Space Shuttle Manual

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3.2 SUPPORT DOCUMENTS ........ 3.2-1 3.3 OFF-NOMINAL
DOCUMENTS............................ 3.3-1 3.4 REFERENCE
DOCUMENTS ... 3.4-1 3.5 OPERATIONAL USE................
3.5-1 The Flight Data File (FDF) is the total onboard complement of
documentation and related crew aids available to the crew for flight
execution. The FDF consists of procedural checklists, timelines,
schematics, charts, cue cards, portable onboard computer software,
teleprinter/ graphics messages, and accessories. The FDF also includes
office-type supplies, such as pens, pencils, markers, Velcro, and rubber
bands. The FDF used in training is essentially identical to the material
used on orbit, except where trainer-unique characteristics
require differences. The Crew Procedures Control Board (CPCB) is
the governing body for establishing guidelines and policies pertaining
to the development, publication, fabrication, and validation of FDF
under the authority of the Director of Mission Operations. The management
process, policies, and guidelines under which the FDF is
developed are contained in the Crew Procedures
Management Plan (CPMP), USA-005466. This plan and its
Annexes A-E detail the development of crew procedures and activities as
well as the fabrication and processing of the FDF
material. Crew procedures and activities are documented in a
variety of books and checklists. Time-critical or frequently used procedures are
documented on cue cards and in flip books (a series of cue cards that are ringed
together). These documents are categorized into four groups: �Control documents �
The FDF books that provide the schedule of crew activities for an entire
flight. There is one controlling document for every phase of a
flight (i.e., Ascent, Post Insertion, Orbit, Deorbit, and Entry).
These documents are time oriented and refer to other FDF documents as required.
FDF Products
USA007587 Rev. A 3. FLIGHT DATA FILE 3-2�Support documents � Used on orbit to
accomplish various objectives scheduled in the Control documents, such as
flight-specific payload procedures, EVA, or rendezvous and proximity
operations. The CPCB may occasionally designate a Support book as the
controlling document for that specific phase of the flight. �Off-Nominal
documents � Contain contingency procedures for all phases of flight.
�Reference documents � Provide data not normally required for a
particular task, but useful to the crew. Documents include DPS
displays, caution and warning (C/W) parameters, landing site charts,
and stowage locations for crew use items. Each FDF book within the four
main groups can also be categorized into one of three subgroups:
�Generic documents � Reflown from flight to flight since they
usually do not contain flight-specific data. Temporary pages may
occasionally be added to Generic documents to account for vehicle or
mission-specific data. �Flight-Specific documents � Contain flight-
specific data used in conjunction with Generic publications.
Flight-specific documents contain data for a single mission and
have no generic companion document. �Standby Supplements �
Contain procedures that are not flown because they have a very low
probability of being needed. The data are available on console in
Mission Control and can be uplinked if required. Certain pages of Control,
Support, and Off-Nominal documents are labeled �Not Flown.� These pages are
included in the books sent to the various recipients on the distribution
list, including Mission Control, but are not included in the
�flight quality� copies used in the trainers or in flight. Cue cards are
also included in the body of the distribution copies but may not be
flown as part of a book or checklist; exceptions are Ascent and Entry Cue
Cards and flip book pages that are provided to mission specialist 2.

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