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Text: Proverbs 3:1-10

3 My son, do not forget my teaching,

but let your heart keep my commandments,
2 for length of days and years of life

and peace they will add to you.

3 Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;

bind them around your neck;

write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 So you will find favor and good success

in the sight of God and man.

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

7 Be not wise in your own eyes;

fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

8 It will be healing to your flesh

and refreshment to your bones.

9 Honor the Lord with your wealth

and with the firstfruits of all your produce;

10 then your barns will be filled with plenty,

and your vats will be bursting with wine.

Devotion: Proverbs 3:1-2

Title: God’s Guidance for us

We live in an upside-down world. what God wants for us in our life, our ultimate goal to
be Christ-like, is against everything the world teaches and offers us. when we understand that,
then we find out that the christian life really is a challenge. Without the Holy Spirit and God’s
intervention for us, it is impossible for us to act out according to the purpose of God. but the
good thing is because of God’s insurmountable grace towards us, He has already given us the
means to do so through His own son, Jesus Christ.
Today, our message will be centered around the book of proverbs, specifically the first
verses of chapter 3. Proverbs is what is reffered to as wisdom literature, for the Israelites down
to the jews of Christ’s day, this book was what we could say as a guide book of sorts, for
practical living. Today in our time, this book is still very relevant, and we could learn a great deal
from it, if only we would follow what was written. One thing to note, the book of proverbs is
not really a book of promises. But, like discipline is to a child, it contains guiding principles for
life, that would govern the way we think and live, and ultimately help us strive toward Godly,
God-pleasing living.
1 Anak ko, ang aral ko ay huwag mong lilimutin,
lahat ng aking utos sa isipan mo'y itanim;
2 upang araw mo'y tumagal, humaba ang iyong buhay,
at maging masagana sa lahat ng kailangan.

Exegetical Idea: Solomon gives us guidance living our lives as the children of God, so that the
result of which is God’s providence and guidance toward us.

Proposition: brothers and sisters in the Lord, Let me propose to you that God has given us the
principles in order to live a life according to His purpose.

Interrogative: What are the principles given by God’s word?

I. We must remember God – v.3-4

3 Pananalig at katapata'y huwag mong tatalikuran,
ikuwintas sa iyong leeg at itanim sa isipan.
4 Sa gayon, malulugod sa iyo ang Diyos,
at kikilalanin ka ng mga tao.

In our message for today, we will be focusing on a specific set of passages from the Old
Testament, namely, proverbs. Traditionally, we believe they were written by King Solomon,
before his heart turned away from God. the reality of which, tells us that no one is ever immune
to turning away from God. that is why the bible reminds us daily to keep watch, be steadfast,
and to be vigilant. The enemy, our enemy, is like a lion waiting to devour someone. And that is
one of the first principles we will see today: Let us first read Proverbs 3:3-4… In this first
principle, Solomon tells us that we should always remember steadfast love(mercy) and
faithfulness(truth) in our lives. Why would that be? These two things represent the life of a true
believer of Christ. Althroughout scripture we are commanded to love the Lord our God, and to
also love our neighbor. Truth on the other hand, is a valued attribute in the life of the disciple of
Christ. We are to put away falsehood, and to solely walk in the truth. But ultimately, these ideas
does not come from our own self, it is not from the sinful nature of man to love God or other
people. it is not in our human nature to abide in the truth. All around the world we see that
men and women are lovers of themselves. All around the community we see people living in
deception and falsehood. That is why it is important to remember that what Solomon is saying
here is in reality did not come from himself or from man. it came from none other than God.
These two carry the idea of who God is and what He has done for us. What can we say about
the love that God showed you and me, that He would even send His only son, Jesus, to die for
your sake and mine? He who showed us the way to eternal life, in him no falsehood is found.

What does the verse tell us then to do? We should bind them on our neck, and write them on
our heart. The imperative is two fold, in that Solomon is saying that we need to manifest them
outwardly, as to be seen by other people, but to also meditate them inwardly. Binding and
writing them as a means to always remember them, and to always do them. As it is said in
Deut. 6:6-9, it is not done only as a means of external obedience, but also of internal reverence
for God’s word.

The result then would be then that we would find favor and good success(high esteem) in the
sight of God and man. And this kind of life is exemplified in the life of Daniel.

Illustration of the life of Daniel: v.1:8-16; 6:1-28; 3-5, 10;13;16;19-28
Now we learned of what being faithful to God’s law, His word, did for Daniel, it led him to find
favor with God and man.

But more than that, what about what God has done for us, and the example He has set
for us to follow. unlike Daniel, Jesus was without sin, in the eyes of man and of God, but look at
what He went through, treated no more than a common criminal, given the punishment
reserved for the most evil and vile, but He endured it. we heard no complaint, we heard no
reluctance. Even till the very end we hear Him say: “Father, forgive them. they do not know
what they do.” This is what we must do: Remember Him! Remember Jesus! What He has done
for you, what He has promised He will do. Put it in your heart. Let it be seen in your life.

II. We must rely on God – v.5-6

5 Kay Yahweh ka magtiwala, buong puso at lubusan,
at huwag kang mananangan sa sariling karunungan.
6 Sa lahat ng iyong gawain siya nga'y alalahanin,
upang ika'y patnubayan sa iyong mga tatahakin.

the second principle comes from a set of verses that should be well known to us by now.
V.5-6 gives us one of the main themes of this chapter, and it is the passage that is being built up
as we go along the remainder of the verses. The principle here is two-fold: trust in the Lord, not
half-heartedly, not partly, but WITH all your heart. The second is do not lean on your own
understanding. (nagpapagawa at nagpipigil- DO and DON’T) it is important to know why
Solomon used the word heart, and not mind or will or any other. It is because the heart is
central to the being of man. it is where our actions and motivations comes from. Remember
what Jesus said in Matthew 6:21? “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” What
do you cherish in your heart? Is it your spouse? Your work? Your possession or maybe even
relationship or family? The command here is saying you have to let God have all of it. it is not
saying that we sit back and do nothing. We understand this more when we study the second
command, do not lean on your own understanding: In this verse, "lean on" functions
figuratively. Relying on our own understanding is compared to leaning on a cane that cannot
bear our weight; it is unreliable for support. It is dangerous for a person to rely upon mere
human wisdom or understanding because it is likely to fail him.
One interesting thing here about the verse is that we don't have a problem with the trusting
part, or even the acknowledging part. The problem we often have is the “with all your heart”
and the “all your ways”. It is easy to trust God when you have nothing to lose. Do you agree? I
say that it is most difficult to trust God when everything is on the line. It is when you have the
most to lose when we stop trusting God, start asking questions and start making rash decisions.
This was what plagued the rich young ruler in Matt 19:16-22. when the stakes are high, we tend
to think that I can do this! Well, maybe it is true, but I believe that God can do it better.
What then would be the result: the verse says that He will make straight our paths. In a world of
many distractions, many promises and many evil ways, God says that He will handle our way. He
will take care of us. the thing is, everything is already under His sovereign control. So we know
that we can put all of our trust in Him, and He will guide and direct us in this life.

Remember, straight paths don’t necessarily mean easy paths. These paths are
sometimes with many problems, hardships trials, persecution. But the thing that attracts me to
that path is that God is with me when I go through there. I don’t care about the easy way, or
the unpainful way, I care about is God with me when I am walking in this life. I remember a
good hymn I got sometime ago about trusting God:
“So I go on not knowing, I would not if I might,
I'd rather walk with God in the dark, than walk alone in the light,
I had rather walk with Him by faith, than to walk alone by sight.”

Like what the prophet Habakkuk has written in 3:17-19, this is what it means to truly trust in
God, and let Him derect our paths and way of life.

17 Bagama't di namumunga ang puno ng igos

at hindi rin namumunga ang mga ubas,
kahit na maantala ang pamumunga ng olibo
at walang anihin sa mga bukirin,
kahit na mamatay lahat ang mga tupa
at mawala ang mga baka sa kulungan,
18 magagalak pa rin ako at magsasaya,
dahil si Yahweh ang Diyos na magliligtas sa akin.
19 Ang Panginoong Yahweh ang sa aki'y nagpapalakas.
Tulad ng usa, tiyak ang aking mga hakbang,
inaalalayan niya ako sa mga kabundukan.

Brothers and sisters, we must always rely on God for everything we do and encounter in
this life. Many people will tell us and testify, what happens when you rely on your own self,
your own ability, and intellect. But many more will say what happened when they put their
trust in God. we can’t go on on our own in this world. There are many traps and snares and
pitfalls waiting for us. we must rely on God completely, everytime, all the time.

III. We must revere God – v.7-8

7 Huwag mong ipagyabang ang iyong nalalaman;
igalang mo't sundin si Yahweh, at lumayo ka sa kasamaan.
Sa gayon, ikaw ay lalakas at magiging matatag,
8mawawala ang pighati, gagaling ang iyong sugat.

The third principle mention is found in verse 7-8, focuses on revering God. as a
continuing thought from the last verses, Solomon says here that we should not be wise in our
own eyes. An idea that is also found in the new testament, written by Paul in his epistles. To
have a good idea about this, let us read Romans 1:21-23. Here we can understand the futility
being haughty in ones own wisdom is: it will just lead us to become fools. Think about it.
because of man not acknowledging God as maker and ruler of everything, people MADE their
own gods and idols, and worshipped, kneeled down, and prayed to the images that were MADE
by their very hands. They exchanged the truth of God with a lie. And when we look deeper, isn’t
that what the world is telling us today? That is what is “smart” in the world. And look at where
it will bring them: only to destruction. “Do not be wise in your own eyes.” If you think you are,
think again. We are not saying here that we have no capacity for intellect or knowledge, but in
relation to the God who is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, what can we boast of in
front of Him?

Another command of mutual exclusiveness: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. You cannot be
evil and at the same time be God-fearing. Vice versa. It is like saying:if you fear the Lord you
WILL depart from evil. The two will never mix. And of course, the whole book of proverbs has
the central theme of fearing the Lord. We all have heard or read this verse at one point: the
Fear of the Lord is what: The beginning of wisdom! Proverbs 1:7 so it is no coincidence that
Solomon says firstly TO: not be wise in your own eyes. Fearing the Lord is different from the
natural fear that we experience as human beings. It is not just being “scared” of God. Fearing
the Lord is talking more on reverence for who He is and what He has done. Fearing God means
having such a reverence for Him that it has a great impact on the way we live our lives. The fear
of God is respecting Him, obeying Him, submitting to His discipline, and worshipping Him in

The result would then be: healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones. We could
always argue for the literal meaning here by Solomon, that fear of God would lead to physical
strength and healing, and it could be true. But I want us to see the deeper sense of what
Solomon was saying: fearing the Lord, revering Him, knowing who He is as He has revealed
Himself, would enable us to experience what God intended our life to be. If you fear God you
would hate sin as He does, and this will guide you to a life, an abundant life: like the one Jesus
has promised us.

How do we revere God? A good thing to note is the the word revere is synonymous to
the word worship: we revere God when we acknowledge Him in our life. When we let Him take
control of everything and submit to Him. like what the previous point has said, but with much
more emphasis on reverence toward Him. God has already revealed Himself to us through His
word. The question is: How much do you know Him? Do you obey His commands?

IV. We must repay God – v.9-10

9 Parangalan mo si Yahweh sa pamamagitan ng iyong mga kayamanan,
at mula sa iyong mga pinakamainam na ani, siya ay iyo ring handugan.
10 Sa gayon, kamalig mo ay lagi nang aapaw,
sisidlan ng inumin ay hindi nga matutuyuan.

Now onto the last principle. V.9-10 states clearly that we must repay God. well actually,
that is a misnomer, because as we will find out, we cannot actually “repay” God. the verse says
to honor God with your wealth. And with the firstfruits of all your produce. It is very good to
understand the background of this passage first for us to know what the context is:

Firstfruits was a Jewish feast held in the early spring at the beginning of the grain
harvest. It was observed on Nissan 16, which was the third day after Passover and the
second day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Firstfruits was a time of thanksgiving for
God’s provision.(Leviticus 23:9-14) institutes the firstfruits offering. The people were to
bring a sheaf of grain to the priest, who would wave it before the Lord. A burnt offering,
a meal offering, and a drink offering were also required at that time. (Deuteronomy
26:1-10) gives even more detail on the procedure of firstfruits.No grain was to be
harvested at all until the firstfruits offering was brought to the Lord (Leviticus 23:14).
The offering was made in remembrance of Israel’s sojourn in Egypt, the Lord’s
deliverance from slavery, and their possession of “a land that floweth with milk and

In short, it was an offering to God of the first and the best produce the people of God
have received from Him. remember their culture of being agrarian and shepherds. The
bountiful harvest was always a sign of the providence and love from Him. you have no control
over the rain or the sun, no control over pests. So no one could boast in his harvest that man
did it on his own.

That was how people honored God through their wealth in the OT. They acknowledge that it all
comes from God. How about in our time today? the NT shows us that the pattern of giving is
found in 2 Cor. 9:6-8: see the difference, but also note the similarity. The bible gives us
althroughout the pattern of reaping and sowing. Figuratively and literally: you reap what you
sow. And this applies even to giving to the Lord. We are to give to God, not grudgingly or out of
necessity. The truth that follows is truly amazing: God loves a cheerful giver. This comes all the
way back to trusting God. if you trust God to take care of you, you will be able to give to God
fully and wholly, without any objections. You are happy when you give, and you should be
happy. Happy because of the fact that even if material things aren’t always present, the
abundance of God’s grace will still cover all of you.

In the issue of giving in the NT, one such church always pops up and comes to mind.
None other than the small church located in Phillipi. A very small and poor congregation, but
nonetheless with a big heart for giving to the Lord. They were the the only church who
supported the apostle Paul during the one of the most trying times in his ministry. Let us read
Philippians 4:14-19. And this is what the context of one of the most misused verses is: Paul
states verse 19 because of their generosity. God will supply all the needs of the Philippian
brethren because when Paul was in need, they did not hold back.

Brothers and sisters. I know that this is a sensitive subject: but the reason for that is our
own unwillingness to trust God that He will provide for us, if we give to Him cheerfully and with
all Joy. Remember, which side is much more desireable? Giving because God blesses you, or
receiving because you are always lacking? No one can repay God, because everything you and I
own, is His already. Psalm 24:1.

For my conclusion, today we have received God’s powerful word, and what God’s
guidance for our lives is. The question today is simple. Will you choose to follow them? in a
world that is upside down, and where wrong is considered right, will you obey God today, and
follow His commands that would bring us to the right way of living? I hope we choose correctly,
and heed the voice of God, and start obeying it ourselves.

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