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1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Devotion: Galatians 5:13-15

Title: What is love?

Good morning brothers and sisters in the Lord, before we begin, let us pray…
Love. There is just something about love that makes people excited. I mean if that were not
true, then many tele serye and tele nobela and almost ¾ of Filipino movies should have already
gone extinct. Many people are just drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Why would twilight be so
popular then? Most people are like that because of their inner desire to experience the kind of
love that they see. but sadly many do not really understand what true love is. Just open up
facebook and look at some profiles of high school students. I think you will get what I mean.
Sometimes even Christians have this sort of problem. When we get asked, “what verse do you
know that talks about love?” or if someone were to ask of you, “can you give me a good
quotation about love?” often many of us will say or respond with: 1 Cor. 13! And that is where
God’s message will come from for us today.

In 1 Cor. 13 we find one of the most beautiful and familiar passages in the bible. This
chapter is typically read at weddings and anniversary celebrations. It has even been set to
music. Yet, this was never the original intent. If you would look at the background of the book,
you will find that this letter of Paul to the Corinthians was far from romanticism. It was a letter
of harsh rebuke to a people who had put their faith in God, but were still acting like babies and
behaving in the flesh. this church who had allowed sexual immorality to run among their
members, and even had an issue with church leaders which were causing them to have
divisions. They were suing each other, and taking each other to the court of man(secular)
instead of working it out themselves. And even had problems with the Lord’s supper! And many
more which we cannot exhaust in one message. and remember, these were believers! People
who called themselves Christians! So it is really one long letter of rebuke written to a
dysfunctional church.

Exegetical Idea: In chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians, Paul details to the believers what genuine love
is, and how it is so important in the life of a believer.

Proposition: Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us be reminded how the bible commands us to
love one another, and in what way we show this love.

Interrogative: What does chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians teach us?

I. The Importance of Love

We all must know the importance of love in the Christian life. Jesus commands us to
love, just as he loved. Were it not for the love of God we would not even have the chance to
receive salvation. But have we ever thought about “how” important love is? If I were to ask you,
to quote from memory 1 Cor. 13, what verse is anyone likely to say? Most of us might say:
“that’s easy. Love is patient, love is kind…” but actually, that is already verse 4 of the chapter,
what happened to the first three? Because in the first three verses do we really find what the
importance of love is and how it relates to our Christian life. And through the Apostle Paul’s
words we will find out that love is:

A. More important than spiritual gifts – v.1

In verse 1, Paul tells them that even if he could speak the tongues of men and
even of angels, but did not have love, he would just like be a noisy gong or a clanging
cymbal. Note that Paul here is not merely referring to the human speech and eloquence.
He was literally pointing out to them the gift of tongues as portrayed by the apostles on
the day of Pentecost and the early church. Paul started out with this fact because of the
Corinthian church’s attitudes about their spiritual gifts. They figured that some gifts
were more important than others. Some spiritual gifts were better than others. And
they liked to think that speaking in tongues were one of the most prominent and “gotta
have it” gifts to have. But Paul says even if God would give him the gift of tongues even
to the point of understanding angels, but he would not have love, then he would be
merely making a lot of noise.

B. More important than knowledge – v.2a

In verse 2, he continues that even if he would have the gift of prophecy, and
even if he would understand all mysteries and would gain all knowledge, but still the
end result would be that he is nothing. Consider this, because in the world, we consider
gaining knowledge one of the most important things a human being would do. We
spend all those years in school, some even to the point of going to graduate school just
to learn. But what about love? because without love, Paul says, he is nothing. Consider
our time today. comparing it to the past, we now have more and more ways to increase
in knowledge and learnings. In the past, only those who were prominent in society and
those who were important were the ones who studied. Nowadays we have so many
schools to choose from, and the government even provides suitable ways for education
for those who cannot afford. Consider our means of studying: before, if you wanted to
do a report, if you wanted to learn of something in history or current events, you would
need to go to a library and ready encyclopedias and magazines, now in a simple press of
buttons you can too. Without even having to go out of your house. (di na nga kailangan
ng computer eh, kahit cellphone lang kaya na) but in reality, did all of those things
improve our way of life? did gaining knowledge do anything? (maraming edukado, pero
bat mas dumadami ang mga bastos?) Even if you had all the answers, but do not have
love, you are nothing.

C. More important than faith – v.2b

3rd, Paul says that if you have faith, even the biggest of them all, but do not have
love, Paul still says I am nothing. Can you believe that? I mean isn’t faith one of the most
important things in the Christian life? We also know that without faith it is impossible to
please God. but look at what Paul is saying to us here. He is by no means telling us that
faith is not important, he is not saying we should forget about faith or anything like that.
What he is saying though is very clear. Even if you had all the faith of all the Christians in
the world combined, but you do not have any love in you, you are nothing. Imagine that.
One thing that really pops to my mind is the parable of the good Samaritan. Notice what
happens in the story? A man, a jewish man, fell to robbers and was left for dead. Who
were those who passed him? a priest and a levite, both of which were jews as well. And
the last was a Samaritan, people who were despised by the jews, and yet, as the parable
goes, it was the Samaritan who helps his neighbor. What of the preist? Of the levite?
Both who were jews, both who were servants of God, both of which who were the good
picture of faith in God. but what good did their “faith” do for them? they neglected the
one who was in need. Now we understand the passage of james 2:14 whichs tells us
faith without any works is dead. In light of our passage today, we can also consider
saying faith without any love, is worthless.

D. More important than giving – v.3

and in verse 3, Paul says that love is more important than giving. Note that Paul
does not say if I give my tithes and offering, he is saying if he gives his everything, if he
gives all of his savings, all of his treasures, all of his possessions, everything he has, and
just be left with the clothes on my back, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Giving is
not enough. Are you a generous person? But the good question to ask is: why do you
give? Because it was the topic of the sermon? Is it because you will feel guilty if you
don’t? to impress those around you? Or is it because you think you will receive more if
you give more? If the only reason I give is for my own benefit, then love is absent, and
giving is empty. And Paul concludes this with not only material giving, but even giving up
your own life. which for us is the single most greatest thing we could ever give up. You
can give up material things easily because we all know deep down that they can be
replaced. But giving up your own life? Paul says to be burned: to die for something or
for someone, but yet, the lesson stays the same: if you do not have love, you gain

So in the light of this, when we read in the first few verses in chapter 13, we find out
that Paul was not talking about love in a romantic or lovey-dovey way; what he was really
saying is a rebuke to these Christians who really do not understand what love truly is. These
people who are called saints(hinirang) by Paul are the ones who are destroying each other and
the body of Christ. Paul was telling them: “you are spiritually gifted people, you are people who
are knowledgeable, people who have faith, and people who are giving, and yet, you do not
exercise love in all things. So where does that leave you? You speak nothing, you are nothing,
and you gain nothing.” What about us? let us stop for a moment and think: reflect on your
spiritual gifts and your ministry in the local church. Do you do what you do out of genuine love
for people? Or do you serve out of a sense of obligation? Do you serve because of the
satisfaction you derive from ministry? Do you minister because you like honing your skills?
Although no one has perfectly pure motives, we ought to be seeking to grow in our love.
II. How love is manifested v.4-7
Now we will find that Paul outlines in just 4 verses, what love really is. Paul will argue
that love is an action, not an emotion. The kind of love Paul will talk about is seen, experienced,
and demonstrated. This is contrary to our culture that honors personal feelings above almost
everything. We do what we want when we want because we “feel” like it. And if we don’t “feel”
like it, we don’t do it. But as I study this passage, we will find out that there is a complete
absence of any stress on personal feelings. Hence, if love is an action, not an emotion, we need
to study what God has to say about love. We need to know what love is and what it looks like
when it is lived out in our lives. it becomes clear then, that love is not so much a "Feeling"...
"Oooo you make me feel so good" and "O you make my heart race and pitter patter" BUT love
is an action. If you rely on feeling then your spouse better get out of the way most of the time.
Of if you rely on feeling, you could easily say "Well I have fallen out of love with you". But this
love is "agapao" or "agape" love. It is "unconditional love". It can’t be lost, or fallen away from
because it is "unconditional". It is active love. Jesus said "If you love me keep my
commandments". He told Peter "If you love me, feed my sheep"... "If you love me, tend my
little ewe lambs". He gives us 15 action words that make up love. It encompasses what love is
and what love is not.

It is patient… It does not envy…

It is kind… It does not boast…
It rejoices with the truth… It is not arrogant…
It bears all things… It is not rude…
It believes all things… It does not insist its own way…
It hopes all things… It is not resentful…
It endures all things… It does not keep a record of wrong…
It does not rejoice in wrongdoing…

Brothers and sisters, as it is so easy to equate the word love as romantic and full of
emotion, the real reason Paul outlines these is to rebuke the Corinthian believers. They were
the family of God and yet they did not show the kind of love that is needed to be seen in their
lives. Love should penetrate every relationship we have, not just romantic and family
relationships. Love is not confined to boyfriends and girlfriends. Love should be shown at work,
the grocery store and in the classroom. The two lists of what love is and isn’t shows attitudes.
Love is not just a word we say, but an attitude that we have towards others. Are you loving? That
may be a hard question to answer. It is very generic. But what about the qualities of love? Are you
patient? Are you kind? Trusting? These types of questions are more pointed. How do you stack up?
There is the other list too. Are you envious? Proud? Boastful? What about rude and short-
tempered? Go through the list of attitudes and see how you do when thinking about your work
colleagues or schoolmates. What about the other parents at your children’s school who
probably need a change of attitude? This is the type of love God has towards us. It is a love that
is not dependent on others; rather it is a personal choice. You can’t make someone else have
these qualities of love, but you can make a personal choice in your attitude toward them.
We must remember brothers and sisters, that love is a command of Jesus and not just a
suggestion. And the good thing about it being a command is that God will never command us to
do anything that we cannot do. Where do we apply these things then?

A. In the family
Let’s suppose that someone in every family represented here this morning would
say, "I’m going to go home & put this into practice." Start with your spouse. You ought
to love your husband or your wife first & most. You ought to be kinder, more tender,
more gentle to them even if they’re behaving like a jerk. Begin first in your marriage
relationship. Can you see how that would affect the atmosphere of the home? There
wouldn’t be any arguing or bickering, no sharp words between each other because their
interests are just as important as yours. And pretty soon it filters down to the
relationship you share with your children, maybe even your in-laws & everybody else in
the family. Just because you love them.

B. In the church
It begins in the family, and it spills over into the church. In fact Jesus said, "By
this they shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." That’s
the way the world will find out that the message of Jesus Christ is valid. And if we’re
really going to love each other the way Jesus loved us then we have to develop in our
own lives the same kind of compassion for people that Jesus had. Remember, this was
what Paul was pointing out in chapter 13. This was the problem of the church in Corinth.
They were all gifted spiritually: some were adept in speaking in tongues, others were so
knowledgeable, some gifted in faith, and some in giving, but they forgot the most
important thing that drives and motivates all others: love. choose to love, even if some
are unlovable.

C. In the world
Finally, we are to let that love flow into our everyday lives too. We do it when we
show those people who are all around us that Jesus Christ is our Lord, not just with
words, but by the example we set. To those who are working, you may have a hard boss
that you don’t like very much. Or you may work with someone who makes fun of the
way you live, maybe someone who is just so difficult to be with. Maybe even those who
are still in school experience this. Our neighbors, and all those in the community. But
remember that Jesus said that we are to love our enemies & pray for those who
persecute us. if it gets hard and difficult, just remember, these are people like lost
sheep; people without a shepherd. They are looking for love, but always from the wrong
places and the wrong kind of people. how then will they discover the love of God, if we
do not show it to them?

For my conclusion, Brothers and sisters, let us be reminded on what love truly is, and we
can only understand this true love, love that exceeds everything else, from the author of love,
none other than God. love is a decision to be made, an action to do, not just a feeling or
emotion that is fleeting. We are to exhibit love, everywhere we are, whether we are with
believers or non-believers. Today, how will you grow in your love for others? First, you cannot
become the loving person you desire to be apart from a loving and vibrant relationship with
God. This love relationship must be cultivated first and foremost. Second, you must love those
nearest to you. This means that if you are married, you focus on your spouse. If you have
children, you prioritize your children. If you are serving in a ministry, you love those children,
teens, or adults. You strive to love your neighbors and coworkers. Once you have accomplished
this, you will be able to better love the world around you. God has called us to love people.
Jesus said that all people will know we are His disciples by the love that we have for one

“People don’t care about how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

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