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Supporting Lecturer :

Dr. Zal Zulifah, M.Pd

Compiled by:
Dwi Arfiana Santi (19-22-201-067)




1. Find a short article
Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering is the development of processes and infrastructure for
the supply of water, the disposal of waste, and the control of pollution of all kinds. These
endeavours protect public health by preventing disease transmission, and they preserve the quality
of the environment by averting the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land
resources. Environmental engineering is a field of broad scope that draws on such disciplines as
chemistry,ecology,geology,hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology,economics, and mathematics. It
was called sanitary engineering until the mid-1960s, when the more accurate name environmental
engineering was adopted.
Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and distribution of drinking
water (see water supply system); the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater
(see wastewater treatment); the control of air pollution and noise pollution; municipal solid-waste
management and hazardous-waste management; the cleanup of hazardous-waste sites; and the
preparation of environmental assessments, audits, and impact studies. Environmental engineering
functions include applied research and teaching.
The education of environmental engineers usually involves graduate-level course work,
though some colleges and universities allow undergraduates to specialize or take elective courses
in the environmental field. In the public sector, environmental engineers are employed by national
and regional environmental agencies, local health departments, and municipal engineering
and public works departments.
2. Build 5W + 1H Questions
1) What
Question : What is the article about?
Answer : The article is about environmental engineering.
2) Who
Question : Who are employed by national and regional environmental agencies, local
health departments, and municipal engineering and public works departments?
Answer : Environmental engineers are employed by national and regional
environmental agencies, local health departments, and municipal engineering
and public works departments.
3) Where
Question : Where are environmental engineers employed by national and regional
environmental agencies, local health departments, and municipal engineering
and public works departments ?
Answer : Environmental engineers are employed by national and regional
environmental agencies, local health departments, and municipal engineering
and public works departments in the public sector.
4) When
Question :When was the environmental engineering called as sanitary engineering?
Answer : The environmental engineering called as sanitary engineering was in the
5) Why
Question : Why does environmental engineering control of pollution of all kinds?
Answer : Environmental engineering control of pollution of all kinds because to
protect public health by preventing disease transmission, and they preserve the
quality of the environment by averting the contamination and degradation of air,
water, and land resources.
6) How
Question : How do projects in environmental engineering involve ?
Answer : Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and
distribution of drinking water (see water supply system); the collection, treatment,
and disposal of wastewater (see wastewater treatment); the control of air
pollution and noise pollution; municipal solid-waste management and hazardous-
waste management; the cleanup of hazardous-waste sites; and the preparation of
environmental assessments, audits, and impact studies.

3. List Verbal and Nominal Sentences

A. Verbal Sentences
1. Environmental engineering endeavours protect public health by preventing
disease transmission.
2. Environmental engineering preserve the quality of the environment by averting
the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land resources.
3. Environmental Engineering was called sanitary engineering until the mid-1960s.
4. Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and distribution of
drinking water.
5. Environmental engineering functions include applied research and teaching.
6. Some colleges and universities allow undergraduates to specialize or take
elective courses in the environmental field.
7. Environmental engineers are employed by national and regional environmental
agencies,local health departments,municipal engineering and puclic works
8. The education of environmental engineers usually involves graduate-level
course work.
B. Nominal Sentences
1. Environmental engineering is the development of processes and infrasctucture
for the supply of water, the disposal of waste, and the control of pollution of all
2. Environmental engineering is a field of broad scope that draws on such
disciplines as chemistry, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology,
microbiology,economics and mathematics.
4. Change Sentences Either Into Active or Passive Construction
a) Environmental engineering endeavours protect public health by preventing disease
Active : Environmental engineering endeavours protect public health by preventing
disease transmission.
Passive : Public health is protected environmental engineering by preventing
disease transmission.
b) Environmental engineering preserve the quality of the environment by averting the
contamination and degradation of air, water, and land resources.
Active : Environmental engineering preserve the quality of the environment by
averting the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land resources.
Passive : The quality of the environment is preserved environmental engineering by
averting the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land resources.
c) Environmental Engineering was called sanitary engineering until the mid-1960s.
Active : Sanitary engineering call environmental engineering until the mid-1960s.
Passive : Environmental Engineering was called sanitary engineering until the mid-
d) Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and distribution of
drinking water.
Active : Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and
distribution of drinking water.
Passive : The treatment and distribution of drinking water is involved by projects in
environmental engineering.
e) Environmental engineering functions include applied research and teaching.
Active : Environmental engineering functions include applied research and
Passive : Applied research and teaching are included by environmental engineering
f) Some colleges and universities allow undergraduates to specialize or take elective
courses in the environmental field.
Active : Some colleges and universities allow undergraduates to specialize or take
elective courses in the environmental field.
Passive : Undergraduates are allowed by some colleged and universities to
specialize or take elective courses in the environmental field.
g) Environmental engineers are employed by national and regional environmental
agencies,local health departments,municipal engineering and puclic works
Active : National and regional environmental agencies,local health
departments,municipal engineering and puclic works departments employ
environmental engineers.
Passive : Environmental engineers are employed by national and regional
environmental agencies,local health departments,municipal engineering and puclic
works departments.
h) The education of environmental engineers usually involves graduate-level course
Active : The education of environmental engineers usually involves graduate-level
course work.
Passive : Graduate-level course work is usually involved by the education of
environmental engineers.
5. Identify Tenses and Its Pattern
a) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Environmental engineering endeavours(S) protect(V1) public health(O) by
preventing disease transmission.(Adverb of Manner)
b) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Environmental engineering(S) preserve(V1) the quality of the environment(O) by
averting the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land
resources.(Adverb of Manner)
c) Tenses : Simple Past Tense
Environmental Engineering(S) was(To Be) called(V3) sanitary engineering(O) until
the mid-1960s.(Adverb of Time)
d) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and distribution of
drinking water.
e) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Environmental engineering functions(S) include(V1) applied research and
f) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Some colleges and universities(S) allow(V1) undergraduates(O) to specialize or take
elective courses in the environmental field.(Adverb of Manner)
g) Tenses : Simple Past Tense
Environmental engineers(S) are(to be) employed(V3) by national and regional
environmental agencies,local health departments,municipal engineering and puclic
works departments.(O)
h) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
The education of environmental engineers(S) usually involves(V+S) graduate-level
course work.(O)
i) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Environmental engineering(S) is(To Be) the development of processes and
infrasctucture for the supply of water, the disposal of waste, and the control
of pollution of all kinds. (O)
j) Tenses : Simple Present Tense
Environmental engineering(S) is(To Be) a field of broad scope that draws on such
disciplines as chemistry, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology,
economics and mathematics.(O)
6. List Vocabulary

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 V+ing Pronoun Spelling

Process Processed Processed Processing proc·ess /ˈpräˌses,ˈprōˌses/
Supply Suplied Suplied Supplying sup·ply /səˈplī/
Protect Protected Protected Protecting pro·tect /prəˈtekt/
Allow Allowed Allowed Allowing pre·vent /prəˈvent/
Employ Employed Employed Employing al·low /əˈlou/
Include Included Included Including em·ploy /əmˈploi/
Adopt Adopted Adopted Adopting in·clude /inˈklo͞od/
Involve Involved Involved Involving a·dopt /əˈdäpt/
Impact Impacted Impacted Impacting im·pact /ˈimˌpakt/

7. Translate
Teknik Lingkungan
Teknik lingkungan adalah pengembangan proses dan infrastruktur untuk penyediaan
air, pembuangan limbah, dan pengendalian polusi dari segala jenis. Upaya ini melindungi
kesehatan masyarakat dengan mencegah penularan penyakit, dan mereka menjaga kualitas
lingkungan dengan mencegah kontaminasi dan degradasi sumber daya udara, air, dan
tanah. Teknik lingkungan adalah bidang lingkup luas yang mengacu pada disiplin ilmu
seperti kimia, ekologi, geologi, hidrolika, hidrologi, mikrobiologi, ekonomi, dan
matematika. Teknik lingkungan disebut teknik sanitasi sampai pertengahan 1960-an, ketika
nama teknik lingkungan yang lebih akurat diadopsi.
Proyek-proyek dalam rekayasa lingkungan melibatkan pengolahan dan distribusi air
minum (lihat sistem pasokan air); pengumpulan, pengolahan, dan pembuangan air limbah
(lihat pengolahan air limbah); pengendalian polusi udara dan polusi suara; pengelolaan
limbah padat kota dan pengelolaan limbah berbahaya; pembersihan situs limbah berbahaya;
dan persiapan penilaian lingkungan, audit, dan studi dampak. Fungsi-fungsi teknik
lingkungan meliputi penelitian dan pengajaran terapan.
Pendidikan insinyur lingkungan biasanya melibatkan pekerjaan kursus tingkat
pascasarjana, meskipun beberapa perguruan tinggi dan universitas memungkinkan sarjana
untuk mengambil spesialisasi atau mengambil kursus elektif di bidang lingkungan. Di
sektor publik, insinyur lingkungan dipekerjakan oleh lembaga lingkungan nasional dan
regional, departemen kesehatan setempat, dan departemen teknik kota dan pekerjaan

8. Sum Up The Paraghraph On Its Genre

This article is a kind of the text with a purpose to give information which we call as
“Descriptive Text” and the writer mostly uses simple present tense because there are
statements of general fact and it should be written using the present tense.

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