Flowchart Aspirin

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1. Rangkai Reaktor
Condensor dan Erlenmeyer Flask 200 ml disusun seperti gambar

2. Reaksi Asetilasi

11 gr asam salisilat

14 ml asam asetat
anhidrida sedikit
demi sedikit

5 tetes asam sulfat


Panaskan dengan
penangas air pada
temperatur 60o

Amati dan catat

kondisi setiap 5

Keringkan dan
timbang aspirin

Tambahkan Saring dengan

aquades penyaring buchner
3. Reaksi Rekristalisasi

30 ml etanol Beaker
75 ml aquades

Dinginkan perlahan

Terbentuk kristal

Saring & keringkan

Analisis hasil
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Asam asetat anhidrida

Physical State : Liquid
Appearance : Colourless
Odour : Pungent odour – acetic odour (vinegar-like)
pH : 2.4 (1 M solution in water)
Vapour Pressure : 1.52 kPa (11.4 mm Hg) @ 20 °C
Vapour Density : 2.07 (air = 1)
Evaporation Rate : 0.97 (n-Butyl acetate = 1)
Viscosity-Dynamic : 1.22 mPa.s (100% w/w), 2.39 mPa.s (90% w/w) @ 20 °C.
Boiling Point : 100% (w/w): 117.87 °C (244.2 °F)
Freezing/Melting Point: 100% (w/w): 16.635 °C (61.9 °F);
80.6% (w/w) : -7.4 °C (18.7 °F)
Decomposition Temperature: No information available.
Solubility : Soluble in all proportions in water, ethanol, acetone, diethyl ether,
glycerol and benzene.
Specific Gravity/Density: 100% (w/w): 1.0495 @ 20 °C;
80% (w/w) : 1.08 @ 15 °C
Molecular Formula : C2H4O2
Molecular Weight : 60.0268

2. Etanol
Appearance : Clear to straw colored liquid
Odor : Characteristic hydrocarbon-like
Odor threshold : 0.5 - 1.1 ppm
pH : Not applicable
Melting point/freezing point: About -101°C (-150°F)
Initial boiling point & range: Boiling point varies: 30 – 200°C (85 – 392°F)
Flash point : < -21°C (-5.8°F)
Evaporation rate : Higher initially and declining as lighter components evaporate
Flammability (solid, gas): Flammable vapor released by liquid
Upper explosive limit : 7.6 %(V)
Lower explosive limit : 1.3 %(V)
Vapor pressure : 345 - 1,034 hPa at 37.8 °C (100.0 °F)
Vapor density (air = 1): Approximately 3 to 4
Relative density (water = 1): 0.8 g/mL
Solubility (in water) : Negligible
Partition coefficient : 2 – 7 as log Pow (n-octanol/water)
Auto-ignition temperature: Approximately 250°C (480°F)
Decomposition temperature: Will evaporate or boil and possibly ignite before decomposition

3. Asam sulfat
Physical state and appearance : Liquid. (Thick oily liquid.)
Odor : Odorless, but has a choking odor when hot.
Taste : Marked acid taste. (Strong.)
Molecular Weight : 98.08 g/mole
Color : Colorless.
pH (1% soln/water) : Acidic.
Boiling Point :270°C (518°F) - 340 deg. C Decomposes at 340 deg. C
Melting Point : -35°C (-31°F) to 10.36 deg. C (93% to 100% purity)
Critical Temperature : Not available.
Specific Gravity : 1.84 (Water = 1)
Vapor Pressure : Not available.
Vapor Density : 3.4 (Air = 1)
Volatility : Not available.
Odor Threshold : Not available.
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff. : Not available.
Ionicity (in Water) : Not available.
Dispersion Properties : See solubility in water.
Solubility : Easily soluble in cold water. Sulfuric is soluble in water with
liberation of much heat. Soluble in ethyl alcohol.

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