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Chemical Engineering Calculations 1

Problem Set 8
Name: ____________________________________
1. (a) What is the vapor pressure of i) water at 80°F ii) n-octane at 250oC iii) n-pentane at 120oC
iv) mercury at 200oC. (b) What is the boiling point of i) benzene at 30 in. Hg ii) water at 100 mm Hg iii)
toluene at 4 atm iv) propane at 50 psig.
2. Given that at 10 mm Hg glycerol boils at 167.20C and at 760 mm Hg, 290oC, calculate the constants A and B
in the equation: log(VP)= A - B/(C+T) where VP is the vapor pressure in mm Hg, T is the temperature in
K and C=230. What is the vapor pressure of glycerol at 200°C?
3. The atm pressure varies with elevation according to the equation : P= 29.92 -0.00111h: where P IS the
pressure in inches Hg and h is the altitude in ft. What is the elevation where water boils at 95oC?
4. A liquid mixture at 0oC consists of 30% ethane, 40% propane and 30% butane. Find the composition of the
vapor mixture in equilibrium with this liquid. What is the total equilibrium pressure? Apply Raoult’s Law.
5. A gaseous mixture of 61% n-hexane, 25% n-octane and 13% n- decane is at a temperature of 50oC. Find the
equilibrium pressure and the composition of the liquid in equilibrium with the mixture.
6. What is the total pressure exerted by a liquid-vapor system in equilibrium if the liquid phase consists of 30%
propane, 10% butane, 30% pentane, 10% hexane and 4% heptane at a temperature of 12oC?
7. A liquid mixture of 50% mole n-butane and 50% mole n-pentane at 60oC and total pressure of 2600 mm Hg.
At equilibrium, find the composition of both the liquid and vapor phases. What fraction of the original liquid
was vaporized. If the mixture is heated further to 80°C what is the resulting pressure?
8. (a) What is the bubble point (T) of a liquid mixture of 45% toluene and 55% benzene at a pressure of 1000
mm Hg? What is the composition of the first vapor formed? (b) What is the dew point of a gaseous mixture
of 45% toluene and 55% benzene at a pressure of 1000 mm Hg. What is the composition of the liquid
9. A liquid mixture consists of 40% n-pentane and 60% n-hexane by mole. It is placed in a closed container
and is heated to 100oC and a pressure of 3.5 atm. What is the resulting composition of the vapor and liquid
phases in equilibrium? What % of the original liquid is vaporized?
10 The composition of Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG) is 0.5% ethane, 0.1 % acetylene, 16.4% propane, 2.1%
ethylene, 74% butane and 6.9% butene, If the room temperature is at 30oC,what is the pressure inside the
tank and the composition of the gas that first issues from this mixture.
11. (a) Calculate the composition by volume and by weight of air that is saturated with water vapor at a
pressure of 755 torrs and a temperature of 14°C. (b) Calculate the composition by volume and by weight of
CO2 that is saturated with water vapor at the conditions of part (a).
12. Nitrogen is saturated with benzene vapor at a temperature of 280oC and a pressure of 0.9875 bar.
Calculate the composition of the mixture, expressed in the following terms. (a) % by vol (b) % by wt
(c) Grains benzene/m3 of mixture (d) kg benzene/kg N2 (e) kgmols benzene/kgmol N2.
13. CO2 contains 0.055 kg-mol of water vapor per kg mol dry CO2 at a temperature of 33oC and a total pressure
of 755 mm Hg. Calculate: (a) relative saturation (b) % saturation of the mixture
(c) temperature to which the mixture must be heated in order that the relative saturation shall
be 35%.
14. A mixture of benzene and air at 360C and 100 kPa is found to have a dew point of 16oC. Calculate its: (a)
composition by volume (b) kg-mol benzene/kg-mol air (c) wt benzene/wt air.
15. A flue gas on a wet basis contains 10% CO2, 1 % CO, 5% O2, 5% H2O and 79% N2. It is at 190oC and 750 torr.
To what temperature should it be cooled to make it saturated with water vapour keeping the total
pressure constant?
16. A N2-acctone gas mixture consist of 20% acetone and 80% N2. The mixture is made by bubbling dry N2 gas
through acetone. Thus the N2 becomes saturated with acetone. The pressure is at 755 mm Hg. At what
temperature is the bubbling made?
17. 250 grams of steam is injected into a large enclosed container containing 55 kg air. If the temperature is at.
2SoC and pressure 120 kPa, calculate: (a) absolute humidity (b) molal humidity
(c) saturation molal humidity (d) % humidity (e) relative humidity (f) dew point.
18. A gas-vapor mixture consisting of benzene and N2 at a total pressure of 800 mm Hg and 450C has a %
saturation of 65%. (a) What is the dew point and % relative saturation of the gas mixture (b) If the mixture
is heated to 700oC, what is its relative saturation and dew point with total pressure maintained at 800 mm
Hg (c) Up to what pressure can the mixture be compressed without condensing any of the benzene if the
temperature is kept at 450C?
19. A benzene-toluene gas mixture containing 65% benzene is cooled from 150oC to 100oC at 780 mm Hg.
What fraction of the original vapor condenses? What is the composition of this condensed liquid if
equilibrium is attained?
20. In a room measuring 4m x 5m x 4m was left an open tank containing ethyl alcohol. Considering the room is
scaled from the outside, calculate the amount of ethyl alcohol that has evaporated into the room if the
temperature is 30oC and the atmospheric pressure is 755 mrn Hg. Assume the room becomes completely
saturated with alcohol.
21. 200 grams of benzene is allowed to evaporate in a 10-m3 tank containing gaseous CO2 at 40oC and 755 mm
Hg. If the mixture is brought to 60oC and 1.3 atm, what is the % saturation and relative saturation of the
22. A N2-acetone mixture containing 20% acetone is at 30oC and 755 mm Hg. To what temperature should the
mixture be chilled so that when heated back to 30oC at the same pressure, the% saturation will be 40%?
23. Dry air is flowing at a rate of 3 m3 per sec at a temperature of 40oC and 1.1 atm. 1 kg/min of ethyl alcohol is
bled into the stream. If the final temperature of the mixture is 35oC and the pressure is 765 mm Hg, what is
the% saturation of the mixture?
24. It is proposed to recover acetone, which is used as a solvent in an extraction process, by evaporation into a
stream of N2. The N2 enters the evaporator at 30oC containing acetone such that its dew point is 10oC. It
leaves at a temperature of 25°C and a dew point of 20oC. The barometric pressure is constant at 750 torr. a)
Find the composition or the gases leaving; b) moles or acetone evaporated/m3 of entering gas; c) m3 of
gases leaving/l000m3 of gases entering
25. Acetone is used as solvent in a certain process. Recovery of acetone is done by evaporation into a stream
of N2. In the solvent recovery unit 50 kg of acetone are evaporated/hr. The gas entering is at 35oC, 750 mm
Hg with a partial pressure of acetone of 10 mm Hg. The gas leaving is at 30oC, 740 mm Hg with 85%
saturation. Calculate: a) m3 of entering gas/hr; b) m3 of exit gas/hr.
26. Illuminating gas at a temperature of 38°C and 760 mm Hg enters a gas holder carrying 700 grains water
/m3. If in the holder, the gas is cooled to 1.7oC, calculate the weight of water condensed per 1000 m3 of gas
entering. Assume pressure in the holder remains constant.
27. A gas mixture at 27oC and 750 torr contains acetone vapor with 70% saturation. Calculate the temperature
to which the gas must be cooled, at constant pressure to condense 40% of the acetone.
28. An organic chemical must be dried in an atmosphere of H2 in a vacuum type drier at 660 mm
Hg vacuum. The H2-water vapor mixture leaves the drier at 27oC and 80% humidity. Calculate the number
of kg H2 required/kg water evaporated.
29. It is desired to construct a drier removing 100 kg of water/hr. Air is supplied to the drying chamber at 66oC,
760 mm Hg with a dew point of 4.5oC. If the air leaves the drier at 35oC, 755 mm Hg with a dew point of
24oC, calculate the volume of air at the initial conditions that must be supplied/min.
30. Air at 60oC, 745 torr and 10% humidity is supplied to a drier at the rate of 1400 m3/hr. Water is evaporated
at the rate of 25 kg/hr. The air leaves at 35oC, 99 kPa. Calculate: a) Dew point of air leaving b) vol of air
31. A compressed air tank having a volume of 0.42 m3 is filled with air at gauge pressure of 200 psi and 27oC
and saturated with water vapor. The tank was filled by compressing air at 14.5 psia at 24oC with 80%
humidity. Calculate the weight of water vapor condensed.
32. Air at 30oC and 750 mm Hg has a %humidity of 60. Calculate the pressure to which this air must be
compressed, at constant temperature, in order to remove 90 % of the water present.
33. Air at 25°C, 740 mm hg and 55% relative humidity is compressed to 10 atm. (a) To what
temperature must the gas-vapor mixture be cooled to condense 90% of the water (b) What will
be the volume of the gas vapor mixture/m3 of original air after cooling to the temperature in
(a) at 10 atm?

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