwerden-helfen
Characteristics and indication: Yellowish milky, semi-transparent mixture as
a ready-made preparation for cleaning the cranial cavity. Its first active
component uses the core of wild mango. Toadskin, Mapacho tobacco and
well-tried Scottish whisky or Caribbean rum complete the corrosive,
digestible blend of hells. Recommended especially for chronic inflammations
of the cranial cavity, such as forehead and temporal cavities, as well as the
nasal and ocular cavity. Zinga can also be used for hearing loss and chronic
pharyngeal sensitivity. Finally, and in particular, its application seems to be
suitable for life in the vicinity of exhaust fumes, i. e. under living conditions
that use heavy metals and other pollutants to latently attack the brain
housing itself.
Application: One teaspoon tip, i. e. about half a teaspoonful of liquid into each
nasal cavity with head tilted backwards and extended "Ah-Laut", therefore
also suitable for self- application. It has a burning and burning effect directly
on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and causes it to swell abruptly. This in turn
leads to a violent spitting and muzzle reaction, which takes about half an
hour. It seems advisable to wash your head again and again.
Special feature: Although the nose/neck swelling decreases again, the vocal
chords remain slightly attacked over a longer period of time (2 to 3 hours).
The result is hoarseness. Even

more obvious is a slight feverish reaction with a body temperature increase

of half a degree for up to a week.
Zinga acts on the entire skull like a penetrating oil and removes pus,
encrustations and poisoning. In special cases, it may even appear suitable
for the treatment of mental illnesses and selected cases of bone and blood
Frequency of use: Once a year, possibly once a year. twice.
Cedar nut oil+DMSO GANS
Cedar nut oil (short cedar oil) - the soothing, masculine fragrance will
enchant you. Regardless of whether it is aggression or anxiety, respiratory
diseases or high blood pressure, skin rashes or hair loss, sleep disorders or
urinary tract diseases - cedar wood oil promises relief in every case.
Cedar nut oil is also used for kidney and bladder infections. Already a sitting
bath, seasoned with a few drops of cedar oil, immediately counteracts the
bladder cramp associated with cystitis. It also warms well.
Cedar nut oil also works against coughs. If you want to make your cough
more bearable, then simply take five drops of chamomile oil, five drops of
cedar oil and put them in a fragrance lamp. The camomile has an anti-
inflammatory effect and the cedar oil is highly antiseptic. This makes it
easier for you to survive coughing or bronchitis.
Even in the case of hair loss, cedar oil is effective. Add a few drops of cedar
nut oil to a mild shampoo for babies. This detoxifies the hairbase and as a
result, the hair can grow back more easily. However, this effect is not
achieved with men's hereditary hair loss.
Cedar oil also has a calming and soothing effect. It can work wonders for
children suffering from nightmares. A drop of cedar oil on a cloth under the
pillow is good for these little hare's feet. Alternatively, there are also five
drops of cedar oil - either with three drops of lavender or three drops of cedar
rose - in the fragrance lamp. Even for women suffering from unjustified
anxiety, cedar oil considers a special way of minimizing B cedar oil for the
Cedarwood oil also benefits your skin in particular. Irritated skin can be
easily soothed with this effective skin care product. Thus, the oil develops its
special effect especially in cases of skin rashes and excemption, but also in
cases of dandruff and hair loss, it leads to a relief of symptoms.
The building block of all life
and the use in medicine

)"Silicon, also known as silicic acid or zeolite, is the second most abundant
silicon found on Earth and is only surpassed by oxygen. Silicon is present in
rocks, alumina, sand, waters and plants. This is also one of the reasons why
special waters, stones and clay soils have been used as a remedy for
What is silicon in the body responsible for? -
Schematically illustrated zeolite lattice capable of binding an enormous
amount of pollutants. Silicon primarily serves the body as a controlling agent
and supports the metabolic functions. Furthermore, it is extremely important
for the formation of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue and the
formation of the bone structure. The collagen ensures that the bones are
flexible, while calcium provides strength. And the body can produce calcium
itself with the help of silicon. The German professor Dr. Karl Hecht has found
out that the body is able to produce calcium from magnesium, potassium and
silicon. The chicken egg is an example of this: a chicken egg contains much
more calcium than is fed to the hen via feed. It also excretes five times as
much lime as ingested. So the hen must be able to get some additional
calcium. Since this is not added separately, she has to produce it herself
somehow. A calcium deficiency is therefore usually not a real calcium
deficiency, but the effect of too little silica (silicon).
Silica occurs, among other things, in volcanic rock zeolite. There are 106
different zeolites on Earth. However, the dice zeolite clinoptilolite has proved
to be the best for ingestion.
due to its crystal lattice and its ability of ion exchange. The crystal lattices
(among other things made of silicon) have a high attraction to heavy metals
such as lead and mercury in the body; they are therefore ideally suited for
their elimination.
Even radioactive materials such as cadmium and caesium can be bound and
neutralized. In the Chernobyl disaster, both victims and rescuers were
treated with clinoptilolite zeolite and the hazardous substances were
discharged. After the substances in the intestinal tract have been bound by
the crystal lattice, they are excreted via the stool. The victims of the atomic
bombing were also treated with zeolite in Japan in 1945."
In the case of skin diseases, for example, zeolite can be used both externally
and internally. The mineral soil relieves the symptoms of allergic dermatitis,
psoriasis, eczema and many more - usually after just two to three 10-day
treatment cycles.
The zeolite was able to improve the application of zeolite, yes, the use of
led to a healing success 8 to 10 days earlier than the conventional therapy.
Chronic acne or other chronic skin diseases often occur in adulthood
together with intestinal diseases. Because a sick intestine often leads to a
sick skin. If zeolite now heals the intestine (see below), then the skin can
also heal again.
Similarly, patients with bone fractures experience faster healing (8 days
faster) if they receive daily zeolite deposits for 45 days - according to a study
from the year 2000.

In a 1999 study, people with severe burns received either conventional

treatment or, in addition to conventional treatment, a spoonful of zeolite
three times a day. The zeolite group experienced not only faster healing, but
also had a better blood count than the "normal" treated group.
The so-called open leg puts a strain on many people. Vein weakness often
combined with diabetes can be the cause of these poorly healing wounds on
the leg. Baths in a mixture of water and zeolite as well as the daily intake of
5 g of a zeolite bentonite mixture can lead to success after only 10 days
according to case reports, also in humans 80 plus.
Studies from 1999 and 2003 with women who have participated in
Anemia, showed that twice daily administration of 5 g zeolite per day after 25
days at the latest led to a marked improvement in iron levels. This was due
on the one hand to the fact that zeolite can also release some iron to the
body, but on the other hand to the fact that zeolite heals the intestine and
thus improves iron absorption. Often people with anaemia take up enough
iron, but cannot use it because the intestinal absorption capacity is limited.
Those who suffer from allergies and hay fever have elevated histamine levels.
These can be lowered using zeolite. Pollen allergy sufferers were given 700
mg zeolite and 300 mg bentonite combined with 5 g spirulina 40 days before
the expected pollen allergy in spring. The allergy did not appear, even though
it had been on time for years with the first pollen flight
Several studies had also shown that zeolite improves sleep and can therefore
be used for sleep disorders.

Ambrotose GANS 4
Astragralus GANS 5
Field horsetail GANS 8
Astaxanthin GANS 10
Brain &Memory Tonic GANS 19
Chiric Sanango GANS 25
Chuchuhuashi GANS 26
Colostrum GANS 26
CalMagD+K2-GANS 35
Dragon's Blood, Sangre de Drago GANS 36

Protein GANS 38
BRAIN - 400 GANS 45
Camphor Milk Powder GANS 48
Guayusa GANS 56
Collagen Graphite GANS 56
Kelp GANS (natural iodine) 56
Colostrum GANS 58


Maharishi Ayurveda GANS 72
Coenzyme Q 10 GANS 72
Maca GANS 75
Nattokinase GANS 80
Omega 3 GANS 85
QUANIFEN- GANS Deworming of dogs and cats 91
Quint Essence Cosmic Rescue GANS 92
SARSA GANS (press against cancer) 100


Saffron (Iranian) GANS 102
Syrian steppe rue GANS 106
Butterfly bracelet 109
TAT Energy Mix GANS 114
UNA DE GATO (Cat's Claw) GANS 114
Whole Life Energy Enhancer GANS 118
Wild card GANS 120
Wild lettuce GANS 121
Frankincense Boswellia Serrata GANS 125
Wild Yamis GANS 125
ZNGA GANS (Peru) 126
Cedar nut oil+DMSO GANS 126

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