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Theme: Stewardship

Text: Matt.25:14-30

Devotion: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Title: Biblical Stewardship

Good morning to everyone. Before we continue let us first have a moment of prayer…
Our message for today is all about the study of biblical stewardship, in the life of a Christian,
and with it, the truths we can learn about the responsibility of each person living here on earth.
Most of the time, whenever stewardship is mentioned, the first thing that pops up into our
minds is money. And with good reason: money is one of the easily recognizable tangible things
in our life when we talk about our resources. We utilize it in our homes, earn it with our jobs,
save it in our banks, and much more. Yes, money is involved in stewardship, but there is so
much more to stewardship than just our finances. Everything about our life is involved, every
facet, every aspect. Understanding stewardship in the light of God’s word will also reveal to us
why many are struggling with their Christian walk with God. So I hope that all of us do not
become hard of hearing during this message, because God wants everyone of us to understand
just what it means to be stewards of God’s kingdom. Let us look upon the word of God and
meditate His truths. That is why our message for today is all about Biblical Stewardship.

Exegetical Idea: The bible makes it clear that as Christians, we should be good stewards of
whatever God has entrusted us with. To do that, we need to have the right understanding
about God and ourselves, and everything in between.

Proposition: Brothers and sisters in the Lord, let me propose to you that all Christians are
stewards of God’s kingdom and should live in a manner which brings glory to God. At the same
time, every person is held accountable for their life in front of God.

Interrogative: What then does God’s word say?

Let us first define what stewardship means. Not just stewardship, but biblical stewardship. In
the new testament, the word translated steward is “oikonomos”, which means steward,
manager, or administrator. Most of the time, a steward was a trusted servant of the master of
the house, and was in charge of his affairs and his goods for the benefit of the master. We see
at once of the implications of biblical stewardship in the life of a Christian. Every child of God is
a servant of God. And as servants, then, we are also called to be good stewards of what God
has entrusted with us. Here are very important truths that the bible tells us:

I. The truth about ownership

What does the bible say about ownership? About owning anything?
A. God owns everything – Psalm24:1;Gen.1:1;Deut.8:17-18
To discover what the bible says about stewardship, we start with the very first
verse:Gen.1:1. As creator, God has absolute rights of ownership over all things, and
missing this point would be like misaligning the top button of your polo or blouse,
nothing else will ever line up, and everything will be askew from the start. Nothing else
in the bible, including the doctrine of stewardship, would make sense or have any
relevance in our lives if we miss the fact that God is creator and has full rights of
ownership. When we understand that all belongs to God, only then can we fully
understand everything else, including our responisibility of stewardship.Psalm24:1 God
owns the world, and everything in it, yes, including all of us. Our lives, our reources,
whatever we may hold dear, all of it belongs to God. Many people might object to this,
some who have gone through many hardships to be where they are today, others who
have gained all through their hardwork and perseverance. People who call themselves
self-made men or women. But that does not change a thing: even then, this still comes
from God.Deut.8:17-18 Everything and everyone is owned by God.

B. We are tasked to manage God’s resources – Col.1:16;1Cor.10:31

It is God who created us, and it is God who gave us purpose.Col.1:16 everything
was created by Him, and for Him. As Christians, we have been given a clear purpose on
what our focus on life should be all about. The summary of this purpose is simple, yet
profound, short, but often not understood: the chief end of Man is to glorify God and
enjoy Him forever. We must recognize that we are only caretakers of God’s resources,
and that whatever we would do with these things should, first and foremost, bring glory
to our God. this is what Paul continually reminds us in 1Cor.10:31. And it includes
everything under the sun: your life, your body, your thoughts, your resources, your
abilities and talents, all of these are just on loan from God.

Biblical stewardship then is recognizing that everything that we have in our lives, even
our very life itself, is owned by God. God in His wisdom and power, has given to us resources to
manage and administer. Even those things that people in the world might say that have come
from their own power, their own ability, and their own will, we know the truth of the matter,
everything is under the mighty hand of God. and no one should boast about themselves.

II. We are given responsibility

If each of us are stewards of God’s kingdom, it stands then that all of us have been given
a responsibility. One of the most important passages about biblical stewardship is found in
none other than the parable of the talents. It was told by Jesus during the time when He knew
His departure of this earth was nearing, and He was delegating responsibility for He was leaving
for an undisclosed perioed of time. Although many were specific teachings for the nation Israel,
we can also gain some applications for us Christians, as well as for the rest of mankind. Let us
read: Matt.25:14-30

A. Each of us is entrusted by God– Matt.25:14-15

In v.14-15, we understand that everyone of us has been given resources by God.
He has entrusted to us many things, but to each, according to our ability. Some might
have more than others, some less, but each one of us has been given resources by God.
what matters here is not the size or amount of the talent that has been given to each
one, but what’s important is what we do with what we have been entrusted with. No
one can say that he/she is a zero. Each of us has our own lives to work with, our own
abilities, our own talents, and God’s measure is according to what we have ourselves,
and not does not depend on what others do have. The point here is if you are a
Christian, you are a steward, and if you are a steward, you are responsible for using that
resource for God’s glory. Not just in earthly matters, but moreso in spiritual
matters:1Pet.4:10-11. Remember that no one is empty handed.

B. Our goal is to be faithful – Matt.24:46;Matt.25:21

In the parable of the talents, the one who was given 5 talents earned 5 more.
The one who got 2 talents earned 2 more. No matter how we look at it, 5 will always be
more than 2. But notice what the master said to them both:Matt.25:20-23 the master
here was not looking at how much they had earned, but instead he looked upon their
faithfulness to their task. So it is the same with God and our stewardship. How
comforting it is to know that both servants were given the same praise and
commendation. They had unequal talents, one had more over the other, but God looked
upon their faithfulness to their task, and thus, they were rewarded. Our goal with our
stewardship of our God given resources is not to match up with other servants, like a
competition, but to be faithful to God.Matt.24:46 this doesn’t mean that we should
have an “okay na” attitude, because God has called us not to mediocrity, but to
excellence.1Thess.4:1 so there is no excuse for laziness or non-participation, as we will
find out later.

Each of us has been given resources by God. Some of us, more than others, some of us,
less. We know this, and certainly God knows all of this. He himself knows our ability and our
limitations, and gives to us accordingly. He will not give you more than you can handle. God has
entrusted to you and to me many things. The question is: are we faithful? our life, in our
time, in our ministry, in the gospel, in our finances, in our family, in our thoughts, in our
physical body…

III. The day of reckoning is fast approaching – Matt.24:44

This is one aspect that we should not forget when studying the topic of biblical
stewardship. It gives a solemn reminder that we need to take with urgency in our lives.
A. Each of us will give an account to God – 2Cor.5:10
Jesus taught the parable of the talents while He was also teaching the people
about His second coming. Yes, Jesus’ departure was imminent, but lest people forget,
His departure also meant that He was coming back one day.Matt.24:44 And when the
day of reckoning comes, when Jesus Christ returns, all of us, will give an account of our
lives to God. We are held accountable for everything that God has entrusted to our care.
Once the Lord comes, it is judgment day. No more delay, and no more extensions, no
last minute decisions.2Cor.5:10

B. We should be devoted to Christ – Luke16:10-13;1Cor.4:1-3

That is why, for all Christians, for all stewards and servants of the living God. we
should be living our lives fully devoted to Jesus Christ. We do not know the day and hour
of Christ’s coming. But we know that He is coming soon. All the more this should push
us and motivate us to be responsible in what has been entrusted to us. Paul himself
reminds us in 1Cor.4:1-3 we are to be faithful to God and God alone. it is not man who
will judge us, but God alone. Jesus teaching is clear in Luke16:10-13 We cannot serve
two masters. So choose this day whom you serve. If you understand clearly what we
have been studying so far, then you know that the only meaningful service that we can
give in this life is towards God. How we make use of the resources entrusted to us just
reveals what is in our hearts.

Remember the last servant? The servant who was given only 1 talent? Well, the master
of the house did not forget about Him, and what He did. Matt.25:18; 24-25. Whereas the two
servants had been rewarded and commended for their faithfulness, this unfaithful servant got
what he deserved:v.26-30 that is how it is in the kingdom of God. the faithful will be rewarded,
but the unfaithful will be severly punished.

IV. How we should live as God’s stewards

Here are some application points for all of us, on how we should live as stewards of
God’s kingdom:
A. Recognize the resources entrusted to you
The first thing to do is to realize is that all of us have god-given resources. No one
is empty handed, no one of us is left at zero. So with that out of the way, what then has
been entrusted to you? Up to what is your capacity? No one can give excuses once we
are facing God. Sometimes this is also the reason why Christians have a weak faith and
testimony. Many do not see the many blessings that God has already given them in their
lives, and so do not also give thanks to Him. That is why there are many who would
complain and complain to God, rather than be productive for the sake of His kingdom.
(wala kasi ako ng ganito, kulang kasi ako sa ganyan. Kung meron lang sana ako ng
ganun.) let us not fool ourselves. All of us have been given, each to His/her own
measure. (hindi mo yan maidadahilan sa Diyos pag nag harap na kayo)

B. Make an honest evaluation of your priorities

When it comes to priority, Jesus has always been crystal clear:Matt.6:33 what
does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? it means that in everything that you do,
whether it is making money in your job, in the time you spend with your family, they
way you raise your children, in how you spend your money, how you use your time, how
you serve in ministry, your main desire is to further the kingdom of God and His
righteousness. The thing with about priority, is that it is not always about “right” versus
“wrong”. Clearly between the two, we should always choose what is right. But the right
priority teaches us that between two “rights” what should we put first? Raising a family
is not evil, earning money in a respectable job is not evil. Even having pleasure and
enjoyment is not evil. But these things should not be our “number 1” priority. For
Christians, that space is especially reserved only for God.

C. Take action starting today

Last but not the least, nothing will come and nothing will change if we study and
read and meditate all these things and stop there. (hindi ka lang oo ng oo sa sinasabi ng
salita ng Diyos, kundi may gagawin kang pagbabago, at kung kinakailangan, magsuko ng
buhay kay Kristo) it is time to start serving, start giving, and start living for the glory of
God. Jesus owns it all, you are just a steward, a steward who, when the master returns
should be found faithful in His service. What needs rearranging in your life? Maybe you
need to rethink about your priorities, and the order in which they are. Will you choose
to be a faithful servant, commended and blessed into His presence? Or will you choose
to remain an unfaithful servant, who will one day be condemned? Do not let todays
message pass you by. Act on it!

For my conclusion, by now, I hope we see the truths concerning bibilical stewardship,
and how it affects every aspect of the life of all the believers. We all should long for the
commendation of the Lord one day: “well done, good and faithful servant” but if we want that,
we should start obeying God today, and live out our lives according to His purpose. The same
warning goes to the unbeliever as well. Many of you have already heard the gospel of Jesus
Christ, about who He is, and what He has done for all people. it is your responsibility to respond
to the gospel. When the day of judgment comes, no one of you will have an excuse for not
placing your faith in Jesus Christ. I hope this message brings a warning and a reminder to all of
us: Let us be faithful in what has been entrusted to us. To God be the glory.

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