ANM Formulae - GSK

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Applied Numerical Methods

Unit No.1: Root of Equations (16 Marks)

1) Different Errors in Numerical Method: 1) True Error 2) Absolute Error 3) Relative True Error 4) Relative Absolute
Error 5) Approximate error 6) Relative Approximate Error 7) Round off Error 8) Truncated Error
True error = True value – Approximate value
Absolute error = |True value – Approximate value |
Relative True Error=(True error ) / True Value
Relative Absolute Error = | Absolute Error|/ |True value|
Approximate error = Present Approximation Value - Previous Approximation Value
Relative Approximate Error = (Approximate Error)/ (Present Approximate value)
2) Accuracy:It is defined as, "The ability of a measurement to match the actual value of the quantity being measured".In
Numerical method, it refers to how closely a calculated value agrees with the true value.

Precision: It is defined as,

(1) The ability of a measurement to be consistently reproduced and
(2) The number of significant digits to which a value has been reliably measured.
In Numerical method, It refers to how closely calculated values agree with each other.
3) Propagation of Error:
In addition :Ez = Ex + Ey => if Ex.Ey>0 Error will increase and If Ex.Ey< 0 Error will decrease
In Subtraction :Ez = Ex-Ey => if Ex.Ey>0 Error will decrease and If Ex.Ey<0 Error will increase
In Multiplication: => if Ex.Ey>0 Error will increase and If Ex.Ey<0 Error will decrease

In Division : => if Ex.Ey >0 Error will decrease and If Ex.Ey<0 Error will increase
4) Bisection Method or Bolzano Method or Interval Halving Method

Note: See the problem of negative root also.

5) False position Method or Regula Falsi Method

6) Newton Raphson Method or Newton Method or Tangent Method for Single Variable

7) Modified Newton Raphson Method or Generalized Newton Method for Multiple root

Where ‘m’ is Multiplicity or number of time curve passing through same root

8) Newton Raphson Method for simultaneously equations or two variables


Note: Perform two iterations only in examination
9) Muller Method
a) x1, x2, and x3
b) f1, f2, and f3
c) h1= x1-x3 and h2 = x2-x3
d) d1 = f1-f3 and d2 = f2- f3

e) D= h1h2(h1-h2)
f) a0 = f 3
g) and
h) if a1is positive then ‘+’ is used at denominator

if a1 is ne ative then ‘ ‘ is used at denominator
Note: Perform two iterations only in examination.
10) Secant Method

Unit No. 2: Algebraic Linear Equations (16 Marks)

a) Gauss Elimination Method or Navies Gauss Elimination Method

Step 1: Write equivalent matrix system AX = B Step 2: Write Augment Matrix [A|B] Step 3: Convert it to
upper triangular matrix form by row operations only Step 4: Write the equations from matrix Step 5: Use
Back substitution method to calculate values of unknowns.

b) Gauss Jordan Method

Step 1: Write equivalent matrix system AX = B Step 2: Write Augment Matrix [A|B] Step 3: Convert it to
upper and lower triangular matrix i.e. unit matrix Step 4: Write the equations from matrix to calculate
values of unknowns.
c) LU Decomposition Method or Triangularization Method or Factorization Method
Step 1: Write equivalent matrix system AX = B Step 2: Find elements of lower and upper triangular matrix
Step 3: use matrix system LY = B to find y1, y2 and y3 by using forward substitution method Step 4: Use UX=
Y to find the x1, x2, and x3 which are unknowns by back substitution method.
d) Matrix Inversion Method
Step1: Write equivalent matrix system AX = B Step 2: Find determinant of Matrix A which must be non-zero
Step 3: Find Cofactor elements of matrix ‘A’ then find adjoint matrix of A (adj A) Step 4: Then find invers
matrix i.e. A by formula Step 5: Find the unknowns by using formula

e) Gauss Jacobi Method or Jacobi Iteration Method

Step 1: Check for the conditions
If it is not satisfied then rearrange the equations so that they fulfill the conditions. Step 2: Solve equations
for x, y, and z Step 3: Assume the x=0, y=0 and z=0 Step 4: Perform the iterations till the answers are
repeated (use same value in that iteration)
f) Gauss Seidel Iteration Method
Step 1: Check for the conditions
If it is not satisfied then rearrange the equations so that they fulfill the conditions. Step 2: Solve equations
for x, y, and z Step 3: Assume the x=0, y=0 and z=0 Step 4: Perform the iterations till the answers are
repeated (use updated values in that iteration)

g) Pitfalls of Elimination Methods:

1) Division by Zero 2) Round off Error 3) Ill Conditioned System: Small Change in coefficients
causes for large variation in results 4) Singular System i.e. | A|=0

h) Techniques for Improving Solutions

1) Use of More significant figures 2) Pivoting 3) Scaling

Unit No. 3: Curve Fitting and Interpolation (18 Marks)

1. Normal Equations to fit Straight line y = ax + b
∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑
2. Normal Equations to fit Straight line y = a + bx
∑ ∑

∑ ∑ ∑
3. Normal Equations to fit parabola or Second order curve y = ax + bx + c
∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
4. Normal Equations to fit exponential Curve

Case – I
y = a.b
Log on both sides, log10y = log 10 a + x log10 b => Y = A + Bx
∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑
Case –II
y = a.e
Log on both sides, log10y = log 10 a +b x log10e => Y = A + Bx where B = b log10e = 0.4343 b
∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑
5. Normal Equations to fit curve of form y = a.x
Log on both sides, log10y = log 10 a + b log 10x => Y=A+bX
∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑
6. Stirling’s Formula for equal Intervals

[ ] [ ]

Where, 1) It is valid for constant interval i.e. h= constant

2) It is used when the given value x lies at center
3) It is valid only when u lies between 0.5 to -0.5

7. Newton’s Divided Interpolation for unequal interval

The required values are obtained from Newton’s divided difference table

8. Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula for unequal interval

Unit No. 4: Numerical Integration and Differentiation (16 Marks)

 Based on Newton Cote formula or quadrature for Integration ∫

1. Trapezoidal Rule
{ }

Any value of ‘n’ can be used in Trapezoidal rule

2. Simpson’s 1/3 Rule or Simpson Rule

{ }
The value of Sub interval ‘n’ must be even number i.e. n = 2,4, 6, 8,10 ………….
3. Simpson’s 3/8 Rule

{ }
The value of Sub interval ‘n’ must be multiple of 3 i.e. n = 3, 6, 9, ………….
rd th
IMP: For Simpson 1/3 rule and Simpson’s 3/8 Rule, the common value of sub interval n = 6

4. Romberg’s Method

h1 = h , h2 = h1/2 and h3 = h2/2 Where h

Solve the problem by the trapezoidal rule using h1, h2 and h3
Romberg’s Formula and so on …………………….
5. Gaussian Quadrature

Step 1: Find degree of Equation and then select the proper sample point from the table (Use equation of degree
Step 2: find the values of w and ξ
If sample points 2 then w1 = 1 w2 = 1
ξ1 = 0.57735 ξ2 = 0.57735
if sample points 3 then w1 = 0.5555 w2 = 0.8888 w3 = 0.5555
ξ1 = 0.77459 ξ2 = 0 ξ3 = 0.77459
Step 3: Use ( )

Step 4: Find the f(ξ1), f(ξ2) and f(ξ3) and put it in the

Step 5: Find

∫ ∫

Numerical Differentiation
6. Derivative by using Newton’s Forward Difference Formula

 It is valid for h = constant and given x lies at the beginning of the table

[ ]

[ ]

When u = 0

[ ]

[ ]

7. Derivative by using Newton’s Backward Difference Formula

 It is valid for h = constant and given x lies at the end of the table
[ ]

[ ]

When v = 0

[ ]

[ ]

8. Derivative by using Stirling Formula

 It is valid for h = constant and given x lies at the center of the table

[ ]

[ ]

When u = 0

[ ]

[ ]

Unit No.5: Ordinary Differential Equations (16 Marks)

1. Taylor’ Series or Power Series


2. Picard’s Method of Successive Approximation

3. Euler’s Method or Simple Euler’s Method

4. Euler’s Improved method or Predictor and Corrector Method

[ ]


5. Euler’s Modified Method

[ [( ) ]]

6. Runge Kutta Method or RK Method

Third Order RK Method

Fourth Order RK Method

7. Power Method
Step 1: Assume the Initial arbitrary Eigen vector if it is not given in problem Step 2: Write the Matrix system
AX = λX1 Step 3: Repeat the process now using X1 in the matrix system AX1 = λX2 Step 4: repeat till the Eigen
value and vector are repeated.
8. Finite Difference Method: Please refer the notes.

Unit No.6: Ordinary Differential Equations (18 Marks)

1. Classification of the Partial Differential Equations
In general form of second order partial differential equation

2. General Procedure for Liebmann’s Iteration Method

Step 1: Draw the mesh diagram from boundary conditions if mesh diagram is not directly given in the
problem Step 2: Calculate u5 by using SFPE from boundary values Step 3: Find u1, u3, u7and u9 using DFPF
Step 4: Calculate u2, u4, u6 and u8 using SFPF Step 5: Perform Iteration process to minimize the errors.
Note : In iteration process 1) Calculate value in sequence 2) Use SFPF only 3) Use Updated Value in each
3. Crank Nicholson’s or Implicit Method for Parabolic Equation
Parabolic Equation then formula is given as


4. Difference Between Implicit and Explicit Method

1) Implicit method requires a series of trial solutions or iterations; while in explicit method, no iteration is
required 2) In explicit analysis, the time step must be less than the co-current time step while in explicit
method, no such limitation for time step. 3) Implicit analysis requires a numerical solver while Explicit
doesn't require this step. 4) Explicit analysis handles nonlinearities with relative ease as compared to
implicit analysis 5) In explicit dynamic analysis, nodal accelerations are solved directly while Implicit method
requires iteration calculations 6) Explicit method is more easy and Implicit method is complicated.
e.g. Implicit Method: Crank Nicholson Method Explicit Method: Bender Schmidt Method
5. Applications of Partial Differential Equations
1) The continuity equation of fluid flow is PDE 2) Navier Stoke’s equation of the turbulent and laminar fluid
flow is also in form of PDE 3) The flow of Heat due to conduction is also given by differential equation in
Cartesian coordinate system. 4) The problem of beam deflection are also given by PDE 5) In the problem of
Vibrations 6) Heat Transfer through extended surface 7) In computation fluid dynamic 8) In stress and strain
analysis of mechanical components.

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