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2020 Feng Shui Essential

Peter Yap
2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7
How to improve your house’s luck? ............................................................................... 8 
STEP 1 – Harmonize your home ................................................................................ 9 
STEP 2 – Choose what you want ................................................................................ 9 
** Note: This book only cater for period 7 and period 8 houses. ............................... 9 

2. Flying Star and afflictions ............................................................................................. 11

San Sha Three Killings 三杀 ........................................................................................ 11 
Monthly San Sha Three Killings 月三杀...................................................................... 13 
Tai Sui Grand Duke Jupiter 太岁 ................................................................................. 14 
What is Tai Sui 太岁? ............................................................................................... 14 
What meant by offended Tai Sui 犯太岁?................................................................ 15 
Rat .................................................................................................................................................. 15 
Horse .............................................................................................................................................. 15 
Rooster ........................................................................................................................................... 15 
Ram ................................................................................................................................................ 15 
Rabbit ............................................................................................................................................. 15 

Sui Po year breaker 岁破 .............................................................................................. 16 

2020 Flying stars, enhancers and remedies................................................................... 17 
Star #1 - Romance 桃华星 Water – North East ........................................................ 18 
Star #2 - Sickness 二黑 Earth – South ...................................................................... 18 
Star #3 - Dispute 争斗星 Wood – North .................................................................. 19 
Star #4 - Academic 文昌星 Wood – SouthWest ...................................................... 20 
Star #5 - Misfortune 五黄 Earth – East ..................................................................... 21 
Star #6 - Military 武曲星 Metal – SouthEast ........................................................... 22 
Star #7 - Robbery 破军星 Metal – Center ................................................................ 23 
Star #8 - Wealth 左铺才星 – NorthWest .................................................................. 24 
Star #9 - Celebration 右弼喜星 Fire –West ............................................................. 25 

3. House facing and its Feng Shui arrangements (STEP 1: to harmonize your home)..... 27
3.1. Face South 172.6°-202.5° ...................................................................................... 29 
3.2. Face SouthWest 202.6°-217.5° .............................................................................. 31 
3.3. Face SouthWest 217.6°-247.5° .............................................................................. 33 
3.4. Face West 247.6°-262.5° ....................................................................................... 35 

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

3.5. Face West 262.6°-292.5° ....................................................................................... 37 

3.6. Face NorthWest 292.6°-307.5° .............................................................................. 39 
3.7. Face NorthWest 307.6°-337.5° .............................................................................. 41 
3.8. Face North 337.6°-352.5° ...................................................................................... 43 
3.9. Face North 352.6°-22.5° ........................................................................................ 45 
3.10. Face NorthEast 22.6°-37.5° ................................................................................. 47 
3.11. Face NorthEast 37.6°-67.5° ................................................................................. 49 
3.12. Face East 67.6°-82.5°........................................................................................... 51 
3.13. Face East 82.6°-112.5°......................................................................................... 53 
3.14. Face South East 112.6°-127.5° ............................................................................ 55 
3.15. Face South East 127.6°-157.5° ............................................................................ 57 
3.16. Face South 157.6°-172.5° .................................................................................... 59 

4. Special Feng Shui arrangements (STEP 2: Choose what you want) ............................ 61 
4.1 Wealth luck ............................................................................................................. 62 
4.2 Romance and love luck ........................................................................................... 63 
4.3 Business luck .......................................................................................................... 64 
4.4 Academic luck ........................................................................................................ 65 
4.5 Marriage luck .......................................................................................................... 66 
4.6 Job stability ............................................................................................................. 67 
4.7 Health luck .............................................................................................................. 68 
4.8 To sell your house ................................................................................................... 69 
4.9 Enhance people luck and reduce gossip.................................................................. 70 

5. Special Feng Shui arrangements for main door (STEP 2: Choose what you want) ..... 71 
5.1 Door located at your East sector ............................................................................. 72 
5.2 Door located at your South East sector ................................................................... 73 
5.3 Door located at your South sector ........................................................................... 74 
5.4 Door located at your South West sector ................................................................. 75 
5.5 Door located at your West sector ............................................................................ 76 
5.6 Door located at your North West sector ................................................................. 77 
5.7 Door located at your North sector ........................................................................... 78 

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

5.8 Door located at your North East sector ................................................................... 79 

5.9 Door located at your Center .................................................................................... 80 

6. Special Feng Shui arrangements to enhance Tao Hua 桃花 ......................................... 81

6.1 East facing door ...................................................................................................... 82 
6.2 South East facing door ............................................................................................ 83 
6.3 South facing door .................................................................................................... 84 
6.4 South West facing door........................................................................................... 85 
6.5 West facing door ..................................................................................................... 86 
6.6 North West facing door ........................................................................................... 87 
6.7 North facing door .................................................................................................... 88 
6.8 North East facing door ............................................................................................ 89 

7. Special Feng Shui arrangements to neutralize Tao Hua 桃花 ...................................... 90

7.1 East facing door ...................................................................................................... 91 
7.2 South East facing door ............................................................................................ 92 
7.3 South facing door .................................................................................................... 93 
7.4 South West facing door........................................................................................... 94 
7.5 West facing door ..................................................................................................... 95 
7.6 North West facing door ........................................................................................... 96 
7.7 North facing door .................................................................................................... 97 
7.8 North East facing door ............................................................................................ 98 

8. Monthly Feng Shui arrangements ................................................................................. 99

The first month 戊寅 WuYin ........................................................................................ 99 
The second month 己卯 JiMao.................................................................................... 100 
The third month 庚辰 Geng Chen ............................................................................... 101 
The fourth month 辛巳 XinSi ..................................................................................... 102 
The fifth month 壬午 RenWu ..................................................................................... 103 
The sixth month 癸未 GuiWei .................................................................................... 104 
The seventh month 甲申 JiaShen................................................................................ 105 
The eighth month 乙酉 YiYou ................................................................................... 106 

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

The ninth month 丙戌 BingXu ................................................................................... 107 

The tenth month 丁亥 DingHai................................................................................... 108 
The eleventh month 戊子 WuZi ................................................................................. 109 
The twelfth month 己丑 JiChou.................................................................................. 110 

9. Chinese Horoscope forecast based on Animal Signs .................................................. 112 

Rat ............................................................................................................................... 112 
Ox................................................................................................................................ 113 
Tiger ............................................................................................................................ 114 
Rabbit .......................................................................................................................... 115 
Dragon......................................................................................................................... 116 
Snake ........................................................................................................................... 117 
Horse ........................................................................................................................... 118 
Ram ............................................................................................................................. 119 
Monkey ....................................................................................................................... 120 
Rooster ........................................................................................................................ 121 
Dog.............................................................................................................................. 122 
Pig ............................................................................................................................... 123 

10. Chinese Horoscope forecast with Animal Signs using BaZi elements ..................... 124 
2020 General Summary .............................................................................................. 126 
2020 General Monthly Forecast.................................................................................. 127 
2020 ShenSha 神杀 stars ............................................................................................ 132 
Rat ............................................................................................................................... 133 
Ox................................................................................................................................ 134 
Tiger ............................................................................................................................ 135 
Rabbit .......................................................................................................................... 136 
Dragon......................................................................................................................... 137 
Snake ........................................................................................................................... 138 
Horse ........................................................................................................................... 139 
Ram ............................................................................................................................. 140 
Monkey ....................................................................................................................... 141 

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

Rooster ........................................................................................................................ 142 

Dog.............................................................................................................................. 143 
Pig ............................................................................................................................... 144 

11. Horoscope and how to increase wealth ..................................................................... 145

12. Horoscope and how to enhance health...................................................................... 146

13. Horoscope and how to enhance romance luck .......................................................... 147

14. 2020 Monthly almanac ............................................................................................. 148

December 2019 ........................................................................................................... 149 
January 2020 ............................................................................................................... 150 
February 2020 ............................................................................................................. 151 
March 2020 ................................................................................................................. 152 
April 2020 ................................................................................................................... 153 
May 2020 .................................................................................................................... 154 
June 2020 .................................................................................................................... 155 
July 2020 ..................................................................................................................... 156 
August 2020 ................................................................................................................ 157 
September 2020 .......................................................................................................... 158 
October 2020 ............................................................................................................... 159 
November 2020 ........................................................................................................... 160 
December 2020 ........................................................................................................... 161 
January 2021 ............................................................................................................... 162 
February 2021 ............................................................................................................. 163 

Afterword ........................................................................................................................ 164 

DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................ 165 

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

1. Introduction
2020 is almost here… Get ready and be auspicious together.

We step into 庚子 GengZi, Metal Rat year starts from 17:22pm 04 Feb 2020 and ends at
23:04pm 03 Feb 2021.

This book will improve your house’s luck. These are indispensable tools that enable you
to tap into the auspicious energies. If your house is already having good Feng Shui they
will make it even better, you will see much better career prospects and opportunities and
are able to maximize your wealth accumulation. If your house’s Feng Shui is bad they
will help you to reduce the disastrous effects and can help you to avoid calamities.

It is important to learn about the locations of the annual and monthly Flying Stars (Xuan
Kong Fei Xing), reputed to be the most powerful systems in the study of Feng Shui.
Annual stars stay in a sector for the year and shift to another sector in a pre-determined
pattern in the following year. Monthly stars change positions on a monthly basis.

The star numbers run from 1 to 9 and each flying star number possesses auspicious or
inauspicious meanings. In period 8, (2004 to 2024) the five lucky star numbers are 8, 9, 6,
4 and 1 while the unlucky stars are 2, 3, 5 and 7. In general, when the combination of the
annual star and monthly star in a compass sector for a particular month is made up of the
good stars (8, 9, 6, 4 and 1), the particular sector is said to be good and will bring good
luck to its occupant. But when the bad stars congregate in the same sector, some serious
issues might happen and it is important that you vacate the room for the month. If this
cannot be done, you must install Feng Shui cures to suppress them or they will bring
misfortunes of the most severe kind. However, you do not have to worry if the bad stars
fly into a storeroom, toilet, garage or a missing corner because their negative effects are
contained and dissolved. The effect, whether good or bad, is lesser when the number
appears alone.

You will need to look out for afflicted sectors and take the necessary steps to suppress the
inauspicious stars or enhance the auspicious ones.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

How to improve your house’s luck?

Use a good compass to accurately determine the facing direction of your main door of
your home. Then refer to following sections with all the arrangements and charts and use
them wisely. You need to set your priority right in order to choose which Feng Shui
arrangement to use to get what you most desire. For example if you want to be richer,
then choose the wealth enhancing arrangements, if you are sick then choose the health
enhancing arrangements.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

~ You must carry out these changes in TWO STEPS. ~

STEP 1 – Harmonize your home

The first step is to harmonize your home. You house need to be in harmony before you
can enhance what you needed most.

You need to do the following.

1. Hold your compass standing behind your main door, facing out and take the reading.
This is your house facing.

2. Find out your house’s period. You need to know when your house was built or when
was the last major renovation, last transferred of ownership or when was the last time you
changed your stove (for company, your company sign board) in order to determine your
house’s period.

Period 7 - from 4th. Feb. 1984 to 3rd. Feb. 2004

Period 8 - from 4th. Feb. 2004 to 3rd. Feb. 2024

3. Go to “House facing and its Feng Shui arrangements” section and put in the

STEP 2 – Choose what you want

The second step is as simple as to choose what you want.

After you have harmonized your house, you can then choose your Feng Shui
enhancements base on your priority. You can choose to enhance your wealth or enhance
your health or both.

** Note: This book only cater for period 7 and period 8 houses.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

About Horoscope, there are two types of forecast.

The first type is based on Animal Signs alone and its ShenSha 神杀.

The second type is using a combination of Chinese Astrology, Horoscope, Zi Wei Dou
Shu (紫微斗数) together with Ba Zi Analysis (子平八字). This forecast will analyses the
10 divisions of each Horoscope Sign according to the 5 element (Wood, Fire, Earth,
Metal and Water) and 2 type of favorability according to the day master (Strong 旺
/Extreme Weak 从 and Weak 弱/extreme strong 专). This means each animal sign will
have ten different categories. This forecast will generally be better than most basic
forecast that only analyses based on 12 Horoscope Signs.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

2. Flying Star and afflictions

San Sha Three Killings 三杀

In 2020, it is located in the South 142.5° – 217.5°.

The Three Killings is one of the major annual afflictions in Feng Shui and it is of utmost
important that the ground or location in which the Three Killings resides during the year
should not be disturbed at all costs. Otherwise, the household will meet with three types
of misfortune.

The Three Killings is a deadly combination of three Sha (killing Qi, Sha Qi 杀气),
namely the Year Sha (Sui Sha), Robbery Sha (Jie Sha) and Disaster Sha (Zai Sha).
Obstacles that set you back may be caused by the Year Sha; wealth losses may be due to
Robbery Sha and frequent mishaps and misfortunes could be brought on by the Disaster

It’s important to find out at the beginning of every year whether the Three Killings has hit
and struck a space that you used often; such as your entrance, living room, and bedroom
or office area for instance. Do not carry out renovation and repairs such as drilling and
hammering of the walls to these areas as it will activate the sha chi 杀气. Feng Shui also
advocates that you should never sit with your back to The Three Killings. Instead you
should sit facing it. This advice refers not so much to isolated incidents but situations
where prolonged periods of time are spent in this position, such as at your work desk.

If you really have to renovate this sector, you can start from South East or South West
and slightly go towards South. This will minimize the effect of the killing Qi aka sha chi

If there is construction outside your home and it is at your South sector outside your
house, you must put a 5 elements arrangements at the area facing the construction side.
This can also be used if you really need to carry out renovations in your house in your
South sector.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

3. House facing and its Feng Shui arrangements (STEP 1: to harmonize your home)

In any house imperfections and problems are to be expected and in order to improve our
living areas first we need to balance out what are bad and enhance the goods.

Everyone want more wealth, and abundant of money.

Feng Shui is not expensive!

Make use of the natural resources around you, such as stone, water and timber to create a
sense of balance in relation to your local landscape, your home or in your office.

Before you can use Feng Shui to affectively enhance your life, first you need to
harmonize and enhance your house. After you have harmonized your house, you can then
choose your next Feng Shui enhancement base on your priority. You can choose for
example to enhance your wealth or enhance your health.

First get a good compass to accurately determine the facing direction of your main door
of your home. Then refer to the appropriate charts below and match the one with your


~ You will need to carry out these changes in TWO STEPS. ~

This is the first step to harmonize your home.

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

Note 1: In some of the sectors, you will not see any placement of FengShui element as
these sectors are already in harmony. The next step is to perform “step 2” where you
choose what you want to improve for example you want to improve your wealth luck
then perform 4.1Wealth luck under “Special Feng Shui arrangements (STEP 2: Choose
what you want)”

Note 2: The afflictions from the unlucky stars are 2, 3, 5 and 7 will be neutralized once
you perform the FengShui arrangements described in this section.

Note 3: Some sectors even with the unlucky stars are 2, 3, 5 and 7, you do not need to put
any Feng Shui element as its existing flying stars are able to neutralize the bad effect or
even benefit from them.

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other pages
2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year

3.1. Face South 172.6°-202.5°

Face S2 South 172.6°-187.5° Kan house 坎宅 ZiWu 子午
Face S3 South 187.6°-202.5° Kan house 坎宅 GuiDing 癸丁

Period 7 - constructed from 4 Feb 1984 to 3 Feb 2004.

Double stars behind 旺丁不旺才 Good for health.
This is just an example and for illustration purpose only.
This is just an example and for illustration purpose only.
This is just an example and for illustration purpose only.

South East South South West

6 metal keys

6 2 4
4 1 8 6 6 8
East West

A glass of water A glass of water with one Pink pillow

black pebble
5 7 9
5 9 3 2 1 4
North East North North West

Pink pillow
1 3 8
9 5 7 7 2 3

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2020 庚子 GengZi Rat Year


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